home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- ** $Filename: libraries/whatisbase.h $
- ** $Release: 3
- ** $Revision: 2 $
- ** $Date: 92/12/13 $
- **
- ** (C) Copyright 1990,1992 S.R. & P.C.
- ** All Rights Reserved
- */
- #include <utility/TagItem.h>
- /*
- * After thinking a lot I decided to define a new type, this allow maximum
- * control by compiler. If you have reason against that, please let me know.
- */
- typedef ULONG FileType; /* the magic number you get after a WhatIs() */
- #define TYPE_UNSCANNED 0L /* we haven't look what is this file */
- /*
- * The FileType you get have an internal private format.
- * Assume anything about it, it can change !
- * The only thing you can be sure: if == 0L: you didn't call WhatIs (type is Unscanned)
- */
- /* the 2 scan type actualy possible */
- #define LIGHTTYPE 0
- #define DEEPTYPE 1
- /*
- * Tags for WhatIs():
- * More information you pass, less whatis.library make mistake.
- * In DEEP mode whatis.library look for this information if you don't pass to it.
- */
- #define WI_FIB (TAG_USER + 202) /* TagItem.ti_data = struct FileInfoBlock *FIB, default = NULL */
- #define WI_Deep (TAG_USER + 203) /* TagItem.ti_data = UBYTE Deep, default = 0 */
- #define WI_Buffer (TAG_USER + 204) /* TagItem.ti_data = Buffer ptr WARNING: your buffer MUST be NULL terminated */
- #define WI_BufLen (TAG_USER + 205) /* TagItem.ti_data = Buffer Len */
- #define WI_DLX (TAG_USER + 206) /* TagItem.ti_data = DLX_numble, found in ArpBase.h */
- /* Version 2.1 or higher */
- #define WI_DLT (TAG_USER + 207) /* TagItem.ti_data = DLT_numble, found in DOS 2.0 */
- #endif