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- /*
- * Yak version 1.58
- * ----------------
- * [Yak == Yet Another K(?)ommodity
- *
- * There seems to be a profusion of commodities doing this or that.
- * Heres mine, to do what I want it to:
- *
- * AutoActivate windows (SunMouse)
- * ClickToFront, ClickToBack, ScreenCycle
- * Close/Zip/Shrink/Zoom/Turn a window via keyboard.
- * Bring up a palette on front screen.
- * Insert date into read-stream.
- * Produce key-click (like my keyclick program).
- * Some other things...
- *
- * Martin W. Scott & Gaƫl Marziou, 8/93.
- */
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/libraries.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <devices/inputevent.h>
- #include <dos/dos.h>
- #include <dos/dostags.h>
- #include <graphics/displayinfo.h>
- #include <libraries/commodities.h>
- #include <libraries/reqtools.h>
- #include <libraries/locale.h>
- #include <intuition/intuitionbase.h>
- #include <clib/alib_protos.h>
- #include <clib/exec_protos.h>
- #include <clib/dos_protos.h>
- #include <clib/graphics_protos.h>
- #include <clib/commodities_protos.h>
- #include <clib/intuition_protos.h>
- #include <clib/locale_protos.h>
- #include <clib/reqtools_protos.h>
- #ifdef __SASC
- # include <pragmas/exec_pragmas.h>
- # include <pragmas/dos_pragmas.h>
- # include <pragmas/graphics_pragmas.h>
- # include <pragmas/commodities_pragmas.h>
- # include <pragmas/intuition_pragmas.h>
- # include <pragmas/locale_pragmas.h>
- # include <pragmas/reqtools.h>
- #else
- # include <proto/exec.h>
- # include <proto/dos.h>
- # include <proto/graphics.h>
- # include <proto/commodities.h>
- # include <proto/intuition.h>
- # include <proto/locale.h>
- # include <proto/reqtools.h>
- extern struct Library *DOSBase;
- #endif
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdarg.h>
- #include "code.h"
- #include "yak.h"
- #include "hotkey_types.h"
- #include "beep.h"
- #include "icon.h"
- #include "version.h"
- #include "locale/yak_locale_strings.h"
- #include "WB2CLI.h" /* we'll be a shell process */
- /* local prototypes for main.c */
- static void CloseResources(void);
- static BOOL OpenResources(void);
- static void FreePatterns(void);
- static LONG ProcessMsg(void);
- void MAIN(void);
- LONG (*HandleIDCMP)(void);
- extern struct WBStartup *WBMsg;
- /*
- * libraries opened by startup code; basepointers needed by function pragmas
- */
- extern struct Library *SysBase, *DOSBase;
- /* global data - library bases and the like */
- struct Library *CxBase, *IconBase,
- *GadToolsBase, *LayersBase,
- *WorkbenchBase, *LocaleBase,
- *GfxBase, *IntuitionBase,
- *KeymapBase;
- struct Locale *locale;
- struct Catalog *Catalog;
- struct MsgPort *broker_mp;
- CxObj *broker;
- char *PopKeyStr;
- #define POPKEY_EVENT 1L /* cannot clash with YHK event... */
- static const char *versionstr=VERSION_STR;
- struct NewBroker newbroker = {
- "Yak", /* string to identify this broker */
- "Multi-purpose commodity",
- NBU_UNIQUE | NBU_NOTIFY, /* Don't want any new commodities
- * starting with this name. If someone
- * tries it, let me know */
- };
- ULONG wndsigflag; /* here for overlay purposes */
- ULONG cxsigflag;
- ULONG invariantsigflag;
- BYTE palette_count; /* how many palettes are open */
- /* from handler.c */
- extern ULONG clicksigflag, intuiopsigflag;
- extern void (*intui_routine)(APTR); /* for intui_op's */
- extern APTR intui_parameter;
- /* from icon.c */
- extern ULONG appsigflag;
- /* close what we opened */
- static void
- CloseResources()
- {
- /* NULL pointers are valide so don't waste time to test them */
- CloseLibrary(IntuitionBase);
- CloseLibrary(GfxBase);
- CloseLibrary(CxBase);
- CloseLibrary(LayersBase);
- CloseLibrary(IconBase);
- CloseLibrary(GadToolsBase);
- CloseLibrary(WorkbenchBase);
- CloseLibrary(KeymapBase);
- if (LocaleBase)
- {
- CloseCatalog (Catalog);
- CloseLocale(locale);
- CloseLibrary(LocaleBase);
- }
- }
- /* open libraries, devices that we need */
- static BOOL
- OpenResources(void)
- {
- if ((IntuitionBase = OpenLibrary("intuition.library", 37L)) &&
- (GfxBase = OpenLibrary("graphics.library", 37L)) &&
- (CxBase = OpenLibrary("commodities.library", 37L)) &&
- (LayersBase = OpenLibrary("layers.library", 37L)) &&
- (IconBase = OpenLibrary("icon.library", 37L)) &&
- (GadToolsBase = OpenLibrary("gadtools.library", 37L)) &&
- (WorkbenchBase = OpenLibrary("workbench.library", 37L)) &&
- (KeymapBase = OpenLibrary("keymap.library", 37L)))
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- CloseResources();
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* open locale library and catalog */
- void
- OpenLocaleStuff(char *language)
- {
- if (LocaleBase =(struct LocaleBase *)OpenLibrary("locale.library", 38L))
- {
- if (!(locale = OpenLocale(NULL)))
- {
- PostError("No locale set!");
- CloseLibrary(LocaleBase);
- LocaleBase = NULL;
- }
- Catalog = OpenCatalog( locale, "yak.catalog",
- OC_BuiltInLanguage, "english",
- OC_Language, language,
- OC_Version, 15L,
- }
- }
- /* slighlty modified version of GetString() generated by catcomp */
- char *getString(ULONG MsgID)
- {
- LONG *l;
- UWORD *w;
- char *builtIn;
- l = (LONG *)CatCompBlock;
- while (*l != MsgID )
- {
- w = (UWORD *)((ULONG)l + 4);
- l = (LONG *)((ULONG)l + (ULONG)*w + 6);
- }
- builtIn = (char *)((ULONG)l + 6);
- if (LocaleBase)
- return (GetCatalogStr (Catalog, MsgID, builtIn));
- return(builtIn);
- }
- /* simple requester with args */
- void
- PostError(char *body, ... )
- {
- struct EasyStruct es;
- va_list args;
- if (!IntuitionBase)
- {
- Write(Output(), "Need AmigaDos 2.0+\n", -1);
- return;
- }
- /* setup the argument array */
- va_start( args, body );
- /* initialise the structure */
- es.es_StructSize = sizeof(struct EasyStruct);
- es.es_Flags = 0L;
- es.es_Title = getString(Error_Requester_Title);
- es.es_TextFormat = body;
- es.es_GadgetFormat = "OK";
- /* display the requester */
- EasyRequestArgs(NULL, &es, NULL, args);
- /* free the arguments */
- va_end( args );
- }
- /* parse pattern, report errors */
- __regargs BOOL
- InitPattern(char *newpatstr, UWORD n)
- {
- char *patstr = newpatstr ? newpatstr : patterns[n].patstr;
- char *pat;
- LONG len;
- if (pat = AllocVec(len = strlen(patstr)*3+10, MEMF_CLEAR))
- {
- if (ParsePattern(patstr, pat, len) != -1)
- {
- if (newpatstr) strncpy(patterns[n].patstr, newpatstr, PATLEN);
- if (patterns[n].pat) FreeVec(patterns[n].pat);
- patterns[n].pat = pat;
- return TRUE;
- }
- PostError("%s:\n\"%s\"", getString(Parsing_Pattern_ERR), patstr);
- FreeVec(pat);
- }
- else PostError(getString(Allocation_ERR));
- return FALSE;
- }
- static void
- FreePatterns()
- {
- UWORD i;
- for (i = 0; i < NUM_PATTERNS; i++)
- if (patterns[i].pat) FreeVec(patterns[i].pat);
- }
- #ifdef _DCC
- void _waitwbmsg(void);
- static void
- uncalled(void)
- {
- _waitwbmsg();
- }
- #endif
- void
- MAIN() /* Yak: multi-function commodity */
- {
- BPTR newdir = NULL, olddir;
- if (OpenResources())
- {
- if (broker_mp = CreateMsgPort())
- {
- newbroker.nb_Port = broker_mp;
- cxsigflag = 1L << broker_mp->mp_SigBit;
- /* process tool-types */
- GetOurIcon(WBMsg);
- newbroker.nb_Pri = (BYTE)TTInt("CX_PRIORITY", 0);
- if (WBMsg)
- {
- if (newdir = Lock(DEF_CURRENTDIR, ACCESS_READ))
- olddir = CurrentDir(newdir);
- WB2CLI(WBMsg,4000,(struct DosLibrary *)DOSBase); /* get it over with... */
- }
- if (broker = CxBroker(&newbroker, NULL))
- {
- if (InitHandler())
- {
- InitYakHotKeyList();
- LoadSettings();
- /* Open the right locale if tooltype LANGUAGE is used */
- OpenLocaleStuff(TTString("LANGUAGE",NULL));
- if (PopKeyStr = DupStr(TTString("CX_POPKEY", "Rcommand help")))
- {
- CxObj *tmpobj;
- if (tmpobj = HotKey(PopKeyStr, broker_mp, POPKEY_EVENT))
- AttachCxObj(broker, tmpobj);
- else
- PostError("%s:\"%s\"", getString(CX_POPKEY_invalid_ERR),
- PopKeyStr);
- }
- /* else... if this failed, we lose */
- MyPri(ACTIVE);
- ActivateCxObj(broker, 1L);
- if (TTBool("CX_POPUP", FALSE))
- ShowYakInterface();
- if (TTBool("APPICON", FALSE))
- {
- if (!MakeOurAppIcon(TTString("ICONNAME", "Yak!")))
- if (WBMsg)
- PostError(getString(Couldn_t_create_AppIcon_ERR));
- }
- /* WB makes a copy of icon, so can free it */
- FreeOurIcon();
- /* these are the signals waited for, + window sig */
- invariantsigflag = SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C | cxsigflag
- | clicksigflag | intuiopsigflag
- | appsigflag;
- while (ProcessMsg())
- ;
- HideInterface();
- RemoveOurAppIcon();
- DeleteYakHotKeyList();
- FreeStr(PopKeyStr);
- EndHandler();
- FreePatterns();
- }
- else
- PostError(getString(Allocation_ERR));
- DeleteCxObjAll(broker);
- }
- if (newdir)
- {
- CurrentDir(olddir);
- UnLock(newdir);
- }
- DeleteMsgPort(broker_mp);
- FreeOurIcon(); /* may already be gone, but so what? */
- }
- else PostError(getString(Allocation_ERR));
- CloseResources();
- MWReport("At end of main()", MWR_FULL); /* Generate a memory usage report */
- }
- else PostError(getString(Resource_ERR));
- }
- /* monitor cx port, act on messages */
- static LONG
- ProcessMsg(void)
- {
- CxMsg *msg;
- ULONG sigrcvd, msgid, msgtype;
- LONG returnvalue = 1L;
- sigrcvd = Wait(invariantsigflag | wndsigflag);
- if (sigrcvd & intuiopsigflag)
- {
- /* intuiop requested */
- intui_routine(intui_parameter);
- }
- if ((sigrcvd & clicksigflag) && click_volume) /* keyclick please */
- {
- beep(click_volume);
- Delay(1); /* avoid ugly sound when key repeating */
- }
- if (sigrcvd & appsigflag) /* settings change */
- {
- RespondToAppIcon();
- ShowYakInterface();
- }
- if (sigrcvd & wndsigflag) /* settings change */
- if ((*HandleIDCMP)() != ROOT_OKAY)
- returnvalue = 0;
- else
- if (!wndsigflag) /* window gone */
- DummyOverlay();
- /* remove code */
- while(msg = (CxMsg *)GetMsg(broker_mp))
- {
- msgid = CxMsgID(msg);
- msgtype = CxMsgType(msg);
- ReplyMsg((struct Message *)msg);
- switch(msgtype)
- {
- case CXM_IEVENT:
- if (msgid == POPKEY_EVENT)
- ShowYakInterface();
- else
- /* a generic hotkey... */
- PerformAction((YakHotKey *)msgid);
- break;
- switch(msgid)
- {
- ShowYakInterface(); /* check error return? */
- break;
- HideInterface();
- DummyOverlay();
- break;
- ActivateCxObj(broker, 0L);
- TurnMouseOn();
- break;
- ActivateCxObj(broker, 1L);
- break;
- case CXCMD_KILL:
- returnvalue = 0L;
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if (sigrcvd & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C)
- returnvalue = 0L;
- if (!returnvalue && !OkayToExit())
- {
- PostError(getString(Cannot_exit_palette_opened_ERR));
- returnvalue = 1;
- }
- return(returnvalue);
- }