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- #ifndef LINT
- static char amigaid[] = "@(#) amiga.c 1.1 91/08/03 23:21:00";
- #endif /* LINT */
- /*
- * machine.c for Amiga.
- *
- * This file is (C) Copyright 1991 by Olaf Seibert. All rights reserved. May
- * be used and distributed under the same conditions as the other
- * non-public-domain files that are part of Zoo.
- */
- #undef TEXT /* typedef in exec/types.h */
- #include <assert.h>
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <libraries/dos.h>
- #include <signal.h>
- #ifdef __STDC__
- #define __args
- #include <functions.h>
- #else
- BPTR Lock(), CreateDir(), ParentDir();
- long Examine(), ExNext();
- void *AllocMem();
- struct MsgPort *DeviceProc();
- long SetSignal();
- #endif
- int iswild PARMS((char *));
- void endfile PARMS((int));
- void fcbpath PARMS((char *, char *));
- void ToDateStamp PARMS((struct DateStamp * datestamp, unsigned date, unsigned time));
- void ToMSDate PARMS((unsigned *date, unsigned *time, struct DateStamp * datestamp));
- void _abort PARMS((void));
- long Chk_Abort PARMS((void));
- /*
- * WARNING: This file assumes that ZOOFILE is a standard buffered file.
- * It will have to be modified if ZOOFILE is changed to be an unbuffered
- * file descriptor or to any other kind of file.
- */
- #ifdef UNBUF_IO
- /*
- * Function tell() returns the current seek position for a file
- * descriptor. 4.3BSD on VAX-11/785 has an undocumented tell() function
- * but it may not exist on all implementations, so we code one here to be
- * on the safe side. It is needed for unbuffered I/O only.
- */
- long lseek PARMS((int, long, int));
- long
- tell(fd)
- int fd;
- {
- return lseek(fd, 0L, 1);
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * Function zootrunc() truncates a file.
- */
- int
- zootrunc(f)
- {
- fflush(f); /* just in case it matters */
- /* Cannot truncate on AmigaOS < 2.0 */
- }
- /*
- * Function fixfname() converts the supplied filename to a syntax legal
- * for the host system. It is used during extraction.
- */
- char *
- fixfname(fname)
- char *fname;
- {
- return fname; /* default is no-op */
- }
- /*
- * Function isuadir() returns 1 if the supplied name is a directory, else
- * it returns 0.
- */
- int
- isuadir(path)
- char *path;
- {
- struct FileInfoBlock *fib;
- int its_a_dir;
- its_a_dir = 0;
- if (fib = malloc(sizeof (*fib))) {
- BPTR lock;
- if (lock = Lock(path, ACCESS_READ)) {
- Examine(lock, fib);
- its_a_dir = (fib->fib_DirEntryType > 0);
- UnLock(lock);
- }
- free(fib);
- }
- return its_a_dir;
- }
- /* No standard UNIX-compatible time routines */
- /*
- * Function getutime() gets the date and time of the file name supplied.
- * Date and time is in MSDOS format.
- */
- int
- getutime(path, date, time)
- char *path;
- unsigned *date,
- *time;
- {
- struct FileInfoBlock *fib;
- *date = 0;
- *time = 0;
- if (fib = malloc(sizeof (*fib))) {
- BPTR lock;
- if (lock = Lock(path, ACCESS_READ)) {
- Examine(lock, fib);
- ToMSDate(date, time, &fib->fib_Date);
- UnLock(lock);
- }
- free(fib);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Function setutime() sets the date and time of the filename supplied.
- * Date and time is in MSDOS format.
- */
- int
- setutime(path, date, time)
- char *path;
- unsigned int date,
- time;
- {
- struct DateStamp DateStamp;
- extern int SetFileDate PARMS((char *file, struct DateStamp * date));
- ToDateStamp(&DateStamp, date, time);
- return !SetFileDate(path, &DateStamp);
- }
- #ifdef AZTEC_C
- # ifndef EXEC_MEMORY_H
- # include <exec/memory.h>
- # endif
- # ifndef ACTION_SET_DATE
- # define ACTION_SET_DATE 34L
- # endif
- int
- SetFileDate(path, date)
- char *path;
- struct DateStamp *date;
- {
- struct MsgPort *task;
- BPTR lock,
- plock;
- UBYTE *bcplstring;
- int result;
- if (!(bcplstring = (UBYTE *) AllocMem(64L, (long) MEMF_PUBLIC)))
- return 0;
- result = 0;
- if (!(task = DeviceProc(path))) {
- goto abort;
- }
- if (!(lock = Lock(path, SHARED_LOCK))) {
- goto abort;
- }
- plock = ParentDir(lock);
- UnLock(lock);
- /* Strip pathnames first */
- strcpy((char *) (bcplstring + 1), nameptr(path));
- *bcplstring = strlen((char *) (bcplstring + 1));
- result = dos_packet(task, ACTION_SET_DATE, NULL, plock,
- (ULONG) bcplstring >> 2, (ULONG) date, 0L, 0L, 0L);
- UnLock(plock);
- abort:
- FreeMem((void *) bcplstring, 64L);
- return result;
- }
- #endif
- /* No standard UNIX-specific file attribute routines */
- /*
- * Get file attributes. Currently only the lowest nine of the *IX mode
- * bits are used. Also we return bit 23=0 and bit 22=1, which means use
- * portable attribute format, and use attribute value instead of using
- * default at extraction time.
- */
- unsigned long
- getfattr(f)
- {
- return NO_FATTR; /* inaccessible -- no attributes */
- }
- /*
- * Set file attributes. Only the lowest nine bits are used.
- */
- int
- setfattr(f, a)
- char *f; /* filename */
- unsigned long a; /* atributes to set */
- {
- return 0; /* cannot do */
- }
- int
- iswild(name)
- char *name;
- {
- return (strchr(name, '*') != NULL) || (strchr(name, '?') != NULL);
- }
- #define FMAX 3 /* Number of different filename patterns */
- /* #include "various.h" */
- /* #include "zoo.h" *//* solely to define PATHSIZE */
- #ifdef SPECNEXT
- /*-
- nextfile() returns the name of the next source file matching a filespec.
- what: A flag specifying what to do. If "what" is 0, nextfile()
- initializes itself. If "what" is 1, nextfile() returns the next
- matching filename.
- filespec: The filespec, usually containing wildcard characters, that
- specifies which files are needed. If "what" is 0, filespec must be
- the filespec for which matching filenames are needed. If "what" is 1,
- nextfile() does not use "filespec" and "filespec" should be NULL to
- avoid an assertion error during debugging.
- fileset: nextfile() can keep track of more than one set of filespecs.
- The fileset specifies which filespec is being matched and therefore
- which set of files is being considered. "fileset" can be in the
- range 0:FMAX. Initialization of one fileset does not affect the
- other filesets.
- IF what == 0 THEN
- return value is NULL
- ELSE IF what == 1 THEN
- IF a matching filename is found THEN
- return value is pointer to matching filename including supplied path
- IF at least one file matched previously but no more match THEN
- return value is NULL
- ELSE IF supplied filespec never matched any filename THEN
- IF this is the first call with what == 1 THEN
- return value is pointer to original filespec
- return value is NULL
- Initialization done when "what"=0 is not dependent on the correctness
- of the supplied filespec but simply initializes internal variables
- and makes a local copy of the supplied filespec. If the supplied
- filespec was illegal, the only effect is that the first time that
- nextfile() is called with "what"=1, it will return the original
- filespec instead of a matching filename. That the filespec was
- illegal will become obvious when the caller attempts to open the
- returned filename for input/output and the open attempt fails.
- nextfile() can be used in the following manner:
- char *filespec; -- will point to filespec
- char *this_file; -- will point to matching filename
- filespec = parse_command_line(); -- may contain wildcards
- FILE *stream;
- nextfile (0, filespec, 0); -- initialize fileset 0
- while ((this_file = nextfile(1, (char *) NULL, 0)) != NULL) {
- stream = fopen (this_file, "whatever");
- if (stream == NULL)
- printf ("could not open %s\n", this_file);
- else
- perform_operations (stream);
- }
- */
- static int first_time[FMAX + 1];
- static BPTR filelock[FMAX + 1];
- static struct FileInfoBlock *fib[FMAX + 1];
- char *
- nextfile(what, filespec, fileset)
- int what; /* whether to initialize or match */
- register char *filespec; /* filespec to match if initializing */
- register int fileset; /* which set of files */
- {
- static char pathholder[FMAX + 1][PATHSIZE]; /* holds a pathname to
- * return */
- static char saved_fspec[FMAX + 1][PATHSIZE]; /* our own copy of
- * filespec */
- long success;
- char *ph_fs;
- BPTR fl_fs;
- struct FileInfoBlock *fib_fs;
- assert(fileset >= 0 && fileset <= FMAX);
- ph_fs = pathholder[fileset];
- fl_fs = filelock[fileset];
- fib_fs = fib[fileset];
- if (what == 0) {
- assert(filespec != NULL);
- strcpy(saved_fspec[fileset], nameptr(filespec)); /* save the filespec */
- strcpy(ph_fs, filespec);/* save the path */
- first_time[fileset] = 1;
- return NULL;
- }
- assert(what == 1);
- assert(filespec == NULL);
- assert(first_time[fileset] == 0 || first_time[fileset] == 1);
- success = DOSFALSE;
- if (first_time[fileset]) { /* first time -- initialize etc. */
- filelock[fileset] = fl_fs = 0;
- if (!iswild(saved_fspec[fileset])) {
- goto notwild;
- }
- if (fib[fileset] = fib_fs = malloc(sizeof (struct FileInfoBlock))) {
- char *np,
- n;
- np = nameptr(ph_fs);
- n = *np;
- *np = '\0';
- if (filelock[fileset] = fl_fs = Lock(ph_fs, ACCESS_READ)) {
- Examine(fl_fs, fib_fs);
- assert(fib->fib_DirEntryType > 0);
- }
- *np = n;
- }
- }
- /* find first or next matching file; skip directories (type > 0) */
- if (fib_fs) {
- for (;;) {
- success = ExNext(fl_fs, fib_fs);
- if (success == DOSFALSE)
- break;
- if (fib_fs->fib_DirEntryType > 0)
- continue;
- if (match_half(fib_fs->fib_FileName, saved_fspec[fileset]))
- break;
- }
- }
- if (success == DOSFALSE) { /* if error status */
- notwild:
- if (first_time[fileset]) { /* if file never matched then */
- first_time[fileset] = 0;
- return ph_fs; /* return original filespec */
- } else { /* else */
- endfile(fileset);
- return NULL; /* return NULL for no more */
- }
- } else { /* a file matched */
- first_time[fileset] = 0;
- /* add path info */
- strcpy(nameptr(ph_fs), fib_fs->fib_FileName);
- return ph_fs; /* matching path */
- }
- } /* nextfile */
- void
- endfile(fileset)
- int fileset;
- {
- assert(fileset >= 0 && fileset <= FMAX);
- first_time[fileset] = 0;
- if (fib[fileset]) {
- free(fib[fileset]);
- fib[fileset] = NULL;
- }
- if (filelock[fileset]) {
- UnLock(filelock[fileset]);
- filelock[fileset] = 0;
- }
- }
- #endif
- char *
- mktemp(name)
- char *name;
- {
- char *x;
- if (x = strchr(name, 'X')) {
- struct DateStamp ds;
- long rnd;
- BPTR lock;
- DateStamp(&ds);
- rnd = (ds.ds_Days << 17) + (ds.ds_Minute << 6) + ds.ds_Tick;
- retry:
- rnd += (rnd >> 24);
- sprintf(x, "%06lx", rnd & 0x00ffffff);
- if (lock = Lock(name, ACCESS_READ)) {
- UnLock(lock);
- rnd--;
- goto retry;
- }
- }
- return name;
- }
- #ifdef AZTEC_C
- # ifndef __STDC__
- /*
- * A bit of a rough (and rude) implementation of realloc
- */
- void *
- realloc(oldptr, size)
- char *oldptr;
- unsigned int size;
- {
- char *newptr;
- newptr = malloc(size);
- if (newptr) {
- CopyMem(oldptr, newptr, (long) size);
- free(oldptr);
- }
- return newptr;
- }
- # endif
- #endif
- void
- makedir(name)
- char *name;
- {
- BPTR lock;
- if (lock = CreateDir(name)) {
- UnLock(lock);
- }
- }
- #define BASEYEAR 1978
- #define DAYS_PER_YEAR 365
- #define HOURS_PER_DAY 24
- #define MINUTES_PER_HOUR 60
- #define DAYS_PER_WEEK 7
- #define MONTHS_PER_YEAR 12
- #define DATE_MIN 0x21 /* 1-jan-80 */
- #define LeapYear(year) ((year & 3) == 0) /* From 1-Mar-1901 to
- * 28-Feb-2100 */
- int daycount[MONTHS_PER_YEAR] = {
- 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30,
- 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31
- };
- void
- ToDateStamp(datestamp, date, time)
- struct DateStamp *datestamp;
- unsigned date;
- unsigned time;
- {
- {
- int hours,
- minutes,
- seconds;
- seconds = (time & 31) * 2;
- time >>= 5;
- minutes = time & 63;
- time >>= 6;
- hours = time;
- datestamp->ds_Minute = MINUTES_PER_HOUR * hours + minutes;
- datestamp->ds_Tick = TICKS_PER_SECOND * seconds;
- }
- {
- unsigned i,
- j,
- t;
- int year,
- month,
- day;
- if (date < DATE_MIN)
- date = DATE_MIN;
- day = date & 31;
- date >>= 5;
- month = (date & 15) - 1;
- date >>= 4;
- year = date + 1980;
- if ((unsigned) month > 11 ||
- (unsigned) day > (unsigned) daycount[month]) {
- day = 31;
- month = 11;
- year = 1979;
- }
- j = year - BASEYEAR;
- /*
- * Get the next lower full leap period (4 years and a day) since
- * ...
- */
- t = (year - BASEYEAR) & ~3;
- i = t;
- t = (t / 4) * (4 * DAYS_PER_YEAR + 1);
- /* t now is the number of days in 4 whole years since ... */
- while (i < j) {
- if (LeapYear(i + BASEYEAR)) {
- t++;
- }
- i++;
- }
- /* t now is the number of days in whole years since ... */
- for (i = 0; i < month; i++) {
- t += daycount[i];
- if (i == 1 && LeapYear(year)) {
- t++;
- }
- }
- /* t now is the number of days in whole months since ... */
- t += day - 1;
- /* t now is the number of days in whole days since ... */
- datestamp->ds_Days = t;
- }
- }
- void
- ToMSDate(date, time, datestamp)
- unsigned *date;
- unsigned *time;
- register struct DateStamp *datestamp;
- {
- {
- unsigned short hours,
- minutes,
- seconds;
- hours = datestamp->ds_Minute / MINUTES_PER_HOUR;
- minutes = datestamp->ds_Minute % MINUTES_PER_HOUR;
- seconds = datestamp->ds_Tick / TICKS_PER_SECOND;
- *time = (hours << 11) | (minutes << 5) | (seconds / 2);
- }
- {
- register long days,
- i,
- t;
- int year,
- month,
- day;
- days = datestamp->ds_Days;
- year = BASEYEAR + (days / (4 * DAYS_PER_YEAR + 1)) * 4;
- days %= 4 * DAYS_PER_YEAR + 1;
- while (days) {
- if (LeapYear(year))
- t++;
- if (days < t)
- break;
- days -= t;
- year++;
- }
- days++;
- for (i = 0; i < MONTHS_PER_YEAR; i++) {
- t = daycount[i];
- if (i == 1 && LeapYear(year))
- t++;
- if (days <= t)
- break;
- days -= t;
- }
- month = i + 1;
- day = days;
- *date = ((year - 1980) << 9) | (month << 5) | day;
- }
- }
- void spec_init PARMS((void));
- void
- spec_init()
- {
- #ifndef NOSIGNAL
- signal(SIGINT, _abort);
- #endif
- }
- void
- zooexit(code)
- int code;
- {
- int i;
- #ifdef SPECNEXT
- for (i = 0; i <= FMAX; i++)
- endfile(i);
- #endif
- exit(code);
- }
- /*
- * called by DB debugger and on CTRL-C.
- */
- void
- _abort()
- {
- zooexit(20);
- }
- #ifdef NEED_SIGNAL
- /*
- * A minimalistic signal implementation, that ignores the signal number,
- * which is assumed to be SIGINT.
- */
- static void (*Handler) PARMS((int));
- void
- (*signal(sig, handler)) PARMS((int))
- int sig;
- void (*handler) PARMS((int));
- {
- void (*oldhandler) PARMS((int));
- assert(sig == SIGINT);
- oldhandler = Handler;
- Handler = handler;
- Chk_Abort();
- return oldhandler;
- }
- /*
- * This function should have the name that is used by your C library to
- * poll CTRL-C.
- */
- long
- Chk_Abort PARMS((void))
- {
- if (Handler == SIG_IGN) {
- /*
- * Don't clear the signal; if the user wants to abort we'll do
- * that when it is allowed again.
- */
- return 0;
- }
- void (*oldhandler) PARMS((int));
- oldhandler = Handler;
- Handler = SIG_DFL;
- if (oldhandler == SIG_DFL) {
- _abort(); /* must call zooexit() */
- zooexit(20); /* just in case */
- }
- (*oldhandler) (SIGINT);
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- #endif