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- #ifndef LINT
- static char bsdid[]="@(#) bsd.c 2.3 88/01/10 14:45:19";
- #endif /* LINT */
- /* machine.c for 4.3BSD. */
- /*
- The contents of this file are hereby released to the public domain.
- -- Rahul Dhesi 1987/07/23
- */
- /*
- WARNING: This file assumes that ZOOFILE is a standard buffered
- file. It will have to be modified if ZOOFILE is changed to
- be an unbuffered file descriptor or to any other kind of file.
- */
- #ifdef UNBUF_IO
- /*
- Function tell() returns the current seek position for a file
- descriptor. 4.3BSD on VAX-11/785 has an undocumented tell() function
- but it may not exist on all implementations, so we code one here
- to be on the safe side. It is needed for unbuffered I/O only.
- */
- long lseek PARMS ((int, long, int));
- long tell (fd)
- int fd;
- { return (lseek (fd, 0L, 1)); }
- #endif
- long ftell();
- /****************
- Function fixfname() converts the supplied filename to a syntax
- legal for the host system. It is used during extraction.
- */
- char *fixfname(fname)
- char *fname;
- {
- return fname; /* default is no-op */
- }
- /****************
- Date and time functions are standard UNIX-style functions.
- */
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <sys/time.h>
- /* Function isadir() returns 1 if the supplied handle is a directory,
- else it returns 0.
- */
- int isadir (f)
- {
- struct stat buf; /* buffer to hold file information */
- if (fstat (fileno (f), &buf) == -1) {
- return (0); /* inaccessible -- assume not dir */
- } else {
- if (buf.st_mode & S_IFDIR)
- return (1);
- else
- return (0);
- }
- }
- /* Function gettz() returns the offset from GMT in seconds */
- long gettz()
- {
- #define SEC_IN_DAY (24L * 60L * 60L)
- #define INV_VALUE (SEC_IN_DAY + 1L)
- static long retval = INV_VALUE; /* cache, init to impossible value */
- struct timeval tp;
- struct timezone tzp;
- if (retval != INV_VALUE) /* if have cached value, return it */
- return retval;
- gettimeofday (&tp, &tzp); /* specific to 4.3BSD */
- /* return (tzp.tz_minuteswest * 60); */ /* old incorrect code */
- /* Timezone fix thanks to Bill Davidsen <wedu@ge-crd.ARPA> */
- retval = tzp.tz_minuteswest * 60 - tzp.tz_dsttime * 3600L;
- return retval;
- }
- /* Standard UNIX-compatible time routines */
- #include "nixtime.i"
- /* Standard UNIX-specific file attribute routines */
- #include "nixmode.i"
- #ifndef SEEK_CUR
- # define SEEK_CUR 1
- #endif
- /* Truncate a file. */
- int zootrunc(f) FILE *f;
- {
- extern long lseek();
- long seekpos;
- int fd = fileno(f);
- seekpos = lseek(fd, 0L, SEEK_CUR);
- if (seekpos >= 0)
- return ftruncate(fd, seekpos);
- }