home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*$Source: /usr/home/dhesi/zoo/RCS/encode.c,v $*/
- /*$Id: encode.c,v 1.41 91/07/09 01:39:47 dhesi Exp $*/
- /*
- Adapted from "ar" archiver written by Haruhiko Okumura.
- */
- #include "options.h"
- #include "zoo.h"
- #include "ar.h"
- #include "lzh.h"
- #include "zooio.h"
- #include "zoofns.h"
- extern char *out_buf_adr;
- #include <assert.h>
- #ifdef ANSI_HDRS
- # include <stdlib.h>
- # include <string.h>
- #endif
- #include "errors.i"
- FILE *lzh_infile;
- FILE *lzh_outfile;
- #if 0
- void d1log(char *fmt, ...)
- {
- printf(fmt, ((long *)&fmt)[1], ((long *)&fmt)[2], ((long *)&fmt)[3],
- ((long *)&fmt)[4], ((long *)&fmt)[5]);
- }
- #endif
- /*
- sliding dictionary with percolating update
- */
- #define PERCOLATE 1
- #define NIL 0
- #define MAX_HASH_VAL (3 * DICSIZ + (DICSIZ / 512 + 1) * UCHAR_MAX)
- typedef short node;
- static uchar *text, *childcount;
- static node pos, matchpos, avail,
- *position, *parent, *prev, *next = NULL;
- static int remainder, matchlen;
- #if MAXMATCH <= (UCHAR_MAX + 1)
- static uchar *level;
- # define T_LEVEL uchar *
- #else
- static ushort *level;
- # define T_LEVEL ushort *
- #endif
- static void makechild PARMS((node, int /*=uchar*/, node));
- static node child PARMS((node, int /*=uchar*/));
- void split PARMS((node));
- static void delete_node PARMS((void));
- static void insert_node PARMS((void));
- static void allocate_memory PARMS((void));
- static void init_slide PARMS((void));
- static void get_next_match PARMS((void));
- static void allocate_memory()
- {
- if (next != NULL) return;
- /* text = (uchar *) malloc(DICSIZ * 2 + MAXMATCH); */
- text = (uchar *) out_buf_adr; /* reuse I/O buffer used elsewhere */
- level = (T_LEVEL) malloc((DICSIZ + UCHAR_MAX + 1) * sizeof(*level));
- childcount = (uchar *)malloc((DICSIZ + UCHAR_MAX + 1) * sizeof(*childcount));
- #ifdef PERCOLATE
- position = (node *) malloc((DICSIZ + UCHAR_MAX + 1) * sizeof(*position));
- #else
- position = (node *) malloc(DICSIZ * sizeof(*position));
- #endif
- parent = (node *) malloc(DICSIZ * 2 * sizeof(*parent));
- prev = (node *) malloc(DICSIZ * 2 * sizeof(*prev));
- next = (node *) malloc((MAX_HASH_VAL + 1) * sizeof(*next));
- if (next == NULL) prterror('f', no_memory);
- }
- void init_slide()
- {
- node i;
- for (i = DICSIZ; i <= DICSIZ + UCHAR_MAX; i++) {
- level[i] = 1;
- #ifdef PERCOLATE
- position[i] = NIL; /* sentinel */
- #endif
- }
- for (i = DICSIZ; i < DICSIZ * 2; i++) parent[i] = NIL;
- avail = 1;
- for (i = 1; i < DICSIZ - 1; i++) next[i] = i + 1;
- next[DICSIZ - 1] = NIL;
- for (i = DICSIZ * 2; i <= MAX_HASH_VAL; i++) next[i] = NIL;
- }
- #define HASH(p, c) ((p) + ((c) << (DICBIT - 9)) + DICSIZ * 2)
- node child(q, c)
- node q;
- int /*=uchar*/ c;
- /* q's child for character c (NIL if not found) */
- {
- node r;
- r = next[HASH(q, c)];
- parent[NIL] = q; /* sentinel */
- while (parent[r] != q) r = next[r];
- return r;
- }
- void makechild(q, c, r)
- node q;
- int /*=uchar*/ c;
- node r;
- /* Let r be q's child for character c. */
- {
- node h, t;
- h = HASH(q, c);
- t = next[h]; next[h] = r; next[r] = t;
- prev[t] = r; prev[r] = h;
- parent[r] = q; childcount[q]++;
- }
- void split(old)
- node old;
- {
- node new, t;
- new = avail; avail = next[new]; childcount[new] = 0;
- t = prev[old]; prev[new] = t; next[t] = new;
- t = next[old]; next[new] = t; prev[t] = new;
- parent[new] = parent[old];
- level[new] = matchlen;
- position[new] = pos;
- makechild(new, text[matchpos + matchlen], old);
- makechild(new, text[pos + matchlen], pos);
- }
- void insert_node()
- {
- node q, r, j, t;
- uchar c, *t1, *t2;
- if (matchlen >= 4) {
- matchlen--;
- r = (matchpos + 1) | DICSIZ;
- while ((q = parent[r]) == NIL) r = next[r];
- while (level[q] >= matchlen) {
- r = q; q = parent[q];
- }
- #ifdef PERCOLATE
- t = q;
- while (position[t] < 0) {
- position[t] = pos; t = parent[t];
- }
- if (t < DICSIZ) position[t] = pos | PERC_FLAG;
- #else
- t = q;
- while (t < DICSIZ) {
- position[t] = pos; t = parent[t];
- }
- #endif
- } else {
- q = text[pos] + DICSIZ; c = text[pos + 1];
- if ((r = child(q, c)) == NIL) {
- makechild(q, c, pos); matchlen = 1;
- return;
- }
- matchlen = 2;
- }
- for ( ; ; ) {
- if (r >= DICSIZ) {
- j = MAXMATCH; matchpos = r;
- } else {
- j = level[r];
- matchpos = position[r] & ~PERC_FLAG;
- }
- if (matchpos >= pos) matchpos -= DICSIZ;
- t1 = &text[pos + matchlen]; t2 = &text[matchpos + matchlen];
- while (matchlen < j) {
- if (*t1 != *t2) { split(r); return; }
- matchlen++; t1++; t2++;
- }
- if (matchlen >= MAXMATCH) break;
- position[r] = pos;
- q = r;
- if ((r = child(q, *t1)) == NIL) {
- makechild(q, *t1, pos); return;
- }
- matchlen++;
- }
- t = prev[r]; prev[pos] = t; next[t] = pos;
- t = next[r]; next[pos] = t; prev[t] = pos;
- parent[pos] = q; parent[r] = NIL;
- next[r] = pos; /* special use of next[] */
- }
- void delete_node()
- {
- #ifdef PERCOLATE
- node q, r, s, t, u;
- #else
- node r, s, t, u;
- #endif
- if (parent[pos] == NIL) return;
- r = prev[pos]; s = next[pos];
- next[r] = s; prev[s] = r;
- r = parent[pos]; parent[pos] = NIL;
- if (r >= DICSIZ || --childcount[r] > 1) return;
- #ifdef PERCOLATE
- t = position[r] & ~PERC_FLAG;
- #else
- t = position[r];
- #endif
- if (t >= pos) t -= DICSIZ;
- #ifdef PERCOLATE
- s = t; q = parent[r];
- while ((u = position[q]) & PERC_FLAG) {
- u &= ~PERC_FLAG; if (u >= pos) u -= DICSIZ;
- if (u > s) s = u;
- position[q] = (s | DICSIZ); q = parent[q];
- }
- if (q < DICSIZ) {
- if (u >= pos) u -= DICSIZ;
- if (u > s) s = u;
- position[q] = s | DICSIZ | PERC_FLAG;
- }
- #endif
- s = child(r, text[t + level[r]]);
- t = prev[s]; u = next[s];
- next[t] = u; prev[u] = t;
- t = prev[r]; next[t] = s; prev[s] = t;
- t = next[r]; prev[t] = s; next[s] = t;
- parent[s] = parent[r]; parent[r] = NIL;
- next[r] = avail; avail = r;
- }
- void get_next_match()
- {
- int n;
- remainder--;
- if (++pos == DICSIZ * 2) {
- #ifdef CHECK_BREAK
- check_break();
- #endif
- (void) MOVE_LEFT((char *) &text[0], (char *) &text[DICSIZ], DICSIZ + MAXMATCH);
- n = fread_crc(&text[DICSIZ + MAXMATCH], DICSIZ, lzh_infile);
- remainder += n; pos = DICSIZ;
- #ifdef SHOW_DOTS
- (void) putc('.', stderr);
- (void) fflush(stderr);
- #endif
- }
- delete_node(); insert_node();
- }
- /* read from infile, compress, write to outfile */
- void encode(infile, outfile)
- FILE *infile;
- FILE *outfile;
- {
- int lastmatchlen;
- node lastmatchpos;
- /* make input/output files visible to other functions */
- lzh_infile = infile;
- lzh_outfile = outfile;
- allocate_memory(); init_slide(); huf_encode_start();
- remainder = fread_crc(&text[DICSIZ], DICSIZ + MAXMATCH, lzh_infile);
- #ifdef SHOW_DOTS
- (void) putc('.', stderr);
- (void) fflush(stderr);
- #endif
- matchlen = 0;
- pos = DICSIZ; insert_node();
- if (matchlen > remainder) matchlen = remainder;
- while (remainder > 0 && ! unpackable) {
- lastmatchlen = matchlen; lastmatchpos = matchpos;
- get_next_match();
- if (matchlen > remainder) matchlen = remainder;
- if (matchlen > lastmatchlen || lastmatchlen < THRESHOLD) {
- #if 0
- d1log("%c", text[pos-1]);
- #endif
- output(text[pos - 1], 0);
- } else {
- #if 0
- (void) putc('.', stderr); (void) fflush(stderr);
- #endif
- #if 0
- {
- int i;
- d1log("\nlastmatchlen=%d, pos=%d, lastmatchpos=%d",
- lastmatchlen, pos, lastmatchpos);
- d1log("\n[%d: ", (int) lastmatchlen);
- for (i = 0; i < lastmatchlen; i++)
- d1log("%c", text[lastmatchpos + i]);
- d1log("]\n");
- }
- #endif
- output((uint) (lastmatchlen + (UCHAR_MAX + 1 - THRESHOLD)),
- (uint) ((pos - lastmatchpos - 2) & (DICSIZ - 1)));
- while (--lastmatchlen > 0) get_next_match();
- if (matchlen > remainder) matchlen = remainder;
- }
- }
- huf_encode_end();
- }
- /* like memmove, but for moving stuff LEFT (downwards in memory) only!! */
- void move_left(dest, src, len)
- char *dest;
- char *src;
- int len;
- {
- while (len-- > 0)
- *dest++ = *src++;
- }
- #endif /* NEED_MEMMOVE */