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- #ifndef LINT
- static char sccsid[]="@(#) fiz.c 2.6 88/01/31 23:23:50";
- #endif /* LINT */
- /*
- The contents of this file are hereby released to the public domain.
- -- Rahul Dhesi 1987/02/06
- */
- /*
- Searches for all directory entries in an archive and prints their
- offsets. Zoo 1.41 and later may then be asked to extract a specific
- file by supplying the offset of the file.
- */
- #include "options.h"
- #include "zooio.h"
- #include "various.h"
- #include "zoofns.h"
- #include "portable.h" /* I/O definitions */
- #include "zoo.h"
- void prtctrl PARMS((char *));
- void prtch PARMS((unsigned int));
- int verbose = 1;
- main(argc,argv)
- register int argc;
- register char **argv;
- {
- char *zooname; /* name of archive to be read */
- ZOOFILE zoo_file; /* the archive being examined opened for read */
- int state; /* to keep track of how much of tag seen */
- int inch; /* char just read from archive */
- static char usage1[] = "Fiz 2.0 (1987/02/01) public domain Zoo archive repair utility by Rahul Dhesi\n";
- static char usage2[] = "Usage: fiz archive[.zoo] (\"fiz -h\" for help)\n";
- #ifdef SETBUF
- /* set stdout to unbuffered */
- setbuf (stdout, (char *) NULL);
- #endif
- if (argc < 2) {
- printf("%s%s", usage1, usage2);
- exit (1);
- }
- if (strcmp(argv[1],"-h") == 0)
- goto givehelp;
- zooname = argv[1];
- /* Add default extension if none supplied */
- {
- char *p, *q;
- p = zooname + strlen(zooname); /* point to last char */
- while (p != zooname && *p != EXT_CH)
- --p;
- /* either found EXT_CH or reached beginning of zooname */
- if (*p != EXT_CH) {
- q = malloc(strlen(zooname) + strlen(EXT_DFLT) + 2);
- if (q == NULL) {
- printf("Fiz: Ran out of memory.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- strcpy(q, zooname);
- strcat(q, EXT_DFLT);
- zooname = q;
- }
- }
- zoo_file = zooopen (zooname, Z_READ);
- if (zoo_file == NOFILE) {
- printf("Fiz: FATAL: Could not open %s.\n", zooname);
- exit(1);
- }
- { void oh_well(void); oh_well(); }
- #endif
- #define NOSTATE 1
- #define HDR_1 0xdc
- #define HDR_2 0xa7
- #define HDR_3 0xc4
- #define HDR_4 0xfd
- #define DAT_1 '@'
- #define DAT_2 ')'
- #define DAT_3 '#'
- #define DAT_4 '('
- /* finite state machine implemented here by hand */
- state = NOSTATE;
- while ((inch = zgetc(zoo_file)) != EOF) {
- inch = inch & 0xff;
- if (state == NOSTATE) {
- if (inch == HDR_1)
- state = HDR_1;
- else if (inch == DAT_1)
- state = DAT_1;
- } else if (state == HDR_1 && inch == HDR_2)
- state = HDR_2;
- else if (state == HDR_2 && inch == HDR_3)
- state = HDR_3;
- else if (state == HDR_3 && inch == HDR_4)
- state = HDR_4;
- else if (state == DAT_1 && inch == DAT_2)
- state = DAT_2;
- else if (state == DAT_2 && inch == DAT_3)
- state = DAT_3;
- else if (state == DAT_3 && inch == DAT_4)
- state = DAT_4;
- else
- state = NOSTATE;
- if (state == HDR_4) { /* found archive tag */
- long save_pos;
- struct direntry direntry;
- save_pos = zootell(zoo_file);
- zooseek(zoo_file, save_pos-4L, 0); /* back to tag pos */
- frd_dir(&direntry, zoo_file); /* read dir entry */
- printf("****************\n");
- printf ("%8lu: DIR ", save_pos-4L);
- if (direntry.dirlen > 0) {
- printf ("[");
- prtctrl (direntry.dirname);
- printf ("]");
- }
- printf(" [");
- prtctrl (direntry.fname);
- printf ("]");
- if (direntry.namlen > 0) {
- printf (" [");
- prtctrl (direntry.lfname);
- printf ("]");
- }
- printf (" ==> %4lu", direntry.offset);
- if (direntry.dir_crc != 0)
- printf (" [*bad CRC*]");
- printf ("\n");
- fseek (zoo_file, save_pos, 0); /* try again from there */
- } else if (state == DAT_4) { /* file data */
- printf ("%8lu: DATA\n", zootell(zoo_file) + 1);
- }
- }
- exit (0); /* don't fall through */
- givehelp:
- /*
- vi macros:
- to add printf:
- :s/^.*$/printf("&\\n");/
- To remove printf:
- :s/^printf("\(.*\)\\n");/\1/
- */
- printf("Fiz is used to help you recover data from a damaged archive. Fiz searches\n");
- printf("the specified archive for directory entries and stored files, and prints the\n");
- printf("position of each one found. Each directory entry contains a number that\n");
- printf("represents the location in the archive where the file is stored; fiz also\n");
- printf("prints this position. All numbers printed are decimal numbers.\n\n");
- printf("Use Zoo version 2.00 or higher to list or extract files in the damaged\n");
- printf("archive starting at a position identified by fiz. For example, you can\n");
- printf("start extracting files from archive \"badarc.zoo\" at position 1098 with the\n");
- printf("command:\n\n");
- printf(" zoo x@1098 badarc\n\n");
- printf("Zoo will ignore the first 1098 bytes of the damaged archive and you should be\n");
- printf("able to recover the undamaged files from the rest of the archive. You can\n");
- printf("also manually specify where to look for the file data with a command like\n\n");
- printf(" zoo x@1098,1153\n\n");
- printf("which tells zoo to use the directory entry at position 1098, but to get the\n");
- printf("actual file data from position 1153 (and not from where the directory entry\n");
- printf("says the data ought to be). See the manuals for fiz and zoo for more details.\n");
- exit (0);
- }
- /*
- prtctrl() prints a string with all unprintable characters converted
- to printable form. To avoid the program running astray trying to
- print damaged data, no more than MAXPRT characters are printed.
- Characters with the 8th bit set are printed preceded with ~. Control
- characters are printed preceded with ^. Both ~ and ^ may preced
- the character if a control character has the 8th bit set.
- */
- #define MAXPRT 50
- void prtctrl (str)
- char *str;
- {
- unsigned int ch;
- int count;
- count = 0;
- while (count < MAXPRT && *str != '\0') {
- ch = (unsigned) *str;
- prtch(ch);
- str++;
- count++;
- }
- }
- /*
- Does the actual character printing for prtctrl()
- */
- void prtch(ch)
- unsigned int ch;
- {
- /* assumes ASCII character set */
- if (ch < ' ') { /* ^@ through ^_ */
- printf("^%c", ch + 0x40);
- } else if (ch == 0x7f) { /* DEL */
- printf("^?");
- } else if (ch > 0x7f) { /* 8th bit set */
- printf("~"); /* .. so precede with ~ */
- prtch(ch & 0x7f); /* slick recursive call */
- } else
- printf("%c", ch); /* plain char */
- }