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- #ifndef LINT
- static char sccsid[]="@(#) lzc.c 2.6 88/01/30 18:39:15";
- #endif /* LINT */
- /*
- Lempel-Ziv compression. Mostly based on Tom Pfau's assembly language
- code.
- The contents of this file are hereby released to the public domain.
- -- Rahul Dhesi 1986/12/31
- */
- #include "options.h"
- #include "zoo.h"
- #include "zooio.h"
- #include "various.h"
- #include "zoofns.h" /* function definitions */
- /* zoomem.h defines IN_BUF_SIZE & OUT_BUF_SIZE */
- #include "zoomem.h"
- #include "debug.h"
- #include "assert.h"
- /* lzconst.h contains constants for lzd() and lzc() */
- #include "lzconst.h"
- void init_ctab PARMS((void));
- void wr_ccode PARMS((int));
- int rd_cch PARMS((void));
- int lukup_ccode PARMS((int, int, int *));
- void ad_ccode PARMS((int, int, int));
- void check_ratio PARMS((void));
- void flush_c PARMS((int));
- /* interval at which to check ratio */
- #define CHECKGAP 4000
- #define NEXT_USE 1
- #define FIRST_USE 2
- #define FOUND 0
- struct tabentry {
- int first;
- int next;
- char z_ch;
- };
- extern char *out_buf_adr;
- extern char *in_buf_adr;
- extern char memflag; /* memory allocated? */
- struct tabentry *table; /* this table also used by lzd.c */
- static unsigned int free_code;
- static int nbits;
- static unsigned int max_code;
- static unsigned int bitsout;
- static int bit_interval;
- static unsigned int bytesin, ratio, ratflag;
- static unsigned int in_offset, in_size;
- static unsigned int bit_offset;
- #ifdef UNBUF_IO
- #define BLOCKFILE int
- #define BLOCKREAD read
- #define BLOCKWRITE write
- int read PARMS ((int, VOIDPTR, unsigned));
- int write PARMS ((int, VOIDPTR, unsigned));
- #else
- #define BLOCKREAD zooread
- #define BLOCKWRITE zoowrite
- #endif /* UNBUF_IO */
- static BLOCKFILE in_f, out_f;
- int lzc (input_f, output_f)
- BLOCKFILE input_f, output_f;
- {
- int nextch, prefix_code, k;
- int status;
- int where;
- in_f = input_f;
- out_f = output_f;
- bit_offset = in_offset = in_size = 0;
- if (memflag == 0) {
- table = (struct tabentry *) ealloc((MAXMAX+10) * sizeof(struct tabentry));
- memflag++;
- }
- init_ctab();
- wr_ccode(CLEAR);
- nextch = rd_cch();
- if (nextch == EOF) { /* note real EOF, not Z_EOF */
- wr_ccode (Z_EOF);
- flush_c ((int) ((bit_offset + 7) / 8));
- return (0); /* normal return from compress */
- }
- /* compression loop begins here with nextch holding the next input char */
- loop1:
- if (ratflag != 0)
- check_ratio();
- nextch &= 0xff; /* turn character to code */
- assert(nextch < 256);
- loop2:
- prefix_code = nextch;
- nextch = rd_cch();
- if (nextch == EOF) { /* note real EOF, not Z_EOF */
- wr_ccode (prefix_code);
- wr_ccode (Z_EOF);
- flush_c ((int) ((bit_offset + 7) / 8));
- return (0); /* normal return from compress */
- }
- nextch &= 0xff; /* force to 8 bits */
- assert(nextch < 256);
- k = nextch;
- status = lukup_ccode (prefix_code, nextch, &where);
- if (status == FOUND) {
- nextch = where; /* where found */
- goto loop2;
- }
- assert(status == FIRST_USE || status == NEXT_USE);
- /* reach here with status = FIRST_USE or NEXT_USE */
- ad_ccode (status, nextch, where);
- wr_ccode (prefix_code);
- nextch = k;
- if (free_code <= max_code)
- goto loop1;
- assert(nbits >= 9 && nbits <= MAXBITS);
- if (nbits >= MAXBITS) {
- /* To continue using table after it is full, remove next two lines */
- wr_ccode (CLEAR);
- init_ctab();
- goto loop1;
- }
- nbits++;
- assert(nbits >= 9 && nbits <= MAXBITS);
- max_code = max_code << 1;
- goto loop1;
- } /* end lzc() */
- void wr_ccode (code)
- int code;
- {
- unsigned int ofs_inbyte, hibits;
- int byte_offset;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if (code == CLEAR)
- printf(" CLEAR\n");
- #endif
- assert(nbits >= 9 && nbits <= MAXBITS);
- bitsout += nbits; /* total number of bits written */
- bit_interval -= nbits;
- if (bit_interval < 0)
- ratflag = 1; /* time to check ratio */
- byte_offset = bit_offset / 8;
- ofs_inbyte = bit_offset % 8; /* offset within byte */
- bit_offset += nbits; /* allowing for new code */
- if (byte_offset >= OUTBUFSIZ - 4) {
- flush_c (byte_offset);
- bit_offset = ofs_inbyte + nbits;
- out_buf_adr[0] = out_buf_adr [byte_offset];
- byte_offset = 0;
- }
- code = code & 0xffff; /* force to 16 bits */
- if (ofs_inbyte == 0)
- out_buf_adr[byte_offset] = code & 0xff;
- else
- out_buf_adr[byte_offset] |= (code << ofs_inbyte) & 0xff;
- hibits = ((unsigned int) code) >> (8 - ofs_inbyte);
- out_buf_adr[byte_offset+1] = hibits & 0xff;
- out_buf_adr[byte_offset+2] = (((unsigned int) hibits) >> 8) & 0xff;
- assert(nbits >= 9 && nbits <= MAXBITS);
- } /* end wr_ccode() */
- void init_ctab()
- {
- int i;
- bytesin = bitsout = ratio = ratflag = 0;
- bit_interval = CHECKGAP;
- nbits = 9;
- max_code = 512;
- #ifdef COMMENT
- for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
- #endif
- for (i = 0; i < MAXMAX+1; i++) {
- table[i].z_ch = table[i].first = table[i].next = -1;
- }
- #ifdef COMMENT
- /*DEBUG*/ table[MAXMAX].first = table[MAXMAX].next = -1;
- /*DEBUG*/ table[MAXMAX-1].first = table[MAXMAX-1].next = -1;
- #endif
- free_code = FIRST_FREE;
- } /* end init_ctab() */
- int rd_cch()
- {
- int count;
- bytesin++;
- if (in_offset == in_size) {
- count = BLOCKREAD (in_f, in_buf_adr, INBUFSIZ);
- if (count == -1)
- prterror ('f', "Error reading input file during compression.\n");
- addbfcrc (in_buf_adr, count);
- if (count == 0) {
- debug((printf("\nEOF on input\n")))
- return (EOF); /* real EOF, not Z_EOF */
- }
- in_size = count;
- debug((printf("\ninput %d chars\n", count)))
- in_offset = 0;
- }
- in_offset++;
- return (in_buf_adr[in_offset-1] & 0xff);
- } /* end rd_cch () */
- void check_ratio()
- {
- #ifdef COMMENT
- int rat;
- if (bitsout > 16383) { /* avoid overflow */
- bitsout /= 4;
- bytesin /= 4;
- }
- rat = (2 * bitsout) / bytesin;
- if (1.1 * rat < ratio) {
- printf("#");
- wr_ccode (CLEAR);
- init_ctab();
- bit_interval = CHECKGAP;
- bitsout = 0;
- bytesin = 0;
- ratio = 0;
- } else
- ratio = ((ratio << 2) + ((2 * bitsout) / bytesin)) / 5;
- #else
- bit_interval = CHECKGAP;
- bitsout = 0;
- bytesin = 0;
- #endif
- } /* end check_ratio() */
- void ad_ccode (status, ch, index)
- int status, index, ch;
- {
- assert(status == FIRST_USE || status == NEXT_USE);
- #ifdef COMMENT
- if (free_code >= MAXMAX) /* to fix apparent bug in original */
- return;
- #endif
- #ifdef COMMENT
- if (status == NEXT_USE)
- table[index].next = free_code;
- else /* else must be FIRST_USE */
- table[index].first = free_code;
- #endif
- if (status == NEXT_USE)
- table[index].next = (free_code >= MAXMAX ? -1 : free_code);
- else /* else must be FIRST_USE */
- table[index].first = (free_code >= MAXMAX ? -1 : free_code);
- #ifdef COMMENT
- if (free_code < MAXMAX) {
- #endif
- if (free_code <= MAXMAX) {
- table[free_code].first = table[free_code].next = -1;
- table[free_code].z_ch = ch & 0xff;
- free_code++;
- }
- } /* end ad_ccode() */
- int lukup_ccode (index, ch, where)
- int index; /* where to start looking */
- int ch; /* char to look for */
- int *where; /* last entry looked at */
- {
- *where = index;
- index = table[index].first;
- if (index == -1) {
- return (FIRST_USE); /* not found, first use */
- } else {
- while (1) {
- if ((table[index].z_ch & 0xff) == (ch & 0xff)) {
- *where = index;
- return (FOUND);
- }
- *where = index;
- index = table[index].next;
- if (index == -1) {
- return (NEXT_USE);
- }
- } /* end while */
- } /* end else */
- } /* end lukup_ccode() */
- void flush_c (count)
- int count;
- {
- int status;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf(" <flushed %d bytes> ", count);
- #endif
- #ifdef CHECK_BREAK
- check_break();
- #endif
- if (count != 0) {
- status = BLOCKWRITE (out_f, out_buf_adr, count);
- if (status == -1)
- prterror ('f', "Error writing during compression.\n");
- }
- }