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- #ifndef LINT
- /* @(#) misc2.c 2.7 88/01/24 12:47:36 */
- static char sccsid[]="@(#) misc2.c 2.7 88/01/24 12:47:36";
- #endif /* LINT */
- /*
- Copyright (C) 1986, 1987 Rahul Dhesi -- All rights reserved
- (C) Copyright 1988 Rahul Dhesi -- All rights reserved
- */
- #include "options.h"
- /* Miscellaneous routines */
- #include "portable.h"
- #include "zooio.h"
- #include "various.h"
- #include "errors.i"
- #include "zoomem.h"
- #include "zoo.h"
- #include "zoofns.h" /* only for malloc */
- void makepath PARMS((char *));
- /**********************/
- /* memerr() */
- /* Give error message on memory error and abort */
- void memerr(i)
- unsigned int i;
- {
- #ifdef OOZ
- prterror ('f', no_memory, "", "");
- #else
- if (i == 0)
- prterror ('f', no_memory);
- else
- prterror('f', "needed %u bytes: %s", i, no_memory);
- #endif
- }
- /**********************/
- /*
- emalloc() allocates memory like malloc() does (and it calls malloc). However,
- it automatically calls the error function memerr() if memory couldn't be
- allocated. It also assumes that memory will never be freed and conserves it
- by allocating memory in large chunks and then partitioning it out with no
- administrative overhead. This avoids many problems due to various bugs in
- various implementations of malloc, and also avoids a very high amount of
- malloc overhead for repeated allocations to store numerous filenames etc.
- The down side is that we can't use free().
- WARNING: No alignment of allocated memory is attempted, so memory
- allocated through emalloc should be used only for storing strings.
- For allocating memory for other data types use ealloc(). */
- VOIDPTR emalloc (size)
- unsigned int size;
- {
- #define BLOCK_SIZE 512 /* memory allocation granularity */
- #ifdef USE_MALLOC
- /* Pass on memory requests to malloc() */
- char *ptr;
- if ((ptr = malloc (size)) == NULL)
- memerr(size);
- return (ptr);
- #else
- static char *memptr;
- static unsigned avail = 0;
- unsigned malloc_incr;
- char *retval;
- if (size == 0)
- return (NULL);
- /* if not enough space avail get some more */
- if (avail < size) {
- malloc_incr = BLOCK_SIZE;
- if (malloc_incr < size)
- malloc_incr = size;
- while (malloc_incr >= size && (memptr = malloc (malloc_incr)) == NULL)
- malloc_incr = (malloc_incr / 6) * 5;
- avail = malloc_incr;
- }
- if (avail < size)
- memerr(size); /* no return from this */
- retval = memptr;
- memptr += size;
- avail -= size;
- return (retval);
- #endif /* end of not USE_MALLOC */
- }
- /**********************/
- /*
- ealloc() is just a wrapper around malloc(), which causes memerr() to be
- called if memory cannot be allocated. All memory requests are passed on
- to malloc. Allocated memory can later be freed. */
- VOIDPTR ealloc(size)
- unsigned int size;
- {
- char *ptr;
- if ((ptr = malloc (size)) == NULL)
- memerr(size);
- return ptr;
- }
- /**********************/
- /* erealloc() is a wrapper around realloc() the way ealloc is a wrapper
- around malloc(). It calls memerr() on error. */
- VOIDPTR erealloc(p, size)
- unsigned int size;
- {
- char *ptr;
- if ((ptr = realloc (p, size)) == NULL)
- memerr(size);
- return ptr;
- }
- /**********************/
- /* putstr()
- This function prints a string to standard output. If the received
- string pointer is NULL, it is handled safely. This function is here
- for historical reasons: Ooz was once coded to not use printf under
- MSDOS to save space, and at that time putstr() printed a string
- without using printf. It should eventually be eliminated and all
- calls to it replaced with calls to printf directly.
- */
- void putstr (str)
- register char *str;
- {
- if (str == NULL)
- return;
- printf ("%s", str);
- }
- /**********************/
- /* exists()
- This function checks the existence of a file.
- If the symbol EXISTS is defined, that is called as a macro and
- supplied the filename. It must return 1 if the file exists and
- 0 if it does not.
- If EXISTS is not defined, exists() tests to see if the file can be
- opened for reading or writing; if so, it returns 1 else it returns 0.
- Because of the delay between the time existence is checked and the time Zoo
- creates a files, a race condition exists. It would be better to
- use open() with the O_EXCL flag but that will not work for many
- systems.
- */
- int exists (fname)
- char *fname;
- {
- #ifdef EXISTS
- return EXISTS(fname);
- #else
- if ( (f = zooopen (fname, Z_READ )) != NOFILE ||
- (f = zooopen (fname, Z_WRITE)) != NOFILE ) {
- zooclose (f);
- return (1);
- } else
- return (0);
- #endif /* ifdef EXISTS */
- }
- /****************
- newcat() allocates enough space to concatenate two strings then returns
- a pointer to the concatenated result */
- char *newcat (r, s)
- char *r, *s;
- {
- char *temp = emalloc (strlen (r) + strlen (s) + 2); /* 1 spare */
- strcpy (temp, r);
- strcat (temp, s);
- return (temp);
- }
- /* Creates a path */
- void makepath(path)
- char *path;
- {
- char tmppath[PATHSIZE];
- char *slashpos;
- if (path == NULL)
- return;
- while (*lastptr(path) == *(char *) PATH_CH) /* remove trailing slashes */
- *lastptr(path) = '\0';
- if (*path == '\0')
- return;
- slashpos = findlast(path, PATH_CH); /* find last slash */
- if (slashpos == NULL) { /* if not, just create dir. */
- MKDIR(path);
- return;
- } else { /* otherwise... */
- if (slashpos == path) { /* if leading slash */
- MKDIR(slashpos); /* make that directory */
- return; /* and done */
- } else {
- strcpy(tmppath,path); /* save path */
- *slashpos = '\0'; /* split into prefix & suffix */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("making path from [%s]\n", path);
- #endif
- makepath(path); /* make path from prefix */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("making dir from [%s]\n", tmppath);
- #endif
- MKDIR(tmppath); /* make dir from suffix */
- }
- }
- } /* makepath() */
- /*
- If no extension in filename add supplied extension
- */
- char *addext (fname, ext)
- char *fname;
- char *ext;
- {
- if (strchr (nameptr (fname), EXT_CH) == NULL)
- return (newcat (fname, ext));
- else
- return (fname);
- }
- #ifdef VER_CH /* remove any trailing extension field */
- char *strip_ver (fname)
- char *fname;
- {
- char *p = strchr (fname, VER_CH);
- if (p != NULL)
- *p = '\0';
- }
- #endif
- /*
- Function samefile() compares two filenames to see if they are the
- same file. Just strcmp() or str_icmp() could have been used, except
- that if the filenames have trailing version fields, we want to
- compare those always equal. samefile() is called by routines
- that want to avoid adding an archive to itself.
- */
- int samefile (f1, f2)
- char *f1;
- char *f2;
- {
- #define COMPARE str_icmp
- #else
- #define COMPARE strcmp
- #endif
- #ifdef VER_CH
- char tf1[LFNAMESIZE];
- char tf2[LFNAMESIZE];
- strcpy (tf1, f1);
- strcpy (tf2, f2);
- strip_ver (tf1); /* strip version fields */
- strip_ver (tf2);
- return (COMPARE (tf1, tf2) == 0);
- #else
- /* if no version fields, just use strcmp(i) */
- return (COMPARE (f1, f2) == 0);
- #endif
- }
- #ifdef USE_ASCII
- int isdigit (c)
- int c;
- {
- return (c >= '0' && c <= '9');
- }
- int isupper (c)
- int c;
- {
- return (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z');
- }
- int toascii (c)
- int c;
- {
- return (c & 0x7f);
- }
- int tolower (c)
- int c;
- {
- return (isupper(c) ? (c | 0x20) : c);
- }
- #endif
- #ifdef GETTZ
- /****************
- Function tzadj() accepts a directory entry and adjusts its timestamp
- to reflect its timezone. Uses function mstime() from mstime.i
- and mstonix() from nixtime.i.
- */
- long mstonix();
- long gettz();
- #include "mstime.i" /* get mstime() */
- void tzadj (direntry)
- struct direntry *direntry;
- {
- long diff_tz;
- long longtime;
- if (direntry->tz == NO_TZ) /* none stored */
- return;
- diff_tz = (long) direntry->tz * (3600/4) - gettz(); /* diff. in seconds */
- longtime = mstonix (direntry->date, direntry->time) + diff_tz; /* adj tz */
- mstime (longtime, &direntry->date, &direntry->time);
- }
- #endif /* GETTZ */
- /* how long an int can be in text form -- allow 64-bit ints */
- #define INT_TEXT 21
- /* Function add_version adds a version suffix to a filename, given
- the directory entry corresponding to the file */
- void add_version (fname, direntry)
- char *fname;
- struct direntry *direntry;
- {
- char verstr[INT_TEXT]; /* string buffer for conversion to text */
- if (direntry->vflag & VFL_ON) {
- sprintf (verstr, "%u", direntry->version_no);
- strcat (fname, VER_DISPLAY);
- strcat (fname, verstr);
- }
- }