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- #ifndef LINT
- static char mstimeid[]="@(#) mstime.i 2.2 88/01/24 12:47:58";
- #endif /* LINT */
- /*
- (C) Copyright 1987 Rahul Dhesi -- All rights reserved
- */
- #define BASEYEAR 1970
- /****************
- Function mstime() converts time in seconds since January 1 of BASEYEAR
- to MS-DOS format date and time.
- */
- mstime(longtime, date, time)
- long longtime; /* input: seconds since Jan 1, BASEYEAR */
- int *date, *time; /* output: MS-DOS format date and time */
- {
- static int daysinmo[] = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };
- #define FEBRUARY 1
- int year, month, day, hour, min, sec;
- long secsinhour, secsinday, secsinyear, secsinleapyear;
- int leapyear; /* is this a leap year? */
- int done; /* control variable */
- secsinhour = (long) (60 * 60); /* seconds in an hour */
- secsinday = 24 * secsinhour; /* seconds in a day */
- secsinyear = 365 * secsinday; /* seconds in a year */
- secsinleapyear = secsinyear + secsinday; /* seconds in a leap year */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("mstime: input longtime = %ld\n", longtime);
- #endif
- /* We can't handle dates before 1970 so force longtime positive */
- if (longtime < 0)
- longtime = 0;
- /*
- Step through years from BASEYEAR onwards, subtracting number of
- seconds in each, stopping just before longtime would become negative.
- */
- year = BASEYEAR;
- done = 0;
- while (!done) {
- long yearlength;
- leapyear = (year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0);
- if (leapyear)
- yearlength = secsinleapyear;
- else
- yearlength = secsinyear;
- if (longtime >= yearlength) {
- longtime -= yearlength;
- year++;
- } else
- done++;
- }
- /* Now `year' contains year and longtime contains remaining seconds */
- daysinmo[FEBRUARY] = leapyear ? 29 : 28;
- month = 0; /* range is 0:11 */
- while (longtime > daysinmo[month] * secsinday) {
- longtime = longtime - daysinmo[month] * secsinday;
- month++;
- }
- month++; /* range now 1:12 */
- day = longtime / secsinday; /* day of month, range 0:30 */
- longtime = longtime % secsinday;
- day++; /* day of month, range 1:31 */
- hour = longtime / secsinhour; /* hours, range 0:23 */
- longtime = longtime % secsinhour;
- min = longtime / 60L; /* minutes, range 0:59 */
- longtime = longtime % 60L;
- sec = longtime; /* seconds, range 0:59 */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("mstime: date = %4d/%02d/%02d time = %02d:%02d:%02d\n",
- year, month, day, hour, min, sec);
- if (leapyear)
- printf("(leap year)\n");
- #endif
- if (year < 1980)
- year = 1980;
- *date = day + (month << 5) + ((year - 1980) << 9);
- *time = (sec / 2) + (min << 5) + (hour << 11);
- }