home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #ifndef LINT
- static char sccsid[]="@(#) parse.c 2.1 87/12/25 12:24:10";
- #endif /* LINT */
- /*
- The contents of this file are hereby released to the public domain.
- -- Rahul Dhesi 1986/11/14
- */
- #include "options.h"
- #include "zoo.h"
- #include "zooio.h"
- #include "various.h"
- #include "zoofns.h"
- #include "parse.h"
- #include "assert.h"
- /*
- parse() accepts a filename and return its component parts in a structure.
- The component parts are: disk drive, path prefix, root name of filename,
- and extension.
- If DISK_CH is not defined, it is assumed that filenames may be
- preceded with a disk prefix terminated by the character DISK_CH.
- The first character of the disk prefix, followed by DISK_CH,
- is returned in the drive field.
- If the symbol DISK_CH is defined, a null string is returned in the
- disk field.
- */
- void parse (path_st, fname)
- register struct path_st *path_st;
- char *fname;
- {
- char tempname[LFNAMESIZE]; /* working copy of supplied fname */
- char *namep; /* points to relevant part of tempname */
- char *p;
- strcpy (tempname, fname);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf ("parse: supplied name is [%s].\n", tempname);
- #endif
- #ifndef DISK_CH
- path_st->drive[0] = '\0';
- namep = tempname; /* points to pathname+filename */
- #else
- path_st->drive[0] = '\0';
- p = strchr (tempname, DISK_CH); /* point to first ':' */
- if (p != NULL) {
- path_st->drive[0] = *tempname;/* use only first char of drive name */
- path_st->drive[1] = DISK_CH;
- path_st->drive[2] = '\0';
- namep = ++p; /* point to pathname+filename */
- } else {
- path_st->drive[0] = '\0';
- namep = tempname; /* points to pathname+filename */
- }
- #endif /* end of not DISK_CH */
- /* Note: findlast() finds last occurrence in the subject string of
- any one of a set of chars */
- /* save the long filename */
- p = findlast (namep, PATH_SEP);
- /* if path separator found, copy next char onwards; else entire string */
- strncpy (path_st->lfname,
- (p != NULL) ? p+1 : namep,
- path_st->lfname[LFNAMESIZE-1] = '\0'; /* force null termination */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf ("parse: path = [%s] long filename = [%s]\n",
- namep, path_st->lfname);
- #endif
- /* Separate out the extension */
- p = findlast (namep, EXT_SEP); /* look for . or / */
- if (p != NULL && *p != EXT_CH) /* found .? */
- p = NULL; /* ... if not, ignore / */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if (p == NULL)
- printf ("parse: no extension found for [%s]\n", namep);
- else
- printf ("parse: extension for [%s] is [%s]\n", namep, p);
- #endif
- path_st->ext[0] = '\0'; /* assume no extension */
- if (p != NULL) { /* found extension */
- strncpy (path_st->ext, (p+1), EXTLEN); /* save extension */
- path_st->ext[EXTLEN] = '\0'; /* force termination */
- *p = '\0'; /* null out extension */
- }
- /* separate out root of filename if any */
- p = findlast (namep, PATH_SEP);
- if (p != NULL) {
- ++p;
- strncpy (path_st->fname, p, ROOTSIZE); /* save filename */
- *p = '\0'; /* null out filename */
- } else {
- strncpy (path_st->fname, namep, ROOTSIZE);
- *namep = '\0'; /* null out filename */
- }
- path_st->fname[ROOTSIZE] = '\0'; /* force termination */
- /* what remains, whether null or not, is the path prefix */
- path_st->dir[0] = '\0'; /* in case *namep is '\0' */
- strncpy (path_st->dir, namep, PATHSIZE);
- /* remove trailing path-separater from directory name, but don't
- remove it if it is also the leading separater */
- {
- int n;
- n = strlen(path_st->dir);
- if (n != 1)
- path_st->dir[n-1] = '\0';
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf ("parse: path prefix = [%s].\n", namep);
- #endif
- /* if extension is null, and if long filename contains more than
- ROOTSIZE characters, transfer some of them to extension */
- if (path_st->ext[0] == '\0' && strlen(path_st->lfname) > ROOTSIZE) {
- strncpy(path_st->ext, &path_st->lfname[ROOTSIZE], EXTLEN);
- path_st->ext[3] = '\0';
- }
- }
- /*******************/
- /*
- findlast() finds last occurrence in provided string of any of the characters
- except the null character in the provided set.
- If found, return value is pointer to character found, else it is NULL.
- */
- char *findlast (str, set)
- register char *str; /* subject string */
- char *set; /* set of characters to look for */
- {
- register char *p;
- if (str == NULL || set == NULL || *str == '\0' || *set == '\0')
- return (NULL);
- p = lastptr (str); /* pointer to last char of string */
- assert(p != NULL);
- while (p != str && strchr (set, *p) == NULL) {
- --p;
- }
- /* either p == str or we found a character or both */
- if (strchr (set, *p) == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- else
- return (p);
- }
- /*******************/
- /*
- lastptr() returns a pointer to the last non-null character in the string, if
- any. If the string is null it returns NULL
- */
- char *lastptr (str)
- register char *str; /* string in which to find last char */
- {
- register char *p;
- if (str == NULL)
- prterror ('f', "lastptr: received null pointer\n");
- if (*str == '\0')
- return (NULL);
- p = str;
- while (*p != '\0') /* find trailing null char */
- ++p;
- --p; /* point to just before it */
- return (p);
- }