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- #ifndef LINT
- /* @(#) prterror.c 2.8 88/01/31 18:48:17 */
- static char sccsid[]="@(#) prterror.c 2.8 88/01/31 18:48:17";
- #endif /* LINT */
- /*
- The contents of this file are hereby released to the public domain.
- -- Rahul Dhesi 1986/11/14
- */
- #include "options.h"
- #ifndef OK_STDIO
- #include <stdio.h>
- #define OK_STDIO
- #endif
- #include "various.h"
- #include "zooio.h"
- #include "zoofns.h"
- #ifdef NEEDCTYP
- # include <ctype.h> /* for isdigit() */
- #endif
- #ifdef STDARG
- # include <stdarg.h>
- #else
- # ifdef VARARGS
- # include <varargs.h>
- # else
- # endif
- #endif
- static int zvfprintf();
- #endif
- /* General error handler. Input format:
- parameter 1: 'w', 'e', or 'f'.
- 'm': message
- 'M': message without preceding identification
- 'w': WARNING
- 'e': ERROR
- 'f': FATAL
- 'F': FATAL but program doesn't exist immediately
- All text printed is preceded by "Zoo: " or "Ooz: " depending
- upon conditional compilation, except in the case of 'M' messages
- which are printed without any text being added.
- For messages, the text supplied is printed if and only if the global
- variable "quiet" is zero. Control then returns to the caller.
- For warnings, errors, and fatal errors, the variable "quiet" is used
- as follows. Warning messages are suppressed if quiet > 1; error
- messages are suppressed if quiet > 2. Fatal error messages are
- never suppressed--doing so would be a bit risky.
- For warnings and errors, the error message is preceded by the "WARNING:"
- or "ERROR". The error message is printed and control returns to the
- caller.
- For fatal errors, the error message is preceded by "FATAL:" and an
- error message is printed. If the option was 'f', the program exits with
- a status of 1. If the option was 'F', control returns to the caller and
- it is assumed that the caller will do any cleaning up necessary and then
- exit with an error status.
- parameter 2: The format control string for printf.
- remining parameters: passed on to vprintf().
- All messages, whether informative or error, are sent to standard
- output via printf. It might be a good idea to eventually send 'e' and
- 'f' class messages to the standard error stream. Best would be
- some way of telling if standard output and standard error are not
- the same device, so that we could always send error messages to
- standard error, and also duplicate them to standard output if
- different from standard error. This is one thing that VMS seems
- to be capable of doing. There seems to be no way of doing this
- in the general case.
- */
- extern int quiet;
- /* These declarations must be equivalent to those in errors.i */
- char no_match[] = "No files matched.\n";
- char failed_consistency[] = "Archive header failed consistency check.\n";
- char invalid_header[] = "Invalid or corrupted archive.\n";
- char internal_error[]="Internal error.\n";
- char disk_full[] = "I/O error or disk full.\n";
- char bad_directory[] = "Directory entry in archive is invalid.\n";
- char no_memory[] = "Ran out of memory.\n";
- char too_many_files[] = "Some filenames ignored -- can only handle %d.\n";
- char packfirst[] = "Old format archive -- please pack first with P command.\n";
- char garbled[] = "Command is garbled.\n";
- char start_ofs[] = "Starting at %ld (offset %ld)\n";
- #ifndef OOZ
- char wrong_version[]=
- "Zoo %d.%d or later is needed to fully manipulate this archive.\n";
- char cant_process[] =
- "The rest of the archive (%lu bytes) cannot be processed.\n";
- char option_ignored[] = "Ignoring option %c.\n";
- char inv_option[] = "Option %c is invalid.\n";
- char bad_crc[] = "\007Bad CRC, %s probably corrupted\n";
- #endif
- #ifdef OOZ
- char could_not_open[] = "Could not open ";
- #else
- char could_not_open[] = "Could not open %s.\n";
- #endif
- #ifdef STDARG
- void prterror(int level, char *format, ...)
- #else
- void prterror(va_alist)
- va_dcl
- #endif
- {
- va_list args;
- char string[120]; /* local format string */
- #ifdef VARARGS
- int level;
- char *format;
- #endif
- #ifdef STDARG
- va_start(args, format);
- #else
- va_start(args);
- level = va_arg(args, int);
- format = va_arg(args, char *);
- #endif
- *string = '\0'; /* get a null string to begin with */
- #ifdef OOZ
- strcpy (string, "Ooz: ");
- #else
- strcpy (string, "Zoo: ");
- #endif
- switch (level) {
- case 'M': *string = '\0'; /* fall through to 'm' */
- case 'm': if (quiet) return; break;
- case 'w':
- if (quiet > 1) return;
- strcat (string, "WARNING: "); break;
- case 'e':
- if (quiet > 2) return;
- strcat (string, "ERROR: "); break;
- case 'F':
- case 'f': strcat (string, "FATAL: "); break;
- default: prterror ('f', internal_error); /* slick recursive call */
- }
- strcat (string, format); /* just append supplied format string */
- /* and print the whole thing */
- (void) zvfprintf(stdout, string, args);
- #else
- (void) vprintf(string, args);
- #endif
- fflush (stdout);
- if (level == 'f') /* and abort on fatal error 'f' but not 'F' */
- zooexit (1);
- }
- /* Some systems don't have vprintf; if so, we roll our own. The following
- has been adapted from a Usenet posting by Jef Poskanzer <jef@well.sf.ca.us>.
- This is a portable mini-vfprintf that depends only on fprintf.
- We don't call this routine vfprintf to avoid unexpected conflicts with any
- library routine of the same name, notwithstanding the fact that we will
- usually use it only when there is no conflict. Also, even though we only
- need vprintf, the routine used here implements vfprintf. This will allow
- future uses as needed when output is to be sent to a stream other than
- stdout. */
- /* Whether to support double. Better not to, because it may cause
- math stuff to be linked in */
- #undef NEED_DOUBLE
- static int zvfprintf(stream, format, args)
- FILE *stream;
- char *format;
- va_list args;
- {
- char *ep;
- char fchar;
- char tformat[512];
- int do_long; /* whether to print as long (l format suffix) */
- int do_star; /* * used in format => get width from argument */
- int star_size; /* size arg corresponding to "*" format */
- int i;
- long l;
- unsigned u;
- unsigned long ul;
- char *s;
- #ifdef NEED_DOUBLE
- double d;
- #endif
- while (*format != '\0') {
- if (*format != '%') { /* Not special, just write out the char. */
- putc(*format, stream);
- ++format;
- } else {
- do_star = 0;
- do_long = 0;
- ep = format + 1;
- /* Skip over all the field width and precision junk. */
- if (*ep == '-')
- ++ep;
- if (*ep == '0')
- ++ep;
- while (isdigit(*ep))
- ++ep;
- if (*ep == '.') {
- ++ep;
- while (isdigit(*ep))
- ++ep;
- }
- if (*ep == '#')
- ++ep;
- if (*ep == '*') {
- do_star = 1;
- star_size = va_arg(args, int); /* get * argument */
- ++ep;
- }
- if (*ep == 'l') {
- do_long = 1;
- ++ep;
- }
- /* Here's the field type. Extract it, and copy this format
- ** specifier to a temp string so we can add an end-of-string.
- */
- fchar = *ep;
- (void) strncpy(tformat, format, ep - format + 1);
- tformat[ep - format + 1] = '\0';
- /* Now do a one-argument printf with the format string we have
- isolated. If the * format was used, we will also supply the
- additional parameter star_size, which we have already obtained
- from the variable argument list. */
- switch (fchar) {
- case 'd':
- if (do_long) {
- l = va_arg(args, long);
- if (do_star)
- (void) fprintf(stream, tformat, star_size, l);
- else
- (void) fprintf(stream, tformat, l);
- } else {
- i = va_arg(args, int);
- if (do_star)
- (void) fprintf(stream, tformat, star_size, i);
- else
- (void) fprintf(stream, tformat, i);
- }
- break;
- case 'o':
- case 'x':
- case 'u':
- if (do_long) {
- ul = va_arg(args, unsigned long);
- if (do_star)
- (void) fprintf(stream, tformat, star_size, ul);
- else
- (void) fprintf(stream, tformat, ul);
- } else {
- u = va_arg(args, unsigned);
- if (do_star)
- (void) fprintf(stream, tformat, star_size, u);
- else
- (void) fprintf(stream, tformat, u);
- }
- break;
- case 'c':
- i = (char) va_arg(args, int);
- if (do_star)
- (void) fprintf(stream, tformat, star_size, i);
- else
- (void) fprintf(stream, tformat, i);
- break;
- case 's':
- s = va_arg(args, char *);
- if (do_star)
- (void) fprintf(stream, tformat, star_size, s);
- else
- (void) fprintf(stream, tformat, s);
- break;
- #ifdef NEED_DOUBLE
- case 'e':
- case 'f':
- case 'g':
- d = va_arg(args, double);
- if (do_star)
- (void) fprintf(stream, tformat, star_size, d);
- else
- (void) fprintf(stream, tformat, d);
- break;
- #endif
- case '%':
- putc('%', stream);
- break;
- default:
- return -1;
- }
- /* Resume formatting on the next character. */
- format = ep + 1;
- }
- }
- va_end(args);
- return 0;
- }
- #endif /*NEED_VPRINTF*/