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- #ifndef LINT
- /* @(#) sysv.c 2.5 88/01/10 14:47:24 */
- static char sysvid[]="@(#) sysv.c 2.5 88/01/10 14:47:24";
- #endif /* LINT */
- /* machine.c for System V */
- /*
- The contents of this file are hereby released to the public domain.
- -- Rahul Dhesi 1986/12/31
- */
- #ifdef UNBUF_IO /* do not use */
- /*
- Function tell() returns the current seek position for a file
- descriptor. Microport System V/AT has an undocumented tell()
- library function (why?) but the **IX PC doesn't, so we code
- one here. It is needed for unbuffered I/O only.
- */
- long lseek PARMS ((int, long, int));
- long tell (fd)
- int fd;
- { return (lseek (fd, 0L, 1)); }
- #endif /* UNBUF_IO */
- /****************
- Date and time functions are standard **IX-style functions. "nixtime.i"
- will be included by machine.c.
- */
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <time.h>
- /* Function isadir() returns 1 if the supplied handle is a directory,
- else it returns 0.
- */
- int isadir (file)
- ZOOFILE file;
- {
- int handle = fileno(file);
- struct stat buf; /* buffer to hold file information */
- if (fstat (handle, &buf) == -1) {
- return (0); /* inaccessible -- assume not dir */
- } else {
- if (buf.st_mode & S_IFDIR)
- return (1);
- else
- return (0);
- }
- }
- /****************
- Function fixfname() converts the supplied filename to a syntax
- legal for the host system. It is used during extraction.
- */
- char *fixfname(fname)
- char *fname;
- {
- return (fname); /* default is no-op */
- }
- extern long timezone; /* defined by library routine */
- long time ();
- struct tm *localtime ();
- /* Function gettz(), returns the offset from GMT in seconds of the
- local time, taking into account daylight savings time */
- #if 1 /* Following should work for System V */
- long gettz()
- {
- #define SEC_IN_DAY (24L * 60L * 60L)
- #define INV_VALUE (SEC_IN_DAY + 1L)
- static long retval = INV_VALUE; /* cache, init to impossible value */
- struct tm *tm;
- long clock;
- if (retval != INV_VALUE) /* if have cached value, return it */
- return retval;
- clock = time ((long *) 0);
- tm = localtime (&clock);
- retval = timezone - tm->tm_isdst*3600;
- return retval;
- }
- #else
- /* This version of gettz should be portable to all Unices, although it can't
- be described as elegant. Users immediately west of the International
- Date Line (Polynesia, Soviet Far East) may get times out by 24 hours.
- Contributed by: Ian Phillipps <igp@camcon.co.uk> */
- /* Function gettz(), returns the offset from GMT in seconds */
- long gettz()
- {
- #define NOONOFFSET 43200
- #define SEC_IN_DAY (24L * 60L * 60L)
- #define INV_VALUE (SEC_IN_DAY + 1L)
- static long retval = INV_VALUE; /* cache, init to impossible value */
- extern long time();
- extern struct tm *localtime();
- long now;
- long noon;
- struct tm *noontm;
- if (retval != INV_VALUE) /* if have cached value, return it */
- return retval;
- now = time((long *) 0);
- /* Find local time for GMT noon today */
- noon = now - now % SEC_IN_DAY + NOONOFFSET ;
- noontm = localtime( &noon );
- retval = NOONOFFSET - 60 * ( 60 * noontm->tm_hour - noontm->tm_min );
- return retval;
- }
- #endif
- /* Standard **IX-compatible time functions */
- #include "nixtime.i"
- /* Standard **IX-specific file attribute routines */
- #include "nixmode.i"
- /*
- Make a directory. System V has no system call accessible to
- ordinary users to make a new directory. Hence we spawn a shell
- and hope /bin/mkdir is there. Since /bin/mkdir gives a nasty
- error message if it fails, we call it only if nothing already
- exists by the name of the needed directory.
- */
- int mkdir(dirname)
- char *dirname;
- {
- char cmd[PATHSIZE+11+1]; /* room for "/bin/mkdir " used below + 1 spare */
- if (!exists(dirname)) {
- strcpy(cmd, "/bin/mkdir ");
- strcat(cmd, dirname);
- return (system(cmd));
- }
- return (0);
- }
- /* No file truncate system call in older System V. If yours has one,
- add it here -- see bsd.c for example. It's ok for zootrunc to be
- a no-op. */
- int zootrunc(f) FILE *f; { return 0; }