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========================== Contents of Disk 640 ==========================
This is disk 640 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
DrawMap Release 4.0 of a program for drawing representations of the
Earth's surface. New features include using the full Micro
World Data Bank data files, user selection of the items to be
included (e.g., coastlines, rivers, etc.) and the amount of
detail in each map, and a redraw function. Corrects a problem
with box and text selection encountered under AmigaDos 2.04,
but AmigaDos 2.04 is not required. Requires 1.5 megabytes of
memory and a hard disk with 1.6 megabytes of free space. Also
includes version requiring a 68020 CPU and 68881 FPU. This is
an update to version 3.1 on disk 545. Includes full source.
Distributed in two parts, the other part is on disk 639.
Author: Bryan Brown.
========================== Contents of Disk 641 ==========================
This is disk 641 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Annotate A text editor written for AmigaDOS 2.04 only, that takes
advantage of public screens and the system default font.
Features include folding, shifting, and full clipboard
support. Version 1.0, binary only.
Author: Doug Bakewell
BootX An easy to use boot, file and link virus killer with a
KickStart 2.0 look (even under KickStart 1.3). Has lots
of options to detect and kill Amiga viruses. Version 4.45,
an update to version 4.02 on disk 560. Binary only.
Author: Peter Stuer
EVW Early Virus Warning. This program was designed to let the
user get a look at important 'vectors' of the Amiga system.
Does buffered scans of all library, device and resource
vectors. Version 2.22. Binary only.
Author: Peter Stuer
GearCalc A bicycle gear ratio calculator. Version 2.2, an update to
version 2.0 on disk 514. Binary only.
Author: Ed Bacon
LVD A first defense utility against file and linkviruses. It
patches the LoadSeg vector(s) and checks every executable
that comes along. Recognizes 25 file or so linkviruses.
Version 1.72, an update to version 1.61 on disk 554. Binary
Author: Peter Stuer
TLog An intuition based program that records statistics to monitor
atheletic training progress. Maintains a daily record of
distance, time, heart rate, weight and temperature. Links a
text file with the record for a free form diary. The AREXX
commands provide the basis for generating custom reports from
the data base. Sample script allows TLog to automatically get
to a scheduler to post reminders of upcoming events. This is
version 2.01, an update to version 1.0 on disk 514. Share-
ware, binary only.
Author: Ed Bacon
========================== Contents of Disk 642 ==========================
This is disk 642 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
AutoCLI A 'PopCLI' type replacement that works with WorkBench 2.0
and fully compatible with A3000 & accelerator boards. Always
retains the default path and stack, and current directory.
Can automatically open CLI/SHELL windows to 1 pixel less than
the current screen size on opening. New functions include
spline patterning on blanking, toggle freeze mouse, more
function keys, mouse activated screen shuffle, close gadgets
on Shell windows, and more as many users have requested.
This is version 2.19, an update to version 2.17 on disk
617. Binary only.
Author: Nic Wilson
EditKeys A keymap editor. Supports editing of string, dead and modi-
fiable keys, as well as control of repeatable and capsable
status of each key. Runs equally well under AmigaDOS 1.3 or
2.0. If running under AmigaDOS 1.3, requires "arp.library".
This is version 1.2. Includes source in assembly.
Author: David Kinder
IFF A program to display single or multiple IFF files from Work-
bench or CLI. It has been written in 100% assembler to be as
small and fast as possible. This is version 1.7, an update
to version 1.6 on disk 619. Binary only.
Author: Nic Wilson
Set040 A program to remap Kickstart V2.04 or greater from ROM into
32 Bit Ram on an Amiga equipped with a 68040 CPU, using the
MMU, with optional parameters for greater compatibility
between various 68040 boards and optional patch to stop
drives from clicking. It can also load a different Kickstart
than the one currently in ROM, manipulate both caches, and
display information regarding some 68040 registers and modes.
Version 1.15, an update to version 1.14 on disk 628. Includes
source code in assembly.
Author: Nic Wilson
SysInfo A program which reports interesting information about the
configuration of your machine, including some speed compar-
isons with other configurations, versions of the OS software,
etc. This program has been very popular with many users and
has been fully updated to include many new functions.
This is version 2.69, an update to version 2.62 on disk 625.
Binary only.
Author: Nic Wilson
VS2PR Converts files to and from VideoScape 3D and PageRender 3D.
It preserves and matches colors as closely as possible, and
retains surface detail polygons from VideoScape. Good for
Video Toaster owners looking for the more mathematical 3D
objects that PageRender generates so well. Other features
include scaling, batch processing, and a QuickRender module
that lets you preview the 3D objects in wireframe. This is
version 1.0, binary only.
Author: Syd Bolton
========================== Contents of Disk 643 ==========================
This is disk 643 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
4Wins A simple little WorkBench game where the first one to get
four happy faces in a row wins.
Author: Kay Gergs
DSDemo Demo version of Distant Suns, an Amiga planetarium program
that has collected numerous awards. Comes in two versions,
one that runs under AmigaDOS 1.3 and uses software floating
point, and another that runs under AmigaDOS 2.0 and requires
a hardware floating point coprocessor. The demo includes a
star database with approximately 3700 stars, some limited
lunar images, and Halley's comet. Requires 1 Mb of memory.
This is version 4.1, binary only.
Author: Mike Smithwick
Install A replacement for the AmigaDOS Install command, with an
Intuition front end. This is version 1.1. Includes source
in assembly.
Author: David Kinder
PCTask PC-Task is a software IBM-PC emulator. It allows you to run
the majority of IBM-PC software on your amiga with no
additional hardware. Runs just like a normal application
allowing multitasking to continue. The program has a
graphical user interface and no additional filesystem/device
mounting is required. A few clicks with the mouse and it is
operational. CGA, MDA, Serial, Parallel, Mouse, 2 Floppy
drives and 2 Hard drives are emulated. The hard drives can
be partitions or hard drive files like the bridgeboard can
use. This is demonstration version 1.04. Full version is
available from the author. Binary only.
Author: Chris Hames
========================== Contents of Disk 644 ==========================
This is disk 644 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
FontConverter Converts standard font files into C code structures that
can be included directly in your program. Probably most
useful for people writing programs that take over the machine
and thus do not have access to the standard fonts directory.
Includes source.
Author: Andreas Baum
SystemInfo A system configuration display program with an Intuition
interface. Recognizes about 80 different product codes and
about 40 manufacturer ID's. Displays information about all
AutoConfig cards, all mounted drives, v