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- AMIGA NOTE: This is the original documentation, please read moria.doc.amiga
- for further information on the amiga graphics version.
- The Dungeons of Moria
- Robert Alan Koeneke
- James E. Wilson
- Moria may be copied and modified freely, but may
- not be sold or marketed IN ANY FORM without the permis-
- sion and written consent of the authors Robert Alan
- Koeneke and James E. Wilson. We retain all copyrights
- to this program, in either the original or modified
- forms, and no violation, deletion, or change of the
- copyright notice is allowed. Furthermore, we will have
- no liability or responsibility to any user with respect
- to loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by this
- program.
- September 26, 1990
- The Dungeons of Moria
- Robert Alan Koeneke
- James E. Wilson
- 1. Introduction
- The game of moria is a single player dungeon simulation. A
- player may choose from a number of races and classes when creat-
- ing a character, and then `run' that character over a period of
- days, weeks, even months, attempting to win the game by defeating
- the Balrog which lurks in the deeper levels.
- The player will begin his adventure on the town level where he
- may acquire supplies, weapons, armor, and magical devices by bar-
- tering with various shop owners. After preparing for his adven-
- ture, the player can descend into the dungeons of moria where
- fantastic adventures await his coming!
- Before beginning your first adventure, you should read this docu-
- ment carefully. The game of moria is a complicated game, and
- will require a dedicated player to win.
- 2. The Character
- All characters have six main attributes which modify their basic
- abilities. These six attributes, called stats, are strength,
- intelligence, wisdom, dexterity, constitution, and charisma.
- Stats may vary from a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 18. At the
- highest level, stats are further qualified by a number from zero
- to one hundred, so that the highest value is actually 18/100. A
- value of 18/100 can be thought of as equivalent to 19, and 18/00
- (not actually used) is equivalent to 18. Because adventurers of
- interest tend to be better than average characters, moria stats
- will average about 13, and are further adjusted by race and
- class. Some races are just naturally better at being certain
- classes, as will be shown later.
- In addition to the more visible stats, each character has certain
- abilities which are mainly determined by his race, class, and
- level, but are also modified by his stats. The abilities are
- fighting, throwing/bows, saving throw, stealth, disarming, magi-
- cal devices, perception, searching, and infravision.
- Characters will be assigned an early history, with money and a
- social class based on that history. Starting money is assigned
- The Dungeons of Moria Page 2
- based on history, charisma, and somewhat upon the average of a
- character's stats. A character with below average stats will
- receive extra money to help him survive the first adventure.
- Each character will also have physical attributes such as race,
- height, weight, sex, and a physical description. None of these,
- except weight, play any part in the game other than to give the
- player a "feeling" for his character. Weight is used for comput-
- ing carrying capacity and also for bashing.
- Finally, each character is assigned hit points based on their
- race, class, and constitution. Spell casters will also receive
- mana which is expended when casting spells. Mana is based on
- Wisdom for Priests and Intelligence for Mages.
- 2.1. Character Stats
- Strength
- Strength is important in fighting with weapons and hand to
- hand combat. A high strength can improve your chances of
- hitting, and the amount of damage done with each hit. Char-
- acters with low strengths may receive penalties. Strength
- is also useful in tunneling, body and shield bashing, and in
- carrying heavy items.
- Intelligence
- Intelligence is the prime stat of a mage, or magician. A
- high intelligence increases a mage's chances of learning
- spells, and it also increases the amount of mana a mage has.
- No spell may be learned by mages with intelligences under 8.
- Intelligence also modifies a character's chance of disarming
- traps, picking locks, and using magic devices.
- Wisdom
- Wisdom is the prime stat of a priest. A high wisdom
- increases the chance of receiving new spells from a priest's
- deity, and it also increases the amount of mana a priest
- has. No spell may be learned by priests with wisdom under
- 8. Wisdom also modifies a character's chance of resisting
- magical spells cast upon his person.
- Dexterity
- Dexterity is a combination of agility and quickness. A high
- dexterity may allow a character to get multiple blows with
- lighter weapons, thus greatly increasing his kill power, and
- may increase his chances of hitting with any weapon and
- dodging blows from enemies. Dexterity is also useful in
- picking locks, disarming traps, and protecting yourself from
- pick pockets.
- Constitution
- Constitution is a character's ability to resist damage to
- his body, and to recover from damage received. Therefore a
- The Dungeons of Moria Page 3
- character with a high constitution will receive more hit
- points, and be more resistant to poisons.
- Charisma
- Charisma represents a character's personality, as well as
- physical looks. A character with a high charisma will
- receive better prices from store owners, whereas a character
- with a very low charisma will be robbed blind. A high
- charisma will also mean more starting money for the charac-
- ter.
- 2.2. Character Sex
- You may choose to be either a male or a female character. Only
- height and weight are affected by a character's sex. Female
- characters tend to be somewhat smaller and lighter than their
- male counterparts. No adjustments to stats or abilities are made
- because of the sex of a character. Female characters start out
- with slightly more money than male characters to help offset the
- weight penalty.
- 2.3. Character Abilities
- Characters possess nine different abilities which can help them
- to survive. The starting abilities of a character are based upon
- race and class. Abilities may be adjusted by high or low stats,
- and may increase with the level of the character.
- Fighting
- Fighting is the ability to hit and do damage with weapons or
- fists. Normally a character gets a single blow from any
- weapon, but if his dexterity and strength are high enough,
- he may receive more blows per round with lighter weapons.
- Strength and dexterity both modify the ability to hit an
- opponent. This skill increases with the level of the char-
- acter.
- Throwing/Bows
- Using ranged missile weapons and throwing objects is
- included in this skill. Different stats apply to different
- weapons, but this ability may modify the distance an object
- is thrown/fired, the amount of damage done, and the ability
- to hit a creature. This skill increases with the level of
- the character.
- Saving Throw
- A Saving Throw is the ability of a character to resist the
- effects of a spell cast on him by another person/creature.
- This does not include spells cast on the player by his own
- stupidity, such as quaffing a nasty potion. This ability
- increases with the level of the character, but then most
- high level creatures are better at casting spells, so it
- The Dungeons of Moria Page 4
- tends to even out. A high wisdom also increases this abil-
- ity.
- Stealth
- The ability to move silently about is very useful. Charac-
- ters with good stealth can usually surprise their opponents,
- gaining the first blow. Also, creatures may fail to notice
- a stealthy character entirely, allowing a player to avoid
- certain fights. This skill is based entirely upon race and
- class, and will never improve unless magically enhanced.
- Disarming
- Disarming is the ability to remove traps (safely), and
- includes picking locks on traps and doors. A successful
- disarming will gain the character some experience. A trap
- must be found before it can be disarmed. Dexterity and
- intelligence both modify the ability to disarm, and this
- ability increases with the level of the character.
- Using Magical Devices
- Using a magical device such as a wand or staff requires
- experience and knowledge. Spell users such as mages and
- priests are therefore much better at using a magical device
- than say a warrior. This skill is modified by intelligence,
- and increases with the level of the character.
- Perception
- Perception is the ability to notice something without
- actively seeking it out. This skill is based entirely upon
- race and class, and will never improve unless magically
- enhanced.
- Searching
- To search is to actively look for secret doors, floor traps,
- and traps on chests. Rogues are the best at searching, but
- mages, rangers, and priests are also good at it. This skill
- is based entirely upon race and class, and will never
- improve unless magically enhanced.
- Infravision
- Infravision is the ability to see heat sources. Since most
- of the dungeon is cool or cold, infravision will not allow
- the player to see walls and objects. Infravision will allow
- a character to see any warm-blooded creatures up to a cer-
- tain distance. This ability works equally well with or with
- out a light source. The majority of moria's creatures are
- cold-blooded, and will not be detected unless lit up by a
- light source. All non human races have innate infravision
- ability. Human can gain infravision only if it is magically
- enhanced.
- The Dungeons of Moria Page 5
- 2.4. Choosing A Race
- There are eight different races that you can choose from in
- moria. Some races are restricted as to what profession they may
- be, and each race has its own adjustments to a character's stats
- and abilities.
- Human
- The human is the base character, all other races are com-
- pared to him. Humans can choose any class, and are average
- at everything. Humans tend to go up levels faster than any
- other race, because of their shorter life spans. No racial
- adjustments occur to characters choosing human.
- Half-Elf
- Half-elves tend to be smarter and faster than a human, but
- not as strong. Half-elves are slightly better at searching,
- disarming, perception, stealth, and magic, but they are not
- as good at hand weapons. Half-elves may choose any class.
- Elf
- Elves are better magicians then humans, but not as good at
- fighting. They tend to be smarter and faster than either
- humans or half-elves, and also have better wisdom. Elves
- are better at searching, disarming, perception, stealth, and
- magic, but they are not as good at hand weapons. Elves may
- choose any class except Paladin.
- Halfling
- Halflings, or Hobbits, are very good at bows, throwing, and
- have good saving throws. They also are very good at search-
- ing, disarming, perception, and stealth; so they make excel-
- lent thieves (but prefer to be called burglars...). They
- will be much weaker than humans, and no good at bashing.
- Halflings have fair infravision, so they can detect warm
- creatures at a distance. Halflings can choose between being
- a warrior, mage, or rogue.
- Gnome
- Gnomes are smaller than dwarfs, but larger than halflings.
- They, like the halflings, live in the earth in burrow-like
- homes. Gnomes are practical jokers, so if they can kill
- something in a humorous way, so much the better. Gnomes
- make excellent mages, and have very good saving throws.
- They are good at searching, disarming, perception, and
- stealth. They have lower strength than humans so they are
- not very good at fighting with hand weapons. Gnomes have
- fair infravision, so they can detect warm creatures at a
- distance. A gnome may choose between being a warrior, mage,
- priest, or rogue.
- Dwarf
- Dwarves are the headstrong miners and fighters of legend.
- Since dungeons are the natural home of a dwarf, they are
- The Dungeons of Moria Page 6
- excellent choices for a warrior or priest. Dwarves tend to
- be stronger and have higher constitutions, but are slower
- and less intelligent than humans. Because they are so head-
- strong and are somewhat wise, they resist spells which are
- cast on them. Dwarves also have good infravision because
- they live underground. They do have one big drawback
- though. Dwarves are loudmouthed and proud, singing in loud
- voices, arguing with themselves for no good reason, scream-
- ing out challenges at imagined foes. In other words,
- dwarves have a miserable stealth.
- Half-Orc
- Half-Orcs make excellent warriors, and decent priests, but
- are terrible at magic. They are as bad as dwarves at
- stealth, and horrible at searching, disarming, and percep-
- tion. Half-Orcs are, let's face it, ugly. They tend to pay
- more for goods in town. Half-Orcs do make good priests and
- rogues, for the simple reason that Half-Orcs tend to have
- great constitutions and lots of hit points.
- Half-Troll
- Half-Trolls are incredibly strong, and have the highest hit
- points of any character race. They are also very stupid and
- slow. They will make great warriors and iffy priests. They
- are bad at searching, disarming, perception, and stealth.
- They are so ugly that a Half-Orc grimaces in their presence.
- They also happen to be fun to run...
- 2.4.1. Race Versus Skills and Stats
- Stat, hit dice, and experience points per level modifications due
- to race are listed in the following table.
- Str Int Wis Dex Con Chr Hit Dice Rqd Exp/level
- Human 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 +0%
- Half-Elf -1 +1 0 +1 -1 +1 9 +10%
- Elf -1 +2 +1 +1 -2 +1 8 +20%
- Halfling -2 +2 +1 +3 +1 +1 6 +10%
- Gnome -1 +2 0 +2 +1 -2 7 +25%
- Dwarf +2 -3 +1 -2 +2 -3 9 +20%
- Half-Orc +2 -1 0 0 +1 -4 10 +10%
- Half-Troll +4 -4 -2 -4 +3 -6 12 +20%
- Racial abilities as compared to each other, with 1 the lowest, or
- worst, and 10 the highest, or best, are listed in the following
- table.
- The Dungeons of Moria Page 7
- Disarm Search Stealth Percep Fight Bows Save Infra
- Human 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 None
- Half-Elf 6 7 7 6 4 6 6 20 feet
- Elf 8 9 7 7 3 9 7 30 feet
- Halfling 10 10 10 10 1 10 10 40 feet
- Gnome 9 7 9 9 2 8 9 30 feet
- Dwarf 6 8 3 5 9 5 8 50 feet
- Half-Orc 3 5 3 2 8 3 3 30 feet
- Half-Troll 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 30 feet
- 2.5. Choosing A Class
- Once a race has been chosen, you will need to pick a class. Some
- classes will not be available to certain races, for instance, a
- Half-Troll cannot become a Paladin. For the first few adventures
- it is suggested that you run a warrior or rogue. Spell casting
- generally requires a more experienced player that is familiar
- with survival techniques.
- Warrior
- A Warrior is a hack-and-slash character, who solves most of
- his problems by cutting them to pieces, but will occasion-
- ally fall back on the help of a magical device. His prime
- stats are Strength and Constitution, and a good Dexterity
- can really help at times. A Warrior will be good at Fight-
- ing and Throwing/Bows, but bad at most other skills.
- Mage
- A Mage must live by his wits. He cannot hope to simply hack
- his way through the dungeon, and so must therefore use his
- magic to defeat, deceive, confuse, and escape. A mage is
- not really complete without an assortment of magical devices
- to use in addition to his spells. He can master the higher
- level magical devices far easier than anyone else, and has
- the best saving throw to resist effects of spells cast at
- him. Intelligence and Dexterity are his primary stats.
- There is no rule that says a mage cannot become a good
- fighter, but spells are his true realm.
- Priest
- A Priest is a character of holy devotion. They explore the
- dungeon only to destroy the evil that lurks within, and if
- treasure just happens to fall into their packs, well, so
- much more to the glory of their church! Priests receive
- their spells from a deity, and therefore do not choose which
- spells they will learn. They are familiar with magical dev-
- ices, preferring to call them instruments of god, but are
- not as good as a mage in their use. Priests have good sav-
- ing throws, and make decent fighters, preferring blunt
- weapons over edged ones. Wisdom and Charisma are the
- The Dungeons of Moria Page 8
- priest's primary stats.
- Rogue
- A Rogue is a character that prefers to live by his cunning,
- but is capable of fighting his way out of a tight spot. He
- is the master of traps and locks, no device being impossible
- for him to overcome. A rogue has a high stealth allowing
- him to sneak around many creatures without having to fight,
- or sneak up and get the first blow. A rogue's perception is
- higher than any other class, and many times he will notice a
- trap or secret door before having to search. A rogue is
- better than warriors or paladins with magical devices, but
- still can not rely on their performance. Rogues can also
- learn a few spells, but not the powerful offensive spells
- mages can use. A rogue's primary stats are Intelligence and
- Dexterity.
- Ranger
- A Ranger is a warrior/mage. He is a good fighter, and the
- best of the classes with a missile weapon such as a bow.
- The ranger learns spells much more slowly than a mage, but
- is capable of learning all but the most powerful spell.
- Because a ranger is really a dual class character, more
- experience is required for him to advance. A ranger has a
- good stealth, good perception, good searching, a good saving
- throw, and is good with magical devices. His primary stats
- are Intelligence and Dexterity.
- Paladin
- A Paladin is a warrior/priest. He is a very good fighter,
- second only to the warrior class, but not very good at mis-
- sile weapons. He receives prayers at a slower pace then the
- priest, and can receive all but the most powerful prayer.
- Because a paladin is really a dual class character, it
- requires more experience to advance him. A paladin lacks
- much in the way of abilities. He is poor at stealth, per-
- ception, searching, and magical devices. He has a decent
- saving throw due to his divine alliance. His primary stats
- are Strength and Charisma.
- 2.5.1. Race Versus Class
- The Dungeons of Moria Page 9
- Warrior Mage Priest Rogue Ranger Paladin
- Human Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
- Half-Elf Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
- Elf Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
- Halfling Yes Yes No Yes No No
- Gnome Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
- Dwarf Yes No Yes No No No
- Half-Orc Yes No Yes Yes No No
- Half-Troll Yes No Yes No No No
- 2.5.2. Class Versus Skills
- Class abilities as compared to each other, with 1 as the lowest,
- or worst, and 10 as the highest, or best are shown in the follow-
- ing table.
- Save Stea- Magic Extra
- Fight Bows Throw lth Disarm Device Percep Search Exp/lev
- Warrior 10 6 3 2 4 3 2 2 +0%
- Mage 2 1 10 5 6 10 8 5 +30%
- Priest 4 3 6 5 3 8 4 4 +20%
- Rogue 8 9 7 10 10 6 10 10 +0%
- Ranger 6 10 8 7 6 7 6 6 +40%
- Paladin 9 5 4 2 2 4 2 2 +35%
- 3. Adventuring
- After you have created your character, you will begin your moria
- adventure. Symbols appearing on your screen will represent the
- dungeon's walls, floor, objects, features, and creatures lurking
- about. In order to direct your character through his adventure,
- you will enter single character commands.
- Moria symbols and commands each have a help section devoted to
- them. You should review these sections before attempting an
- adventure. Finally, a description of the town level and some
- general help on adventuring are included.
- 4. Symbols On Your Map
- Symbols on your map can be broken down into three categories:
- Features of the dungeon such as walls, floor, doors, and traps;
- Objects which can be picked up such as treasure, weapons, magical
- devices, etc; and creatures which may or may not move about the
- dungeon, but are mostly harmful to your character's well being.
- The Dungeons of Moria Page 10
- Some symbols can be in more than one category. Also note that
- treasure may be embedded in a wall, and the wall must be removed
- before the treasure can be picked up.
- It will not be necessary to remember all of the symbols and their
- meanings. A simple command, the `/', will identify any character
- appearing on your map. See the section on commands for further
- help.
- Features
- . A floor space, or hidden trap 1 Entrance to General Store
- # A wall 2 Entrance to Armory
- ' An open door 3 Entrance to Weapon Smith
- + A closed door 4 Entrance to Temple
- ^ A trap 5 Entrance to Alchemy Shop
- < A staircase up 6 Entrance to Magic Shop
- > A staircase down : Obstructing rubble
- ; A loose floor stone An open pit (Blank)
- % A mineral vein @ The character
- Objects
- ! A flask or potion ? A scroll
- " An amulet [ Hard armor
- $ Money (Can be embedded) \ A hafted weapon
- & A chest ] Misc. armor
- ( Soft armor _ A staff
- ) A shield { Missile (arrow, bolt, pebble)
- * Gems (Can be embedded) | Sword or dagger
- - A wand } Missile arm (Bow, X-bow, sling)
- / A pole-arm ~ Misc
- = A ring , Food
- s A skeleton
- The Dungeons of Moria Page 11
- Creatures
- a Giant Ant A Giant Ant Lion
- b Giant Bat B The Balrog
- c Giant Centipede C Gelatinous Cube
- d Dragon D Ancient Dragon
- e Floating Eye E Elemental
- f Giant Frog F Fly
- g Golem G Ghost
- h Harpy H Hobgoblin
- i Icky-Thing I
- j Jackal J Jelly
- k Kobold K Killer Beetle
- l Giant Louse L Lich
- m Mold M Mummy
- n Naga N
- o Orc or Ogre O Ooze
- p Human(oid) P Giant Human(oid)
- q Quasit Q Quylthulg
- r Rodent R Reptile
- s Skeleton S Scorpion
- t Giant Tick T Troll
- u U Umber Hulk
- v V Vampire
- w Worm or Worm Mass W Wight or Wraith.
- x X Xorn
- y Yeek Y Yeti
- z Zombie Z
- $ Creeping Coins , Mushroom Patch
- 5. Commands
- All commands are entered by pressing a single key. Some commands
- are capital or control characters, which require you to hold down
- the shift or control key while pressing another key. As a spe-
- cial feature, control keys may be entered in a single stroke, or
- in two strokes, with a `^' character first.
- There are two command sets: the original command set which is the
- default, and the rogue like command set. The rogue like command
- is generally more convenient, especially if you don't have a
- keypad.
- The following tables summarize the two command sets. Certain
- commands may be preceded by an optional count, and certain com-
- mands must be followed by a direction. These conditions are
- indicated in the tables by `@' for an optional count, and `~' for
- a direction. If a particular command requires additional key
- strokes, then they will be prompted for.
- The Dungeons of Moria Page 12
- Original command summary.
- a Aim and fire a wand @ B ~ Bash (object/creature)
- b Browse a book C Change name
- c ~ Close a door @ D ~ Disarm a trap/chest
- d Drop an item E Eat some food
- e Equipment list F Fill lamp with oil
- f Fire/Throw an item G Gain new magic spells
- i Inventory list L Locate with map
- @ j ~ Jam a door with spike M Map shown reduced size
- l ~ Look given direction @ R Rest for a period
- m Magic spell casting S Search Mode
- @ o ~ Open a door/chest @ T ~ Tunnel in a direction
- p Pray V View scoreboard
- q Quaff a potion = Set options
- r Read a scroll ? Command quick reference
- @ s Search for trap or door { Inscribe an object
- t Take off an item @ - ~ Move without pickup
- u Use a staff . ~ Run in direction
- v Version, credits and manual / Identify a character
- w Wear/Wield an item CTRL-K Quit the game
- x Exchange weapon @ CTRL-P Repeat the last message
- < Go up an up staircase CTRL-X Save character and quit
- > Go down a down staircase @ ~ for movement
- Rogue like command summary.
- c ~ Close a door C Character description
- d Drop an item @ D ~ Disarm a trap/chest
- e Equipment list E Eat some food
- @ f ~ Force/bash item/monster F Fill lamp with oil
- i Inventory list G Gain new magic spells
- m magic spell casting M Map shown reduced size
- @ o ~ Open a door/chest P Peruse a book
- p Pray Q Quit the game
- q Quaff a potion @ R Rest for a period
- r Read a scroll @ S ~ Spike a door
- @ s Search for trap or door T Take off an item
- t Throw an item V View scores
- v Version, and manual W Where: locate self
- w Wear/Wield an item X Exchange weapon
- x ~ Examine surroundings Z Zap a staff
- z Zap a wand # Search Mode
- = Set options < Go up an up staircase
- / Identify a character > Go down a down stair
- @ CTRL-P Previous message review { Inscribe an object
- @ - ~ Move without pickup ? Type this page
- @ CTRL ~ Tunnel in a direction CTRL-X Save game and exit
- @ SHFT ~ Run in direction @ ~ for movement
- The Dungeons of Moria Page 13
- 5.1. Special keys.
- Certain commands may be entered at any time input is accepted.
- The special character control-R, entered as a single key stroke,
- will always refresh the screen. This may be used at any prompt
- for input, and is otherwise ignored.
- If you are playing on a UNIX or similar system, then there are
- some additional special characters used by moria. The special
- character control-C will interrupt moria, and ask if you really
- want to die and quit the game. If you choose not to die, moria
- merely continues as before, except that resting, running,
- repeated commands, etc will be terminated. You can suspend the
- game with control-Z, and return to the original command shell.
- In this case, moria is not terminated, and may be restarted at
- any time from the shell. Alternatively, the special command `!'
- is available to run any normal shell command. When it is com-
- plete, moria will restart.
- For many input requests or queries, the special character ESCAPE
- will abort the command. For the "-more-" message prompts, any of
- SPACE, ESCAPE, RETURN (control-m), or LINEFEED (control-j) can be
- used to continue after pausing to read the displayed message.
- It is possible to give control character commands in two key
- stroke, by typing a `^' followed by the appropriate letter of the
- alphabet. This is useful when running moria in circumstances
- where control characters are intercepted by some external pro-
- cess, or by the operating system.
- 5.2. Direction.
- For the original style command set, a direction is given by a
- digit which is in the appropriate orientation on your keypad.
- For the rogue like command set, a direction is given by one of
- the letters `hykulnjb'. Again, the relative position of the keys
- on the keyboard gives a clue as to the direction. The digit `5'
- for the original commands, and the period `.' for rogue like com-
- mands, is a null direction indicator. This is only allowed in a
- movement command (to stay in one place) or in a look command (to
- look in all directions).
- Original Directions
- | /
- 7 8 9
- - 4 6 -
- 1 2 3
- / |
- The Dungeons of Moria Page 14
- Rogue-like Directions
- | /
- y k u
- - h l -
- b j n
- / |
- Movement is accomplished by specifying a direction immediately.
- Simply press the appropriate key and you character will move one
- step in that direction. You can only move onto and through floor
- spots, and only if they contain no creatures or obstructing
- objects such as a closed door.
- Other commands that require a direction will prompt for it.
- Moving your character one step at a time can be time consuming
- and boring, so a faster method has been supplied. For the origi-
- nal style command set, by using the Run command `.', you may move
- in a direction until something interesting happens. For
- instance, by pressing the period key `.' followed by the direc-
- tion 8, your character would continue to move up the screen, only
- coming to a stop after at least one condition is satisfied. For
- the rogue like command set, typing a shifted directional letter
- will move you in that direction until something interesting hap-
- pens. The stopping conditions are described more completely in
- the run command description below.
- 5.3. Command counts.
- Some commands can be executed a fixed number of times by preced-
- ing them with a count. Counted commands will execute until the
- count expires, or until you type any character, or until some-
- thing significant happens, such as being attacked. Thus, a
- counted command doesn't work to attack another creature. While
- the command is being repeated, the number of times left to be
- repeated will flash by on the command line at the bottom of the
- screen.
- To give a count to a command in the rogue like mode, type the
- number in digits, then the command. A count of zero defaults to
- a count of 99.
- To give a count to a command in the original mode, type a `#',
- followed by the digits. To count a movement command (which is
- itself a digit), type a space after the number, and you will then
- be prompted for the command.
- Counted commands are very useful for searching or tunneling, as
- The Dungeons of Moria Page 15
- they automatically terminate on success, or if you are attacked.
- You may also terminate a counted command, or a Run command, by
- typing any character. This character is ignored, but it is
- safest to use a SPACE or ESCAPE which are always ignored as com-
- mands.
- 5.4. Selection of objects.
- Many commands will also prompt for a particular object to be
- used. For example, the command to read a scroll will ask you
- which of the scrolls that you are carrying that you wish to read.
- In such cases, the selection is made by typing a letter of the
- alphabet. The prompt will indicate the possible letters, and
- will also allow you to type the key `*', which causes all of the
- available options to be described.
- The particular object may be selected by an upper case or a lower
- case letter. If lower case is used, the selection takes place
- immediately. If upper case is used, then the particular option
- is described, and you are given the option of confirming or
- retracting that choice. Upper case selection is thus safer, but
- requires an extra key stroke.
- 5.5. Command descriptions
- In the following command descriptions, the original style key is
- given. If the rogue like key for that command is different, then
- it will be shown inside the braces following the command name.
- B <Dir> - Bash. {f - force}
- The bash command includes breaking open doors and chests, or
- bashing an opponent. Your bashing ability increases with
- weight and strength. In addition, when bashing an opponent,
- you will either perform a body bash, or, if wielding a
- shield, perform a shield bash which is more effective.
- Bashing a door can throw you off balance, but this will not
- generally be a problem. Doors that have been jammed closed
- with spikes can only be opened by bashing. Locked doors may
- also be bashed open. Bashing a door open will permanently
- break it.
- Bashing a creature affects both you and the opponent.
- Depending on your dexterity, you may or may not be thrown
- off balance allowing free moves to your opponent. If the
- bash is successful, your opponent may be thrown off balance,
- thus giving you some free hits or a chance to run. Huge
- creatures such as ancient dragons will be difficult or
- impossible to bash successfully.
- A player automatically performs a shield bash instead of a
- body bash, if he is currently wearing a shield. A shield
- The Dungeons of Moria Page 16
- bash adds the damage of a shield to that of the bash, so it
- is more effective. Size and material both affect the damage
- that a shield will do.
- You can apply a count to this command, but if you are thrown
- off balance, the count will be reset straight away.
- C - Print character (to screen or file).
- This command allows the player to either display his charac-
- ter on the terminal screen, or to print an entire character
- info listing to a file. The character's history, equipment,
- and inventory list are also included if you chose to print
- it to a file.
- D <Dir> - Disarm a trap.
- You can attempt to disarm floor traps, or trapped chests.
- If you fail to disarm a trap, there is a chance that you
- blunder and set it off. You can only disarm a trap on a
- chest after finding it with the search command. This com-
- mand can have a count.
- E - Eat some food.
- A character must eat occasionally to remain effective. As a
- character grows hungry, a message will appear at the bottom
- of the screen saying "Hungry". If a character remains
- hungry long enough, he will become weak and eventually start
- fainting. Eventually, you will die of starvation if you do
- not eat.
- F - Fill a lamp or lantern with oil.
- If your character is currently using a lamp for light, and
- if he has a flask of oil in inventory, he may refill the
- lamp by using this command. A lamp is capable of a maximum
- of 15000 turns of light, and each flask has 7500 turns of
- oil contained in it.
- G - Gain new spells.
- To actually learn new spells, you must use this command.
- When you are able to learn some spells, the word "Study"
- will appear on the status line at the bottom of the screen.
- Mages, rogues, and rangers must have the magic books con-
- taining new spells to be able to learn them. Priests and
- Paladins are given their prayers by their gods, and hence do
- not need a holy book before learning the spells in it.
- L - Location on map. {W - where}
- The location command allows you to look at all parts of the
- current dungeon level. The displayed view of the dungeon is
- shifted to bring your current position as close to the
- center as possible. You may then shift the displayed map in
- any of the eight possible directions. Each shift moves your
- view point by one half screen. The top line displays a map
- section number, each map section having a height and width
- one half that of the display, and indicates the direction of
- The Dungeons of Moria Page 17
- the display from your current position. If you exit this
- command while you are not on the display, then the display
- is centered again.
- M - Map shown reduced size.
- This command will show the entire map, reduced by a factor
- of nine, on the screen. Since nine places map into every
- character on the screen, only the major dungeon features
- will be visible. This is especially useful for finding
- where the stairs are in relation to your current position.
- It is also useful for identifying unexplored areas.
- R - Rest for a number of turns.
- You may rest one turn with the null movement command. Rest-
- ing for longer periods of time is accomplished by using the
- Rest command, followed by the number of turns you want to
- rest your character. Resting will continue until the speci-
- fied duration has expired, or something to wake the charac-
- ter happens, such as a creature wandering by, or getting
- hungry, or some disability like blindness expiring. It is
- sometimes a good idea to rest a beat up character until he
- regains some of his hit points, but be sure to have plenty
- of food if you rest often.
- If you have accidentally entered in a rest period too large,
- or change your mind about the resting period, you may wake
- your character up by typing any character. Space is best,
- since if the rest ends just before the character is typed,
- the space is ignored as a command.
- It is also possible to rest by typing the count first, and
- using either the Rest or the null movement command.
- If you type `*' for the rest count, your character will rest
- until both hp and mana reach their maximum values. As
- above, you will immediately stop resting if anything
- interesting happens.
- S - Search mode toggle. {#}
- The Searching toggle will take you into and out of search
- mode. When first pressed, the message "Searching" will
- appear at the bottom of the screen. You are now taking two
- turns for each command, one for the command and one turn to
- search. This means that you are taking twice the time to
- move about the dungeon, and therefore twice the food. If a
- creature should happen by or attack you, search mode will
- automatically shut off. You may also turn off search mode
- by again pressing the `S' {or #} key.
- T <Dir> - Tunnel through rock. {control-<Dir>}
- Tunneling (Mining) is a very useful art. There are four
- kinds of rock present in the dungeons of moria: Permanent
- Rock, Granite Rock, Magma Intrusion, and Quartz Veins. Per-
- manent Rock is exactly that, permanent. Granite is very
- The Dungeons of Moria Page 18
- hard, therefore hard to dig through, and contains no valu-
- able metals. Magma and Quartz veins are softer and some-
- times bear valuable metals and gems, shown as a `$' or a `*'
- character. You can tell if the metal or gems are embedded
- into the wall by trying to move onto them. If you can't
- move over them, you'll have to dig them out. There is an
- option which causes magma and quartz to be displayed dif-
- ferently than other rock types.
- Tunneling can be VERY difficult by hand, so when you dig be
- sure to wield either a shovel or a pick. Magical shovels
- and picks can be found which allow the wielder to dig much
- faster than normal, and a good strength also helps.
- Tunneling can have a count.
- V - View scoreboard.
- This command will display the contents of the score board on
- the screen. On a multiuser system, typing `V' again will
- show only those scores from the score board that are yours.
- a <Dir> - Aim a wand. {z - zap}
- Wands must be aimed in a direction to be used. Wands are
- magical devices and therefore use the Magical Devices abil-
- ity of the player. They will either affect the first
- object/creature encountered, or affect anything in a given
- direction, depending upon the wand. An obstruction such as
- door or wall will generally stop the effects of a wand from
- traveling further.
- b - Browse a book. {P - peruse}
- You can only read a book if you are of its realm. Therefore
- a magic user could read a magic book, but not a holy book.
- Warriors will not be able to read either kind of book. When
- the browse command is used, all of the spells or prayers
- contained therein are displayed, along with information such
- as their level, the amount of mana used up in casting them,
- and whether or not you know the spell or prayer. There are
- a total of 31 different magical spells in four books, and 31
- different prayers in four books.
- c <Dir> - Close a door.
- Nonintelligent and certain other creatures will not be able
- to open a door. Therefore shutting doors can be a life
- saver. You must be adjacent to an open door, and you cannot
- close broken doors. Bashing a door open will break it.
- d - Drop an object from your inventory.
- You can drop an object onto the floor beneath you if that
- floor spot does not already contain an object. Doors and
- traps are considered objects in this sense. If you have
- several objects of the same kind, you will be prompted for
- dropping one or all of them. It is possible to directly
- drop things which you are wielding or wearing.
- The Dungeons of Moria Page 19
- e - Display a list of equipment being used.
- Use the Equipment command to display a list of objects
- currently being used by your character. Each object has a
- specific place where it is placed, and that only one object
- of each type may be used at any one time, excepting rings of
- which two can be worn, one on each hand.
- f <Dir> - Fire/Throw an object/use a missile weapon. {t - throw}
- You may throw any object carried by your character. Depend-
- ing upon the weight of an object, it may travel across a
- room or drop down beside you. If you throw an object such
- as an arrow, only one will be used at a time.
- If you throw at a creature, your chance of hitting the
- creature is determined by your pluses to hit, your ability
- at throwing, and the object's pluses to hit. Once the
- creature is hit, the object may or may not do any actual
- damage to it. Certain objects in the dungeon can do great
- amounts of damage when thrown, but it's for you to figure
- out the obscure ones. Oil flasks are considered to be lit
- before thrown, therefore they will do fire damage to a
- creature if they hit it.
- To use a bow with arrows, simply wield the bow and throw the
- arrows. Extra pluses to damage and hitting are gained by
- wielding the proper weapon and throwing the corresponding
- ammo. A heavy crossbow with bolts for example, is a
- killer...
- i - Display a list of objects being carried.
- This command displays a list of all objects being carried,
- but not currently in use. You may carry up to 22 different
- kinds of objects, not including those in your equipment
- list. Depending upon your strength, you will be able carry
- many identical objects before hitting your weight limit.
- j <Dir> - Jam a door with an iron spike. {S - spike}
- Most humanoid and many intelligent creatures can simply open
- a closed door, and can eventually get through a locked door.
- Therefore you may spike a door in order to jam it. Each
- spike used on a door will increase its strength, although
- the more spikes you add, the less effect each additional
- spike has. It is very easy to jam a door so much as to make
- it impossible for your character to bash it down, so spike
- doors wisely. The bigger a creature is, the easier it can
- bash a door down. Therefore twenty or more spikes might be
- necessary to slow down a dragon, where one spike would slow
- down a kobold. This command can be counted.
- l <Dir> - Look in a direction. {x - examine}
- The Look command is useful in identifying the exact type of
- object or creature shown on the screen. Also, if a creature
- is on top of an object, the look command will describe both.
- You can see creatures and objects up to 200 feet away (20
- The Dungeons of Moria Page 20
- spaces). You may freely use the Look command without the
- creatures getting a move on you.
- Looking in a particular direction sees everything within a
- cone of vision which just overlaps the cones of the two
- adjacent directions. Looking with the null direction `5'
- (or `.') sees everything which there is to be seen.
- You are also able to access you monster memories with this
- command. If you see a creature, you are prompted to ask if
- you wish to see a short paragraph of information about your
- experiences with that creature. See also the section on
- being attacked.
- m - Cast a magic spell.
- To cast a spell, a character must have previously learned
- it, and must also have in the inventory a magical book from
- which the spell may be read. Each spell has a chance of
- failure which starts out fairly large but decreases as a
- character gains levels. If a character does not have enough
- mana, the chance of failure is greatly increased, and he
- gambles on losing a point of constitution. You will be
- prompted for confirmation before trying to cast a spell when
- you don't have enough mana. Since a character must read the
- spell from a book, he cannot be blind or confused when cast-
- ing a spell, and there must be some light present.
- o <Dir> - Open a door, chest, or lock.
- To open an object such as a door or chest you must use the
- Open command. If the object is locked, the Open command
- will attempt to pick the lock, based on your ability at
- disarming. If an object is trapped and you open it, the
- trap will be set off. This command can be counted, you may
- need several tries to get it open.
- p - Read a prayer.
- To pay effectively, a character must have learned the
- prayer, and must also have in the inventory a holy book from
- which the prayer may be read. Each prayer has a chance of
- being ignored which starts out fairly large but decreases as
- a character gains levels. If a character does not have
- enough mana, the chance of failure is greatly increased, and
- he gambles on losing a point of constitution. You will be
- prompted for confirmation before trying to pray when you
- don't have enough mana. Since a character must read the
- prayer from a book, he cannot be blind or confused when
- praying, and there must be some light present.
- q - Quaff a potion.
- To drink a potion use the Quaff command. A potion affects
- the player in some manner. The effects of the potion may be
- immediately noticed, or they may be subtle and unnoticed.
- r - Read a scroll.
- The Dungeons of Moria Page 21
- To read a scroll use the Read command. A scroll spell has
- an area affect, except in a few cases such as identify
- scrolls which act on other objects. Two scrolls, the iden-
- tify scroll and the recharge scroll, have titles which can
- be read without setting them off, and by pressing ESCAPE can
- be saved for future use.
- s - Search general area one turn.
- The Search command can be used to locate hidden traps and
- secret doors about the player. More than a single turn of
- searching will be required in most cases. You should always
- search a chest before trying to open it because they are
- generally trapped. This command can be counted, which is
- useful if you are really sure of finding something eventu-
- ally. A counted search ends as soon as anything is found.
- t - Take off a piece of equipment. {T}
- Use the Take Off command to remove an object from use, and
- return it to your inventory. Occasionally you will run into
- a cursed item which cannot be removed. Cursed items are
- always bad, and can only be taken off after removing the
- curse.
- u - Use a staff. {Z - Zap}
- The Use command will activate a staff. Like scrolls, most
- staffs have an area affect. Because staffs are generally
- more powerful than most other items, they are also harder to
- use correctly.
- v - Display current version of game.
- The Version command displays the credits for the current
- version of moria.
- w - Wear or wield an item being carried.
- To wear or wield an object in your inventory, use the
- Wear/Wield command. If an object is already in use for the
- same function, it is automatically removed first. An
- object's bonuses cannot be gained until it is worn or
- wielded.
- x - Exchange primary and secondary weapons. {X}
- A secondary weapon is any weapon which may be needed often.
- Instead of searching through your inventory, you may use the
- exchange command to keep the weapon ready. For instance, if
- you wanted to use your bow most of the time, but needed a
- sword for close combat, you could wield your sword, use the
- exchange command to make it the secondary weapon, then wield
- your bow. If the sword was suddenly needed, simply use the
- exchange command to switch between the bow and the sword.
- / - Identify a character shown on screen.
- Use the identify command to find out what a character
- displayed on the screen stands for. For instance, by press-
- ing `/.', you can find out that the `.' stands for a floor
- The Dungeons of Moria Page 22
- spot. When used with a creature, the identify command will
- tell you only what class of creature the symbol stands for,
- not the specific creature, therefore use the look command
- for this information.
- If you identify the character for a creature in your monster
- memory, you are also prompted to ask if you wish to see a
- paragraph of information on those creatures identified by
- the given character. Several creatures may be identified in
- this way. Typing ESCAPE after the paragraph for any
- creature will abort back to command level. See also the
- section on being attacked.
- ? - Display a list of commands.
- The ? command displays a quick reference help page on the
- screen.
- - - Move without pickup.
- This is followed by a move command, and causes you to move
- over any object without picking it up. You can associate a
- count with this command.
- = - Set options.
- This is a free move, to set various moria options. The
- available options are:
- (1) Cut known corners when running. This is on by default, and
- the only reason for switching it off would be if you had the
- search flag on and wished to look for doors in the extremity
- of every corner.
- (2) Examine potential corners when running. This is on by
- default, and allows you to run along an unknown curving cor-
- ridor. If, however, you are running from a creature, and
- wish to stop at an unknown corner to make a considered deci-
- sion, then you may wish to switch this option off.
- (3) Print self during a run. This is off by default, which
- gives faster screen updating.
- (4) Stop when map sector changes. This is off by default, but
- can be switched on if you wish to stop running whenever a
- new part of the dungeon appears in view.
- (5) Treat open doors as empty space while running. This is off
- by default, in which case you stop when ever you run up to
- an open door.
- (6) Prompt to pick up objects. This is off by default, in which
- case stepping over an object automatically causes you to
- pick it up. With the option on, you get prompted in all
- such cases with a description of the object to see if you
- really want to take it.
- The Dungeons of Moria Page 23
- (7) Rogue like command set. This option controls the command
- set in use. It is off by default.
- (8) Show weights in inventory. This is off by default: switch-
- ing it on causes the inventory and equipment listings to
- include the weight of all objects. This may be useful to
- know if your pack is getting too heavy.
- (9) Highlight mineral seams. This is off by default. Switching
- it on causes quartz and magma to be displayed as `%' instead
- of `#'. This is handy when mining. Setting this option
- does not immediately highlight all minerals, but only those
- which are subsequently displayed. To display all minerals,
- just move the map around a bit with the `Where' (or
- `Locate') command.
- (10)Beep for invalid character. This is on by default. When
- on, the program will beep for most invalid characters, such
- as trying to choose a spell that you haven't learned yet.
- When off, there are no such beeps.
- (11)Display rest/repeat counts. This is on by default. When
- on, the program will progessively display the remaining
- turns left while resting, and for repeated commands. For
- those trying to play over a 2400 bps or less connection, or
- for those playing on very slow microcomputers, turning this
- off will make resting and repeated commands work much fas-
- ter.
- The setting of all these options persist in your savefile,
- even after you die.
- ^P - Previous message.
- The Control-P command will redisplay the last message
- printed on the message line at the top of your screen. A
- second such command will display all of the saved messages.
- You may also give this command a count to specify the number
- of previous messages to display. At present, only 22 mes-
- sages are saved.
- ^K - Quit the game without saving. {Q}
- To exit the game without saving your character (i.e. kill
- him/her) use the Control-K command. Once exited in this
- manner, your character is nonrecoverable.
- ^X - Save your character and exit the game.
- To save your game so that it can be restarted later, use the
- Control-X command. Save files will also be generated if the
- game crashes due to a system error. When you die, a reduced
- save file is produced containing only your monster memory,
- and your option settings.
- { - Inscribe an object.
- This command can be used to inscribe any short string on an
- The Dungeons of Moria Page 24
- object. Inscriptions are limited to twelve characters. The
- inscription applies only to the particular object, it is not
- automatically transferred to all similar objects. Under
- certain circumstances, moria will itself inscribe objects:
- if they have been discovered to be cursed or enchanted, or
- if they have been sampled without being identified. In this
- last case, moria does in fact carefully inscribe every such
- item.
- ! - Shell out of game.
- Use the Shell command `!' to temporarily exit the game to
- execute UNIX or MSDOS commands. You may reenter the game by
- typing exit to end the spawned process. This is not imple-
- mented in the Macintosh version.
- < - Go up an up staircase.
- If you move onto an up staircase you may use the `<' command
- to go up one level. There is always one staircase going up
- on every level except for the town level (this does not mean
- it's easy to find). Going up a staircase will always take
- you to a new dungeon area except for the town level, which
- remains the same for the duration of your character.
- > - Go down a down staircase.
- If you are on top of a down staircase you may use the `>'
- command to go down one level. There are always two or three
- staircases going down on each level, except the town level
- which has only one. Going down will always take you to a
- new dungeon area.
- . <Dir> - Move in direction. {shift<Dir>}
- The Run command will move you in the indicated direction
- until either you have to make a choice as between two direc-
- tions, or something interesting happens. There are options
- which determine behaviour at corners, and at screen boun-
- daries. More precisely, the conditions which stop a run are
- as follows:
- (1) A creature appears on the screen, one already on the screen
- moves, or a creature attacks you or casts a spell at you.
- (2) You move next to an object, or a feature such as a door or
- trap.
- (3) You come to the end of open space, or the end of a passage,
- or a junction of passages, or a hole in a wall.
- (4) Corners are more complex. A corner allows a choice between
- adjacent rectangular and diagonal directions. If you can
- see walls which ensure that the diagonal gives a faster
- traversal, then action is determined by the "cut corners"
- options. If it is set, then you move diagonally through the
- corner. This gives you maximum speed (as is nice if you are
- fleeing a hidden creature). On the other hand, this option
- The Dungeons of Moria Page 25
- should not be set if you want more careful coverage (as when
- you are searching) so that you take two moves through the
- corner.
- (5) At a potential corner, where walls are not yet visible ahead
- of the rectangular direction, the "examine corners" option
- is considered. If set, you will move straight into the
- corner, which will light up all the corner and so determine
- where you can go from there. This allows you to follow
- corners in new passages. If the option is not set, you
- stop. This allows highly cautious running where you want to
- stop at all potential choice points.
- (6) If you move off the screen while running, then a new section
- of the dungeon is display and the run continues. However,
- if the "stop when map changes" option is set, you will stop.
- Again, this is an option for nervous players, after all,
- there may be a dragon on the new screen.
- (7) Anything typed during a run causes the run to stop. The
- character causing this to occur is ignored. It is best to
- use a space, which is ignored as a command, just in case the
- run stops just before you type the character.
- (8) Various changes of state, such as recovery from fear or loss
- of heroism, will stop a run.
- 6. The Town Level
- The town level is where you will begin your adventure. The town
- consists of six buildings each with an entrance, some towns peo-
- ple, and a wall which surrounds the town. The first time you are
- in town it will be daytime, but you may return to find that dark-
- ness has fallen. (Note that some spells may act differently in
- the town level.)
- 6.1. Townspeople
- The town contains many different kinds of people. There are the
- street urchins, young children who will mob an adventurer for
- money, and seem to come out of the woodwork when excited.
- Blubbering Idiots are a constant annoyance, but not harmful.
- Public drunks wander about the town singing, and are of no threat
- to anyone. Sneaky rogues hang about watching for a likely victim
- to mug. And finally, what town would be complete without a swarm
- of half drunk warriors, who take offense or become annoyed just
- for the fun of it.
- Most of the towns people should be avoided by the largest possi-
- ble distance when you wander from store to store. Fights will
- break out though, so be prepared. Since your character grew up
- in this world of intrigue, no experience is awarded for killing
- on the town level.
- The Dungeons of Moria Page 26
- 6.2. Supplies
- Your character will begin his adventure with some supplies
- already on him. Use the Inventory `i' command to check what
- these supplies are. It will be necessary to buy other supplies
- before continuing into the dungeon, however, so be sure to enter
- each of the stores.
- 6.3. Town Buildings
- You may enter any of the stores, if they are open, and barter
- with the owner for items you can afford. When bartering, you
- enter prices you will pay (or accept) for some object. You can
- either enter the absolute amount, or precede a number with a plus
- or minus sign to give a positive or negative increment on your
- previous offer. If you have previously given an increment or
- decrement amount, you can just type RETURN, and the program will
- use the last increment amount that you typed. But be warned that
- the owners can easily be insulted, and may even throw you out for
- a while if you insult them too often. To enter a store, simply
- move onto the entrance represented by the numbers 1 through 6.
- If you consistently bargain well in a store, that is, you reach
- the final offer much more often than not, then the store owner
- will eventually recognize that you are a superb haggler, and will
- go directly to the final offer instead of haggling with you.
- Items which cost less than 10 gold pieces do not count, as hag-
- gling well with these items is usually either very easy or almost
- impossible. Also, the store owner will always haggle for items
- costing more than 1000 gold pieces, because of the amount of
- money involved.
- Once inside a store, the store inventory will appear on the
- screen along with a set of options for your character. You may
- browse the store's inventory if it takes more than one page to
- display, and you may sell to, or purchase items from, his inven-
- tory. You can execute your inventory and equipment commands to
- see what you are carrying. Not shown with the options are the
- wear, take off, and exchange commands which will also work, but
- were excluded to keep the options simple.
- Stores do not always have everything in stock. As the game
- progresses, they may get new items so check from time to time.
- Also, if you sell them an item, it may get sold to a customer
- while you are adventuring, so don't always expect to be able to
- get back everything you have sold.
- Store owners will not buy harmful or useless items. If an object
- is unidentified, they will pay you some base price for it. Once
- they have bought it they will immediately identify the object.
- If it is a good object, they will add it to their inventory. If
- it was a bad bargain, they simply throw the item away. In any
- case, you may receive some knowledge of the item if another is
- The Dungeons of Moria Page 27
- encountered.
- The General Store
- The General Store sells foods, drinks, some clothing,
- torches, lamps, oil, shovels, picks, and spikes. All of
- these items, and some others, can be sold back to the Gen-
- eral store for money. The entrance to the General Store is
- a `1'.
- The Armory
- The Armory is where the town's armor is fashioned. All
- sorts of protective gear may be bought and sold here. The
- entrance to the Armory is a `2'.
- The Weaponsmith's Shop
- The Weaponsmith's Shop is where the town's weapons are
- fashioned. Hand and missile weapons may be purchased and
- sold here, along with arrows, bolts, and shots. The
- entrance to the Weaponsmith's is a `3'.
- The Temple
- The Temple deals in healing and restoration potions, as well
- as bless scrolls, word of recall scrolls, some approved pri-
- estly weapons, etc. The entrance to the Temple is a `4'.
- The Alchemy shop
- The Alchemy Shop deals in all manner of potions and scrolls.
- The entrance to the Alchemy Shop is a `5'.
- The Magic User's Shop
- The Magic User's Shop is the most expensive of all the
- stores. It deals in all sorts of rings, wands, amulets, and
- staves. The entrance to the Magic Shop is a `6'.
- 7. Within The Dungeon
- Once your character is adequately supplied with food, light,
- armor, and weapons, he is ready to enter the dungeon. Move on
- top of the `>' symbol and use the down `>' command. Your charac-
- ter enters a maze of interconnecting staircases and finally
- passes through a one-way door. He is now on the first level of
- the dungeon (50 feet), and must survive many horrible and chal-
- lenging encounters to find the treasure lying about.
- There are two sources for light once inside the dungeon. Per-
- manent light which has been magically placed within rooms, and a
- light source carried by the player. If neither is present, the
- character will be unable to map or see any attackers. Lack of
- light will also affect searching, picking locks, and disarming.
- A character must wield a torch or lamp in order to supply his own
- light. Once a torch or lamp has only 50 or less turns left
- before burning out, the message "Your light is growing faint"
- The Dungeons of Moria Page 28
- will be displayed at random intervals. Once a torch is burnt
- out, it is useless and can be dropped. A lamp or lantern can be
- refilled with oil by using the Fill `F' command. You must of
- course be carrying extra oil to refill a lantern.
- 8. Attacking and Being Attacked
- Attacking is simple in moria. If you move into a creature, you
- attack him. You can attack from a distance by firing a missile,
- or by magical means such as aiming a wand. Creatures attack in
- the same way, if they move into you, they attack you. Some
- creatures can also cast spells from a distance, and others can
- breathe fire or worse on you from a distance.
- Creatures moving in walls can not be attacked by wands and other
- magic attacks normally stopped by walls. You can attack a
- creature in a wall normally though by trying to move into the
- wall space containing the creature. However, in order to attack
- an invisible creature in a wall, you must tunnel into the wall
- containing the creature. If you just try to move into the wall,
- you will bump your head and look quite silly.
- If you are wielding a weapon, the damage for the weapon is used
- when you hit a creature. Otherwise you get two fist strikes.
- Very strong creatures can do a lot of damage with their fists...
- You may have a primary weapon, and a secondary weapon which is
- kept on your belt or shoulder for immediate use. You can switch
- between your primary and secondary weapons with the exchange com-
- mand. Be sure to wield the proper weapon when fighting. Hitting
- a dragon over the head with a bow will simply make him mad, and
- get you killed.
- Missile weapons, such as bows, can be wielded, and then the
- proper missile, in this case an arrow, can be fired across the
- room into a target. Missiles can be used without the proper mis-
- sile weapon, but used together they have a greater range and do
- far more damage.
- Hits and misses are determined by ability to hit versus armor
- class. A hit is a strike that does some damage; a miss may in
- fact reach a target, but fails to do any damage. Higher armor
- classes make it harder to do damage, and so lead to more misses.
- 8.1. Monster Memories.
- There are hundreds of different creatures in the mines of moria,
- many of which look the same on the screen. The exact species of
- a creature can be discovered by looking at it. It is also very
- difficult to keep track of the capabilities of various creatures.
- Rather than forcing you to keep notes, moria automatically keeps
- track of your experiences with a particular creature. This is
- called the monster memory. You monster memory recalls the
- The Dungeons of Moria Page 29
- particular attacks of each creature (whether or not technically a
- monster) which you have suffered, as well as recalling if you
- have observed them to multiply or move erratically, or drop
- treasure, or many other attributes.
- If you have killed enough of a particular creature, or suffered
- enough attacks, recalling the monster memory may also provide you
- with information not otherwise available, such as a armor class
- or hit dice. These are not explained, but may be useful to give
- the relative danger of each creature. This memory can be passed
- on to a new character even after you die, by means of a reduced
- save file.
- 8.2. Your Weapon
- Carrying a weapon in your backpack does you no good. You must
- wield a weapon before it can be used in a fight. A secondary
- weapon can be kept by wielding it and then using the exchange
- command. A secondary weapon is not in use, simply ready to be
- switched with the current weapon if needed.
- Weapons have two main characteristics, their ability to hit and
- their ability to do damage, expressed as `(+#,+#)'. A normal
- weapon would be `(+0,+0)'. Many weapons in moria have magical
- bonuses to hit and/or do damage. Some weapons are cursed, and
- have penalties that hurt the player. Cursed weapons cannot be
- unwielded until the curse is lifted.
- Moria assumes that your youth in the rough environment near the
- dungeons has taught you the relative merits of different weapons,
- and displays as part of their description the damage dice which
- define their capabilities. The ability to damage is added to the
- dice roll for that weapon. The dice used for a given weapon is
- displayed as `#d#'. The first number indicates how many dice to
- roll, and the second indicates how many sides they have. A "2d6"
- weapon will give damage from 2 to 12, plus any damage bonus. The
- weight of a weapon is also a consideration. Heavy weapons may
- hit harder, but they are also harder to use. Depending on your
- strength and the weight of the weapon, you may get several hits
- in one turn.
- Missile booster weapons, such as bows, have their characteristics
- added to those of the missile used, if the proper weapon/missile
- combination is used. Also, these weapons will multiply the base
- damage of the missile by a number from 2 to 4, depending on the
- strength of the weapon. This multiplier is displayed as `(*#)'.
- Although you receive any magical bonuses an unidentified weapon
- may possess when you wield it, those bonuses will not be added in
- to the displayed values of to-hit and to-dam on your character
- sheet. You must identify the weapon before the displayed values
- reflect the real values used.
- The Dungeons of Moria Page 30
- Finally, some rare weapons have special abilities. These are
- called ego weapons, and are feared by great and meek. An ego
- sword must be wielded to receive benefit of its abilities.
- Special weapons are denoted by the following abbreviations:
- DF - Defender.
- A magical weapon that actually helps the wielder defend him-
- self, thus increasing his/her armor class, and protecting
- him/her against damage from fire, frost, acid, lightning,
- and falls. This weapon also will increase your stealth, let
- you see invisible creatures, protect you from paralyzation
- attacks, and help you regenerate hit points and mana faster.
- As a result of the regerenation ability, you will use up
- food faster than normal while wielding such a weapon.
- FB - Frost Brand.
- A magical weapon of ice that delivers a cold critical to
- heat based creatures. It will inflict one and a half times
- the normal damage when used against a heat based creature.
- FT - Flame Tongue.
- A magical weapon of flame that delivers a heat critical to
- cold based creatures. It will inflict one and a half times
- the normal damage when used against cold based or inflamm-
- able creatures.
- HA - Holy Avenger.
- A Holy Avenger is one of the most powerful of weapons. A
- Holy Avenger will increase your strength and your armor
- class. This weapon will do extra damage when used against
- evil and undead creatures, and will also give you the abil-
- ity to see invisible creatures.
- SD - Slay Dragon.
- A Slay Dragon weapon is a special purpose weapon whose sole
- intent is to destroy dragon-kind. Therefore, when used
- against a dragon, the amount of damage done is four times
- the normal amount.
- SE - Slay Evil.
- A Slay Evil weapon is a special purpose weapon whose sole
- intent is to destroy all forms of evil. When used against
- an evil creature, either alive or undead, the damage done
- twice the normal amount.
- SM - Slay Animal.
- A Slay Animal weapon is a special purpose weapon whose sole
- intent is to destroy all the dangerous animals in the world.
- An animal is any creature natural to the world. Therefore
- an orc would not be an animal, but a giant snake would be.
- This will inflict twice the normal amount of damage when
- used against an animal.
- The Dungeons of Moria Page 31
- SU - Slay Undead.
- A Slay Undead weapon is a special purpose weapon whose sole
- intent is to destroy all forms of undead. This weapon is
- hated and feared by the intelligent undead, for a single
- blow from this weapon will inflict three times the normal
- amount of damage. This weapon also gives you the ability to
- see invisible creatures, which is especially useful against
- undead, since many of them are normally invisible.
- 8.3. Body and Shield Bashes
- Weight is the primary factor in being able to bash something, but
- strength plays a role too. After bashing, a character may be off
- balance for several rounds depending upon his dexterity.
- Doors can be broken down by bashing them. Once a door is bashed
- open, it is forever useless and cannot be closed.
- Chests too may be bashed open, but be warned that the careless
- smashing of a chest often ruins the contents. Bashing open a
- chest will not disarm any traps it may contain, but does allow
- the strong and ignorant to see what is inside.
- Finally, a creature may be bashed. If a shield is currently
- being worn, the bash is a shield bash and will do more damage.
- In either case, a bash may throw an opponent off balance for a
- number of rounds, allowing a player to get in a free hit or more.
- If the player is thrown off balance, his opponent may get free
- hits on him. This is a risky attack.
- 8.4. Your Armor Class
- Armor class is a number that describes the amount and the quality
- of armor being worn. Armor class will generally run from about 0
- to 60, but could become negative or greater than 60 in rare
- cases.
- The larger your armor class, the more protective it is. A nega-
- tive armor class would actually help get you hit. Armor protects
- you in three manners. One, it makes you harder to be hit for
- damage. A hit for no damage is the same as a miss. Two, good
- armor will absorb some of the damage that your character would
- have taken. An armor class of 30 would absorb 15% of any damage
- meant for him. Three, acid damage is reduced by wearing body
- armor. It is obvious that a high armor class is a must for sur-
- viving the lower levels of moria.
- Each piece of armor has an armor class adjustment, and a magical
- bonus. Armor bought in town will have these values displayed
- with their description. Armor that is found within the dungeon
- must be identified before these values will be displayed. All
- armor always has the base armor class displayed, to which the
- The Dungeons of Moria Page 32
- bonus is added. It is always possible to figure this out anyway,
- by watching the effect it has on your displayed armor class.
- Armor class values are always displayed between a set of brackets
- as `[#]' or `[#,+#]'. The first value is the armor class of the
- item. The second number is the magical bonus of the item which
- is only displayed if known, and will always have a sign preceding
- the value. There are a few cases where the form `[+#]' is used,
- meaning the object has no armor class, only a magical armor bonus
- if worn.
- Some pieces of armor will possess special abilities denoted by
- the following abbreviations:
- RA - Resist Acid.
- A character using such an object will take only one third
- normal damage from any acid thrown upon him. In addition,
- armor so enchanted will resist the acid's effects and not be
- damaged by it.
- RC - Resist Cold.
- A character using a resist cold object will take only one
- third damage from frost and cold.
- RF - Resist Fire.
- A character using a resist fire object will take only one
- third damage from heat and fire.
- RL - Resist Lightning.
- A character using a resist lightning object will take only
- one third damage from electrical attacks.
- R - Resistance.
- A character wearing armor with this ability will have resis-
- tance to Acid, Cold, Fire, and Lightning as explained in
- each part above.
- 8.5. Crowns
- Some crowns also have special magical abilities that improve your
- chances in a battle.
- Crown of Might
- This is the great crown of the warriors. The wearer will
- have an increased strength, dexterity, and constituion, and
- will also be immune to any foe's attempt to slow or paralyze
- him or her.
- Crown of the Magi
- This is the great crown of the wizards. The wearer will
- have an increased intelligence, and will also be given
- resistance against fire, frost, acid, and lightning.
- The Dungeons of Moria Page 33
- Crown of Lordliness
- This is the great crown of the priests. The wearer will
- have an increased wisdom and charisma.
- Crown of Seeing
- This is the great crown of the rogues. The wearer will be
- able to see even invisible creatures, and will have an
- increased ability to locate traps and secret doors.
- Crown of Regeneration
- This crown will help you regenerate hit points and mana more
- quickly than normal, allowing you to fight longer before
- needing to rest. You will use of food faster than normal
- while wearing this crown because of the regenerative
- effects.
- Crown of Beauty
- This crown looks impressive, and will increase your
- charisma, but is otherwise not useful.
- 9. Objects Found In The Dungeon
- The mines are full of objects just waiting to be picked up and
- used. How did they get there? Well, the main source for useful
- items are all the foolish adventurers that proceeded into the
- dungeon before you. They get killed, and the helpful creatures
- scatter the various treasure throughout the dungeon. Most cursed
- items are placed there by the joyful evil sorcerers, who enjoy a
- good joke when it gets you killed.
- You pick up objects by moving on top of them. You can carry up
- to 22 different items in your backpack while wearing and wielding
- many others. Although you are limited to 22 different items, you
- may be carrying several items of each kind restricted only by the
- amount of weight your character can carry. Your weight limit is
- determined by your strength. Only one object may occupy a given
- floor location, which may or may not also contain one creature.
- Doors, traps, and staircases are considered objects for this pur-
- pose.
- If you try to carry more weight than your limit, you will move
- more slowly than normal until you drop the extra weight. If
- picking up an object would take you over your weight limit, then
- you will be asked whether you really want to pick it up. It is a
- good idea to leave the object alone if you are fleeing from a
- monster.
- Many objects found within the dungeon have special commands for
- their use. Wands must be Aimed, staves must be Used, scrolls
- must be Read, and potions must be Quaffed. In any case, you must
- first be able to carry an object before you can use it. Some
- objects, such as chests, are very complex. Chests contain other
- objects and may be trapped, and/or locked. Read the list of
- The Dungeons of Moria Page 34
- player commands carefully for a further understanding of chests.
- One item in particular will be discussed here. The scroll of
- "Word of Recall" can be found within the dungeon, or bought at
- the temple in town. It acts in two manners, depending upon your
- current location. If read within the dungeon, it will teleport
- you back to town. If read in town, it will teleport you back
- down to the deepest level of the dungeon one which your character
- has previously been. This makes the scroll very useful for get-
- ting back to the deeper levels of moria. Once the scroll has
- been read it takes a while for the spell to act, so don't expect
- it to save you in a crisis.
- The game provides some automatic inscriptions to help you keep
- track of your possessions. Wands and staves which are known to
- be empty will be inscribed with "empty". Objects which have been
- tried at least once, but haven't been identified yet will be
- inscribed with "tried". Cursed objects are inscribed with
- "damned". Also, occasionally you will notice that something in
- your inventory or equipment list seems to be magical. High level
- characters are much more likely to notice this than beginning
- characters. When you do notice this, the item in question will
- be inscribed with "magik".
- And lastly, a final warning: not all objects are what they seem.
- Skeletons lying peacefully about the dungeon have been known to
- get up...
- 9.1. Cursed Objects
- Some objects, mainly armor and weapons, have had curses laid upon
- them. These horrible objects will look like any other normal
- item, but will detract from your character's stats or abilities
- if worn. They will also be impossible to remove until a remove
- curse is done.
- If you wear or wield a cursed item, you will immediately feel
- something wrong. The item will also be inscribed "damned".
- 9.2. Mining
- Much of the treasure within the dungeon can be found only by min-
- ing it out of the walls. Many rich strikes exist within each
- level, but must be found and mined. Quartz veins are the
- richest, yielding the most metals and gems, but magma veins will
- have some hordes hidden within.
- Mining is virtually impossible without a pick or shovel. Picks
- and shovels have an additional magical ability expressed as
- `(+#)'. The higher the number, the better the magical digging
- ability of the tool. A pick or shovel also has pluses to hit and
- damage, and can be used as a weapon.
- The Dungeons of Moria Page 35
- When a vein of quartz or magma is located, the character should
- wield his pick or shovel and begin digging out a section. When
- that section is removed, he should locate another section of the
- vein, and begin the process again. Since granite rock is much
- harder to dig through, it is much faster to follow the vein
- exactly and dig around the granite. There is an option for
- highlighting magma and quartz.
- If the character has a scroll or staff of treasure location, he
- can immediately locate all strikes of treasure within a vein
- shown on the screen. This makes mining much easier and more pro-
- fitable.
- It is sometimes possible to get a character trapped within the
- dungeon by using various magical spells and items. So it is a
- very good idea to always carry some kind of digging tool, even
- when you are not planning on tunneling for treasure.
- 9.3. Staircases, Secret Doors, Passages, and Rooms
- Staircases are the manner in which you get deeper, or climb out
- of the dungeon. The symbols for the up and down staircases are
- the same as the commands to use them. A `<' represents an up
- staircase and a `>' represents a down staircase. You must move
- your character over the staircase before you can use them.
- Each level has at least one up staircase, and at least two down
- staircases. There are no exceptions to this rule. You may have
- trouble finding some well hidden secret doors, but the stairs are
- there.
- Many secret doors are used within the dungeon to confuse and
- demoralize adventurers foolish enough to enter. But with some
- luck, and lots of concentration, you can find these secret doors.
- Secret doors will sometimes hide rooms or corridors, or even
- entire sections of that level of the dungeon. Sometimes they
- simply hide small empty closets or even dead ends.
- Creatures in the dungeon will generally know and use these secret
- doors. If they leave one open, you will be able to go right
- through it. If they close it behind them you will have to search
- for the catch first. Once a secret door has been discovered by
- you, it is drawn as a known door and no more searching will be
- required to use it.
- 10. Winning The Game
- Once your character has progressed into killing dragons with but
- a mean glance and snap of his fingers, he may be ready to take on
- the Balrog. The Balrog will appear on most levels after level
- 49, so don't go down there until you are ready for him.
- The Dungeons of Moria Page 36
- The Balrog cannot be killed in some of the easier methods used on
- normal creatures. Because of the Balrog's cunning, he will
- teleport away to another level if a spell such as destruction is
- used upon him, and the Balrog cannot be polymorphed, slept,
- charmed, or genocided. Magical spells like coldball are effec-
- tive against him as are weapons, but he is difficult to kill and
- if allowed to escape for a time can heal himself.
- If you should actually survive the attempt of killing the Balrog,
- you will receive the status of WINNER. Since you have defeated
- the toughest creature alive, your character is ready to retire
- and cannot be saved. When you quit the game, your character
- receives a surprise bonus score.
- 11. Upon Death and Dying
- If your character falls below 0 hit points, he has died and can-
- not be restored. A tombstone showing information about your
- character will be displayed. You are also permitted to get a
- record of your character, and all your equipment (identified)
- either on the screen or in a file.
- Your character will leave behind a reduced save file, which con-
- tains only the monster memory and your option choices. It may be
- restored, in which case the new character is generated exactly as
- if the file was not there, but the new player will find his mon-
- ster memory containing all the experience of past incarnations.
- 12. Wizards
- There are rumors of moria Wizards which, if asked nicely, can
- explain details of the moria game that seem complicated to
- beginners.