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- VMS Moria Version 4.8
- Version 0.1 : 03/25/83
- Version 1.0 : 05/01/84
- Version 2.0 : 07/10/84
- Version 3.0 : 11/20/84
- Version 4.0 : 01/20/85
- Modules :
- V1.0 Dungeon Generator - RAK
- Character Generator - RAK & JWT
- Moria Module - RAK
- Miscellaneous - RAK & JWT
- V2.0 Town Level & Misc - RAK
- V3.0 Internal Help & Misc - RAK
- V4.0 Source Release Version - RAK
- Robert Alan Koeneke Jimmey Wayne Todd Jr.
- Student/University of Oklahoma Student/University of Oklahoma
- Umoria Version 5.4 (formerly UNIX Moria)
- Version 4.83 : 5/14/87
- Version 4.85 : 10/26/87
- Version 4.87 : 5/27/88
- Version 5.0 : 11/2/89
- Version 5.2 : 5/9/90
- Version 5.3 : 3/25/91
- Version 5.4 : 10/12/91
- James E. Wilson, Cygnus Support
- wilson@kithrup.com
- Other contributors:
- D. G. Kneller - MSDOS Moria port, reduced map display, 16 bit integers
- Christopher J. Stuart - recall, options, inventory, running code, etc.
- Curtis McCauley - Macintosh Moria port for MPW C
- Stephen A. Jacobs - Atari ST Moria port for MW C
- William Setzer - object naming code
- David J. Grabiner - numerous bug reports, consistency checks, etc
- Dan Bernstein - UNIX hangup signal fix, many bug fixes
- Other contributors:
- Corey Gehman - Amiga Moria port
- Ralph Waters - VMS support code, IBM-PC Turbo C bug fixes
- Johsua Delahunty - VMS support code
- Todd Pierzina - VMS support code
- Joseph Hall - line of sight code, monster compiler
- Eric Vaitl - PC-Curses replacement for Turbo C
- Scott Kolodzieski - Atari ST port for Gnu C
- Hildo Biersma - Atari ST port for Turbo C
- Ben Schreiber - Macintosh port for Think C
- Copyright (c) 1989 James E. Wilson, Robert A. Keoneke
- This software may be copied and distributed for educational, research, and
- not for profit purposes provided that this copyright and statement are
- included in all such copies.
- Umoria Version 5.5, patch level 0
- C.W.M. version
- Version 1.2.0 : 1994-08-15
- Thomas H. Davies, California State University, Chico. (sd@ecst.csuchico.edu)
- Henrik Harmsen, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
- Internet: d9hh@dtek.chalmers.se
- Druid Class by: Michael R. Marcelais / North Carolina State University
- Internet: mrmarcel%eos.ncsu.edu@ncsuvx.ncsu.edu