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- /*
- * nondsp.c - UNIX & MSDOS NON-DISPLAY, AND CHESSTOOL interface for Chess
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1988,1989,1990 John Stanback
- * Copyright (c) 1992 Free Software Foundation
- *
- * This file is part of GNU CHESS.
- *
- * GNU Chess is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Chess is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with GNU Chess; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- */
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <signal.h>
- #ifdef AMIGA
- void mysprintf(char *,char *,int);
- void mysprintf4(char *,char *,int);
- void mysprintf3(char *,char *,int,int);
- void algbr2 (short, short, short);
- #define __USE_SYSBASE
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/exec.h>
- #include <proto/exec.h>
- #include <proto/dos.h>
- #include <proto/graphics.h>
- #include <proto/intuition.h>
- #endif
- char __far HintString[80];
- #include "gnuchess.h"
- #ifdef MSDOS
- #include <dos.h>
- #include <conio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #else
- #include <dos.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <time.h>
- /*
- #include <sys/param.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/file.h>
- #include <sys/ioctl.h>
- */
- #endif
- extern int __aligned thinkahead;
- extern INTSIZE __aligned amigaboard[64],amigacolor[64];
- extern short int ISZERO;
- char __aligned __far IllegalString[40];
- extern int AmigaStarted;
- extern int __aligned global_tmp_score;
- extern int __aligned previous_score;
- int __aligned IllegalMove=0;
- int __aligned Mate=0;
- int __aligned DrawnGame=0;
- char __far __aligned MateString[40]={0};
- extern long OrigResponse;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- INTSIZE int __aligned debuglevel = 0;
- #endif /* DEBUG */
- unsigned INTSIZE int __aligned MV[MAXDEPTH];
- int __aligned MSCORE;
- #if defined CHESSTOOL || defined XBOARD
- INTSIZE int __aligned chesstool = 1;
- #else
- INTSIZE int __aligned chesstool = 0;
- #endif /* CHESSTOOL */
- extern char __aligned mvstrhint[8][8];
- extern char mvstr[8][8];
- int __aligned mycnt1, mycnt2;
- char __aligned *DRAW;
- extern char *InPtr;
- extern INTSIZE int pscore[];
- void mysprintf4(ostr,fstr,num)
- char *ostr,*fstr;
- int num;
- { // formats string "Tgt:%d xxx"
- int index;
- int thou,hun,ten,one,rem;
- ostr[0] = fstr[0];
- ostr[1] = fstr[1];
- ostr[2] = fstr[2];
- ostr[3] = fstr[3];
- ostr[4] = 0;
- if (num < 0)
- {
- num = -num;
- index = 5;
- strcat(ostr,"-");
- }
- else
- {
- index = 4;
- }
- thou = num / 1000;
- rem = num-(num / 1000)*1000;
- hun = (rem / 100);
- rem = rem-(hun * 100);
- ten = rem / 10;
- rem = rem-(ten * 10);
- one = rem;
- if (thou)
- {
- ostr[index++] = thou+'0';
- }
- if ((hun)||(thou))
- {
- ostr[index++] = hun+'0';
- }
- if ((ten)||(hun)||(thou))
- {
- ostr[index++] = ten+'0';
- }
- ostr[index++] = one+'0';
- ostr[index] = 0;
- strcat(ostr,&fstr[6]);
- }
- void mysprintf3(ostr,fstr,num,num2)
- char *ostr,*fstr;
- int num,num2;
- { // formats string "D%d S%d "
- int index;
- int thou,hun,ten,one,rem;
- ostr[0] = fstr[0]; // get the D
- ostr[1] = 0;
- if (num < 0)
- {
- num = -num;
- index = 2;
- strcat(ostr,"-");
- }
- else
- {
- index = 1;
- }
- thou = num / 1000;
- rem = num-(num / 1000)*1000;
- hun = (rem / 100);
- rem = rem-(hun * 100);
- ten = rem / 10;
- rem = rem-(ten * 10);
- one = rem;
- if (thou)
- {
- ostr[index++] = thou+'0';
- }
- if ((hun)||(thou))
- {
- ostr[index++] = hun+'0';
- }
- if ((ten)||(hun)||(thou))
- {
- ostr[index++] = ten+'0';
- }
- ostr[index++] = one+'0';
- ostr[index++] = fstr[3];
- ostr[index++] = fstr[4];
- if (num2 < 0)
- {
- num2 = -num2;
- ostr[index++] = '-';
- }
- thou = num2 / 1000;
- rem = num2-(num2 / 1000)*1000;
- hun = (rem / 100);
- rem = rem-(hun * 100);
- ten = rem / 10;
- rem = rem-(ten * 10);
- one = rem;
- if (thou)
- {
- ostr[index++] = thou+'0';
- }
- if ((hun)||(thou))
- {
- ostr[index++] = hun+'0';
- }
- if ((ten)||(hun)||(thou))
- {
- ostr[index++] = ten+'0';
- }
- ostr[index++] = one+'0';
- ostr[index] = 0;
- strcat(ostr,&fstr[7]);
- }
- void
- Initialize (void)
- {
- mycnt1 = mycnt2 = 0;
- #if defined CHESSTOOL || defined XBOARD
- #ifndef SYSV
- /* setlinebuf (stdout);*/
- #else
- /* setvbuf (stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, BUFSIZ);*/
- #endif
- /* printf (CP[43]);*/ /*Chess*/
- if (!TCflag && (MaxResponseTime == 0))
- MaxResponseTime = 15L*100L;
- #endif /* CHESSTOOL */
- }
- void DoAMove(void);
- void DoAMove()
- {
- char astr[40];
- int r,c,l;
- char piece;
- r = mvstr[0][3] - '1';
- c = mvstr[0][2] - 'a';
- l = ((flag.reverse) ? locn (7 - r, 7 - c) : locn (r, c));
- if (color[l] == neutral)
- {
- //DisplayBeep(0L);
- //Delay(25L);
- //DisplayBeep(0L);
- //Delay(25L);
- //DisplayBeep(0L);
- //Delay(25L);
- piece = ' ';
- }
- else if (color[l] == white)
- piece = qxx[board[l]]; /* white are lower case pieces */
- else
- piece = pxx[board[l]]; /* black are upper case pieces */
- if (computer == black)
- {
- mysprintf(astr,"%d: ",GameCnt>>1);
- strcat(astr,mvstr[0]);
- }
- else
- {
- mysprintf(astr,"%d: ",(GameCnt+1)>>1);
- strcat(astr,mvstr[0]);
- }
- DisplayComputerMove(astr);
- if (piece != ' ')
- AnimateAmigaMove(mvstr[0],piece);
- }
- void
- ExitChess (void)
- {
- /* signal (SIGTERM, SIG_IGN);*/
- ListGame (0L);
- #ifdef AMIGA
- if (AmigaStarted)
- AmigaShutDown();
- #endif
- exit (0);
- }
- #ifndef MSDOS /* never called!!! */
- #ifndef AMIGA
- void
- Die (int sig)
- {
- char s[80];
- ShowMessage (CP[31]); /*Abort?*/
- scanz ("%s", s);
- if (strcmp (s, CP[210]) == 0) /*yes*/
- ExitChess ();
- }
- #endif
- #endif /* MSDOS */
- void
- TerminateSearch (int sig)
- {
- #ifdef MSDOS
- sig++; /* shut up the compiler */
- #endif /* MSDOS */
- if (!flag.timeout)
- flag.musttimeout = true;
- flag.bothsides = false;
- }
- void
- help (void)
- {
- #ifndef AMIGA
- ClrScreen ();
- /*printz ("CHESS command summary\n");*/
- printz (CP[40]);
- printz ("----------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- /*printz ("g1f3 move from g1 to f3 quit Exit Chess\n");*/
- printz (CP[158]);
- /*printz ("Nf3 move knight to f3 beep turn %s\n", (flag.beep) ? "off" : "on");*/
- printz (CP[86], (flag.beep) ? CP[92] : CP[93]);
- /*printz ("a7a8q promote pawn to queen\n");*/
- printz (CP[128], (flag.material) ? CP[92] : CP[93]);
- /*printz ("o-o castle king side easy turn %s\n", (flag.easy) ? "off" : "on");*/
- printz (CP[173], (flag.easy) ? CP[92] : CP[93]);
- /*printz ("o-o-o castle queen side hash turn %s\n", (flag.hash) ? "off" : "on");*/
- printz (CP[174], (flag.hash) ? CP[92] : CP[93]);
- /*printz ("bd redraw board reverse board display\n");*/
- printz (CP[130]);
- /*printz ("list game to chess.lst book turn %s used %d of %d\n", (Book) ? "off" : "on", bookcount, BOOKSIZE);*/
- printz (CP[170], (Book) ? CP[92] : CP[93], bookcount, BOOKSIZE);
- /*printz ("undo undo last ply remove take back a move\n");*/
- printz (CP[200]);
- /*printz ("edit edit board force enter game moves\n");*/
- printz (CP[153]);
- /*printz ("switch sides with computer both computer match\n");*/
- printz (CP[194]);
- /*printz ("white computer plays white black computer plays black\n");*/
- printz (CP[202]);
- /*printz ("depth set search depth clock set time control\n");*/
- printz (CP[149]);
- /*printz ("post principle variation hint suggest a move\n");*/
- printz (CP[177]);
- /*printz ("save game to file get game from file\n");*/
- printz (CP[188]);
- /*printz ("random randomize play new start new game\n");*/
- printz (CP[181]);
- printz ("----------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- /*printz ("Computer: %-12s Opponent: %s\n",*/
- printz (CP[46],
- ColorStr[computer], ColorStr[opponent]);
- /*printz ("Depth: %-12d Response time: %d sec\n",*/
- printz (CP[51],
- MaxSearchDepth, MaxResponseTime/100);
- /*printz ("Random: %-12s Easy mode: %s\n",*/
- printz (CP[99],
- (dither) ? CP[93] : CP[92], (flag.easy) ? CP[93] : CP[92]);
- /*printz ("Beep: %-12s Transposition file: %s\n",*/
- printz (CP[36],
- (flag.beep) ? CP[93] : CP[92], (flag.hash) ? CP[93] : CP[92]);
- /*printz ("Time Control %s %d moves %d seconds %d opr %d depth\n", (TCflag) ? "ON" : "OFF",*/
- printz (CP[110], (TCflag) ? CP[93] : CP[92],
- TimeControl.moves[white], TimeControl.clock[white] / 100, OperatorTime, MaxSearchDepth);
- signal (SIGINT, TerminateSearch);
- #ifndef MSDOS
- signal (SIGQUIT, TerminateSearch);
- #endif /* MSDOS */
- #endif
- }
- void
- EditBoard (void)
- /*
- * Set up a board position. Pieces are entered by typing the piece followed
- * by the location. For example, Nf3 will place a knight on square f3.
- */
- {
- INTSIZE a, r, c, sq, i, found;
- int tmpcolor;
- char s[80];
- flag.regularstart = false;
- if (thinkahead)
- {
- flag.back = true;
- while (thinkahead)
- {
- Delay(20L);
- }
- }
- Book = 0;
- #ifndef AMIGA
- /*printz (". exit to main\n");*/
- printz (CP[29]);
- /*printz ("# clear board\n");*/
- printz (CP[28]);
- /*printz ("c change sides\n");*/
- printz (CP[136]);
- /*printz ("enter piece & location: \n");*/
- printz (CP[155]);
- #else
- if (!OpenAmigaEditWindow())
- { /* open the window which will give us back text string */
- DisplayBeep(0L);
- Delay(25L);
- DisplayBeep(0L);
- return;
- }
- #endif
- a = tmpcolor = white;
- do
- {
- GetEditText(s,&tmpcolor); /* amiga routine to get the command from user */
- found=0;
- if (s[0] == CP[28][0]) /*#*/
- for (sq = 0; sq < 64; sq++)
- {
- board[sq] = no_piece;
- color[sq] = neutral;
- }
- if (a != tmpcolor) /*c*/
- a = otherside[a];
- c = s[1] - 'a';
- r = s[2] - '1';
- if ((c >= 0) && (c < 8) && (r >= 0) && (r < 8))
- {
- sq = locn (r, c);
- color[sq] = a;
- board[sq] = no_piece;
- for (i = no_piece; i <= king; i++)
- if ((s[0] == pxx[i]) || (s[0] == qxx[i]))
- {
- board[sq] = i;
- found=1;
- break;
- }
- if ((found==0)||(board[sq] == no_piece)) color[sq] = neutral;
- }
- } while (s[0] != CP[29][0]);
- for (sq = 0; sq < 64; sq++)
- Mvboard[sq] = ((board[sq] != Stboard[sq]) ? 10 : 0);
- CloseAmigaEditWindow(); /* Closes the edit window */
- GameCnt = 0;
- Game50 = 1;
- ISZERO = 1;
- ZeroRPT ();
- Sdepth = 0;
- InitializeStats ();
- MoveMem128(board,amigaboard);
- MoveMem128(color,amigacolor);
- DrawAmigaBoard();
- }
- void
- SetupBoard (void)
- /*
- * Compatibility with Unix chess and the nchesstool. Set up a board position.
- * Eight lines of eight characters are used to setup the board. a8-h8 is the
- * first line. Black pieces are represented by uppercase characters.
- */
- {
- #ifdef AMIGA
- return;
- #else
- INTSIZE r, c, sq, i;
- char ch;
- char s[80];
- NewGame ();
- gets (s); /* skip "setup" command */
- for (r = 7; r >= 0; r--)
- {
- gets (s);
- for (c = 0; c <= 7; c++)
- {
- ch = s[c];
- sq = locn (r, c);
- color[sq] = neutral;
- board[sq] = no_piece;
- for (i = no_piece; i <= king; i++)
- if (ch == pxx[i])
- {
- color[sq] = black;
- board[sq] = i;
- break;
- }
- else if (ch == qxx[i])
- {
- color[sq] = white;
- board[sq] = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- for (sq = 0; sq < 64; sq++)
- Mvboard[sq] = ((board[sq] != Stboard[sq]) ? 10 : 0);
- InitializeStats ();
- ClrScreen ();
- UpdateDisplay (0, 0, 1, 0);
- /*printz ("Setup successful\n");*/
- printz (CP[106]);
- #endif
- }
- void
- ShowDepth (char ch)
- {
- #ifdef MSDOS
- ch++; /* shut up the compiler */
- #endif /* MSDOS */
- }
- void
- ShowLine (INTSIZE unsigned int *bstline,char *astr)
- {
- algbr ((INTSIZE) (bstline[1] >> 8), (INTSIZE) (bstline[1] & 0xFF), false);
- strcpy (astr,mvstr[0]);
- }
- void
- ShowResults (INTSIZE int score, INTSIZE unsigned int *bstline, char ch)
- {
- char astr[64];
- char nstr[16];
- #if !defined CHESSTOOL
- /*printf("GameCnt = %d PrevDepth = %d\n",GameCnt,GameList[GameCnt-1].depth);*/
- if ((!flag.easy)&&(ThinkAheadDepth)&&(TCflag)&&(GameCnt > 1)&&(Sdepth > 2))
- { /* check for lookahead abort */
- if ((Sdepth >= ThinkAheadDepth)&&(Sdepth >= GameList[GameCnt-1].depth)&&
- (Sdepth > GlobalTgtDepth)&&(global_tmp_score >= (previous_score-25)))
- { /* a chance I may want to abort search here */
- if (!flag.musttimeout)
- { /* not already aborted */
- if ((ThinkInARow < 4)||(Sdepth > ThinkAheadDepth))
- { /* max 4 times in a row */
- flag.musttimeout = true;
- if (Sdepth == ThinkAheadDepth)
- ThinkInARow++;
- else /* you thought past thinkaheaddepth */
- ThinkInARow = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (flag.post)
- {
- ElapsedTime (2);
- mysprintf3(astr,"D%d S%d ", Sdepth, score);
- ShowLine (bstline,nstr);
- strcat(astr,nstr);
- ShowMessage(astr);
- }
- #else
- REG int i;
- MSCORE = score;
- MV[30] = ch;
- for (i = 1; bstline[i] > 0; i++)
- {
- MV[i] = bstline[i];
- } MV[i] = 0;
- #endif /* CHESSTOOL */
- }
- void
- SearchStartStuff (INTSIZE int side)
- {
- unsigned long numsecs;
- char astr[64];
- // signal (SIGINT, TerminateSearch);
- //#ifndef MSDOS
- // signal (SIGQUIT, TerminateSearch);
- //#endif /* MSDOS */
- #if !defined CHESSTOOL
- /*#ifndef AMIGA*/
- if (flag.post)
- {
- numsecs = (ResponseTime*2L+51L)/100L;
- if (TCflag)
- mysprintf4(astr,"Tgt:%d secs ", numsecs);
- else
- mysprintf4(astr,"Tgt:%d ply ", MaxSearchDepth);
- ShowMessage(astr);
- }
- /*#endif*/
- #endif /* CHESSTOOL */
- }
- void
- OutputMove (cstring)
- char *cstring;
- {
- int r,c,l;
- char astr[40];
- char piece;
- #ifdef DEBUG11
- if (1)
- {
- FILE *D;
- extern unsigned INTSIZE int PrVar[];
- char d[80];
- int r, c, l, i;
- D = fopen ("/tmp/DEBUGA", "a+");
- fprintf (D, "inout move is %s\n", mvstr[0]);
- strcpy (d, mvstr[0]);
- for (i = 1; PrVar[i] > 0; i++)
- {
- algbr ((INTSIZE) (PrVar[i] >> 8), (INTSIZE) (PrVar[i] & 0xFF), false);
- fprintf (D, "%5s ", mvstr[0]);
- }
- fprintf (D, "\n");
- fprintf (D, "\n current board is\n");
- for (r = 7; r >= 0; r--)
- {
- for (c = 0; c <= 7; c++)
- {
- l = locn (r, c);
- if (color[l] == neutral)
- fprintf (D, " -");
- else if (color[l] == white)
- fprintf (D, " %c", qxx[board[l]]);
- else
- fprintf (D, " %c", pxx[board[l]]);
- }
- fprintf (D, "\n");
- }
- fprintf (D, "\n");
- fclose (D);
- strcpy (mvstr[0], d);
- }
- #endif
- if(flag.illegal){
- IllegalMove = 1;
- strcpy(IllegalString,CP[225]);
- return;
- }
- if (mvstr[0][0] == '\0') goto nomove;
- #ifndef AMIGA
- #if defined CHESSTOOL
- if (computer == black)
- printz ("%d. ... %s\n", GameCnt, mvstr[0]);
- else
- printz ("%d. %s\n", ++mycnt1, mvstr[0]);
- #else
- #ifdef XBOARD
- printz ("%d. ... %s\n", ++mycnt1, mvstr[0]);
- #else
- printz ("%d. ... %s\n", ++mycnt1, mvstr[0]);
- #endif
- #endif /* CHESSTOOL */
- #endif /* amiga */
- #ifdef notdef
- if (flag.post)
- {
- REG int i;
- printz (" %6d%c ", MSCORE, MV[30]);
- for (i = 1; MV[i] > 0; i++)
- {
- algbr ((INTSIZE) (MV[i] >> 8), (INTSIZE) (MV[i] & 0xFF), false);
- printz ("%5s ", mvstr[0]);
- }
- }
- printz ("\n");
- #endif
- nomove:
- if ((root->flags & draw)||(root->score == -9999)||
- (root->score == 9998)) goto summary;
- #if !defined CHESSTOOL
- if (flag.post)
- {
- INTSIZE h, l, t;
- h = TREE;
- l = 0;
- t = TREE >> 1;
- while (l != t)
- {
- if (Tree[t].f || Tree[t].t)
- l = t;
- else
- h = t;
- t = (l + h) >> 1;
- }
- #ifndef AMIGA
- /*printf ("Nodes %ld Tree %d Eval %ld Rate %ld RS high %ld low %ld\n",*/
- printf (CP[89],
- NodeCnt, t, EvalNodes, (et) ? (NodeCnt / (et / 100)) : 0, reminus, replus);
- /*printf ("Hin/Hout/Coll/Fin/Fout = %ld/%ld/%ld/%ld/%ld\n",*/
- printf (CP[71],
- HashAdd, HashCnt, THashCol, HashCol, FHashAdd, FHashCnt);
- #else /* print out thinking on amiga */
- #endif
- }
- UpdateDisplay (root->f, root->t, 0, root->flags);
- #ifndef AMIGA
- /*printf ("My move is: %s\n", mvstr[0]);*/
- printz (CP[83], mvstr[0]);
- #else
- r = mvstr[0][3] - '1';
- c = mvstr[0][2] - 'a';
- l = ((flag.reverse) ? locn (7 - r, 7 - c) : locn (r, c));
- if (color[l] == neutral)
- {
- //DisplayBeep(0L);
- //Delay(25L);
- //DisplayBeep(0L);
- //Delay(25L);
- //DisplayBeep(0L);
- //Delay(25L);
- piece = ' ';
- }
- else if (color[l] == white)
- piece = qxx[board[l]]; /* white are lower case pieces */
- else
- piece = pxx[board[l]]; /* black are upper case pieces */
- if (computer == black)
- {
- mysprintf(astr,"%d: ",GameCnt>>1);
- strcat(astr,mvstr[0]);
- }
- else
- {
- mysprintf(astr,"%d: ",(GameCnt+1)>>1);
- strcat(astr,mvstr[0]);
- }
- DisplayComputerMove(astr);
- if (piece != ' ')
- AnimateAmigaMove(mvstr[0],piece);
- #endif
- if ((flag.beep)&&(!flag.bothsides))
- {
- DisplayBeep(0L);
- }
- #endif /* CHESSTOOL */
- summary:
- if (root->flags & draw)
- /* printf ("Drawn game!\n");*/
- {
- /*printz (CP[57]);*/
- DrawnGame = 1;
- }
- else if (root->score == -9999)
- {
- Mate = 1;
- strcpy(MateString,ColorStr[opponent]);
- strcat(MateString," mates!");
- /* printz("%s mates!\n",ColorStr[opponent]);*/
- }
- else if (root->score == 9998)
- {
- Mate = 1;
- DoAMove();
- if (flag.bothsides)
- {
- strcpy(MateString,ColorStr[computer^1]);
- strcat(MateString," mates!");
- }
- else
- {
- strcpy(MateString,ColorStr[computer]);
- strcat(MateString," mates!");
- }
- /* printz("%s mates!\n",ColorStr[computer]);*/
- }
- #if !defined CHESSTOOL && !defined XBOARD
- #ifdef VERYBUGGY
- else if (root->score < -9000)
- /*printf("%s has a forced mate!\n",ColorStr[opponent]);*/
- else if (root->score > 9000)
- /*printf("%s has a forced mate!\n",ColorStr[computer]);*/
- #endif /*VERYBUGGY*/
- #endif /* CHESSTOOL */
- }
- void
- ClrScreen (void)
- {
- #if !defined CHESSTOOL && !defined XBOARD && !defined AMIGA
- printz ("\n");
- #endif
- #ifdef AMIGA
- #endif
- }
- void
- UpdateDisplay (INTSIZE int f, INTSIZE int t, INTSIZE int redraw, INTSIZE int isspec)
- {
- #ifndef AMIGA
- INTSIZE r, c, l, m;
- #endif
- if (redraw && !chesstool)
- {
- #ifndef AMIGA /* text clock and etc display */
- printz ("\n");
- r = TimeControl.clock[white] / 6000;
- c = (TimeControl.clock[white] % 6000) / 100;
- l = TimeControl.clock[black] / 6000;
- m = (TimeControl.clock[black] % 6000) / 100;
- /*printz ("White %d:%02d Black %d:%02d\n", r, c, l, m);*/
- printz (CP[116], r, c, l, m);
- printz ("\n");
- for (r = 7; r >= 0; r--)
- {
- for (c = 0; c <= 7; c++)
- {
- l = ((flag.reverse) ? locn (7 - r, 7 - c) : locn (r, c));
- if (color[l] == neutral)
- printz (" -");
- else if (color[l] == white)
- printz (" %c", qxx[board[l]]);
- else
- printz (" %c", pxx[board[l]]);
- }
- printz ("\n");
- }
- printz ("\n");
- #else /* Update intution board on the Amiga */
- #endif
- }
- }
- void
- skip ()
- {
- while (*InPtr != ' ')
- InPtr++;
- while (*InPtr == ' ')
- InPtr++;
- }
- void
- skipb ()
- {
- while (*InPtr == ' ')
- InPtr++;
- }
- #ifndef AMIGA
- void
- ShowMessage (char *s)
- {
- #ifndef AMIGA
- printf("%s\n", s);
- #else /* write this msg on the intuition msg screen */
- DisplayComputerMove(s);
- #endif
- }
- #endif
- void
- ShowSidetoMove (void)
- {
- }
- void
- PromptForMove (void)
- {
- #if !defined CHESSTOOL && !defined XBOARD && !defined AMIGA
- /*printz ("\nYour move is? ");*/
- printz (CP[124]);
- #endif /* CHESSTOOL */
- }
- void
- ShowCurrentMove (INTSIZE int pnt, INTSIZE int f, INTSIZE int t)
- {
- #ifdef MSDOS
- f++;
- t++;
- pnt++; /* shut up the compiler */
- #endif /* MSDOS */
- }
- void
- ChangeAlphaWindow (void)
- {
- #ifndef AMIGA
- printz ("WAwindow: ");
- scanz ("%hd", &WAwindow);
- printz ("BAwindow: ");
- scanz ("%hd", &BAwindow);
- #endif
- }
- void
- ChangeBetaWindow (void)
- {
- #ifndef AMIGA
- printz ("WBwindow: ");
- scanz ("%hd", &WBwindow);
- printz ("BBwindow: ");
- scanz ("%hd", &BBwindow);
- #endif
- }
- void
- GiveHint (void)
- {
- if (hint)
- {
- algbr2 ((INTSIZE) (hint >> 8), (INTSIZE) (hint & 0xFF), false);
- strcpy(HintString,"Hint : ");
- strcat(HintString,mvstrhint[0]);
- }
- else
- strcpy (HintString,"No idea..");
- #ifndef AMIGA
- printf(HintString);
- #else
- DisplayComputerMove(HintString);
- #endif
- }
- void
- SelectLevel (timestring)
- char *timestring;
- {
- int tmp;
- char T[64], *p, *q;
- #ifndef AMIGA
- printz (CP[61]);
- scanz ("%hd %s", &TCmoves, T);
- #else
- #ifndef LONGINTS2
- sscanf(timestring,"%hd %s",&TCmoves,T);
- #else
- sscanf(timestring,"%d %s",&TCmoves,T);
- #endif
- #endif
- for (p = T; *p == ' '; p++) ;
- TCminutes = strtol (p, &q, 10);
- TCadd = 0;
- if (TCminutes < 1)
- TCminutes = 1;
- if (TCmoves < 1)
- TCmoves = 1;
- // if ((TCminutes/TCmoves) > 0)
- // {
- EnableMoveNow();
- // }
- // else
- // {
- // DisableMoveNow();
- // }
- if (*q == ':')
- TCseconds = strtol (q + 1, (char **) NULL, 10);
- else
- TCseconds = 0;
- printz (CP[94]);
- scanz ("%hd", &OperatorTime);
- #endif
- if (TCmoves == 0) {
- TCflag = false;
- MaxResponseTime = TCminutes*60L*100L + TCseconds*100L;
- TCminutes = TCseconds = 0;
- } else {
- TCflag = true;
- MaxResponseTime = 0;
- MaxSearchDepth = MAXDEPTH - 1;
- }
- SetTimeControl ();
- #ifdef AMIGA
- tmp = player;
- player = white;
- UpdateClocks();
- player = black;
- UpdateClocks();
- player = tmp;
- #endif
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG
- void
- ChangeDbLev (void)
- {
- printz (CP[146]);
- scanz ("%hd", &debuglevel);
- }
- #endif /* DEBUG */
- void
- ChangeSearchDepth (void)
- {
- int Old;
- Old = MaxSearchDepth;
- #ifndef AMIGA
- printz ("depth= ");
- scanz ("%hd", &MaxSearchDepth);
- #else
- MaxSearchDepth = SetAmigaDepth();
- #endif
- if (MaxSearchDepth)
- {
- TCflag = !(MaxSearchDepth > 0);
- if (MaxSearchDepth > 2)
- EnableMoveNow();
- }
- else
- MaxSearchDepth = Old;
- }
- void ChangeHashDepth (void)
- {
- #ifndef AMIGA
- printz ("hashdepth= ");
- scanz ("%hd", &HashDepth);
- printz ("MoveLimit= ");
- scanz ("%hd", &HashMoveLimit);
- #endif
- }
- void
- SetContempt (void)
- {
- #ifndef AMIGA
- printz ("contempt= ");
- scanz ("%hd", &contempt);
- #endif
- }
- void
- ChangeXwindow (void)
- {
- #ifndef AMIGA
- printz ("xwndw= ");
- scanz ("%hd", &xwndw);
- #endif
- }
- #ifdef DEBUGG
- void
- ShowPostnValue (INTSIZE int sq)
- /*
- * must have called ExaminePosition() first
- */
- {
- char astr[80];
- INTSIZE score;
- score = ScorePosition (color[sq]);
- if (color[sq] != neutral){
- sprintf (astr,"%3d%c ", svalue[sq],(color[sq] == black)?'b':'w');}
- else
- sprintf(astr," * ");
- ShowMessage(astr);
- }
- void
- DoDebug (void)
- {
- #ifndef AMIGA
- INTSIZE c, p, sq, tp, tc, tsq, score,j,k;
- char s[40];
- ExaminePosition ();
- ShowMessage (CP[65]);
- scanz ("%s", s);
- c = neutral;
- if (s[0] == CP[9][0] || s[0] == CP[9][1]) /* w W*/ c = white;
- if (s[0] == CP[9][2] || s[0] == CP[9][3]) /*b B*/ c = black;
- for (p = king; p > no_piece; p--)
- if ((s[1] == pxx[p]) || (s[1] == qxx[p])) break;
- if(p > no_piece)
- for(j=7;j>=0;j--){
- for(k=0;k<8;k++){
- sq=j*8+k;
- tp = board[sq];
- tc = color[sq];
- board[sq] = p;
- color[sq] = c;
- tsq = PieceList[c][1];
- PieceList[c][1] = sq;
- ShowPostnValue (sq);
- PieceList[c][1] = tsq;
- board[sq] = tp;
- color[sq] = tc;
- }
- printz("\n");
- }
- score = ScorePosition (opponent);
- printz (CP[103], score, mtl[computer], pscore[computer], mtl[opponent],pscore[opponent]);
- #endif
- }
- void
- DoTable (INTSIZE table[64])
- {
- char astr[16];
- INTSIZE sq,j,k;
- ExaminePosition ();
- for(j=7;j>=0;j--){
- for(k=0;k<8;k++){
- sq=j*8+k;
- sprintf (astr,"%3d ", table[sq]);
- ShowMessage(astr);
- }
- }
- }
- void
- ShowPostnValues (void)
- {
- INTSIZE sq, score,j,k;
- char astr[64];
- ExaminePosition ();
- for(j=7;j>=0;j--){
- for(k=0;k<8;k++){
- sq=j*8+k;
- ShowPostnValue (sq);
- }
- }
- score = ScorePosition (opponent);
- sprintf (astr,CP[103], score, mtl[computer], pscore[computer], mtl[opponent],pscore[opponent]);
- ShowMessage(astr);
- sprintf(astr,"hung white %d hung black %d\n",hung[white],hung[black]);
- ShowMessage(astr);
- }
- #endif