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- -*- text -*-
- How to get GNU Software by Internet FTP or by UUCP. Last updated 20 Jan 92.
- * No Warranties
- We distribute software in the hope that it will be useful, but
- without any warranty. No author or distributor of this software
- accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it or
- for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless
- he says so in writing.
- * Updates
- If you find this file in the Emacs distribution, there is a chance
- it is out of date. If you plan to FTP files from prep.ai.mit.edu,
- you might as well start by FTPing the current version of this file,
- which is `/pub/gnu/GNUinfo/FTP'.
- * FTPing GNU Software
- ** GNU Emacs and How To FTP It
- If you are on the Internet (see also "** Alternative Internet FTP
- Sources" below), you can at present copy the latest distribution
- version of GNU Emacs from the file /pub/gnu/emacs-M.N.tar on host
- prep.ai.mit.edu (or the file /pub/gnu/emacs-M.N.tar.Z which has been
- run through compress after tar). M and N standard for version
- numbers; look at a listing of the directory through ftp to see what
- version is available. These files are about 11 and 4 megabytes long,
- respectively. After you unpack the distribution, be sure to look at
- the files README and INSTALL.
- Because of difficulties in transferring large files, sometimes a split
- version of the tar file is created. This is a directory named
- /pub/gnu/emacs-M.N.tar-split or perhaps
- /pub/gnu/emacs-M.N.tar.Z-split, containing files of 100000 characters
- each. There is generally no trouble in ftping files of this size.
- They can be combined with cat to make a tar file or compressed tar
- file.
- Text mode does not work for tar files or compressed files.
- Some ftp'ers have found it necessary for successful file transfer:
- - to explicitly use prep.ai.mit.edu internet address:
- (as of 11 April 89)
- Files of differences from previous widely distributed GNU Emacs
- versions to the present version are also available on prep.ai.mit.edu
- under names of the form emacs.diff-OO.OO-NN.NN in directory /pub/gnu.
- These are made with diff -rc2. Sometimes there are compressed
- versions of these difference files as well; their names have .Z
- appended.
- The Emacs manual in source form is included in the distribution.
- The dvi file produced by TeX is not included, but a copy may be
- available for ftp under the name /pub/gnu/emacs.dvi.
- The Emacs Lisp Reference Manual is in a separate file:
- /pub/gnu/lispref.tar.Z.
- ** VMS versions of GNU Emacs and How To FTP It.
- You can anonymously ftp a VMS version of GNU emacs from:
- - ddvax.llnl.gov.
- - ctrsci.cc.utah.edu. The 00readme.txt file gives details.
- - cc.utah.edu []. User anonymous, pass guest. It
- has already been compiled and linked so it is ready to run. You will
- need to ftp the reblock.for program to reblock the saveset so that the
- backup utility can restore that saveset. Do a backup/list on the
- ftp'd saveset and catch the header info that backup puts out. It
- contains the correct block size to reblock the file to. Remember to
- ftp it in binary mode.
- ** A VMS version of G++ and How To FTP It.
- mango.rsmas.miami.edu has a VMS version of the G++ compiler. Contact
- angel@flipper.miami.edu (angel li) for details.
- ** A VMS version of GCC and How To FTP It.
- Jonathan Corbet has made the "bootstrap files" for the GNU C compiler
- available for pseudo-anonymous FTP on rdss.ucar.edu. The full gcc
- sources are also available, for anybody who wants to start from scratch.
- Jonathan Corbet also requests that you please limit your access to
- outside the hours of 8-6 (mountain time) on weekdays. RDSS is a
- *very* busy machine during the day. Jonathan notes, "I don't think I
- have to tell you what will happen if my users feel they are being
- slowed down by outside people grabbing software."
- The procedure is this: FTP to rdss.ucar.edu (, and log in
- with a username of FTP, password FTP. Cd into the [.gcc] directory,
- and grab either or both of these files:
- bootstrap.bck The bootstrap files -- not much more than the
- .exe files. About 1.3 mb.
- gcc.bck The full-blown gcc source code. About 5mb.
- Both of these files are backup savesets, and should thus be grabbed
- in binary mode.
- SPAN people can grab the same files from rdss::du:[ftp.gcc]. If your
- node database does not know about rdss, use 9452 instead.
- Jonathan Corbet is with the
- National Center for Atmospheric Research, Field Observing Facility
- Internet: corbet@rdss.ucar.edu
- SPAN: rdss::corbet (rdss = 9452)
- Usenet: ...!ncar!rdss!corbet
- ** Other GNU Software and How To FTP It.
- This software is available on prep.ai.mit.edu under directory
- /pub/gnu. Files containing diff from previous versions are often
- available. Compressed versions of the tar or diff files are often
- available (indicated by a .Z suffix). Much of this software is in
- beta test (probably still buggy), and is being made available for use
- by hackers who like to test software. M.N indicates a version number.
- diff files to convert between versions (like those used for GNU
- Emacs), exist for some of these programs. Some programs have misc
- suport files as well. Have a look on prep.ai.mit.edu to see which
- ones.
- GNU Assembler (gas) gas-M.N.tar.Z Released
- GNU Bash bash-M.N.tar.Z BETA TEST
- GNU Bison bison-M.N.tar.Z Released
- GNU C Compiler (gcc) gcc.tar-M.N.Z Late BETA TEST
- GNU C++ Compiler (g++) g++.tar-M.N.Z BETA TEST
- GNU C++ Library libg++-M.N.tar.Z BETA TEST
- GNU cpio cpio-M.N.tar.Z BETA TEST
- GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual lispref.tar.Z Released
- GNU AWK (gawk) gawk-M.N.tar.Z Released
- GNU debugger (gdb) gdb-M.N.tar.Z Released
- GNU Make make-M.N.tar.Z Released
- GNU ld, ar, gprof, size, nm and strip
- binutils.tar.Z Released
- GNU cat chmod cmp cp cut dd dir du head install ln ls
- mkdir mkfifo mv paste rm rmdir tac tail touch vdir
- fileutils-M.N.tar.Z BETA TEST
- GNU Diff diff-M.N.tar.Z Released
- GNU e?grep grep-M.N.tar.Z Released
- GNU fgrep fgrep-M.N.tar.Z BETA TEST
- GNU find find-M.N.tar.Z BETA TEST
- GNU finger finger-M.N.tar.Z BETA TEST
- GNU Ghostscript ghostscript-M.N.tar.Z
- & font ghostscript*tar.Z files BETA TEST
- GNU gdbm gdbm-M.N.tar.Z BETA TEST
- GNU Go gnugo-M.N.tar.Z BETA TEST
- GNU groff groff-M.N.tar.Z BETA TEST
- GNU indent indent-M.N.tar.Z BETA TEST
- GNU malloc malloc.tar.Z BETA TEST
- GNU tar (to unpacl .tar files) tar-M.N.tar.Z
- and tar-M-N.shar BETA TEST
- GNU m4 m4.tar.Z BETA TEST
- GNU sed sed-M.N.tar.Z BETA TEST
- GNU Smalltalk smalltalk-M.N.tar.Z BETA TEST
- GNU Chess gnuchess-M.N.tar.Z Released
- GNU Buttons & Designs button.M.N.ps Released
- and these packages which are not FSF software but work with
- them and are part of GNU:
- Concurrent Version System cvs-M.N.tar.Z
- compress (to undo .Z files) compress.shar and compress.tar
- dirent dirent.tar.Z
- (directory reader for sysV 3.2)
- elvis (a vi clone) elvis.M.N.O.tar.Z
- Flex (a faster lex) flex-M.N.tar.Z
- gnuplot gnuplot-M.N.tar.Z
- The jargon file jargon.text.Z
- (definitions of terms used by hackers)
- NIH C++ Class Library nihcl-M.N.tar.Z
- Perl perl-M.N.tar.Z
- Revision Control System rcs.tar.Z
- Texi2roff texi2roff.shar.Z
- ** TeX and How to FTP It
- We don't distribute TeX now, but it is free software.
- You can get TeX sources via anonymous FTP from labrea.stanford.edu in
- pub/tex. The directory pub/tex/unix3.0 probably contains what you
- want, but see pub/tex/README to be sure. The most recent incarnation
- of the LaTeX macros are in labrea:pub/tex/latex. If you'd like to
- support TUG and/or don't have access to the Internet, then write to
- elisabet@max.acs.washington.edu about getting their tape distribution.
- ** Scheme and How to FTP It
- The latest distribution version of C Scheme is on the machine
- zurich.ai.mit.edu. To obtain a "tarred" copy of this directory,
- telnet to zurich.ai.mit.edu and log in as scheme (password: scheme).
- A file called dist.tar will be created (if there isn't one already),
- and you will be given a choice of the file transfer program to run (of
- all the ones supported by zurich). It should be self-explanatory (ha,
- ha! [try ? for help]).
- Read the files INSTALL and README in the top level C Scheme directory.
- ** Alternative Internet FTP Sources
- The administrators of louie.udel.edu maintains copies of GNU Emacs and
- the compress program. The files are available via anonymous ftp under
- directory ~ftp/gnu.
- Emacs and other GNU programs may be available via anonymous ftp from
- these US sites: gatekeeper.dec.com, labrea.stanford.edu,
- wuarchive.wustl.edu, a.cs.uiuc.edu, itstd.sri.com, scam.berkeley.edu,
- jaguar.utah.edu, archive.cis.ohio-state.edu, and ftp.uu.net. And
- these foreign sites: mcsun.eu.net (Europe - Internet address
-, sunic.sunet.se (Sweden), hp4nl.nluug.nl (Netherlands -
-, funic.funet.fi (Finland -, freja.diku.dk
- (Denmark -, ftp.cs.titech.ac.jp (Japan - nemacs, the
- japanese port of GNU Emacs, is under ~ftp/JAPAN). Please do NOT use a
- site outside your country, until you have checked all sites inside
- your country, and then your continent. Trans-ocean TCP/IP links are
- very expensive and usually very low speed.
- * Getting GNU software in Great Britain
- jpo@cs.nott.ac.uk is willing to distribute those GNU sources he has
- available. The smaller items are available from the info-server (send
- to info-server@cs.nott.ac.uk) the larger items by negotiation. Due to
- communication costs this service is only available within the UK.
- BattenIG@computer-science.birmingham.ac.uk (aka
- I.G.Batten@fulcrum.bt.co.uk) is also willing to distribute those GNU
- sources he has available. He can also write tapes in qic-21 and
- qic-24 formats.
- lmjm@doc.ic.ac.uk is willing to distribute those GNU sources he has
- available along with comp.sources.unix, comp.sources.x, X windows et
- al. The archive, on src.doc.ic.ac.uk in directory /gnu, is available
- via ftp (on, niftp over janet (000005102000), ftam and
- uucp. All items are available using uucp, NIFTP over JANET to
- src.doc.ic.ac.uk:/gnu. Due to communication costs this service is
- only available within the UK. Mail to info-server@doc.ic.ac.uk for
- details. He can also write sun cartridge or exabyte tapes.
- * Getting GNU software via UUCP
- OSU is distributing via UUCP: most GNU software, MIT C Scheme,
- Compress, News, RN, NNTP, Patch, some Appletalk stuff, some of the
- Internet Requests For Comment (RFC) et al.. See their periodic
- postings on the Usenet newsgroup comp.sources.d for informational
- updates. Current details from <staff@cis.ohio-state.edu> or
- <...!osu-cis!uucp>.
- Information on how to uucp some GNU programs is available via
- electronic mail from: uunet!hutch!barber, hqda-ai!merlin, acornrc!bob,
- hao!scicom!qetzal!upba!ugn!nepa!denny, bigtex!james (aka
- james@bigtex.cactus.org), ncar!noao!asuvax!hrc!dan, oli-stl!root,
- src@scuzzy.in-berlin.de (in Germany) and info@ftp.uu.net.
- * If You Like The Software
- If you like the software developed and distributed by the Free
- Software Foundation, please express your satisfaction with a donation.
- Your donations will help to support the Foundation and make our future
- efforts successful, including a complete development and operating
- system, called GNU (Gnu's Not Un*x), which will run Un*x user
- programs. For more information on GNU and the Foundation, contact us
- at the above address.
- Ordering a distribution tape from the Foundation is often a good
- way to bring your company or university to make a donation.