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Text File | 1992-03-06 | 63.8 KB | 1,656 lines |
- GNU Emacs NEWS -- history of user-visible changes. 3 Feb 1992
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1990, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- See the end for copying conditions.
- Changes in version 18.58.
- * RMAIL reply now properly parses nested comments in addresses.
- * The "visual bell" feature when used with X windows
- now flashes only 1/4 of the window's total area. This is because
- flashing the whole window is too slow on some systems.
- * call-process and call-process-region now return an indication
- of the exit status of the subprocess: either a numeric exit code
- or a string describing the signal which caused termination.
- * It is possible for regular expression matching to overflow the stack
- of failure points. In the past, such overflow was treated as simple
- failure to match. Now it causes an error.
- * You can use C-u to end a numeric argument. Thus, type C-u 1 0 0 C-u 1
- to insert 100 1's.
- * Emacs now knows how to get resource values from the X server.
- * Job control commands in shell mode work properly on more systems
- because they now work by "typing" signal characters such as C-c.
- * copy-keymap no longer recursively copies keymaps reached through
- symbols' function definitions (i.e., those that have names). It does
- copy nested keymaps that appear directly in the other copied keymaps.
- Changes in version 18.56.
- * C-g should now work to interrupt a running program
- on all kinds of systems even when using X windows.
- * Quitting is inhibited while a filter or sentinel is running.
- Those functions can run asynchronously while Emacs is waiting
- for keyboard input, and if they allow quitting, they
- make the behavior of C-g unpredictable.
- * Storing text into the X windows cut buffer
- now clears out any selection.
- * The undo facility is completely rewritten, and now
- uses Lisp data structures. It can record much more
- information. You can use the variables undo-threshold
- and undo-high-threshold to control how much.
- * There is no longer a maximum screen height or width.
- Changes in version 18.52.
- * X windows version 10 is supported under system V.
- * Pop-up menus are now supported with the same Lisp interface in
- both version 10 and 11 of X windows.
- * C-x 4 a is a new command to edit a change-log entry in another window.
- * The emacs client program now allows an option +NNN to specify the
- line number to go to in the file whose name follows. Thus,
- emacsclient foo.c +45 bar.c
- will find the files `foo.c' and `bar.c', going to line 45 in `bar.c'.
- * Dired allows empty directories to be deleted like files.
- * When the terminal type is used to find a terminal-specific file to
- run, Emacs now tries the entire terminal type first. If that doesn't
- yield a file that exists, the last hyphen and what follows it is
- stripped. If that doesn't yield a file that exists, the previous
- hyphen is stripped, and so on until all hyphens are gone. For
- example, if the terminal type is `aaa-48-foo', Emacs will try first
- `term/aaa-48-foo.el', then `term/aaa-48.el' and finally `term/aaa.el'.
- Underscores now receive the same treatment as hyphens.
- * Texinfo features: @defun, etc. texinfo-show-structure.
- New template commands. texinfo-format-region.
- * The special "local variable" `eval' is now ignored if you are running
- as root.
- * New command `c-macro-expand' shows the result of C macro expansion
- in the region. It works using the C preprocessor, so its results
- are completely accurate.
- * Errors in trying to auto save now flash error messages for a few seconds.
- * Killing a buffer now sends SIGHUP to the buffer's process.
- * New hooks.
- ** `spell-region' now allows you to filter the text before spelling-checking.
- If the value of `spell-filter' is non-nil, it is called, with no arguments,
- looking at a temporary buffer containing a copy of the text to be checked.
- It can alter the text freely before the spell program sees it.
- ** The variable `lpr-command' now specifies the command to be used when
- you use the commands to print text (such as M-x print-buffer).
- ** Posting netnews now calls the value of `news-inews-hook' (if not nil)
- as a function of no arguments before the actual posting.
- ** Rmail now calls the value of `rmail-show-message-hook' (if not nil)
- as a function of no arguments, each time a new message is selected.
- ** `kill-emacs' calls the value of `kill-emacs-hook' as a function of no args.
- * New libraries.
- See the source code of each library for more information.
- ** icon.el: a major mode for editing programs written in Icon.
- ** life.el: a simulator for the cellular automaton "life". Load the
- library and run M-x life.
- ** doctex.el: a library for converting the Emacs `etc/DOC' file of
- documentation strings into TeX input.
- ** saveconf.el: a library which records the arrangement of windows and
- buffers when you exit Emacs, and automatically recreates the same
- setup the next time you start Emacs.
- ** uncompress.el: a library that automatically uncompresses files
- when you visit them.
- ** c-fill.el: a mode for editing filled comments in C.
- ** kermit.el: an extended version of shell-mode designed for running kermit.
- ** spook.el: a library for adding some "distract the NSA" keywords to every
- message you send.
- ** hideif.el: a library for hiding parts of a C program based on preprocessor
- conditionals.
- ** autoinsert.el: a library to put in some initial text when you visit
- a nonexistent file. The text used depends on the major mode, and
- comes from a directory of files created by you.
- * New programming features.
- ** The variable `window-system-version' now contains the version number
- of the window system you are using (if appropriate). When using X windows,
- its value is either 10 or 11.
- ** (interactive "N") uses the prefix argument if any; otherwise, it reads
- a number using the minibuffer.
- ** VMS: there are two new functions `vms-system-info' and `shrink-to-icon'.
- The former allows you to get many kinds of system status information.
- See its self-documentation for full details.
- The second is used with the window system: it iconifies the Emacs window.
- ** VMS: the new function `define-logical-name' allows you to create
- job-wide logical names. The old function `define-dcl-symbol' has been
- removed.
- Changes in version 18.50.
- * X windows version 11 is supported.
- Define X11 in config.h if you want X version 11 instead of version 10.
- * The command M-x gdb runs the GDB debugger as an inferior.
- It asks for the filename of the executable you want to debug.
- GDB runs as an inferior with I/O through an Emacs buffer. All the
- facilities of Shell mode are available. In addition, each time your
- program stops, and each time you select a new stack frame, the source
- code is displayed in another window with an arrow added to the line
- where the program is executing.
- Special GDB-mode commands include M-s, M-n, M-i, M-u, M-d, and C-c C-f
- which send the GDB commands `step', `next', `stepi', `up', `down'
- and `finish'.
- In any source file, the commands C-x SPC tells GDB to set a breakpoint
- on the current line.
- * M-x calendar displays a three-month calendar.
- * C-u 0 C-x C-s never makes a backup file.
- This is a way you can explicitly request not to make a backup.
- * `term-setup-hook' is for users only.
- Emacs never uses this variable for internal purposes, so you can freely
- set it in your `.emacs' file to make Emacs do something special after
- loading any terminal-specific setup file from `lisp/term'.
- * `copy-keymap' now copies recursive submaps.
- * New overlay-arrow feature.
- If you set the variable `overlay-arrow-string' to a string
- and `overlay-arrow-position' to a marker, that string is displayed on
- the screen at the position of that marker, hiding whatever text would
- have appeared there. If that position isn't on the screen, or if
- the buffer the marker points into isn't displayed, there is no effect.
- * -batch mode can read from the terminal.
- It now works to use `read-char' to do terminal input in a noninteractive
- Emacs run. End of file causes Emacs to exit.
- * Variables `data-bytes-used' and `data-bytes-free' removed.
- These variables cannot really work because the 24-bit range of an
- integer in (most ports of) GNU Emacs is not large enough to hold their
- values on many systems.
- Changes in version 18.45, since version 18.41.
- * C indentation parameter `c-continued-brace-offset'.
- This parameter's value is added to the indentation of any
- line that is in a continuation context and starts with an open-brace.
- For example, it applies to the open brace shown here:
- if (x)
- {
- The default value is zero.
- * Dabbrev expansion (Meta-/) preserves case.
- When you use Meta-/ to search the buffer for an expansion of an
- abbreviation, if the expansion found is all lower case except perhaps
- for its first letter, then the case pattern of the abbreviation
- is carried over to the expansion that replaces it.
- * TeX-mode syntax.
- \ is no longer given "escape character" syntax in TeX mode. It now
- has the syntax of an ordinary punctuation character. As a result,
- \[...\] and such like are considered to balance each other.
- * Mail-mode automatic Reply-to field.
- If the variable `mail-default-reply-to' is non-`nil', then each time
- you start to compose a message, a Reply-to field is inserted with
- its contents taken from the value of `mail-default-reply-to'.
- * Where is your .emacs file?
- If you run Emacs under `su', so your real and effective uids are
- different, Emacs uses the home directory associated with the real uid
- (the name you actually logged in under) to find the .emacs file.
- Otherwise, Emacs uses the environment variable HOME to find the .emacs
- file.
- The .emacs file is not loaded at all if -batch is specified.
- * Prolog mode is the default for ".pl" files.
- * File names are not case-sensitive on VMS.
- On VMS systems, all file names that you specify are converted to upper
- case. You can use either upper or lower case indiscriminately.
- * VMS-only function 'define-dcl-symbol'.
- This is a new name for the function formerly called
- `define-logical-name'.
- Editing Changes in Emacs 18
- * Additional systems and machines are supported.
- GNU Emacs now runs on Vax VMS. However, many facilities that are normally
- implemented by running subprocesses do not work yet. This includes listing
- a directory and sending mail. There are features for running subprocesses
- but they are incompatible with those on Unix. I hope that some of
- the VMS users can reimplement these features for VMS (compatibly for
- the user, if possible).
- VMS wizards are also asked to work on making the subprocess facilities
- more upward compatible with those on Unix, and also to rewrite their
- internals to use the same Lisp objects that are used on Unix to
- represent processes.
- In addition, the TI Nu machine running Unix system V, the AT&T 3b, and
- the Wicat, Masscomp, Integrated Solutions, Alliant, Amdahl uts, Mips,
- Altos 3068 and Gould Unix systems are now supported. The IBM PC-RT is
- supported under 4.2, but not yet under system V. The GEC 93 is close
- to working. The port for the Elxsi is partly merged. See the file
- MACHINES for full status information and machine-specific installation
- advice.
- * Searching is faster.
- Forward search for a text string, or for a regexp that is equivalent
- to a text string, is now several times faster. Motion by lines and
- counting lines is also faster.
- * Memory usage improvements.
- It is no longer possible to run out of memory during garbage
- collection. As a result, running out of memory is never fatal. This
- is due to a new garbage collection algorithm which compactifies
- strings in place rather than copying them. Another consequence of the
- change is a reduction in total memory usage and a slight increase in
- garbage collection speed.
- * Display changes.
- ** Editing above top of screen.
- When you delete or kill or alter text that reaches to the top of the
- screen or above it, so that display would start in the middle of a
- line, Emacs will usually attempt to scroll the text so that display
- starts at the beginning of a line again.
- ** Yanking in the minibuffer.
- The message "Mark Set" is no longer printed when the minibuffer is
- active. This is convenient with many commands, including C-y, that
- normally print such a message.
- ** Cursor appears in last line during y-or-n questions.
- Questions that want a `y' or `n' answer now move the cursor
- to the last line, following the question.
- * Library loading changes.
- `load' now considers all possible suffixes (`.elc', `.el' and none)
- for each directory in `load-path' before going on to the next directory.
- It now accepts an optional fourth argument which, if non-nil, says to
- use no suffixes; then the file name must be given in full. The search
- of the directories in `load-path' goes on as usual in this case, but
- it too can be prevented by passing an absolute file name.
- The value of `load-path' no longer by default includes nil (meaning to
- look in the current default directory). The idea is that `load' should
- be used to search the path only for libraries to be found in the standard
- places. If you want to override system libraries with your own, place
- your own libraries in one special directory and add that directory to the
- front of `load-path'.
- The function `load' is no longer a command; that is to say, `M-x load'
- is no longer allowed. Instead, there are two commands for loading files.
- `M-x load-library' is equivalent to the old meaning of `M-x load'.
- `M-x load-file' reads a file name with completion and defaulting
- and then loads exactly that file, with no searching and no suffixes.
- * Emulation of other editors.
- ** `edt-emulation-on' starts emulating DEC's EDT editor.
- Do `edt-emulation-off' to return Emacs to normal.
- ** `vi-mode' and `vip-mode' starts emulating vi.
- These are two different vi emulations provided by GNU Emacs users.
- We are interested in feedback as to which emulation is preferable.
- See the documentation and source code for these functions
- for more information.
- ** `set-gosmacs-bindings' emulates Gosling Emacs.
- This command changes many global bindings to resemble those of
- Gosling Emacs. The previous bindings are saved and can be restored using
- `set-gnu-bindings'.
- * Emulation of a display terminal.
- Within Emacs it is now possible to run programs (such as emacs or
- supdup) which expect to do output to a visual display terminal.
- See the function `terminal-emulator' for more information.
- * New support for keypads and function keys.
- There is now a first attempt at terminal-independent support for
- keypad and function keys.
- Emacs now defines a standard set of key-names for function and keypad
- keys, and provides standard hooks for defining them. Most of the
- standard key-names have default definitions built into Emacs; you can
- override these in a terminal-independent manner. The default definitions
- and the conventions for redefining them are in the file `lisp/keypad.el'.
- These keys on the terminal normally work by sending sequences of
- characters starting with ESC. The exact sequences used vary from
- terminal to terminal. Emacs interprets them in two stages:
- in the first stage, terminal-dependent sequences are mapped into
- the standard key-names; then second stage maps the standard key-names
- into their definitions in a terminal-independent fashion.
- The terminal-specific file `term/$TERM.el' now is responsible only for
- establishing the mapping from the terminal's escape sequences into
- standard key-names. It no longer knows what Emacs commands are
- assigned to the standard key-names.
- One other change in terminal-specific files: if the value of the TERM
- variable contains a hyphen, only the part before the first hyphen is
- used in forming the name of the terminal-specific file. Thus, for
- terminal type `aaa-48', the file loaded is now `term/aaa.el' rather
- than `term/aaa-48.el'.
- * New startup command line options.
- `-i FILE' or `-insert FILE' in the command line to Emacs tells Emacs to
- insert the contents of FILE into the current buffer at that point in
- command line processing. This is like using the command M-x insert-file.
- `-funcall', `-load', `-user' and `-no-init-file' are new synonyms for
- `-f', `-l', `-u' and `-q'.
- `-nw' means don't use a window system. If you are using a terminal
- emulator on the X window system and you want to run Emacs to work through
- the terminal emulator instead of working directly with the window system,
- use this switch.
- * Buffer-sorting commands.
- Various M-x commands whose names start with `sort-' sort parts of
- the region:
- sort-lines divides the region into lines and sorts them alphabetically.
- sort-pages divides into pages and sorts them alphabetically.
- sort-paragraphs divides into paragraphs and sorts them alphabetically.
- sort-fields divides into lines and sorts them alphabetically
- according to one field in the line.
- The numeric argument specifies which field (counting
- from field 1 at the beginning of the line). Fields in a line
- are separated by whitespace.
- sort-numeric-fields
- is similar but converts the specified fields to numbers
- and sorts them numerically.
- sort-columns divides into lines and sorts them according to the contents
- of a specified range of columns.
- Refer to the self-documentation of these commands for full usage information.
- * Changes in various commands.
- ** `tags-query-replace' and `tags-search' change.
- These functions now display the name of the file being searched at the moment.
- ** `occur' output now serves as a menu. `occur-menu' command deleted.
- `M-x occur' now allows you to move quickly to any of the occurrences
- listed. Select the `*Occur*' buffer that contains the output of `occur',
- move point to the occurrence you want, and type C-c C-c.
- This will move point to the same occurrence in the buffer that the
- occurrences were found in.
- The command `occur-menu' is thus obsolete, and has been deleted.
- One way to get a list of matching lines without line numbers is to
- copy the text to another buffer and use the command `keep-lines'.
- ** Incremental search changes.
- Ordinary and regexp incremental searches now have distinct default
- search strings. Thus, regexp searches recall only previous regexp
- searches.
- If you exit an incremental search when the search string is empty,
- the old default search string is kept. The default does not become
- empty.
- Reversing the direction of an incremental search with C-s or C-r
- when the search string is empty now does not get the default search
- string. It leaves the search string empty. A second C-s or C-r
- will get the default search string. As a result, you can do a reverse
- incremental regexp search with C-M-s C-r.
- If you add a `*', `?' or `\|' to an incremental search regexp,
- point will back up if that is appropriate. For example, if
- you have searched for `ab' and add a `*', point moves to the
- first match for `ab*', which may be before the match for `ab'
- that was previously found.
- If an incremental search is failing and you ask to repeat it,
- it will start again from the beginning of the buffer (or the end,
- if it is a backward search).
- The search-controlling parameters `isearch-slow-speed' and
- `isearch-slow-window-lines' have now been renamed to start with
- `search' instead of `isearch'. Now all the parameters' names start
- with `search'.
- If `search-slow-window-lines' is negative, the slow search window
- is put at the top of the screen, and the absolute value or the
- negative number specifies the height of it.
- ** Undo changes
- The undo command now will mark the buffer as unmodified only when it is
- identical to the contents of the visited file.
- ** C-M-v in minibuffer.
- If while in the minibuffer you request help in a way that uses a
- window to display something, then until you exit the minibuffer C-M-v
- in the minibuffer window scrolls the window of help.
- For example, if you request a list of possible completions, C-M-v can
- be used reliably to scroll the completion list.
- ** M-TAB command.
- Meta-TAB performs completion on the Emacs Lisp symbol names. The sexp
- in the buffer before point is compared against all existing nontrivial
- Lisp symbols and completed as far as is uniquely determined by them.
- Nontrivial symbols are those with either function definitions, values
- or properties.
- If there are multiple possibilities for the very next character, a
- list of possible completions is displayed.
- ** Dynamic abbreviation package.
- The new command Meta-/ expands an abbreviation in the buffer before point
- by searching the buffer for words that start with the abbreviation.
- ** Changes in saving kbd macros.
- The commands `write-kbd-macro' and `append-kbd-macro' have been
- deleted. The way to save a keyboard macro is to use the new command
- `insert-kbd-macro', which inserts Lisp code to define the macro as
- it is currently defined into the buffer before point. Visit a Lisp
- file such as your Emacs init file `~/.emacs', insert the macro
- definition (perhaps deleting an old definition for the same macro)
- and then save the file.
- ** C-x ' command.
- The new command C-x ' (expand-abbrev) expands the word before point as
- an abbrev, even if abbrev-mode is not turned on.
- ** Sending to inferior Lisp.
- The command C-M-x in Lisp mode, which sends the current defun to
- an inferior Lisp process, now works by writing the text into a temporary
- file and actually sending only a `load'-form to load the file.
- As a result, it avoids the Unix bugs that used to strike when the
- text was above a certain length.
- With a prefix argument, this command now makes the inferior Lisp buffer
- appear on the screen and scrolls it so that the bottom is showing.
- Two variables `inferior-lisp-load-command' and `inferior-lisp-prompt',
- exist to customize these feature for different Lisp implementations.
- ** C-x p now disabled.
- The command C-x p, a nonrecomended command which narrows to the current
- page, is now initially disabled like C-x n.
- * Dealing with files.
- ** C-x C-v generalized
- This command is now allowed even if the current buffer is not visiting
- a file. As usual, it kills the current buffer and replaces it with a
- newly found file.
- ** M-x recover-file improved; auto save file names changed.
- M-x recover-file now checks whether the last auto-save file is more
- recent than the real visited file before offering to read in the
- auto-save file. If the auto-save file is newer, a directory listing
- containing the two files is displayed while you are asked whether you
- want the auto save file.
- Visiting a file also makes this check. If the auto-save file is more recent,
- a message is printed suggesting that you consider using M-x recover file.
- Auto save file names now by default have a `#' at the end as well
- as at the beginning. This is so that `*.c' in a shell command
- will never match auto save files.
- On VMS, auto save file names are made by appending `_$' at the front
- and `$' at the end.
- When you change the visited file name of a buffer, the auto save file
- is now renamed to belong to the new visited file name.
- You can customize the way auto save file names are made by redefining
- the two functions `make-auto-save-file-name' and `auto-save-file-name-p',
- both of which are defined in `files.el'.
- ** Modifying a buffer whose file is changed on disk is detected instantly.
- On systems where clash detection (locking of files being edited) is
- implemented, Emacs also checks the first time you modify a buffer
- whether the file has changed on disk since it was last visited or saved.
- If it has, you are asked to confirm that you want to change the buffer.
- ** Exiting Emacs offers to save `*mail*'.
- Emacs can now know about buffers that it should offer to save on exit
- even though they are not visiting files. This is done for any buffer
- which has a non-nil local value of `buffer-offer-save'. By default,
- Mail mode provides such a local value.
- ** Backup file changes.
- If a backup file cannot be written in the directory of the visited file
- due to fascist file protection, a backup file is now written in your home
- directory as `~/%backup%~'. Only one such file is made, ever, so only
- the most recently made such backup is available.
- When backup files are made by copying, the last-modification time of the
- original file is now preserved in the backup copy.
- ** Visiting remote files.
- On an internet host, you can now visit and save files on any other
- internet host directly from Emacs with the commands M-x ftp-find-file
- and M-x ftp-write-file. Specify an argument of the form HOST:FILENAME.
- Since standard internet FTP is used, the other host may be any kind
- of machine and is not required to have any special facilities.
- The first time any one remote host is accessed, you will be asked to
- give the user name and password for use on that host. FTP is reinvoked
- each time you ask to use it, but previously specified user names and
- passwords are remembered automatically.
- ** Dired `g' command.
- `g' in Dired mode is equivalent to M-x revert-buffer; it causes the
- current contents of the same directory to be read in.
- * Changes in major modes.
- ** C mode indentation change.
- The binding of Linefeed is no longer changed by C mode. It once again
- has its normal meaning, which is to insert a newline and then indent
- afterward.
- The old definition did one additional thing: it reindented the line
- before the new newline. This has been removed because it made the
- command twice as slow. The only time it was really useful was after the
- insertion of an `else', since the fact of starting with `else' may change
- the way that line is indented. Now you will have to type TAB again
- yourself to reindent the `else' properly.
- If the variable `c-tab-always-indent' is set to `nil', the TAB command
- in C mode, with no argument, will just insert a tab character if there
- is non-whitespace preceding point on the current line. Giving it a
- prefix argument will force reindentation of the line (as well as
- of the compound statement that begins after point, if any).
- ** Fortran mode now exists.
- This mode provides commands for motion and indentation of Fortran code,
- plus built-in abbrevs for Fortran keywords. For details, see the manual
- or the on-line documentation of the command `fortran-mode'.
- ** Scribe mode now exists.
- This mode does something useful for editing files of Scribe input.
- It is used automatically for files with names ending in ".mss".
- ** Modula2 and Prolog modes now exist.
- These modes are for editing programs in the languages of the same names.
- They can be selected with M-x modula-2-mode and M-x prolog-mode.
- ** Telnet mode changes.
- The telnet mode special commands have now been assigned to C-c keys.
- Most of them are the same as in Shell mode.
- ** Picture mode changes.
- The special picture-mode commands to specify the direction of cursor
- motion after insertion have been moved to C-c keys. The commands to
- specify diagonal motion were already C-c keys; they are unchanged.
- The keys to specify horizontal or vertical motion are now
- C-c < (left), C-c > (right), C-c ^ (up) and C-c . (down).
- ** Nroff mode comments.
- Comments are now supported in Nroff mode. The standard comment commands
- such as M-; and C-x ; know how to insert, align and delete comments
- that start with backslash-doublequote.
- ** LaTeX mode.
- LaTeX mode now exists. Use M-x latex-mode to select this mode, and
- M-x plain-tex-mode to select the previously existing mode for Plain
- TeX. M-x tex-mode attempts to examine the contents of the buffer and
- choose between latex-mode and plain-tex-mode accordingly; if the
- buffer is empty or it cannot tell, the variable `TeX-default-mode'
- controls the choice. Its value should be the symbol for the mode to
- be used.
- The facilities for running TeX on all or part of the buffer
- work with LaTeX as well.
- Some new commands available in both modes:
- C-c C-l recenter the window showing the TeX output buffer
- so most recent line of output can be seen.
- C-c C-k kill the TeX subprocess.
- C-c C-q show the printer queue.
- C-c C-f close a block (appropriate for LaTeX only).
- If the current line contains a \begin{...},
- this inserts an \end{...} on the following line
- and puts point on a blank line between them.
- ** Outline mode changes.
- Invisible lines in outline mode are now indicated by `...' at the
- end of the previous visible line.
- The special outline heading motion commands are now all on C-c keys.
- A few new ones have been added. Here is a full list:
- C-c C-n Move to next visible heading (formerly M-})
- C-c C-p Move to previous visible heading (formerly M-{)
- C-c C-f Move to next visible heading at the same level.
- Thus, if point is on a level-2 heading line,
- this command moves to the next visible level-2 heading.
- C-c C-b Move to previous visible heading at the same level.
- C-c C-u Move up to previous visible heading at a higher level.
- The variable `outline-regexp' now controls recognition of heading lines.
- Any line whose beginning matches this regexp is a heading line.
- The depth in outline structure is determined by the length of
- the string that matches.
- A line starting with a ^L (formfeed) is now by default considered
- a header line.
- * Mail reading and sending.
- ** MH-E changes.
- MH-E has been extensively modified and improved since the v17 release.
- It contains many new features, including commands to: extracted failed
- messages, kill a draft message, undo changes to a mail folder, monitor
- delivery of a letter, print multiple messages, page digests backwards,
- insert signatures, and burst digests. Also, many commands have been
- made to able to deal with named sequences of messages, instead of
- single messages. MH-E also has had numerous bugs fixed and commands
- made to run faster. Furthermore, its keybindings have been changed to
- be compatible with Rmail and the rest of GNU Emacs.
- ** Mail mode changes.
- The C-c commands of mail mode have been rearranged:
- C-c s, C-c c, C-c t and C-c b (move point to various header fields)
- have been reassigned as C-c C-f C-s, C-c C-f C-c, C-c C-f C-t and C-c
- C-f C-b. C-c C-f is for "field".
- C-c y, C-c w and C-c q have been changed to C-c C-y, C-c C-w and C-c C-q.
- Thus, C-c LETTER is always unassigned.
- ** Rmail C-r command changed to w.
- The Rmail command to edit the current message is now `w'. This change
- has been made because people frequently type C-r while in Rmail hoping
- to do a reverse incremental search. That now works.
- * Rnews changes.
- ** Caesar rotation added.
- The function news-caesar-buffer-body performs encryption and
- decryption of the body of a news message. It defaults to the USENET
- standard of 13, and accepts any numeric arg between 1 to 25 and -25 to -1.
- The function is bound to C-c C-r in both news-mode and news-reply-mode.
- ** rmail-output command added.
- The C-o command has been bound to rmail-output in news-mode.
- This allows one to append an article to a file which is in either Unix
- mail or RMAIL format.
- ** news-reply-mode changes.
- The C-c commands of news reply mode have been rearranged and changed,
- so that C-c LETTER is always unassigned:
- C-c y, C-c w and C-c q have been changed to C-c C-y, C-c C-w and C-c C-q.
- C-c c, C-c t, and C-c b (move to various mail header fields) have been
- deleted (they make no sense for posting and replying to USENET).
- C-c s (move to Subject: header field) has been reassigned as C-c C-f
- C-s. C-c C-f is for "field". Several additional move to news header
- field commands have been added.
- The local news-reply-mode bindings now look like this:
- C-c C-s news-inews (post the message) C-c C-c news-inews
- C-c C-f move to a header field (and create it if there isn't):
- C-c C-f C-n move to Newsgroups: C-c C-f C-s move to Subj:
- C-c C-f C-f move to Followup-To: C-c C-f C-k move to Keywords:
- C-c C-f C-d move to Distribution: C-c C-f C-a move to Summary:
- C-c C-y news-reply-yank-original (insert current message, in NEWS).
- C-c C-q mail-fill-yanked-message (fill what was yanked).
- C-c C-r caesar rotate all letters by 13 places in the article's body (rot13).
- * Existing Emacs usable as a server.
- Programs such as mailers that invoke "the editor" as an inferior
- to edit some text can now be told to use an existing Emacs process
- instead of creating a new editor.
- To do this, you must have an Emacs process running and capable of
- doing terminal I/O at the time you want to invoke it. This means that
- either you are using a window system and give Emacs a separate window
- or you run the other programs as inferiors of Emacs (such as, using
- M-x shell).
- First prepare the existing Emacs process by loading the `server'
- library and executing M-x server-start. (Your .emacs can do this
- automatically.)
- Now tell the other programs to use, as "the editor", the Emacs client
- program (etc/emacsclient, located in the same directory as this file).
- This can be done by setting the environment variable EDITOR.
- When another program invokes the emacsclient as "the editor", the
- client actually transfers the file names to be edited to the existing
- Emacs, which automatically visits the files.
- When you are done editing a buffer for a client, do C-x # (server-edit).
- This marks that buffer as done, and selects the next buffer that the client
- asked for. When all the buffers requested by a client are marked in this
- way, Emacs tells the client program to exit, so that the program that
- invoked "the editor" will resume execution.
- You can only have one server Emacs at a time, but multiple client programs
- can put in requests at the same time.
- The client/server work only on Berkeley Unix, since they use the Berkeley
- sockets mechanism for their communication.
- Changes in Lisp programming in Emacs version 18.
- * Init file changes.
- ** Suffixes no longer accepted on `.emacs'.
- Emacs will no longer load a file named `.emacs.el' or `emacs.elc'
- in place of `.emacs'. This is so that it will take less time to
- find `.emacs'. If you want to compile your init file, give it another
- name and make `.emacs' a link to the `.elc' file, or make it contain
- a call to `load' to load the `.elc' file.
- ** `default-profile' renamed to `default', and loaded after `.emacs'.
- It used to be the case that the file `default-profile' was loaded if
- and only if `.emacs' was not found.
- Now the name `default-profile' is not used at all. Instead, a library
- named `default' is loaded after the `.emacs' file. `default' is loaded
- whether the `.emacs' file exists or not. However, loading of `default'
- can be prevented if the `.emacs' file sets `inhibit-default-init' to non-nil.
- In fact, you would call the default file `default.el' and probably would
- byte-compile it to speed execution.
- Note that for most purposes you are better off using a `site-init' library
- since that will be loaded before the runnable Emacs is dumped. By using
- a `site-init' library, you avoid taking up time each time Emacs is started.
- ** inhibit-command-line has been eliminated.
- This variable used to exist for .emacs files to set. It has been
- eliminated because you can get the same effect by setting
- command-line-args to nil and setting inhibit-startup-message to t.
- * `apply' is more general.
- `apply' now accepts any number of arguments. The first one is a function;
- the rest are individual arguments to pass to that function, except for the
- last, which is a list of arguments to pass.
- Previously, `apply' required exactly two arguments. Its old behavior
- follows as a special case of the new definition.
- * New code-letter for `interactive'.
- (interactive "NFoo: ") is like (interactive "nFoo: ") in reading
- a number using the minibuffer to serve as the argument; however,
- if a prefix argument was specified, it uses the prefix argument
- value as the argument, and does not use the minibuffer at all.
- This is used by the `goto-line' and `goto-char' commands.
- * Semantics of variables.
- ** Built-in per-buffer variables improved.
- Several built-in variables which in the past had a different value in
- each buffer now behave exactly as if `make-variable-buffer-local' had
- been done to them.
- These variables are `tab-width', `ctl-arrow', `truncate-lines',
- `fill-column', `left-margin', `mode-line-format', `abbrev-mode',
- `overwrite-mode', `case-fold-search', `auto-fill-hook',
- `selective-display', `selective-display-ellipses'.
- To be precise, each variable has a default value which shows through
- in most buffers and can be accessed with `default-value' and set with
- `set-default'. Setting the variable with `setq' makes the variable
- local to the current buffer. Changing the default value has retroactive
- effect on all buffers in which the variable is not local.
- The variables `default-case-fold-search', etc., are now obsolete.
- They now refer to the default value of the variable, which is not
- quite the same behavior as before, but it should enable old init files
- to continue to work.
- ** New per-buffer variables.
- The variables `fill-prefix', `comment-column' and `indent-tabs-mode'
- are now per-buffer. They work just like `fill-column', etc.
- ** New function `setq-default'.
- `setq-default' sets the default value of a variable, and uses the
- same syntax that `setq' accepts: the variable name is not evaluated
- and need not be quoted.
- `(setq-default case-fold-search nil)' would make searches case-sensitive
- in all buffers that do not have local values for `case-fold-search'.
- ** Functions `global-set' and `global-value' deleted.
- These functions were never used except by mistake by users expecting
- the functionality of `set-default' and `default-value'.
- * Changes in defaulting of major modes.
- When `default-major-mode' is `nil', new buffers are supposed to
- get their major mode from the buffer that is current. However,
- certain major modes (such as Dired mode, Rmail mode, Rmail Summary mode,
- and others) are not reasonable to use in this way.
- Now such modes' names have been given non-`nil' `mode-class' properties.
- If the current buffer's mode has such a property, Fundamental mode is
- used as the default for newly created buffers.
- * `where-is-internal' requires additional arguments.
- This function now accepts three arguments, two of them required:
- DEFINITION, the definition to search for; LOCAL-KEYMAP, the keymap
- to use as the local map when doing the searching, and FIRST-ONLY,
- which is nonzero to return only the first key found.
- This function returns a list of keys (strings) whose definitions
- (in the LOCAL-KEYMAP or the current global map) are DEFINITION.
- If FIRST-ONLY is non-nil, it returns a single key (string).
- This function has changed incompatibly in that now two arguments
- are required when previously only one argument was allowed. To get
- the old behavior of this function, write `(current-local-map)' as
- the expression for the second argument.
- The incompatibility is sad, but `nil' is a legitimate value for the
- second argument (it means there is no local keymap), so it cannot also
- serve as a default meaning to use the current local keymap.
- * Abbrevs with hooks.
- When an abbrev defined with a hook is expanded, it now performs the
- usual replacement of the abbrev with the expansion before running the
- hook. Previously the abbrev itself was deleted but the expansion was
- not inserted.
- * Function `scan-buffer' deleted.
- Use `search-forward' or `search-backward' in place of `scan-buffer'.
- You will have to rearrange the arguments.
- * X window interface improvements.
- ** Detect release of mouse buttons.
- Button-up events can now be detected. See the file `lisp/x-mouse.el'
- for details.
- ** New pop-up menu facility.
- The new function `x-popup-menu' pops up a menu (in a X window)
- and returns an indication of which selection the user made.
- For more information, see its self-documentation.
- * M-x disassemble.
- This command prints the disassembly of a byte-compiled Emacs Lisp function.
- Would anyone like to interface this to the debugger?
- * `insert-buffer-substring' can insert part of the current buffer.
- The old restriction that the text being inserted had to come from
- a different buffer is now lifted.
- When inserting text from the current buffer, the text to be inserted
- is determined from the specified bounds before any copying takes place.
- * New function `substitute-key-definition'.
- This is a new way to replace one command with another command as the
- binding of whatever keys may happen to refer to it.
- (substitute-key-definition OLDDEF NEWDEF KEYMAP) looks through KEYMAP
- for keys defined to run OLDDEF, and rebinds those keys to run NEWDEF
- instead.
- * New function `insert-char'.
- Insert a specified character, a specified number of times.
- * `mark-marker' changed.
- When there is no mark, this now returns a marker that points
- nowhere, rather than `nil'.
- * `ding' accepts argument.
- When given an argument, the function `ding' does not terminate
- execution of a keyboard macro. Normally, `ding' does terminate
- all macros that are currently executing.
- * New function `minibuffer-depth'.
- This function returns the current depth in minibuffer activations.
- The value is zero when the minibuffer is not in use.
- Values greater than one are possible if the user has entered the
- minibuffer recursively.
- * New function `documentation-property'.
- (documentation-property SYMBOL PROPNAME) is like (get SYMBOL PROPNAME),
- except that if the property value is a number `documentation-property'
- will take that number (or its absolute value) as a character position
- in the DOC file and return the string found there.
- (documentation-property VAR 'variable-documentation) is the proper
- way for a Lisp program to get the documentation of variable VAR.
- * New documentation-string expansion feature.
- If a documentation string (for a variable or function) contains text
- of the form `\<FOO>', it means that all command names specified in
- `\[COMMAND]' construct from that point on should be turned into keys
- using the value of the variable FOO as the local keymap. Thus, for example,
- `\<emacs-lisp-mode-map>\[eval-defun] evaluates the defun containing point.'
- will expand into
- "ESC C-x evaluates the defun containing point."
- regardless of the current major mode, because ESC C-x is defined to
- run `eval-defun' in the keymap `emacs-lisp-mode-map'. The effect is
- to show the key for `eval-defun' in Emacs Lisp mode regardless of the
- current major mode.
- The `\<...>' construct applies to all `\[...]' constructs that follow it,
- up to the end of the documentation string or the next `\<...>'.
- Without `\<...>', the keys for commands specified in `\[...]' are found
- in the current buffer's local map.
- The current global keymap is always searched second, whether `\<...>'
- has been used or not.
- * Multiple hooks allowed in certain contexts.
- The old hook variables `find-file-hook', `find-file-not-found-hook' and
- `write-file-hook' have been replaced.
- The replacements are `find-file-hooks', `find-file-not-found-hooks'
- and `write-file-hooks'. Each holds a list of functions to be called;
- by default, `nil', for no functions. The functions are called in
- order of appearance in the list.
- In the case of `find-file-hooks', all the functions are executed.
- In the case of `find-file-not-found-hooks', if any of the functions
- returns non-`nil', the rest of the functions are not called.
- In the case of `write-file-hooks', if any of the functions returns
- non-`nil', the rest of the functions are not called, and the file is
- considered to have been written already; so actual writing in the
- usual way is not done. If `write-file-hooks' is local to a buffer,
- it is set to its global value if `set-visited-file-name' is called
- (and thus by C-x C-w as well).
- `find-file-not-found-hooks' and `write-file-hooks' can be used
- together to implement editing of files that are not stored as Unix
- files: stored in archives, or inside version control systems, or on
- other machines running other operating systems and accessible via ftp.
- * New hooks for suspending Emacs.
- Suspending Emacs runs the hook `suspend-hook' before suspending
- and the hook `suspend-resume-hook' if the suspended Emacs is resumed.
- Running a hook is done by applying the variable's value to no arguments
- if the variable has a non-`nil' value. If `suspend-hook' returns
- non-`nil', then suspending is inhibited and so is running the
- `suspend-resume-hook'. The non-`nil' value means that the `suspend-hook'
- has done whatever suspending is required.
- * Disabling commands can print a special message.
- A command is disabled by giving it a non-`nil' `disabled' property.
- Now, if this property is a string, it is included in the message
- printed when the user tries to run the command.
- * Emacs can open TCP connections.
- The function `open-network-stream' opens a TCP connection to
- a specified host and service. Its value is a Lisp object that represents
- the connection. The object is a kind of "subprocess", and I/O are
- done like I/O to subprocesses.
- * Display-related changes.
- ** New mode-line control features.
- The display of the mode line used to be controlled by a format-string
- that was the value of the variable `mode-line-format'.
- This variable still exists, but it now allows more general values,
- not just strings. Lists, cons cells and symbols are also meaningful.
- The mode line contents are created by outputting various mode elements
- one after the other. Here are the kinds of objects that can be
- used as mode elements, and what they do in the display:
- string the contents of the string are output to the mode line,
- and %-constructs are replaced by other text.
- t or nil ignored; no output results.
- symbol the symbol's value is used. If the value is a string,
- the string is output verbatim to the mode line
- (so %-constructs are not interpreted). Otherwise,
- the symbol's value is processed as a mode element.
- list (whose first element is a string or list or cons cell)
- the elements of the list are treated as as mode elements,
- so that the output they generate is concatenated,
- list (whose car is a symbol)
- if the symbol's value is non-nil, the second element of the
- list is treated as a mode element. Otherwise, the third
- element (if any) of the list is treated as a mode element.
- cons (whose car is a positive integer)
- the cdr of the cons is used as a mode element, but
- the text it produces is padded, if necessary, to have
- at least the width specified by the integer.
- cons (whose car is a negative integer)
- the cdr of the cons is used as a mode element, but
- the text it produces is truncated, if necessary, to have
- at most the width specified by the integer.
- There is always one mode element to start with, that being the value of
- `mode-line-format', but if this value is a list then it leads to several
- more mode elements, which can lead to more, and so on.
- There is one new %-construct for mode elements that are strings:
- `%n' displays ` Narrow' for a buffer that is narrowed.
- The default value of `mode-line-format' refers to several other variables.
- These variables are `mode-name', `mode-line-buffer-identification',
- `mode-line-process', `mode-line-modified', `global-mode-string' and
- `minor-mode-alist'. The first four are local in every buffer in which they
- are changed from the default.
- mode-name Name of buffer's major mode. Local in every buffer.
- mode-line-buffer-identification
- Normally the list ("Emacs: %17b"), it is responsible
- for displaying text to indicate what buffer is being shown
- and what kind of editing it is doing. `Emacs' means
- that a file of characters is being edited. Major modes
- such as Info and Dired which edit or view other kinds
- of data often change this value. This variables becomes
- local to the current buffer if it is setq'd.
- mode-line-process
- Normally nil, this variable is responsible for displaying
- information about the process running in the current buffer.
- M-x shell-mode and M-x compile alter this variable.
- mode-line-modified
- This variable is responsible for displaying the indication
- of whether the current buffer is modified or read-only.
- By default its value is `("--%*%*-")'.
- minor-mode-alist
- This variable is responsible for displaying text for those
- minor modes that are currently enabled. Its value
- is a list of elements of the form (VARIABLE STRING),
- where STRING is to be displayed if VARIABLE's value
- (in the buffer whose mode line is being displayed)
- is non-nil. This variable is not made local to particular
- buffers, but loading some libraries may add elements to it.
- global-mode-string
- This variable is used to display the time, if you ask
- for that.
- The idea of these variables is to eliminate the need for major modes
- to alter mode-line-format itself.
- ** `window-point' valid for selected window.
- The value returned by `window-point' used to be incorrect when its
- argument was the selected window. Now the value is correct.
- ** Window configurations may be saved as Lisp objects.
- The function `current-window-configuration' returns a special type of
- Lisp object that represents the current layout of windows: the
- sizes and positions of windows, which buffers appear in them, and
- which parts of the buffers appear on the screen.
- The function `set-window-configuration' takes one argument, which must
- be a window configuration object, and restores that configuration.
- ** New hook `temp-output-buffer-show-hook'.
- This hook allows you to control how help buffers are displayed.
- Whenever `with-output-to-temp-buffer' has executed its body and wants
- to display the temp buffer, if this variable is bound and non-`nil'
- then its value is called with one argument, the temp buffer.
- The hook function is solely responsible for displaying the buffer.
- The standard manner of display--making the buffer appear in a window--is
- used only if there is no hook function.
- ** New function `minibuffer-window'.
- This function returns the window used (sometimes) for displaying
- the minibuffer. It can be used even when the minibuffer is not active.
- ** New feature to `next-window'.
- If the optional second argument is neither `nil' nor `t', the minibuffer
- window is omitted from consideration even when active; if the starting
- window was the last non-minibuffer window, the value will be the first
- non-minibuffer window.
- ** New variable `minibuffer-scroll-window'.
- When this variable is non-`nil', the command `scroll-other-window'
- uses it as the window to be scrolled. Displays of completion-lists
- set this variable to the window containing the display.
- ** New argument to `sit-for'.
- A non-nil second argument to `sit-for' means do not redisplay;
- just wait for the specified time or until input is available.
- ** Deleted function `set-minor-mode'; minor modes must be changed.
- The function `set-minor-mode' has been eliminated. The display
- of minor mode names in the mode line is now controlled by the
- variable `minor-mode-alist'. To specify display of a new minor
- mode, it is sufficient to add an element to this list. Once that
- is done, you can turn the mode on and off just by setting a variable,
- and the display will show its status automatically.
- ** New variable `cursor-in-echo-area'.
- If this variable is non-nil, the screen cursor appears on the
- last line of the screen, at the end of the text displayed there.
- Binding this variable to t is useful at times when reading single
- characters of input with `read-char'.
- ** New per-buffer variable `selective-display-ellipses'.
- If this variable is non-nil, an ellipsis (`...') appears on the screen
- at the end of each text line that is followed by invisible text.
- If this variable is nil, no ellipses appear. Then there is no sign
- on the screen that invisible text is present.
- Text is made invisible under the control of the variable
- `selective-display'; this is how Outline mode and C-x $ work.
- ** New variable `no-redraw-on-reenter'.
- If you set this variable non-nil, Emacs will not clear the screen when
- you resume it after suspending it. This is for the sake of terminals
- with multiple screens of memory, where the termcap entry has been set
- up to switch between screens when Emacs is suspended and resumed.
- ** New argument to `set-screen-height' or `set-screen-width'.
- These functions now take an optional second argument which says
- what significance the newly specified height or width has.
- If the argument is nil, or absent, it means that Emacs should
- believe that the terminal height or width really is as just specified.
- If the argument is t, it means Emacs should not believe that the
- terminal really is this high or wide, but it should use the
- specific height or width as the number of lines or columns to display.
- Thus, you could display only 24 lines on a screen known to have 48 lines.
- What practical difference is there between using only 24 lines for display
- and really believing that the terminal has 24 lines?
- 1. The ``real'' height of the terminal says what the terminal command
- to move the cursor to the last line will do.
- 2. The ``real'' height of the terminal determines how much padding is
- needed.
- * File-related changes.
- ** New parameter `backup-by-copying-when-mismatch'.
- If this variable is non-`nil', then when Emacs is about to save a
- file, it will create the backup file by copying if that would avoid
- changing the file's uid or gid.
- The default value of this variable is `nil', because usually it is
- useful to have the uid of a file change according to who edited it
- last. I recommend thet this variable be left normally `nil' and
- changed with a local variables list in those particular files where
- the uid needs to be preserved.
- ** New parameter `file-precious-flag'.
- If this variable is non-`nil', saving the buffer tries to avoid
- leaving an incomplete file due to disk full or other I/O errors.
- It renames the old file before saving. If saving is successful,
- the renamed file is deleted; if saving gets an error, the renamed
- file is renamed back to the name you visited.
- Backups are always made by copying for such files.
- ** New variable `buffer-offer-save'.
- If the value of this variable is non-`nil' in a buffer then exiting
- Emacs will offer to save the buffer (if it is modified and nonempty)
- even if the buffer is not visiting a file. This variable is
- automatically made local to the current buffer whenever it is set.
- ** `rename-file', `copy-file', `add-name-to-file' and `make-symbolic-link'.
- The third argument to these functions used to be `t' or `nil'; `t'
- meaning go ahead even if the specified new file name already has a file,
- and `nil' meaning to get an error.
- Now if the third argument is a number it means to ask the user for
- confirmation in this case.
- ** New optional argument to `copy-file'.
- If `copy-file' receives a non-nil fourth argument, it attempts
- to give the new copy the same time-of-last-modification that the
- original file has.
- ** New function `file-newer-than-file-p'.
- (file-newer-than-file-p FILE1 FILE2) returns non-nil if FILE1 has been
- modified more recently than FILE2. If FILE1 does not exist, the value
- is always nil; otherwise, if FILE2 does not exist, the value is t.
- This is meant for use when FILE2 depends on FILE1, to see if changes
- in FILE1 make it necessary to recompute FILE2 from it.
- ** Changed function `file-exists-p'.
- This function is no longer the same as `file-readable-p'.
- `file-exists-p' can now return t for a file that exists but which
- the fascists won't allow you to read.
- ** New function `file-locked-p'.
- This function receives a file name as argument and returns `nil'
- if the file is not locked, `t' if locked by this Emacs, or a
- string giving the name of the user who has locked it.
- ** New function `file-name-sans-versions'.
- (file-name-sans-versions NAME) returns a substring of NAME, with any
- version numbers or other backup suffixes deleted from the end.
- ** New functions for directory names.
- Although a directory is really a kind of file, specifying a directory
- uses a somewhat different syntax from specifying a file.
- In Emacs, a directory name is used as part of a file name.
- On Unix, the difference is small: a directory name ends in a slash,
- while a file name does not: thus, `/usr/rms/' to name a directory,
- while `/usr/rms' names the file which holds that directory.
- On VMS, the difference is considerable: `du:[rms.foo]' specifies a
- directory, but the name of the file that holds that directory is
- `du:[rms]foo.dir'.
- There are two new functions for converting between directory names
- and file names. `directory-file-name' takes a directory name and
- returns the name of the file in which that directory's data is stored.
- `file-name-as-directory' takes the name of a file and returns
- the corresponding directory name. These always understand Unix file name
- syntax; on VMS, they understand VMS syntax as well.
- For example, (file-name-as-directory "/usr/rms") returns "/usr/rms/"
- and (directory-file-name "/usr/rms/") returns "/usr/rms".
- On VMS, (file-name-as-directory "du:[rms]foo.dir") returns "du:[rms.foo]"
- and (directory-file-name "du:[rms.foo]") returns "du:[rms]foo.dir".
- ** Value of `file-attributes' changed.
- The function file-attributes returns a list containing many kinds of
- information about a file. Now the list has eleven elements.
- The tenth element is `t' if deleting the file and creating another
- file of the same name would result in a change in the file's group;
- `nil' if there would be no change. You can also think of this as
- comparing the file's group with the default group for files created in
- the same directory by you.
- The eleventh element is the inode number of the file.
- ** VMS-only function `file-name-all-versions'.
- This function returns a list of all the completions, including version
- number, of a specified version-number-less file name. This is like
- `file-name-all-completions', except that the latter returns values
- that do not include version numbers.
- ** VMS-only variable `vms-stmlf-recfm'.
- On a VMS system, if this variable is non-nil, Emacs will give newly
- created files the record format `stmlf'. This is necessary for files
- that must contain lines of arbitrary length, such as compiled Emacs
- Lisp.
- When writing a new version of an existing file, Emacs always keeps
- the same record format as the previous version; so this variable has
- no effect.
- This variable has no effect on Unix systems.
- ** `insert-file-contents' on an empty file.
- This no longer sets the buffer's "modified" flag.
- ** New function (VMS only) `define-logical-name':
- (define-logical-name LOGICAL TRANSLATION) defines a VMS logical name
- LOGICAL whose translation is TRANSLATION. The new name applies to
- the current process only.
- ** Deleted variable `ask-about-buffer-names'.
- If you want buffer names for files to be generated in a special way,
- you must redefine `create-file-buffer'.
- * Subprocess-related changes.
- ** New function `process-list'.
- This function takes no arguments and returns a list of all
- of Emacs's asynchronous subprocesses.
- ** New function `process-exit-status'.
- This function, given a process, process name or buffer as argument,
- returns the exit status code or signal number of the process.
- If the process has not yet exited or died, this function returns 0.
- ** Process output ignores `buffer-read-only'.
- Output from a process will go into the process's buffer even if the
- buffer is read only.
- ** Switching buffers in filter functions and sentinels.
- Emacs no longer saves and restore the current buffer around calling
- the filter and sentinel functions, so these functions can now
- permanently alter the selected buffer in a straightforward manner.
- ** Specifying environment variables for subprocesses.
- When a subprocess is started with `start-process' or `call-process',
- the value of the variable `process-environment' is taken to
- specify the environment variables to give the subprocess. The
- value should be a list of strings, each of the form "VAR=VALUE".
- `process-environment' is initialized when Emacs starts up
- based on Emacs's environment.
- ** New variable `process-connection-type'.
- If this variable is `nil', when a subprocess is created, Emacs uses
- a pipe rather than a pty to communicate with it. Normally this
- variable is `t', telling Emacs to use a pty if ptys are supported
- and one is available.
- ** New function `waiting-for-user-input-p'.
- This function, given a subprocess as argument, returns `t' if that
- subprocess appears to be waiting for input sent from Emacs,
- or `nil' otherwise.
- ** New hook `shell-set-directory-error-hook'.
- The value of this variable is called, with no arguments, whenever
- Shell mode gets an error trying to keep track of directory-setting
- commands (such as `cd' and `pushd') used in the shell buffer.
- * New functions `user-uid' and `user-real-uid'.
- These functions take no arguments and return, respectively,
- the effective uid and the real uid of the Emacs process.
- The value in each case is an integer.
- * New variable `print-escape-newlines' controls string printing.
- If this variable is non-`nil', then when a Lisp string is printed
- by the Lisp printing function `prin1' or `print', newline characters
- are printed as `\n' rather than as a literal newline.
- * New function `sysnetunam' on HPUX.
- This function takes two arguments, a network address PATH and a
- login string LOGIN, and executes the system call `netunam'.
- It returns `t' if the call succeeds, otherwise `nil'.
- News regarding installation:
- * Many `s-...' file names changed.
- Many `s-...' files have been renamed. All periods in such names,
- except the ones just before the final `h', have been changed to
- hyphens. Thus, `s-bsd4.2.h' has been renamed to `s-bsd4-2.h'.
- This is so a Unix distribution can be moved mechanically to VMS.
- * `DOCSTR...' file now called `DOC-...'.
- The file of on-line documentation strings, that used to be
- `DOCSTR.mm.nn.oo' in this directory, is now called `DOC-mm.nn.oo'.
- This is so that it can port to VMS using the standard conventions
- for translating filenames for VMS.
- This file also now contains the doc strings for variables as
- well as functions.
- * Emacs no longer uses floating point arithmetic.
- This may make it easier to port to some machines.
- * Macros `XPNTR' and `XSETPNTR'; flag `DATA_SEG_BITS'.
- These macros exclusively are used to unpack a pointer from a Lisp_Object
- and to insert a pointer into a Lisp_Object. Redefining them may help
- port Emacs to machines in which all pointers to data objects have
- certain high bits set.
- If `DATA_SEG_BITS' is defined, it should be a number which contains
- the high bits to be inclusive or'ed with pointers that are unpacked.
- * New flag `HAVE_X_MENU'.
- Define this flag in `config.h' in addition to `HAVE_X_WINDOWS'
- to enable use of the Emacs interface to X Menus. On some operating
- systems, the rest of the X interface works properly but X Menus
- do not work; hence this separate flag. See the file `src/xmenu.c'
- for more information.
- * `HAVE_ALLOCA' prevents assembly of `alloca.s'.
- * `SYSTEM_MALLOC' prevents use of GNU `malloc.c'.
- SYSTEM_MALLOC, if defined, means use the system's own `malloc' routines
- rather than those that come with Emacs.
- Use this only if absolutely necessary, because if it is used you do
- not get warnings when space is getting low.
- * New flags to control unexec.
- See the file `unexec.c' for a long comment on the compilation
- switches that suffice to make it work on many machines.
- Pointers that need to be compared for ordering are converted to this type
- first. Normally this is `unsigned int'.
- These flags just say whether certain system calls are available.
- * New macros control compiler switches, linker switches and libraries.
- The m- and s- files can now control in a modular fashion the precise
- arguments passed to `cc' and `ld'.
- LIBS_STANDARD defines the standard C libraries. Default is `-lc'.
- LIBS_DEBUG defines the extra libraries to use when debugging. Default `-lg'.
- LIBS_SYSTEM can be defined by the s- file to specify extra libraries.
- LIBS_MACHINE can be defined by the m- file to specify extra libraries.
- LIBS_TERMCAP defines the libraries for Termcap or Terminfo.
- It is defined by default in a complicated fashion but the m- or s- file
- can override it.
- LD_SWITCH_SYSTEM can be defined by the s- file to specify extra `ld' switches.
- The default is `-X' on BSD systems except those few that use COFF object files.
- LD_SWITCH_MACHINE can be defined by the m- file to specify extra `ld' switches.
- C_DEBUG_SWITCH defines the switches to give `cc' when debugging. Default `-g'.
- C_OPTIMIZE_SWITCH defines the switches to give `cc' to optimize. Default `-O'.
- C_SWITCH_MACHINE can be defined by the m- file to specify extra `cc' switches.
- For older news, see the file ONEWS.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Copyright information:
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1990 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Permission is granted to anyone to make or distribute verbatim copies
- of this document as received, in any medium, provided that the
- copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved,
- thus giving the recipient permission to redistribute in turn.
- Permission is granted to distribute modified versions
- of this document, or of portions of it,
- under the above conditions, provided also that they
- carry prominent notices stating who last changed them.
- Local variables:
- mode: text
- end: