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- From: harvard!topaz!BLUE!BRAIL@mit-eddie
- Date: 9 Sep 85 17:25:27 EDT
- Subject: EMACS -- What does it mean?
- To: mit-prep!info-gnu-emacs@TOPAZ.RUTGERS.EDU
- EMACS may stand for "Editing MACroS," but some friends of mine
- suggested some more creative definitions. Here they are. Anyone have
- any additions?
- --------
- Even a
- Master of
- Arts
- Comes
- Simpler
- Emacs
- Manuals
- Are
- Cryptic and
- Surreal
- Energetic
- Merchants
- Always
- Cultivate
- Sales
- Each
- Manual's
- Audience is
- Completely
- Stupified
- Emacs
- Means
- A
- Crappy
- Screen
- Eventually
- Munches
- All
- Computer
- Storage
- Even
- My
- Aunt
- Crashes the
- System
- Eradication of
- Memory
- Accomplished with
- Complete
- Simplicity
- Elsewhere
- Maybe
- Alternative
- Civilizations
- Survive
- Egregious
- Managers
- Actively
- Court
- Stallman
- Esoteric
- Malleability
- Always
- Considered
- Silly
- Emacs
- Manuals
- Always
- Cause
- Senility
- Easily
- Maintained with the
- Assistance of
- Chemical
- Solutions
- Edwardian
- Manifestation of
- All
- Colonial
- Sins
- Generally
- Not
- Used
- Except by
- Middle
- Aged
- Computer
- Scientists
- Extended
- Macros
- Are
- Considered
- Superfluous
- Every
- Mode
- Accelerates
- Creation of
- Software
- Elsewhere
- Maybe
- All
- Commands are
- Simple
- Emacs
- May
- Allow
- Customised
- Screwups
- Excellent
- Manuals
- Are
- Clearly
- Suppressed
- Emetic
- Macros
- Assault
- Core and
- Segmentation
- Embarrassed
- Manual-Writer
- Accused of
- Communist
- Subversion
- Extensibilty and
- Modifiability
- Aggravate
- Confirmed
- Simpletons
- Emacs
- May
- Annihilate
- Command
- Structures
- Easily
- Mangles,
- Aborts,
- Crashes and
- Stupifies
- Extraneous
- Macros
- And
- Commands
- Stink
- Exceptionally
- Mediocre
- Algorithm for
- Computer
- Scientists
- Makes no
- Allowances
- Considering its
- Stiff price
- Equine
- Mammals
- Are
- Considerably
- Smaller
- Embarrasingly
- Mundane
- Advertising
- Cuts
- Sales
- Every
- Moron
- Assumes
- CCA is
- Superior
- Exceptionally
- Mediocre
- Autocratic
- Control
- System
- May
- Alienate
- Clients and
- Supporters
- Excavating
- Mayan
- Architecture
- Comes
- Simpler
- Erasing
- Minds
- Allows
- Complete
- Submission
- Every
- Male
- Adolescent
- Craves
- Sex
- Elephantine
- Memory
- Absolutely
- Considered
- Sine que non
- Emacs
- Makers
- Are
- Crazy
- Sickos
- Eenie-Meenie-Miney-Mo-
- Macros
- Are
- Completely
- Slow
- Experience the
- Mildest
- Ad
- Campaign ever
- Seen
- Emacs
- Makefiles
- Annihilate
- C-
- Shells
- Eradication of
- Memory
- Accomplished with
- Complete
- Simplicity
- Emetic
- Macros
- Assault
- Core and
- Segmentation
- Epileptic
- MLisp
- Aggravates
- Compiler
- Seizures
- Eleven thousand
- Monkeys
- Asynchronously
- Crank out these
- Slogans
- -------
- From: ihnss!warren@mit-eddie (Warren Montgomery)
- Newsgroups: net.emacs
- Subject: Re: EMACS -- What does it mean?
- Date: Tue, 10-Sep-85 09:14:24 EDT
- Organization: AT&T Bell Labs, Naperville, IL
- Apparently-To: emacs-netnews-distribution@mit-prep
- Someone at a luncheon suggested it meant:
- Evenings,
- Mornings,
- And a
- Couple of
- Saturdays
- (In reference to the odd hours that went into the creation of my
- implementation).
- --
- Warren Montgomery
- ihnss!warren
- IH ((312)-979) x2494
- Date: Wed, 18 Sep 85 10:11:04 edt
- From: inmet!tower@inmet.inmet (Leonard H. Tower Jr.) <inmet!tower@cca-unix>
- Subject: Re: EMACS -- What does it mean?
- To: tower@MIT-PREP.ARPA
- Received: by inmet.uucp (4.12/inmet) id AA02199; Wed, 18 Sep 85 09:10:17 edt
- Date: Wed, 18 Sep 85 09:10:17 edt
- Message-Id: <8509181310.AA02199@inmet.uucp>
- Uucp-Paths: {bellcore,ima,ihnp4}!inmet!tower
- Arpa-Path: ima!inmet!tower@CCA-UNIX.ARPA
- Organization: Intermetrics, Inc., Cambridge, MA, USA
- Home: 36 Porter Street, Somerville, MA 02143, USA +1 (617) 623-7739
- /* Written 6:48 pm Sep 14, 1985 by gml@ssc-vax in inmet:net.emacs */
- /* ---------- "Re: EMACS -- What does it mean?" ---------- */
- Pleeeeeeeze!!! Nice try on the meaning of EMACS. I believe the
- correct acronym is:
- Emacs
- Makes
- All
- Computing
- Simple
- Thank you, and Good Night
- /* End of text from inmet:net.emacs */
- From: ho95e!wcs@mit-eddie (Bill.Stewart.4K435.x0705)
- Newsgroups: net.emacs
- Subject: Re: EMACS -- What does it mean?
- Date: Thu, 26-Sep-85 21:43:54 EDT
- Organization: AT&T Bell Labs, Holmdel NJ
- Apparently-To: emacs-netnews-distribution@mit-prep
- > > very interesting, but what does GNU stand for ?
- > GNU = Gnu's Not UNIX. There is also MINCE, for Mince Is Not a Complete Emacs.
- > More recursive acronyms, anyone?
- Many people have also seen FINE Is Not Emacs, but the one that has
- character is THief Isn't Even Fine.
- --
- ## Bill Stewart, AT&T Bell Labs, Holmdel NJ 1-201-949-0705 ihnp4!ho95c!wcs
- Path: mit-eddie!think!harvard!bbnccv!bbncca!linus!decvax!mcnc!ncsu!uvacs!edison!ta2
- From: edison!ta2@mit-eddie (tom allebrandi)
- Newsgroups: net.emacs
- Subject: Re: Re: EMACS -- What does it mean?
- Date: Sun, 29-Sep-85 18:11:55 EDT
- Organization: General Electric's Mountain Resort
- Apparently-To: emacs-netnews-distribution@mit-prep
- > GNU = Gnu's Not UNIX. There is also MINCE, for Mince Is Not a Complete Emacs.
- >
- > More recursive acronyms, anyone?
- >
- For the DEC-system-10/20: FINE - Fine Is Not Emacs.....
- --
- ...............
- tom allebrandi 2, general electric aco, charlottesville, va
- {decvax,duke}!mcnc!ncsu!uvacs!edison!ta2
- box 8106, charlottesville, va, 22906
- (804) 978-5566
- ...............
- Date: Wed, 16 Oct 85 01:38:12 edt
- From: inmet!tower (Leonard H. Tower Jr.) <inmet!tower@cca-unix>
- Subject: more names
- To: tower@MIT-PREP.ARPA
- Received: by inmet.uucp (4.12/inmet) id AA12997; Tue, 15 Oct 85 22:31:39 edt
- Date: Tue, 15 Oct 85 22:31:39 edt
- Message-Id: <8510160231.AA12997@inmet.uucp>
- Uucp-Paths: {bellcore,ima,ihnp4}!inmet!tower
- Arpa-Path: ima!inmet!tower@CCA-UNIX.ARPA
- Organization: Intermetrics, Inc., Cambridge, MA, USA
- Home: 36 Porter Street, Somerville, MA 02143, USA +1 (617) 623-7739
- /* Written 12:20 pm Oct 14, 1985 by rs@mirror.UUCP in inmet:net.emacs */
- SINE: Sine Is Not Emacs
- (MIT Architecture Machine Group)
- EINE: Eine is Not Emacs
- (MIT Lisp Machine)
- ZWEI: Zwei Was Eine Initially
- ("rev2" of EINE)
- --
- Rich $alz {mit-eddie, ihnp4!inmet, wjh12, cca, datacube} !mirror!rs
- Mirror Systems 2067 Massachusetts Ave.
- 617-661-0777 Cambridge, MA, 02140
- /* End of text from inmet:net.emacs */
- Path: mit-eddie!genrad!panda!talcott!harvard!seismo!gatech!ulysses!pajb
- From: ulysses!pajb@mit-eddie (Paul Bennett)
- Newsgroups: net.emacs
- Subject: Here we go again ...
- Date: Sat, 19-Oct-85 17:26:49 EDT
- Organization: AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill
- Apparently-To: emacs-netnews-distribution@mit-prep
- > EINE: Eine is Not Emacs
- > (MIT Lisp Machine)
- >
- > ZWEI: Zwei Was Eine Initially
- > ("rev2" of EINE)
- DREI: DREI - Really Emacs Inside
- (Exists only in my head)
- Paul.
- UUCP: {decvax,allegra,vax135,ucbvax}!ulysses!circe!pajb
- DDD: (201) 582 7346
- USPS: AT&T Bell Labs, Room 5E-103, Murray Hill, NJ 07974
- .. I don't care WHO you are, you're not walking on the water while I'M fishing.--
- Paul.
- UUCP: {decvax,allegra,vax135,ucbvax}!ulysses!circe!pajb
- DDD: (201) 582 7346
- USPS: AT&T Bell Labs, Room 5E-103, Murray Hill, NJ 07974
- .. I don't care WHO you are, you're not walking on the water while I'M fishing.