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GNU Info File | 1992-10-31 | 27.8 KB | 538 lines |
- This is Info file ../info/emacs, produced by Makeinfo-1.49 from the
- input file emacs.texi.
- This file documents the GNU Emacs editor.
- Copyright (C) 1985, 1986, 1988, 1992 Richard M. Stallman.
- Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
- manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
- preserved on all copies.
- Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
- this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also
- that the sections entitled "The GNU Manifesto", "Distribution" and "GNU
- General Public License" are included exactly as in the original, and
- provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the
- terms of a permission notice identical to this one.
- Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
- manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified
- versions, except that the sections entitled "The GNU Manifesto",
- "Distribution" and "GNU General Public License" may be included in a
- translation approved by the author instead of in the original English.
- File: emacs, Node: Key Index, Next: Command Index, Prev: Glossary, Up: Top
- Key (Character) Index
- *********************
- * Menu:
- * ! (query-replace): Query Replace.
- * ! (Dired, V19): Shell Commands in Dired.
- * " (TeX mode): TeX Editing.
- * $ (Dired, V19): Hiding Subdirectories.
- * % C (Dired, V19): Dired Regexps.
- * % d (Dired, V19): Dired Regexps.
- * % H (Dired, V19): Dired Regexps.
- * % l (Dired, V19): Dired Case Conversion.
- * % m (Dired, V19): Dired Regexps.
- * % R (Dired, V19): Dired Regexps.
- * % S (Dired, V19): Dired Regexps.
- * % u (Dired, V19): Dired Case Conversion.
- * * (Dired, V19): Marks in Dired.
- * , (query-replace): Query Replace.
- * . (query-replace): Query Replace.
- * . (Rmail): Rmail Scrolling.
- * / (Dired, V19): Marks in Dired.
- * < (Rmail in V19): Mail Changes.
- * = (Dired, V19): Comparison in Dired.
- * > (Rmail): Rmail Motion.
- * @ (Dired, V19): Marks in Dired.
- * TAB (Shell mode in V19): Shell Changes.
- * a (Rmail): Rmail Labels.
- * B (Dired, V19): Multiple Files.
- * c (Rmail): Rmail Reply.
- * C (Dired, V19): Multiple Files.
- * c (Dired, V19): Marks in Dired.
- * C-a: Basic.
- * C-a (Shell mode in V19): Shell Changes.
- * C-b: Basic.
- * C-c: Keys.
- * C-c ' (Picture mode): Insert in Picture.
- * C-c . (Picture mode): Insert in Picture.
- * C-c / (Picture mode): Insert in Picture.
- * C-c ; (Fortran mode): Fortran Comments.
- * C-c < (Picture mode): Insert in Picture.
- * C-c < (GUD in V19): Commands of GUD.
- * C-c > (Picture mode): Insert in Picture.
- * C-c > (GUD in V19): Commands of GUD.
- * C-c TAB (TeX mode in V19): TeX Mode Changes.
- * C-c { (TeX mode in V19): TeX Mode Changes.
- * C-c } (TeX mode in V19): TeX Mode Changes.
- * C-c C-b (Outline mode): Outline Motion.
- * C-c C-b (Picture mode): Insert in Picture.
- * C-c C-b (TeX mode): TeX Print.
- * C-c C-c (Edit Abbrevs): Editing Abbrevs.
- * C-c C-c (Edit Tab Stops): Tab Stops.
- * C-c C-c (Mail mode): Mail Mode.
- * C-c C-c (Occur mode): Other Repeating Search.
- * C-c C-c (Shell mode): Shell Mode.
- * C-c C-c (GUD in V19): Commands of GUD.
- * C-c C-d (Picture mode): Basic Picture.
- * C-c C-d (Shell mode): Shell Mode.
- * C-c C-e (TeX mode in V19): TeX Mode Changes.
- * C-c C-f (LaTeX mode): TeX Editing.
- * C-c C-f (Outline mode): Outline Motion.
- * C-c C-f (Picture mode): Insert in Picture.
- * C-c C-f (GUD in V19): Commands of GUD.
- * C-c C-f C-c (Mail mode): Mail Mode.
- * C-c C-f C-s (Mail mode): Mail Mode.
- * C-c C-f C-t (Mail mode): Mail Mode.
- * C-c C-h (Outline mode): Outline Visibility.
- * C-c C-i (Outline mode): Outline Visibility.
- * C-c C-i (GUD in V19): Commands of GUD.
- * C-c C-k (Picture mode): Rectangles in Picture.
- * C-c C-k (TeX mode): TeX Print.
- * C-c C-l (TeX mode): TeX Print.
- * C-c C-l (GUD in V19): Commands of GUD.
- * C-c C-n (Fortran mode): Fortran Motion.
- * C-c C-n (Outline mode): Outline Motion.
- * C-c C-n (GUD in V19): Commands of GUD.
- * C-c C-o (Shell mode): Shell Mode.
- * C-c C-o (Shell mode in V19): Shell Changes.
- * C-c C-o (TeX mode in V19): TeX Mode Changes.
- * C-c C-p (Fortran mode): Fortran Motion.
- * C-c C-p (Outline mode): Outline Motion.
- * C-c C-p (TeX mode): TeX Print.
- * C-c C-q (Mail mode): Mail Mode.
- * C-c C-q (TeX mode): TeX Print.
- * C-c C-r (Fortran mode): Fortran Columns.
- * C-c C-r (Shell mode): Shell Mode.
- * C-c C-r (TeX mode): TeX Print.
- * C-c C-r (Shell mode in V19): Shell Changes.
- * C-c C-s (Mail mode): Mail Mode.
- * C-c C-s (Outline mode): Outline Visibility.
- * C-c C-s (GUD in V19): Commands of GUD.
- * C-c C-u (Outline mode): Outline Motion.
- * C-c C-u (Shell mode): Shell Mode.
- * C-c C-v (TeX mode in V19): TeX Mode Changes.
- * C-c C-w (Fortran mode): Fortran Columns.
- * C-c C-w (Mail mode): Mail Mode.
- * C-c C-w (Picture mode): Rectangles in Picture.
- * C-c C-w (Shell mode): Shell Mode.
- * C-c C-x (Picture mode): Rectangles in Picture.
- * C-c C-y (Mail mode): Mail Mode.
- * C-c C-y (Mail mode): Rmail Reply.
- * C-c C-y (Picture mode): Rectangles in Picture.
- * C-c C-y (Shell mode): Shell Mode.
- * C-c C-z (Shell mode): Shell Mode.
- * C-c C-\ (Shell mode): Shell Mode.
- * C-c TAB (Picture mode): Tabs in Picture.
- * C-c \ (Picture mode): Insert in Picture.
- * C-c ^ (Picture mode): Insert in Picture.
- * C-c ` (Picture mode): Insert in Picture.
- * C-d: Killing.
- * C-d (Rmail): Rmail Deletion.
- * C-d (Shell mode in V19): Shell Changes.
- * C-e: Basic.
- * C-f: Basic.
- * C-g: Minibuffer.
- * C-h: Keys.
- * C-h a: Help.
- * C-h a (V19): New Commands.
- * C-h b: Help.
- * C-h c: Help.
- * C-h C-c: Help.
- * C-h C-d: Help.
- * C-h C-f (V19): New Commands.
- * C-h C-k (V19): New Commands.
- * C-h C-w: Help.
- * C-h f: Help.
- * C-h f: Documentation.
- * C-h i: Help.
- * C-h k: Help.
- * C-h l: Help.
- * C-h m: Help.
- * C-h n: Help.
- * C-h s: Syntax Change.
- * C-h t: Basic.
- * C-h t: Help.
- * C-h v: Documentation.
- * C-h v: Help.
- * C-h v: Examining.
- * C-h w: Help.
- * C-k: Killing.
- * C-k: Killing.
- * C-l: Basic.
- * C-l: Scrolling.
- * C-l (query-replace): Query Replace.
- * C-M-@: Lists.
- * C-M-@: Marking Objects.
- * C-M-a: Defuns.
- * C-M-a (Fortran mode): Fortran Motion.
- * C-M-b: Lists.
- * C-M-c: Recursive Edit.
- * C-M-d: Lists.
- * C-M-d (Dired, V19): Subdirectories in Dired.
- * C-M-e: Defuns.
- * C-M-e (Fortran mode): Fortran Motion.
- * C-M-f: Lists.
- * C-M-f (V19): Changed Commands.
- * C-M-h: Defuns.
- * C-M-h: Marking Objects.
- * C-M-h (Fortran mode): Fortran Motion.
- * C-M-k: Killing.
- * C-M-k: Lists.
- * C-M-l (Rmail): Rmail Make Summary.
- * C-M-l (Rmail): Rmail Labels.
- * C-M-l (V19): New Commands.
- * C-M-m (Rmail in V19): Mail Changes.
- * C-M-n: Lists.
- * C-M-n (Rmail): Rmail Labels.
- * C-M-n (Dired, V19): Subdirectories in Dired.
- * C-M-n (Summary mode) (GNUS, V19): Summary of GNUS.
- * C-M-o: Indentation Commands.
- * C-M-p: Lists.
- * C-M-p (Rmail): Rmail Labels.
- * C-M-p (Dired, V19): Subdirectories in Dired.
- * C-M-p (Summary mode) (GNUS, V19): Summary of GNUS.
- * C-M-q: Multi-line Indent.
- * C-M-q (Fortran mode): ForIndent Commands.
- * C-M-r (Rmail): Rmail Make Summary.
- * C-M-r (V19): New Commands.
- * C-M-s: Regexp Search.
- * C-M-t: Transpose.
- * C-M-t: Lists.
- * C-M-u: Lists.
- * C-M-u (Dired, V19): Subdirectories in Dired.
- * C-M-v: Minibuffer Edit.
- * C-M-v: Other Window.
- * C-M-w: Appending Kills.
- * C-M-x: External Lisp.
- * C-M-x: Lisp Eval.
- * C-M-\: Indentation Commands.
- * C-M-\: Multi-line Indent.
- * C-n: Basic.
- * C-n (Rmail summary): Rmail Summary Edit.
- * C-n (Group mode) (GNUS, V19): Summary of GNUS.
- * C-n (Rmail summary in V19): Mail Changes.
- * C-n (Summary mode) (GNUS, V19): Summary of GNUS.
- * C-o: Blank Lines.
- * C-o (Rmail): Rmail Output.
- * C-o (V19): Changed Commands.
- * C-p: Basic.
- * C-p (Rmail summary): Rmail Summary Edit.
- * C-p (Group mode) (GNUS, V19): Summary of GNUS.
- * C-p (Rmail summary in V19): Mail Changes.
- * C-p (Summary mode) (GNUS, V19): Summary of GNUS.
- * C-q: Basic.
- * C-r: Incremental Search.
- * C-r (query-replace): Query Replace.
- * C-s: Incremental Search.
- * C-SPC: Setting Mark.
- * C-t: Basic.
- * C-t: Transpose.
- * C-u: Arguments.
- * C-u - C-x ;: Comments.
- * C-u C-@: Mark Ring.
- * C-u C-SPC: Mark Ring.
- * C-u TAB: Multi-line Indent.
- * C-v: Scrolling.
- * C-w: Killing.
- * C-w (query-replace): Query Replace.
- * C-x: Keys.
- * C-x $: Selective Display.
- * C-x & (GUD in V19): GUD Customization.
- * C-x (: Basic Kbd Macro.
- * C-x ): Basic Kbd Macro.
- * C-x +: Defining Abbrevs.
- * C-x -: Defining Abbrevs.
- * C-x .: Fill Prefix.
- * C-x /: RegPos.
- * C-x 0: Change Window.
- * C-x 1: Change Window.
- * C-x 2: Split Window.
- * C-x 2 (V19): Changed Commands.
- * C-x 3 (V19): Binding Changes.
- * C-x 4: Pop Up Window.
- * C-x 4 .: Find Tag.
- * C-x 4 a: Change Log.
- * C-x 4 a (V19): M-x Changes.
- * C-x 4 b: Select Buffer.
- * C-x 4 C-o (V19): Binding Changes.
- * C-x 4 d: Dired Enter.
- * C-x 4 f: Visiting.
- * C-x 4 m: Sending Mail.
- * C-x 4 r (V19): New Commands.
- * C-x 5: Split Window.
- * C-x 5 . (V19): New Commands.
- * C-x 5 (V19): New Commands.
- * C-x 5 b (V19): New Commands.
- * C-x 5 C-f (V19): New Commands.
- * C-x 5 m (V19): New Commands.
- * C-x ;: Comments.
- * C-x <: Horizontal Scrolling.
- * C-x =: Position Info.
- * C-x >: Horizontal Scrolling.
- * C-x SPC (V19): Commands of GUD.
- * C-x }: Change Window.
- * C-x a: Accumulating Text.
- * C-x a (V19): Binding Changes.
- * C-x b: Select Buffer.
- * C-x C-a: Defining Abbrevs.
- * C-x C-b: List Buffers.
- * C-x C-c: Exiting.
- * C-x C-d: ListDir.
- * C-x C-e: Lisp Eval.
- * C-x C-f: Visiting.
- * C-x C-h: Defining Abbrevs.
- * C-x C-l: Case.
- * C-x C-l (V19): Binding Changes.
- * C-x C-o: Blank Lines.
- * C-x C-o: Killing.
- * C-x C-p: Pages.
- * C-x C-p: Marking Objects.
- * C-x C-q: Misc Buffer.
- * C-x C-q (V19): Editing with VC.
- * C-x C-s: Saving.
- * C-x C-t: Transpose.
- * C-x C-u: Case.
- * C-x C-u (V19): Binding Changes.
- * C-x C-v: Visiting.
- * C-x C-v (V19): Changed Commands.
- * C-x C-w: Saving.
- * C-x C-x: Setting Mark.
- * C-x d: Dired Enter.
- * C-x DEL: Killing.
- * C-x DEL: Kill Errors.
- * C-x DEL: Sentences.
- * C-x e: Basic Kbd Macro.
- * C-x ESC: Repetition.
- * C-x f: Fill Commands.
- * C-x g: RegText.
- * C-x h: Marking Objects.
- * C-x j: RegPos.
- * C-x k: Kill Buffer.
- * C-x l: Pages.
- * C-x m: Sending Mail.
- * C-x n: Narrowing.
- * C-x n (V19): Binding Changes.
- * C-x o: Other Window.
- * C-x q: Kbd Macro Query.
- * C-x r (V19): Binding Changes.
- * C-x s: Saving.
- * C-x s (V19): Changed Commands.
- * C-x TAB: Indentation Commands.
- * C-x u: Undo.
- * C-x v = (V19): Comparing Versions.
- * C-x v a (V19): Change Logs and VC.
- * C-x v c (V19): Editing with VC.
- * C-x v d (V19): VC Status.
- * C-x v h (V19): Version Headers.
- * C-x v i (V19): Editing with VC.
- * C-x v l (V19): VC Status.
- * C-x v r (V19): Making Snapshots.
- * C-x v s (V19): Making Snapshots.
- * C-x v u (V19): Editing with VC.
- * C-x w: Narrowing.
- * C-x x: RegText.
- * C-x [: Pages.
- * C-x ]: Pages.
- * C-x ^: Change Window.
- * C-x `: Compilation.
- * C-y: Kill Ring.
- * C-z: Exiting.
- * C-z (V19): New Commands.
- * C-]: Quitting.
- * C-]: Recursive Edit.
- * C-_: Undo.
- * d (Rmail summary): Rmail Summary Edit.
- * d (Rmail): Rmail Deletion.
- * DEL: Program Modes.
- * DEL: Major Modes.
- * DEL: Basic.
- * DEL: Killing.
- * DEL: Kill Errors.
- * DEL (query-replace): Query Replace.
- * DEL (Rmail summary): Rmail Summary Edit.
- * DEL (Rmail): Rmail Scrolling.
- * DEL (Group mode) (GNUS, V19): Summary of GNUS.
- * DEL (Summary mode) (GNUS, V19): Summary of GNUS.
- * e (Rmail): Rmail Deletion.
- * e (Rmail in V19): Mail Changes.
- * ESC: Keys.
- * ESC (query-replace): Query Replace.
- * f (Rmail): Rmail Reply.
- * g (Rmail): Rmail Files.
- * g (Dired, V19): Editing Dired Buffer.
- * G (Dired, V19): Multiple Files.
- * h (Rmail): Rmail Make Summary.
- * H (Dired, V19): Multiple Files.
- * Help: Help.
- * i (Rmail): Rmail Files.
- * i (Dired, V19): Subdirectories in Dired.
- * j (Rmail summary): Rmail Summary Edit.
- * j (Rmail): Rmail Motion.
- * k (rmail): Rmail Labels.
- * k (Dired, V19): Editing Dired Buffer.
- * l (Rmail): Rmail Make Summary.
- * L (Dired, V19): Multiple Files.
- * l (Dired, V19): Editing Dired Buffer.
- * l (Group mode) (GNUS, V19): Summary of GNUS.
- * L (Group mode) (GNUS, V19): Summary of GNUS.
- * LFD: Basic Indent.
- * LFD: Major Modes.
- * LFD (TeX mode): TeX Editing.
- * m (Rmail): Rmail Reply.
- * m (Dired, V19): Marks in Dired.
- * M (Dired, V19): Multiple Files.
- * M-!: Single Shell.
- * M-! (V19): Changed Commands.
- * M-$: Spelling.
- * M-$ (Dired, V19): Hiding Subdirectories.
- * M-$ (V19): Spell Changes.
- * M-%: Query Replace.
- * M-': Expanding Abbrevs.
- * M-(: Balanced Editing.
- * M-): Balanced Editing.
- * M-,: Tags Search.
- * M-.: Find Tag.
- * M-. (V19): Tags Changes.
- * M-/: Dynamic Abbrevs.
- * M-1: Arguments.
- * M-;: Comments.
- * M-<: Basic.
- * M-=: Position Info.
- * M-= (Dired, V19): Comparison in Dired.
- * M->: Basic.
- * M-?: Nroff Mode.
- * M-? (Shell mode in V19): Shell Changes.
- * M-@: Words.
- * M-@: Marking Objects.
- * M-DEL (Dired, V19): Marks in Dired.
- * M-TAB (V19): Tags Changes.
- * M--: Arguments.
- * M-- M-c: Fixing Case.
- * M-- M-l: Fixing Case.
- * M-- M-u: Fixing Case.
- * M-{ (TeX mode): TeX Editing.
- * M-{ (V19): Binding Changes.
- * M-} (TeX mode): TeX Editing.
- * M-} (V19): Binding Changes.
- * M-a: Sentences.
- * M-a (C mode in V19): New Commands.
- * M-b: Words.
- * M-c: Case.
- * M-d: Words.
- * M-d: Killing.
- * M-DEL: Kill Errors.
- * M-DEL: Killing.
- * M-DEL: Words.
- * M-e: Sentences.
- * M-e (C mode in V19): New Commands.
- * M-ESC: Lisp Eval.
- * M-f: Words.
- * M-g: Fill Commands.
- * M-g (V19): Binding Changes.
- * M-h: Marking Objects.
- * M-h: Paragraphs.
- * M-i: Tab Stops.
- * M-k: Sentences.
- * M-k: Killing.
- * M-l: Case.
- * M-LFD: Comments.
- * M-LFD (Fortran mode): ForIndent Commands.
- * M-m: Indentation Commands.
- * M-n: Nroff Mode.
- * M-n: Repetition.
- * M-n (Rmail): Rmail Motion.
- * M-n (Rmail summary in V19): Mail Changes.
- * M-n (Shell mode in V19): Shell Changes.
- * M-n (V19): New Facilities.
- * M-p: Nroff Mode.
- * M-p: Repetition.
- * M-p (Rmail): Rmail Motion.
- * M-p (Rmail summary in V19): Mail Changes.
- * M-p (Shell mode in V19): Shell Changes.
- * M-p (V19): New Facilities.
- * M-q: Fill Commands.
- * M-q (C mode in V19): New Commands.
- * M-q (C mode in V19): Filling Changes.
- * M-r: Basic.
- * M-r (Shell mode in V19): Shell Changes.
- * M-r (V19): New Facilities.
- * M-s: Fill Commands.
- * M-s (Rmail): Rmail Motion.
- * M-s (Shell mode in V19): Shell Changes.
- * M-s (Summary mode) (GNUS, V19): Summary of GNUS.
- * M-s (V19): New Facilities.
- * M-SPC: Killing.
- * M-t: Transpose.
- * M-t: Words.
- * M-TAB: Tabs in Picture.
- * M-TAB: Lisp Completion.
- * M-u: Case.
- * M-v: Scrolling.
- * M-w: Kill Ring.
- * M-x: M-x.
- * M-x gnus (V19): GNUS.
- * M-y: Earlier Kills.
- * M-z: Killing.
- * M-z (V19): Changed Commands.
- * M-[: Paragraphs.
- * M-\: Killing.
- * M-\: Indentation Commands.
- * M-]: Paragraphs.
- * M-^: Killing.
- * M-^: Indentation Commands.
- * M-^ (V19): Changed Commands.
- * M-|: Single Shell.
- * M-~: Saving.
- * n (Rmail summary): Rmail Summary Edit.
- * n (Rmail): Rmail Motion.
- * n (Group mode) (GNUS, V19): Summary of GNUS.
- * n (Rmail summary in V19): Mail Changes.
- * o (Rmail): Rmail Output.
- * O (Dired, V19): Multiple Files.
- * p (Rmail summary): Rmail Summary Edit.
- * p (Rmail): Rmail Motion.
- * P (Dired, V19): Multiple Files.
- * p (Group mode) (GNUS, V19): Summary of GNUS.
- * p (Rmail summary in V19): Mail Changes.
- * q (Rmail summary): Rmail Summary Edit.
- * q (Rmail): Rmail.
- * q (Group mode) (GNUS, V19): Summary of GNUS.
- * r (Rmail): Rmail Reply.
- * R (Dired, V19): Multiple Files.
- * RET: Basic.
- * RET (Shell mode): Shell Mode.
- * s (Rmail): Rmail.
- * S (Dired, V19): Multiple Files.
- * s (Summary mode) (GNUS, V19): Summary of GNUS.
- * SPC: Completion.
- * SPC (query-replace): Query Replace.
- * SPC (Rmail summary): Rmail Summary Edit.
- * SPC (Rmail): Rmail Scrolling.
- * SPC (Group mode) (GNUS, V19): Summary of GNUS.
- * SPC (Summary mode) (GNUS, V19): Summary of GNUS.
- * t (Rmail): Rmail Editing.
- * TAB: Basic Indent.
- * TAB: Completion.
- * TAB: Indentation.
- * TAB: Text Mode.
- * TAB: Indentation.
- * TAB: Major Modes.
- * u (Rmail summary): Rmail Summary Edit.
- * u (Rmail): Rmail Deletion.
- * u (Group mode) (GNUS, V19): Summary of GNUS.
- * w (Rmail): Rmail Editing.
- * x (Rmail summary): Rmail Summary Edit.
- * x (Rmail in V19): Mail Changes.
- * Z (Dired, V19): Multiple Files.
- * z (Group mode) (GNUS, V19): Summary of GNUS.
- * ^ (query-replace): Query Replace.