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- Info file regex, produced by Makeinfo, -*- Text -*- from input file
- regex.texinfo.
- File: regex, Node: top, Next: syntax, Up: (dir)
- "regex" regular expression matching library.
- ********************************************
- Overview
- ========
- Regular expression matching allows you to test whether a string fits
- into a specific syntactic shape. You can also search a string for a
- substring that fits a pattern.
- A regular expression describes a set of strings. The simplest case
- is one that describes a particular string; for example, the string
- `foo' when regarded as a regular expression matches `foo' and nothing
- else. Nontrivial regular expressions use certain special constructs
- so that they can match more than one string. For example, the
- regular expression `foo\|bar' matches either the string `foo' or the
- string `bar'; the regular expression `c[ad]*r' matches any of the
- strings `cr', `car', `cdr', `caar', `cadddar' and all other such
- strings with any number of `a''s and `d''s.
- The first step in matching a regular expression is to compile it.
- You must supply the pattern string and also a pattern buffer to hold
- the compiled result. That result contains the pattern in an internal
- format that is easier to use in matching.
- Having compiled a pattern, you can match it against strings. You can
- match the compiled pattern any number of times against different
- strings.
- * Menu:
- * syntax:: Syntax of regular expressions
- * directives:: Meaning of characters as regex string directives.
- * emacs:: Additional character directives available
- only for use within Emacs.
- * programming:: Using the regex library from C programs
- * unix:: Unix-compatible entry-points to regex library
- File: regex, Node: syntax, Next: directives, Prev: top, Up: top
- Syntax of Regular Expressions
- =============================
- Regular expressions have a syntax in which a few characters are
- special constructs and the rest are "ordinary". An ordinary
- character is a simple regular expression which matches that character
- and nothing else. The special characters are `$', `^', `.', `*',
- `+', `?', `[', `]' and `\'. Any other character appearing in a
- regular expression is ordinary, unless a `\' precedes it.
- For example, `f' is not a special character, so it is ordinary, and
- therefore `f' is a regular expression that matches the string `f' and
- no other string. (It does *not* match the string `ff'.) Likewise,
- `o' is a regular expression that matches only `o'.
- Any two regular expressions A and B can be concatenated. The result
- is a regular expression which matches a string if A matches some
- amount of the beginning of that string and B matches the rest of the
- string.
- As a simple example, we can concatenate the regular expressions `f'
- and `o' to get the regular expression `fo', which matches only the
- string `fo'. Still trivial.
- Note: for Unix compatibility, special characters are treated as
- ordinary ones if they are in contexts where their special meanings
- make no sense. For example, `*foo' treats `*' as ordinary since
- there is no preceding expression on which the `*' can act. It is
- poor practice to depend on this behavior; better to quote the special
- character anyway, regardless of where is appears.
- File: regex, Node: directives, Next: emacs, Prev: syntax, Up: top
- The following are the characters and character sequences which have
- special meaning within regular expressions. Any character not
- mentioned here is not special; it stands for exactly itself for the
- purposes of searching and matching. *Note syntax::.
- `.'
- is a special character that matches anything except a newline.
- Using concatenation, we can make regular expressions like `a.b'
- which matches any three-character string which begins with `a'
- and ends with `b'.
- `*'
- is not a construct by itself; it is a suffix, which means the
- preceding regular expression is to be repeated as many times as
- possible. In `fo*', the `*' applies to the `o', so `fo*'
- matches `f' followed by any number of `o''s.
- The case of zero `o''s is allowed: `fo*' does match `f'.
- `*' always applies to the *smallest* possible preceding
- expression. Thus, `fo*' has a repeating `o', not a repeating
- `fo'.
- The matcher processes a `*' construct by matching, immediately,
- as many repetitions as can be found. Then it continues with the
- rest of the pattern. If that fails, backtracking occurs,
- discarding some of the matches of the `*''d construct in case
- that makes it possible to match the rest of the pattern. For
- example, matching `c[ad]*ar' against the string `caddaar', the
- `[ad]*' first matches `addaa', but this does not allow the next
- `a' in the pattern to match. So the last of the matches of
- `[ad]' is undone and the following `a' is tried again. Now it
- succeeds.
- `+'
- `+' is like `*' except that at least one match for the preceding
- pattern is required for `+'. Thus, `c[ad]+r' does not match
- `cr' but does match anything else that `c[ad]*r' would match.
- `?'
- `?' is like `*' except that it allows either zero or one match
- for the preceding pattern. Thus, `c[ad]?r' matches `cr' or
- `car' or `cdr', and nothing else.
- `[ ... ]'
- `[' begins a "character set", which is terminated by a `]'. In
- the simplest case, the characters between the two form the set.
- Thus, `[ad]' matches either `a' or `d', and `[ad]*' matches any
- string of `a''s and `d''s (including the empty string), from
- which it follows that `c[ad]*r' matches `car', etc.
- Character ranges can also be included in a character set, by
- writing two characters with a `-' between them. Thus, `[a-z]'
- matches any lower-case letter. Ranges may be intermixed freely
- with individual characters, as in `[a-z$%.]', which matches any
- lower case letter or `$', `%' or period.
- Note that the usual special characters are not special any more
- inside a character set. A completely different set of special
- characters exists inside character sets: `]', `-' and `^'.
- To include a `]' in a character set, you must make it the first
- character. For example, `[]a]' matches `]' or `a'. To include
- a `-', you must use it in a context where it cannot possibly
- indicate a range: that is, as the first character, or
- immediately after a range.
- `[^ ... ]'
- `[^' begins a "complement character set", which matches any
- character except the ones specified. Thus, `[^a-z0-9A-Z]'
- matches all characters *except* letters and digits.
- `^' is not special in a character set unless it is the first
- character. The character following the `^' is treated as if it
- were first (it may be a `-' or a `]').
- `^'
- is a special character that matches the empty string -- but only
- if at the beginning of a line in the text being matched.
- Otherwise it fails to match anything. Thus, `^foo' matches a
- `foo' which occurs at the beginning of a line.
- `$'
- is similar to `^' but matches only at the end of a line. Thus,
- `xx*$' matches a string of one or more `x''s at the end of a line.
- `\'
- has two functions: it quotes the above special characters
- (including `\'), and it introduces additional special constructs.
- Because `\' quotes special characters, `\$' is a regular
- expression which matches only `$', and `\[' is a regular
- expression which matches only `[', and so on.
- For the most part, `\' followed by any character matches only
- that character. However, there are several exceptions:
- characters which, when preceded by `\', are special constructs.
- Such characters are always ordinary when encountered on their own.
- No new special characters will ever be defined. All extensions
- to the regular expression syntax are made by defining new
- two-character constructs that begin with `\'.
- `\|'
- specifies an alternative. Two regular expressions A and B with
- `\|' in between form an expression that matches anything that
- either A or B will match.
- Thus, `foo\|bar' matches either `foo' or `bar' but no other
- string.
- `\|' applies to the largest possible surrounding expressions.
- Only a surrounding `\( ... \)' grouping can limit the grouping
- power of `\|'.
- Full backtracking capability exists when multiple `\|''s are used.
- `\( ... \)'
- is a grouping construct that serves three purposes:
- 1. To enclose a set of `\|' alternatives for other operations.
- Thus, `\(foo\|bar\)x' matches either `foox' or `barx'.
- 2. To enclose a complicated expression for the postfix `*' to
- operate on. Thus, `ba\(na\)*' matches `bananana', etc.,
- with any (zero or more) number of `na''s.
- 3. To mark a matched substring for future reference.
- This last application is not a consequence of the idea of a
- parenthetical grouping; it is a separate feature which happens
- to be assigned as a second meaning to the same `\( ... \)'
- construct because there is no conflict in practice between the
- two meanings. Here is an explanation of this feature:
- `\DIGIT'
- After the end of a `\( ... \)' construct, the matcher remembers
- the beginning and end of the text matched by that construct.
- Then, later on in the regular expression, you can use `\'
- followed by DIGIT to mean "match the same text matched the
- DIGIT'th time by the `\( ... \)' construct." The `\( ... \)'
- constructs are numbered in order of commencement in the regexp.
- The strings matching the first nine `\( ... \)' constructs
- appearing in a regular expression are assigned numbers 1 through
- 9 in order of their beginnings. `\1' through `\9' may be used
- to refer to the text matched by the corresponding `\( ... \)'
- construct.
- For example, `\(.*\)\1' matches any string that is composed of
- two identical halves. The `\(.*\)' matches the first half,
- which may be anything, but the `\1' that follows must match the
- same exact text.
- `\b'
- matches the empty string, but only if it is at the beginning or
- end of a word. Thus, `\bfoo\b' matches any occurrence of `foo'
- as a separate word. `\bball\(s\|\)\b' matches `ball' or `balls'
- as a separate word.
- `\B'
- matches the empty string, provided it is *not* at the beginning
- or end of a word.
- `\<'
- matches the empty string, but only if it is at the beginning of
- a word.
- `\>'
- matches the empty string, but only if it is at the end of a word.
- `\w'
- matches any word-constituent character.
- `\W'
- matches any character that is not a word-constituent.
- There are a number of additional `\' regexp directives available for
- use within Emacs only.
- (*note emacs::.).
- File: regex, Node: emacs, Next: programming, Prev: directives, Up: top
- Constructs Available in Emacs Only
- ----------------------------------
- `\`'
- matches the empty string, but only if it is at the beginning of
- the buffer.
- `\''
- matches the empty string, but only if it is at the end of the
- buffer.
- `\sCODE'
- matches any character whose syntax is CODE. CODE is a letter
- which represents a syntax code: thus, `w' for word constituent,
- `-' for whitespace, `(' for open-parenthesis, etc. See the
- documentation for the Emacs function `modify-syntax-entry' for
- further details.
- Thus, `\s(' matches any character with open-parenthesis syntax.
- `\SCODE'
- matches any character whose syntax is not CODE.
- File: regex, Node: programming, Next: compiling, Prev: emacs, Up: top
- Programming using the `regex' library
- =====================================
- The subnodes accessible from this menu give information on entry
- points and data structures which C programs need to interface to the
- `regex' library.
- * Menu:
- * compiling:: How to compile regular expressions
- * matching:: Matching compiled regular expressions
- * searching:: Searching for compiled regular expressions
- * translation:: Translating characters into other characters
- (for both compilation and matching)
- * registers:: determining what was matched
- * split:: matching data which is split into two pieces
- * unix:: Unix-compatible entry-points to regex library
- File: regex, Node: compiling, Next: matching, Prev: programming, Up: programming
- Compiling a Regular Expression
- ------------------------------
- To compile a regular expression, you must supply a pattern buffer.
- This is a structure defined, in the include file `regex.h', as
- follows:
- struct re_pattern_buffer
- {
- char *buffer /* Space holding the compiled pattern commands. */
- int allocated /* Size of space that buffer points to */
- int used /* Length of portion of buffer actually occupied */
- char *fastmap; /* Pointer to fastmap, if any, or zero if none. */
- /* re_search uses the fastmap, if there is one,
- to skip quickly over totally implausible
- characters */
- char *translate;
- /* Translate table to apply to characters before
- comparing, or zero for no translation.
- The translation is applied to a pattern when
- it is compiled and to data when it is matched. */
- char fastmap_accurate;
- /* Set to zero when a new pattern is stored,
- set to one when the fastmap is updated from it. */
- };
- Before compiling a pattern, you must initialize the `buffer' field to
- point to a block of memory obtained with `malloc', and the
- `allocated' field to the size of that block, in bytes. The pattern
- compiler will replace this block with a larger one if necessary.
- You must also initialize the `translate' field to point to the
- translate table that you will use when you match the compiled
- pattern, or to zero if you will use no translate table when you
- match. *Note translation::.
- Then call `re_compile_pattern' to compile a regular expression into
- the buffer:
- re_compile_pattern (REGEX, REGEX_SIZE, BUF)
- REGEX is the address of the regular expression (`char *'), REGEX_SIZE
- is its length (`int'), BUF is the address of the buffer (`struct
- re_pattern_buffer *').
- `re_compile_pattern' returns zero if it succeeds in compiling the
- regular expression. In that case, `*buf' now contains the results.
- Otherwise, `re_compile_pattern' returns a string which serves as an
- error message.
- After compiling, if you wish to search for the pattern, you must
- initialize the `fastmap' component of the pattern buffer. *Note
- searching::.
- File: regex, Node: matching, Next: searching, Prev: compiling, Up: programming
- Matching a Compiled Pattern
- ---------------------------
- Once a regular expression has been compiled into a pattern buffer,
- you can match the pattern buffer against a string with `re_match'.
- re_match (BUF, STRING, SIZE, POS, REGS)
- BUF is, once again, the address of the buffer (`struct
- re_pattern_buffer *'). STRING is the string to be matched (`char *').
- sIZE is the length of that string (`int'). POS is the position
- within the string at which to begin matching (`int'). The beginning
- of the string is position 0. REGS is described below. Normally it
- is zero. *Note registers::.
- `re_match' returns `-1' if the pattern does not match; otherwise, it
- returns the length of the portion of `string' which was matched.
- For example, suppose that BUF points to a buffer containing the
- result of compiling `x*', STRING points to `xxxxxy', and SIZE is `6'.
- Suppose that POS is `2'. Then the last three `x''s will be matched,
- so `re_match' will return `3'. If POS is zero, the value will be `5'.
- If POS is `5' or `6', the value will be zero, meaning that the null
- string was successfully matched. Note that since `x*' matches the
- empty string, it will never entirely fail.
- It is up to the caller to avoid passing a value of POS that results
- in matching outside the specified string. POS must not be negative
- and must not be greater than SIZE.
- File: regex, Node: searching, Next: translation, Prev: matching, Up: programming
- Searching for a Match
- ---------------------
- Searching means trying successive starting positions for a match
- until a match is found. To search, you supply a compiled pattern
- buffer. Before searching you must initialize the `fastmap' field of
- the pattern buffer (see below).
- is called like `re_match' except that the POS argument is replaced by
- two arguments STARTPOS and RANGE. `re_search' tests for a match
- starting at index STARTPOS, then at `STARTPOS + 1', and so on. It
- tries RANGE consecutive positions before giving up and returning
- `-1'. If a match is found, `re_search' returns the index at which
- the match was found.
- If RANGE is negative, RE_SEARCH tries starting positions STARTPOS,
- `STARTPOS - 1', ... in that order. `|RANGE|' is the number of tries
- made.
- It is up to the caller to avoid passing value of STARTPOS and RANGE
- that result in matching outside the specified string. STARTPOS must
- be between zero and SIZE, inclusive, and so must `STARTPOS + RANGE -
- 1' (if RANGE is positive) or `STARTPOS + RANGE + 1' (if RANGE is
- negative).
- If you may be searching over a long distance (that is, trying many
- different match starting points) with a compiled pattern, you should
- use a "fastmap" in it. This is a block of 256 bytes, whose address
- is placed in the `fastmap' component of the pattern buffer. The
- first time you search for a particular compiled pattern, the fastmap
- is set so that `FASTMAP[CH]' is nonzero if the character CH might
- possibly start a match for this pattern. `re_search' checks each
- character against the fastmap so that it can skip more quickly over
- non-matches.
- If you do not want a fastmap, store zero in the `fastmap' component
- of the pattern buffer before calling `re_search'.
- In either case, you must initialize this component in a pattern
- buffer before you can use that buffer in a search; but you can choose
- as an initial value either zero or the address of a suitable block of
- memory.
- If you compile a new pattern in an existing pattern buffer, it is not
- necessary to reinitialize the `fastmap' component (unless you wish to
- override your previous choice).
- File: regex, Node: translation, Next: registers, Prev: searching, Up: programming
- Translate Tables
- ----------------
- With a translate table, you can apply a transformation to all
- characters before they are compared. For example, a table that maps
- lower case letters into upper case (or vice versa) causes differences
- in case to be ignored by matching.
- A translate table is a block of 256 bytes. Each character of raw
- data is used as an index in the translate table. The value found
- there is used instead of the original character. Each character in a
- regular expression, except for the syntactic constructs, is
- translated when the expression is compiled. Each character of a
- string being matched is translated whenever it is compared or tested.
- A suitable translate table to ignore differences in case maps all
- characters into themselves, except for lower case letters, which are
- mapped into the corresponding upper case letters. It could be
- initialized by:
- for (i = 0; i < 0400; i++)
- table[i] = i;
- for (i = 'a'; i <= 'z'; i++)
- table[i] = i - 040;
- You specify the use of a translate table by putting its address in
- the TRANSLATE component of the compiled pattern buffer. If this
- component is zero, no translation is done. Since both compilation
- and matching use the translate table, you must use the same table
- contents for both operations or confusing things will happen.
- File: regex, Node: registers, Next: split, Prev: translation, Up: programming
- Registers: or "What Did the `\( ... \)' Groupings Actually Match?"
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- If you want to find out, after the match, what each of the first nine
- `\( ... \)' groupings actually matched, you can pass the REGS
- argument to the match or search function. Pass the address of a
- structure of this type:
- struct re_registers
- {
- int start[RE_NREGS];
- int end[RE_NREGS];
- };
- `re_match' and `re_search' will store into this structure the data
- you want. `REGS->start[REG]' will be the index in STRING of the
- beginning of the data matched by the REG'th `\( ... \)' grouping, and
- `REGS->end[REG]' will be the index of the end of that data (the index
- of the first character beyond those matched). The values in the
- start and end arrays at indexes greater than the number of `\( ...
- \)' groupings present in the regular expression will be set to the
- value -1. Register numbers start at 1 and run to `RE_NREGS - 1'
- (normally `9'). `REGS->start[0]' and `REGS->end[0]' are similar but
- describe the extent of the substring matched by the entire pattern.
- Both `struct re_registers' and `RE_NREGS' are defined in `regex.h'.
- File: regex, Node: split, Next: unix, Prev: registers, Up: programming
- Matching against Split Data
- ---------------------------
- The functions `re_match_2' and `re_search_2' allow one to match in or
- search data which is divided into two strings.
- `re_match_2' works like `re_match' except that two data strings and
- sizes must be given.
- re_match_2 (BUF, STRING1, SIZE1, STRING2, SIZE2, POS, REGS)
- The matcher regards the contents of STRING1 as effectively followed
- by the contents of STRING2, and matches the combined string against
- the pattern in BUF.
- `re_search_2' is likewise similar to `re_search':
- The value returned by RE_SEARCH_2 is an index into the combined data
- made up of STRING1 and STRING2. It never exceeds `SIZE1 + SIZE2'.
- The values returned in the REGS structure (if there is one) are
- likewise indices in the combined data.
- File: regex, Node: unix, Prev: split, Up: programming
- Unix-Compatible Entry Points
- ----------------------------
- The standard Berkeley Unix way to compile a regular expression is to
- call `re_comp'. This function takes a single argument, the address
- of the regular expression, which is assumed to be terminated by a
- null character.
- `re_comp' does not ask you to specify a pattern buffer because it has
- its own pattern buffer -- just one. Using `re_comp', one may match
- only the most recently compiled regular expression.
- The value of `re_comp' is zero for success or else an error message
- string, as for `re_compile_pattern'.
- Calling `re_comp' with the null string as argument it has no effect;
- the contents of the buffer remain unchanged.
- The standard Berkeley Unix way to match the last regular expression
- compiled is to call `re_exec'. This takes a single argument, the
- address of the string to be matched. This string is assumed to be
- terminated by a null character. Matching is tried starting at each
- position in the string. `re_exec' returns `1' for success or `0' for
- failure. One cannot find out how long a substring was matched, nor
- what the `\( ... \)' groupings matched.
- Tag Table:
- Node: top85
- Node: syntax1706
- Node: directives3241
- Node: emacs10891
- Node: programming11653
- Node: compiling12381
- Node: matching14827
- Node: searching16269
- Node: translation18534
- Node: registers19952
- Node: split21245
- Node: unix22183
- End Tag Table