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- Info file ../info/texinfo, produced by Makeinfo, -*- Text -*- from
- input file texinfo.texinfo.
- This file documents Texinfo, a documentation system that uses a
- single source file to produce both on-line help and a printed manual.
- This is edition 1.1 of the Texinfo documentation, and is for the
- Texinfo that is distributed as part of Version 18 of GNU Emacs.
- Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
- manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
- preserved on all copies.
- Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
- this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that
- the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
- permission notice identical to this one.
- Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
- manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified
- versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a
- translation approved by the Foundation.
- File: texinfo, Node: Using texinfo-show-structure, Next: Running Info-Validate, Prev: Debugging with Tex, Up: Catching Mistakes
- Using `texinfo-show-structure'
- ==============================
- It is not always easy to keep track of the nodes, chapters, sections
- and subsections of a Texinfo file. This is especially true if you
- are revising or adding to a Texinfo file that someone else has written.
- In GNU Emacs, in Texinfo mode, there is a command that will list all
- the lines that begin with the @-commands that specify the structure:
- @node, @chapter, @section, @appendix and so on. This is the
- `texinfo-show-structure' command. It is bound to the keyboard
- command `C-c C-s'. `texinfo-show-structure' displays the lines that
- begin with the node and chapter structuring @-commands in another
- window called the `*Occur*' buffer. For example, when
- `texinfo-show-structure' is run on the first part of this chapter, it
- produces the following:
- Lines matching
- "^@\\(chapter\\|unnum\\|appendix\\|sect\\|sub\\|heading\\|major
- \\|node\\)" in buffer new-texinfo-manual.texinfo.
- 2:@node catching mistakes, @-Command Syntax, running info, top
- 4:@chapter Catching Mistakes
- 41:@node debugging with info, debugging with tex, , catching mistakes
- 43:@section Catching errors with Info Formatting
- This means that lines 2, 4, 41 and 43 began with `@node', `@chapter',
- `@node', and `@section' respectively. If you move your cursor into
- the `*Occur*' window, you can position the cursor over one of the
- lines and use the `C-c C-c' command (`occur-mode-goto-occurrence'),
- to jump to the corresponding spot in the Texinfo file. *Note :
- (emacs)Other Repeating Search, for more information about
- `occur-mode-goto-occurrence'.
- The first line in the `*Occur*' window describes the "regular
- expression" specified by TEXINFO-HEADING-PATTERN. This regular
- expression is the pattern that `texinfo-show-structure' looks for.
- *Note : (emacs)Regexps, for more information.
- When you give the `texinfo-show-structure' command, it will show the
- structure of the whole buffer. If you want to see the structure of
- just a part of the buffer, of one chapter, for example, use the `C-x
- n' (`narrow-to-region') command to mark the region. (*Note :
- (emacs)Narrowing.) This is how the example used above was generated.
- (To see the whole buffer again, use `C-x w' (`widen').)
- You can remind yourself of the structure of a Texinfo file by looking
- at the list in the `*Occur*' window; and if you have mis-named a node
- or left out a section, you can correct the mistake.
- * Menu:
- * Using Occur::
- File: texinfo, Node: Using Occur, Prev: Using texinfo-show-structure, Up: Using texinfo-show-structure
- Using `occur'
- -------------
- Sometimes the `texinfo-show-structure' command produces too much
- information. Perhaps you want to remind yourself of the overall
- structure of a Texinfo file, and are overwhelmed by the detailed list
- produced by `texinfo-show-structure'. In this case, you can use the
- `occur' command itself. To do this, type
- `M-x occur'
- and then, when prompted, type a "regexp", a regular expression for
- the pattern you want to match. (*Note : (emacs)Regexps.) `occur'
- works from the current location of the cursor in the buffer to the
- end of the buffer. If you want to run `occur' on the whole buffer,
- place the cursor at the beginning of the buffer. For example, to see
- all the lines that contain the word `@chapter' in them, just type
- `@chapter'. This will produce a list of the chapters. It will also
- list all the sentences with `@chapter' in the middle of the line. If
- you want to see only those lines that start with the word `@chapter',
- type `^@chapter' when prompted by `occur'. If you want to see all
- the lines that end with a word or phrase, end the last word with a
- `$'; for example, `catching mistakes$'. This can be helpful when you
- want to see all the nodes that are part of the same chapter or
- section and therefore have the same `Up' pointer.
- *Note : (emacs)Other Repeating Search, for more information.
- File: texinfo, Node: Running Info-Validate, Prev: Using texinfo-show-structure, Up: Catching Mistakes
- Finding Badly Referenced Nodes
- ==============================
- You can check whether any of the `Next', `Previous', `Up' or other
- node pointers fail to point to a node with the `Info-validate' command.
- This command checks that every node pointer points to an existing node.
- To use this command, you first need to load the `info' library and
- then do `M-x Info-validate'.
- `M-x load-library RET info RET'
- `M-x Info-validate'
- (Note that all the `Info' commands require an uppercase `I'.)
- If your file is ok, you will receive a message that says "File
- appears valid". However, if you have a pointer that does not point
- to a node, error messages will be displayed in a buffer called
- `*problems in info file*'.
- For example, `Info-validate' was run on a test file that contained
- only the first node of this manual. One of the messages said:
- In node "Overview", invalid Next: Texinfo Mode
- This meant that the node called `Overview' had a `Next' pointer that
- did not point to anything (which was true in this case, since the
- test file had only one node in it).
- Now suppose we add a node named `Texinfo Mode' to our test case but
- we don't specify a `Previous' for this node. Then we will get the
- following error message:
- In node "Texinfo Mode", should have Previous: Overview
- This is because every `Next' pointer should be matched by a
- `Previous' (in the node where the `Next' points) which points back.
- `Info-validate' also checks that all menu items and cross-references
- point to actual nodes.
- Significantly, `Info-validate' does not work with large files that
- have been split. (Info thinks of a large file as being over 100,000
- bytes, approximately.) In order to use `Info-validate' on a large
- file, you must run `texinfo-format-buffer' with an argument so that
- it does not split the Info file, and then create a tag table.
- * Menu:
- * Info-Validating a Large File:: Running `Info-validate' on a large file.
- * Splitting:: Splitting a file manually.
- File: texinfo, Node: Info-Validating a Large File, Next: Splitting, Prev: Running Info-Validate, Up: Running Info-Validate
- Running `Info-validate' on a Large File.
- ----------------------------------------
- You can run `Info-validate' only on a single Info file. The command
- will not work on indirect subfiles that are generated when the master
- file is split. If you have a large file (longer than 100,000 bytes),
- you need to run the `texinfo-format-buffer' command in such a way
- that it does not create indirect subfiles. You will also need to
- create a tag table. When you have done this, you can run
- `Info-validate' and look for badly referenced nodes.
- After you have validated the node structure, you can rerun
- `texinfo-format-buffer' in the normal way so it will construct the
- tag table and split the file automatically or, you can make the tag
- table and split the file manually.
- To prevent the `texinfo-format-buffer' command from splitting a
- Texinfo file into smaller Info files, give a prefix to the `M-x
- texinfo-format-buffer' command:
- C-u M-x texinfo-format-buffer
- When you do this, Texinfo will not split the file and will not create
- a tag table for it.
- Before you can run `M-x Info-validate' on the Info file, you need to
- create a tag table for it. In order to do this, you first need to
- load the `info' library into Emacs with the following command:
- M-x load-library RET info RET
- Then you can give the command:
- M-x Info-tagify
- This creates a file which you can validate.
- M-x Info-validate
- After you have checked the validity of the nodes, you can either run
- `M-x texinfo-format-buffer' as you would normally, or else tagify and
- split the file manually with the two commands `Info-tagify' and
- `Info-split'.
- File: texinfo, Node: Splitting, Prev: Info-Validating a Large File, Up: Running Info-Validate
- Splitting a File Manually
- -------------------------
- If the file has more than 100,000 or so bytes in it, you should split
- it or else let the `texinfo-format-buffer' command do it for you
- automatically. (Generally you will let `texinfo-format-buffer' do
- this job for you. *Note Creating an Info File::.)
- The split off files are called the indirect subfiles.
- Info files are split to save memory. With smaller files, Emacs does
- not have make such a large buffer to hold the information. This way,
- Emacs can save memory.
- If the Info file has more than 30 nodes, you should also make a tag
- table for it. *Note Info-Validating a Large File::, for information
- about creating a tag table.
- Before running `Info-split', you need to load the `info' library into
- Emacs by giving the command `M-x load-library RET info RET'. After
- you have done this, you can give the two commands:
- M-x Info-tagify
- M-x Info-split
- (Note that the `I' in `Info' is uppercase.)
- When you use the `Info-split' command, the buffer is modified into a
- (small) Info file which lists the indirect subfiles. This file
- should be saved in place of the original visited file. The indirect
- subfiles are written in the same directory the original file is in,
- with names generated by appending `-' and a number to the original
- file name.
- The primary file still functions as an Info file, but it contains
- just the tag table and a directory of subfiles.
- File: texinfo, Node: Command Syntax, Next: Include Files, Prev: Catching Mistakes, Up: Top
- @-Command Syntax
- ****************
- The character `@' is used to start special Texinfo commands. (It has
- the same meaning that `\' has in plain TeX.) Syntactically, there
- are three classes of @-commands:
- 1. Non-alphabetic commands: @ followed by a punctuation character.
- These commands are always part of the text within a paragraph,
- and never take any argument. The two characters (@ and the
- other one) are complete in themselves. For example, `@.', `@:',
- `@{' and `@}'.
- 2. Alphabetic commands used within a paragraph.
- These commands have @ followed by a letter or a word, followed
- by an argument within braces. For example, the command `@dfn'
- indicates the introductory or defining use of a term; it is used
- as follows: `In Texinfo, @-commands are @dfn{mark-up} commands.'
- 3. Alphabetic commands used outside of paragraphs.
- Each such command occupies an entire line. The line starts with
- @, followed by the name of the command (a word) such as
- `@center' or `@cindex'. If no argument is needed, the word is
- followed by the end of the line. If there is an argument, it is
- separated from the command name by a space.
- Thus, the alphabetic commands fall into two classes that have
- different argument syntax. You cannot tell which class a command
- falls in by the appearance of its name, but you can tell by the
- command's meaning: if it makes sense to use the command together with
- other words as part of a paragraph, the command is in class 2 and
- must be followed by an argument in braces; otherwise, it is in class
- 3 and uses the rest of the line as its argument.
- The purpose of having different syntax for commands of classes 2 and
- 3 is to make the Texinfo file easier to read, and also to help the
- GNU Emacs paragraph and filling commands work properly. There is
- only one exception to this rule: the command `@refill', which is
- always used at the end of a paragraph immediately following the final
- period or other punctuation character. `@refill' takes no argument.
- `@refill' never confuses the Emacs paragraph commands because it
- cannot start at the beginning of a line.
- File: texinfo, Node: Include Files, Next: TeX Input, Prev: Command Syntax, Up: Top
- Include Files
- *************
- When Info was first created, it was customary to create many small
- Info files on one subject. By doing this, Emacs did not have to make
- a large buffer to hold the whole of a large Info file; instead, Emacs
- allocated just enough memory for the small Info file that was needed
- at the time. This way, Emacs could avoid wasting memory. Include
- files were designed as a way to create a single, large printed manual
- out of several smaller Info files.
- However, because large Info files can now be split, include files are
- no longer strictly necessary and they are used infrequently. Most
- often, they are now used in projects where several different people
- are writing different sections of a document simultaneously.
- How Include Files Work
- ======================
- In a Texinfo file, a line of the form `@include `filename'' is
- ignored when the Info file is generated, but in a printed manual it
- causes the contents of the file `filename' to be processed and
- included in the manual. The contents of the file `filename' can be
- ignored by Info because the first file can refer to `filename' with
- menus as well as cross references. In the Info system, all the
- information is, as it were, `in one place'. However, when two
- printed manuals are made from two separate Texinfo files, the two
- manuals are separate, and even if they give each other as references,
- the references are to separate documents. Consequently, you will
- sometimes want to create a comprehensive, printed manual that
- contains all the necessary information together in one place.
- `@include' files are special Texinfo files that are used only for
- making such a comprehensive manual. They are listed inside an outer
- file that contains nothing but the beginning and end matter of a
- Texinfo file and a number of `@include' commands listing the included
- files.
- An `@include' file--a file that will be listed inside an outer file
- and processed with the `@include' command--should not start with
- `\input texinfo', as that has already been done by the outer file,
- and the character `\' has already been redefined to generate a
- backslash in the output. Instead, an `@include' file usually begins
- with a node; it lacks the beginning and ending of a Texinfo file that
- are described in the chapters on beginning and ending a file. *Note
- Beginning a File::, and *note Ending a File::.
- Likewise, an `@include' file should not end with `@bye', since that
- would terminate TeX processing immediately.
- Here is an example of a outer Texinfo file with `@include' files
- within it:
- \input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*-
- @setfilename include
- @settitle Include Manual
- @setchapternewpage odd
- @titlepage
- @sp 12
- @center @titlefont{Include Manual}
- @sp 2
- @center by Whom Ever
- @page
- Copyright @copyright{} 1988 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- @end titlepage
- @include foo.texinfo
- @include bar.texinfo
- @unnumbered Concept Index
- @printindex cp
- @summarycontents
- @contents
- @bye
- File: texinfo, Node: TeX Input, Next: Sample Permissions, Prev: Include Files, Up: Top
- TeX Input Initialization
- ************************
- You must put an input command on the first line of every Texinfo file
- to tell TeX to use the `texinfo.tex' file when it is processing the
- Texinfo source file. Otherwise TeX will not know what to do with the
- @-commands. (The TeX input command is written as `\input texinfo'.
- *Note First Line::.)
- TeX needs to be told where to find the `texinfo.tex' file that you
- have told it to input. The preferred way to do this is to put
- `texinfo.tex' in the default inputs directory, which is the
- `/usr/lib/tex/macros' directory. If this is done (as it usually is
- when GNU Emacs is installed), TeX will find the file and you don't
- have to do anything. Alternatively, you can put `texinfo.tex' in the
- directory in which the Texinfo source file is located.
- However, you may want to specify the location of the `\input' file
- yourself. One way to do this is to write the complete path for the
- file after the `\input' command. Another way is to set the
- `TEXINPUTS' environment variable in your `.cshrc' or `.profile' file.
- The `TEXINPUTS' environment variable will tell TeX where to find the
- `texinfo.tex' file and any other file that you might want TeX to use.
- Whether you use a `.cshrc' or `.profile' file depends on whether you
- use `csh' or `sh' for your shell command interpreter. When you use
- `csh', it looks to the `.cshrc' file for initialization information,
- and when you use `sh', it looks to the `.profile' file.
- In a `.cshrc' file, you could use the following `csh' command sequence:
- setenv TEXINPUTS .:/usr/me/mylib:/usr/lib/tex/macros
- In a `.profile' file, you could use the following `sh' command
- sequence:
- TEXINPUTS=.:/usr/me/mylib:/usr/lib/tex/macros
- export TEXINPUTS
- This would cause TeX to look for `\input' file first in the current
- directory, indicated by the `.', then in a hypothetical user's
- `me/mylib' directory, and finally in the system library.
- File: texinfo, Node: Sample Permissions, Next: Command Index, Prev: TeX Input, Up: Top
- Standard text for Copying Permissions
- *************************************
- Texinfo files should contain sections that tell the readers that they
- have the right to copy and distribute the Info file, the printed
- manual and any accompanying software. This appendix contains the
- standard text of the Free Software Foundation copying permission
- notice. For an example of the text that could be used for the
- Distribution, General Public License and NO WARRANTY sections of a
- document, see the latest version of the ``GNU Emacs Manual''.
- The texts of the Free Software Foundation copying permission notice
- in the `@ifinfo' section and in the `@titlepage' section are slightly
- different.
- The `@ifinfo' section usually begins with a line that says what the
- file documents. This is what a person looking at the file will first
- read if he or she reads the unprocessed Texinfo file or if he or she
- uses the advanced Info command `g *'. *note info: (info)Expert, for
- more information. (If the reader uses the regular Info commands, he
- or she will usually start reading at the first node and skip this
- first section, which is not in a node.)
- In the `@ifinfo' section, the summary sentence should be followed by
- a copyright notice and then by the copying permission notice. One of
- the copying permission paragraphs is enclosed in `@ignore' and `@end
- ignore' commands. This paragraph states that the Texinfo file can be
- processed through TeX and printed, provided the printed manual
- carries the proper copying permission notice. This paragraph is not
- made part of the Info file since it is not relevant to the Info file;
- but it is a mandatory part of the Texinfo file since it permits
- people to process the Texinfo file in TeX.
- In the printed manual, the Free Software Foundation copying
- permission notice follows the copyright notice and publishing
- information and is located within the region delineated by the
- `@titlepage' and `@end titlepage' commands. The copying permission
- notice is exactly the same as the notice in the `@ifinfo' section
- except that the paragraph enclosed in `@ignore' and `@end ignore'
- commands is not part of the notice.
- To make it simpler to copy the permission notice into each section of
- the Texinfo file, the complete permission notices for each section
- are reproduced in full below even though most of the information is
- redundant.
- Note that you my have to specify the correct name of a section
- mentioned in the permission notice. For example, in the ``GDB
- Manual'', the name of the section referring to the General Public
- License is called the "GDB General Public License", but in the sample
- shown below, that section is referred to generically as the "General
- Public License".
- * Menu:
- * Ifinfo Permissions::
- * Titlepage Permissions::
- File: texinfo, Node: Ifinfo Permissions, Next: Titlepage Permissions, Prev: Sample Permissions, Up: Sample Permissions
- Ifinfo Copying Permissions
- ==========================
- In the `@ifinfo' section of the Texinfo file, the standard Free
- Software Foundation permission notices reads as follows:
- This file documents ...
- Copyright 1988 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
- this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
- are preserved on all copies.
- @ignore
- Permission is granted to process this file through TeX and print the
- results, provided the printed document carries a copying permission
- notice identical to this one except for the removal of this paragraph
- (this paragraph not being relevant to the printed manual).
- @end ignore
- Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
- manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the
- sections entitled ``Distribution'' and ``General Public License'' are
- included exactly as in the original, and provided that the entire
- resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission
- notice identical to this one.
- Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual
- into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions,
- except that the sections entitled ``Distribution'' and ``General Public
- License'' may be included in a translation approved by the author instead
- of in the original English.
- File: texinfo, Node: Titlepage Permissions, Prev: Ifinfo Permissions, Up: Sample Permissions
- Titlepage Copying Permissions
- =============================
- In the `@titlepage' section of the Texinfo file, the standard Free
- Software Foundation copying permission notices follows the copyright
- notice and publishing information. The standard phrasing is:
- Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
- this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
- are preserved on all copies.
- Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
- manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the
- sections entitled ``Distribution'' and ``General Public License'' are
- included exactly as in the original, and provided that the entire
- resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission
- notice identical to this one.
- Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual
- into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions,
- except that the sections entitled ``Distribution'' and ``General Public
- License'' may be included in a translation approved by the author instead
- of in the original English.
- File: texinfo, Node: Command Index, Next: Concept Index, Prev: Sample Permissions, Up: Top
- Command Index
- *************
- (When used in a Texinfo file, @-commands are preceded by an `@'.)
- * Menu:
- * *: Line Breaks.
- * TeX: Tex.
- * appendix: Unnumbered and Appendix.
- * appendixsec: Section.
- * appendixsubsec: Subsection.
- * appendixsubsubsec: Subsubsection.
- * asterisk: Line Breaks.
- * at-sign colons: Insert Colon.
- * at-sign periods: Insert Period.
- * at-signs: Inserting An Atsign.
- * b (bold font): Fonts.
- * br (paragraph breaks): Br.
- * bullet: Bullet.
- * bye: Ending a File.
- * center: Center.
- * chapter: Chapter.
- * cite: Cite.
- * code: Code.
- * copyright: Copyright & Printed Permissions.
- * ctrl: Ctrl.
- * dfn: Dfn.
- * display: Display.
- * dots: Dots.
- * emph: Emph and Strong.
- * end: Lists and Tables.
- * end: Quotations and Examples.
- * enumerate: Enumerate.
- * example: Example.
- * file: File.
- * filll: Copyright & Printed Permissions.
- * group: Group.
- * i (italic font): Fonts.
- * ifinfo: Conditionals.
- * iftex: Conditionals.
- * inforef: Inforef.
- * item: Itemize.
- * item: Table.
- * itemize: Itemize.
- * itemx: Itemx.
- * kbd: Kbd.
- * key: Key.
- * left-braces: Insert Left Brace.
- * menu: Menu.
- * need: Need.
- * node: Structuring.
- * noindent: Noindent.
- * page: Page.
- * pxref: Pxref.
- * quotation: Quotation.
- * refill: Refill.
- * right-braces: Insert Left Brace.
- * samp: Samp.
- * section: Section.
- * setchapternewpage: Setchapternewpage.
- * setfilename: Setfilename.
- * settitle: Settitle.
- * sp (line spacing): Sp.
- * start-of-header: Start-of-Header.
- * strong: Emph and Strong.
- * subsection: Subsection.
- * subsubsection: Subsubsection.
- * t (typewriter font): Fonts.
- * table: Table.
- * texindex (for sorting indices): Printing Hardcopy.
- * texinfo-format-buffer: Creating an Info File.
- * texinfo-format-region: Info on a Region.
- * texinfo-show-structure: Using texinfo-show-structure.
- * titlefont: Titlepage.
- * titlepage: Titlepage.
- * unnumbered: Unnumbered and Appendix.
- * unnumberedsec: Section.
- * unnumberedsubsec: Subsection.
- * unnumberedsubsubsec: Subsubsection.
- * var: Var.
- * vskip: Copyright & Printed Permissions.
- * w (preventing a line break): W.
- * xref: Xref.
- File: texinfo, Node: Concept Index, Prev: Command Index, Up: Top
- Concept Index
- *************
- * Menu:
- * @-Command Syntax: Command Syntax.
- * Badly referenced nodes: Running Info-Validate.
- * Beginning a Texinfo file: Beginning a File.
- * Beginning line of a Texinfo file: First Line.
- * Braces, inserting: Braces Atsigns Periods.
- * Breaks in a line: Line Breaks.
- * Breaks in a paragraph: Br.
- * Bullets, inserting: Dots Bullets Tex.
- * Catching errors with Info Formatting: Debugging with Info.
- * Catching errors with TeX Formatting: Debugging with Tex.
- * Catching mistakes: Catching Mistakes.
- * Centering a line: Center.
- * Chapter structuring: Structuring.
- * Characteristics of the Info file: Info File.
- * Characteristics, printed manual: Printed Manual.
- * Checking for badly referenced nodes: Running Info-Validate.
- * Combining Indices: Combining Indices.
- * Commands to insert single characters: Braces Atsigns Periods.
- * Commands, inserting them: Inserting.
- * Commands, specifying them within text: Specifying.
- * Compile command for formatting: Compile-Command.
- * Conditionals: Conditionals.
- * Contents, Table of: Contents.
- * Conventions, syntactic: Conventions.
- * Copying permissions: Sample Permissions.
- * Copyright: Copyright & Printed Permissions.
- * Copyright page: Titlepage & Copyright Page.
- * Correcting mistakes: Catching Mistakes.
- * Creating an on-line Info file: Creating an Info File.
- * Creating indices: Indices.
- * Cross references: Cross References.
- * Cross references using inforef: Inforef.
- * Cross references using pxref: Pxref.
- * Cross references using xref: Xref.
- * Debugger, using the Emacs Lisp: Using the Emacs Lisp Debugger.
- * Debugging the Texinfo structure: Catching Mistakes.
- * Debugging with Info Formatting: Debugging with Info.
- * Debugging with TeX Formatting: Debugging with Tex.
- * Defining the entries of an index: Index Entries.
- * Definitions, specifying them within text: Specifying.
- * Dir directory for Info installation: Installing an Info File.
- * Display: Display.
- * Distribution: License and Distribution.
- * Dots, inserting: Dots Bullets Tex.
- * Dots, inserting: Dots.
- * Emacs: Texinfo Mode.
- * Emacs Lisp debugger: Using the Emacs Lisp Debugger.
- * Emphasizing text: Emphasis.
- * Ending a Texinfo file: Ending a File.
- * Entries for an index: Index Entries.
- * Enumerate: Enumerate.
- * Examples: Example.
- * Examples: Quotations and Examples.
- * File beginning: Beginning a File.
- * File ending: Ending a File.
- * File structure, showing it: Showing the Structure.
- * Files, specifying them within text: Specifying.
- * Finding badly referenced nodes: Running Info-Validate.
- * First line of a Texinfo file: First Line.
- * Formatting a file for Info: Creating an Info File.
- * Formatting paragraphs: Formatting Paragraphs.
- * Formatting requirements: Requirements.
- * Formatting with the compile command: Compile-Command.
- * Frequently used commands, inserting them: Inserting.
- * GNU Emacs: Texinfo Mode.
- * General syntactic conventions: Conventions.
- * Generating menus with indices: Printing Indices & Menus.
- * Group: Group.
- * Hardcopy, printing it: Printing Hardcopy.
- * Header for Texinfo files: Header.
- * Highlighting: Specifying.
- * Holding text together vertically: Group.
- * Ifinfo: Conditionals.
- * Ifinfo permissions: Ifinfo Permissions.
- * Iftex: Conditionals.
- * Include files: Include Files.
- * Index entries: Index Entries.
- * Indices: Indices.
- * Indices, combining them: Combining Indices.
- * Indices, printing: Printing Indices & Menus.
- * Indices, sorting: Printing Hardcopy.
- * Indices, two letter names: Combining Indices.
- * Indirect subfiles: Creating an Info File.
- * Info file characteristics: Info File.
- * Info file installation: Installing an Info File.
- * Info file requirement for @setfilename: Setfilename.
- * Info file, splitting manually: Splitting.
- * Info validating a large file: Info-Validating a Large File.
- * Info, creating an on-line file: Creating an Info File.
- * Info, formatting on a region: Info on a Region.
- * Info-validate, running the command: Running Info-Validate.
- * Inforef for cross references: Inforef.
- * Inserting braces, @ and periods: Braces Atsigns Periods.
- * Inserting dots: Dots.
- * Inserting frequently used commands: Inserting.
- * Installing an Info file: Installing an Info File.
- * Itemize: Itemize.
- * Itemx: Itemx.
- * License agreement: License and Distribution.
- * Line breaks: Line Breaks.
- * Line breaks, preventing: W.
- * Line spacing: Sp.
- * Lists and tables, making them: Lists and Tables.
- * Local variables: Compile-Command.
- * Looking for badly referenced nodes: Running Info-Validate.
- * Making a printed manual: Printing Hardcopy.
- * Making a tag table manually: Info-Validating a Large File.
- * Making cross references: Cross References.
- * Making lists and tables: Lists and Tables.
- * Marking text within a paragraph: Marking Text.
- * Master menu: Top Node.
- * Menus: Menu.
- * Menus generated with indices: Printing Indices & Menus.
- * Mistakes, catching: Catching Mistakes.
- * Mode, using Texinfo: Texinfo Mode.
- * Names for indices: Combining Indices.
- * Need: Need.
- * Node and chapter structuring: Structuring.
- * Node structuring: Structuring.
- * Nodes, catching mistakes: Catching Mistakes.
- * Nodes, checking for badly referenced nodes: Running Info-Validate.
- * Nodes, correcting mistakes: Catching Mistakes.
- * Occur, using the command: Using Occur.
- * Overview of Texinfo: Overview.
- * Page breaks: Page.
- * Pages, starting odd: Setchapternewpage.
- * Paragraph breaks: Br.
- * Paragraphs, formatting: Formatting Paragraphs.
- * Periods, inserting: Braces Atsigns Periods.
- * Permissions: Sample Permissions.
- * Permissions, printed: Copyright & Printed Permissions.
- * Preface: License and Distribution.
- * Preventing indentation in the printed text: Refilling & Noindent.
- * Printed manual characteristics: Printed Manual.
- * Printed permissions: Copyright & Printed Permissions.
- * Printing an index: Printing Indices & Menus.
- * Printing hardcopy: Printing Hardcopy.
- * Problems, catching: Catching Mistakes.
- * Pxref for cross references: Pxref.
- * Quotations: Quotation.
- * Quotations: Quotations and Examples.
- * References: Cross References.
- * Refilling paragraphs automatically: Refilling & Noindent.
- * Requirements for formatting: Requirements.
- * Running Info: Creating an Info File.
- * Running Info on a region: Info on a Region.
- * Running Info-validate: Running Info-Validate.
- * Running Info-validate on a large file: Info-Validating a Large File.
- * Sample texinfo file: Short Sample.
- * Setfilename command: Setfilename.
- * Showing the structure of a file: Using texinfo-show-structure.
- * Showing the structure of a file: Showing the Structure.
- * Single characters, commands to insert: Braces Atsigns Periods.
- * Sorting indices: Printing Hardcopy.
- * Spaces from line to line: Sp.
- * Special typesetting commands: Dots Bullets Tex.
- * Specifying commands, files and the like: Specifying.
- * Splitting an Info file manually: Splitting.
- * Starting chapters: Setchapternewpage.
- * Structure of Texinfo, catching mistakes: Catching Mistakes.
- * Structure of a file, showing it: Showing the Structure.
- * Structuring of nodes and chapters: Structuring.
- * Syntactic conventions: Conventions.
- * TEXINPUTS environment variable: TeX Input.
- * Table of contents: Contents.
- * Tables and lists, making them: Lists and Tables.
- * Tables, making two-column: Table.
- * Tag table, making manually: Info-Validating a Large File.
- * TeX Input Initialization: TeX Input.
- * TeX commands, using them: Using Tex Commands.
- * TeX-logo, inserting: Dots Bullets Tex.
- * Texinfo file beginning: Beginning a File.
- * Texinfo file ending: Ending a File.
- * Texinfo file header: Header.
- * Texinfo file structure, showing it: Showing the Structure.
- * Texinfo mode: Texinfo Mode.
- * Texinfo overview: Overview.
- * Titlepage: Titlepage.
- * Titlepage: Titlepage & Copyright Page.
- * Titlepage permissions: Titlepage Permissions.
- * Top node: Top Node.
- * Two letter names for indices: Combining Indices.
- * Typesetting commands for dots and the like: Dots Bullets Tex.
- * Using TeX commands: Using Tex Commands.
- * Using occur: Using Occur.
- * Using texinfo-show-structure to catch mistakes: Using texinfo-show-structure.
- * Using the Emacs Lisp debugger: Using the Emacs Lisp Debugger.
- * Validating a large file: Info-Validating a Large File.
- * Vertically holding text together: Group.
- * Xref for cross references: Xref.
- * cshrc initialization file: TeX Input.
- * end-of-header: End-of-Header.
- * profile initialization file: TeX Input.
- * start-of-header: Start-of-Header.
- * texinfo-show-structure for catching mistakes: Using texinfo-show-structure.