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- ;; Abbrev mode commands for Emacs
- ;; Copyright (C) 1985, 1986 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
- ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
- ;; any later version.
- ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
- ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- ;; the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- (defun abbrev-mode (arg)
- "Toggle abbrev mode.
- With arg, turn abbrev mode on iff arg is positive.
- In abbrev mode, inserting an abbreviation causes it to expand
- and be replaced by its expansion."
- (interactive "P")
- (setq abbrev-mode
- (if (null arg) (not abbrev-mode)
- (> (prefix-numeric-value arg) 0)))
- (set-buffer-modified-p (buffer-modified-p))) ;No-op, but updates mode line.
- (defvar edit-abbrevs-map nil
- "Keymap used in edit-abbrevs.")
- (if edit-abbrevs-map
- nil
- (setq edit-abbrevs-map (make-sparse-keymap))
- (define-key edit-abbrevs-map "\C-x\C-s" 'edit-abbrevs-redefine)
- (define-key edit-abbrevs-map "\C-c\C-c" 'edit-abbrevs-redefine))
- (defun kill-all-abbrevs ()
- "Undefine all defined abbrevs."
- (interactive)
- (let ((tables abbrev-table-name-list))
- (while tables
- (clear-abbrev-table (symbol-value (car tables)))
- (setq tables (cdr tables)))))
- (defun insert-abbrevs ()
- "Insert after point a description of all defined abbrevs.
- Mark is set after the inserted text."
- (interactive)
- (push-mark
- (save-excursion
- (let ((tables abbrev-table-name-list))
- (while tables
- (insert-abbrev-table-description (car tables) t)
- (setq tables (cdr tables))))
- (point))))
- (defun list-abbrevs ()
- "Display a list of all defined abbrevs."
- (interactive)
- (display-buffer (prepare-abbrev-list-buffer)))
- (defun prepare-abbrev-list-buffer ()
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Abbrevs*"))
- (erase-buffer)
- (let ((tables abbrev-table-name-list))
- (while tables
- (insert-abbrev-table-description (car tables) t)
- (setq tables (cdr tables))))
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
- (edit-abbrevs-mode))
- (get-buffer-create "*Abbrevs*"))
- (defun edit-abbrevs-mode ()
- "Major mode for editing the list of abbrev definitions.
- \\{edit-abbrevs-map}"
- (interactive)
- (setq major-mode 'edit-abbrevs-mode)
- (setq mode-name "Edit-Abbrevs")
- (use-local-map edit-abbrevs-map))
- (defun edit-abbrevs ()
- "Alter abbrev definitions by editing a list of them.
- Selects a buffer containing a list of abbrev definitions.
- You can edit them and type C-c C-c to redefine abbrevs
- according to your editing.
- Buffer contains a header line for each abbrev table,
- which is the abbrev table name in parentheses.
- This is followed by one line per abbrev in that table:
- where NAME and EXPANSION are strings with quotes,
- USECOUNT is an integer, and HOOK is any valid function
- or may be omitted (it is usually omitted)."
- (interactive)
- (switch-to-buffer (prepare-abbrev-list-buffer)))
- (defun edit-abbrevs-redefine ()
- "Redefine abbrevs according to current buffer contents."
- (interactive)
- (define-abbrevs t)
- (set-buffer-modified-p nil))
- (defun define-abbrevs (&optional arg)
- "Define abbrevs according to current visible buffer contents.
- See documentation of edit-abbrevs for info on the format of the
- text you must have in the buffer.
- With argument, eliminate all abbrev definitions except
- the ones defined from the buffer now."
- (interactive "P")
- (if arg (kill-all-abbrevs))
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (while (and (not (eobp)) (re-search-forward "^(" nil t))
- (let* ((buf (current-buffer))
- (table (read buf))
- abbrevs)
- (forward-line 1)
- (while (progn (forward-line 1)
- (not (eolp)))
- (setq name (read buf) count (read buf) exp (read buf))
- (skip-chars-backward " \t\n\f")
- (setq hook (if (not (eolp)) (read buf)))
- (skip-chars-backward " \t\n\f")
- (setq abbrevs (cons (list name exp hook count) abbrevs)))
- (define-abbrev-table table abbrevs)))))
- (defun read-abbrev-file (file &optional quietly)
- "Read abbrev definitions from file written with write-abbrev-file.
- Takes file name as argument.
- Optional second argument non-nil means don't print anything."
- (interactive "fRead abbrev file: ")
- (load (if (and file (> (length file) 0)) file abbrev-file-name)
- nil quietly)
- (setq save-abbrevs t abbrevs-changed nil))
- (defun quietly-read-abbrev-file (file)
- "Read abbrev definitions from file written with write-abbrev-file.
- Takes file name as argument. Does not print anything."
- ;(interactive "fRead abbrev file: ")
- (read-abbrev-file file t))
- (defun write-abbrev-file (file)
- "Write all abbrev definitions to file of Lisp code.
- The file can be loaded to define the same abbrevs."
- (interactive "FWrite abbrev file: ")
- (or (and file (> (length file) 0))
- (setq file abbrev-file-name))
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer (get-buffer-create " write-abbrev-file"))
- (erase-buffer)
- (let ((tables abbrev-table-name-list))
- (while tables
- (insert-abbrev-table-description (car tables) nil)
- (setq tables (cdr tables))))
- (write-region 1 (point-max) file)
- (erase-buffer)))
- (defun add-mode-abbrev (arg)
- "Define mode-specific abbrev for last word(s) before point.
- Argument is how many words before point form the expansion;
- or zero means the region is the expansion.
- A negative argument means to undefine the specified abbrev.
- Reads the abbreviation in the minibuffer."
- (interactive "p")
- (add-abbrev
- (if only-global-abbrevs
- global-abbrev-table
- (or local-abbrev-table
- (error "No per-mode abbrev table.")))
- "Mode" arg))
- (defun add-global-abbrev (arg)
- "Define global (all modes) abbrev for last word(s) before point.
- Argument is how many words before point form the expansion;
- or zero means the region is the expansion.
- A negative argument means to undefine the specified abbrev.
- Reads the abbreviation in the minibuffer."
- (interactive "p")
- (add-abbrev global-abbrev-table "Global" arg))
- (defun add-abbrev (table type arg)
- (let ((exp (and (>= arg 0)
- (buffer-substring
- (point)
- (if (= arg 0) (mark)
- (save-excursion (forward-word (- arg)) (point))))))
- name)
- (setq name (read-string (format "%s abbrev for \"%s\": "
- type exp)))
- (if (or (null exp)
- (not (abbrev-expansion name table))
- (y-or-n-p (format "%s expands to \"%s\"; redefine? "
- name (abbrev-expansion name table))))
- (define-abbrev table (downcase name) exp))))
- (defun inverse-add-mode-abbrev (arg)
- "Define last word before point as a mode-specific abbrev.
- With argument N, defines the Nth word before point.
- Reads the expansion in the minibuffer.
- Expands the abbreviation after defining it."
- (interactive "p")
- (inverse-add-abbrev
- (if only-global-abbrevs
- global-abbrev-table
- (or local-abbrev-table
- (error "No per-mode abbrev table.")))
- "Mode" arg))
- (defun inverse-add-global-abbrev (arg)
- "Define last word before point as a global (mode-independent) abbrev.
- With argument N, defines the Nth word before point.
- Reads the expansion in the minibuffer.
- Expands the abbreviation after defining it."
- (interactive "p")
- (inverse-add-abbrev global-abbrev-table "Global" arg))
- (defun inverse-add-abbrev (table type arg)
- (let (name nameloc exp)
- (save-excursion
- (forward-word (- arg))
- (setq name (buffer-substring (point) (progn (forward-word 1)
- (setq nameloc (point))))))
- (setq exp (read-string (format "%s expansion for \"%s\": "
- type name)))
- (if (or (not (abbrev-expansion name table))
- (y-or-n-p (format "%s expands to \"%s\"; redefine? "
- name (abbrev-expansion name table))))
- (progn
- (define-abbrev table (downcase name) exp)
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char nameloc)
- (expand-abbrev))))))
- (defun abbrev-prefix-mark (&optional arg)
- "Mark current point as the beginning of an abbrev.
- Abbrev to be expanded starts here rather than at
- beginning of word. This way, you can expand an abbrev
- with a prefix: insert the prefix, use this command,
- then insert the abbrev."
- (interactive "P")
- (or arg (expand-abbrev))
- (setq abbrev-start-location (point-marker)
- abbrev-start-location-buffer (current-buffer))
- (insert "-"))
- (defun expand-region-abbrevs (start end &optional noquery)
- "For abbrev occurrence in the region, offer to expand it.
- The user is asked to type y or n for each occurrence.
- A numeric argument means don't query; expand all abbrevs.
- Calling from a program, arguments are START END &optional NOQUERY."
- (interactive "r")
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char (min start end))
- (let ((lim (- (point-max) (max start end))))
- (while (and (not (eobp))
- (progn (forward-word 1)
- (<= (point) (- (point-max) lim))))
- (let ((modp (buffer-modified-p)))
- (if (expand-abbrev)
- (progn
- (set-buffer-modified-p modp)
- (unexpand-abbrev)
- (if (or noquery (y-or-n-p "Expand this? "))
- (expand-abbrev)))))))))