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- ;; Copyright (C) 1985 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- ;; Written by Dick King (king@kestrel).
- ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
- ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
- ;; any later version.
- ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
- ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- ;; the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- ;;; This is a rudimentry backquote package written by D. King,
- ;;; king@kestrel, on 8/31/85. (` x) is a macro
- ;;; that expands to a form that produces x. (` (a b ..)) is
- ;;; a macro that expands into a form that produces a list of what a b
- ;;; etc. would have produced. Any element can be of the form
- ;;; (, <form>) in which case the resulting form evaluates
- ;;; <form> before putting it into place, or (,@ <form>), in which
- ;;; case the evaluation of <form> is arranged for and each element
- ;;; of the result (which must be a (possibly null) list) is inserted.
- ;;; As an example, the immediately following macro push (v l) could
- ;;; have been written
- ;;; (defmacro push (v l)
- ;;; (` (setq (, l) (cons (,@ (list v l))))))
- ;;; although
- ;;; (defmacro push (v l)
- ;;; (` (setq (, l) (cons (, v) (, l)))))
- ;;; is far more natural. The magic atoms ,
- ;;; and ,@ are user-settable and list-valued. We recommend that
- ;;; things never be removed from this list lest you break something
- ;;; someone else wrote in the dim past that comes to be recompiled in
- ;;; the distant future.
- ;;; LIMITATIONS: tail consing is not handled correctly. Do not say
- ;;; (` (a . (, b))) - say (` (a (,@ b)))
- ;;; which works even if b is not list-valued.
- ;;; No attempt is made to handle vectors. (` [a (, b) c]) doesn't work.
- ;;; Sorry, you must say things like
- ;;; (` (a (,@ 'b))) to get (a . b) and
- ;;; (` ((, ',) c)) to get (, c) - [(` (a , b)) will work but is a bad habit]
- ;;; I haven't taught it the joys of nconc.
- ;;; (` atom) dies. (` (, atom)) or anything else is okay.
- ;;; inclusion of (,atom) rather than (, atom) or (,@atom) rather than
- ;;; (,@ atom) will result in errors that will show up very late.
- ;;; This is so crunchy that I am considering including a check for
- ;;; this or changing the syntax to ... ,(<form>). RMS: opinion?
- (provide 'backquote)
- ;;; a raft of general-purpose macros follows. See the nearest
- ;;; Commonlisp manual.
- (defmacro bq-push (v l)
- "Pushes evaluated first form onto second unevaluated object
- a list-value atom"
- (list 'setq l (list 'cons v l)))
- (defmacro bq-caar (l)
- (list 'car (list 'car l)))
- (defmacro bq-cadr (l)
- (list 'car (list 'cdr l)))
- (defmacro bq-cdar (l)
- (list 'cdr (list 'car l)))
- ;;; These two advertised variables control what characters are used to
- ;;; unquote things. I have included , and ,@ as the unquote and
- ;;; splice operators, respectively, to give users of MIT CADR machine
- ;;; derivitive machines a warm, cosy feeling.
- (defconst backquote-unquote '(,)
- "*A list of all objects that stimulate unquoting in `. Memq test.")
- (defconst backquote-splice '(,@)
- "*A list of all objects that stimulate splicing in `. Memq test.")
- ;;; This is the interface
- (defmacro ` (form)
- "(` FORM) Expands to a form that will generate FORM.
- FORM is `almost quoted' -- see backquote.el for a description."
- (bq-make-maker form))
- ;;; We develop the method for building the desired list from
- ;;; the end towards the beginning. The contract is that there be a
- ;;; variable called state and a list called tailmaker, and that the form
- ;;; (cons state tailmaker) deliver the goods. Exception - if the
- ;;; state is quote the tailmaker is the form itself.
- ;;; This function takes a form and returns what I will call a maker in
- ;;; what follows. Evaluating the maker would produce the form,
- ;;; properly evaluated according to , and ,@ rules.
- ;;; I work backwards - it seemed a lot easier. The reason for this is
- ;;; if I'm in some sort of a routine building a maker and I switch
- ;;; gears, it seemed to me easier to jump into some other state and
- ;;; glue what I've already done to the end, than to to prepare that
- ;;; something and go back to put things together.
- (defun bq-make-maker (form)
- "Given one argument, a `mostly quoted' object, produces a maker.
- See backquote.el for details"
- (let ((tailmaker (quote nil)) (qc 0) (ec 0) (state nil))
- (mapcar 'bq-iterative-list-builder (reverse form))
- (and state
- (cond ((eq state 'quote)
- (list state tailmaker))
- ((= (length tailmaker) 1)
- (funcall (bq-cadr (assq state bq-singles)) tailmaker))
- (t (cons state tailmaker))))))
- ;;; There are exceptions - we wouldn't want to call append of one
- ;;; argument, for example.
- (defconst bq-singles '((quote bq-quotecar)
- (append car)
- (list bq-make-list)
- (cons bq-id)))
- (defun bq-id (x) x)
- (defun bq-quotecar (x) (list 'quote (car x)))
- (defun bq-make-list (x) (cons 'list x))
- ;;; fr debugging use only
- ;(defun funcalll (a b) (funcall a b))
- ;(defun funcalll (a b) (debug nil 'enter state tailmaker a b)
- ; (let ((ans (funcall a b))) (debug nil 'leave state tailmaker)
- ; ans))
- ;;; Given a state/tailmaker pair that already knows how to make a
- ;;; partial tail of the desired form, this function knows how to add
- ;;; yet another element to the burgening list. There are four cases;
- ;;; the next item is an atom (which will certainly be quoted); a
- ;;; (, xxx), which will be evaluated and put into the list at the top
- ;;; level; a (,@ xxx), which will be evaluated and spliced in, or
- ;;; some other list, in which case we first compute the form's maker,
- ;;; and then we either launch into the quoted case if the maker's
- ;;; top level function is quote, or into the comma case if it isn't.
- ;;; The fourth case reduces to one of the other three, so here we have
- ;;; a choice of three ways to build tailmaker, and cit turns out we
- ;;; use five possible values of state (although someday I'll add
- ;;; nconcto the possible values of state).
- ;;; This maintains the invariant that (cons state tailmaker) is the
- ;;; maker for the elements of the tail we've eaten so far.
- (defun bq-iterative-list-builder (form)
- "Called by bq-make-maker. Adds a new item form to tailmaker,
- changing state if need be, so tailmaker and state constitute a recipie
- for making the list so far."
- (cond ((atom form)
- (funcall (bq-cadr (assq state bq-quotefns)) form))
- ((memq (car form) backquote-unquote)
- (funcall (bq-cadr (assq state bq-evalfns)) (bq-cadr form)))
- ((memq (car form) backquote-splice)
- (funcall (bq-cadr (assq state bq-splicefns)) (bq-cadr form)))
- (t
- (let ((newform (bq-make-maker form)))
- (if (and (listp newform) (eq (car newform) 'quote))
- (funcall (bq-cadr (assq state bq-quotefns)) (bq-cadr newform))
- (funcall (bq-cadr (assq state bq-evalfns)) newform))))
- ))
- ;;; We do a 2-d branch on the form of splicing and the old state.
- ;;; Here's fifteen functions' names...
- (defconst bq-splicefns '((nil bq-splicenil)
- (append bq-spliceappend)
- (list bq-splicelist)
- (quote bq-splicequote)
- (cons bq-splicecons)))
- (defconst bq-evalfns '((nil bq-evalnil)
- (append bq-evalappend)
- (list bq-evallist)
- (quote bq-evalquote)
- (cons bq-evalcons)))
- (defconst bq-quotefns '((nil bq-quotenil)
- (append bq-quoteappend)
- (list bq-quotelist)
- (quote bq-quotequote)
- (cons bq-quotecons)))
- ;;; The name of each function is
- ;;; (concat 'bq- <type-of-element-addition> <old-state>)
- ;;; I'll comment the non-obvious ones before the definitions...
- ;;; In what follows, uppercase letters and form will always be
- ;;; metavariables that don't need commas in backquotes, and I will
- ;;; assume the existence of something like matches that takes a
- ;;; backquote-like form and a value, binds metavariables and returns
- ;;; t if the pattern match is successful, returns nil otherwise. I
- ;;; will write such a goodie someday.
- ;;; (setq tailmaker
- ;;; (if (matches ((quote X) Y) tailmaker)
- ;;; (` ((quote (form X)) Y))
- ;;; (` ((list form (quote X)) Y))))
- ;;; (setq state 'append)
- (defun bq-quotecons (form)
- (if (and (listp (car tailmaker))
- (eq (bq-caar tailmaker) 'quote))
- (setq tailmaker
- (list (list 'quote (list form (bq-cadr (car tailmaker))))
- (bq-cadr tailmaker)))
- (setq tailmaker
- (list (list 'list
- (list 'quote form)
- (car tailmaker))
- (bq-cadr tailmaker))))
- (setq state 'append))
- (defun bq-quotequote (form)
- (bq-push form tailmaker))
- ;;; Could be improved to convert (list 'a 'b 'c .. 'w x)
- ;;; to (append '(a b c .. w) x)
- ;;; when there are enough elements
- (defun bq-quotelist (form)
- (bq-push (list 'quote form) tailmaker))
- ;;; (setq tailmaker
- ;;; (if (matches ((quote X) (,@ Y)))
- ;;; (` ((quote (, (cons form X))) (,@ Y)))))
- (defun bq-quoteappend (form)
- (cond ((and (listp tailmaker)
- (listp (car tailmaker))
- (eq (bq-caar tailmaker) 'quote))
- (rplaca (bq-cdar tailmaker)
- (cons form (car (bq-cdar tailmaker)))))
- (t (bq-push (list 'quote (list form)) tailmaker))))
- (defun bq-quotenil (form)
- (setq tailmaker (list form))
- (setq state 'quote))
- ;;; (if (matches (X Y) tailmaker) ; it must
- ;;; (` ((list form X) Y)))
- (defun bq-evalcons (form)
- (setq tailmaker
- (list (list 'list form (car tailmaker))
- (bq-cadr tailmaker)))
- (setq state 'append))
- ;;; (if (matches (X Y Z (,@ W)))
- ;;; (progn (setq state 'append)
- ;;; (` ((list form) (quote (X Y Z (,@ W))))))
- ;;; (progn (setq state 'list)
- ;;; (list form 'X 'Y .. ))) ; quote each one there is
- (defun bq-evalquote (form)
- (cond ((< (length tailmaker) 3)
- (setq tailmaker
- (cons form
- (mapcar (function (lambda (x)
- (list 'quote x)))
- tailmaker)))
- (setq state 'list))
- (t
- (setq tailmaker
- (list (list 'list form)
- (list 'quote tailmaker)))
- (setq state 'append))))
- (defun bq-evallist (form)
- (bq-push form tailmaker))
- ;;; (cond ((matches ((list (,@ X)) (,@ Y)))
- ;;; (` ((list form (,@ X)) (,@ Y))))
- ;;; ((matches (X))
- ;;; (` (form (,@ X))) (setq state 'cons))
- ;;; ((matches ((,@ X)))
- ;;; (` (form (,@ X)))))
- (defun bq-evalappend (form)
- (cond ((and (listp tailmaker)
- (listp (car tailmaker))
- (eq (bq-caar tailmaker) 'list))
- (rplacd (car tailmaker)
- (cons form (bq-cdar tailmaker))))
- ((= (length tailmaker) 1)
- (setq tailmaker (cons form tailmaker))
- (setq state 'cons))
- (t (bq-push (list 'list form) tailmaker))))
- (defun bq-evalnil (form)
- (setq tailmaker (list form))
- (setq state 'list))
- ;;; (if (matches (X Y)) ; it must
- ;;; (progn (setq state 'append)
- ;;; (` (form (cons X Y))))) ; couldn't think of anything clever
- (defun bq-splicecons (form)
- (setq tailmaker
- (list form
- (list 'cons (car tailmaker) (bq-cadr tailmaker))))
- (setq state 'append))
- (defun bq-splicequote (form)
- (setq tailmaker (list form (list 'quote (list tailmaker))))
- (setq state 'append))
- (defun bq-splicelist (form)
- (setq tailmaker (list form (cons 'list tailmaker)))
- (setq state 'append))
- (defun bq-spliceappend (form)
- (bq-push form tailmaker))
- (defun bq-splicenil (form)
- (setq state 'append)
- (setq tailmaker (list form)))