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- (defvar bibtex-mode-syntax-table nil "\
- ")
- (defvar bibtex-mode-abbrev-table nil "\
- ")
- (define-abbrev-table (quote bibtex-mode-abbrev-table) nil)
- (defvar bibtex-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap) "\
- ")
- (defun bibtex-mode nil "\
- Major mode for editing bibtex files. Commands:
- \\{bibtex-mode-map}
- A command such as \\[bibtex-Book] will outline the fields for a BibTeX
- book entry.
- The optional fields are preceded by \"OPT\", thus ignored by BibTeX.
- Use \\[bibtex-remove-opt] to remove \"OPT\" on the current line.
- Use \\[bibtex-find-it] to position the dot at the end of the string on the same line.
- Use \\[bibtex-next-position] to move to the next position to fill in. Use \\[kill-current-line]
- to kill the whole line.
- M-x bibtex-x-environment binds a mode-specific X menu to control+right
- mouse button.
- M-x bibtex-sun-environment binds a mode-specific Sun menu to right
- mouse button.
- Fields:
- address
- Publisher's address
- annote
- Long annotation used for annotated bibliographies (begins sentence)
- author
- Name(s) of author(s), in BibTeX name format
- booktitle
- Book title when the thing being referenced isn't the whole book.
- For book entries, the title field should be used instead.
- chapter
- Chapter number
- edition
- Edition of a book (e.g., \"second\")
- editor
- Name(s) of editor(s), in BibTeX name format.
- If there is also an author field, then the editor field should be
- for the book or collection that the work appears in
- howpublished
- How something strange has been published (begins sentence)
- institution
- Sponsoring institution
- journal
- Journal name (macros are provided for many)
- key
- Alphabetizing and labeling key (needed when no author or editor)
- month
- Month (macros are provided)
- note
- To help the reader find a reference (begins sentence)
- number
- Number of a journal or technical report
- organization
- Organization (sponsoring a conference)
- pages
- Page number or numbers (use `--' to separate a range)
- publisher
- Publisher name
- school
- School name (for theses)
- series
- The name of a series or set of books.
- An individual book will will also have it's own title
- title
- The title of the thing being referenced
- type
- Type of a Techreport (e.g., \"Research Note\") to be used instead of
- the default \"Technical Report\"
- volume
- Volume of a journal or multivolume work
- year
- Year---should contain only numerals
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- Entry to this mode calls the value of bibtex-mode-hook
- if that value is non-nil." (interactive) (byte-code "ÈÉ ?
Ê Ë!ÌÍÎ\"ÌÏÐ\"ÌÑÒ\"ÌÓÒ\"ÌÔÕ\"ÌÖÕ\"× !ØÙË!ÚÆ!ÛÜ ÝÞ#Ü ßà#Ü áâ#Ü ãä#Ü åæ#Ü çè#Ü éê#Ü ëì#Ü íî#Ü ïê#Ü ðñ#Ü òó#Ü ôõ#Ü ö÷#Ü øù#Ü úû#Ü üý#Ü þÿ#Ü @ A #Ü B C #D E !F G H !" [bibtex-mode-syntax-table bibtex-mode-map major-mode mode-name local-abbrev-table bibtex-mode-abbrev-table paragraph-start left-margin nil kill-all-local-variables copy-syntax-table set-syntax-table modify-syntax-entry 36 "$$ " 37 "< " 12 "> " 10 39 "w " 64 use-local-map bibtex-mode "BibTeX" make-local-variable "^[
- ]*$" define-key " " bibtex-find-it "
- " bibtex-next-position "\"" bibtex-remove-double-quotes "" kill-current-line "" bibtex-Article "" bibtex-Book "" bibtex-InProceedings " " bibtex-InBook "i" bibtex-InCollection "I" "" bibtex-Manual "m" bibtex-MastersThesis "M" bibtex-Misc "" bibtex-remove-opt "" bibtex-PhdThesis "p" bibtex-Proceedings "" bibtex-TechReport "" bibtex-string "" bibtex-Unpublished "?" describe-mode auto-fill-mode 1 17 run-hooks bibtex-mode-hook] 35))
- (defun bibtex-move-outside-of-entry nil "\
- Make sure we are outside of a bib entry" (byte-code "`dU `eU ÁÂ! À Ã Ä ÅÆdÀ#" [t looking-at "[
- ]*@" backward-paragraph forward-paragraph re-search-forward "[
- ]*"] 7))
- (defun bibtex-entry (entry-type required optional) (byte-code "Ã ÄÅQcÆÇ!ÈÉ Ê#c
- Ê#cÌÍ!ÎÏ!" [entry-type required optional bibtex-move-outside-of-entry "@" "{,
- }
- " previous-line 3 mapconcat bibtex-make-entry ",
- " bibtex-make-opt-entry up-list -1 forward-char 1] 7))
- (defun bibtex-make-entry (str) (interactive "s") (byte-code "ÁÂÃQ" [str nil " " " = \"\""] 3))
- (defun bibtex-make-opt-entry (str) (interactive "s") (byte-code "ÁÂÃQ" [str nil " OPT" " = \"\""] 3))
- (defun bibtex-Article nil (interactive) (byte-code "ÀÁÂÃÄ#" [nil bibtex-entry "Article" ("author" "title" "journal" "year") ("volume" "number" "pages" "month" "note")] 4))
- (defun bibtex-Book nil (interactive) (byte-code "ÀÁÂÃÄ#" [nil bibtex-entry "Book" ("author" "title" "publisher" "year") ("editor" "volume" "series" "address" "edition" "month" "note")] 4))
- (defun bibtex-Booklet nil (interactive) (byte-code "ÀÁÂÃÄ#" [nil bibtex-entry "Booklet" ("title") ("author" "howpublished" "address" "month" "year" "note")] 4))
- (defun bibtex-InBook nil (interactive) (byte-code "ÀÁÂÃÄ#" [nil bibtex-entry "InBook" ("author" "title" "chapter" "publisher" "year") ("editor" "pages" "volume" "series" "address" "edition" "month" "note")] 4))
- (defun bibtex-InCollection nil (interactive) (byte-code "ÀÁÂÃÄ#" [nil bibtex-entry "InCollection" ("author" "title" "booktitle" "publisher" "year") ("editor" "chapter" "pages" "address" "month" "note")] 4))
- (defun bibtex-InProceedings nil (interactive) (byte-code "ÀÁÂÃÄ#" [nil bibtex-entry "InProceedings" ("author" "title" "booktitle" "year") ("editor" "pages" "organization" "publisher" "address" "month" "note")] 4))
- (defun bibtex-Manual nil (interactive) (byte-code "ÀÁÂÃÄ#" [nil bibtex-entry "Manual" ("title") ("author" "organization" "address" "edition" "year" "month" "note")] 4))
- (defun bibtex-MastersThesis nil (interactive) (byte-code "ÀÁÂÃÄ#" [nil bibtex-entry "MastersThesis" ("author" "title" "school" "year") ("address" "month" "note")] 4))
- (defun bibtex-Misc nil (interactive) (byte-code "ÀÁÂÀÃ#" [nil bibtex-entry "Misc" ("author" "title" "howpublished" "year" "month" "note")] 4))
- (defun bibtex-PhdThesis nil (interactive) (byte-code "ÀÁÂÃÄ#" [nil bibtex-entry "PhDThesis" ("author" "title" "school" "year") ("address" "month" "note")] 4))
- (defun bibtex-Proceedings nil (interactive) (byte-code "ÀÁÂÃÄ#" [nil bibtex-entry "Proceedings" ("title" "year") ("editor" "publisher" "organization" "address" "month" "note")] 4))
- (defun bibtex-TechReport nil (interactive) (byte-code "ÀÁÂÃÄ#" [nil bibtex-entry "TechReport" ("author" "title" "institution" "year") ("type" "number" "address" "month" "note")] 4))
- (defun bibtex-Unpublished nil (interactive) (byte-code "ÀÁÂÃÄ#" [nil bibtex-entry "Unpublished" ("author" "title" "note") ("year" "month")] 4))
- (defun bibtex-string nil (interactive) (byte-code "ÀÁ ÂcÃÄ!ÅÆ!" [nil bibtex-move-outside-of-entry "@string{ = \"\"}
- " previous-line 1 forward-char 8] 4))
- (defun bibtex-next-position nil "\
- Finds next position to write in." (interactive) (byte-code "ÀÁÂ!Ã " [nil forward-line 1 bibtex-find-it] 3))
- (defun bibtex-find-it nil (interactive) (byte-code "ÂÃÄ `Å ÆÇÁ#ÈÉ!ÊË!