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- ;; Run compiler as inferior of Emacs, and parse its error messages.
- ;; Copyright (C) 1985, 1986 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
- ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
- ;; any later version.
- ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
- ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- ;; the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- (provide 'compile)
- (defvar compilation-process nil
- "Process created by compile command, or nil if none exists now.
- Note that the process may have been \"deleted\" and still
- be the value of this variable.")
- (defvar compilation-error-list nil
- "List of error message descriptors for visiting erring functions.
- Each error descriptor is a list of length two.
- Its car is a marker pointing to an error message.
- Its cadr is a marker pointing to the text of the line the message is about,
- or nil if that is not interesting.
- The value may be t instead of a list;
- this means that the buffer of error messages should be reparsed
- the next time the list of errors is wanted.")
- (defvar compilation-parsing-end nil
- "Position of end of buffer when last error messages parsed.")
- (defvar compilation-error-message nil
- "Message to print when no more matches for compilation-error-regexp are found")
- ;; The filename excludes colons to avoid confusion when error message
- ;; starts with digits.
- (defvar compilation-error-regexp
- "^\\([^ :\e]+\\([ :] *\\|, line \\|(\\)[0-9]+\\)\\|\\([0-9]+ *of *[^ \n]+\\)"
- "Regular expression for filename/linenumber in error in compilation log.")
- (defun compile (command)
- "Compile the program including the current buffer. Default: run `make'.
- Runs COMMAND, a shell command, in a separate process asynchronously
- with output going to the buffer *compilation*.
- You can then use the command \\[next-error] to find the next error message
- and move to the source code that caused it."
- (interactive (list (read-string "Compile command: " compile-command)))
- (setq compile-command command)
- (compile1 compile-command "No more errors"))
- (defun grep (command)
- "Run grep, with user-specified args, and collect output in a buffer.
- While grep runs asynchronously, you can use the \\[next-error] command
- to find the text that grep hits refer to."
- (interactive "sRun grep (with args): ")
- (compile1 (concat "grep -n " command (if (eq system-type 'amigados) " nil:"
- " /dev/null"))
- "No more grep hits" "grep"))
- (defun compile1 (command error-message &optional name-of-mode)
- (save-some-buffers)
- (if compilation-process
- (if (or (not (eq (process-status compilation-process) 'run))
- (yes-or-no-p "A compilation process is running; kill it? "))
- (condition-case ()
- (if compilation-process
- (let ((comp-proc compilation-process))
- (interrupt-process comp-proc)
- (sit-for 1)
- (delete-process comp-proc)))
- (error nil))
- (error "Cannot have two compilation processes")))
- (setq compilation-process nil)
- (compilation-forget-errors)
- (setq compilation-error-list t)
- (setq compilation-error-message error-message)
- (setq compilation-process
- (start-process "compilation" "*compilation*"
- shell-file-name
- "-c" (concat "exec " command)))
- (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*compilation*"
- (princ "cd ")
- (princ default-directory)
- (terpri)
- (princ command)
- (terpri))
- (set-process-sentinel compilation-process 'compilation-sentinel)
- (let* ((thisdir default-directory)
- (outbuf (process-buffer compilation-process))
- (outwin (get-buffer-window outbuf))
- (regexp compilation-error-regexp))
- (if (eq outbuf (current-buffer))
- (goto-char (point-max)))
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer outbuf)
- (buffer-flush-undo outbuf)
- (let ((start (save-excursion (set-buffer outbuf) (point-min))))
- (set-window-start outwin start)
- (or (eq outwin (selected-window))
- (set-window-point outwin start)))
- (setq default-directory thisdir)
- (fundamental-mode)
- (make-local-variable 'compilation-error-regexp)
- (setq compilation-error-regexp regexp)
- (setq mode-name (or name-of-mode "Compilation"))
- ;; Make log buffer's mode line show process state
- (setq mode-line-process '(": %s")))))
- ;; Called when compilation process changes state.
- (defun compilation-sentinel (proc msg)
- (cond ((null (buffer-name (process-buffer proc)))
- ;; buffer killed
- (set-process-buffer proc nil))
- ((memq (process-status proc) '(signal exit))
- (let* ((obuf (current-buffer))
- omax opoint)
- ;; save-excursion isn't the right thing if
- ;; process-buffer is current-buffer
- (unwind-protect
- (progn
- ;; Write something in *compilation* and hack its mode line,
- (set-buffer (process-buffer proc))
- (setq omax (point-max) opoint (point))
- (goto-char (point-max))
- (insert ?\n mode-name " " msg)
- (forward-char -1)
- (insert " at "
- (substring (current-time-string) 0 -5))
- (forward-char 1)
- (setq mode-line-process
- (concat ": "
- (symbol-name (process-status proc))))
- ;; If buffer and mode line will show that the process
- ;; is dead, we can delete it now. Otherwise it
- ;; will stay around until M-x list-processes.
- (delete-process proc))
- (setq compilation-process nil)
- ;; Force mode line redisplay soon
- (set-buffer-modified-p (buffer-modified-p)))
- (if (and opoint (< opoint omax))
- (goto-char opoint))
- (set-buffer obuf)))))
- (defun kill-compilation ()
- "Kill the process made by the \\[compile] command."
- (interactive)
- (if compilation-process
- (interrupt-process compilation-process)))
- (defun kill-grep ()
- "Kill the process made by the \\[grep] command."
- (interactive)
- (if compilation-process
- (interrupt-process compilation-process)))
- (defun next-error (&optional argp)
- "Visit next compilation error message and corresponding source code.
- This operates on the output from the \\[compile] command.
- If all preparsed error messages have been processed,
- the error message buffer is checked for new ones.
- A non-nil argument (prefix arg, if interactive)
- means reparse the error message buffer and start at the first error."
- (interactive "P")
- (if (or (eq compilation-error-list t)
- argp)
- (progn (compilation-forget-errors)
- (setq compilation-parsing-end 1)))
- (if compilation-error-list
- nil
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer "*compilation*")
- (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
- (compilation-parse-errors)))
- (let ((next-error (car compilation-error-list)))
- (if (null next-error)
- (error (concat compilation-error-message
- (if (and compilation-process
- (eq (process-status compilation-process)
- 'run))
- " yet" ""))))
- (setq compilation-error-list (cdr compilation-error-list))
- (if (null (car (cdr next-error)))
- nil
- (switch-to-buffer (marker-buffer (car (cdr next-error))))
- (goto-char (car (cdr next-error)))
- (set-marker (car (cdr next-error)) nil))
- (let* ((pop-up-windows t)
- (w (display-buffer (marker-buffer (car next-error)))))
- (set-window-point w (car next-error))
- (if compilation-parse-sasc
- (let ((thiswin (selected-window)))
- (select-window w)
- (vertical-motion -1)
- (set-window-start w (point))
- (select-window thiswin))
- (set-window-start w (car next-error))))
- (set-marker (car next-error) nil)))
- ;; Set compilation-error-list to nil, and
- ;; unchain the markers that point to the error messages and their text,
- ;; so that they no longer slow down gap motion.
- ;; This would happen anyway at the next garbage collection,
- ;; but it is better to do it right away.
- (defun compilation-forget-errors ()
- (if (eq compilation-error-list t)
- (setq compilation-error-list nil))
- (while compilation-error-list
- (let ((next-error (car compilation-error-list)))
- (set-marker (car next-error) nil)
- (if (car (cdr next-error))
- (set-marker (car (cdr next-error)) nil)))
- (setq compilation-error-list (cdr compilation-error-list))))
- (defun compilation-parse-errors ()
- "Parse the current buffer as error messages.
- This makes a list of error descriptors, compilation-error-list.
- For each source-file, line-number pair in the buffer,
- the source file is read in, and the text location is saved in compilation-error-list.
- The function next-error, assigned to \\[next-error], takes the next error off the list
- and visits its location."
- (setq compilation-error-list nil)
- (message "Parsing error messages...")
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (setq compilation-parse-sasc (search-forward "SAS/C" nil t))
- (let (text-buffer
- last-filename last-linenum)
- ;; Don't reparse messages already seen at last parse.
- (goto-char compilation-parsing-end)
- ;; Don't parse the first two lines as error messages.
- ;; This matters for grep.
- (if (bobp)
- (forward-line 2))
- (while (re-search-forward compilation-error-regexp nil t)
- (let (linenum filename
- error-marker text-marker)
- ;; Extract file name and line number from error message.
- (save-restriction
- (narrow-to-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
- (goto-char (point-max))
- (skip-chars-backward "[0-9]")
- ;; If it's a lint message, use the last file(linenum) on the line.
- ;; Normally we use the first on the line.
- (if (= (preceding-char) ?\()
- (progn
- (narrow-to-region (point-min) (1+ (buffer-size)))
- (end-of-line)
- (re-search-backward compilation-error-regexp)
- (skip-chars-backward "^ \t\n")
- (narrow-to-region (point) (match-end 0))
- (goto-char (point-max))
- (skip-chars-backward "[0-9]")))
- ;; Are we looking at a "filename-first" or "line-number-first" form?
- (if (looking-at "[0-9]")
- (progn
- (setq linenum (read (current-buffer)))
- (goto-char (point-min)))
- ;; Line number at start, file name at end.
- (progn
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (setq linenum (read (current-buffer)))
- (goto-char (point-max))
- (skip-chars-backward "^ \t\n")))
- (setq filename (compilation-grab-filename)))
- ;; Locate the erring file and line.
- (if (and (equal filename last-filename)
- (= linenum last-linenum))
- nil
- (beginning-of-line 1)
- (setq error-marker (point-marker))
- ;; text-buffer gets the buffer containing this error's file.
- (if (not (equal filename last-filename))
- (setq text-buffer
- (and (file-exists-p (setq last-filename filename))
- (find-file-noselect filename))
- last-linenum 0))
- (if text-buffer
- ;; Go to that buffer and find the erring line.
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer text-buffer)
- (if (zerop last-linenum)
- (progn
- (goto-char 1)
- (setq last-linenum 1)))
- ;; Move the right number of lines from the old position.
- ;; If we can't move that many, put 0 in last-linenum
- ;; so the next error message will be handled starting from
- ;; scratch.
- (if (eq selective-display t)
- (or (re-search-forward "[\n\C-m]" nil 'end
- (- linenum last-linenum))
- (setq last-linenum 0))
- (or (= 0 (forward-line (- linenum last-linenum)))
- (setq last-linenum 0)))
- (setq last-linenum linenum)
- (setq text-marker (point-marker))
- (setq compilation-error-list
- (cons (list error-marker text-marker)
- compilation-error-list)))))
- (forward-line 1)))
- (setq compilation-parsing-end (point-max)))
- (message "Parsing error messages...done")
- (setq compilation-error-list (nreverse compilation-error-list)))
- (defun compilation-grab-filename ()
- "Return a string which is a filename, starting at point.
- Ignore quotes and parentheses around it, as well as trailing colons."
- (if (eq (following-char) ?\")
- (save-restriction
- (narrow-to-region (point)
- (progn (forward-sexp 1) (point)))
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (read (current-buffer)))
- (buffer-substring (point)
- (progn
- (skip-chars-forward "^ :,\n\t(")
- (point)))))
- (define-key ctl-x-map "`" 'next-error)