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- ;; From mike@yetti.UUCP Fri Aug 29 12:49:28 1986
- ;; Path: mit-prep!mit-hermes!mit-eddie!genrad!panda!husc6!seismo!mnetor!yetti!mike
- ;; From: mike@yetti.UUCP (Mike Clarkson )
- ;; Newsgroups: net.sources
- ;; Subject: Gnu Emacs EDT Emulation - Introduction - 1/3
- ;; Date: 27 Aug 86 23:30:33 GMT
- ;; Reply-To: mike@yetti.UUCP (Mike Clarkson )
- ;; Organization: York University Computer Science
- ;;
- ;; Here's my EDT emulation for GNU Emacs that is based on the EDT emulation
- ;; for Gosling's Emacs sent out on the net a couple of years ago by Lynn Olson
- ;; at Tektronics. This emulation was widely distributed as the file edt.ml
- ;; in the maclib directory of most Emacs distributions.
- ;;
- ;; My emulation consists of two files: edt.el and edtdoc.el. The edtdoc.el file
- ;; is the documentation, that you can add to the beginning of edt.el if you
- ;; want. I have split them because I have been loading the edt.el file a lot
- ;; during debugging.
- ;;
- ;; I will gladly take all criticisms and complaints to heart, and will fix
- ;; what bugs I can find. As this is my first elisp hack, you may have to
- ;; root out a few nasties hidden in the code. Please let me know if you
- ;; find any (sorry,
- ;; no rewards :-). I would also be interested if there are better,
- ;; cleaner, faster ways of doing some of the things that I have done.
- ;;
- ;; You must understand some design considerations that I had in mind.
- ;; The intention was not really to "emulate" EDT, but rather to take advantage
- ;; of the years of EDT experience that had accumulated in my right hand,
- ;; while at the same time taking advantage of EMACS.
- ;;
- ;; Some major differences are:
- ;;
- ;; HELP is describe-key;
- ;; GOLD/HELP is describe-function;
- ;; FIND is isearch-forward/backward;
- ;; GOLD/HELP is occur-menu, which finds all occurrences of a search string;
- ;; ENTER is other-window;
- ;; SUBS is subprocess-command. Note that you will have to change this
- ;; yourself to shell if you are running Un*x;
- ;; PAGE is next-paragraph, because that's more useful than page.
- ;; SPECINS is copy-to-killring;
- ;; GOLD/GOLD is mark-section-wisely, which is my command to mark the
- ;; section in a manner consistent with the major-mode. It
- ;; uses mark-defun for emacs-lisp, lisp, mark-c-function for C,
- ;; and mark-paragraph for other modes.
- ;;
- ;;
- ;; Some subtle differences are:
- ;;
- ;; APPEND is append-to-buffer. One doesn't append to the kill ring much
- ;; and SPECINS is now copy-to-killring;
- ;; REPLACE is replace-regexp;
- ;; FILL is fill-region-wisely, which uses indent-region for C, lisp
- ;; emacs-lisp, and fill-region for others. It asks if you really
- ;; want to fill-region in TeX-mode, because I find this to be
- ;; very dangerous.
- ;; CHNGCASE is case-flip for the character under the cursor only.
- ;; I felt that case-flip region is unlikely, as usually you
- ;; upcase-region or downcase region. Also, unlike EDT it
- ;; is independent of the direction you are going, as that
- ;; drives me nuts.
- ;;
- ;; I use Emacs definition of what a word is. This is considerably different from
- ;; what EDT thinks a word is. This is not good for dyed-in-the-wool EDT fans,
- ;; but is probably preferable for experienced Emacs users. My assumption is that
- ;; the former are a dying breed now that GNU Emacs has made it to VMS, but let me
- ;; know how you feel. Also, when you undelete a word it leave the point at the
- ;; end of the undeleted text, rather than the beginning. I might change this
- ;; as I'm not sure if I like this or not. I'm also not sure if I want it to
- ;; set the mark each time you delete a character or word.
- ;;
- ;; Backspace does not invoke beginning-of-line, because ^H is the help prefix,
- ;; and I felt it should be left as such. You can change this if you like.
- ;;
- ;; The ADVANCE and BACKUP keys do not work as terminators for forward or
- ;; backward searches. In Emacs, all search strings are terminated by return.
- ;; The searches will however go forward or backward depending on your current
- ;; direction. Also, when you change directions, the mode line will not be
- ;; updated immediately, but only when you next execute an emacs function.
- ;; Personally, I consider this to be a bug, not a feature.
- ;;
- ;; This should also work with VT-2xx's, though I haven't tested it extensively
- ;; on those terminals. It assumes that the CSI-map of vt_200.el has been defined.
- ;;
- ;; There are also a whole bunch of GOLD letter, and GOLD character bindings:
- ;; look at edtdoc.el for them, or better still, look at the edt.el lisp code,
- ;; because after all, in the true Lisp tradition, the source code is *assumed*
- ;; to be self-documenting :-)
- ;;
- ;; Mike Clarkson, ...!allegra \ BITNET: mike@YUYETTI or
- ;; CRESS, York University, ...!decvax \ SYMALG@YUSOL
- ;; 4700 Keele Street, ...!ihnp4 > !utzoo!yetti!mike
- ;; North York, Ontario, ...!linus /
- ;; CANADA M3J 1P3. ...!watmath / Phone: +1 (416) 736-2100 x 7767
- ;;
- ;; Note that I am not on ARPA, and must gateway any ARPA mail through BITNET or
- ;; UUCP. If you have a UUCP or BITNET address please use it for communication
- ;; so that I can reach you directly. If you have both, the BITNET address
- ;; is preferred.
- ;; --
- ;; Mike Clarkson, ...!allegra \ BITNET: mike@YUYETTI or
- ;; CRESS, York University, ...!decvax \ SYMALG@YUSOL
- ;; 4700 Keele Street, ...!ihnp4 > !utzoo!yetti!mike
- ;; North York, Ontario, ...!linus /
- ;; CANADA M3J 1P3. ...!watmath / Phone: +1 (416) 737-2100 x 7767