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Text File | 1992-11-21 | 41.6 KB | 1,101 lines |
- ;; File input and output commands for Emacs
- ;; Copyright (C) 1985, 1986, 1987, 1990 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
- ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
- ;; any later version.
- ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
- ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- ;; the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- (defconst delete-auto-save-files t
- "*Non-nil means delete a buffer's auto-save file
- when the buffer is saved for real.")
- ;(make-variable-buffer-local 'buffer-backed-up)
- ;(defvar buffer-backed-up nil
- ; "Non-nil if this buffer's file has been backed up.
- ;Backing up is done before the first time the file is saved.")
- ;;; Turn off backup files on VMS since it has version numbers.
- (defconst make-backup-files (not (eq system-type 'vax-vms))
- "*Create a backup of each file when it is saved for the first time.
- This can be done by renaming the file or by copying.
- Renaming means that Emacs renames the existing file so that it is a
- backup file, then writes the buffer into a new file. Any other names
- that the old file had will now refer to the backup file.
- The new file is owned by you and its group is defaulted.
- Copying means that Emacs copies the existing file into the backup file,
- then writes the buffer on top of the existing file. Any other names
- that the old file had will now refer to the new (edited) file.
- The file's owner and group are unchanged.
- The choice of renaming or copying is controlled by the variables
- backup-by-copying, backup-by-copying-when-linked and
- backup-by-copying-when-mismatch.")
- (defconst backup-by-copying nil
- "*Non-nil means always use copying to create backup files.
- See documentation of variable make-backup-files.")
- (defconst backup-by-copying-when-linked nil
- "*Non-nil means use copying to create backups for files with multiple names.
- This causes the alternate names to refer to the latest version as edited.
- This variable is relevant only if backup-by-copying is nil.")
- (defconst backup-by-copying-when-mismatch nil
- "*Non-nil means create backups by copying if this preserves owner or group.
- Renaming may still be used (subject to control of other variables)
- when it would not result in changing the owner or group of the file;
- that is, for files which are owned by you and whose group matches
- the default for a new file created there by you.
- This variable is relevant only if backup-by-copying is nil.")
- (defconst buffer-offer-save nil
- "*Non-nil in a buffer means offer to save the buffer on exit
- even if the buffer is not visiting a file. Automatically local in
- all buffers.")
- (make-variable-buffer-local 'buffer-offer-save)
- (defconst file-precious-flag nil
- "*Non-nil means protect against I/O errors while saving files.
- Some modes set this non-nil in particular buffers.")
- (defvar version-control nil
- "*Control use of version numbers for backup files.
- t means make numeric backup versions unconditionally.
- nil means make them for files that have some already.
- never means do not make them.")
- (defvar dired-kept-versions 2
- "*When cleaning directory, number of versions to keep.")
- (defvar trim-versions-without-asking nil
- "*If true, deletes excess backup versions silently.
- Otherwise asks confirmation.")
- (defvar kept-old-versions 2
- "*Number of oldest versions to keep when a new numbered backup is made.")
- (defvar kept-new-versions 2
- "*Number of newest versions to keep when a new numbered backup is made.
- Includes the new backup. Must be > 0")
- (defconst require-final-newline nil
- "*t says silently put a newline at the end whenever a file is saved.
- Non-nil but not t says ask user whether to add a newline in each such case.
- nil means don't add newlines.")
- (defconst auto-save-default t
- "*t says by default do auto-saving of every file-visiting buffer.")
- (defconst auto-save-visited-file-name nil
- "*t says auto-save a buffer in the file it is visiting, when practical.
- Normally auto-save files are written under other names.")
- (defconst save-abbrevs nil
- "*Non-nil means save word abbrevs too when files are saved.
- Loading an abbrev file sets this to t.")
- (defconst find-file-run-dired t
- "*Non-nil says run dired if find-file is given the name of a directory.")
- (defvar find-file-not-found-hooks nil
- "List of functions to be called for find-file on nonexistent file.
- These functions are called as soon as the error is detected.
- buffer-file-name is already set up.
- The functions are called in the order given,
- until one of them returns non-nil.")
- (defvar find-file-hooks nil
- "List of functions to be called after a buffer is loaded from a file.
- The buffer's local variables (if any) will have been processed before the
- functions are called.")
- (defvar write-file-hooks nil
- "List of functions to be called before writing out a buffer to a file.
- If one of them returns non-nil, the file is considered already written
- and the rest are not called.")
- (defconst inhibit-local-variables nil
- "*Non-nil means query before obeying a file's local-variables list.
- This applies when the local-variables list is scanned automatically
- after you find a file. If you explicitly request such a scan with
- \\[normal-mode], there is no query, regardless of this variable.")
- (defconst ignore-local-eval nil
- "*Non-nil means ignore the \"variable\" `eval' in a file's local variables.
- This applies when the local-variables list is scanned automatically
- after you find a file. If you explicitly request such a scan with
- \\[normal-mode], there is no query, regardless of this variable.")
- (defconst backup-char (if (eq system-type 'amigados) "!" "~")
- "Character to add to file names to make backup names.")
- (defconst autosave-char (if (eq system-type 'amigados) "@" "#")
- "Character to add to file names to make autosave names.")
- (defconst bufferfile-char (if (eq system-type 'amigados) "^" "%")
- "Character to add to buffer names to make file names.")
- ;; Avoid losing in versions where CLASH_DETECTION is disabled.
- (or (fboundp 'lock-buffer)
- (fset 'lock-buffer 'ignore))
- (or (fboundp 'unlock-buffer)
- (fset 'unlock-buffer 'ignore))
- (defun pwd ()
- "Show the current default directory."
- (interactive nil)
- (message "Directory %s" default-directory))
- (defun cd (dir)
- "Make DIR become the current buffer's default directory."
- (interactive "DChange default directory: ")
- (setq dir (expand-file-name dir))
- (if (not (eq system-type 'vax-vms))
- (setq dir (file-name-as-directory dir)))
- (if (not (file-directory-p dir))
- (error "%s is not a directory" dir)
- (setq default-directory dir))
- (pwd))
- (defun load-file (file)
- "Load the file FILE of Lisp code."
- (interactive "fLoad file: ")
- (load (expand-file-name file) nil nil t))
- (defun load-library (library)
- "Load the library named LIBRARY.
- This is an interface to the function `load'."
- (interactive "sLoad library: ")
- (load library))
- (defun switch-to-buffer-other-window (buffer)
- "Select buffer BUFFER in another window."
- (interactive "BSwitch to buffer in other window: ")
- (let ((pop-up-windows t))
- (pop-to-buffer buffer t)))
- (defun find-file (filename)
- "Edit file FILENAME.
- Switch to a buffer visiting file FILENAME,
- creating one if none already exists."
- (interactive "FFind file: ")
- (switch-to-buffer (find-file-noselect filename)))
- (defun find-file-other-window (filename)
- "Edit file FILENAME, in another window.
- May create a new window, or reuse an existing one;
- see the function display-buffer."
- (interactive "FFind file in other window: ")
- (switch-to-buffer-other-window (find-file-noselect filename)))
- (defun find-file-read-only (filename)
- "Edit file FILENAME but don't save without confirmation.
- Like find-file but marks buffer as read-only."
- (interactive "fFind file read-only: ")
- (find-file filename)
- (setq buffer-read-only t))
- (defun find-alternate-file (filename)
- "Find file FILENAME, select its buffer, kill previous buffer.
- If the current buffer now contains an empty file that you just visited
- \(presumably by mistake), use this command to visit the file you really want."
- (interactive "FFind alternate file: ")
- (and (buffer-modified-p)
- ;;; (not buffer-read-only)
- (not (yes-or-no-p (format "Buffer %s is modified; kill anyway? "
- (buffer-name))))
- (error "Aborted"))
- (let ((obuf (current-buffer))
- (ofile buffer-file-name)
- (oname (buffer-name)))
- (rename-buffer " **lose**")
- (setq buffer-file-name nil)
- (unwind-protect
- (progn
- (unlock-buffer)
- (find-file filename))
- (cond ((eq obuf (current-buffer))
- (setq buffer-file-name ofile)
- (lock-buffer)
- (rename-buffer oname))))
- (or (eq obuf (current-buffer))
- (kill-buffer obuf))))
- (defun create-file-buffer (filename)
- "Create a suitably named buffer for visiting FILENAME, and return it.
- FILENAME (sans directory) is used unchanged if that name is free;
- otherwise a string <2> or <3> or ... is appended to get an unused name."
- (let ((lastname (file-name-nondirectory filename)))
- (if (string= lastname "")
- (setq lastname filename))
- (generate-new-buffer lastname)))
- (defconst automount-dir-prefix "^/tmp_mnt/"
- "Regexp to match the automounter prefix in a directory name.")
- (defun find-file-noselect (filename &optional nowarn)
- "Read file FILENAME into a buffer and return the buffer.
- If a buffer exists visiting FILENAME, return that one,
- but verify that the file has not changed since visited or saved.
- The buffer is not selected, just returned to the caller."
- (setq filename (expand-file-name filename))
- ;; Get rid of the prefixes added by the automounter.
- (if (and (string-match automount-dir-prefix filename)
- (file-exists-p (file-name-directory
- (substring filename (1- (match-end 0))))))
- (setq filename (substring filename (1- (match-end 0)))))
- (if (file-directory-p filename)
- (if find-file-run-dired
- (dired-noselect filename)
- (error "%s is a directory." filename))
- (let ((buf (get-file-buffer filename))
- error)
- (if buf
- (or nowarn
- (verify-visited-file-modtime buf)
- (cond ((not (file-exists-p filename))
- (error "File %s no longer exists!" filename))
- ((yes-or-no-p
- (if (buffer-modified-p buf)
- "File has changed since last visited or saved. Flush your changes? "
- "File has changed since last visited or saved. Read from disk? "))
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer buf)
- (revert-buffer t t)))))
- (save-excursion
- (setq buf (create-file-buffer filename))
- (set-buffer buf)
- (erase-buffer)
- (condition-case ()
- (insert-file-contents filename t)
- (file-error
- (setq error t)
- ;; Run find-file-not-found-hooks until one returns non-nil.
- (let ((hooks find-file-not-found-hooks))
- (while (and hooks
- (not (funcall (car hooks))))
- (setq hooks (cdr hooks))))))
- (setq default-directory (file-name-directory filename))
- (after-find-file error (not nowarn))))
- buf)))
- (defun after-find-file (&optional error warn)
- "Called after finding a file and by the default revert function.
- Sets buffer mode, parses local variables.
- Optional args ERROR and WARN: ERROR non-nil means there was an
- error in reading the file. WARN non-nil means warn if there
- exists an auto-save file more recent than the visited file.
- Finishes by calling the functions in find-file-hooks."
- (setq buffer-read-only (not (file-writable-p buffer-file-name)))
- (if noninteractive
- nil
- (let* (not-serious
- (msg
- (cond ((not buffer-read-only)
- (if (and warn
- (file-newer-than-file-p (make-auto-save-file-name)
- buffer-file-name))
- "Auto save file is newer; consider M-x recover-file"
- (setq not-serious t)
- (if error "(New file)" nil)))
- ((not error)
- (setq not-serious t)
- "File is write protected")
- ((file-attributes buffer-file-name)
- "File exists, but is read-protected.")
- ((file-attributes (directory-file-name default-directory))
- "File not found and directory write-protected")
- (t
- "File not found and directory doesn't exist"))))
- (if msg
- (progn
- (message msg)
- (or not-serious (sit-for 1 t)))))
- (if auto-save-default
- (auto-save-mode t)))
- (normal-mode t)
- (mapcar 'funcall find-file-hooks))
- (defun normal-mode (&optional find-file)
- "Choose the major mode for this buffer automatically.
- Also sets up any specified local variables of the file.
- Uses the visited file name, the -*- line, and the local variables spec.
- This function is called automatically from `find-file'. In that case,
- if `inhibit-local-variables' is non-`nil' we require confirmation before
- processing a local variables spec. If you run `normal-mode' explicitly,
- confirmation is never required."
- (interactive)
- (or find-file (funcall (or default-major-mode 'fundamental-mode)))
- (condition-case err
- (set-auto-mode)
- (error (message "File mode specification error: %s"
- (prin1-to-string err))))
- (condition-case err
- (hack-local-variables (not find-file))
- (error (message "File local-variables error: %s"
- (prin1-to-string err)))))
- ;(defvar auto-mode-alist ...) now in loaddefs.el
- (defun set-auto-mode ()
- "Select major mode appropriate for current buffer.
- May base decision on visited file name (See variable auto-mode-list)
- or on buffer contents (-*- line or local variables spec), but does not look
- for the \"mode:\" local variable. For that, use hack-local-variables."
- ;; Look for -*-MODENAME-*- or -*- ... mode: MODENAME; ... -*-
- (let (beg end mode)
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (skip-chars-forward " \t\n")
- (if (and (search-forward "-*-" (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point)) t)
- (progn
- (skip-chars-forward " \t")
- (setq beg (point))
- (search-forward "-*-" (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point)) t))
- (progn
- (forward-char -3)
- (skip-chars-backward " \t")
- (setq end (point))
- (goto-char beg)
- (if (search-forward ":" end t)
- (progn
- (goto-char beg)
- (if (let ((case-fold-search t))
- (search-forward "mode:" end t))
- (progn
- (skip-chars-forward " \t")
- (setq beg (point))
- (if (search-forward ";" end t)
- (forward-char -1)
- (goto-char end))
- (skip-chars-backward " \t")
- (setq mode (buffer-substring beg (point))))))
- (setq mode (buffer-substring beg end)))))
- (funcall (intern (concat (downcase mode) "-mode")))
- (let ((alist auto-mode-alist)
- (name buffer-file-name))
- (let ((case-fold-search (or (eq system-type 'amigados)
- (eq system-type 'vax-vms))))
- ;; Remove backup-suffixes from file name.
- (setq name (file-name-sans-versions name))
- ;; Find first matching alist entry.
- (while (and (not mode) alist)
- (if (string-match (car (car alist)) name)
- (setq mode (cdr (car alist))))
- (setq alist (cdr alist))))
- (if mode (funcall mode)))))))
- (defun hack-local-variables (&optional force)
- "Parse, and bind or evaluate as appropriate, any local variables
- for current buffer."
- ;; Look for "Local variables:" line in last page.
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char (point-max))
- (search-backward "\n\^L" (max (- (point-max) 3000) (point-min)) 'move)
- (if (let ((case-fold-search t))
- (and (search-forward "Local Variables:" nil t)
- (or (not inhibit-local-variables)
- force
- (save-window-excursion
- (switch-to-buffer (current-buffer))
- (save-excursion
- (beginning-of-line)
- (set-window-start (selected-window) (point)))
- (y-or-n-p (format "Set local variables as specified at end of %s? "
- (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name)))))))
- (let ((continue t)
- prefix prefixlen suffix beg)
- ;; The prefix is what comes before "local variables:" in its line.
- ;; The suffix is what comes after "local variables:" in its line.
- (skip-chars-forward " \t")
- (or (eolp)
- (setq suffix (buffer-substring (point)
- (progn (end-of-line) (point)))))
- (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
- (or (bolp)
- (setq prefix
- (buffer-substring (point)
- (progn (beginning-of-line) (point)))))
- (if prefix (setq prefixlen (length prefix)
- prefix (regexp-quote prefix)))
- (if suffix (setq suffix (concat (regexp-quote suffix) "$")))
- (while continue
- ;; Look at next local variable spec.
- (if selective-display (re-search-forward "[\n\C-m]")
- (forward-line 1))
- ;; Skip the prefix, if any.
- (if prefix
- (if (looking-at prefix)
- (forward-char prefixlen)
- (error "Local variables entry is missing the prefix")))
- ;; Find the variable name; strip whitespace.
- (skip-chars-forward " \t")
- (setq beg (point))
- (skip-chars-forward "^:\n")
- (if (eolp) (error "Missing colon in local variables entry"))
- (skip-chars-backward " \t")
- (let* ((str (buffer-substring beg (point)))
- (var (read str))
- val)
- ;; Setting variable named "end" means end of list.
- (if (string-equal (downcase str) "end")
- (setq continue nil)
- ;; Otherwise read the variable value.
- (skip-chars-forward "^:")
- (forward-char 1)
- (setq val (read (current-buffer)))
- (skip-chars-backward "\n")
- (skip-chars-forward " \t")
- (or (if suffix (looking-at suffix) (eolp))
- (error "Local variables entry is terminated incorrectly"))
- ;; Set the variable. "Variables" mode and eval are funny.
- (cond ((eq var 'mode)
- (funcall (intern (concat (downcase (symbol-name val))
- "-mode"))))
- ((eq var 'force) nil)
- ((eq var 'ignore-local-eval)
- nil)
- ((eq var 'eval)
- (if (or (and ignore-local-eval (not force))
- (string= (user-login-name) "root"))
- (message "Ignoring `eval:' in file's local variables")
- (eval val)))
- (t (make-local-variable var)
- (set var val))))))))))
- (defun set-visited-file-name (filename)
- "Change name of file visited in current buffer to FILENAME.
- The next time the buffer is saved it will go in the newly specified file.
- nil or empty string as argument means make buffer not be visiting any file.
- Remember to delete the initial contents of the minibuffer
- if you wish to pass an empty string as the argument."
- (interactive "FSet visited file name: ")
- (if filename
- (setq filename
- (if (string-equal filename "")
- nil
- (expand-file-name filename))))
- (or (equal filename buffer-file-name)
- (null filename)
- (progn
- (lock-buffer filename)
- (unlock-buffer)))
- (if filename
- (let ((new-name (file-name-nondirectory filename)))
- (if (string= new-name "")
- (error "Empty file name"))
- (if (file-directory-p filename)
- (error "File %s is a directory" filename))
- (if (eq system-type 'vax-vms)
- (setq new-name (downcase new-name)))
- (setq buffer-file-name filename)
- (setq default-directory (file-name-directory buffer-file-name))
- (or (get-buffer new-name) (rename-buffer new-name)))
- (setq buffer-file-name nil))
- (setq buffer-backed-up nil)
- (clear-visited-file-modtime)
- ;; So that C-x C-w after ftp-find-file
- ;; writes an ordinary local file in the ordinary way.
- (kill-local-variable 'write-file-hooks)
- ;; So that revert works normally after theat C-x C-w.
- (kill-local-variable 'revert-buffer-function)
- ;; Rename the auto-save file to go with the new visited name.
- ;; If auto-save was not already on, turn it on if appropriate.
- (if buffer-auto-save-file-name
- (rename-auto-save-file)
- (auto-save-mode (and buffer-file-name auto-save-default)))
- (if buffer-file-name
- (set-buffer-modified-p t)))
- (defun write-file (filename)
- "Write current buffer into file FILENAME.
- Makes buffer visit that file, and marks it not modified."
- (interactive "FWrite file: ")
- (or (null filename) (string-equal filename "")
- (set-visited-file-name filename))
- (set-buffer-modified-p t)
- (save-buffer))
- (defun backup-buffer ()
- "Make a backup of the disk file visited by the current buffer, if appropriate.
- This is normally done before saving the buffer the first time.
- If the value is non-nil, it is the result of `file-modes' on the original file;
- this means that the caller, after saving the buffer, should change the modes
- of the new file to agree with the old modes."
- (and make-backup-files
- (not buffer-backed-up)
- (file-exists-p buffer-file-name)
- (memq (aref (elt (file-attributes buffer-file-name) 8) 0)
- '(?- ?l))
- (or (< (length buffer-file-name) 5)
- (not (string-equal "/tmp/" (substring buffer-file-name 0 5))))
- (condition-case ()
- (let* ((backup-info (find-backup-file-name buffer-file-name))
- (backupname (car backup-info))
- (targets (cdr backup-info))
- setmodes)
- ; (if (file-directory-p buffer-file-name)
- ; (error "Cannot save buffer in directory %s" buffer-file-name))
- (condition-case ()
- (if (or file-precious-flag
- (file-symlink-p buffer-file-name)
- backup-by-copying
- (and backup-by-copying-when-linked
- (> (file-nlinks buffer-file-name) 1))
- (and backup-by-copying-when-mismatch
- (let ((attr (file-attributes buffer-file-name)))
- (or (nth 9 attr)
- (/= (nth 2 attr) (user-uid))))))
- (copy-file buffer-file-name backupname t t)
- (condition-case ()
- (delete-file backupname)
- (file-error nil))
- (rename-file buffer-file-name backupname t)
- (setq setmodes (file-modes backupname)))
- (file-error
- ;; If trouble writing the backup, write it in ~.
- (setq backupname
- (expand-file-name (concat "~/" bufferfile-char "backup"
- bufferfile-char backup-char)))
- (message "Cannot write backup file; backing up in ~/%sbackup%s%s"
- bufferfile-char bufferfile-char backup-char)
- (sleep-for 1)
- (condition-case ()
- (delete-file backupname)
- (file-error nil))
- (copy-file buffer-file-name backupname t t)))
- (setq buffer-backed-up t)
- (if (and targets
- (or trim-versions-without-asking
- (y-or-n-p (format "Delete excess backup versions of %s? "
- buffer-file-name))))
- (while targets
- (condition-case ()
- (delete-file (car targets))
- (file-error nil))
- (setq targets (cdr targets))))
- setmodes)
- (file-error nil))))
- (defun file-name-sans-versions (name)
- "Return FILENAME sans backup versions or strings.
- This is a separate procedure so your site-init or startup file can
- redefine it."
- (substring name 0
- (if (eq system-type 'vax-vms)
- (or (string-match ";[0-9]*\\'" name)
- (and (string-match "\\." name (string-match "[]>]" name))
- (string-match "\\.[0-9]*\\'" name (match-end 0))))
- (string-match (concat "\\(\\." backup-char "[0-9]+\\)?"
- backup-char "\\'") name))))
- (defun make-backup-file-name (file)
- "Create the non-numeric backup file name for FILE.
- This is a separate function so you can redefine it for customization."
- (concat file backup-char))
- (defun backup-file-name-p (file)
- "Return non-nil if FILE is a backup file name (numeric or not).
- This is a separate function so you can redefine it for customization.
- You may need to redefine file-name-sans-versions as well."
- (string-match (concat backup-char "$") file))
- ;; I believe there is no need to alter this behavior for VMS;
- ;; since backup files are not made on VMS, it should not get called.
- (defun find-backup-file-name (fn)
- "Find a file name for a backup file, and suggestions for deletions.
- Value is a list whose car is the name for the backup file
- and whose cdr is a list of old versions to consider deleting now."
- (if (eq version-control 'never)
- (list (make-backup-file-name fn))
- (let* ((base-versions (concat (file-name-nondirectory fn) "." backup-char))
- (bv-length (length base-versions))
- (possibilities (file-name-all-completions
- base-versions
- (file-name-directory fn)))
- (versions (sort (mapcar 'backup-extract-version possibilities)
- '<))
- (high-water-mark (apply 'max (cons 0 versions)))
- (deserve-versions-p
- (or version-control
- (> high-water-mark 0)))
- (number-to-delete (- (length versions)
- ;; -1 compensates for the backup
- ;; we are about to make.
- kept-old-versions kept-new-versions -1)))
- (if (not deserve-versions-p)
- (list (make-backup-file-name fn))
- (cons (concat fn "." backup-char (int-to-string (1+ high-water-mark))
- backup-char)
- (if (and (> number-to-delete 0)
- ;; Delete nothing if there is overflow
- ;; in the number of versions to keep.
- (>= (+ kept-new-versions kept-old-versions -1) 0))
- (mapcar (function (lambda (n)
- (concat fn "." backup-char
- (int-to-string n) backup-char)))
- (let ((v (nthcdr kept-old-versions versions)))
- (rplacd (nthcdr (1- number-to-delete) v) ())
- v))))))))
- (defun backup-extract-version (fn)
- (if (and (string-match (concat "[0-9]+" backup-char "$") fn bv-length)
- (= (match-beginning 0) bv-length))
- (string-to-int (substring fn bv-length -1))
- 0))
- (defun file-nlinks (filename)
- "Return number of names file FILENAME has."
- (car (cdr (file-attributes filename))))
- (defun save-buffer (&optional args)
- "Save current buffer in visited file if modified. Versions described below.
- By default, makes the previous version into a backup file
- if previously requested or if this is the first save.
- With 1 or 3 \\[universal-argument]'s, marks this version
- to become a backup when the next save is done.
- With 2 or 3 \\[universal-argument]'s,
- unconditionally makes the previous version into a backup file.
- With argument of 0, never makes the previous version into a backup file.
- If a file's name is FOO, the names of its numbered backup versions are
- FOO.~i~ for various integers i. A non-numbered backup file is called FOO~.
- Numeric backups (rather than FOO~) will be made if value of
- `version-control' is not the atom `never' and either there are already
- numeric versions of the file being backed up, or `version-control' is
- non-nil.
- We don't want excessive versions piling up, so there are variables
- `kept-old-versions', which tells Emacs how many oldest versions to keep,
- and `kept-new-versions', which tells how many newest versions to keep.
- Defaults are 2 old versions and 2 new.
- `dired-kept-versions' controls dired's clean-directory (.) command.
- If `trim-versions-without-asking' is nil, system will query user
- before trimming versions. Otherwise it does it silently."
- (interactive "p")
- (let ((modp (buffer-modified-p))
- (large (> (buffer-size) 50000))
- (make-backup-files (and make-backup-files (not (eq args 0)))))
- (and modp (memq args '(16 64)) (setq buffer-backed-up nil))
- (if (and modp large) (message "Saving file %s..." (buffer-file-name)))
- (basic-save-buffer)
- (and modp (memq args '(4 64)) (setq buffer-backed-up nil))))
- (defun delete-auto-save-file-if-necessary ()
- "Delete the auto-save filename for the current buffer (if it has one)
- if variable delete-auto-save-files is non-nil."
- (and buffer-auto-save-file-name delete-auto-save-files
- (not (string= buffer-file-name buffer-auto-save-file-name))
- (progn
- (condition-case ()
- (delete-file buffer-auto-save-file-name)
- (file-error nil))
- (set-buffer-auto-saved))))
- (defun basic-save-buffer ()
- "Save the current buffer in its visited file, if it has been modified."
- (interactive)
- (if (buffer-modified-p)
- (let (setmodes tempsetmodes)
- (or buffer-file-name
- (progn
- (setq buffer-file-name
- (expand-file-name (read-file-name "File to save in: ") nil)
- default-directory (file-name-directory buffer-file-name))
- (auto-save-mode auto-save-default)))
- (if (not (file-writable-p buffer-file-name))
- (if (yes-or-no-p
- (format "File %s is write-protected; try to save anyway? "
- (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name)))
- (setq tempsetmodes t)
- (error
- "Attempt to save to a file which you aren't allowed to write")))
- (or (verify-visited-file-modtime (current-buffer))
- (not (file-exists-p buffer-file-name))
- (yes-or-no-p
- "Disk file has changed since visited or saved. Save anyway? ")
- (error "Save not confirmed"))
- (or buffer-backed-up
- (setq setmodes (backup-buffer)))
- (save-restriction
- (widen)
- (and (> (point-max) 1)
- (/= (char-after (1- (point-max))) ?\n)
- (or (eq require-final-newline t)
- (and require-final-newline
- (yes-or-no-p
- (format "Buffer %s does not end in newline. Add one? "
- (buffer-name)))))
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char (point-max))
- (insert ?\n)))
- (let ((hooks write-file-hooks)
- (done nil))
- (while (and hooks
- (not (setq done (funcall (car hooks)))))
- (setq hooks (cdr hooks)))
- ;; If a hook returned t, file is already "written".
- (cond (done (setq setmodes nil))
- ((not done)
- (if file-precious-flag
- ;; If file is precious, rename it away before
- ;; overwriting it.
- (let ((rename t) nodelete
- (file (concat buffer-file-name autosave-char)))
- (condition-case ()
- (progn (rename-file buffer-file-name file t)
- (setq setmodes (file-modes file)))
- (file-error (setq rename nil nodelete t)))
- (unwind-protect
- (progn (clear-visited-file-modtime)
- (write-region (point-min) (point-max)
- buffer-file-name nil t)
- (setq rename nil))
- ;; If rename is still t, writing failed.
- ;; So rename the old file back to original name,
- (if rename
- (progn
- (rename-file file buffer-file-name t)
- (clear-visited-file-modtime))
- ;; Otherwise we don't need the original file,
- ;; so flush it. Unless we already lost it.
- (or nodelete
- (condition-case ()
- (delete-file file)
- (error nil))))))
- ;; If file not writable, see if we can make it writable
- ;; temporarily while we write it.
- ;; But no need to do so if we have just backed it up
- ;; (setmodes is set) because that says we're superseding.
- ;; Systems with version numbers need not do this.
- (if (eq system-type 'vax-vms)
- (setq setmodes nil tempsetmodes nil))
- (cond ((and tempsetmodes (not setmodes))
- ;; Change the mode back, after writing.
- (setq setmodes (file-modes buffer-file-name))
- (set-file-modes buffer-file-name 511)))
- (if (eq system-type 'amigados)
- (if amiga-create-icons
- (amiga-put-icon buffer-file-name nil)))
- (write-region (point-min) (point-max)
- buffer-file-name nil t)))))
- (if setmodes
- (condition-case ()
- (set-file-modes buffer-file-name setmodes)
- (error nil))))
- (delete-auto-save-file-if-necessary))
- (message "(No changes need to be saved)")))
- (defun save-some-buffers (&optional arg exiting)
- "Save some modified file-visiting buffers. Asks user about each one.
- Optional argument (the prefix) non-nil means save all with no questions.
- Optional second argument EXITING means ask about certain non-file buffers
- as well as about file buffers."
- (interactive "P")
- (let (considered (list (buffer-list)))
- (while list
- (let ((buffer (car list)))
- (and (buffer-modified-p buffer)
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer buffer)
- (and
- (or buffer-file-name
- (and exiting buffer-offer-save (> (buffer-size) 0)))
- (setq considered t)
- (or arg
- (y-or-n-p (if buffer-file-name
- (format "Save file %s? "
- buffer-file-name)
- (format "Save buffer %s? " (buffer-name)))))
- (condition-case ()
- (save-buffer)
- (error nil))))))
- (setq list (cdr list)))
- (and save-abbrevs abbrevs-changed
- (progn
- (setq considered t)
- (if (or arg
- (y-or-n-p (format "Save abbrevs in %s? " abbrev-file-name)))
- (write-abbrev-file nil))
- ;; Don't keep bothering user if he says no.
- (setq abbrevs-changed nil)))
- (if considered
- (message "")
- (message "(No files need saving)"))))
- (defun not-modified ()
- "Mark current buffer as unmodified, not needing to be saved."
- (interactive)
- (message "Modification-flag cleared")
- (set-buffer-modified-p nil))
- (defun toggle-read-only ()
- "Change whether this buffer is visiting its file read-only."
- (interactive)
- (setq buffer-read-only (not buffer-read-only))
- ;; Force mode-line redisplay
- (set-buffer-modified-p (buffer-modified-p)))
- (defun insert-file (filename)
- "Insert contents of file FILENAME into buffer after point.
- Set mark after the inserted text."
- (interactive "fInsert file: ")
- (let ((tem (insert-file-contents filename)))
- (push-mark (+ (point) (car (cdr tem))))))
- (defun append-to-file (start end filename)
- "Append the contents of the region to the end of file FILENAME.
- When called from a function, expects three arguments,
- START, END and FILENAME. START and END are buffer positions
- saying what text to write."
- (interactive "r\nFAppend to file: ")
- (write-region start end filename t))
- (defvar revert-buffer-function nil
- "Function to use to revert this buffer, or nil to do the default.")
- (defun revert-buffer (&optional arg noconfirm)
- "Replace the buffer text with the text of the visited file on disk.
- This undoes all changes since the file was visited or saved.
- If latest auto-save file is more recent than the visited file,
- asks user whether to use that instead.
- First argument (optional) non-nil means don't offer to use auto-save file.
- This is the prefix arg when called interactively.
- Second argument (optional) non-nil means don't ask for confirmation at all.
- If revert-buffer-function's value is non-nil, it is called to do the work."
- (interactive "P")
- (if revert-buffer-function
- (funcall revert-buffer-function arg noconfirm)
- (let* ((opoint (point))
- (auto-save-p (and (null arg) (recent-auto-save-p)
- buffer-auto-save-file-name
- (file-readable-p buffer-auto-save-file-name)
- (y-or-n-p
- "Buffer has been auto-saved recently. Revert from auto-save file? ")))
- (file-name (if auto-save-p
- buffer-auto-save-file-name
- buffer-file-name)))
- (cond ((null file-name)
- (error "Buffer does not seem to be associated with any file"))
- ((not (file-exists-p file-name))
- (error "File %s no longer exists!" file-name))
- ((or noconfirm
- (yes-or-no-p (format "Revert buffer from file %s? "
- file-name)))
- ;; If file was backed up but has changed since,
- ;; we shd make another backup.
- (and (not auto-save-p)
- (not (verify-visited-file-modtime (current-buffer)))
- (setq buffer-backed-up nil))
- ;; Discard all the undo information.
- (or (eq buffer-undo-list t)
- (setq buffer-undo-list nil))
- (let ((buffer-read-only nil)
- ;; Don't record undo info for the revert itself.
- ;; Doing so chews up too much storage.
- (buffer-undo-list t))
- ;; Bind buffer-file-name to nil
- ;; so that we don't try to lock the file.
- (let ((buffer-file-name nil))
- (or auto-save-p
- (unlock-buffer))
- (erase-buffer))
- (insert-file-contents file-name (not auto-save-p)))
- (goto-char (min opoint (point-max)))
- (after-find-file nil)
- t)))))
- (defun recover-file (file)
- "Visit file FILE, but get contents from its last auto-save file."
- (interactive "FRecover file: ")
- (setq file (expand-file-name file))
- (if (auto-save-file-name-p file) (error "%s is an auto-save file" file))
- (let ((file-name (let ((buffer-file-name file))
- (make-auto-save-file-name))))
- (cond ((not (file-newer-than-file-p file-name file))
- (error "Auto-save file %s not current" file-name))
- ((save-window-excursion
- (if (not (eq system-type 'vax-vms))
- (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Directory*"
- (buffer-flush-undo standard-output)
- (call-process "ls" nil standard-output nil
- "-l" file file-name)))
- (yes-or-no-p (format "Recover auto save file %s? " file-name)))
- (switch-to-buffer (find-file-noselect file t))
- (let ((buffer-read-only nil))
- (erase-buffer)
- (insert-file-contents file-name nil))
- (after-find-file nil))
- (t (error "Recover-file cancelled."))))
- (setq buffer-auto-save-file-name nil)
- (message "Auto-save off in this buffer till you do M-x auto-save-mode."))
- (defun kill-some-buffers ()
- "For each buffer, ask whether to kill it."
- (interactive)
- (let ((list (buffer-list)))
- (while list
- (let* ((buffer (car list))
- (name (buffer-name buffer)))
- (and (not (string-equal name ""))
- (/= (aref name 0) ? )
- (yes-or-no-p
- (format "Buffer %s %s. Kill? "
- name
- (if (buffer-modified-p buffer)
- "HAS BEEN EDITED" "is unmodified")))
- (kill-buffer buffer)))
- (setq list (cdr list)))))
- (defun auto-save-mode (arg)
- "Toggle auto-saving of contents of current buffer.
- With arg, turn auto-saving on if arg is positive, else off."
- (interactive "P")
- (setq buffer-auto-save-file-name
- (and (if (null arg)
- (not buffer-auto-save-file-name)
- (or (eq arg t) (listp arg) (and (integerp arg) (> arg 0))))
- (if (and buffer-file-name auto-save-visited-file-name
- (not buffer-read-only))
- buffer-file-name
- (make-auto-save-file-name))))
- (if (interactive-p)
- (message "Auto-save %s (in this buffer)"
- (if buffer-auto-save-file-name "on" "off")))
- buffer-auto-save-file-name)
- (defun rename-auto-save-file ()
- "Adjust current buffer's auto save file name for current conditions.
- Also rename any existing auto save file."
- (let ((osave buffer-auto-save-file-name))
- (setq buffer-auto-save-file-name
- (make-auto-save-file-name))
- (if (and osave buffer-auto-save-file-name
- (not (string= buffer-auto-save-file-name buffer-file-name))
- (not (string= buffer-auto-save-file-name osave))
- (file-exists-p osave))
- (rename-file osave buffer-auto-save-file-name t))))
- (defun make-auto-save-file-name ()
- "Return file name to use for auto-saves of current buffer.
- Does not consider auto-save-visited-file-name; that is checked
- before calling this function.
- You can redefine this for customization.
- See also auto-save-file-name-p."
- (if buffer-file-name
- (concat (file-name-directory buffer-file-name)
- autosave-char
- (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name)
- autosave-char)
- (expand-file-name (concat autosave-char bufferfile-char (buffer-name)
- autosave-char))))
- (defun auto-save-file-name-p (filename)
- "Return non-nil if FILENAME can be yielded by make-auto-save-file-name.
- FILENAME should lack slashes.
- You can redefine this for customization."
- (string-match (concat "^" autosave-char ".*" autosave-char "$") filename))
- (defconst list-directory-brief-switches "-CF"
- "*Switches for list-directory to pass to `ls' for brief listing,")
- (defconst list-directory-verbose-switches "-l"
- "*Switches for list-directory to pass to `ls' for verbose listing,")
- (defun list-directory (dirname &optional verbose)
- "Display a list of files in or matching DIRNAME, a la `ls'.
- DIRNAME is globbed by the shell if necessary.
- Prefix arg (second arg if noninteractive) means supply -l switch to `ls'.
- Actions controlled by variables list-directory-brief-switches
- and list-directory-verbose-switches."
- (interactive (let ((pfx current-prefix-arg))
- (list (read-file-name (if pfx "List directory (verbose): "
- "List directory (brief): ")
- nil default-directory nil)
- pfx)))
- (let ((switches (if verbose list-directory-verbose-switches
- list-directory-brief-switches))
- full-dir-p)
- (or dirname (setq dirname default-directory))
- (if (file-directory-p dirname)
- (progn
- (setq full-dir-p t)
- (or (string-match "/$" dirname)
- (setq dirname (concat dirname "/")))))
- (setq dirname (expand-file-name dirname))
- (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Directory*"
- (buffer-flush-undo standard-output)
- (princ "Directory ")
- (princ dirname)
- (terpri)
- (if full-dir-p
- (call-process "ls" nil standard-output nil
- switches dirname)
- (let ((default-directory (file-name-directory dirname)))
- (call-process shell-file-name nil standard-output nil
- "-c" (concat "exec ls "
- switches " "
- (file-name-nondirectory dirname))))))))
- (defun save-buffers-kill-emacs (&optional arg)
- "Offer to save each buffer, then kill this Emacs fork.
- With prefix arg, silently save all file-visiting buffers, then kill."
- (interactive "P")
- (save-some-buffers arg t)
- (and (or (not (memq t (mapcar (function
- (lambda (buf) (and (buffer-file-name buf)
- (buffer-modified-p buf))))
- (buffer-list))))
- (yes-or-no-p "Modified buffers exist; exit anyway? "))
- (or (not (fboundp 'process-list))
- ;; process-list is not defined on VMS.
- (let ((processes (process-list))
- active)
- (while processes
- (and (memq (process-status (car processes)) '(run stop open))
- (let ((val (process-kill-without-query (car processes))))
- (process-kill-without-query (car processes) val)
- val)
- (setq active t))
- (setq processes (cdr processes)))
- (or (not active)
- (yes-or-no-p "Active processes exist; kill them and exit anyway? "))))
- (kill-emacs)))
- (define-key ctl-x-map "\C-f" 'find-file)
- (define-key ctl-x-map "\C-q" 'toggle-read-only)
- (define-key ctl-x-map "\C-r" 'find-file-read-only)
- (define-key ctl-x-map "\C-v" 'find-alternate-file)
- (define-key ctl-x-map "\C-s" 'save-buffer)
- (define-key ctl-x-map "s" 'save-some-buffers)
- (define-key ctl-x-map "\C-w" 'write-file)
- (define-key ctl-x-map "i" 'insert-file)
- (define-key esc-map "~" 'not-modified)
- (define-key ctl-x-map "\C-d" 'list-directory)
- (define-key ctl-x-map "\C-c" 'save-buffers-kill-emacs)
- (defvar ctl-x-4-map (make-keymap)
- "Keymap for subcommands of C-x 4")
- (fset 'ctl-x-4-prefix ctl-x-4-map)
- (define-key ctl-x-map "4" 'ctl-x-4-prefix)
- (define-key ctl-x-4-map "f" 'find-file-other-window)
- (define-key ctl-x-4-map "\C-f" 'find-file-other-window)
- (define-key ctl-x-4-map "b" 'switch-to-buffer-other-window)