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- ;;; Save Emacs buffer and window configuration between editing sessions.
- ;;; Copyright (C) 1987, 1988 Kyle E. Jones
- ;;;
- ;;; Verbatim copies of this file may be freely redistributed.
- ;;;
- ;;; Modified versions of this file may be redistributed provided that this
- ;;; notice remains unchanged, the file contains prominent notice of
- ;;; author and time of modifications, and redistribution of the file
- ;;; is not further restricted in any way.
- ;;;
- ;;; This file is distributed `as is', without warranties of any kind.
- (provide 'saveconf)
- (defconst save-context-version "Norma Jean"
- "A unique string which is placed at the beginning of every saved context
- file. If the string at the beginning of the context file doesn't match the
- value of this variable the `recover-context' command will ignore the file's
- contents.")
- (defvar auto-save-and-recover-context nil
- "*If non-nil the `save-context' command will always be run before Emacs is
- exited. Also upon Emacs startup, if this variable is non-nil and Emacs is
- passed no command line arguments, `recover-context' will be run.")
- (defvar save-buffer-context nil
- "*If non-nil the `save-context' command will save the context
- of buffers that are visiting files, as well as the contexts of buffers
- that have windows.")
- (defvar save-context-predicate
- (function (lambda (w)
- (and (buffer-file-name (window-buffer w))
- (not (string-match "^\\(/usr\\)?/tmp/"
- (buffer-file-name (window-buffer w)))))))
- "*Value is a predicate function which determines which windows' contexts
- are saved. When the `save-context' command is invoked, this function will
- be called once for each existing Emacs window. The function should accept
- one argument which will be a window object, and should return non-nil if
- the window's context should be saved.")
- ;; kill-emacs' function definition must be saved
- (if (not (fboundp 'just-kill-emacs))
- (fset 'just-kill-emacs (symbol-function 'kill-emacs)))
- ;; Make Emacs call recover-context at startup if appropriate.
- (setq top-level
- (list 'let '((starting-up (not command-line-processed)))
- (list 'prog1
- top-level
- '(and starting-up auto-save-and-recover-context
- (null (cdr command-line-args)) (recover-context)))))
- (defun kill-emacs (&optional query)
- "End this Emacs session.
- Prefix ARG or optional first ARG non-nil means exit with no questions asked,
- even if there are unsaved buffers. If Emacs is running non-interactively
- and ARG is an integer, then Emacs exits with ARG as its exit code.
- If the variable `auto-save-and-restore-context' is non-nil,
- the function save-context will be called first."
- (interactive "P")
- ;; check the purify flag. try to save only if this is a dumped Emacs.
- ;; saving context from a undumped Emacs caused a NULL pointer to be
- ;; referenced through. I'm not sure why.
- (if (and auto-save-and-recover-context (null purify-flag))
- (save-context))
- (just-kill-emacs query))
- (defun save-context ()
- "Save context of all Emacs windows (files visited and position of point).
- The information goes into a file called .emacs_<username> in the directory
- where the Emacs session was started. The context can be recovered with the
- `recover-context' command, provided you are in the same directory where
- the context was saved.
- If the variable `save-buffer-context' is non-nil, the context of all buffers
- visiting files will be saved as well.
- Window sizes and shapes are not saved, since these may not be recoverable
- on terminals with a different number of rows and columns."
- (interactive)
- (condition-case error-data
- (let (context-buffer mark save-file-name)
- (setq save-file-name (concat (original-working-directory)
- ".emacs_" (user-login-name)))
- (if (not (file-writable-p save-file-name))
- (if (file-writable-p (original-working-directory))
- (error "context is write-protected, %s" save-file-name)
- (error "can't access directory, %s"
- (original-working-directory))))
- ;;
- ;; set up a buffer for the saved context information
- ;; Note that we can't set the visited file yet, because by
- ;; giving the buffer a file to visit we are making it
- ;; eligible to have it's context saved.
- ;;
- (setq context-buffer (get-buffer-create " *Context Info*"))
- (set-buffer context-buffer)
- (erase-buffer)
- (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
- ;;
- ;; record the context information
- ;;
- (mapcar
- (function
- (lambda (w)
- (cond ((funcall save-context-predicate w)
- (prin1 (buffer-file-name (window-buffer w)) context-buffer)
- (princ " " context-buffer)
- (prin1 (window-point w) context-buffer)
- (princ "\n" context-buffer)))))
- (window-list))
- ;;
- ;; nil is the data sentinel. We will insert it later if we
- ;; need it but for now just remember where the last line of
- ;; window context ended.
- ;;
- (setq mark (point))
- ;;
- ;; If `save-buffer-context' is non-nil we save buffer contexts.
- ;;
- (if save-buffer-context
- (mapcar
- (function
- (lambda (b)
- (set-buffer b)
- (cond (buffer-file-name
- (prin1 buffer-file-name context-buffer)
- (princ " " context-buffer)
- (prin1 (point) context-buffer)
- (princ "\n" context-buffer)))))
- (buffer-list)))
- ;;
- ;; If the context-buffer contains information, we add the version
- ;; string and sentinels, and write out the saved context.
- ;; If the context-buffer is empty, we don't create a file at all.
- ;; If there's an old saved context in this directory we attempt
- ;; to delete it.
- ;;
- (cond ((buffer-modified-p context-buffer)
- (set-buffer context-buffer)
- (setq buffer-offer-save nil)
- ;; sentinel for EOF
- (insert "nil\n")
- ;; sentinel for end of window contexts
- (goto-char mark)
- (insert "nil\n")
- ;; version string
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (prin1 save-context-version context-buffer)
- (insert "\n\n")
- ;; so kill-buffer won't need confirmation later
- (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
- ;; save it
- (write-region (point-min) (point-max) save-file-name
- nil 'quiet))
- (t (condition-case data
- (delete-file save-file-name) (error nil))))
- (kill-buffer context-buffer))
- (error nil)))
- (defun recover-context ()
- "Recover an Emacs context saved by `save-context' command.
- Files that were visible in windows when the context was saved are visited and
- point is set in each window to what is was when the context was saved."
- (interactive)
- ;;
- ;; Set up some local variables.
- ;;
- (condition-case error-data
- (let (sexpr context-buffer recover-file-name)
- (setq recover-file-name (concat (original-working-directory)
- ".emacs_" (user-login-name)))
- (if (not (file-readable-p recover-file-name))
- (error "can't access context, %s" recover-file-name))
- ;;
- ;; create a temp buffer and copy the saved context into it.
- ;;
- (setq context-buffer (get-buffer-create " *Recovered Context*"))
- (set-buffer context-buffer)
- (erase-buffer)
- (insert-file-contents recover-file-name nil)
- ;; so kill-buffer won't need confirmation later
- (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
- ;;
- ;; If it's empty forget it.
- ;;
- (if (zerop (buffer-size))
- (error "context file is empty, %s" recover-file-name))
- ;;
- ;; check the version and make sure it matches ours
- ;;
- (setq sexpr (read context-buffer))
- (if (not (equal sexpr save-context-version))
- (error "version string incorrect, %s" sexpr))
- ;;
- ;; Recover the window contexts
- ;;
- (while (setq sexpr (read context-buffer))
- (select-window (get-largest-window))
- (if (buffer-file-name)
- (split-window))
- (other-window 1)
- (find-file sexpr)
- (goto-char (read context-buffer)))
- ;;
- ;; Recover buffer contexts, if any.
- ;;
- (while (setq sexpr (read context-buffer))
- (set-buffer (find-file-noselect sexpr))
- (goto-char (read context-buffer)))
- (bury-buffer "*scratch*")
- (kill-buffer context-buffer))
- (error nil)))
- (defun original-working-directory ()
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer (get-buffer-create "*scratch*"))
- default-directory))
- (defun window-list (&optional mini)
- "Returns a list of Lisp window objects for all Emacs windows.
- Optional first arg MINIBUF t means include the minibuffer window
- in the list, even if it is not active. If MINIBUF is neither t
- nor nil it means to not count the minibuffer window even if it is active."
- (let* ((first-window (next-window (previous-window (selected-window)) mini))
- (windows (cons first-window nil))
- (current-cons windows)
- (w (next-window first-window mini)))
- (while (not (eq w first-window))
- (setq current-cons (setcdr current-cons (cons w nil)))
- (setq w (next-window w mini)))
- windows))