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- ;; Mouse handling for Sun windows
- ;; Copyright (C) 1987, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
- ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
- ;; any later version.
- ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
- ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- ;; the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- ;;; Jeff Peck, Sun Microsystems, Jan 1987.
- ;;; Original idea by Stan Jefferson
- ;;
- ;; Mar 90 get/set selections
- ;; Mar 91 add mouse-help, print bindings dynamically
- (provide 'sun-mouse)
- ;;;
- ;;; Modelled after the GNUEMACS keymap interface.
- ;;;
- ;;; User Functions:
- ;;; make-mousemap, copy-mousemap,
- ;;; define-mouse, global-set-mouse, local-set-mouse,
- ;;; use-global-mousemap, use-local-mousemap,
- ;;; mouse-lookup, describe-mouse-bindings
- ;;;
- ;;; Options:
- ;;; extra-click-wait, scrollbar-width
- ;;;
- (defvar extra-click-wait 150
- "*Number of milliseconds to wait for an extra click.
- Set this to zero if you don't want chords or double clicks.")
- (defvar scrollbar-width 5
- "*The character width of the scrollbar.
- The cursor is deemed to be in the right edge scrollbar if it is this near the
- right edge, and more than two chars past the end of the indicated line.
- Setting to nil limits the scrollbar to the edge or vertical dividing bar.")
- ;;;
- ;;; Mousemaps
- ;;;
- (defun make-mousemap ()
- "Returns a new mousemap."
- (cons 'mousemap nil))
- (defun copy-mousemap (mousemap)
- "Return a copy of mousemap."
- (copy-alist mousemap))
- (defun define-mouse (mousemap mouse-list def)
- MOUSE-LIST is a list of atoms specifing a mouse hit according to these rules:
- * One of these atoms specifies the active region of the definition.
- text, scrollbar, modeline, minibuffer
- * One or two or these atoms specify the button or button combination.
- left, middle, right, double
- * Any combination of these atoms specify the active shift keys.
- control, shift, meta
- * With a single unshifted button, you can add
- up
- to indicate an up-click.
- The atom `double' is used with a button designator to denote a double click.
- Two button chords are denoted by listing the two buttons.
- See sun-mouse-handler for the treatment of the form DEF."
- (mousemap-set (mouse-list-to-mouse-code mouse-list) mousemap def))
- (defun global-set-mouse (mouse-list def)
- "Give MOUSE-EVENT-LIST a local definition of DEF.
- See define-mouse for a description of MOUSE-EVENT-LIST and DEF.
- Note that if MOUSE-EVENT-LIST has a local definition in the current buffer,
- that local definition will continue to shadow any global definition."
- (interactive "xMouse event: \nxDefinition: ")
- (define-mouse current-global-mousemap mouse-list def))
- (defun local-set-mouse (mouse-list def)
- "Give MOUSE-EVENT-LIST a local definition of DEF.
- See define-mouse for a description of the arguments.
- The definition goes in the current buffer's local mousemap.
- Normally buffers in the same major mode share a local mousemap."
- (interactive "xMouse event: \nxDefinition: ")
- (if (null current-local-mousemap)
- (setq current-local-mousemap (make-mousemap)))
- (define-mouse current-local-mousemap mouse-list def))
- (defun use-global-mousemap (mousemap)
- "Selects MOUSEMAP as the global mousemap."
- (setq current-global-mousemap mousemap))
- (defun use-local-mousemap (mousemap)
- "Selects MOUSEMAP as the local mousemap.
- nil for MOUSEMAP means no local mousemap."
- (setq current-local-mousemap mousemap))
- ;;;
- ;;; Interface to the Mouse encoding defined in Emacstool.c
- ;;;
- ;;; Called when mouse-prefix is sent to emacs, additional
- ;;; information is read in as a list (button x y time-delta)
- ;;;
- ;;; First, some generally useful functions:
- ;;;
- (defun logtest (x y)
- "True if any bits set in X are also set in Y.
- Just like the Common Lisp function of the same name."
- (not (zerop (logand x y))))
- ;;;
- ;;; Hit accessors.
- ;;;
- (defconst sm::ButtonBits 7) ; Lowest 3 bits.
- (defconst sm::ShiftmaskBits 56) ; Second lowest 3 bits (56 = 63 - 7).
- (defconst sm::DoubleBits 64) ; Bit 7.
- (defconst sm::UpBits 128) ; Bit 8.
- ;;; All the useful code bits
- (defmacro sm::hit-code (hit)
- (` (nth 0 (, hit))))
- ;;; The button, or buttons if a chord.
- (defmacro sm::hit-button (hit)
- (` (logand sm::ButtonBits (nth 0 (, hit)))))
- ;;; The shift, control, and meta flags.
- (defmacro sm::hit-shiftmask (hit)
- (` (logand sm::ShiftmaskBits (nth 0 (, hit)))))
- ;;; Set if a double click (but not a chord).
- (defmacro sm::hit-double (hit)
- (` (logand sm::DoubleBits (nth 0 (, hit)))))
- ;;; Set on button release (as opposed to button press).
- (defmacro sm::hit-up (hit)
- (` (logand sm::UpBits (nth 0 (, hit)))))
- ;;; Screen x position.
- (defmacro sm::hit-x (hit) (list 'nth 1 hit))
- ;;; Screen y position.
- (defmacro sm::hit-y (hit) (list 'nth 2 hit))
- ;;; Millisconds since last hit.
- (defmacro sm::hit-delta (hit) (list 'nth 3 hit))
- (defmacro sm::hit-up-p (hit) ; A predicate.
- (` (not (zerop (sm::hit-up (, hit))))))
- ;;;
- ;;; Loc accessors. for sm::window-xy
- ;;;
- (defmacro sm::loc-w (loc) (list 'nth 0 loc))
- (defmacro sm::loc-x (loc) (list 'nth 1 loc))
- (defmacro sm::loc-y (loc) (list 'nth 2 loc))
- (defmacro eval-in-buffer (buffer &rest forms)
- "Macro to switches to BUFFER, evaluates FORMS, returns to original buffer."
- ;; When you don't need the complete window context of eval-in-window
- (` (let ((StartBuffer (current-buffer)))
- (unwind-protect
- (progn
- (set-buffer (, buffer))
- (,@ forms))
- (set-buffer StartBuffer)))))
- (put 'eval-in-buffer 'lisp-indent-hook 1)
- ;;; this is used extensively by sun-fns.el
- ;;;
- (defmacro eval-in-window (window &rest forms)
- "Switch to WINDOW, evaluate FORMS, return to original window."
- (` (let ((OriginallySelectedWindow (selected-window)))
- (unwind-protect
- (progn
- (select-window (, window))
- (,@ forms))
- ;; don't go back to window if it has been destroyed...
- ;; window-point seems to work as an indication of existence
- (if (window-point OriginallySelectedWindow)
- (select-window OriginallySelectedWindow))))))
- (put 'eval-in-window 'lisp-indent-hook 1)
- ;;;
- ;;; handy utility, generalizes window_loop
- ;;;
- ;;; It's a macro (and does not evaluate its arguments).
- (defmacro eval-in-windows (form &optional yesmini)
- "Switches to each window and evaluates FORM. Optional argument
- YESMINI says to include the minibuffer as a window.
- This is a macro, and does not evaluate its arguments."
- (` (let ((OriginallySelectedWindow (selected-window)))
- (unwind-protect
- (while (progn
- (, form)
- (not (eq OriginallySelectedWindow
- (select-window
- (next-window nil (, yesmini)))))))
- (select-window OriginallySelectedWindow)))))
- (put 'eval-in-window 'lisp-indent-hook 0)
- (defun move-to-loc (x y)
- "Move cursor to window location X, Y.
- Handles wrapped and horizontally scrolled lines correctly."
- (move-to-window-line y)
- ;; window-line-end expects this to return the window column it moved to.
- (let ((cc (current-column))
- (nc (move-to-column
- (if (zerop (window-hscroll))
- (+ (current-column)
- (min (- (window-width) 2) ; To stay on the line.
- x))
- (+ (window-hscroll) -1
- (min (1- (window-width)) ; To stay on the line.
- x))))))
- (- nc cc)))
- (defun minibuffer-window-p (window)
- "True iff this WINDOW is minibuffer."
- (= (screen-height)
- (nth 3 (window-edges window)) ; The bottom edge.
- ))
- (setq *mouse-help* nil) ; flag to display, rather than execute
- (defun sun-mouse-handler (&optional hit)
- "Evaluates the function or list associated with a mouse hit.
- Expecting to read a hit, which is a list: (button x y delta).
- A form bound to button by define-mouse is found by mouse-lookup.
- The variables: *mouse-window*, *mouse-x*, *mouse-y* are bound.
- If the form is a symbol (symbolp), it is funcall'ed with *mouse-window*,
- *mouse-x*, and *mouse-y* as arguments; if the form is a list (listp),
- the form is eval'ed; if the form is neither of these, it is an error.
- Returns nil."
- (interactive)
- (if (null hit) (setq hit (sm::combined-hits)))
- (let ((loc (sm::window-xy (sm::hit-x hit) (sm::hit-y hit))))
- (let ((*mouse-window* (sm::loc-w loc))
- (*mouse-x* (sm::loc-x loc))
- (*mouse-y* (sm::loc-y loc))
- (mouse-code (mouse-event-code hit loc)))
- (let ((form (eval-in-buffer (window-buffer *mouse-window*)
- (mouse-lookup mouse-code))))
- (cond ((null form)
- (if (not (sm::hit-up-p hit)) ; undefined up hits are ok.
- (error "Undefined mouse event: %s"
- (prin1-to-string
- (mouse-code-to-mouse-list mouse-code)))))
- ((symbolp form)
- (setq this-command form)
- (if *mouse-help*
- (progn (prin1 (list form *mouse-window* *mouse-x* *mouse-y*))
- (exit-recursive-edit))
- (funcall form *mouse-window* *mouse-x* *mouse-y*)))
- ((listp form)
- (setq this-command (car form))
- (if *mouse-help*
- (progn (prin1 form) (exit-recursive-edit))
- (eval form)))
- (t
- (error "Mouse action must be symbol or list, but was: %s"
- form))))))
- ;; Don't let 'sun-mouse-handler get on last-command,
- ;; since this function should be transparent.
- (if (eq this-command 'sun-mouse-handler)
- (setq this-command last-command))
- ;; (message (prin1-to-string this-command)) ; to see what your buttons did
- nil)
- (defun mouse-help ()
- (interactive)
- (let ((*mouse-help* t))
- (recursive-edit)))
- (defun sm::combined-hits ()
- "Read and return next mouse-hit, include possible double click"
- (let ((hit1 (mouse-hit-read)))
- (if (not (sm::hit-up-p hit1)) ; Up hits dont start doubles or chords.
- (let ((hit2 (mouse-second-hit extra-click-wait)))
- (if hit2 ; we cons'd it, we can smash it.
- ; (setf (sm::hit-code hit1) (logior (sm::hit-code hit1) ...))
- (setcar hit1 (logior (sm::hit-code hit1)
- (sm::hit-code hit2)
- (if (= (sm::hit-button hit1)
- (sm::hit-button hit2))
- sm::DoubleBits 0))))))
- hit1))
- (defun mouse-hit-read ()
- "Read mouse-hit list from keyboard. Like (read 'read-char),
- but that uses minibuffer, and mucks up last-command."
- (let ((char-list nil) (char nil))
- (while (not (equal 13 ; Carriage return.
- (prog1 (setq char (read-char))
- (setq char-list (cons char char-list))))))
- (read (mapconcat 'char-to-string (nreverse char-list) ""))
- ))
- ;;; Second Click Hackery....
- ;;; if prefix is not mouse-prefix, need a way to unread the char...
- ;;; or else have mouse flush input queue, or else need a peek at next char.
- ;;; There is no peek, but since one character can be unread, we only
- ;;; have to flush the queue when the command after a mouse click
- ;;; starts with mouse-prefix1 (see below).
- ;;; Something to do later: We could buffer the read commands and
- ;;; execute them ourselves after doing the mouse command (using
- ;;; lookup-key ??).
- (defvar mouse-prefix1 24 ; C-x
- "First char of mouse-prefix. Used to detect double clicks and chords.")
- (defvar mouse-prefix2 0 ; C-@
- "Second char of mouse-prefix. Used to detect double clicks and chords.")
- (defun mouse-second-hit (hit-wait)
- "Returns the next mouse hit occurring within HIT-WAIT milliseconds."
- (if (sit-for-millisecs hit-wait) nil ; No input within hit-wait millisecs.
- (let ((pc1 (read-char)))
- (if (or (not (equal pc1 mouse-prefix1))
- (sit-for-millisecs 3)) ; a mouse prefix will have second char
- (progn (setq unread-command-char pc1) ; Can get away with one unread.
- nil) ; Next input not mouse event.
- (let ((pc2 (read-char)))
- (if (not (equal pc2 mouse-prefix2))
- (progn (setq unread-command-char pc1) ; put back the ^X
- ;;; Too bad can't do two: (setq unread-command-char (list pc1 pc2))
- (ding) ; user will have to retype that pc2.
- nil) ; This input is not a mouse event.
- ;; Next input has mouse prefix and is within time limit.
- (let ((new-hit (mouse-hit-read))) ; Read the new hit.
- (if (sm::hit-up-p new-hit) ; Ignore up events when timing.
- (mouse-second-hit (- hit-wait (sm::hit-delta new-hit)))
- new-hit ; New down hit within limit, return it.
- ))))))))
- (defun sm::window-xy (x y)
- "Find window containing screen coordinates X and Y.
- Returns list (window x y) where x and y are relative to window."
- (or
- (catch 'found
- (eval-in-windows
- (let ((we (window-edges (selected-window))))
- (let ((le (nth 0 we))
- (te (nth 1 we))
- (re (nth 2 we))
- (be (nth 3 we)))
- (if (= re (screen-width))
- ;; include the continuation column with this window
- (setq re (1+ re)))
- (if (= be (screen-height))
- ;; include partial line at bottom of screen with this window
- ;; id est, if window is not multple of char size.
- (setq be (1+ be)))
- (if (and (>= x le) (< x re)
- (>= y te) (< y be))
- (throw 'found
- (list (selected-window) (- x le) (- y te))))))
- t)) ; include minibuffer in eval-in-windows
- ;;If x,y from a real mouse click, we shouldn't get here.
- (list nil x y)
- ))
- (defun sm::window-region (loc)
- "Parse LOC into a region symbol.
- Returns one of (text scrollbar modeline minibuffer)"
- (let ((w (sm::loc-w loc))
- (x (sm::loc-x loc))
- (y (sm::loc-y loc)))
- (let ((right (1- (window-width w)))
- (bottom (1- (window-height w))))
- (cond ((minibuffer-window-p w) 'minibuffer)
- ((>= y bottom) 'modeline)
- ((>= x right) 'scrollbar)
- ;; far right column (window seperator) is always a scrollbar
- ((and scrollbar-width
- ;; mouse within scrollbar-width of edge.
- (>= x (- right scrollbar-width))
- ;; mouse a few chars past the end of line.
- (>= x (+ 2 (window-line-end w x y))))
- 'scrollbar)
- (t 'text)))))
- (defun window-line-end (w x y)
- "Return WINDOW column (ignore X) containing end of line Y"
- (eval-in-window w (save-excursion (move-to-loc (screen-width) y))))
- ;;;
- ;;; The encoding of mouse events into a mousemap.
- ;;; These values must agree with coding in emacstool:
- ;;;
- (defconst sm::keyword-alist
- '((left . 1) (middle . 2) (right . 4)
- (shift . 8) (control . 16) (meta . 32) (double . 64) (up . 128)
- (text . 256) (scrollbar . 512) (modeline . 1024) (minibuffer . 2048)
- ))
- (defun mouse-event-code (hit loc)
- "Maps MOUSE-HIT and LOC into a mouse-code."
- ;;;Region is a code for one of text, modeline, scrollbar, or minibuffer.
- (logior (sm::hit-code hit)
- (mouse-region-to-code (sm::window-region loc))))
- (defun mouse-region-to-code (region)
- "Returns partial mouse-code for specified REGION."
- (cdr (assq region sm::keyword-alist)))
- (defun mouse-list-to-mouse-code (mouse-list)
- "Map a MOUSE-LIST to a mouse-code."
- (apply 'logior
- (mapcar (function (lambda (x)
- (cdr (assq x sm::keyword-alist))))
- mouse-list)))
- (defun mouse-code-to-mouse-list (mouse-code)
- "Map a MOUSE-CODE to a mouse-list."
- (apply 'nconc (mapcar
- (function (lambda (x)
- (if (logtest mouse-code (cdr x))
- (list (car x)))))
- sm::keyword-alist)))
- (defun mousemap-set (code mousemap value)
- (let* ((alist (cdr mousemap))
- (assq-result (assq code alist)))
- (if assq-result
- (setcdr assq-result value)
- (setcdr mousemap (cons (cons code value) alist)))))
- (defun mousemap-get (code mousemap)
- (cdr (assq code (cdr mousemap))))
- (defun mouse-lookup (mouse-code)
- "Look up MOUSE-EVENT and return the definition. nil means undefined."
- (or (mousemap-get mouse-code current-local-mousemap)
- (mousemap-get mouse-code current-global-mousemap)))
- ;;;
- ;;; I (jpeck) don't understand the utility of the next four functions
- ;;; ask Steven Greenbaum <froud@kestrel>
- ;;;
- (defun mouse-mask-lookup (mask list)
- "Args MASK (a bit mask) and LIST (a list of (code . form) pairs).
- Returns a list of elements of LIST whose code or'ed with MASK is non-zero."
- (let ((result nil))
- (while list
- (if (logtest mask (car (car list)))
- (setq result (cons (car list) result)))
- (setq list (cdr list)))
- result))
- (defun mouse-union (l l-unique)
- "Return the union of list of mouse (code . form) pairs L and L-UNIQUE,
- where L-UNIQUE is considered to be union'ized already."
- (let ((result l-unique))
- (while l
- (let ((code-form-pair (car l)))
- (if (not (assq (car code-form-pair) result))
- (setq result (cons code-form-pair result))))
- (setq l (cdr l)))
- result))
- (defun mouse-union-first-prefered (l1 l2)
- "Return the union of lists of mouse (code . form) pairs L1 and L2,
- based on the code's, with preference going to elements in L1."
- (mouse-union l2 (mouse-union l1 nil)))
- (defun mouse-code-function-pairs-of-region (region)
- "Return a list of (code . function) pairs, where each code is
- currently set in the REGION."
- (let ((mask (mouse-region-to-code region)))
- (mouse-union-first-prefered
- (mouse-mask-lookup mask (cdr current-local-mousemap))
- (mouse-mask-lookup mask (cdr current-global-mousemap))
- )))
- ;;;
- ;;; And other mouse documentation functions
- ;;; Still need a good procedure to print out a help sheet in readable format.
- ;;;
- (defun one-line-doc-string (function)
- "Returns first line of documentation string for FUNCTION.
- If there is no documentation string, then the string
- \"No documentation\" is returned."
- (while (consp function) (setq function (car function)))
- (let ((doc (documentation function)))
- (if (null doc)
- "No documentation."
- (string-match "^.*$" doc)
- (substring doc 0 (match-end 0)))))
- (defun print-mouse-format (binding)
- (princ (car binding))
- (princ ": ")
- (mapcar (function
- (lambda (mouse-list)
- (princ mouse-list)
- (princ " ")))
- (cdr binding))
- (terpri)
- (princ " ")
- (princ (one-line-doc-string (car binding)))
- (terpri)
- )
- (defun print-mouse-bindings (region)
- "Prints mouse-event bindings for REGION."
- (mapcar 'print-mouse-format (sm::event-bindings region)))
- (defun sm::event-bindings (region)
- "Returns an alist of (function . (mouse-list1 ... mouse-listN)) for REGION,
- where each mouse-list is bound to the function in REGION."
- (let ((mouse-bindings (mouse-code-function-pairs-of-region region))
- (result nil))
- (while mouse-bindings
- (let* ((code-function-pair (car mouse-bindings))
- (current-entry (assoc (cdr code-function-pair) result)))
- (if current-entry
- (setcdr current-entry
- (cons (mouse-code-to-mouse-list (car code-function-pair))
- (cdr current-entry)))
- (setq result (cons (cons (cdr code-function-pair)
- (list (mouse-code-to-mouse-list
- (car code-function-pair))))
- result))))
- (setq mouse-bindings (cdr mouse-bindings))
- )
- result))
- (defun describe-mouse-bindings ()
- "Lists all current mouse-event bindings."
- (interactive)
- (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Help*"
- (princ "Text Region") (terpri)
- (princ "---- ------") (terpri)
- (print-mouse-bindings 'text) (terpri)
- (princ "Modeline Region") (terpri)
- (princ "-------- ------") (terpri)
- (print-mouse-bindings 'modeline) (terpri)
- (princ "Scrollbar Region") (terpri)
- (princ "--------- ------") (terpri)
- (print-mouse-bindings 'scrollbar)))
- (defun describe-mouse-briefly (mouse-list)
- "Print a short description of the function bound to MOUSE-LIST."
- (interactive "xDescibe mouse list briefly: ")
- (let ((function (mouse-lookup (mouse-list-to-mouse-code mouse-list))))
- (if function
- (message "%s runs the command %s" mouse-list function)
- (message "%s is undefined" mouse-list))))
- (defun mouse-help-menu (function-and-binding)
- (cons (prin1-to-string (car function-and-binding))
- (menu-create ; Two sub-menu items of form ("String" . nil)
- (list (list (one-line-doc-string (car function-and-binding)))
- (list (prin1-to-string (cdr function-and-binding)))))))
- (defun mouse-help-region (w x y &optional region)
- "Displays a menu of mouse functions callable in this region."
- (let* ((region (or region (sm::window-region (list w x y))))
- (mlist (mapcar (function mouse-help-menu)
- (sm::event-bindings region)))
- (menu (menu-create (cons (list (symbol-name region)) mlist)))
- (item (sun-menu-evaluate w 0 y menu))
- )))
- ;;;
- ;;; Menu interface functions
- ;;;
- ;;; use defmenu, because this interface is subject to change
- ;;; really need a menu-p, but we use vectorp and the context...
- ;;;
- (defun menu-create (items)
- "Functional form for defmenu, given a list of ITEMS returns a menu.
- Each ITEM is a (STRING . VALUE) pair."
- (apply 'vector items)
- )
- (defmacro defmenu (menu &rest itemlist)
- "Defines MENU to be a menu, the ITEMS are (STRING . VALUE) pairs.
- See sun-menu-evaluate for interpretation of ITEMS."
- (list 'defconst menu (funcall 'menu-create itemlist))
- )
- (defun sun-menu-evaluate (*menu-window* *menu-x* *menu-y* menu)
- "Display a pop-up menu in WINDOW at X Y and evaluate selected item
- of MENU. MENU (or its symbol-value) should be a menu defined by defmenu.
- A menu ITEM is a (STRING . FORM) pair;
- the FORM associated with the selected STRING is evaluated,
- and the resulting value is returned. Generally these FORMs are
- evaluated for their side-effects rather than their values.
- If the selected form is a menu or a symbol whose value is a menu,
- then it is displayed and evaluated as a pullright menu item.
- If the the FORM of the first ITEM is nil, the STRING of the item
- is used as a label for the menu, i.e. it's inverted and not selectible."
- (if (symbolp menu) (setq menu (symbol-value menu)))
- (eval (sun-menu-internal *menu-window* *menu-x* *menu-y* 4 menu)))
- (defun sun-get-frame-data (code)
- "Sends the tty-sub-window escape sequence CODE to terminal,
- and returns a cons of the two numbers in returned escape sequence.
- That is it returns (cons <car> <cdr>) from \"\\E[n;<car>;<cdr>t\".
- CODE values: 13 = Tool-Position, 14 = Size-in-Pixels, 18 = Size-in-Chars."
- (send-string-to-terminal (concat "\033[" (int-to-string code) "t"))
- (let (char str x y)
- (while (not (equal 116 (setq char (read-char)))) ; #\t = 116
- (setq str (cons char str)))
- (setq str (mapconcat 'char-to-string (nreverse str) ""))
- (string-match ";[0-9]*" str)
- (setq y (substring str (1+ (match-beginning 0)) (match-end 0)))
- (setq str (substring str (match-end 0)))
- (string-match ";[0-9]*" str)
- (setq x (substring str (1+ (match-beginning 0)) (match-end 0)))
- (cons (string-to-int y) (string-to-int x))))
- (defun sm::font-size ()
- "Returns font size in pixels: (cons Ysize Xsize)"
- (let ((pix (sun-get-frame-data 14)) ; returns size in pixels
- (chr (sun-get-frame-data 18))) ; returns size in chars
- (cons (/ (car pix) (car chr)) (/ (cdr pix) (cdr chr)))))
- (defvar sm::menu-kludge-x nil
- "Cached frame-to-window X-Offset for sm::menu-kludge")
- (defvar sm::menu-kludge-y nil
- "Cached frame-to-window Y-Offset for sm::menu-kludge")
- (defun sm::menu-kludge ()
- "If sunfns.c uses <Menu_Base_Kludge> this function must be here!"
- (or sm::menu-kludge-y
- (let ((fs (sm::font-size)))
- (setq sm::menu-kludge-y (+ 8 (car fs)) ; a title line and borders
- sm::menu-kludge-x 4))) ; best values depend on .defaults/Menu
- (let ((wl (sun-get-frame-data 13))) ; returns frame location
- (cons (+ (car wl) sm::menu-kludge-y)
- (+ (cdr wl) sm::menu-kludge-x))))
- ;;;
- ;;; Function interface to selection/region
- ;;; primative functions are defined in sunfns.c
- ;;;
- (defun sunview-yank-stuff ()
- "Set mark and yank the contents of the current TTYSW `STUFF' selection
- into the current buffer at point. The STUFF selection contains the currently
- or previously highlighted text from a TTYSW."
- (interactive "*")
- (set-mark-command nil)
- (insert-string (sun-get-selection)))
- ;;;
- (defun display-host ()
- "Extract <host> from DISPLAY environment variable, or return nil if not specified."
- (let ((display (getenv "DISPLAY")))
- (if display
- (let ((colon_at (string-match ":" display)))
- (if colon_at
- (if (not (zerop colon_at))
- (substring display 0 colon_at)
- ))))))
- ;;; get_selection has been extended to work in X
- ;;; we extend to work on remote X display...
- (defun sunview-yank-clipboard ()
- "Set mark and yank the contents of the SunView Clipboard into the
- current buffer at point."
- (interactive "*")
- (set-mark-command nil)
- (let ((host (display-host)))
- (if host
- (call-process "rsh" nil t t (display-host) "get_selection" "3")
- (call-process "get_selection" nil t t "3")))
- )
- (defun sunview-yank-current-selection ()
- "Set mark and yank the contents of the current SunView selection
- into current buffer at point. The current selection is the currently
- highlighted text in either a textsw or a ttysw."
- (interactive "*")
- (set-mark-command nil)
- (let ((host (display-host)))
- (if host
- (call-process "rsh" nil t t (display-host) "get_selection")
- (call-process "get_selection" nil t t))))
- (defun sunview-yank-any-selection (arg)
- "Yank one of the sunview selections:
- with no arg, the current selection; with minus-only prefix, the clipboard;
- with any other arg, the ttysw STUFF."
- (interactive "*P")
- (cond ((null arg) (sunview-yank-current-selection))
- ((eq arg '-) (sunview-yank-clipboard))
- (t (sunview-yank-stuff))))
- ;;; define the selection file used by this emacs
- ;;; if not local machine, then automounter must find /net/<host>/tmp
- (defvar owselectionfilex nil "Cache path to ttysw selection file (a kludge!).")
- ;;; determine value at runtime, not when this file loaded into temacs
- (defun owselectionfile ()
- (or owselectionfilex
- (let* ((host (display-host))
- (filex
- (if host
- (concat "/net/" host "/tmp/ttyselection")
- "/tmp/ttyselection")))
- (if (file-exists-p filex)
- (setq owselectionfilex filex)
- (progn
- (message "no TTYSW selection file")
- nil)
- ))))
- (defun xv-yank-selection ()
- "Set mark and yank the contents of the current Xview selection
- into the current buffer at point. The STUFF selection contains the currently
- or previously highlighted text from a TTYSW."
- (interactive "*")
- (if (owselectionfile)
- (progn
- (insert-file (owselectionfile))
- (exchange-point-and-mark)))
- )
- (defun xv-select-region (beg end)
- "Set the TTYSW selection to the region in the current buffer."
- (interactive "r")
- (if (owselectionfile)
- (write-region beg end (owselectionfile) nil 'noprint))
- )
- (defun sun-yank-selection ()
- "Set mark and yank the contents of the current TTYSW `STUFF' or Xview selection
- into the current buffer at point."
- (interactive "*")
- (if (getenv "DISPLAY")
- (xv-yank-selection)
- (sunview-yank-stuff))
- )
- (defun sun-select-region (beg end)
- "Set the TTYSW 'STUFF' or Xview selection to the region in the current buffer."
- (interactive "r")
- (if (getenv "DISPLAY")
- (xv-select-region beg end)
- (sun-set-selection (buffer-substring beg end)))
- )
- ;;;
- ;;; support for emacstool
- ;;; This closes the window instead of stopping emacs.
- ;;;
- (defun suspend-emacstool (&optional stuffstring)
- "If running under as a detached process emacstool,
- you don't want to suspend (there is no way to resume),
- just close the window, and wait for reopening."
- (interactive)
- (if (and (boundp 'suspend-hook) suspend-hook)
- (funcall suspend-hook))
- (if stuffstring (send-string-to-terminal stuffstring))
- (send-string-to-terminal "\033[2t") ; To close EmacsTool window.
- (if (and (boundp 'suspend-resume-hook) suspend-resume-hook)
- (funcall suspend-resume-hook)))
- ;;;
- ;;; initialize mouse maps
- ;;;
- (make-variable-buffer-local 'current-local-mousemap)
- (setq-default current-local-mousemap nil)
- (defvar current-global-mousemap (make-mousemap))