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- ;; Parse switches controlling how Emacs interfaces with X window system.
- ;; Copyright (C) 1986, 1988 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
- ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
- ;; any later version.
- ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
- ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- ;; the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- (defconst window-system-version window-system-version
- "*Window system version number now in use.")
- (defvar x-sigio-bug nil
- "Non-NIL means don't use interrupts for input when using X.")
- (defvar x-processed-defaults nil
- "Non-NIL means that user's X defaults have already been processed.")
- (defvar x-switches nil
- "Alist of command switches and values for X window system interface.
- You can set this in your init file, if you want some defaults
- for these switches. Example:
- (setq x-switches '((\"-r\" . t) (\"-font\" . \"foo\") (\"-b\" . \"8\")))
- This feature is currently broken for X11.")
- (if (= window-system-version 10)
- (setq command-switch-alist
- (append '(("-r" . x-handle-switch)
- ("-i" . x-handle-switch)
- ("-font" . x-handle-switch)
- ("-w" . x-handle-switch)
- ("-b" . x-handle-switch)
- ("-ib" . x-handle-switch)
- ("-fg" . x-handle-switch)
- ("-bg" . x-handle-switch)
- ("-bd" . x-handle-switch)
- ("-cr" . x-handle-switch)
- ("-ms" . x-handle-switch))
- command-switch-alist))
- (setq command-switch-alist
- (append '(("-rn" . x-ignore-arg)
- ("-xrm" . x-ignore-arg)
- ("-r" . ignore)
- ("-i" . ignore)
- ("-rn" . x-ignore-arg)
- ("-font" . x-ignore-arg)
- ("-fn" . x-ignore-arg)
- ("-wn" . x-ignore-arg)
- ("-in" . x-ignore-arg)
- ("-w" . x-ignore-arg)
- ("-geometry" . x-ignore-arg)
- ("-b" . x-ignore-arg)
- ("-ib" . x-ignore-arg)
- ("-fg" . x-ignore-arg)
- ("-bg" . x-ignore-arg)
- ("-bd" . x-ignore-arg)
- ("-cr" . x-ignore-arg)
- ("-ms" . x-ignore-arg))
- command-switch-alist)))
- (defun x-ignore-arg (&rest ignore)
- (setq command-line-args-left (cdr command-line-args-left)))
- ;; This is run after the command args are parsed.
- (defun x-handle-switch (switch)
- (if (x-handle-switch-1 switch (car command-line-args-left))
- (setq command-line-args-left (cdr command-line-args-left))))
- (defun x-handle-switch-1 (switch arg)
- (cond ((string= switch "-r")
- (x-flip-color)
- nil)
- ((string= switch "-i")
- (x-set-icon t)
- nil)
- ((string= switch "-font")
- (x-set-font arg)
- t)
- ((string= switch "-b")
- (x-set-border-width (string-to-int arg))
- t)
- ((string= switch "-ib")
- (x-set-internal-border-width (string-to-int arg))
- t)
- ((string= switch "-w")
- (x-create-x-window arg)
- t)
- ((string= switch "-fg")
- (x-set-foreground-color arg)
- t)
- ((string= switch "-bg")
- (x-set-background-color arg)
- t)
- ((string= switch "-bd")
- (x-set-border-color arg)
- t)
- ((string= switch "-cr")
- (x-set-cursor-color arg)
- t)
- ((string= switch "-ms")
- (x-set-mouse-color arg)
- t)))
- ;; Convert a string of the form "WWxHH+XO+YO",
- ;; where WW, HH, XO and YO are numerals,
- ;; into a list (WW HH XO YO).
- ;; "xHH" may be omitted; then 0 is used for HH.
- ;; XO and YO may be preceded by - instead of + to make them negative.
- ;; Either YO or both XO and YO may be omitted; zero is used.
- (defun x-parse-edge-spec (arg)
- (let ((cols-by-font 0)
- (rows-by-font 0)
- (xoffset 0)
- (yoffset 0))
- (if (string-match "^=" arg)
- (setq cols-by-font (x-extract-number))
- (error "Invalid X window size/position spec"))
- (if (string-match "^x" arg) ;get rows-by-font
- (setq rows-by-font (x-extract-number)))
- (if (string-match "^[-+]" arg)
- (setq xoffset (x-extract-number)))
- (if (string-match "^[-+]" arg)
- (setq yoffset (x-extract-number)))
- (or (equal arg "")
- (error "Invalid X window size/position spec"))
- (list cols-by-font rows-by-font xoffset yoffset)))
- ;; Subroutine to extract the next numeral from the front of arg,
- ;; returning it and shortening arg to remove its text.
- ;; If arg is negative, subtract 1 before returning it.
- (defun x-extract-number ()
- (if (string-match "^[x=]" arg)
- (setq arg (substring arg 1)))
- (or (string-match "[-+]?[0-9]+" arg)
- (error "Invalid X window size/position spec"))
- (prog1
- (+ (string-to-int arg)
- (if (string-match "^-" arg) -1 0))
- (setq arg
- (substring arg
- (or (string-match "[^0-9]" arg 1)
- (length arg))))))
- (defun x-get-default-args ()
- (setq x-processed-defaults t)
- (let (value)
- (if (not (string= (setq value (x-get-default "bodyfont")) ""))
- (x-handle-switch-1 "-font" value))
- (if (string-match "on" (x-get-default "bitmapicon"))
- (x-handle-switch-1 "-i" t))
- (if (not (string= (setq value (x-get-default "borderwidth")) ""))
- (x-handle-switch-1 "-b" value))
- (if (not (string= (setq value (x-get-default "internalborder")) ""))
- (x-handle-switch-1 "-ib" value))
- (if (not (string= (setq value (x-get-default "foreground")) ""))
- (x-handle-switch-1 "-fg" value))
- (if (not (string= (setq value (x-get-default "background")) ""))
- (x-handle-switch-1 "-bg" value))
- (if (not (string= (setq value (x-get-default "border")) ""))
- (x-handle-switch-1 "-bd" value))
- (if (not (string= (setq value (x-get-default "cursor")) ""))
- (x-handle-switch-1 "-cr" value))
- (if (not (string= (setq value (x-get-default "mouse")) ""))
- (x-handle-switch-1 "-ms" value))
- (if (string-match "on" (x-get-default "reversevideo"))
- (x-handle-switch-1 "-r" t))))
- ;; So far we have only defined some functions.
- ;; Now we start processing X-related switches
- ;; and redefining commands and variables,
- ;; only if Emacs has been compiled to support direct interface to X.
- (if (eq window-system 'x)
- (progn
- (require 'x-mouse)
- (if (= window-system-version 10)
- (progn
- ;; xterm.c depends on using interrupt-driven input.
- (set-input-mode t nil)
- (defun x-new-display (display)
- "This function takes one argument, the display where you wish to
- continue your editing session. Your current window will be unmapped and
- the current display will be closed. The new X display will be opened and
- the rubber-band outline of the new window will appear on the new X display."
- (interactive "sDisplay to switch emacs to: ")
- (x-change-display display)
- (x-get-default-args))
- ;; Not defvar! This is not DEFINING this variable, just specifying
- ;; a value for it.
- (setq window-setup-hook 'x-pop-up-window)
- ;; Process switch settings made by .emacs file.
- (while x-switches
- (x-handle-switch-1 (car (car x-switches)) (cdr (car x-switches)))
- (setq x-switches (cdr x-switches)))))
- ;; On certain systems, turn off use of sigio, because it's broken.
- (if x-sigio-bug
- (set-input-mode nil nil))
- (put 'suspend-emacs 'disabled
- "Suspending a program running in an X window is silly
- and you would not be able to start it again. Just switch windows instead.\n")
- (setq suspend-hook '(lambda () (error "Suspending an emacs running under X makes no sense")))
- (substitute-key-definition 'suspend-emacs nil global-map)
- (substitute-key-definition 'suspend-emacs nil esc-map)
- (substitute-key-definition 'suspend-emacs nil ctl-x-map)
- ;; Not needed any more -- done in C.
- ;; (if (not x-processed-defaults) (x-get-default-args))
- ))