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- ;; Run Scheme under Emacs
- ;; Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1989 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
- ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
- ;; any later version.
- ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
- ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- ;; the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- ;;; Requires C-Scheme release 5 or later
- ;;; Changes to Control-G handler require runtime version 13.85 or later
- ;;; $Header: xscheme.el,v 1.23 89/04/28 22:59:40 GMT cph Rel $
- (require 'scheme)
- (defvar scheme-program-name "scheme"
- "*Program invoked by the `run-scheme' command.")
- (defvar scheme-band-name nil
- "*Band loaded by the `run-scheme' command.")
- (defvar scheme-program-arguments nil
- "*Arguments passed to the Scheme program by the `run-scheme' command.")
- (defvar xscheme-allow-pipelined-evaluation t
- "If non-nil, an expression may be transmitted while another is evaluating.
- Otherwise, attempting to evaluate an expression before the previous expression
- has finished evaluating will signal an error.")
- (defvar xscheme-startup-message
- "This is the Scheme process buffer.
- Type \\[advertised-xscheme-send-previous-expression] to evaluate the expression before point.
- Type \\[xscheme-send-control-g-interrupt] to abort evaluation.
- Type \\[describe-mode] for more information.
- "
- "String to insert into Scheme process buffer first time it is started.
- Is processed with `substitute-command-keys' first.")
- (defvar xscheme-signal-death-message nil
- "If non-nil, causes a message to be generated when the Scheme process dies.")
- (defun xscheme-evaluation-commands (keymap)
- (define-key keymap "\e\C-x" 'xscheme-send-definition)
- (define-key keymap "\C-x\C-e" 'advertised-xscheme-send-previous-expression)
- (define-key keymap "\eo" 'xscheme-send-buffer)
- (define-key keymap "\ez" 'xscheme-send-definition)
- (define-key keymap "\e\C-m" 'xscheme-send-previous-expression)
- (define-key keymap "\e\C-z" 'xscheme-send-region))
- (defun xscheme-interrupt-commands (keymap)
- (define-key keymap "\C-c\C-s" 'xscheme-select-process-buffer)
- (define-key keymap "\C-c\C-b" 'xscheme-send-breakpoint-interrupt)
- (define-key keymap "\C-c\C-c" 'xscheme-send-control-g-interrupt)
- (define-key keymap "\C-c\C-u" 'xscheme-send-control-u-interrupt)
- (define-key keymap "\C-c\C-x" 'xscheme-send-control-x-interrupt))
- (xscheme-evaluation-commands scheme-mode-map)
- (xscheme-interrupt-commands scheme-mode-map)
- (defun run-scheme (command-line)
- "Run an inferior Scheme process.
- Output goes to the buffer `*scheme*'.
- With argument, asks for a command line."
- (interactive
- (list (let ((default
- (or xscheme-process-command-line
- (xscheme-default-command-line))))
- (if current-prefix-arg
- (read-string "Run Scheme: " default)
- default))))
- (setq xscheme-process-command-line command-line)
- (switch-to-buffer (xscheme-start-process command-line)))
- (defun reset-scheme ()
- "Reset the Scheme process."
- (interactive)
- (let ((process (get-process "scheme")))
- (cond ((or (not process)
- (not (eq (process-status process) 'run))
- (yes-or-no-p
- "The Scheme process is running, are you SURE you want to reset it? "))
- (message "Resetting Scheme process...")
- (if process (kill-process process t))
- (xscheme-start-process xscheme-process-command-line)
- (message "Resetting Scheme process...done")))))
- (defun xscheme-default-command-line ()
- (concat scheme-program-name " -emacs"
- (if scheme-program-arguments
- (concat " " scheme-program-arguments)
- "")
- (if scheme-band-name
- (concat " -band " scheme-band-name)
- "")))
- ;;;; Interaction Mode
- (defun scheme-interaction-mode ()
- "Major mode for interacting with the inferior Scheme process.
- Like scheme-mode except that:
- \\[advertised-xscheme-send-previous-expression] sends the expression before point to the Scheme process as input
- \\[xscheme-yank-previous-send] yanks the expression most recently sent to Scheme
- All output from the Scheme process is written in the Scheme process
- buffer, which is initially named \"*scheme*\". The result of
- evaluating a Scheme expression is also printed in the process buffer,
- preceded by the string \";Value: \" to highlight it. If the process
- buffer is not visible at that time, the value will also be displayed
- in the minibuffer. If an error occurs, the process buffer will
- automatically pop up to show you the error message.
- While the Scheme process is running, the modelines of all buffers in
- scheme-mode are modified to show the state of the process. The
- possible states and their meanings are:
- input waiting for input
- run evaluating
- gc garbage collecting
- The process buffer's modeline contains additional information where
- the buffer's name is normally displayed: the command interpreter level
- and type.
- Scheme maintains a stack of command interpreters. Every time an error
- or breakpoint occurs, the current command interpreter is pushed on the
- command interpreter stack, and a new command interpreter is started.
- One example of why this is done is so that an error that occurs while
- you are debugging another error will not destroy the state of the
- initial error, allowing you to return to it after the second error has
- been fixed.
- The command interpreter level indicates how many interpreters are in
- the command interpreter stack. It is initially set to one, and it is
- incremented every time that stack is pushed, and decremented every
- time it is popped. The following commands are useful for manipulating
- the command interpreter stack:
- \\[xscheme-send-breakpoint-interrupt] pushes the stack once
- \\[xscheme-send-control-u-interrupt] pops the stack once
- \\[xscheme-send-control-g-interrupt] pops everything off
- \\[xscheme-send-control-x-interrupt] aborts evaluation, doesn't affect stack
- Some possible command interpreter types and their meanings are:
- [Evaluator] read-eval-print loop for evaluating expressions
- [Debugger] single character commands for debugging errors
- [Where] single character commands for examining environments
- Starting with release 6.2 of Scheme, the latter two types of command
- interpreters will change the major mode of the Scheme process buffer
- to scheme-debugger-mode , in which the evaluation commands are
- disabled, and the keys which normally self insert instead send
- themselves to the Scheme process. The command character ? will list
- the available commands.
- For older releases of Scheme, the major mode will be be
- scheme-interaction-mode , and the command characters must be sent as
- if they were expressions.
- Commands:
- Delete converts tabs to spaces as it moves back.
- Blank lines separate paragraphs. Semicolons start comments.
- \\{scheme-interaction-mode-map}
- Entry to this mode calls the value of scheme-interaction-mode-hook
- with no args, if that value is non-nil."
- (interactive)
- (kill-all-local-variables)
- (scheme-interaction-mode-initialize)
- (scheme-mode-variables)
- (make-local-variable 'xscheme-previous-send)
- (run-hooks 'scheme-interaction-mode-hook))
- (defun scheme-interaction-mode-initialize ()
- (use-local-map scheme-interaction-mode-map)
- (setq major-mode 'scheme-interaction-mode)
- (setq mode-name "Scheme Interaction"))
- (defun scheme-interaction-mode-commands (keymap)
- (define-key keymap "\C-c\C-m" 'xscheme-send-current-line)
- (define-key keymap "\C-c\C-p" 'xscheme-send-proceed)
- (define-key keymap "\C-c\C-y" 'xscheme-yank-previous-send))
- (defvar scheme-interaction-mode-map nil)
- (if (not scheme-interaction-mode-map)
- (progn
- (setq scheme-interaction-mode-map (make-keymap))
- (scheme-mode-commands scheme-interaction-mode-map)
- (xscheme-interrupt-commands scheme-interaction-mode-map)
- (xscheme-evaluation-commands scheme-interaction-mode-map)
- (scheme-interaction-mode-commands scheme-interaction-mode-map)))
- (defun xscheme-enter-interaction-mode ()
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer (xscheme-process-buffer))
- (if (not (eq major-mode 'scheme-interaction-mode))
- (if (eq major-mode 'scheme-debugger-mode)
- (scheme-interaction-mode-initialize)
- (scheme-interaction-mode)))))
- (fset 'advertised-xscheme-send-previous-expression
- 'xscheme-send-previous-expression)
- ;;;; Debugger Mode
- (defun scheme-debugger-mode ()
- "Major mode for executing the Scheme debugger.
- Like scheme-mode except that the evaluation commands
- are disabled, and characters that would normally be self inserting are
- sent to the Scheme process instead. Typing ? will show you which
- characters perform useful functions.
- Commands:
- \\{scheme-debugger-mode-map}"
- (error "Illegal entry to scheme-debugger-mode"))
- (defun scheme-debugger-mode-initialize ()
- (use-local-map scheme-debugger-mode-map)
- (setq major-mode 'scheme-debugger-mode)
- (setq mode-name "Scheme Debugger"))
- (defun scheme-debugger-mode-commands (keymap)
- (let ((char ? ))
- (while (< char 127)
- (define-key keymap (char-to-string char) 'scheme-debugger-self-insert)
- (setq char (1+ char)))))
- (defvar scheme-debugger-mode-map nil)
- (if (not scheme-debugger-mode-map)
- (progn
- (setq scheme-debugger-mode-map (make-keymap))
- (scheme-mode-commands scheme-debugger-mode-map)
- (xscheme-interrupt-commands scheme-debugger-mode-map)
- (scheme-debugger-mode-commands scheme-debugger-mode-map)))
- (defun scheme-debugger-self-insert ()
- "Transmit this character to the Scheme process."
- (interactive)
- (xscheme-send-char last-command-char))
- (defun xscheme-enter-debugger-mode (prompt-string)
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer (xscheme-process-buffer))
- (if (not (eq major-mode 'scheme-debugger-mode))
- (progn
- (if (not (eq major-mode 'scheme-interaction-mode))
- (scheme-interaction-mode))
- (scheme-debugger-mode-initialize)))))
- (defun xscheme-debugger-mode-p ()
- (let ((buffer (xscheme-process-buffer)))
- (and buffer
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer buffer)
- (eq major-mode 'scheme-debugger-mode)))))
- ;;;; Evaluation Commands
- (defun xscheme-send-string (&rest strings)
- "Send the string arguments to the Scheme process.
- The strings are concatenated and terminated by a newline."
- (cond ((not (xscheme-process-running-p))
- (if (yes-or-no-p "The Scheme process has died. Reset it? ")
- (progn
- (reset-scheme)
- (xscheme-wait-for-process)
- (goto-char (point-max))
- (apply 'insert-before-markers strings)
- (xscheme-send-string-1 strings))))
- ((xscheme-debugger-mode-p) (error "No sends allowed in debugger mode"))
- ((and (not xscheme-allow-pipelined-evaluation)
- xscheme-running-p)
- (error "No sends allowed while Scheme running"))
- (t (xscheme-send-string-1 strings))))
- (defun xscheme-send-string-1 (strings)
- (let ((string (apply 'concat strings)))
- (xscheme-send-string-2 string)
- (if (eq major-mode 'scheme-interaction-mode)
- (setq xscheme-previous-send string))))
- (defun xscheme-send-string-2 (string)
- (let ((process (get-process "scheme")))
- (send-string process (concat string "\n"))
- (if (xscheme-process-buffer-current-p)
- (set-marker (process-mark process) (point)))))
- (defun xscheme-yank-previous-send ()
- "Insert the most recent expression at point."
- (interactive)
- (push-mark)
- (insert xscheme-previous-send))
- (defun xscheme-select-process-buffer ()
- "Select the Scheme process buffer and move to its output point."
- (interactive)
- (let ((process (or (get-process "scheme") (error "No scheme process"))))
- (let ((buffer (or (process-buffer process) (error "No process buffer"))))
- (let ((window (get-buffer-window buffer)))
- (if window
- (select-window window)
- (switch-to-buffer buffer))
- (goto-char (process-mark process))))))
- (defun xscheme-send-region (start end)
- "Send the current region to the Scheme process.
- The region is sent terminated by a newline."
- (interactive "r")
- (if (xscheme-process-buffer-current-p)
- (progn (goto-char end)
- (set-marker (process-mark (get-process "scheme")) end)))
- (xscheme-send-string (buffer-substring start end)))
- (defun xscheme-send-definition ()
- "Send the current definition to the Scheme process.
- If the current line begins with a non-whitespace character,
- parse an expression from the beginning of the line and send that instead."
- (interactive)
- (let ((start nil) (end nil))
- (save-excursion
- (end-of-defun)
- (setq end (point))
- (if (re-search-backward "^\\s(" nil t)
- (setq start (point))
- (error "Can't find definition")))
- (xscheme-send-region start end)))
- (defun xscheme-send-next-expression ()
- "Send the expression to the right of `point' to the Scheme process."
- (interactive)
- (let ((start (point)))
- (xscheme-send-region start (save-excursion (forward-sexp) (point)))))
- (defun xscheme-send-previous-expression ()
- "Send the expression to the left of `point' to the Scheme process."
- (interactive)
- (let ((end (point)))
- (xscheme-send-region (save-excursion (backward-sexp) (point)) end)))
- (defun xscheme-send-current-line ()
- "Send the current line to the Scheme process.
- Useful for working with debugging Scheme under adb."
- (interactive)
- (let ((line
- (save-excursion
- (beginning-of-line)
- (let ((start (point)))
- (end-of-line)
- (buffer-substring start (point))))))
- (end-of-line)
- (insert ?\n)
- (xscheme-send-string-2 line)))
- (defun xscheme-send-buffer ()
- "Send the current buffer to the Scheme process."
- (interactive)
- (if (xscheme-process-buffer-current-p)
- (error "Not allowed to send this buffer's contents to Scheme"))
- (xscheme-send-region (point-min) (point-max)))
- (defun xscheme-send-char (char)
- "Prompt for a character and send it to the Scheme process."
- (interactive "cCharacter to send: ")
- (send-string "scheme" (char-to-string char)))
- ;;;; Interrupts
- (defun xscheme-send-breakpoint-interrupt ()
- "Cause the Scheme process to enter a breakpoint."
- (interactive)
- (xscheme-send-interrupt ?b nil))
- (defun xscheme-send-proceed ()
- "Cause the Scheme process to proceed from a breakpoint."
- (interactive)
- (send-string "scheme" "(proceed)\n"))
- (defun xscheme-send-control-g-interrupt ()
- "Cause the Scheme processor to halt and flush input.
- Control returns to the top level rep loop."
- (interactive)
- (let ((inhibit-quit t))
- (cond ((not xscheme-control-g-synchronization-p)
- (interrupt-process "scheme"))
- (xscheme-control-g-disabled-p
- (message "Relax..."))
- (t
- (setq xscheme-control-g-disabled-p t)
- (message "Sending C-G interrupt to Scheme...")
- (interrupt-process "scheme")
- (send-string "scheme" (char-to-string 0))))))
- (defun xscheme-send-control-u-interrupt ()
- "Cause the Scheme process to halt, returning to previous rep loop."
- (interactive)
- (xscheme-send-interrupt ?u t))
- (defun xscheme-send-control-x-interrupt ()
- "Cause the Scheme process to halt, returning to current rep loop."
- (interactive)
- (xscheme-send-interrupt ?x t))
- ;;; This doesn't really work right -- Scheme just gobbles the first
- ;;; character in the input. There is no way for us to guarantee that
- ;;; the argument to this procedure is the first char unless we put
- ;;; some kind of marker in the input stream.
- (defun xscheme-send-interrupt (char mark-p)
- "Send a ^A type interrupt to the Scheme process."
- (interactive "cInterrupt character to send: ")
- (quit-process "scheme")
- (send-string "scheme" (char-to-string char))
- (if (and mark-p xscheme-control-g-synchronization-p)
- (send-string "scheme" (char-to-string 0))))
- ;;;; Internal Variables
- (defvar xscheme-process-command-line nil
- "Command used to start the most recent Scheme process.")
- (defvar xscheme-previous-send ""
- "Most recent expression transmitted to the Scheme process.")
- (defvar xscheme-process-filter-state 'idle
- "State of scheme process escape reader state machine:
- idle waiting for an escape sequence
- reading-type received an altmode but nothing else
- reading-string reading prompt string")
- (defvar xscheme-running-p nil
- "This variable, if nil, indicates that the scheme process is
- waiting for input. Otherwise, it is busy evaluating something.")
- (defconst xscheme-control-g-synchronization-p t
- "If non-nil, insert markers in the scheme input stream to indicate when
- control-g interrupts were signalled. Do not allow more control-g's to be
- signalled until the scheme process acknowledges receipt.")
- (defvar xscheme-control-g-disabled-p nil
- "This variable, if non-nil, indicates that a control-g is being processed
- by the scheme process, so additional control-g's are to be ignored.")
- (defvar xscheme-allow-output-p t
- "This variable, if nil, prevents output from the scheme process
- from being inserted into the process-buffer.")
- (defvar xscheme-prompt ""
- "The current scheme prompt string.")
- (defvar xscheme-string-accumulator ""
- "Accumulator for the string being received from the scheme process.")
- (defvar xscheme-string-receiver nil
- "Procedure to send the string argument from the scheme process.")
- (defvar xscheme-start-hook nil
- "If non-nil, a procedure to call when the Scheme process is started.
- When called, the current buffer will be the Scheme process-buffer.")
- (defvar xscheme-runlight-string nil)
- (defvar xscheme-mode-string nil)
- (defvar xscheme-filter-input nil)
- ;;;; Basic Process Control
- (defun xscheme-start-process (command-line)
- (let ((buffer (get-buffer-create "*scheme*")))
- (let ((process (get-buffer-process buffer)))
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer buffer)
- (if (and process (memq (process-status process) '(run stop)))
- (set-marker (process-mark process) (point-max))
- (progn (if process (delete-process process))
- (goto-char (point-max))
- (scheme-interaction-mode)
- (if (bobp)
- (insert-before-markers
- (substitute-command-keys xscheme-startup-message)))
- (setq process
- (let ((process-connection-type nil))
- (apply 'start-process
- (cons "scheme"
- (cons buffer
- (xscheme-parse-command-line
- command-line))))))
- (set-marker (process-mark process) (point-max))
- (xscheme-process-filter-initialize t)
- (xscheme-modeline-initialize)
- (set-process-sentinel process 'xscheme-process-sentinel)
- (set-process-filter process 'xscheme-process-filter)
- (run-hooks 'xscheme-start-hook)))))
- buffer))
- (defun xscheme-parse-command-line (string)
- (setq string (substitute-in-file-name string))
- (let ((start 0)
- (result '()))
- (while start
- (let ((index (string-match "[ \t]" string start)))
- (setq start
- (cond ((not index)
- (setq result
- (cons (substring string start)
- result))
- nil)
- ((= index start)
- (string-match "[^ \t]" string start))
- (t
- (setq result
- (cons (substring string start index)
- result))
- (1+ index))))))
- (nreverse result)))
- (defun xscheme-wait-for-process ()
- (sleep-for 2)
- (while xscheme-running-p
- (sleep-for 1)))
- (defun xscheme-process-running-p ()
- "True iff there is a Scheme process whose status is `run'."
- (let ((process (get-process "scheme")))
- (and process
- (eq (process-status process) 'run))))
- (defun xscheme-process-buffer ()
- (let ((process (get-process "scheme")))
- (and process (process-buffer process))))
- (defun xscheme-process-buffer-window ()
- (let ((buffer (xscheme-process-buffer)))
- (and buffer (get-buffer-window buffer))))
- (defun xscheme-process-buffer-current-p ()
- "True iff the current buffer is the Scheme process buffer."
- (eq (xscheme-process-buffer) (current-buffer)))
- ;;;; Process Filter
- (defun xscheme-process-sentinel (proc reason)
- (xscheme-process-filter-initialize (eq reason 'run))
- (if (eq reason 'run)
- (xscheme-modeline-initialize)
- (progn
- (setq scheme-mode-line-process "")
- (setq xscheme-mode-string "no process")))
- (if (and (not (memq reason '(run stop)))
- xscheme-signal-death-message)
- (progn (beep)
- (message
- "The Scheme process has died! Do M-x reset-scheme to restart it"))))
- (defun xscheme-process-filter-initialize (running-p)
- (setq xscheme-process-filter-state 'idle)
- (setq xscheme-running-p running-p)
- (setq xscheme-control-g-disabled-p nil)
- (setq xscheme-allow-output-p t)
- (setq xscheme-prompt "")
- (setq scheme-mode-line-process '(": " xscheme-runlight-string)))
- (defun xscheme-process-filter (proc string)
- (let ((xscheme-filter-input string))
- (while xscheme-filter-input
- (cond ((eq xscheme-process-filter-state 'idle)
- (let ((start (string-match "\e" xscheme-filter-input)))
- (if start
- (progn
- (xscheme-process-filter-output
- (substring xscheme-filter-input 0 start))
- (setq xscheme-filter-input
- (substring xscheme-filter-input (1+ start)))
- (setq xscheme-process-filter-state 'reading-type))
- (let ((string xscheme-filter-input))
- (setq xscheme-filter-input nil)
- (xscheme-process-filter-output string)))))
- ((eq xscheme-process-filter-state 'reading-type)
- (if (zerop (length xscheme-filter-input))
- (setq xscheme-filter-input nil)
- (let ((char (aref xscheme-filter-input 0)))
- (setq xscheme-filter-input
- (substring xscheme-filter-input 1))
- (let ((entry (assoc char xscheme-process-filter-alist)))
- (if entry
- (funcall (nth 2 entry) (nth 1 entry))
- (progn
- (xscheme-process-filter-output ?\e char)
- (setq xscheme-process-filter-state 'idle)))))))
- ((eq xscheme-process-filter-state 'reading-string)
- (let ((start (string-match "\e" xscheme-filter-input)))
- (if start
- (let ((string
- (concat xscheme-string-accumulator
- (substring xscheme-filter-input 0 start))))
- (setq xscheme-filter-input
- (substring xscheme-filter-input (1+ start)))
- (setq xscheme-process-filter-state 'idle)
- (funcall xscheme-string-receiver string))
- (progn
- (setq xscheme-string-accumulator
- (concat xscheme-string-accumulator
- xscheme-filter-input))
- (setq xscheme-filter-input nil)))))
- (t
- (error "Scheme process filter -- bad state"))))))
- ;;;; Process Filter Output
- (defun xscheme-process-filter-output (&rest args)
- (if xscheme-allow-output-p
- (let ((string (apply 'concat args)))
- (save-excursion
- (xscheme-goto-output-point)
- (while (string-match "\\(\007\\|\f\\)" string)
- (let ((start (match-beginning 0))
- (end (match-end 0)))
- (insert-before-markers (substring string 0 start))
- (if (= ?\f (aref string start))
- (progn
- (if (not (bolp))
- (insert-before-markers ?\n))
- (insert-before-markers ?\f))
- (beep))
- (setq string (substring string (1+ start)))))
- (insert-before-markers string)))))
- (defun xscheme-guarantee-newlines (n)
- (if xscheme-allow-output-p
- (save-excursion
- (xscheme-goto-output-point)
- (let ((stop nil))
- (while (and (not stop)
- (bolp))
- (setq n (1- n))
- (if (bobp)
- (setq stop t)
- (backward-char))))
- (xscheme-goto-output-point)
- (while (> n 0)
- (insert-before-markers ?\n)
- (setq n (1- n))))))
- (defun xscheme-goto-output-point ()
- (let ((process (get-process "scheme")))
- (set-buffer (process-buffer process))
- (goto-char (process-mark process))))
- (defun xscheme-modeline-initialize ()
- (setq xscheme-runlight-string "")
- (setq xscheme-mode-string "")
- (setq mode-line-buffer-identification '("Scheme: " xscheme-mode-string)))
- (defun xscheme-set-runlight (runlight)
- (setq xscheme-runlight-string runlight)
- (xscheme-modeline-redisplay))
- (defun xscheme-modeline-redisplay ()
- (save-excursion (set-buffer (other-buffer)))
- (set-buffer-modified-p (buffer-modified-p))
- (sit-for 0))
- ;;;; Process Filter Operations
- (defvar xscheme-process-filter-alist
- '((?D xscheme-enter-debugger-mode
- xscheme-process-filter:string-action)
- (?P xscheme-set-prompt-variable
- xscheme-process-filter:string-action)
- (?R xscheme-enter-interaction-mode
- xscheme-process-filter:simple-action)
- (?b xscheme-start-gc
- xscheme-process-filter:simple-action)
- (?e xscheme-finish-gc
- xscheme-process-filter:simple-action)
- (?f xscheme-exit-input-wait
- xscheme-process-filter:simple-action)
- (?g xscheme-enable-control-g
- xscheme-process-filter:simple-action)
- (?i xscheme-prompt-for-expression
- xscheme-process-filter:string-action)
- (?m xscheme-message
- xscheme-process-filter:string-action)
- (?n xscheme-prompt-for-confirmation
- xscheme-process-filter:string-action)
- (?o xscheme-output-goto
- xscheme-process-filter:simple-action)
- (?p xscheme-set-prompt
- xscheme-process-filter:string-action)
- (?s xscheme-enter-input-wait
- xscheme-process-filter:simple-action)
- (?v xscheme-write-value
- xscheme-process-filter:string-action)
- (?w xscheme-cd
- xscheme-process-filter:string-action)
- (?z xscheme-display-process-buffer
- xscheme-process-filter:simple-action)
- (?c xscheme-unsolicited-read-char
- xscheme-process-filter:simple-action))
- "Table used to decide how to handle process filter commands.
- Value is a list of entries, each entry is a list of three items.
- The first item is the character that the process filter dispatches on.
- The second item is the action to be taken, a function.
- The third item is the handler for the entry, a function.
- When the process filter sees a command whose character matches a
- particular entry, it calls the handler with two arguments: the action
- and the string containing the rest of the process filter's input
- stream. It is the responsibility of the handler to invoke the action
- with the appropriate arguments, and to reenter the process filter with
- the remaining input.")
- (defun xscheme-process-filter:simple-action (action)
- (setq xscheme-process-filter-state 'idle)
- (funcall action))
- (defun xscheme-process-filter:string-action (action)
- (setq xscheme-string-receiver action)
- (setq xscheme-string-accumulator "")
- (setq xscheme-process-filter-state 'reading-string))
- (defconst xscheme-runlight:running "run"
- "The character displayed when the Scheme process is running.")
- (defconst xscheme-runlight:input "input"
- "The character displayed when the Scheme process is waiting for input.")
- (defconst xscheme-runlight:gc "gc"
- "The character displayed when the Scheme process is garbage collecting.")
- (defun xscheme-start-gc ()
- (xscheme-set-runlight xscheme-runlight:gc))
- (defun xscheme-finish-gc ()
- (xscheme-set-runlight
- (if xscheme-running-p xscheme-runlight:running xscheme-runlight:input)))
- (defun xscheme-enter-input-wait ()
- (xscheme-set-runlight xscheme-runlight:input)
- (setq xscheme-running-p nil))
- (defun xscheme-exit-input-wait ()
- (xscheme-set-runlight xscheme-runlight:running)
- (setq xscheme-running-p t))
- (defun xscheme-enable-control-g ()
- (setq xscheme-control-g-disabled-p nil))
- (defun xscheme-display-process-buffer ()
- (let ((window (or (xscheme-process-buffer-window)
- (display-buffer (xscheme-process-buffer)))))
- (save-window-excursion
- (select-window window)
- (xscheme-goto-output-point)
- (if (xscheme-debugger-mode-p)
- (xscheme-enter-interaction-mode)))))
- (defun xscheme-unsolicited-read-char ()
- nil)
- (defun xscheme-message (string)
- (if (not (zerop (length string)))
- (xscheme-write-message-1 string (format ";%s" string))))
- (defun xscheme-write-value (string)
- (if (zerop (length string))
- (xscheme-write-message-1 "(no value)" ";No value")
- (xscheme-write-message-1 string (format ";Value: %s" string))))
- (defun xscheme-write-message-1 (message-string output-string)
- (let* ((process (get-process "scheme"))
- (window (get-buffer-window (process-buffer process))))
- (if (or (not window)
- (not (pos-visible-in-window-p (process-mark process)
- window)))
- (message "%s" message-string)))
- (xscheme-guarantee-newlines 1)
- (xscheme-process-filter-output output-string))
- (defun xscheme-set-prompt-variable (string)
- (setq xscheme-prompt string))
- (defun xscheme-set-prompt (string)
- (setq xscheme-prompt string)
- (xscheme-guarantee-newlines 2)
- (setq xscheme-mode-string (xscheme-coerce-prompt string))
- (xscheme-modeline-redisplay))
- (defun xscheme-output-goto ()
- (xscheme-goto-output-point)
- (xscheme-guarantee-newlines 2))
- (defun xscheme-coerce-prompt (string)
- (if (string-match "^[0-9]+ " string)
- (let ((end (match-end 0)))
- (concat (substring string 0 end)
- (let ((prompt (substring string end)))
- (let ((entry (assoc prompt xscheme-prompt-alist)))
- (if entry
- (cdr entry)
- prompt)))))
- string))
- (defvar xscheme-prompt-alist
- '(("[Normal REPL]" . "[Evaluator]")
- ("[Error REPL]" . "[Evaluator]")
- ("[Breakpoint REPL]" . "[Evaluator]")
- ("[Debugger REPL]" . "[Evaluator]")
- ("[Visiting environment]" . "[Evaluator]")
- ("[Environment Inspector]" . "[Where]"))
- "An alist which maps the Scheme command interpreter type to a print string.")
- (defun xscheme-cd (directory-string)
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer (xscheme-process-buffer))
- (cd directory-string)))
- (defun xscheme-prompt-for-confirmation (prompt-string)
- (xscheme-send-char (if (y-or-n-p prompt-string) ?y ?n)))
- (defun xscheme-prompt-for-expression (prompt-string)
- (xscheme-send-string-2
- (read-from-minibuffer prompt-string nil xscheme-prompt-for-expression-map)))
- (defvar xscheme-prompt-for-expression-map nil)
- (if (not xscheme-prompt-for-expression-map)
- (progn
- (setq xscheme-prompt-for-expression-map
- (copy-keymap minibuffer-local-map))
- (substitute-key-definition 'exit-minibuffer
- 'xscheme-prompt-for-expression-exit
- xscheme-prompt-for-expression-map)))
- (defun xscheme-prompt-for-expression-exit ()
- (interactive)
- (if (eq (xscheme-region-expression-p (point-min) (point-max)) 'one)
- (exit-minibuffer)
- (error "input must be a single, complete expression")))
- (defun xscheme-region-expression-p (start end)
- (save-excursion
- (let ((old-syntax-table (syntax-table)))
- (unwind-protect
- (progn
- (set-syntax-table scheme-mode-syntax-table)
- (let ((state (parse-partial-sexp start end)))
- (and (zerop (car state)) ;depth = 0
- (nth 2 state) ;last-sexp exists, i.e. >= 1 sexps
- (let ((state (parse-partial-sexp start (nth 2 state))))
- (if (nth 2 state) 'many 'one)))))
- (set-syntax-table old-syntax-table)))))