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- (Message inbox:32)
- Date: Mon, 03 Jul 89 21:15:32 CET
- From: V61%DHDURZ1.BITNET@lbl.gov
- Subject: Flex, bug fix, improvments, patches for Minix & TOS
- To: vern@lbl-csam.arpa
- At first I have to thank you for your wonderful program. I had ported the
- old version to OS9,TOS (Atari ST) and Minix and the new version 2.1 Beta
- to Minix and TOS.
- While porting and using flex I detected a bug and made some improvements.
- I have included a shared, compressed and uuencoded file contaning all cdiffs
- and additional files (Sorry, but I'm on EBCDIC-Bitnet) and a short discussion
- of the changes. Even some of the TOS specific changes might be of general
- interest !
- I posted these cdiffs to the minix discussion group, but I think it's up
- to you to post them to the unix-sources group. If you plan to post even
- the TOS compiler specific patches please contact me because there might be
- further compiler (P.D.) additions. If you have an interest I could also
- port the new version to OS9 -- this is a little bit more difficult, because
- OS9 uses CR as end of line character (the EOL char. is coded into the
- initscan.c tables,...). It is necessary to change all occurences of '\n' to
- macros and variables and it's useful to add a new -n options (see commented
- line in main.c)
- The changes: (1.7.89 RAL)
- - Bug fix: The original flex didn't like trailing spaces in exclusive start
- condition lists ! If you add an trailing space to line 68 in scan.l
- you get a misleading error message:
- "Syntax error at line 69: bad start condition list"
- This bug can either be fixed in parse.y or in scan.l . I have chosen the
- last because there the fix is minimal: Just change the rule (line 128)
- "\n" to "{OPTWS}\n"
- - Enhancements:
- - new option "-?" that provides some help information about the other
- flags (main.c)
- - new option "-aTMPPATH" that allows a redefinition of the standard
- path for the temporary file (this might be rather large >200k if
- F,f options are selected). (main.c, flexdef.h (l.376))
- - hexdump of illegal characters -- this proved to be a useful debugging
- tool especialy if invisible control characters occur which weren't
- covered by the rules. (scan.l fprintf statement line 129,...)
- - Patches due to TOS
- - General: TOS uses CR,LF as end of line char., Flex wants only a single
- LF as EOL char. Therefore all I/O must be translated using f* calls.
- This is done everywhere besides the YY_INPUT macro (flex.skel (scan.c),
- line 31) that uses a low level 'read'. This should be definitly changed
- to fread, so that all I/O calls occur on the same level.
- - the short action_file_name has been "flexXXXXXX.tmp", but that's too
- much for TOS,MSDOS ! I changed it to "flexXXXX.tmp" in main.c (patch
- covered by the -a option additions)
- - some compilers don't like external names that are ambiguous within
- the first 8 characters. I defined macros that change all these long
- external names to names that are unique within the first 8 characters.
- Just define SHORT_EXTERNAL_NAMES to use this feature (flexdef.h)
- - some statement changes that some compiler don't like:
- typedef *xxx[] -> typedef **xxx (flexdef.h.,l.308)
- "/*" -> '/','*' within a comment in (scan.l, l.209)
- - changed short "lexyy.c" to "lex_yy.c" what's more similar to the unix
- "lex.yy.c" (main.c).
- - a few further really compiler dependent changes provided with
- #ifdef ATARI && LATTICE res. TURBO braces.
- - Additional TOS only files
- - Makefile.tos: Common makefile for all TOS compilers. If you add further
- ones please email me the new makefile.
- - flex.lnk: Lattice - GST linker argument extension file
- - flex.tlk: Turbo linker argument extension file
- Additional remarks:
- I didn't add a new initscan.c (= flex -ist scan.l). The current one is good
- enough for a first compilation. With this first version of flex you can
- rebuild your own scan.c and the final flex version !
- Minix ST :
- - I had to "chmem =70000 cv" (>50000) to get flex linked
- - 'memset' (PC 1.3, EFTH40,...) is necessary
- - chmem =90000 flex may be sufficient
- Minix PC :
- It should be possible to port Flex to Minix PC. The current sizes of flex
- are:
- Minix ST (ACK) Lattice (TOS) Turbo (TOS)
- size 75300 83305 57957
- compilation time 22' 15' 3'40"
- flex -is scan.l 1'49" 43" 30"
- The Minix ST size includes the bad generated code using only a subset of
- the 68000 commands, long addresses only and a huge relocation table.
- Therefore the PC size will be <64 k ! More serious is the fact that I had
- to chmem =90000 flex to get scan.l converted to scan.c . But I never saw
- a more complex lex source than scan.l -- so it should be possible to
- reduce some array sizes without limitation for all day usage.
- No one volunteered yet for a Minix PC port -- but if someone will try it
- I would provide him with a new scan.c and some hints.
- TOS:
- Don't forget to adapt the flexskel path within flexdef.h !
- Bitnet: V61@DHDURZ1 Ronald Lamprecht
- UUCP: ...!unido!DHDURZ1.bitnet!V61 Theoretische Physik
- ARPAnet: V61%DHDURZ1.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU (Heidelberg, West Germany)
- (Message inbox:36)
- Date: Wed, 05 Jul 89 21:16:07 CET
- From: V61%DHDURZ1.BITNET@csa2.lbl.gov
- Subject: Re: What is TOS
- To: vern@lbl-csam.arpa
- TOS is the name of the Atari ST operating system that is very similar
- to MSDOS (Both use CR,LF as end of line character). Therefore I have
- been astonished that no EOL convertion porblems occur within MSDOS.
- I have been aware of the double buffering when changing read to fread and I
- accept your argument of a possible slow down. But if you integrate the other
- Atari - TOS changes, please insert a
- #ifdef ATARI
- fread ....
- #else
- read ....
- #endif
- in flex.skel .
- Bitnet: V61@DHDURZ1 Ronald Lamprecht
- UUCP: ...!unido!DHDURZ1.bitnet!V61 Theoretische Physik
- ARPAnet: V61%DHDURZ1.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU (Heidelberg, West Germany)
- echo x - Makefile_cdiff
- sed '/^X/s///' > Makefile_cdiff << '/'
- X*** Src_2.1/Makefile Thu Jun 28 00:06:42 1989
- X--- Makefile Thu Jul 3 02:12:48 1989
- X***************
- X*** 5,10 ****
- X--- 5,11 ----
- X # Porting considerations:
- X #
- X # For System V Unix machines, add -DSYS_V to CFLAGS.
- X+ # For Minix (ST), add -DSYS_V to CFLAGS
- X # For Vax/VMS, add -DSYS_V to CFLAGS.
- X # For MS-DOS, add "-DMS_DOS -DSYS_V" to CFLAGS. Create \tmp if not present.
- X # You will also want to rename flex.skel to something with a three
- X***************
- X*** 21,28 ****
- X SKELETON_DIR = /usr/local/lib
- X SKELETON_FILE = flex.skel
- X! CFLAGS = -O
- X! LDFLAGS = -s
- X
- X FLEX = ./flex
- X--- 22,29 ----
- X SKELETON_DIR = /usr/local/lib
- X SKELETON_FILE = flex.skel
- X
- X FLEX = ./flex
- X***************
- X*** 57,63 ****
- X yylex.c
- X
- X flex : $(FLEXOBJS)
- X! $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o flex $(LDFLAGS) $(FLEXOBJS)
- X
- X first_flex:
- X cp initscan.c scan.c
- X--- 58,65 ----
- X yylex.c
- X
- X flex : $(FLEXOBJS)
- X! $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o flex $(FLEXOBJS) $(LDFLAGS)
- X! chmem =150000 flex
- X
- X first_flex:
- X cp initscan.c scan.c
- /
- echo x - flex.skel_cdif
- sed '/^X/s///' > flex.skel_cdif << '/'
- X*** Src_2.1/flex.skel Thu Jun 28 00:19:20 1989
- X--- flex.skel Thu Jul 2 22:18:31 1989
- X***************
- X*** 28,34 ****
- X * is returned in "result".
- X */
- X #define YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) \
- X! if ( (result = read( fileno(yyin), buf, max_size )) < 0 ) \
- X YY_FATAL_ERROR( "read() in flex scanner failed" );
- X #define YY_NULL 0
- X #define yyterminate() return ( YY_NULL )
- X--- 28,34 ----
- X * is returned in "result".
- X */
- X #define YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) \
- X! if ( (result = fread( buf,1, max_size, yyin )) < 0 ) \
- X YY_FATAL_ERROR( "read() in flex scanner failed" );
- X #define YY_NULL 0
- X #define yyterminate() return ( YY_NULL )
- /
- echo x - flexdef.h_cdif
- sed '/^X/s///' > flexdef.h_cdif << '/'
- X*** Src_2.1/flexdef.h Thu Jun 28 00:43:27 1989
- X--- flexdef.h Thu Jul 3 02:45:50 1989
- X***************
- X*** 26,31 ****
- X--- 26,40 ----
- X
- X /* @(#) $Header: flexdef.h,v 2.0 89/06/20 15:49:50 vern Locked $ (LBL) */
- X
- X+ #ifdef ATARI
- X+ #define SYS_V
- X+ #define abs(x) ((x) < 0 ? -(x) : (x))
- X+ #ifdef TURBO
- X+ #endif
- X+ #endif
- X+
- X #ifndef FILE
- X #include <stdio.h>
- X #endif
- X***************
- X*** 41,47 ****
- X #endif
- X
- X #ifndef VMS
- X! char *memset();
- X #else
- X /* memset is needed for old versions of the VMS C runtime library */
- X #define memset(s, c, n) \
- X--- 50,58 ----
- X #endif
- X
- X #ifndef VMS
- X! #ifndef ATARI && TURBO
- X! char *memset();
- X! #endif
- X #else
- X /* memset is needed for old versions of the VMS C runtime library */
- X #define memset(s, c, n) \
- X***************
- X*** 81,91 ****
- X--- 92,129 ----
- X #define true 1
- X #define false 0
- X
- X+ #ifdef ATARI
- X+ #define DEFAULT_SKELETON_FILE "D:\\include\\flexskel"
- X+ #endif
- X+
- X
- X #define DEFAULT_SKELETON_FILE "flex.skel"
- X #endif
- X
- X+ /* avoid long external names that are ambiguous within the first 8 characters */
- X+ #define current_mns c__mns
- X+ #define current_max_rules c__max_rules
- X+ #define current_max_state_type c__max_state_type
- X+ #define current_max_scs c__max_scs
- X+ #define current_max_dfa_size c__max__size
- X+ #define current_max_xpairs c__max_xpairs
- X+ #define current_max_template_xpairs c__max_template_xpairs
- X+ #define current_max_dfas c__max_dfas
- X+ #define current_maxccls c__maxccles
- X+ #define current_max_ccl_tbl_size c__max_ccl_tbl_size
- X+ #define indent_puts ind_puts
- X+ #define indent_put2s ind_put2s
- X+ #define gen_next_compressed_state gen_n_comressed_state
- X+ #define gen_next_match gen_n_match
- X+ #define gen_next_state gen_n_state
- X+ #define variable_trailing_context_rules var_tr_context_rules
- X+ #define variable_trailing_rule var_tr_rule
- X+ #define backtrack_report backtr_report
- X+ #define backtrack_file backtr_file
- X+ #endif
- X+
- X /* special chk[] values marking the slots taking by end-of-buffer and action
- X * numbers
- X */
- X***************
- X*** 305,311 ****
- X int int_val;
- X } ;
- X
- X! typedef struct hash_entry *hash_table[];
- X
- X #define NAME_TABLE_HASH_SIZE 101
- X #define START_COND_HASH_SIZE 101
- X--- 343,349 ----
- X int int_val;
- X } ;
- X
- X! typedef struct hash_entry **hash_table;
- X
- X #define NAME_TABLE_HASH_SIZE 101
- X #define START_COND_HASH_SIZE 101
- X***************
- X*** 372,378 ****
- X extern int datapos, dataline, linenum;
- X extern FILE *skelfile, *yyin, *temp_action_file, *backtrack_file;
- X extern char *infilename;
- X! extern char action_file_name[];
- X
- X
- X /* variables for stack of states having only one out-transition:
- X--- 410,416 ----
- X extern int datapos, dataline, linenum;
- X extern FILE *skelfile, *yyin, *temp_action_file, *backtrack_file;
- X extern char *infilename;
- X! extern char *action_file_name;
- X
- X
- X /* variables for stack of states having only one out-transition:
- /
- echo x - main.c_cdiff
- sed '/^X/s///' > main.c_cdiff << '/'
- X*** Src_2.1/main.c Thu Jun 28 00:30:39 1989
- X--- main.c Thu Jul 3 02:27:47 1989
- X***************
- X*** 81,96 ****
- X FILE *temp_action_file;
- X FILE *backtrack_file;
- X int end_of_buffer_state;
- X! char action_file_name[] = "/tmp/flexXXXXXX";
- X! #else
- X! char action_file_name[] = "flexXXXXXX.tmp";
- X! #endif
- X!
- X static char outfile[] = "lex.yy.c";
- X #else
- X! static char outfile[] = "lexyy.c";
- X #endif
- X static int outfile_created = 0;
- X
- X--- 81,91 ----
- X FILE *temp_action_file;
- X FILE *backtrack_file;
- X int end_of_buffer_state;
- X! char *action_file_name;
- X static char outfile[] = "lex.yy.c";
- X #else
- X! static char outfile[] = "lex_yy.c";
- X #endif
- X static int outfile_created = 0;
- X
- X***************
- X*** 328,333 ****
- X--- 323,329 ----
- X {
- X int i, sawcmpflag, use_stdout;
- X char *arg, *skelname = NULL, *flex_gettime(), clower(), *mktemp();
- X+ char *tmp_action =(char *)0, *malloc();
- X
- X printstats = syntaxerror = trace = spprdflt = interactive = caseins = false;
- X backtrack_report = performance_report = ddebug = fulltbl = fullspd = false;
- X***************
- X*** 349,354 ****
- X--- 345,355 ----
- X for ( i = 1; arg[i] != '\0'; ++i )
- X switch ( arg[i] )
- X {
- X+ case 'a':
- X+ if ( i != 1 )
- X+ flexerror( "-a flag must be given separately" );
- X+ tmp_action = &arg[i+1];
- X+ goto get_next_arg;
- X case 'b':
- X backtrack_report = true;
- X break;
- X***************
- X*** 445,452 ****
- X printstats = true;
- X break;
- X
- X! default:
- X! lerrif( "unknown flag %c", (int) arg[i] );
- X break;
- X }
- X
- X--- 446,458 ----
- X printstats = true;
- X break;
- X
- X! case '?':
- X! flexinfo(0);
- X! break;
- X!
- X! default:
- X! fprintf(stderr,"flex : unknown flag %c\n", (int) arg[i] );
- X! flexinfo(1);
- X break;
- X }
- X
- X***************
- X*** 454,459 ****
- X--- 460,493 ----
- X ;
- X }
- X
- X+
- X+ /* if you change the default tmp file names don't forget to change the
- X+ initialization for i, too !
- X+
- X+ */
- X+ i = 10;
- X+ if (!tmp_action) i += 5;
- X+ #else
- X+ i = 12;
- X+ #endif
- X+ if (tmp_action)
- X+ i += strlen(tmp_action) + 1;
- X+ if((action_file_name = malloc(i+1)) == (char *)0)
- X+ flexerror("No memory for action_file_name");
- X+ *action_file_name = (char) NULL;
- X+ if (tmp_action)
- X+ strcat(action_file_name,tmp_action);
- X+ else
- X+ strcat(action_file_name,"/tmp");
- X+ strcat(action_file_name,"/flexXXXXXX");
- X+ #else
- X+ if (tmp_action)
- X+ strcat(action_file_name,"/");
- X+ strcat(action_file_name,"flexXXXX.tmp");
- X+ #endif
- X+
- X if ( (fulltbl || fullspd) && usemecs )
- X flexerror( "full table and -cm don't make sense together" );
- X
- X***************
- X*** 520,526 ****
- X if ( (skelfile = fopen( skelname, "r" )) == NULL )
- X lerrsf( "can't open skeleton file %s", skelname );
- X
- X! (void) mktemp( action_file_name );
- X
- X if ( (temp_action_file = fopen( action_file_name, "w" )) == NULL )
- X lerrsf( "can't open temporary action file %s", action_file_name );
- X--- 554,562 ----
- X if ( (skelfile = fopen( skelname, "r" )) == NULL )
- X lerrsf( "can't open skeleton file %s", skelname );
- X
- X! #ifndef ATARI && LATTICE
- X! (void) mktemp( action_file_name );
- X! #endif
- X
- X if ( (temp_action_file = fopen( action_file_name, "w" )) == NULL )
- X lerrsf( "can't open temporary action file %s", action_file_name );
- X***************
- X*** 566,571 ****
- X--- 602,640 ----
- X }
- X
- X
- X+ flexinfo(status)
- X+ int status;
- X+ {
- X+ fprintf(stderr,"Syntax : FLEX inp_file\n");
- X+ fprintf(stderr,"Function: fast lexical analyzer generator V%s\n",flex_version);
- X+ fprintf(stderr,"Options : a dir_path : directory path for temporary files\n");
- X+ fprintf(stderr," - b : generate backtracking information to lex.backtrack\n");
- X+ fprintf(stderr," - c : compressed table, no equiv., no meta equiv.classes\n");
- X+ fprintf(stderr," e : equivalence classes\n");
- X+ fprintf(stderr," F : fast table\n");
- X+ fprintf(stderr," |f : full table\n");
- X+ fprintf(stderr," |m : meta equivalence classes\n");
- X+ fprintf(stderr," - d : generate debugging scanner\n");
- X+ fprintf(stderr," - F : fast table\n");
- X+ fprintf(stderr," - f : full (not compressed) table\n");
- X+ fprintf(stderr," - I : generate interactive scanner\n");
- X+ fprintf(stderr," - i : generate case-insensitive scanner\n");
- X+ fprintf(stderr," - L : supress #line directives\n");
- X+ /* fprintf(stderr," - n hexnum : generate scanner using <hexnum> as newline char.\n");*/
- X+ fprintf(stderr," - p : generate performance report to stderr\n");
- X+ fprintf(stderr," - S skeleton_path : file path for skeleton file\n");
- X+ fprintf(stderr," - s : suppress echo of unmatched scanner input to stdout\n");
- X+ fprintf(stderr," - T : run flex in trace mode\n");
- X+ #ifdef ATARI
- X+ fprintf(stderr," - t : place result on stdout instead of lex_yy.c\n");
- X+ #else
- X+ fprintf(stderr," - t : place result on stdout instead of lex.yy.c\n");
- X+ #endif
- X+ fprintf(stderr," - v : print statistics of generated scanner\n");
- X+ fprintf(stderr," default = -cem\n");
- X+ exit(status);
- X+ }
- X+
- X /* readin - read in the rules section of the input file(s)
- X *
- X * synopsis
- /
- echo x - scan.l_cdiff
- sed '/^X/s///' > scan.l_cdiff << '/'
- X*** Src_2.1/scan.l Thu Jun 30 19:42:00 1989
- X--- scan.l Thu Jul 2 22:19:26 1989
- X***************
- X*** 125,132 ****
- X
- X ^{OPTWS}\n ++linenum; /* allows blank lines in section 1 */
- X! \n ++linenum; return ( '\n' );
- X! . synerr( "illegal character" ); BEGIN(RECOVER);
- X
- X
- X--- 125,136 ----
- X
- X ^{OPTWS}\n ++linenum; /* allows blank lines in section 1 */
- X! {OPTWS}\n ++linenum; return ( '\n' );
- X! . {
- X! synerr( "illegal character" );
- X! fprintf(stderr,"Char : $%x\n",yytext[yyleng-1]);
- X! }
- X
- X
- X***************
- X*** 206,212 ****
- X <SECT2>^{OPTWS}\n ++linenum; /* allow blank lines in section 2 */
- X
- X /* this horrible mess of a rule matches indented lines which
- X! * do not contain "/*". We need to make the distinction because
- X * otherwise this rule will be taken instead of the rule which
- X * matches the beginning of comments like this one
- X */
- X--- 210,216 ----
- X <SECT2>^{OPTWS}\n ++linenum; /* allow blank lines in section 2 */
- X
- X /* this horrible mess of a rule matches indented lines which
- X! * do not contain '/','*'. We need to make the distinction because
- X * otherwise this rule will be taken instead of the rule which
- X * matches the beginning of comments like this one
- X */
- /
- echo x - Makefile.tos
- sed '/^X/s///' > Makefile.tos << '/'
- X# make file for "flex" tool
- X
- X# @(#) $Header: Makefile,v 2.3 89/06/20 17:27:12 vern Exp $ (LBL)
- X
- X# Porting considerations:
- X#
- X# For System V Unix machines, add -DSYS_V to CFLAGS.
- X# For Vax/VMS, add -DSYS_V to CFLAGS.
- X# For MS-DOS, add "-DMS_DOS -DSYS_V" to CFLAGS. Create \tmp if not present.
- X# You will also want to rename flex.skel to something with a three
- X# character extension, change SKELETON_FILE below appropriately,
- X# For Amiga, add "-DAMIGA -DSYS_V" to CFLAGS.
- X#
- X# A long time ago, flex was successfully built using Microsoft C and
- X# the following options: /AL, /stack:10000, -LARGE, -Ml, -Mt128, -DSYS_V
- X
- X
- X# the first time around use "make first_flex"
- X
- X# The following definitions must be set according to your compiler -
- X# examples for a Lattice Compiler with GST assembler and TURBO C with
- X# assembler are provided below and must just be updated (don't forget to
- X# update the linker argument extension files (*.lnk,*.tlk), too) :
- X#
- X#CCPATH = path to compiler directory without trailing \
- X#CHPATH = path to header files without trailing \
- X#CC = filename of the compiler
- X#CFLAGS = compiler option flags
- X#CIEXT = extension of C sources that should be used for input filenames
- X#ASMPATH = path to assembler directory without trailing \
- X#ASM = filename of the assembler
- X#AFLAGS = assembler option flags
- X#AIEXT = extension of assembler sources that should be used for assembler
- X# input filenames
- X#AEXT = general assembler filename extension
- X#LNKPATH = path to linker directory without trailing \
- X#LINK = filename of the linker
- X#LFLAG0 = first option (full pathname of C startupcode)
- X#LFLAG1 = further options + option flag for argument extension filename
- X#LFLAG2 = further options + option flag for output-filename
- X#LNKEXT = extension of linker argument extension file
- X#OIEXT = extension of objects that should be used for linker input files
- X#OEXT = general object file extension
- X
- X# Lattice definitions
- XCCPATH = d:\latt
- XCHPATH = d:\latt\include
- XCC = lc.ttp
- XCFLAGS = -h -n -cw -cc -i$(CHPATH)\ -g$(CCPATH)\ -dLATTICE -dATARI
- XASMPATH = d:\gst
- XASM = assem.ttp
- XAFLAGS = -nolist -errors errors.out
- XAEXT = .asm
- XLNKPATH = d:\gst
- XLINK = ld.ttp
- XLFLAG1 = -with
- XLFLAG2 = -nolist -sec -mem 200 -prog
- XLNKEXT = .lnk
- XOEXT = .bin
- X
- X# Turbo definitions
- X#CCPATH = d:\turbo
- X#CHPATH = d:\turbo\include
- X#CC = tcc.prg
- X#CIEXT = .c
- X#ASMPATH = d:\turbo
- X#ASM = mas.prg
- X#AIEXT = .s
- X#AEXT = .s
- X#LNKPATH = d:\turbo
- X#LINK = tlink.ttp
- X#LFLAG0 = $(LNKPATH)\lib\tcstart.o
- X#LFLAG1 = -I=
- X#LFLAG2 = -O=
- X#LNKEXT = .tlk
- X#OIEXT = .o
- X#OEXT = .o
- X
- X# Other definitions
- X# (not used for Atari because of short argument string - defined in flexdef.h
- X
- XSKELETON_DIR = /usr/lib
- XSKELETON_FILE = flex.skel
- X
- X
- XFLEX = d:\etc\flex.ttp
- XYACC = d:\etc\yacc.ttp
- XRENAME = d:\bin\rename
- XDEL = d:\bin\del
- X
- X# Internal definitions
- X
- X ccl$(OEXT) \
- X dfa$(OEXT) \
- X ecs$(OEXT) \
- X gen$(OEXT) \
- X main$(OEXT) \
- X misc$(OEXT) \
- X nfa$(OEXT) \
- X parse$(OEXT) \
- X scan$(OEXT) \
- X sym$(OEXT) \
- X tblcmp$(OEXT) \
- X yylex$(OEXT)
- X
- X ccl.c \
- X dfa.c \
- X ecs.c \
- X gen.c \
- X main.c \
- X misc.c \
- X nfa.c \
- X parse.c \
- X scan.c \
- X sym.c \
- X tblcmp.c \
- X yylex.c
- X
- Xflex : $(FLEXOBJS)
- X $(LNK) $(LFLAG0) $(LFLAG1)flex$(LNKEXT) $(LFLAG2)flex.ttp
- X
- Xfirst_flex:
- X cp initscan.c scan.c
- X make $(MFLAGS) flex
- X
- Xparse.h parse.c : parse.y
- X $(YACC) -d parse.y
- X $(DEL) parse.c
- X $(RENAME) y_tab.c parse.c
- X $(DEL) parse.h
- X $(RENAME) y_tab.h parse.h
- X
- Xscan.c : scan.l
- X $(FLEX) $(FLEX_FLAGS) scan.l
- X $(RENAME) lex_yy.c scan.c
- X
- Xscan$(OEXT) : scan.c parse.h flexdef.h
- X $(CCPATH)\$(CC) $(CFLAGS) scan$(CIEXT)
- X
- Xmain$(OEXT) : main.c flexdef.h
- X $(CCPATH)\$(CC) $(CFLAGS) main$(CIEXT)
- X
- Xccl$(OEXT) : ccl.c flexdef.h
- X $(CCPATH)\$(CC) $(CFLAGS) ccl$(CIEXT)
- X
- Xdfa$(OEXT) : dfa.c flexdef.h
- X $(CCPATH)\$(CC) $(CFLAGS) dfa$(CIEXT)
- X
- Xecs$(OEXT) : ecs.c flexdef.h
- X $(CCPATH)\$(CC) $(CFLAGS) ecs$(CIEXT)
- X
- Xgen$(OEXT) : gen.c flexdef.h
- X $(CCPATH)\$(CC) $(CFLAGS) gen$(CIEXT)
- X
- Xmisc$(OEXT) : misc.c flexdef.h
- X $(CCPATH)\$(CC) $(CFLAGS) misc$(CIEXT)
- X
- Xnfa$(OEXT) : nfa.c flexdef.h
- X $(CCPATH)\$(CC) $(CFLAGS) nfa$(CIEXT)
- X
- Xparse$(OEXT) : parse.c flexdef.h
- X $(CCPATH)\$(CC) $(CFLAGS) parse$(CIEXT)
- X
- Xsym$(OEXT) : sym.c flexdef.h
- X $(CCPATH)\$(CC) $(CFLAGS) sym$(CIEXT)
- X
- Xtblcmp$(OEXT) : tblcmp.c flexdef.h
- X $(CCPATH)\$(CC) $(CFLAGS) tblcmp$(CIEXT)
- X
- Xyylex$(OEXT) : yylex.c flexdef.h
- X $(CCPATH)\$(CC) $(CFLAGS) yylex$(CIEXT)
- X
- Xflex.man : flex.1
- X nroff -man flex.1 >flex.man
- X
- Xlint : $(FLEX_C_SOURCES)
- X lint $(FLEX_C_SOURCES) > flex.lint
- X
- Xdistrib :
- X mv scan.c initscan.c
- X chmod 444 initscan.c
- X $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) clean
- X
- Xclean :
- X rm -f core errs flex *$(OEXT) parse.c *.lint parse.h flex.man tags
- X
- Xtags :
- X ctags $(FLEX_C_SOURCES)
- X
- Xvms : flex.man
- X $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) distrib
- X
- Xtest :
- X $(FLEX) $(FLEX_FLAGS) scan.l
- X $(RENAME) lex_yy.c scan.ctest
- X cmp scan.c scan.ctest
- X
- /
- echo x - Readme2
- sed '/^X/s///' > Readme2 << '/'
- XThe changes: (1.7.89 RAL)
- X
- X - Bug fix: The original flex didn't like trailing spaces in exclusive start
- X condition lists ! If you add an trailing space to line 68 in scan.l
- X
- X
- X you get a misleading error message:
- X
- X "Syntax error at line 69: bad start condition list"
- X
- X This bug can either be fixed in parse.y or in scan.l . I have chosen the
- X last because there the fix is minimal: Just change the rule (line 128)
- X
- X "\n" to "{OPTWS}\n"
- X
- X - Enhancements:
- X - new option "-?" that provides some help information about the other
- X flags (main.c)
- X - new option "-aTMPPATH" that allows a redefinition of the standard
- X path for the temporary file (this might be rather large >200k if
- X F,f options are selected). (main.c, flexdef.h (l.376))
- X - hexdump of illegal characters -- this proved to be a useful debugging
- X tool especialy if invisible control characters occur which weren't
- X covered by the rules. (scan.l fprintf statement line 129,...)
- X
- X - Patches due to TOS
- X - General: TOS uses CR,LF as end of line char., Flex wants only a single
- X LF as EOL char. Therefore all I/O must be translated using f* calls.
- X This is done everywhere besides the YY_INPUT macro (flex.skel (scan.c),
- X line 31) that uses a low level 'read'. This should be definitly changed
- X to fread, so that all I/O calls occur on the same level.
- X - the short action_file_name has been "flexXXXXXX.tmp", but that's too
- X much for TOS,MSDOS ! I changed it to "flexXXXX.tmp" in main.c (patch
- X covered by the -a option additions)
- X - some compilers don't like external names that are ambiguous within
- X the first 8 characters. I defined macros that change all these long
- X external names to names that are unique within the first 8 characters.
- X Just define SHORT_EXTERNAL_NAMES to use this feature (flexdef.h)
- X - some statement changes that some compiler don't like:
- X typedef *xxx[] -> typedef **xxx (flexdef.h.,l.308)
- X "/*" -> '/','*' within a comment in (scan.l, l.209)
- X - changed short "lexyy.c" to "lex_yy.c" what's more similar to the unix
- X "lex.yy.c" (main.c).
- X - a few further really compiler dependent changes provided with
- X #ifdef ATARI && LATTICE res. TURBO braces.
- X
- X - Additional TOS only files
- X - Makefile.tos: Common makefile for all TOS compilers. If you add further
- X ones please email me the new makefile.
- X - flex.lnk: Lattice - GST linker argument extension file
- X - flex.tlk: Turbo linker argument extension file
- X
- X
- XAdditional remarks:
- X
- XI didn't add a new initscan.c (= flex -ist scan.l). The current one is good
- Xenough for a first compilation. With this first version of flex you can
- Xrebuild your own scan.c and the final flex version !
- X
- XMinix ST :
- X - I had to "chmem =70000 cv" (>50000) to get flex linked
- X - 'memset' (PC 1.3, EFTH40,...) is necessary
- X - chmem =90000 flex may be sufficient
- X
- XMinix PC :
- X It should be possible to port Flex to Minix PC. The current sizes of flex
- X are:
- X Minix ST (ACK) Lattice (TOS) Turbo (TOS)
- X
- X size 75300 83305 57957
- X compilation time 22' 15' 3'40"
- X flex -is scan.l 1'49" 43" 30"
- X
- X The Minix ST size includes the bad generated code using only a subset of
- X the 68000 commands, long addresses only and a huge relocation table.
- X Therefore the PC size will be <64 k ! More serious is the fact that I had
- X to chmem =90000 flex to get scan.l converted to scan.c . But I never saw
- X a more complex lex source than scan.l -- so it should be possible to
- X reduce some array sizes without limitation for all day usage.
- X
- X No one volunteered yet for a Minix PC port -- but if someone will try it
- X I would provide him with a new scan.c and some hints.
- X
- X Don't forget to adapt the flexskel path within flexdef.h !
- X
- X
- /
- echo x - flex.lnk
- sed '/^X/s///' > flex.lnk << '/'
- X*
- X*
- X* linker control file for flex.ttp
- X*
- X*
- X*
- XINPUT d:\latt\lib\startup.bin
- X*
- XINPUT ccl.bin
- XINPUT dfa.bin
- XINPUT ecs.bin
- XINPUT gen.bin
- XINPUT misc.bin
- XINPUT nfa.bin
- XINPUT parse.bin
- XINPUT sym.bin
- XINPUT tblcmp.bin
- XINPUT main.bin
- XINPUT yylex.bin
- XINPUT scan.bin
- X*
- XLIBRARY d:\latt\lib\clib.bin
- X
- /
- echo x - flex.tlk
- sed '/^X/s///' > flex.tlk << '/'
- Xccl.o
- Xdfa.o
- Xecs.o
- Xgen.o
- Xmisc.o
- Xnfa.o
- Xparse.o
- Xsym.o
- Xtblcmp.o
- Xyylex.o
- Xmain.o
- Xscan.o
- Xd:\turbo\lib\tcstdlib.lib ; standard lib
- Xd:\turbo\lib\tcextlib.lib ; extended lib
- Xd:\turbo\lib\tctoslib.lib ; TOS lib
- Xd:\turbo\lib\tcgemlib.lib ; AES and VDI lib
- X-S=200000
- /