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- (Message inbox:26)
- Date: Tue, 10 Jul 90 15:34:06 -0700
- From: "Peter Bigot" <pab@cs.arizona.edu>
- Subject: Re: Flex 2.3 on MSDOS
- To: pab@cs.arizona.edu, vern@cs.cornell.edu
- >> I seem to have succeeded in porting Flex 2.3 to MS-DOS, using the Microsoft
- C
- >> ...
- >
- >Are your changes with respect to the Makefile.Microsoft in the flex/MISC/
- >directory? If so, yes, please send them so I can incorporate them for
- >the 2.4 release.
- Actually, they're a rewrite of the Makefile in flex/. I've appended a copy of
- it, with assorted comments built in, to the end of this message. Anybody who
- tries to build it will probably have to make some of the other changes I
- mentioned as well.
- If you'll let me know just before you release 2.4, I can do a final port and
- change list then. I assume it isn't imminent.
- The MSC 6.0 register error is too complex to get rid of that easily. For the
- moment, my scanners aren't time-critical, so I'll just keep #define'ing
- register; I don't want to have to remove the register storage class specifiers
- one-by-one until I find a permutation which works.
- By the way, this point:
- >- Changed arguments to allocate_array and reallocate_array to unsigned ints,
- > and changed 16bit check to ((long)(element_size * size) > 0xFFFF), to handle
- > allocations between 32768 and 65535.
- was wrong. It handled the particular case I needed where the allocation was
- greater than 32768, but it won't catch actual overflow. The correct
- comparison should be:
- (((long) element_size * size) > 0xFFFFL)
- Peter
- --------------------------------------------------
- # make file for "flex" tool
- # @(#) $Header: /usr/fsys/odin/a/vern/flex/RCS/Makefile,v 2.9 90/05/26 17:28:44
- vern Exp $ (LBL)
- # Modified Tuesday, July 10, 1990, at 4:16p
- # This version is compatible with Microsoft C 6.0 and its near-Unix
- # compatible make facility 'nmake'. Lines beginning with #& do not have
- # application to MSDOS systems, and are ignored.
- # Some changes to various source files, documented in changes.dos, may
- # also need to be made.
- # You'll also need the flex.lnk file, a copy of which appears at the end of
- # this file.
- # When running bigtest, expect the -C, -Cf, and -CF tests to fail--there
- # isn't enough memory to form the scanner tables.
- # Note: I used a ported version of Bison 1.11, renamed to yacc. With luck,
- # this will soon be available for anonymous ftp from cs.arizona.edu.
- #
- # Peter A. Bigot
- # pab@cs.arizona.edu
- # Porting considerations:
- #
- # For System V Unix machines, add -DUSG to CFLAGS (if it's not
- # automatically defined)
- # For Vax/VMS, add "-DVMS -DUSG" to CFLAGS.
- # For MS-DOS, add "-DMS_DOS -DUSG" to CFLAGS. Create \tmp if not present.
- # You will also want to rename flex.skel to something with a three
- # character extension, change SKELETON_FILE below appropriately,
- # See MSDOS.notes for more info.
- # For Amiga, add "-DAMIGA -DUSG" to CFLAGS.
- # For SCO Unix, add "-DSCO_UNIX" to CFLAGS.
- #
- # For C compilers which don't know about "void", add -Dvoid=int to CFLAGS.
- #
- # If your C compiler is ANSI standard but does not include the <stdlib.h>
- # header file (some installations of gcc have this problem), then add
- #
- # By default, flex will be configured to generate 8-bit scanners only
- # if the -8 flag is given. If you want it to always generate 8-bit
- # scanners, add "-DDEFAULT_CSIZE=256" to CFLAGS. Note that doing
- # so will double the size of all uncompressed scanners.
- #
- # If on your system you have trouble building flex due to 8-bit
- # character problems, remove the -8 from FLEX_FLAGS and the
- # "#define FLEX_8_BIT_CHARS" from the beginning of flexdef.h.
- # the first time around use "make first_flex"
- # Installation targeting. Files will be installed under the tree rooted
- # at DESTDIR. User commands will be installed in BINDIR, library files
- # in LIBDIR (which will be created if necessary), auxiliary files in
- # AUXDIR, manual pages will be installed in MANDIR with extension MANEXT.
- # Raw, unformatted troff source will be installed if INSTALLMAN=man, nroff
- # preformatted versions will be installed if INSTALLMAN=cat.
- DESTDIR = c:\\
- LIBDIR = lib
- AUXDIR = lib
- #& MANDIR = /usr/man/manl
- #& MANEXT = l
- #& INSTALLMAN = man
- MAKE = nmake
- # .c.obj:
- # $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $<
- # Large memory model, initialized data larger than 16k gets its
- # own segment, set ANSI mode, define USG and MS_DOS.
- CFLAGS = -AL -Gt16384 -Za -DUSG -DMS_DOS
- FLEX_FLAGS = -ist8 -Sflex.ske
- # which "flex" to use to generate scan.c from scan.l
- FLEX = .\flex
- CC = cl
- #& AR = ar
- #& RANLIB = ranlib
- ccl.obj \
- dfa.obj \
- ecs.obj \
- gen.obj \
- main.obj \
- misc.obj \
- nfa.obj \
- parse.obj \
- scan.obj \
- sym.obj \
- tblcmp.obj \
- yylex.obj
- ccl.c \
- dfa.c \
- ecs.c \
- gen.c \
- main.c \
- misc.c \
- nfa.c \
- parse.c \
- scan.c \
- sym.c \
- tblcmp.c \
- yylex.c
- libmain.obj
- #& FLEXLIB = flexlib.a
- FLEXLIB = flexlib.lib
- all : flex.exe $(FLEXLIB)
- flex.exe : $(FLEXOBJS)
- link @flex.lnk
- # $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -Feflex $(LDFLAGS) $(FLEXOBJS)
- first_flex:
- copy initscan.c scan.c
- $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) flex.exe
- parse.h parse.c : parse.y
- yacc -d parse.y
- del parse.c
- del parse.h
- ren y_tab.c parse.c
- ren y_tab.h parse.h
- scan.c : scan.l
- $(FLEX) $(FLEX_FLAGS) $(COMPRESSION) scan.l >scan.c
- scan.obj : scan.c parse.h flexdef.h
- main.obj : main.c flexdef.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $(SKELFLAGS) main.c
- ccl.obj : ccl.c flexdef.h
- dfa.obj : dfa.c flexdef.h
- ecs.obj : ecs.c flexdef.h
- gen.obj : gen.c flexdef.h
- misc.obj : misc.c flexdef.h
- nfa.obj : nfa.c flexdef.h
- parse.obj : parse.c flexdef.h
- sym.obj : sym.c flexdef.h
- tblcmp.obj : tblcmp.c flexdef.h
- yylex.obj : yylex.c flexdef.h
- #& flex.man : flex.1
- #& nroff -man flex.1 >flex.man
- lib flexlib -+libmain ;
- #& $(AR) cru $(FLEXLIB) $(FLEX_LIB_OBJS)
- #&
- #& lint : $(FLEX_C_SOURCES)
- #& lint $(FLEX_C_SOURCES) > flex.lint
- #&
- #& distrib :
- #& mv scan.c initscan.c
- #& chmod 444 initscan.c
- #& $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) clean
- #&
- #& install: flex $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR) flex.skel install.$(INSTALLMAN) install-li
- b
- #& install -s -m 755 flex $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/flex
- #& install -c -m 644 flex.skel $(SKELETON_FILE)
- #&
- #& install-lib: $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR) $(FLEXLIB)
- #& install -c -m 644 $(FLEXLIB) $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/libfl.a
- #& $(RANLIB) $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/libfl.a
- #&
- #& mkdir $@
- #&
- #& install.man: flex.1 flexdoc.1
- #& install -c -m 644 flex.1 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/flex.$(MANEXT)
- #& install -c -m 644 flexdoc.1 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/flexdoc.$(MANEXT)
- #&
- #& install.cat: flex.1 flexdoc.1
- #& nroff -h -man flex.1 > $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/flex.$(MANEXT)
- #& nroff -h -man flexdoc.1 > $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/flexdoc.$(MANEXT)
- #& chmod 644 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/flex.$(MANEXT)
- #& chmod 644 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/flexdoc.$(MANEXT)
- #&
- #& clean :
- #& rm -f core errs flex *.obj parse.c *.lint parse.h flex.man tags \
- #& $(FLEXLIB)
- #&
- #& tags :
- #& ctags $(FLEX_C_SOURCES)
- #&
- #& vms : flex.man
- #& $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) distrib
- test : flex.exe
- #& .\flex $(FLEX_FLAGS) $(COMPRESSION) scan.l | diff scan.c -
- .\flex $(FLEX_FLAGS) $(COMPRESSION) scan.l > scan.res
- # Crude comparison; use diff or compare if you've got working versions.
- comp scan.res scan.c
- bigtest :
- #& The two resident nmake's do not leave enough memory to complete -C, -Cf,
- #& or -CF. But hey, give 'em a try.
- del scan.c
- del scan.c
- $(MAKE) COMPRESSION="-Ce" test
- del scan.c
- $(MAKE) COMPRESSION="-Cm" test
- del scan.c
- $(MAKE) COMPRESSION="-Cfe" test
- del scan.c
- del scan.c
- $(MAKE) COMPRESSION="-Cf" test
- del scan.c
- del scan.c
- $(MAKE)
- # --------------------
- # The contents of flex.lnk are:
- # ccl.obj+
- # dfa.obj+
- # ecs.obj+
- # gen.obj+
- # main.obj+
- # misc.obj+
- # nfa.obj+
- # parse.obj+
- # scan.obj+
- # sym.obj+
- # tblcmp.obj+
- # yylex.obj
- # flex.exe /exepack/farcall/noi/stack:0x3000 ;