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Lex Description | 1990-07-17 | 4.9 KB | 139 lines |
- %{
- /* fixit.l - convert long external names to names of 8-bytes or less */
- /*
- * This program is included to satisfy "dumb" compilers/linkers which
- * do not know about externals of names longer than 8 bytes.
- *
- * Steven W. Layten
- * Chemical Abstracts Service
- * PO BOX 3012
- * Columbus, OH 43210
- */
- %}
- %%
- "action_file_name" printf("actfilnm");
- "action_out" printf("actnout");
- "add_accept" printf("addacpt");
- "all_lower" printf("alllower");
- "all_upper" printf("allupper");
- "allocate_array" printf("allocarr");
- "assoc_rule" printf("asscrule");
- "backtrack_file" printf("bktrkfil");
- "backtrack_report" printf("bktrkrep");
- "bol_needed" printf("bol_nded");
- "build_eof_action" printf("bldeofac");
- "cclinstal" printf("cclnstal");
- "ccllookup" printf("ccllookp");
- "cclnegate" printf("cclnegat");
- "cclsorted" printf("cclsrted");
- "check_for_backtracking" printf("ck4bktrk");
- "check_trailing_context" printf("cktrlcnt");
- "continued_action" printf("cntdactn");
- "copy_string" printf("copystrn");
- "copy_unsigned_string" printf("cpunsstr");
- "copyright" printf("cpyrght");
- "copysingl" printf("copysngl");
- "current_max_ccl_tbl_size" printf("c_mx_ccl");
- "current_max_dfa_size" printf("c_mx_dfa");
- "current_max_dfas" printf("c_mxdfas");
- "current_max_rules" printf("curmxrls");
- "current_max_scs" printf("c_mx_scs");
- "current_max_template_xpairs" printf("c_mx_tmp");
- "current_max_xpairs" printf("c_mx_xpr");
- "current_maxccls" printf("c_mxccls");
- "current_mns" printf("curr_mns");
- "current_state_type" printf("cursttyp");
- "dataflush" printf("datflush");
- "dfaacc_union" printf("dfacunin");
- "do_indent" printf("do_indnt");
- "dump_associated_rules" printf("dmpasrl");
- "dump_transitions" printf("dmptrns");
- "dupmachine" printf("dupmach");
- "ecs_from_xlation" printf("ecsfrmxt");
- "end_of_buffer_state" printf("eobstate");
- "epsclosure" printf("epsclos");
- "expand_nxt_chk" printf("expnxtck");
- "find_table_space" printf("fndtblsp");
- "finish_rule" printf("fnshrule");
- "firstfree" printf("firstfre");
- "firstprot" printf("firstprt");
- "flex_gettime" printf("flxgettm");
- "flexerror" printf("flxerror");
- "flexfatal" printf("flxfatal");
- "format_pinpoint_message" printf("fmtptmsg");
- "gen_NUL_trans" printf("gnNULtrn");
- "gen_backtracking" printf("gnbktrkg");
- "gen_bt_action" printf("gnbtactn");
- "gen_find_action" printf("gnfndact");
- "gen_line_dirs" printf("gnlindir");
- "gen_next_compressed_state" printf("gnnxcste");
- "gen_next_match" printf("gnnxmtch");
- "gen_next_state" printf("gnnxtst");
- "gen_start_state" printf("gnstrtst");
- "hash_entry" printf("hshentry");
- "hashfunct" printf("hshfct");
- "increase_max_dfas" printf("incmxdfa");
- "indent_put2s" printf("indput2s");
- "indent_puts" printf("indputs");
- "infilename" printf("infilnam");
- "input_files" printf("inp_fles");
- "interactive" printf("intractv");
- "line_directive_out" printf("lndirout");
- "link_machines" printf("lnkmchns");
- "list_character_set" printf("lst_cset");
- "make_tables" printf("maketbls");
- "mark_beginning_as_normal" printf("mkbgnorm");
- "mktemplate" printf("mktmplat");
- "num_backtracking" printf("nbktrckg");
- "num_input_files" printf("ninfiles");
- "num_reallocs" printf("numraloc");
- "num_rules" printf("numrules");
- "num_xlations" printf("nuxlatns");
- "numsnpairs" printf("numnpair");
- "output_file_name" printf("outfilnm");
- "peakpairs" printf("peakpair");
- "performance_report" printf("perf_rep");
- "pinpoint_message" printf("pptmsg");
- "place_state" printf("plcstate");
- "previous_continued_action" printf("prvctdan");
- "printstats" printf("prtstats");
- "program_name" printf("pgm_name");
- "protcomst" printf("prtcomst");
- "readable_form" printf("rdblefrm");
- "real_reject" printf("realrjct");
- "reallocate_array" printf("rallocar");
- "reject_really_used" printf("rjctused");
- "rule_linenum" printf("rulelnno");
- "rule_type" printf("ruletype");
- "set_input_file" printf("stinpfle");
- "set_up_initial_allocations" printf("setupia");
- "starttime" printf("startime");
- "state_type" printf("ste_type");
- "symfollowset" printf("symfollo");
- "sympartition" printf("sympartn");
- "syntaxerror" printf("syntxerr");
- "temp_action_file" printf("tmpactfl");
- "todo_head" printf("todohead");
- "todo_next" printf("todonext");
- "transchar" printf("trnschar");
- "transition_struct_out" printf("trnstout");
- "trlcontxt" printf("trlcntxt");
- "variable_trail_rule" printf("vtrailrl");
- "variable_trailing_context_rules" printf("vtrlctrl");
- "varlength" printf("varlngth");
- "yy_create_buffer" printf("yycrbffr");
- "yy_delete_buffer" printf("yydlbffr");
- "yy_init_buffer" printf("yyinbffr");
- "yy_load_buffer_state" printf("yyldbfst");
- "yy_switch_to_buffer" printf("yyswtobf");
- "yyerrflag" printf("yyerrflg");
- "yymore_really_used" printf("yymrreus");
- "yymore_used" printf("yymrused");
- "yyrestart" printf("yyrestrt");
- . ECHO;
- %%
- main()
- {
- yylex();
- }