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Makefile | 1990-12-12 | 8.5 KB | 277 lines |
- add -8 to FLEX_FLAGS
- (Message inbox:29)
- Date: Thu, 16 Aug 90 13:40:48 CDT
- From: Terry Poot <tp@mccall.com>
- Subject: Re: flex 2.3 patch #4
- To: vern@cs.cornell.edu
- >You shouldn't need either alloca() or bcopy() - try deleting them from
- >the Makefile and see if it still builds. If it does, let me know and
- >I'll fix the Makefile for the 2.4 release. (I don't keep the Makefile
- >up-to-date it since I don't have a VMS system easily available for testing.)
- Well, I built it. The makefile provided depended on a non-standard configuratio
- n
- of the system libraries (the C library is NOT searched by default on VMS, but
- that file assumed it was, which CAN be arranged easily, but it doesn't come tha
- t
- way). I've fixed this problem. I've also modified it to be able to use YACC
- rather than BISON, though BISON is the default. In addition to this file, I'm
- enclosing a link options file (needed to fix the above problem), and a VMS
- command procedure useable by sites without MMS (which is an extra cost product
- from DEC) to build FLEX. I don't have shar, and I figured a VMS_SHARE file
- wouldn't do you any good, so you'll have to unpack these by hand.
- When I built it, the test failed. It looks like initscan has not been rebuilt
- with the new version. The only difference that concerns me is that yy_ec has
- gone from [128] to [256], and been padded with "1" values. I don't know if that
- is correct or not. Perhaps initscan should be rebuilt with the new flex so the
- test will succeed. On the other hand, perhaps the problem is caused by my use o
- f
- YACC rather than BISON, or that my patches are all screwed up. Any ideas?
- I didn't have the original files you sent me, so I just used the new misc.c wit
- h
- the rest of the files. If the only patch I screwed up was #4, this should be OK
- ,
- but on the other hand there may be other problems that caused the above
- behavior. In either case, the files below should be fine, since you haven't
- changed the build procedure appreciably. If my copy is messed up, I'll just get
- it from comp.sources.unix when it comes out (is there any way you can get these
- files into that distribution before it is posted?).
- ------------ Begin new file flex/misc/opt.opt --------------
- sys$share:vaxcrtl.exe/share
- ------------ Begin new file flex/misc/vmsbuild.com ---------
- $ ! vmsbuild.com
- $ ! VMS build procedure for FLEX
- $ goto start
- $ help:
- $ type sys$input
- To use:
- Define tools$$exe, tools$$library, and tools$$manual to reflect the
- locations where you would like to store the executables, library (flex.skel)
- and the manual pages. These names can be defined at the command line
- prompt: eg.
- $ define tools$$exe disk:[dir1.dir2.etc]
- Your default directory should be the directory containing the flex
- source. This file (vmsbuild.com) and the file opt.opt should be in the
- [.misc] subdirectory under the default directory. You may now execute the
- following command at the DCL command line:
- $ @[.misc]vmsbuild
- If you want to use YACC rather than BISON, enter the following command
- at the DCL prompt instead:
- $ @[.misc]vmsbuild yacc
- $ stop
- $ start:
- $ if f$trnlnm("tools$$exe").eqs."".or. -
- f$trnlnm("tools$$library").eqs."".or. -
- f$trnlnm("tools$$exe").eqs."".or. -
- f$search("[.misc]opt.opt").eqs."" then goto help
- $ old_ve = f$verify(1)
- $ copy flex.skel tools$$library:flex.skel
- $ ! Installed tools$$library:flex.skel
- $ copy flex.1 tools$$manual:flex.doc
- $ ! installed tools$$manual:flex.doc
- $ cc /define=(VMS,USG) ccl.c
- $ cc /define=(VMS,USG) dfa.c
- $ cc /define=(VMS,USG) ecs.c
- $ cc /define=(VMS,USG) gen.c
- $ cc /define=(VMS,USG,"DEFAULT_SKELETON_FILE=""tools$$library:FLEX.SKEL""")
- main.c
- $ cc /define=(VMS,USG) misc.c
- $ cc /define=(VMS,USG) nfa.c
- $ if p2.eqs."YACC"
- $ then
- $ yacc -d -v parse.y
- $ copy y-tab.c parse.c
- $ del/noconfirm y-tab.c;*
- $ copy y-tab.h parse.h
- $ del/noconfirm y-tab.h;*
- $ else
- $ bison/defines/verbose/fixed_outfiles parse.y
- $ copy y_tab.c parse.c
- $ del/noconfirm y_tab.c;*
- $ copy y_tab.h parse.h
- $ del/noconfirm y_tab.h;*
- $ endif
- $ cc /define=(VMS,USG) parse.c
- $ copy initscan.c scan.c
- $ cc /define=(VMS,USG) scan.c
- $ cc /define=(VMS,USG) sym.c
- $ cc /define=(VMS,USG) tblcmp.c
- $ cc /define=(VMS,USG) yylex.c
- $ link /exe=flex.exe -
- ccl.obj,dfa.obj,ecs.obj,gen.obj,main.obj,misc.obj,nfa.obj,parse.obj, -
- scan.obj,sym.obj,tblcmp.obj,yylex.obj,[.misc]opt.opt/opt
- $ copy flex.exe tools$$exe:flex.exe
- $ flex :== $ tools$$exe:flex.exe
- $ ! Installed FLEX and LIBRARIES
- $ x = f$verify(old_ve)
- ------------ Begin changed file flex/misc/makefile.vms ---------
- ############################ VMS MAKEFILE ##############################
- #
- # Define tools$$exe, tools$$library, and tools$$manual to reflect the
- # locations where you would like to store the executables, library (flex.skel)
- # and the manual pages. These names can be defined at the command line
- # prompt: eg.
- # $ define tools$$exe disk:[dir1.dir2.etc]
- #
- # If you want to use YACC rather than BISON, enter the following command
- # at the DCL prompt before running MMS.
- #
- # $ use_yacc==1
- #
- # Your default directory should be the directory containing the flex
- # source. This file (makefile.vms) and the file opt.opt should be in the
- # [.misc] subdirectory under the default directory. You may now execute the
- # following commands at the DCL command line:
- #
- # $ mms/descrip=[.misc]makefile.vms install
- # $ mms/descrip=[.misc]makefile.vms test
- # $ mms/descrip=[.misc]makefile.vms clean
- #
- # When "mms/descrip=[.misc]makefile.vms test" is executed the diff should
- # not show any differences. In fact the same effect can be achieved by
- #
- # $ mms/descrip=[.misc]makefile.vms install, test, clean
- #
- # VMS make file for "flex" tool
- # Redefine the following for your own environment
- BIN = tools$$exe
- LIB = tools$$library
- MAN = tools$$manual
- FLEX_FLAGS = -is
- FLEXOBJS = ccl.obj dfa.obj ecs.obj gen.obj main.obj misc.obj nfa.obj -
- parse.obj scan.obj sym.obj tblcmp.obj yylex.obj
- OBJ = ccl.obj,dfa.obj,ecs.obj,gen.obj,main.obj,misc.obj,nfa.obj,parse.obj, -
- scan.obj,sym.obj,tblcmp.obj,yylex.obj
- default : flex
- ! installed FLEX
- install : lib man bin
- !Installed FLEX and LIBRARIES
- lib : $(LIB):flex.skel
- ! Installed $(LIB):flex.skel
- bin : $(BIN):flex.exe
- flex :== $ $(BIN):flex.exe
- man : $(MAN):flex.doc
- ! installed $(MAN):flex.doc
- $(LIB):flex.skel : flex.skel
- copy flex.skel $(LIB):flex.skel
- $(BIN):flex.exe : flex.exe
- copy flex.exe $(BIN):flex.exe
- $(MAN):flex.doc : flex.1
- copy flex.1 $(MAN):flex.doc
- flex : flex.exe
- copy flex.exe $(BIN):flex.exe
- flex.exe : $(FLEXOBJS)
- link /exe=flex.exe -
- $(OBJ),[.misc]opt.opt/opt
- .ifdef use_yacc
- parse.c : parse.y
- yacc -d -v parse.y
- copy y-tab.c parse.c
- del/noconfirm y-tab.c;*
- parse.h : parse.c
- copy y-tab.h parse.h
- del/noconfirm y-tab.h;*
- .else
- parse.c : parse.y
- bison/defines/verbose/fixed_outfiles parse.y
- copy y_tab.c parse.c
- del/noconfirm y_tab.c;*
- parse.h : parse.c
- copy y_tab.h parse.h
- del/noconfirm y_tab.h;*
- .endif
- scan.c : initscan.c
- copy initscan.c scan.c
- ccl.obj : ccl.c flexdef.h
- cc /define=($(CCFLAGS)) ccl.c
- dfa.obj : dfa.c flexdef.h
- cc /define=($(CCFLAGS)) dfa.c
- ecs.obj : ecs.c flexdef.h
- cc /define=($(CCFLAGS)) ecs.c
- gen.obj : gen.c flexdef.h
- cc /define=($(CCFLAGS)) gen.c
- main.obj : main.c flexdef.h
- cc /define=($(CCFLAGS),$(SKELETON_FILE)) main.c
- misc.obj : misc.c flexdef.h
- cc /define=($(CCFLAGS)) misc.c
- nfa.obj : nfa.c flexdef.h
- cc /define=($(CCFLAGS)) nfa.c
- parse.obj : parse.c flexdef.h parse.h
- cc /define=($(CCFLAGS)) parse.c
- scan.obj : scan.c parse.h flexdef.h
- cc /define=($(CCFLAGS)) scan.c
- sym.obj : sym.c flexdef.h
- cc /define=($(CCFLAGS)) sym.c
- tblcmp.obj : tblcmp.c flexdef.h
- cc /define=($(CCFLAGS)) tblcmp.c
- yylex.obj : yylex.c parse.h flexdef.h
- cc /define=($(CCFLAGS)) yylex.c
- clean :
- ! Cleaning up by deleting unnecessary object files etc.
- - delete/noconfirm scan.c;*
- - delete/noconfirm parse.c;*
- - delete/noconfirm parse.h;*
- - delete/noconfirm lexyy.c;*
- - delete/noconfirm *.obj;*
- - delete/noconfirm flex*.tmp;*
- - delete/noconfirm y.output;*
- - delete/noconfirm *.diff;*
- - delete/noconfirm y_tab.*;*
- - purge/log
- test : $(BIN):flex.exe
- flex :== $ $(BIN):flex.exe
- define tools$$library 'f$environment("default")'
- sho log tools$$library
- flex $(FLEX_FLAGS) scan.l
- diff/out=flex.diff initscan.c lexyy.c
- type/page flex.diff
- ----------- End of file ----------------
- Terry Poot <tp@mccall.com> The McCall Pattern Company
- (uucp: ...!rutgers!ksuvax1!mccall!tp) 615 McCall Road
- (800)255-2762, in KS (913)776-4041 Manhattan, KS 66502, USA