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- (Message inbox:115)
- Date: Tue, 20 Nov 90 14:45 EDT
- From: Stu McGraw <SYSMAN%hilbert@gte.com>
- Subject: Flex bug and fix
- To: vern@cs.cornell.edu
- X-Vms-To: IN%"vern@cs.cornell.edu"
- Hi Vern,
- I just installed (on VMS) the new version of flex (2.3.6) that
- was posted to usenet recently. Thanks! You did a terrific job! I've
- been using an older version but really needed the eight-bit support.
- I did come across a minor bug though. On VMS, when you do a "flex -pv
- foo" and foo doesn't exist, you get an access violation (due to deref-
- rencing a null pointer) when flexend() tries to print statistics, some
- of which (e.g the starting time) have not been initialized yet. I fixed
- this in my version by setting a boolean at the end of flexinit() and
- only doing the printstats stuff if it is set (on the theory that this
- is more reliable than trying to maintain the ordering of everything
- or checking each pointer for null individually.)
- I also added a VMS-style command line interface (like the one bison
- has) that you might want to include in future versions. I don't know
- how interested you are in providing VMS suppport (probably not very!)
- so I packaged it so that changes to your code are minimal (a few lines
- changed in main.c along with the bug fix mentioned above, and a few new
- VMS specific files). The VMS files could be segregated in ./MISC or a
- ./VMS subdirectory. The VMS command line change in main.c is #ifdef'd
- so that it can be compiled for that or for the original unix-style
- interface.
- I reworked the VMS makefile so that one can build flex with either the
- unix-style command line interface (as it is now) or with the VMS-style
- command line interface by selecting a few defines. I also have a VMS
- help file entry derived from flex.man (after many hours of editing!).
- Finally, a request for a minor change for future distributions. Would
- it be possible to include in the package pre-formatted versions of
- flex.1 and flexdoc.1 (flex.man and flexdoc.man)? Your makefile has
- a target ("vms") to make flex.man. If this was a dependent of "distrib"
- rather than the other way around this would happen automatically. Of
- course, then these files would also be included in the distribution for
- unix sites but the unix makefile could include "rm *.man" in some target
- involved in building flex to get rid of them. Also, when formatting the
- man pages for VMS, piping the nroff output through "col -b" removes the
- back-spaces, at least on our Ultrix system here, and makes the files much
- more useful on non-unix systems. I would have made these changes to the
- makefile myself and provided a diff for you but I'm not a very expert
- unix user and you I'm sure have a much better chance of doing it right!
- If your interested, I'll be happy to send you this stuff. I shouldn't
- require much effort on your part -- a small context diff for main.c,
- everthing else can just be dumped in a flex subdirectory. It includes
- copeious (sorry about the spelling) documentation.
- Thanks again,
- -- Stu
- --
- Stuart McGraw sjm0@gte.com
- GTE Labs, Waltham MA mcgraw@hilbert.gte.com
- (617) 466-2525 {hsuc6,harvard}!bunny!hilbert.gte.com!mcgraw