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GNU Info File | 1994-06-13 | 18.3 KB | 360 lines |
- This is Info file gawk.info, produced by Makeinfo-1.55 from the input
- file /gnu/src/amiga/gawk-2.15.5/gawk.texi.
- This file documents `awk', a program that you can use to select
- particular records in a file and perform operations upon them.
- This is Edition 0.15 of `The GAWK Manual',
- for the 2.15 version of the GNU implementation
- of AWK.
- Copyright (C) 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
- manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
- preserved on all copies.
- Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
- this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that
- the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
- permission notice identical to this one.
- Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
- manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified
- versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a
- translation approved by the Foundation.
- File: gawk.info, Node: Index, Prev: Glossary, Up: Top
- Index
- *****
- * Menu:
- * $ (field operator): Fields.
- * -assign option: Options.
- * -compat option: Options.
- * -copyleft option: Options.
- * -copyright option: Options.
- * -field-separator option: Options.
- * -file option: Options.
- * -help option: Options.
- * -lint option: Options.
- * -posix option: Options.
- * -source option: Options.
- * -usage option: Options.
- * -version option: Options.
- * AWKPATH environment variable: AWKPATH Variable.
- * awk language: This Manual.
- * awk program: This Manual.
- * BEGIN special pattern: BEGIN/END.
- * break statement: Break Statement.
- * continue statement: Continue Statement.
- * delete statement: Delete.
- * END special pattern: BEGIN/END.
- * exit statement: Exit Statement.
- * for (x in ...): Scanning an Array.
- * for statement: For Statement.
- * if statement: If Statement.
- * next file statement: Next File Statement.
- * next statement: Next Statement.
- * printf statement, syntax of: Basic Printf.
- * printf, format-control characters: Control Letters.
- * printf, modifiers: Format Modifiers.
- * print statement: Print.
- * return statement: Return Statement.
- * while statement: While Statement.
- * /dev/fd/: Special Files.
- * /dev/pgrpid: Special Files.
- * /dev/pid: Special Files.
- * /dev/ppid: Special Files.
- * /dev/stderr: Special Files.
- * /dev/stdin: Special Files.
- * /dev/stdout: Special Files.
- * /dev/user: Special Files.
- * BBS-list file: Sample Data Files.
- * inventory-shipped file: Sample Data Files.
- * #!: Executable Scripts.
- * #: Comments.
- * -F option: Field Separators.
- * -f option: Long.
- * -v option: Options.
- * -W option: Options.
- * print $0: Very Simple.
- * accessing fields: Fields.
- * acronym: History.
- * action, curly braces: Actions.
- * action, default: Very Simple.
- * action, definition of: Actions.
- * action, separating statements: Actions.
- * addition: Arithmetic Ops.
- * and operator: Boolean Ops.
- * anonymous ftp: Extracting.
- * anonymous uucp: Extracting.
- * applications of awk: When.
- * ARGIND: Auto-set.
- * arguments in function call: Function Calls.
- * arguments, command line: Command Line.
- * ARGV: Other Arguments.
- * arithmetic operators: Arithmetic Ops.
- * array assignment: Assigning Elements.
- * array reference: Reference to Elements.
- * arrays: Array Intro.
- * arrays, definition of: Array Intro.
- * arrays, deleting an element: Delete.
- * arrays, multi-dimensional subscripts: Multi-dimensional.
- * arrays, presence of elements: Reference to Elements.
- * arrays, special for statement: Scanning an Array.
- * assignment operators: Assignment Ops.
- * assignment to fields: Changing Fields.
- * associative arrays: Array Intro.
- * backslash continuation: Statements/Lines.
- * basic function of gawk: Getting Started.
- * body of a loop: While Statement.
- * boolean expressions: Boolean Ops.
- * boolean operators: Boolean Ops.
- * boolean patterns: Boolean Patterns.
- * buffering output: I/O Functions.
- * buffers, flushing: I/O Functions.
- * built-in functions: Built-in.
- * built-in variables: Built-in Variables.
- * built-in variables, user modifiable: User-modified.
- * call by reference: Function Caveats.
- * call by value: Function Caveats.
- * calling a function: Function Calls.
- * case sensitivity: Read Terminal.
- * changing contents of a field: Changing Fields.
- * close: Close Input.
- * close: Close Output.
- * closing input files and pipes: Close Input.
- * closing output files and pipes: Close Output.
- * command line: Command Line.
- * command line formats: Running gawk.
- * command line, setting FS on: Field Separators.
- * comments: Comments.
- * comparison expressions: Comparison Ops.
- * comparison expressions as patterns: Comparison Patterns.
- * computed regular expressions: Regexp Usage.
- * concatenation: Concatenation.
- * conditional expression: Conditional Exp.
- * constants, types of: Constants.
- * continuation of lines: Statements/Lines.
- * control statement: Statements.
- * conversion of strings and numbers: Conversion.
- * conversion of strings and numbers: Values.
- * conversions, during subscripting: Numeric Array Subscripts.
- * CONVFMT: Numeric Array Subscripts.
- * CONVFMT: Comparison Ops.
- * CONVFMT: Conversion.
- * curly braces: Actions.
- * default action: Very Simple.
- * default pattern: Very Simple.
- * defining functions: Definition Syntax.
- * deleting elements of arrays: Delete.
- * deprecated features: Obsolete.
- * deprecated options: Obsolete.
- * differences: gawk and awk: Getline.
- * directory search: AWKPATH Variable.
- * division: Arithmetic Ops.
- * documenting awk programs: Comments.
- * dynamic regular expressions: Regexp Usage.
- * element assignment: Assigning Elements.
- * element of array: Reference to Elements.
- * empty pattern: Empty.
- * ENVIRON: Auto-set.
- * ERRNO: Getline.
- * escape sequence notation: Constants.
- * examining fields: Fields.
- * executable scripts: Executable Scripts.
- * explicit input: Getline.
- * exponentiation: Arithmetic Ops.
- * expression: Expressions.
- * expression, conditional: Conditional Exp.
- * expressions, assignment: Assignment Ops.
- * expressions, boolean: Boolean Ops.
- * expressions, comparison: Comparison Ops.
- * field separator, FS: Field Separators.
- * field separator, choice of: Field Separators.
- * field separator: on command line: Field Separators.
- * field, changing contents of: Changing Fields.
- * fields: Fields.
- * fields, separating: Field Separators.
- * file descriptors: Special Files.
- * file, awk program: Long.
- * FILENAME: Reading Files.
- * flushing buffers: I/O Functions.
- * FNR: Records.
- * format specifier: Control Letters.
- * format string: Basic Printf.
- * formatted output: Printf.
- * FS: Field Separators.
- * ftp, anonymous: Extracting.
- * function call: Function Calls.
- * function definition: Definition Syntax.
- * functions, user-defined: User-defined.
- * getline: Getline.
- * getting gawk: Extracting.
- * gsub: String Functions.
- * history of awk: History.
- * how awk works: Two Rules.
- * increment operators: Increment Ops.
- * input: Reading Files.
- * input file, sample: Sample Data Files.
- * input redirection: Getline.
- * input, getline command: Getline.
- * input, explicit: Getline.
- * input, multiple line records: Multiple Line.
- * input, standard: Read Terminal.
- * installation, atari: Atari Installation.
- * installation, ms-dos: MS-DOS Installation.
- * installation, unix: Quick Installation.
- * installation, vms: VMS Installation.
- * interaction, awk and other programs: I/O Functions.
- * invocation of gawk: Command Line.
- * language, awk: This Manual.
- * length: String Functions.
- * logical operations: Boolean Ops.
- * long options: Command Line.
- * loop: While Statement.
- * loops, exiting: Break Statement.
- * lvalue: Assignment Ops.
- * manual, using this: This Manual.
- * match: String Functions.
- * match: String Functions.
- * metacharacters: Regexp Operators.
- * modifiers (in format specifiers): Format Modifiers.
- * multi-dimensional subscripts: Multi-dimensional.
- * multiple line records: Multiple Line.
- * multiple passes over data: Other Arguments.
- * multiple statements on one line: Statements/Lines.
- * multiplication: Arithmetic Ops.
- * NF: Fields.
- * not operator: Boolean Ops.
- * NR: Records.
- * number of fields, NF: Fields.
- * number of records, NR or FNR: Records.
- * numbers, used as subscripts: Numeric Array Subscripts.
- * numeric constant: Constants.
- * numeric value: Constants.
- * obsolete features: Obsolete.
- * obsolete options: Obsolete.
- * OFMT: Conversion.
- * OFS: Output Separators.
- * one-liners: One-liners.
- * operator precedence: Precedence.
- * operators, $: Fields.
- * operators, arithmetic: Arithmetic Ops.
- * operators, assignment: Assignment Ops.
- * operators, boolean: Boolean Ops.
- * operators, increment: Increment Ops.
- * operators, regexp matching: Regexp Usage.
- * operators, relational: Comparison Patterns.
- * operators, relational: Comparison Ops.
- * operators, string: Concatenation.
- * operators, string-matching: Regexp Usage.
- * options, command line: Command Line.
- * options, long: Command Line.
- * or operator: Boolean Ops.
- * ORS: Output Separators.
- * output: Printing.
- * output field separator, OFS: Output Separators.
- * output record separator, ORS: Output Separators.
- * output redirection: Redirection.
- * output, buffering: I/O Functions.
- * output, formatted: Printf.
- * output, piping: File/Pipe Redirection.
- * passes, multiple: Other Arguments.
- * path, search: AWKPATH Variable.
- * pattern, case sensitive: Read Terminal.
- * pattern, comparison expressions: Comparison Patterns.
- * pattern, default: Very Simple.
- * pattern, definition of: Patterns.
- * pattern, empty: Empty.
- * pattern, regular expressions: Regexp.
- * patterns, BEGIN: BEGIN/END.
- * patterns, END: BEGIN/END.
- * patterns, boolean: Boolean Patterns.
- * patterns, range: Ranges.
- * patterns, types of: Kinds of Patterns.
- * pipes for output: File/Pipe Redirection.
- * precedence: Precedence.
- * printing: Printing.
- * program file: Long.
- * program, awk: This Manual.
- * program, definition of: Getting Started.
- * program, self contained: Executable Scripts.
- * programs, documenting: Comments.
- * quotient: Arithmetic Ops.
- * range pattern: Ranges.
- * reading files: Reading Files.
- * reading files, getline command: Getline.
- * reading files, multiple line records: Multiple Line.
- * record separator: Records.
- * records, multiple line: Multiple Line.
- * redirection of input: Getline.
- * redirection of output: Redirection.
- * reference to array: Reference to Elements.
- * regexp: Regexp.
- * regexp as expression: Comparison Ops.
- * regexp operators: Comparison Ops.
- * regexp search operators: Regexp Usage.
- * regular expression matching operators: Regexp Usage.
- * regular expression metacharacters: Regexp Operators.
- * regular expressions as field separators: Field Separators.
- * regular expressions as patterns: Regexp.
- * regular expressions, computed: Regexp Usage.
- * relational operators: Comparison Ops.
- * relational operators: Comparison Patterns.
- * remainder: Arithmetic Ops.
- * removing elements of arrays: Delete.
- * RLENGTH: String Functions.
- * RS: Records.
- * RSTART: String Functions.
- * rule, definition of: Getting Started.
- * running awk programs: Running gawk.
- * running long programs: Long.
- * sample input file: Sample Data Files.
- * scanning an array: Scanning an Array.
- * script, definition of: Getting Started.
- * scripts, executable: Executable Scripts.
- * scripts, shell: Executable Scripts.
- * search path: AWKPATH Variable.
- * self contained programs: Executable Scripts.
- * shell scripts: Executable Scripts.
- * side effect: Assignment Ops.
- * single quotes, why needed: One-shot.
- * split: String Functions.
- * sprintf: String Functions.
- * standard error output: Special Files.
- * standard input: Read Terminal.
- * standard input: Reading Files.
- * standard input: Special Files.
- * standard output: Special Files.
- * strftime: Time Functions.
- * string constants: Constants.
- * string operators: Concatenation.
- * string-matching operators: Regexp Usage.
- * sub: String Functions.
- * subscripts in arrays: Multi-dimensional.
- * SUBSEP: Multi-dimensional.
- * substr: String Functions.
- * subtraction: Arithmetic Ops.
- * system: I/O Functions.
- * systime: Time Functions.
- * time of day: Time Functions.
- * time stamps: Time Functions.
- * tolower: String Functions.
- * toupper: String Functions.
- * use of comments: Comments.
- * user-defined functions: User-defined.
- * user-defined variables: Variables.
- * uses of awk: Preface.
- * using this manual: This Manual.
- * uucp, anonymous: Extracting.
- * variables, user-defined: Variables.
- * when to use awk: When.