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Text File | 1992-07-06 | 59.6 KB | 1,190 lines |
- ! Gawk.Hlp
- ! Pat Rankin, Jun'90
- ! revised, Jun'91
- ! revised, Jul'92
- ! Online help for GAWK.
- !
- 1 GAWK
- GAWK is GNU awk, the Free Software Foundation's implementation of
- the awk programming language. awk is an interpretive language which
- can handle many data-reformatting jobs with just a few lines of code.
- It has powerful string manipulation and pattern matching capabilities
- built in. This version should be compatible with POSIX 1003.2 awk.
- The VMS version of GAWK supports both the original UN*X-style command
- interface and a DCL interface. The only setup requirement for GAWK
- is to define it as a 'foreign' command: a DCL symbol with a value
- which begins with '$'.
- $ GAWK :== $disk:[directory]GAWK
- 2 GNU_syntax
- GAWK's UN*X-style interface uses the 'dash' convention for specifying
- options and uses spaces to separate multiple arguments.
- There are two main alternatives, depending on how the awk program is
- to be passed to GAWK. Both alternatives share most options.
- Usage: $ gawk [-W opts] [-F fs] [-v var=val] -f progfile [--] file ...
- or $ gawk [-W opts] [-F fs] [-v var=val] [--] "program" file ...
- The options are case-sensitive. On VMS, the DCL command interpreter
- converts unquoted text into uppercase before passing it to the running
- program. However, GAWK is written in 'C' and the C Run-Time Library
- (VAXCRTL) converts unquoted text into *lowercase*. Therefore, the
- -Fval and -W options must be enclosed in quotes.
- Note: under VMS POSIX, the usual shell command line processing occurs.
- 3 options
- -f file use the specified file as the awk program source; if more
- than one instance of -f is used, each file will be read
- in succession
- -Fstring define a value for the FS variable (field separator)
- -v var=val assign a value of 'val' to the variable 'var'
- -W 'options' additional gawk-specific options; multiple values may
- be separated by commas, or by spaces if they're quoted,
- or mulitple occurrences of -W may be used.
- -W compat use awk "compatibility mode" to disable GAWK extensions
- and get the behavior of UN*X awk.
- -W copyright [or -W copyleft] display an abbreviated version of
- the GNU copyright information
- -W lint warn about suspect or non-portable awk program code
- -W posix compatibility mode with additional restrictions
- -W version display program version number
- -- don't check further arguments for leading dash
- 3 program_text
- If the '-f file' option is not used on the command line, then the
- first "non-dash" argument is assumed to be a string of text containing
- the awk source program. Here is a complete sample program:
- $ gawk -- "BEGIN {print ""\nHello, World!\n""}"
- This program would print a blank line (based on first "\n"), followed
- by a line reading "Hello, World!", followed by another blank line
- (since awk's 'print' statement includes the trailing 'newline').
- On VMS, to include a quote character inside of a quoted string, two
- successive quotes ("") must be used. (Not necessary for VMS POSIX.)
- 3 data_files
- After all dash-options are examined, and after the program text if
- there were no occurrences of the -f option, remaining (space separated)
- command line arguments are considered to be data files for the awk
- program to process. If any of these actually contains an equals sign
- (=), then it is interpreted as a variable assignment instead of a data
- file. The syntax is 'variable_name=value'. For example, the command
- $ gawk -f myprog.awk infile.one flag=2 start=0 infile.two
- would read file 'infile.one' for the program in 'myprog.awk', then it
- would set 'flag' to 2 and 'start' to 0, and finally it would read file
- 'infile.two' for the program. Note that in a case like this, the two
- assignments actually occur after the first file has been processed,
- not at program startup when the command line is first scanned.
- 3 IO_redirection
- The command parsing in the VMS implementation of GAWK does some
- emulation of a UN*X-style shell, where certain characters on the
- command line have special meaning. In particular, the symbols '<',
- '>', '|', '*', and '?' receive special handling before the main part
- of the program has a chance to see them. The symbols '<' and '>'
- perform some file manipulation from the command line:
- <ifile open file 'ifile' (readonly) as 'stdin' [SYS$INPUT]
- >nfile create 'nfile' as 'stdout' [SYS$OUTPUT], in stream-lf format
- >>ofile append to 'ofile' for 'stdout'; create it if necessary
- >&efile point 'stderr' [SYS$ERROR] at 'efile', but don't open it yet
- >$vfile create 'vfile' as 'stdout', using RMS attributes appropriate
- for a standard text file (variable length records with
- implied carriage control)
- 2>&1 route error messages into the regular output stream
- 1>&2 send output data to the error destination
- <<sentinel error; reading stdin until 'sentinel' not supported
- <-, >- error; closure of stdin or stdout from cmd line not supported
- >>$vfile incorrect; would be interpreted as file "$vfile" in stream-lf
- format rather than as file "vfile" in RMS 'text' format
- | error; command line pipes not supported
- Note: under VMS POSIX these features are implemented by the shell
- rather than inside GAWK, so consult the shell documentation for
- specific details.
- 3 wildcard_expansion
- The command parsing in the VMS implementation of GAWK does some
- emulation of a UN*X-style shell, where certain characters on the
- command line have special meaning. In particular, the symbols '<',
- '>', '*', '%', and '?' receive special handling before the main part
- of the program has a chance to see them. The symbols '*', '%' and '?'
- are used as wildcards in filenames. '*' and '%' have their usual VMS
- meanings of multiple character and single character wildcards,
- respectively, and '?' is also treated as a single character wildcard.
- When a command line argument that should be a filename contains any
- of the wildcard characters, a directory lookup is attempted for files
- which match the specified pattern. If one or more matching files are
- found, those filenames are put into the command line in place of the
- original pattern. If no matching files are found, the original
- pattern is left in place.
- Note: under VMS POSIX wildcard expansion, or "file globbing", is
- performed by the shell rather than inside GAWK, so consult the shell
- documentation for details. In particular, the last sentence of the
- previous paragraph does not apply.
- 2 DCL_syntax
- GAWK's DCL-style interface is more or less a standard DCL command, with
- one required parameter. Multiple values--when present--are separated
- by commas.
- There are two main alternatives, depending on how the awk program is
- to be passed to GAWK. Both alternatives share most options.
- Usage: GAWK /COMMANDS="awk program text" data_file[,data_file,...]
- or GAWK /INPUT=awk_file data_file[,"Var=value",data_file,...]
- ( or GAWK /INPUT=(awk_file1,awk_file2,...) data_file[,...] )
- Not applicable under VMS POSIX.
- 3 Parameter
- data_file[,datafile,...] (data_file data_file ...)
- data_file[,"Var=value",...,data_file,...] (data_file Var=value &c)
- Data file(s) for the awk program to process. If any of these
- actually contains an equals sign (=), then it is interpreted as
- a variable assignment instead of a data file. The syntax is
- "variable_name=value". Quotes are required for non-file parameters.
- For example, the command
- $ gawk/input=myprog.awk infile.one,"flag=2","start=0",infile.two
- would read file 'infile.one' for the program in 'myprog.awk', then it
- would set 'flag' to 2 and 'start' to 0, and finally it would read file
- 'infile.two' for the program. Note that in a case like this, the two
- assignments actually occur after the first file has been processed,
- not at program startup when the command line is first scanned.
- Wildcard file lookups are attempted on data file specifications. See
- subtopic 'GAWK GNU_syntax wildcard_expansion' for details.
- At least one data_file parameter value is required. An exception is
- made if /usage, /version, or /copyright is specified *and* if GAWK is
- defined as a 'foreign' command rather than a 'native' DCL command.
- 3 Qualifiers
- /COMMANDS="awk program text" (-- "awk program text")
- For short programs, it is possible to include the complete program
- on the command line. The quotes are required. Here is a complete
- sample program:
- $ gawk/commands="BEGIN {print ""\nHello, World!\n""}" NL:
- This program would print a blank line (based on first "\n"), followed
- by a line reading "Hello, World!", followed by another blank line
- (since awk's 'print' statement includes the trailing 'newline').
- To include a quote character inside of a quoted string, two
- successive quotes ("") must be used.
- Either /COMMANDS or /INPUT (but not both) must be supplied.
- /INPUT=(awk_file1,awk_file2) (-f awk_file1 -f awk_file2)
- Used to specify one or more files containing the source code of
- the awk program. If more than one file is used, separate them
- with commas and enclose the list in parentheses.
- Multiple source files are processed in order as if they had been
- concatenated together.
- Either /INPUT or /COMMANDS (but not both) must be supplied.
- /FIELD_SEPARATOR="FS_value" (-F"FS_value")
- Assign a value to the built in variable FS (field separator).
- /VARIABLES=("Var1=val1","Var2=val2",...) (-v Var1=val1 -v Var2=val2)
- Assign value(s) to the specified variable(s).
- /REG_EXPR={AWK | EGREP | POSIX} (-a vs -e options [obsolete])
- This qualifier is obsolete and has no effect.
- /[NO]STRICT (-"W compat" option)
- Use strict awk compatibility mode (/strict) and suppress GAWK
- extensions. The default is /NOSTRICT.
- /[NO]POSIX (-"W posix" option)
- Use POSIX compatibility mode (/posix) and suppress GAWK extensions.
- The default is /NOPOSIX. Slightly more restrictive than /strict.
- /[NO]LINT (-"W lint" option)
- Check the awk program cafefully for potential problems that might
- be encountered if it were to be used with other awk implementations,
- and print warnings for anything found. The default in /NOLINT.
- /VERSION (-"W version" option)
- Print GAWK's version number.
- /COPYRIGHT (-"W copyright" or -"W copyleft" option)
- Print a brief version of GAWK's copyright notice.
- /USAGE (no corresponding GNU_syntax option)
- Print a compact summary of the command line options.
- After the 'usage' message is printed, GAWK terminates regardless
- of any other command line options.
- /OUTPUT=out_file (>$out_file)
- Write program output into 'out_file'. The default is SYS$OUTPUT.
- 2 awk_language
- An awk program consists of one or more pattern-action pairs, sometimes
- referred to as "rules". For each record of an input (data) file, the
- rules are checked sequentially. Any pattern which matches the input
- record triggers that rule's action. Actions are instructions which
- resemble statements in the 'C' programming language. Patterns come
- in several varieties, including field comparisons, regular expression
- matching, and special cases defined by reserved keywords.
- All awk keywords and variables are case-sensitive. Text matching is
- also sensitive to character case unless the builtin variable IGNORECASE
- is set to a non-zero value.
- 3 rules
- The syntax for a pattern-action 'rule' is simply
- where the braces ({}) are required punctuation for the action.
- Semicolons (;) or 'newlines' (ie, having the text on a separate line)
- delimit multiple rules and also multiple actions within a given rule.
- Either the pattern or the action may be omitted; an empty pattern
- matches every record of the input file; a missing action (not an empty
- action inside of braces), is an implicit request to print the current
- record; an empty action (ie, {}) is legal but not very useful.
- 3 patterns
- There are several types of patterns available for awk rules.
- expression an 'expression' is something to be evaluated (perhaps
- a comparison or function call) which will
- be considered true if non-zero (for numeric
- results) or if non-null (for strings)
- /regular_expression/ slashes (/) delimit a regular expression
- which is used as a pattern
- pattern1, pattern2 a pair of patterns separated by a comma (,),
- which causes a range of records to trigger
- the associated action; the records which
- match the patterns are included in the range
- <null> an omitted pattern (in this text, the string '<null>'
- is displayed, but in an awk program, it
- would really be blank) matches every record
- BEGIN keyword for specifying a rule to be executed prior to
- reading the 1st record of the 1st input file
- END keyword for specifying a rule to be executed after
- handling the last input record of last file
- 4 examples
- Some example patterns (mostly with the corresponding actions omitted)
- NF > 0 # comparison expression: matches non-null records
- $0 # implied comparison: also matches non-null records
- $2 > 1000 && sum <= 999999 # slightly more elaborate expression
- /x/ # regular expression matching any record with an 'x' in it
- /^ / # reg-expr matching records beginning with a space
- $1 == "start", $NF == "stop" # range pattern for input in which
- some data lines begin with 'start' and/or end with
- 'stop' in order to collect groups of records
- { sum += $1 } # null pattern: it's action (add field #1 to
- variable 'sum') would be executed for every record
- BEGIN { sum = 0 } # keyword 'BEGIN': perform this action before
- reading the input file (note: initialization to 0 is
- unnecessary in awk)
- END { print "total =", sum } # keyword 'END': perform this
- action after the last input record has been processed
- 3 actions
- An 'action' is something to do when a given record has matched the
- corresponding pattern in a rule. In general, actions resemble 'C'
- statements and expressions. The action in a rule must be enclosed
- in braces ({}).
- Each action can contain more than one statement or expression to be
- executed, provided that they're separated by semicolons (;) and/or
- on separate lines.
- An omitted action is equivalent to
- { print $0 }
- which prints the current record.
- 3 operators
- Relational operators
- == compare for equality
- != compare for inequality
- <, <=, >, >= numerical or lexical comparison (less than, less or
- equal, greater than, greater or equal, respectively)
- ~ match against a regular expression
- !~ match against a regular expression, but accept failed matches
- instead of successful ones
- Arithmetic operators
- + addition
- - subtraction
- * multiplication
- / division
- % remainder
- ^, ** exponentiation ('**' is a synonym for '^', unless POSIX
- compatibility is specified, in which case it's invalid)
- Boolean operators (aka Logical operators)
- a value is considered false if it's 0 or a null string,
- it is true otherwise; the result of a boolean operation
- (and also of a comparison operation) will be 0 when false
- or 1 when true
- || or [expression (a || b) is true if either a is true or b
- is true or both a and b are true; it is false otherwise;
- b is not evaluated unless a is false (ie, short-circuit)]
- && and [expression (a && b) is true if both a and b are true;
- it is false otherwise; b is only evaluated if a is true]
- ! not [expression (!a) is true if a is false, false otherwise]
- in array membership; the keyword 'in' tests whether the value
- on the left represents a current subscript in the array
- named on the right
- Conditional operator
- ? : the conditional operator takes three operands; the first is
- an expression to evaluate, the second is the expression to
- use if the first was true, the third is the expression to
- use if it was false [simple example (a < b ? b : a) gives
- the maximum of a and b]
- Assignment operators
- = store the value on the right into the variable or array slot
- on the left [expression (a = b) stores the value of b in a]
- +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, ^=, **= perform the indicated arithmetic
- operation using the current value of the variable or array
- element of the left side and the expression on the right
- side, then store the result in the left side
- ++ increment by 1 [expression (++a) gets the current value of
- a and adds 1 to it, stores that back in a, and returns the
- new value; expression (a++) gets the current value of a,
- adds 1 to it, stores that back in a, but returns the
- original value of a]
- -- decrement by 1 (analogous to increment)
- String operators
- there is no explicit operator for string concatenation;
- two values and/or variables side-by-side are implicitly
- concatenated into a string (numeric values are first
- converted into their string equivalents)
- Conversion between numeric and string values
- there is no explicit operator for conversion; adding 0
- to a string with force it to be converted to a number
- (the numeric value will be 0 if the string does not
- represent an integer or floating point number); the
- reverse, converting a number into a string, is done by
- concatenating a null string ("") to it [the expression
- (5.75 "") evaluates to "5.75"]
- Field 'operator'
- $ prefixing a number or variable with a dollar sign ($)
- causes the appropriate record field to be returned [($2)
- gives the second field of the record, ($NF) gives the
- last field (since the builtin variable NF is set to the
- number of fields in the current record)]
- Array subscript operator
- , multi-dimensional arrays are simulated by using comma (,)
- separated array indices; the actual index is generated
- by replacing commas with the value of builtin SUBSEP,
- then concatenating the expression into a string index
- [comma is also used to separate arguments in function
- calls and user-defined function definitions]
- [comma is *also* used to indicate a range pattern in an
- awk rule]
- Escape 'operator'
- \ In quoted character strings, the backslash (\) character
- causes the following character to be interpreted in a
- special manner [string "one\ntwo" has an embedded newline
- character (linefeed on VMS, but treated as if it were both
- carriage-return and linefeed); string "\033[" has an ASCII
- 'escape' character (which has octal value 033) followed by
- a 'right-bracket' character]
- Backslash is also used in regular expressions
- Redirection operators
- < Read-from -- valid with 'getline'
- > Write-to (create new file) -- valid with 'print' and 'printf'
- >> Append-to (create file if it doesn't already exist)
- | Pipe-from/to -- valid with 'getline', 'print', and 'printf'
- 4 precedence
- Operator precedence, listed from highest to lowest. Assignment,
- conditional, and exponentiation operators group from right to left;
- all others group from left to right. Parentheses may be used to
- override the normal order.
- field ($)
- increment (++), decrement (--)
- exponentiation (^, **)
- unary plus (+), unary minus (-), boolean not (!)
- multiplication (*), division (/), remainder (%)
- addition (+), subtraction (-)
- concatenation (no special symbol; implied by context)
- relational (==, !=, <, >=, etc), and redirection (<, >, >>, |)
- Relational and redirection operators have the same precedence
- and use similar symbols; context distinguishes between them
- matching (~, !~)
- array membership ('in')
- boolean and (&&)
- boolean or (||)
- conditional (? :)
- assignment (=, +=, etc)
- 4 escaped_characters
- Inside of a quoted string or constant regular expression, the
- backslash (\) character gives special meaning to the character(s)
- after it. Special character letters are case sensitive.
- \\ results in one backslash in the string
- \a is an 'alert' (<ctrl/G>. the ASCII <bell> character)
- \b is a backspace (BS, <ctrl/H>)
- \f is a form feed (FF, <ctrl/L>)
- \n 'newline' (<ctrl/J> [line feed treated as CR+LF]
- \r carriage return (CR, <ctrl/M> [re-positions at the
- beginning of the current line]
- \t tab (HT, <ctrl/I>)
- \v vertical tab (VT, <ctrl/K>)
- \### is an arbitrary character, where '###' represents 1 to 3
- octal (ie, 0 thru 7) digits
- \x## is an alternate arbitrary character, where '##' represents
- 1 or more hexadecimal (ie, 0 thru 9 and/or A through E
- and/or a through e) digits; if more than two digits
- follow, the result is undefined; not recognized if POSIX
- compatibility mode is specified.
- 3 statements
- A statement refers to a unit of instruction found in the action
- part of an awk rule, and also found in the definition of a function.
- The distinction between action, statement, and expression usually
- won't matter to an awk programmer.
- Compound statements consist of multiple statements separated by
- semicolons or newlines and enclosed within braces ({}). They are
- sometimes referred to as 'blocks'.
- 4 expressions
- An expression such as 'a = 10' or 'n += i++' is a valid statement.
- Function invocations such as 'reformat_field($3)' are also valid
- statements.
- 4 if-then-else
- A conditional statement in awk uses the same syntax as for the 'C'
- programming language: the 'if' keyword, followed by an expression
- in parentheses, followed by a statement--or block of statements
- enclosed within braces ({})--which will be executed if the expression
- is true but skipped if it's false. This can optionally be followed
- by the 'else' keyword and another statement--or block of statements--
- which will be executed if (and only if) the expression was false.
- 5 examples
- Simple example showing a statement used to control how many numbers
- are printed on a given line.
- if ( ++i <= 10 ) #check whether this would be the 11th
- printf(" %5d", k) #print on current line if not
- else {
- printf("\n %5d", k) #print on next line if so
- i = 1 #and reset the counter
- }
- Another example ('next' is described under 'action-controls')
- if ($1 > $2) { print "rejected"; next } else diff = $2 - $1
- 4 loops
- Three types of loop statements are available in awk. Each uses
- the same syntax as 'C'. The simplest of the three is the 'while'
- statement. It consists of the 'while' keyword, followed by an
- expression enclosed within parentheses, followed by a statement--or
- block of statements in braces ({})--which will be executed if the
- expression evaluates to true. The expression is evaluated before
- attempting to execute the statement; if it's true, the statement is
- executed (the entire block of statements if there is a block) and
- then the expression is re-evaluated.
- The second type of loop is the do-while loop. It consists of the
- 'do' keyword, followed by a statement (usually a block of statements
- enclosed within braces), followed by the 'while' keyword, followed
- by a test expression enclosed within parentheses. The statement--or
- block--is always executed at least once. Then the test expression
- is evaluated, and the statement(s) re-executed if the result was
- true (followed by re-evaluation of the test, and so on).
- The most complex of the three loops is the 'for' statement, and it
- has a second variant that is not found in 'C'. The ordinary for-loop
- consists of the 'for' keyword, followed by three semicolon-separated
- expressions enclosed within parentheses, followed by a statement or
- brace-enclosed block of statements. The first of the three
- expressions is an initialization clause; it is done before starting
- the loop. The second expression is used as a test, just like the
- expression in a while-loop. It is checked before attempting to
- execute the statement block, and then re-checked after each execution
- (if any) of the block. The third expression is an 'increment' clause;
- it is evaluated after an execution of the statement block and before
- re-evaluation of the test (2nd) expression. Normally, the increment
- clause will change a variable used in the test clause, in such a
- fashion that the test clause will eventually evaluate to false and
- cause the loop to finish.
- Note to 'C' programmers: the comma (,) operator commonly used in
- 'C' for-loop expressions is not valid in awk.
- The awk-specific variant of the for-loop is used for processing
- arrays. Its syntax is 'for' keyword, followed by variable_name 'in'
- array_name (where 'var in array' is enclosed in parentheses),
- followed by a statement (or block). Each valid subscript value for
- the array in question is successively placed--in no particular
- order--into the specified 'index' variable.
- 5 while_example
- # strip fields from the input record until there's nothing left
- while (NF > 0) {
- $1 = "" #this will affect the value of $0
- $0 = $0 #this causes $0 and NF to be re-evaluated
- print
- }
- 5 do_while_example
- # This is a variation of the while_example; it gives a slightly
- # different display due to the order of operation.
- # echo input record until all fields have been stripped
- do {
- print #output $0
- $1 = "" #this will affect the value of $0
- $0 = $0 #this causes $0 and NF to be re-evaluated
- } while (NF > 0)
- 5 for_example
- # echo command line arguments (won't include option switches)
- for ( i = 0; i < ARGC; i++ ) print ARGV[i]
- # display contents of builtin environment array
- for (itm in ENVIRON)
- print itm, ENVIRON[itm]
- 4 loop-controls
- There are two special statements--both from 'C'--for changing the
- behavior of loop execution. The 'continue' statement is useful in
- a compound (block) statement; when executed, it effectively skips
- the rest of the block so that the increment-expression (only for
- for-loops) and loop-termination expression can be re-evaluated.
- The 'break' statement, when executed, effectively skips the rest
- of the block and also treats the test expression as if it were
- false (instead of actually re-evaluating it). In this case, the
- increment-expression of a for-loop is also skipped.
- 'break' is only allowed within a loop ('for', 'while', or
- 'do-while'). If 'continue' is used outside of a loop, it is
- treated like 'next' (see action-controls). Inside nested loops,
- both 'break' and 'continue' only apply to the innermost loop.
- 4 action-controls
- There are two special statements for controlling statement execution.
- The 'next' statement, when executed, causes the rest of the current
- action and all further pattern-action rules to be skipped, so that
- the next input record will be immediately processed. This is useful
- if any early action knows that the current record will fail all the
- remaining patterns; skipping those rules will reduce processing time.
- An extended form, 'next file', is also available. It causes the
- remainder of the current file to be skipped, and then either the
- next input file will be processed, if any, or the END action will be
- performed. 'next file' is not available in traditional awk.
- The 'exit' statement causes GAWK execution to terminate. All open
- files are closed, and no further processing is done. The END rule,
- if any, is executed. 'exit' takes an optional numeric value as a
- argument which is used as an exit status value, so that some sort
- of indication of why execution has stopped can be passed on to the
- user's environment.
- 4 other_statements
- The delete statement is used to remove an element from an array.
- The syntax is 'delete' keyword followed by array name, followed
- by index value enclosed in square brackets ([]).
- The return statement is used in user-defined functions. The syntax
- is the keyword 'return' optionally followed by a string or numeric
- expression.
- See also subtopic 'functions IO_functions' for a description of
- 'print', 'printf', and 'getline'.
- 3 fields
- When an input record is read, it is automatically split into fields
- based on the current values of FS (builtin variable defining field
- separator expression) and RS (builtin variable defining record
- separator character). The default value of FS is an expression
- which matches one or more spaces and tabs; the default for RS is
- newline. If the FIELDWIDTHS variable is set to a space separated
- list of numbers (as in ``FIELDWIDTHS = "2 3 2"'') then the input
- is treated as if it had fixed-width fields of the indicated sizes
- and the FS value will be ignored.
- The field prefix operator ($), is used to reference a particular
- field. For example, $3 designates the third field of the current
- record. The entire record can be referenced via $0 (and it holds
- the actual input record, not the values of $1, $2, ... concatenated
- together, so multiple spaces--when present--remain intact, unless
- a new value gets assigned).
- The builtin variable NF holds the number of fields in the current
- record. $NF is therefore the value of the last field. Attempts to
- access fields beyond NF result in null values (if a record contained
- 3 fields, the value of $5 would be "").
- Assigning a new value to $0 causes all the other field values (and NF)
- to be re-evaluated. Changing a specific field will cause $0 to receive
- a new value once it's re-evaluated, but until then the other existing
- fields remain unchanged.
- 3 variables
- Variables in awk can hold both numeric and string values and do not
- have to be pre-declared. In fact, there is no way to explicitly
- declare them at all. Variable names consist of a leading letter
- (either upper or lower case, which are distinct from each other)
- or underscore (_) character followed by any number of letters,
- digits, or underscores.
- When a variable that didn't previously exist is referenced, it is
- created and given a null value. A null value is treated as 0 when
- used as a number, and is a string of zero characters in length if
- used as a string.
- 4 builtin_variables
- GAWK maintains several 'built-in' variables. All have default values;
- some are updated automatically. All the builtins have uppercase-only
- names.
- These builtin variables control how awk behaves
- FS input field separator; default is a single space, which is
- treated as if it were a regular expression for matching
- one or more spaces and/or tabs; a value of " " also has a
- second special-case side-effect of causing leading blanks
- to be ignored instead of producing a null first field;
- initial value can be specified on the command line with
- the -F option (or /field_separator); the value can be a
- regular expression
- RS input record separator; default value is a newline ("\n");
- only a single character is allowed [no regular expressions
- or multi-character strings; expected to be remedied in a
- future release of gawk]
- OFS output field separator; value to place between variables in
- a 'print' statement; default is one space; can be arbitrary
- string
- ORS output record separator; value to implicitly terminate 'print'
- statement with; default is newline ("\n"); can be arbitrary
- string
- OFMT default output format used for printing numbers; default
- value is "%.6g"
- CONVFMT conversion format used for string-to-number conversions;
- default value is also "%.6g", like OFMT
- SUBSEP subscript separator for array indices; used when an array
- subscript is specified as a comma separated list of values:
- the comma is replaced by SUBSEP and the resulting index
- is a concatenation of the values and SUBSEP(s); default
- value is "\034"; value may be arbitrary string
- IGNORECASE regular expression matching flag; if true (non-zero)
- matching ignores differences between upper and lower case
- letters; affects the '~' and '!~' operators, the 'index',
- 'match', 'split', 'sub', and 'gsub' functions, and the
- field splitting based on FS; default value is false (0);
- has no effect if GAWK is in strict compatibility mode (via
- the -"W compat" option or /strict)
- FIELDWIDTHS space or tab separated list of width sizes; takes
- precedence over FS when set, but is cleared if FS has a
- value assigned to it; [note: the current implementation
- of fixed-field input is considered experimental and is
- expected to evolve over time]
- These builtin variables provide useful information
- NF number of fields in the current record
- NR record number (accumulated over all files when more than one
- input file is processed by the same program)
- FNR current record number of the current input file; reset to 0
- each time an input file is completed
- RSTART starting position of substring matched by last invocation
- of the 'match' function; set to 0 if a match fails and at
- the start of each input record
- RLENGTH length of substring matched by the last invocation of the
- 'match' function; set to -1 if a match fails
- FILENAME name of the input file currently being processed; the
- special name "-" is used to represent the standard input
- ENVIRON array of miscellaneous user environment values; the VMS
- implementation of GAWK provides values for ["USER"] (the
- username), ["PATH"] (current default directory), ["HOME"]
- (the user's login directory), and "[TERM]" (terminal type
- if available) [all info provided by VAXCRTL's environ]
- ARGC number of elements in the ARGV array, counting [0] which is
- the program name (ie, "gawk")
- ARGV array of command-line arguments (in [0] to [ARGC-1]); the
- program name (ie, "gawk") in held in ARGV[0]; command line
- parameters (data files and "var=value" expressions, but not
- program options or the awk program text string if present)
- are stored in ARGV[1] through ARGV[ARGC-1]; the awk program
- can change values of ARGC and ARGV[] during execution in
- order to alter which files are processed or which between-
- file assignments are made
- 4 arrays
- awk supports associative arrays to collect data into tables. Array
- elements can be either numeric or string, as can the indices used to
- access them. Each array must have a unique name, but a given array
- can hold both string and numeric elements at the same time. Arrays
- are one-dimensional only, but multi-dimensional arrays can be
- simulated using comma (,) separated indices, whereby a single index
- value gets created by replacing commas with SUBSEP and concatenating
- the resulting expression into a single string.
- Referencing an array element is done with the expression
- Array[Index]
- where 'Array' represents the array's name and 'Index' represents a
- value or expression used for a subscript. If the requested array
- element did not exist, it will be created and assigned an initial
- null value. To check whether an element exists without creating it,
- use the 'in' boolean operator.
- Index in Array
- would check 'Array' for element 'Index' and return 1 if it existed
- or 0 otherwise. To remove an element from an array, use the 'delete'
- statement
- delete Array[Index]
- Note: there is no way to delete an ordinary variable or an entire
- array; 'delete' only works on a specific array element.
- To process all elements of an array (in succession) when their
- subscripts might be unknown, use the 'in' variant of the for-loop
- for (Index in Array) { ... }
- 3 functions
- awk supports both built-in and user-defined functions. A function
- may be considered a 'black-box' which accepts zero or more input
- parameters, performs some calculations or other manipulations based
- on them, and returns a single result.
- The syntax for calling a function consists of the function name
- immediately followed by an open parenthesis (left parenthesis '('),
- followed by an argument list, followed by a closing parenthesis
- (right parenthesis ')'). The argument list is a sequence of values
- (numbers, strings, variables, array references, or expressions
- involving the above and/or nested function calls), separated by
- commas and optional white space.
- The parentheses are required punctuation, except for the 'print' and
- 'printf' builtin IO functions, where they're optional, and for the
- builtin IO function 'getline', where they're not allowed. Some
- functions support optional [trailing] arguments which can be simply
- omitted (along with the corresponding comma if applicable).
- 4 numeric_functions
- Builtin numeric functions
- int(n) returns the value of 'n' with any fraction truncated
- [truncation of negative values is towards 0]
- sqrt(n) the square root of n
- exp(n) the exponential of n ('e' raised to the 'n'th power)
- log(n) natural logarithm of n
- sin(n) sine of n (in radians)
- cos(n) cosine of n (radians)
- atan2(m,n) arctangent of m/n (radians)
- rand() random number in the range 0 to 1 (exclusive)
- srand(s) sets the random number 'seed' to s, so that a sequence
- of 'random' numbers can be repeated; returns the
- previous seed value; srand() [argument omitted] sets
- the seed to an 'unpredictable' value (based on date
- and time, for instance, so should be unrepeatable)
- 4 string_functions
- Builtin string functions
- index(s,t) search string s for substring t; result is 1-based
- offset of t within s, or 0 if not found
- length(s) returns the length of string s; either 'length()'
- with its argument omitted or 'length' without any
- parenthesized argument list will return length of $0
- match(s,r) search string s for regular expression r; the offset
- of the longest, left-most substring which matches
- is returned, or 0 if no match was found; the builtin
- variables RSTART and RLENGTH are also set [RSTART to
- the return value and RLENGTH to the size of the
- matching substring, or to -1 if no match was found]
- split(s,a,f) break string s into components based on field
- separator f and store them in array a (into elements
- [1], [2], and so on); the last argument is optional,
- if omitted, the value of FS is used; the return value
- is the number of components found
- sprintf(f,e,...) format expression(s) e using format string f and
- return the result as a string; formatting is similar
- to the printf function
- sub(r,t,s) search string target s for regular expression r, and
- if a match is found, replace the matching text with
- substring t, then store the result back in s; if s
- is omitted, use $0 for the string; the result is
- either 1 if a match+substitution was made, or 0
- otherwise; if substring t contains the character
- '&', the text which matched the regular expression
- is used instead of '&' [to suppress this feature
- of '&', 'quote' it with a backslash (\); since this
- will be inside a quoted string which will receive
- 'backslash' processing before being passed to sub(),
- *two* consecutive backslashes will be needed "\\&"]
- gsub(r,t,s) similar to sub(), but gsub() replaces all nonoverlapping
- substrings instead of just the first, and the return
- value is the number of substitutions made
- substr(s,p,l) extract a substring l characters long starting at
- offset p in string s; l is optional, if omitted then
- the remainder of the string (p thru end) is returned
- tolower(s) return a copy of string s in which every uppercase
- letter has been converted into lowercase
- toupper(s) analogous to tolower(); convert lowercase to uppercase
- 4 time_functions
- Builtin time functions
- systime() return the current time of day as the number of seconds
- since some reference point; on VMS the reference point
- is January 1, 1970, at 12 AM local time (not UTC)
- strftime(f,t) format time value t using format f; if t is omitted,
- the default is systime()
- 5 time_formats
- Formatting directives similar to the 'printf' & 'sprintf' functions
- (each is introduced in the format string by preceding it with a
- percent sign (%)); the directive is substituted by the corresponding
- value
- a abbreviated weekday name (Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat)
- A full weekday name
- b abbreviated month name (Jan,Feb,...)
- B full month name
- c date and time (Unix-style "aaa bbb dd HH:MM:SS YYYY" format)
- C century prefix (19 or 20) [not century number, ie 20th]
- d day of month as two digit decimal number (01-31)
- D date in mm/dd/yy format
- e day of month with leading space instead of leading 0 ( 1-31)
- E ignored; following format character used
- H hour (24 hour clock) as two digit number (00-23)
- h abbreviated month name (Jan,Feb,...) [same as %b]
- I hour (12 hour clock) as two digit number (01-12)
- j day of year as three digit number (001-366)
- m month as two digit number (01-12)
- M minute as two digit number (00-59)
- n 'newline' (ie, treat %n as \n)
- O ignored; following format character used
- p AM/PM designation for 12 hour clock
- r time in AM/PM format ("II:MM:SS p")
- R time without seconds ("HH:MM")
- S second as two digit number (00-59)
- t tab (ie, treat %t as \t)
- T time ("HH:MM:SS")
- U week of year (00-53) [first Sunday is first day of week 1]
- V date (VMS-style "dd-bbb-YYYY" with 'bbb' forced to uppercase)
- w weekday as decimal digit (0 [Sunday] through 6 [Saturday])
- W week of year (00-53) [first _Monday_ is first day of week 1]
- x date ("aaa bbb dd YYYY")
- X time ("HH:MM:SS")
- y year without century (00-99)
- Y year with century (19yy-20yy)
- Z time zone name (always "local" for VMS)
- % literal percent sign (%)
- 4 IO_functions
- Builtin I/O functions
- print x,... print the values of one or more expressions; if none
- are listed, $0 is used; parentheses are optional;
- when multiple values are printed, the current value
- of builtin OFS (default is 1 space) is used to
- separate them; the print line is implicitly
- terminated with the current value of ORS (default
- is newline); print does not have a return value
- printf(f,x,...) print the values of one or more expressions, using
- the specified format string; null strings are used
- to supply missing values (if any); no between field
- or trailing newline characters are printed, they
- should be specified within the format string; the
- argument-enclosing parentheses are optional;
- printf does not have a return value
- getline v read a record into variable v; if v is omitted, $0 is
- used (and NF, NR, and FNR are updated); if v is
- specified, then field-splitting won't be performed;
- note: parentheses around the argument are *not*
- allowed; return value is 1 for successful read, 0
- if end of file is encountered, or -1 if some sort
- of error occurred; [see 'redirection' for several
- variants]
- close(s) close a file or pipe specified by the string s; the
- string used should have the same value as the one
- used in a getline or print/printf redirection
- system(s) pass string s to executed by the operating system;
- the command string is executed in a subprocess
- 5 redirection
- Both getline and print/printf support variant forms which use
- redirection and pipes.
- To read from a file (instead of from the primary input file), use
- getline var < "file"
- or getline < "file" (read into $0)
- where the string "file" represents either an actual file name (in
- quotes) or a variable which contains a file name string value or an
- expression which evaluates to a string filename.
- To create a pipe executing some command and read the result into
- a variable (or into $0), use
- "command" | getline var
- or "command" | getline (read into $0)
- where "command" is a literal string containing an operating system
- command or a variable with a string value representing such a
- command.
- To output into a file other that the primary output, use
- print x,... > "file" (or >> "file")
- or printf(f,x,...) > "file" (or >> "file")
- similar to the 'getline' example above. '>>' causes output to be
- appended to an existing file if it exists, or create the file if
- it doesn't already exist. '>' always creates a new file. The
- alternate redirection method of '>$' (for RMS text file attributes)
- is *only* available on the command line, not with 'print' or
- 'printf' in the current release.
- To output an error message, use 'print' or 'printf' and redirect
- the output to file "/dev/stderr" (or equivalently to "SYS$ERROR:"
- on VMS). 'stderr' will normally be the user's terminal, even if
- ordinary output is being redirected into a file.
- To feed awk output into another command, use
- print x,... | "command" (similarly for 'printf')
- similar to the second 'getline' example. In this case, output
- from awk will be passed as input to the specified operating system
- command. The command must be capable of reading input from 'stdin'
- ("SYS$INPUT:" on VMS) in order to receive data in this manner.
- The 'close' function operates on the "file" or "command" argument
- specified here (either a literal string or a variable or expression
- resulting in a string value). It completely closes the file or
- pipe so that further references to the same file or command string
- would re-open that file or command at the beginning. Closing a
- pipe or redirection also releases some file-oriented resources.
- Note: the VMS implementation of GAWK uses temporary files to
- simulate pipes, so a command must finish before 'getline' can get
- any input from it, and 'close' must be called for an output pipe
- before any data can be passed to the specified command.
- 5 formats
- Formatting characters used by the 'printf' and 'sprintf' functions
- (each is introduced in the format string by preceding it with a
- percent sign (%))
- % include a literal percent sign (%) in the result
- c format the next argument as a single ASCII character
- (prints first character of string argument, or corresponding
- ASCII character if numeric argument, e.g. 65 is 'A')
- s format the next argument as a string (numeric arguments are
- converted into strings on demand)
- d decimal number (ie, integer value in base 10)
- i integer (equivalent to decimal)
- o octal number (integer in base 8)
- x hexadecimal number (integer in base 16) [lowercase]
- X hexadecimal number [digits 'A' thru 'E' in uppercase]
- f floating point number (digits, decimal point, fraction digits)
- e exponential (scientific notation) number (digit, decimal
- point, fraction digits, letter 'e', sign '+' or '-',
- exponent digits)
- g 'fractional' number in either 'e' or 'f' format, whichever
- produces shorter result
- Three optional modifiers can be placed between the initiating
- percent sign and the format character (doesn't apply to %%).
- - left justify (only matters when width specifier is present)
- NN width ['NN' represents 1 or more decimal digits]; actually
- minimum width to use, longer items will not be truncated; a
- leading 0 will cause right-justified numbers to be padded on
- the left with zeroes instead of spaces when they're aligned
- .MM precision [decimal point followed by 1 or more digits]; used
- as maximum width for strings (causing truncation if they're
- actually longer) or as number of fraction digits for 'f' or
- 'e' numeric formats, or number of significant digits for 'g'
- numeric format
- 4 user_defined_functions
- User-defined functions may be created as needed to simplify awk
- programs or to collect commonly used code into one place. The
- general syntax of a user-defined function is the 'function' keyword
- followed by unique function name, followed by a comma-separated
- parameter list enclosed in parentheses, followed by statement(s)
- enclosed within braces ({}). A 'return' statement is customary
- but is not required.
- function FuncName(arg1,arg2) {
- # arbitrary statements
- return (arg1 + arg2) / 2
- }
- If a function does not use 'return' to specify an output value, the
- result received by the caller will be unpredictable.
- Functions may be placed in an awk program before, between, or after
- the pattern-action rules. The abbreviation 'func' may be used in
- place of 'function', unless POSIX compatibility mode is in effect.
- 3 regular_expressions
- A regular expression is a shorthand way of specifying a 'wildcard'
- type of string comparison. Regular expression matching is very
- fundamental to awk's operation.
- Meta symbols
- ^ matches beginning of line or beginning of string; note that
- embedded newlines ('\n') create multi-line strings, so
- beginning of line is not necessarily beginning of string
- $ matches end of line or end of string
- . any single character (except newline)
- [ ] set of characters; [ABC] matches either 'A' or 'B' or 'C'; a
- dash (other than first or last of the set) denotes a range
- of characters: [A-Z] matches any upper case letter; if the
- first character of the set is '^', then the sense of match
- is reversed: [^0-9] matches any non-digit; several
- characters need to be quoted with backslash (\) if they
- occur in a set: '\', ']', '-', and '^'
- | alternation (similar to boolean 'or'); match either of two
- patterns [for example "^start|stop$" matches leading 'start'
- or trailing 'stop']
- ( ) grouping, alter normal precedence [for example, "^(start|stop)$"
- matches lines reading either 'start' or 'stop']
- * repeated matching; when placed after a pattern, indicates that
- the pattern should match any number of times [for example,
- "[a-z][0-9]*" matches a lower case letter followed by zero or
- more digits]
- + repeated matching; when placed after a pattern, indicates that
- the pattern should match one or more times ["[0-9]+" matches
- any non-empty sequence of digits]
- ? optional matching; indicates that the pattern can match zero or
- one times ["[a-z][0-9]?" matches lower case letter alone or
- followed by a single digit]
- \ quote; prevent the character which follows from having special
- meaning
- A regular expression which matches a string or line will match against
- the first (left-most) substring which meets the pattern and include
- the longest sequence of characters which still meets that pattern.
- Comments in awk programs are introduced with '#'. Anything after
- '#' on a line is ignored by GAWK. It's a good idea to include an
- explanation of what an awk program is doing and also who wrote it
- and when.
- 3 further_information
- For complete documentation on GAWK, see "The_GAWK_Manual" from FSF.
- Source text for it is present in the file GAWK.TEXINFO. A postscript
- version is available via anonymous FTP from host prep.ai.mit.edu in
- directory pub/gnu/.
- For additional documentation on awk--above and beyond that provided in
- The_GAWK_Manual--see "The_AWK_Programming_Language" by Aho, Weinberger,
- and Kernighan (2nd edition, 1988), published by Addison-Wesley. It is
- both a reference on the awk language and a tutorial on awk's use, with
- many sample programs.
- 3 authors
- The awk programming language was originally created by Alfred V. Aho,
- Peter J. Weinberger, and Brian W. Kernighan in 1977. The language
- was revised and enhanced in a new version which was released in 1985.
- GAWK, the GNU implementation of awk, was written in 1986 by Paul Rubin
- and Jay Fenlason, with advice from Richard Stallman, and with
- contributions from John Woods. In 1988 and 1989, David Trueman and
- Arnold Robbins revised GAWK for compatibility with the newer awk.
- GAWK version 2.11.1 was ported to VMS by Pat Rankin in November, 1989,
- with further revisions in the Spring of 1990. The VMS port was
- incorporated into the official GNU distribution of version 2.13 in
- Spring 1991. (Version 2.12 was never publically released.)
- 2 release_notes
- GAWK 2.14 tested under VMS V5.5, July, 1992; compatible with VMS
- versions V4.6 and later. Current source code compatible with DEC's
- VAXC v3.x and v2.4 or v2.3; also compiles successfully with GNUC
- (GNU's gcc). VMS POSIX uses c89 and requires VAXC V3.x.
- GAWK uses a built in search path when looking for a program file
- specified by the -f option (or the /input qualifier) when that file
- name does not include a device and/or directory. GAWK will first
- look in the current default directory, then if the file wasn't found
- it will look in the directory specified by the translation of logical
- name "AWK_LIBRARY".
- Not applicable under VMS POSIX.
- 3 known_problems
- There are several known problems with GAWK running on VMS. Some can
- be ignored, others require work-arounds. Note: GAWK in the VMS POSIX
- environment does not have these problems.
- 4 command_line_parsing
- The command
- gawk "program text"
- will pass the first phase of DCL parsing (the single required
- parameter is present), then it will give an error that a required
- element (either /input=awk_file or /commands="program text") is
- missing. If what was intended (as is most likely) is to pass the
- program text to the UN*X-style command interface, the following
- variation is required
- gawk -- "program text"
- The presence of "--", which is normally optional, will inhibit the
- attempt to use DCL parsing (as will any '-' option or redirection).
- 4 file_formats
- If a file having the RMS attribute "Fortran carriage control" is
- read as input, it will generate an empty first record if the first
- actual record begins with a space (leading space becomes a newline).
- Also, the last record of the file will give a "record not terminated"
- warning. Both of these minor problems are due to the way that the
- C Run-Time Library (VAXCRTL) converts record attributes.
- Another poor feature without a work-around is that there's no way to
- specify "append if possible, create with RMS text attributes if not"
- with the current command line I/O redirection. '>>$' isn't supported.
- 4 RS_peculiarities
- Changing the record separator to something other than newline ('\n')
- will produce anomalous results for ordinary files. For example,
- using RS = "\f" and FS = "\n" with the following input
- |rec 1, line 1
- |rec 1, line 2
- |^L (form feed)
- |rec 2, line 1
- |rec 2, line 2
- |^L (form feed)
- |rec 3, line 1
- |rec 3, line 2
- |(end of file)
- will produce two fields for record 1, but three fields each for
- records 2 and 3. This is because the form-feed record delimiter is
- on its own line, so awk sees a newline after it. Since newline is
- now a field separator, records 2 and 3 will have null first fields.
- The following awk code will work-around this problem by inserting
- a null first field in the first record, so that all records can be
- handled the same by subsequent processing.
- # fix up for first record (RS != "\n")
- FNR == 1 { if ( $0 == "" ) #leading separator
- next #skip its null record
- else #otherwise,
- $0 = FS $0 #realign fields
- }
- There is a second problem with this same example. It will always
- trigger a "record not terminated" warning when it reaches the end of
- file. In the sample shown, there is no final separator; however, if
- a trailing form-feed were present, it would produce a spurious final
- record with two null fields. This occurs because the I/O system
- sees an implicit newline at the end of the last record, so awk sees
- a pair of null fields separated by that newline. The following code
- fragment will fix that provided there are no null records (in this
- case, that would be two consecutive lines containing just form-feeds).
- # fix up for last record (RS != "\n")
- $0 == FS { next } #drop spurious final record
- Note that the "record not terminated" warning will persist.
- 4 cmd_inconsistency
- The DCL qualifier /OUTPUT is internally equivalent to '>$' output
- redirection, but the qualifier /INPUT corresponds to the -f option
- rather than to '<' input redirection.
- 4 exit
- The exit statement can optionally pass a final status value to the
- operating system. GAWK expects a UN*X-style value instead of a
- VMS status value, so 0 indicates success and non-zero indicates
- failure. The final exit status will be 1 (VMS success) if 0 is
- used, or even (VMS non-success) if non-zero is used.
- 3 changes
- Changes between version 2.14 and 2.13.2:
- General
- 'next file' construct added
- 'continue' outside of any loop is treated as 'next'
- Assorted bug fixes and efficiency improvements
- _The_GAWK_Manual_ updated
- Test suite expanded
- VMS-specific
- VMS POSIX support added
- Disk I/O throughput enhanced
- Pipe emulation improved and incorrect interaction with user-mode
- redefinition of SYS$OUTPUT eliminated
- 3 prior_changes
- Changes between version 2.13 and 2.11.1: (2.12 was not released)
- General
- CONVFMT and FIELDWIDTHS builtin control variables added
- systime() and strftime() date/time functions added
- 'lint' and 'posix' run-time options added
- '-W' command line option syntax supercedes '-c', '-C', and '-V'
- '-a' and '-e' regular expression options made obsolete
- Various bug fixes and efficiency improvements
- More platforms supported ('officially' including VMS)
- VMS-specific
- %g printf format fixed
- Handling of '\' on command line modified; no longer necessary to
- double it up
- Problem redirecting stderr (>&efile) at same time as stdin (<ifile)
- or stdout (>ofile) has been fixed
- ``2>&1'' and ``1>&2'' redirection constructs added
- Interaction between command line I/O redirection and gawk pipes
- fixed; also, name used for pseudo-pipe temporary file expanded
- 3 license
- GAWK is covered by the "GNU General Public License", the gist of which
- is that if you supply this software to a third party, you are expressly
- forbidden to prevent them from supplying it to a fourth party, and if
- you supply binaries you must make the source code available to them
- at no additional cost. Any revisions or modified versions are also
- covered by the same license. There is no warranty, express or implied,
- for this software. It is provided "as is."
- [Disclaimer: This is just an informal summary with no legal basis;
- refer to the actual GNU General Public License for specific details.]
- !2 examples
- !