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GNU Info File | 1994-07-14 | 38.6 KB | 998 lines |
- This is Info file cpp.info, produced by Makeinfo-1.54 from the input
- file cpp.texi.
- This file documents the GNU C Preprocessor.
- Copyright 1987, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
- manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
- preserved on all copies.
- Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
- this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also
- that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms
- of a permission notice identical to this one.
- Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
- manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified
- versions.
- File: cpp.info, Node: Macro Parentheses, Next: Swallow Semicolon, Prev: Misnesting, Up: Macro Pitfalls
- Unintended Grouping of Arithmetic
- .................................
- You may have noticed that in most of the macro definition examples
- shown above, each occurrence of a macro argument name had parentheses
- around it. In addition, another pair of parentheses usually surround
- the entire macro definition. Here is why it is best to write macros
- that way.
- Suppose you define a macro as follows,
- #define ceil_div(x, y) (x + y - 1) / y
- whose purpose is to divide, rounding up. (One use for this operation is
- to compute how many `int' objects are needed to hold a certain number
- of `char' objects.) Then suppose it is used as follows:
- a = ceil_div (b & c, sizeof (int));
- This expands into
- a = (b & c + sizeof (int) - 1) / sizeof (int);
- which does not do what is intended. The operator-precedence rules of C
- make it equivalent to this:
- a = (b & (c + sizeof (int) - 1)) / sizeof (int);
- But what we want is this:
- a = ((b & c) + sizeof (int) - 1)) / sizeof (int);
- Defining the macro as
- #define ceil_div(x, y) ((x) + (y) - 1) / (y)
- provides the desired result.
- However, unintended grouping can result in another way. Consider
- `sizeof ceil_div(1, 2)'. That has the appearance of a C expression
- that would compute the size of the type of `ceil_div (1, 2)', but in
- fact it means something very different. Here is what it expands to:
- sizeof ((1) + (2) - 1) / (2)
- This would take the size of an integer and divide it by two. The
- precedence rules have put the division outside the `sizeof' when it was
- intended to be inside.
- Parentheses around the entire macro definition can prevent such
- problems. Here, then, is the recommended way to define `ceil_div':
- #define ceil_div(x, y) (((x) + (y) - 1) / (y))
- File: cpp.info, Node: Swallow Semicolon, Next: Side Effects, Prev: Macro Parentheses, Up: Macro Pitfalls
- Swallowing the Semicolon
- ........................
- Often it is desirable to define a macro that expands into a compound
- statement. Consider, for example, the following macro, that advances a
- pointer (the argument `p' says where to find it) across whitespace
- characters:
- #define SKIP_SPACES (p, limit) \
- { register char *lim = (limit); \
- while (p != lim) { \
- if (*p++ != ' ') { \
- p--; break; }}}
- Here Backslash-Newline is used to split the macro definition, which must
- be a single line, so that it resembles the way such C code would be
- laid out if not part of a macro definition.
- A call to this macro might be `SKIP_SPACES (p, lim)'. Strictly
- speaking, the call expands to a compound statement, which is a complete
- statement with no need for a semicolon to end it. But it looks like a
- function call. So it minimizes confusion if you can use it like a
- function call, writing a semicolon afterward, as in `SKIP_SPACES (p,
- lim);'
- But this can cause trouble before `else' statements, because the
- semicolon is actually a null statement. Suppose you write
- if (*p != 0)
- SKIP_SPACES (p, lim);
- else ...
- The presence of two statements--the compound statement and a null
- statement--in between the `if' condition and the `else' makes invalid C
- code.
- The definition of the macro `SKIP_SPACES' can be altered to solve
- this problem, using a `do ... while' statement. Here is how:
- #define SKIP_SPACES (p, limit) \
- do { register char *lim = (limit); \
- while (p != lim) { \
- if (*p++ != ' ') { \
- p--; break; }}} \
- while (0)
- Now `SKIP_SPACES (p, lim);' expands into
- do {...} while (0);
- which is one statement.
- File: cpp.info, Node: Side Effects, Next: Self-Reference, Prev: Swallow Semicolon, Up: Macro Pitfalls
- Duplication of Side Effects
- ...........................
- Many C programs define a macro `min', for "minimum", like this:
- #define min(X, Y) ((X) < (Y) ? (X) : (Y))
- When you use this macro with an argument containing a side effect,
- as shown here,
- next = min (x + y, foo (z));
- it expands as follows:
- next = ((x + y) < (foo (z)) ? (x + y) : (foo (z)));
- where `x + y' has been substituted for `X' and `foo (z)' for `Y'.
- The function `foo' is used only once in the statement as it appears
- in the program, but the expression `foo (z)' has been substituted twice
- into the macro expansion. As a result, `foo' might be called two times
- when the statement is executed. If it has side effects or if it takes
- a long time to compute, the results might not be what you intended. We
- say that `min' is an "unsafe" macro.
- The best solution to this problem is to define `min' in a way that
- computes the value of `foo (z)' only once. The C language offers no
- standard way to do this, but it can be done with GNU C extensions as
- follows:
- #define min(X, Y) \
- ({ typeof (X) __x = (X), __y = (Y); \
- (__x < __y) ? __x : __y; })
- If you do not wish to use GNU C extensions, the only solution is to
- be careful when *using* the macro `min'. For example, you can
- calculate the value of `foo (z)', save it in a variable, and use that
- variable in `min':
- #define min(X, Y) ((X) < (Y) ? (X) : (Y))
- ...
- {
- int tem = foo (z);
- next = min (x + y, tem);
- }
- (where we assume that `foo' returns type `int').
- File: cpp.info, Node: Self-Reference, Next: Argument Prescan, Prev: Side Effects, Up: Macro Pitfalls
- Self-Referential Macros
- .......................
- A "self-referential" macro is one whose name appears in its
- definition. A special feature of ANSI Standard C is that the
- self-reference is not considered a macro call. It is passed into the
- preprocessor output unchanged.
- Let's consider an example:
- #define foo (4 + foo)
- where `foo' is also a variable in your program.
- Following the ordinary rules, each reference to `foo' will expand
- into `(4 + foo)'; then this will be rescanned and will expand into `(4
- + (4 + foo))'; and so on until it causes a fatal error (memory full) in
- the preprocessor.
- However, the special rule about self-reference cuts this process
- short after one step, at `(4 + foo)'. Therefore, this macro definition
- has the possibly useful effect of causing the program to add 4 to the
- value of `foo' wherever `foo' is referred to.
- In most cases, it is a bad idea to take advantage of this feature. A
- person reading the program who sees that `foo' is a variable will not
- expect that it is a macro as well. The reader will come across the
- identifier `foo' in the program and think its value should be that of
- the variable `foo', whereas in fact the value is four greater.
- The special rule for self-reference applies also to "indirect"
- self-reference. This is the case where a macro X expands to use a
- macro `y', and the expansion of `y' refers to the macro `x'. The
- resulting reference to `x' comes indirectly from the expansion of `x',
- so it is a self-reference and is not further expanded. Thus, after
- #define x (4 + y)
- #define y (2 * x)
- `x' would expand into `(4 + (2 * x))'. Clear?
- But suppose `y' is used elsewhere, not from the definition of `x'.
- Then the use of `x' in the expansion of `y' is not a self-reference
- because `x' is not "in progress". So it does expand. However, the
- expansion of `x' contains a reference to `y', and that is an indirect
- self-reference now because `y' is "in progress". The result is that
- `y' expands to `(2 * (4 + y))'.
- It is not clear that this behavior would ever be useful, but it is
- specified by the ANSI C standard, so you may need to understand it.
- File: cpp.info, Node: Argument Prescan, Next: Cascaded Macros, Prev: Self-Reference, Up: Macro Pitfalls
- Separate Expansion of Macro Arguments
- .....................................
- We have explained that the expansion of a macro, including the
- substituted actual arguments, is scanned over again for macro calls to
- be expanded.
- What really happens is more subtle: first each actual argument text
- is scanned separately for macro calls. Then the results of this are
- substituted into the macro body to produce the macro expansion, and the
- macro expansion is scanned again for macros to expand.
- The result is that the actual arguments are scanned *twice* to expand
- macro calls in them.
- Most of the time, this has no effect. If the actual argument
- contained any macro calls, they are expanded during the first scan.
- The result therefore contains no macro calls, so the second scan does
- not change it. If the actual argument were substituted as given, with
- no prescan, the single remaining scan would find the same macro calls
- and produce the same results.
- You might expect the double scan to change the results when a
- self-referential macro is used in an actual argument of another macro
- (*note Self-Reference::.): the self-referential macro would be expanded
- once in the first scan, and a second time in the second scan. But this
- is not what happens. The self-references that do not expand in the
- first scan are marked so that they will not expand in the second scan
- either.
- The prescan is not done when an argument is stringified or
- concatenated. Thus,
- #define str(s) #s
- #define foo 4
- str (foo)
- expands to `"foo"'. Once more, prescan has been prevented from having
- any noticeable effect.
- More precisely, stringification and concatenation use the argument as
- written, in un-prescanned form. The same actual argument would be used
- in prescanned form if it is substituted elsewhere without
- stringification or concatenation.
- #define str(s) #s lose(s)
- #define foo 4
- str (foo)
- expands to `"foo" lose(4)'.
- You might now ask, "Why mention the prescan, if it makes no
- difference? And why not skip it and make the preprocessor faster?"
- The answer is that the prescan does make a difference in three special
- cases:
- * Nested calls to a macro.
- * Macros that call other macros that stringify or concatenate.
- * Macros whose expansions contain unshielded commas.
- We say that "nested" calls to a macro occur when a macro's actual
- argument contains a call to that very macro. For example, if `f' is a
- macro that expects one argument, `f (f (1))' is a nested pair of calls
- to `f'. The desired expansion is made by expanding `f (1)' and
- substituting that into the definition of `f'. The prescan causes the
- expected result to happen. Without the prescan, `f (1)' itself would
- be substituted as an actual argument, and the inner use of `f' would
- appear during the main scan as an indirect self-reference and would not
- be expanded. Here, the prescan cancels an undesirable side effect (in
- the medical, not computational, sense of the term) of the special rule
- for self-referential macros.
- But prescan causes trouble in certain other cases of nested macro
- calls. Here is an example:
- #define foo a,b
- #define bar(x) lose(x)
- #define lose(x) (1 + (x))
- bar(foo)
- We would like `bar(foo)' to turn into `(1 + (foo))', which would then
- turn into `(1 + (a,b))'. But instead, `bar(foo)' expands into
- `lose(a,b)', and you get an error because `lose' requires a single
- argument. In this case, the problem is easily solved by the same
- parentheses that ought to be used to prevent misnesting of arithmetic
- operations:
- #define foo (a,b)
- #define bar(x) lose((x))
- The problem is more serious when the operands of the macro are not
- expressions; for example, when they are statements. Then parentheses
- are unacceptable because they would make for invalid C code:
- #define foo { int a, b; ... }
- In GNU C you can shield the commas using the `({...})' construct which
- turns a compound statement into an expression:
- #define foo ({ int a, b; ... })
- Or you can rewrite the macro definition to avoid such commas:
- #define foo { int a; int b; ... }
- There is also one case where prescan is useful. It is possible to
- use prescan to expand an argument and then stringify it--if you use two
- levels of macros. Let's add a new macro `xstr' to the example shown
- above:
- #define xstr(s) str(s)
- #define str(s) #s
- #define foo 4
- xstr (foo)
- This expands into `"4"', not `"foo"'. The reason for the difference
- is that the argument of `xstr' is expanded at prescan (because `xstr'
- does not specify stringification or concatenation of the argument).
- The result of prescan then forms the actual argument for `str'. `str'
- uses its argument without prescan because it performs stringification;
- but it cannot prevent or undo the prescanning already done by `xstr'.
- File: cpp.info, Node: Cascaded Macros, Next: Newlines in Args, Prev: Argument Prescan, Up: Macro Pitfalls
- Cascaded Use of Macros
- ......................
- A "cascade" of macros is when one macro's body contains a reference
- to another macro. This is very common practice. For example,
- #define BUFSIZE 1020
- This is not at all the same as defining `TABLESIZE' to be `1020'.
- The `#define' for `TABLESIZE' uses exactly the body you specify--in
- this case, `BUFSIZE'--and does not check to see whether it too is the
- name of a macro.
- It's only when you *use* `TABLESIZE' that the result of its expansion
- is checked for more macro names.
- This makes a difference if you change the definition of `BUFSIZE' at
- some point in the source file. `TABLESIZE', defined as shown, will
- always expand using the definition of `BUFSIZE' that is currently in
- effect:
- #define BUFSIZE 1020
- #undef BUFSIZE
- #define BUFSIZE 37
- Now `TABLESIZE' expands (in two stages) to `37'. (The `#undef' is to
- prevent any warning about the nontrivial redefinition of `BUFSIZE'.)
- File: cpp.info, Node: Newlines in Args, Prev: Cascaded Macros, Up: Macro Pitfalls
- Newlines in Macro Arguments
- ---------------------------
- Traditional macro processing carries forward all newlines in macro
- arguments into the expansion of the macro. This means that, if some of
- the arguments are substituted more than once, or not at all, or out of
- order, newlines can be duplicated, lost, or moved around within the
- expansion. If the expansion consists of multiple statements, then the
- effect is to distort the line numbers of some of these statements. The
- result can be incorrect line numbers, in error messages or displayed in
- a debugger.
- The GNU C preprocessor operating in ANSI C mode adjusts appropriately
- for multiple use of an argument--the first use expands all the
- newlines, and subsequent uses of the same argument produce no newlines.
- But even in this mode, it can produce incorrect line numbering if
- arguments are used out of order, or not used at all.
- Here is an example illustrating this problem:
- #define ignore_second_arg(a,b,c) a; c
- ignore_second_arg (foo (),
- ignored (),
- syntax error);
- The syntax error triggered by the tokens `syntax error' results in an
- error message citing line four, even though the statement text comes
- from line five.
- File: cpp.info, Node: Conditionals, Next: Combining Sources, Prev: Macros, Up: Top
- Conditionals
- ============
- In a macro processor, a "conditional" is a command that allows a part
- of the program to be ignored during compilation, on some conditions.
- In the C preprocessor, a conditional can test either an arithmetic
- expression or whether a name is defined as a macro.
- A conditional in the C preprocessor resembles in some ways an `if'
- statement in C, but it is important to understand the difference between
- them. The condition in an `if' statement is tested during the execution
- of your program. Its purpose is to allow your program to behave
- differently from run to run, depending on the data it is operating on.
- The condition in a preprocessor conditional command is tested when your
- program is compiled. Its purpose is to allow different code to be
- included in the program depending on the situation at the time of
- compilation.
- * Menu:
- * Uses: Conditional Uses. What conditionals are for.
- * Syntax: Conditional Syntax. How conditionals are written.
- * Deletion: Deleted Code. Making code into a comment.
- * Macros: Conditionals-Macros. Why conditionals are used with macros.
- * Assertions:: How and why to use assertions.
- * Errors: #error Command. Detecting inconsistent compilation parameters.
- File: cpp.info, Node: Conditional Uses, Next: Conditional Syntax, Up: Conditionals
- Why Conditionals are Used
- -------------------------
- Generally there are three kinds of reason to use a conditional.
- * A program may need to use different code depending on the machine
- or operating system it is to run on. In some cases the code for
- one operating system may be erroneous on another operating system;
- for example, it might refer to library routines that do not exist
- on the other system. When this happens, it is not enough to avoid
- executing the invalid code: merely having it in the program makes
- it impossible to link the program and run it. With a preprocessor
- conditional, the offending code can be effectively excised from
- the program when it is not valid.
- * You may want to be able to compile the same source file into two
- different programs. Sometimes the difference between the programs
- is that one makes frequent time-consuming consistency checks on its
- intermediate data, or prints the values of those data for
- debugging, while the other does not.
- * A conditional whose condition is always false is a good way to
- exclude code from the program but keep it as a sort of comment for
- future reference.
- Most simple programs that are intended to run on only one machine
- will not need to use preprocessor conditionals.
- File: cpp.info, Node: Conditional Syntax, Next: Deleted Code, Prev: Conditional Uses, Up: Conditionals
- Syntax of Conditionals
- ----------------------
- A conditional in the C preprocessor begins with a "conditional
- command": `#if', `#ifdef' or `#ifndef'. *Note Conditionals-Macros::,
- for information on `#ifdef' and `#ifndef'; only `#if' is explained here.
- * Menu:
- * If: #if Command. Basic conditionals using `#if' and `#endif'.
- * Else: #else Command. Including some text if the condition fails.
- * Elif: #elif Command. Testing several alternative possibilities.
- File: cpp.info, Node: #if Command, Next: #else Command, Up: Conditional Syntax
- The `#if' Command
- .................
- The `#if' command in its simplest form consists of
- #endif /* EXPRESSION */
- The comment following the `#endif' is not required, but it is a good
- practice because it helps people match the `#endif' to the
- corresponding `#if'. Such comments should always be used, except in
- short conditionals that are not nested. In fact, you can put anything
- at all after the `#endif' and it will be ignored by the GNU C
- preprocessor, but only comments are acceptable in ANSI Standard C.
- EXPRESSION is a C expression of integer type, subject to stringent
- restrictions. It may contain
- * Integer constants, which are all regarded as `long' or `unsigned
- long'.
- * Character constants, which are interpreted according to the
- character set and conventions of the machine and operating system
- on which the preprocessor is running. The GNU C preprocessor uses
- the C data type `char' for these character constants; therefore,
- whether some character codes are negative is determined by the C
- compiler used to compile the preprocessor. If it treats `char' as
- signed, then character codes large enough to set the sign bit will
- be considered negative; otherwise, no character code is considered
- negative.
- * Arithmetic operators for addition, subtraction, multiplication,
- division, bitwise operations, shifts, comparisons, and logical
- operations (`&&' and `||').
- * Identifiers that are not macros, which are all treated as zero(!).
- * Macro calls. All macro calls in the expression are expanded before
- actual computation of the expression's value begins.
- Note that `sizeof' operators and `enum'-type values are not allowed.
- `enum'-type values, like all other identifiers that are not taken as
- macro calls and expanded, are treated as zero.
- The CONTROLLED TEXT inside of a conditional can include preprocessor
- commands. Then the commands inside the conditional are obeyed only if
- that branch of the conditional succeeds. The text can also contain
- other conditional groups. However, the `#if' and `#endif' commands
- must balance.
- File: cpp.info, Node: #else Command, Next: #elif Command, Prev: #if Command, Up: Conditional Syntax
- The `#else' Command
- ...................
- The `#else' command can be added to a conditional to provide
- alternative text to be used if the condition is false. This is what it
- looks like:
- #else /* Not EXPRESSION */
- #endif /* Not EXPRESSION */
- If EXPRESSION is nonzero, and thus the TEXT-IF-TRUE is active, then
- `#else' acts like a failing conditional and the TEXT-IF-FALSE is
- ignored. Contrariwise, if the `#if' conditional fails, the
- TEXT-IF-FALSE is considered included.
- File: cpp.info, Node: #elif Command, Prev: #else Command, Up: Conditional Syntax
- The `#elif' Command
- ...................
- One common case of nested conditionals is used to check for more
- than two possible alternatives. For example, you might have
- #if X == 1
- ...
- #else /* X != 1 */
- #if X == 2
- ...
- #else /* X != 2 */
- ...
- #endif /* X != 2 */
- #endif /* X != 1 */
- Another conditional command, `#elif', allows this to be abbreviated
- as follows:
- #if X == 1
- ...
- #elif X == 2
- ...
- #else /* X != 2 and X != 1*/
- ...
- #endif /* X != 2 and X != 1*/
- `#elif' stands for "else if". Like `#else', it goes in the middle
- of a `#if'-`#endif' pair and subdivides it; it does not require a
- matching `#endif' of its own. Like `#if', the `#elif' command includes
- an expression to be tested.
- The text following the `#elif' is processed only if the original
- `#if'-condition failed and the `#elif' condition succeeds. More than
- one `#elif' can go in the same `#if'-`#endif' group. Then the text
- after each `#elif' is processed only if the `#elif' condition succeeds
- after the original `#if' and any previous `#elif' commands within it
- have failed. `#else' is equivalent to `#elif 1', and `#else' is
- allowed after any number of `#elif' commands, but `#elif' may not follow
- `#else'.
- File: cpp.info, Node: Deleted Code, Next: Conditionals-Macros, Prev: Conditional Syntax, Up: Conditionals
- Keeping Deleted Code for Future Reference
- -----------------------------------------
- If you replace or delete a part of the program but want to keep the
- old code around as a comment for future reference, the easy way to do
- this is to put `#if 0' before it and `#endif' after it. This is better
- than using comment delimiters `/*' and `*/' since those won't work if
- the code already contains comments (C comments do not nest).
- This works even if the code being turned off contains conditionals,
- but they must be entire conditionals (balanced `#if' and `#endif').
- Conversely, do not use `#if 0' for comments which are not C code.
- Use the comment delimiters `/*' and `*/' instead. The interior of `#if
- 0' must consist of complete tokens; in particular, singlequote
- characters must balance. But comments often contain unbalanced
- singlequote characters (known in English as apostrophes). These
- confuse `#if 0'. They do not confuse `/*'.
- File: cpp.info, Node: Conditionals-Macros, Next: Assertions, Prev: Deleted Code, Up: Conditionals
- Conditionals and Macros
- -----------------------
- Conditionals are useful in connection with macros or assertions,
- because those are the only ways that an expression's value can vary
- from one compilation to another. A `#if' command whose expression uses
- no macros or assertions is equivalent to `#if 1' or `#if 0'; you might
- as well determine which one, by computing the value of the expression
- yourself, and then simplify the program.
- For example, here is a conditional that tests the expression
- `BUFSIZE == 1020', where `BUFSIZE' must be a macro.
- #if BUFSIZE == 1020
- printf ("Large buffers!\n");
- #endif /* BUFSIZE is large */
- (Programmers often wish they could test the size of a variable or
- data type in `#if', but this does not work. The preprocessor does not
- understand `sizeof', or typedef names, or even the type keywords such
- as `int'.)
- The special operator `defined' is used in `#if' expressions to test
- whether a certain name is defined as a macro. Either `defined NAME' or
- `defined (NAME)' is an expression whose value is 1 if NAME is defined
- as macro at the current point in the program, and 0 otherwise. For the
- `defined' operator it makes no difference what the definition of the
- macro is; all that matters is whether there is a definition. Thus, for
- example,
- #if defined (vax) || defined (ns16000)
- would succeed if either of the names `vax' and `ns16000' is defined as
- a macro. You can test the same condition using assertions (*note
- Assertions::.), like this:
- #if #cpu (vax) || #cpu (ns16000)
- If a macro is defined and later undefined with `#undef', subsequent
- use of the `defined' operator returns 0, because the name is no longer
- defined. If the macro is defined again with another `#define',
- `defined' will recommence returning 1.
- Conditionals that test whether just one name is defined are very
- common, so there are two special short conditional commands for this
- case.
- `#ifdef NAME'
- is equivalent to `#if defined (NAME)'.
- `#ifndef NAME'
- is equivalent to `#if ! defined (NAME)'.
- Macro definitions can vary between compilations for several reasons.
- * Some macros are predefined on each kind of machine. For example,
- on a Vax, the name `vax' is a predefined macro. On other
- machines, it would not be defined.
- * Many more macros are defined by system header files. Different
- systems and machines define different macros, or give them
- different values. It is useful to test these macros with
- conditionals to avoid using a system feature on a machine where it
- is not implemented.
- * Macros are a common way of allowing users to customize a program
- for different machines or applications. For example, the macro
- `BUFSIZE' might be defined in a configuration file for your
- program that is included as a header file in each source file. You
- would use `BUFSIZE' in a preprocessor conditional in order to
- generate different code depending on the chosen configuration.
- * Macros can be defined or undefined with `-D' and `-U' command
- options when you compile the program. You can arrange to compile
- the same source file into two different programs by choosing a
- macro name to specify which program you want, writing conditionals
- to test whether or how this macro is defined, and then controlling
- the state of the macro with compiler command options. *Note
- Invocation::.
- Assertions are usually predefined, but can be defined with
- preprocessor commands or command-line options.
- File: cpp.info, Node: Assertions, Next: #error Command, Prev: Conditionals-Macros, Up: Conditionals
- Assertions
- ----------
- "Assertions" are a more systematic alternative to macros in writing
- conditionals to test what sort of computer or system the compiled
- program will run on. Assertions are usually predefined, but you can
- define them with preprocessor commands or command-line options.
- The macros traditionally used to describe the type of target are not
- classified in any way according to which question they answer; they may
- indicate a hardware architecture, a particular hardware model, an
- operating system, a particular version of an operating system, or
- specific configuration options. These are jumbled together in a single
- namespace. In contrast, each assertion consists of a named question and
- an answer. The question is usually called the "predicate". An
- assertion looks like this:
- You must use a properly formed identifier for PREDICATE. The value of
- ANSWER can be any sequence of words; all characters are significant
- except for leading and trailing whitespace, and differences in internal
- whitespace sequences are ignored. Thus, `x + y' is different from
- `x+y' but equivalent to `x + y'. `)' is not allowed in an answer.
- Here is a conditional to test whether the answer ANSWER is asserted
- for the predicate PREDICATE:
- There may be more than one answer asserted for a given predicate. If
- you omit the answer, you can test whether *any* answer is asserted for
- Most of the time, the assertions you test will be predefined
- assertions. GNU C provides three predefined predicates: `system',
- `cpu', and `machine'. `system' is for assertions about the type of
- software, `cpu' describes the type of computer architecture, and
- `machine' gives more information about the computer. For example, on a
- GNU system, the following assertions would be true:
- #system (gnu)
- #system (mach)
- #system (mach 3)
- #system (mach 3.SUBVERSION)
- #system (hurd)
- #system (hurd VERSION)
- and perhaps others. The alternatives with more or less version
- information let you ask more or less detailed questions about the type
- of system software.
- On a Unix system, you would find `#system (unix)' and perhaps one of:
- `#system (aix)', `#system (bsd)', `#system (hpux)', `#system (lynx)',
- `#system (mach)', `#system (posix)', `#system (svr3)', `#system
- (svr4)', or `#system (xpg4)' with possible version numbers following.
- Other values for `system' are `#system (mvs)' and `#system (vms)'.
- *Portability note:* Many Unix C compilers provide only one answer
- for the `system' assertion: `#system (unix)', if they support
- assertions at all. This is less than useful.
- An assertion with a multi-word answer is completely different from
- several assertions with individual single-word answers. For example,
- the presence of `system (mach 3.0)' does not mean that `system (3.0)'
- is true. It also does not directly imply `system (mach)', but in GNU
- C, that last will normally be asserted as well.
- The current list of possible assertion values for `cpu' is: `#cpu
- (a29k)', `#cpu (alpha)', `#cpu (arm)', `#cpu (clipper)', `#cpu
- (convex)', `#cpu (elxsi)', `#cpu (tron)', `#cpu (h8300)', `#cpu
- (i370)', `#cpu (i386)', `#cpu (i860)', `#cpu (i960)', `#cpu (m68k)',
- `#cpu (m88k)', `#cpu (mips)', `#cpu (ns32k)', `#cpu (hppa)', `#cpu
- (pyr)', `#cpu (ibm032)', `#cpu (rs6000)', `#cpu (sh)', `#cpu (sparc)',
- `#cpu (spur)', `#cpu (tahoe)', `#cpu (vax)', `#cpu (we32000)'.
- You can create assertions within a C program using `#assert', like
- this:
- (Note the absence of a `#' before PREDICATE.)
- Each time you do this, you assert a new true answer for PREDICATE.
- Asserting one answer does not invalidate previously asserted answers;
- they all remain true. The only way to remove an assertion is with
- `#unassert'. `#unassert' has the same syntax as `#assert'. You can
- also remove all assertions about PREDICATE like this:
- #unassert PREDICATE
- You can also add or cancel assertions using command options when you
- run `gcc' or `cpp'. *Note Invocation::.
- File: cpp.info, Node: #error Command, Prev: Assertions, Up: Conditionals
- The `#error' and `#warning' Commands
- ------------------------------------
- The command `#error' causes the preprocessor to report a fatal
- error. The rest of the line that follows `#error' is used as the error
- message.
- You would use `#error' inside of a conditional that detects a
- combination of parameters which you know the program does not properly
- support. For example, if you know that the program will not run
- properly on a Vax, you might write
- #ifdef __vax__
- #error Won't work on Vaxen. See comments at get_last_object.
- #endif
- *Note Nonstandard Predefined::, for why this works.
- If you have several configuration parameters that must be set up by
- the installation in a consistent way, you can use conditionals to detect
- an inconsistency and report it with `#error'. For example,
- #if HASH_TABLE_SIZE % 2 == 0 || HASH_TABLE_SIZE % 3 == 0 \
- || HASH_TABLE_SIZE % 5 == 0
- #error HASH_TABLE_SIZE should not be divisible by a small prime
- #endif
- The command `#warning' is like the command `#error', but causes the
- preprocessor to issue a warning and continue preprocessing. The rest of
- the line that follows `#warning' is used as the warning message.
- You might use `#warning' in obsolete header files, with a message
- directing the user to the header file which should be used instead.
- File: cpp.info, Node: Combining Sources, Next: Other Commands, Prev: Conditionals, Up: Top
- Combining Source Files
- ======================
- One of the jobs of the C preprocessor is to inform the C compiler of
- where each line of C code came from: which source file and which line
- number.
- C code can come from multiple source files if you use `#include';
- both `#include' and the use of conditionals and macros can cause the
- line number of a line in the preprocessor output to be different from
- the line's number in the original source file. You will appreciate the
- value of making both the C compiler (in error messages) and symbolic
- debuggers such as GDB use the line numbers in your source file.
- The C preprocessor builds on this feature by offering a command by
- which you can control the feature explicitly. This is useful when a
- file for input to the C preprocessor is the output from another program
- such as the `bison' parser generator, which operates on another file
- that is the true source file. Parts of the output from `bison' are
- generated from scratch, other parts come from a standard parser file.
- The rest are copied nearly verbatim from the source file, but their
- line numbers in the `bison' output are not the same as their original
- line numbers. Naturally you would like compiler error messages and
- symbolic debuggers to know the original source file and line number of
- each line in the `bison' input.
- `bison' arranges this by writing `#line' commands into the output
- file. `#line' is a command that specifies the original line number and
- source file name for subsequent input in the current preprocessor input
- file. `#line' has three variants:
- `#line LINENUM'
- Here LINENUM is a decimal integer constant. This specifies that
- the line number of the following line of input, in its original
- source file, was LINENUM.
- Here LINENUM is a decimal integer constant and FILENAME is a
- string constant. This specifies that the following line of input
- came originally from source file FILENAME and its line number there
- was LINENUM. Keep in mind that FILENAME is not just a file name;
- it is surrounded by doublequote characters so that it looks like a
- string constant.
- ANYTHING ELSE is checked for macro calls, which are expanded. The
- result should be a decimal integer constant followed optionally by
- a string constant, as described above.
- `#line' commands alter the results of the `__FILE__' and `__LINE__'
- predefined macros from that point on. *Note Standard Predefined::.
- The output of the preprocessor (which is the input for the rest of
- the compiler) contains commands that look much like `#line' commands.
- They start with just `#' instead of `#line', but this is followed by a
- line number and file name as in `#line'. *Note Output::.
- File: cpp.info, Node: Other Commands, Next: Output, Prev: Combining Sources, Up: Top
- Miscellaneous Preprocessor Commands
- ===================================
- This section describes three additional preprocessor commands. They
- are not very useful, but are mentioned for completeness.
- The "null command" consists of a `#' followed by a Newline, with
- only whitespace (including comments) in between. A null command is
- understood as a preprocessor command but has no effect on the
- preprocessor output. The primary significance of the existence of the
- null command is that an input line consisting of just a `#' will
- produce no output, rather than a line of output containing just a `#'.
- Supposedly some old C programs contain such lines.
- The ANSI standard specifies that the `#pragma' command has an
- arbitrary, implementation-defined effect. In the GNU C preprocessor,
- `#pragma' commands are not used, except for `#pragma once' (*note
- Once-Only::.). However, they are left in the preprocessor output, so
- they are available to the compilation pass.
- The `#ident' command is supported for compatibility with certain
- other systems. It is followed by a line of text. On some systems, the
- text is copied into a special place in the object file; on most systems,
- the text is ignored and this command has no effect. Typically `#ident'
- is only used in header files supplied with those systems where it is
- meaningful.
- File: cpp.info, Node: Output, Next: Invocation, Prev: Other Commands, Up: Top
- C Preprocessor Output
- =====================
- The output from the C preprocessor looks much like the input, except
- that all preprocessor command lines have been replaced with blank lines
- and all comments with spaces. Whitespace within a line is not altered;
- however, a space is inserted after the expansions of most macro calls.
- Source file name and line number information is conveyed by lines of
- the form
- which are inserted as needed into the middle of the input (but never
- within a string or character constant). Such a line means that the
- following line originated in file FILENAME at line LINENUM.
- After the file name comes zero or more flags, which are `1', `2' or
- `3'. If there are multiple flags, spaces separate them. Here is what
- the flags mean:
- `1'
- This indicates the start of a new file.
- `2'
- This indicates returning to a file (after having included another
- file).
- `3'
- This indicates that the following text comes from a system header
- file, so certain warnings should be suppressed.