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- /* Sparse Arrays for Objective C dispatch tables
- Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of GNU CC.
- GNU CC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- GNU CC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with GNU CC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
- /* As a special exception, if you link this library with files
- compiled with GCC to produce an executable, this does not cause
- the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
- This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
- the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
- #include "objc/sarray.h"
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "assert.h"
- int nbuckets = 0;
- int nindices = 0;
- int narrays = 0;
- int idxsize = 0;
- #ifdef OBJC_SPARSE2
- const char* __objc_sparse2_id = "2 level sparse indices";
- #endif
- #ifdef OBJC_SPARSE3
- const char* __objc_sparse3_id = "3 level sparse indices";
- #endif
- #ifdef __alpha__
- const void *memcpy (void*, const void*, size_t);
- void free (const void*);
- #endif
- void
- sarray_at_put(struct sarray* array, sidx index, void* element)
- {
- #ifdef OBJC_SPARSE3
- struct sindex** the_index;
- #endif
- struct sbucket** the_bucket;
- #ifdef OBJC_SPARSE3
- size_t ioffset;
- #endif
- size_t boffset;
- size_t eoffset;
- union sofftype xx;
- xx.idx = index;
- #ifdef OBJC_SPARSE3
- ioffset = xx.off.ioffset;
- #endif
- boffset = xx.off.boffset;
- eoffset = xx.off.eoffset;
- #else /* not PRECOMPUTE_SELECTORS */
- #ifdef OBJC_SPARSE3
- ioffset = index/INDEX_CAPACITY;
- boffset = (index/BUCKET_SIZE)%INDEX_SIZE;
- eoffset = index%BUCKET_SIZE;
- #else
- boffset = index/BUCKET_SIZE;
- eoffset = index%BUCKET_SIZE;
- #endif
- #endif /* not PRECOMPUTE_SELECTORS */
- assert(soffset_decode(index) < array->capacity); /* Range check */
- #ifdef OBJC_SPARSE3
- the_index = &(array->indices[ioffset]);
- the_bucket = &((*the_index)->buckets[boffset]);
- #else
- the_bucket = &(array->buckets[boffset]);
- #endif
- if ((*the_bucket)->elems[eoffset] == element)
- return; /* great! we just avoided a lazy copy */
- #ifdef OBJC_SPARSE3
- /* First, perform lazy copy/allocation of index if needed */
- if ((*the_index) == array->empty_index) {
- /* The index was previously empty, allocate a new */
- *the_index = (struct sindex*)__objc_xmalloc(sizeof(struct sindex));
- memcpy(*the_index, array->empty_index, sizeof(struct sindex));
- (*the_index)->version = array->version;
- the_bucket = &((*the_index)->buckets[boffset]);
- nindices += 1;
- } else if ((*the_index)->version != array->version) {
- /* This index must be lazy copied */
- struct sindex* old_index = *the_index;
- *the_index = (struct sindex*)__objc_xmalloc(sizeof(struct sindex));
- memcpy( *the_index,old_index, sizeof(struct sindex));
- (*the_index)->version = array->version;
- the_bucket = &((*the_index)->buckets[boffset]);
- nindices += 1;
- }
- #endif /* OBJC_SPARSE3 */
- /* next, perform lazy allocation/copy of the bucket if needed */
- if ((*the_bucket) == array->empty_bucket) {
- /* The bucket was previously empty (or something like that), */
- /* allocate a new. This is the effect of `lazy' allocation */
- *the_bucket = (struct sbucket*)__objc_xmalloc(sizeof(struct sbucket));
- memcpy((void *) *the_bucket, (const void*)array->empty_bucket, sizeof(struct sbucket));
- (*the_bucket)->version = array->version;
- nbuckets += 1;
- } else if ((*the_bucket)->version != array->version) {
- /* Perform lazy copy. */
- struct sbucket* old_bucket = *the_bucket;
- *the_bucket = (struct sbucket*)__objc_xmalloc(sizeof(struct sbucket));
- memcpy( *the_bucket,old_bucket, sizeof(struct sbucket));
- (*the_bucket)->version = array->version;
- nbuckets += 1;
- }
- (*the_bucket)->elems[eoffset] = element;
- }
- void
- sarray_at_put_safe(struct sarray* array, sidx index, void* element)
- {
- if(soffset_decode(index) >= array->capacity)
- sarray_realloc(array, soffset_decode(index)+1);
- sarray_at_put(array, index, element);
- }
- struct sarray*
- sarray_new (int size, void* default_element)
- {
- #ifdef OBJC_SPARSE3
- size_t num_indices = ((size-1)/(INDEX_CAPACITY))+1;
- #else /* OBJC_SPARSE2 */
- size_t num_indices = ((size-1)/BUCKET_SIZE)+1;
- #endif
- int counter;
- struct sarray* arr;
- assert(size > 0);
- /* Allocate core array */
- arr = (struct sarray*) __objc_xmalloc(sizeof(struct sarray));
- arr->version = 0;
- narrays += 1;
- /* Initialize members */
- #ifdef OBJC_SPARSE3
- arr->capacity = num_indices*INDEX_CAPACITY;
- arr->indices = (struct sindex**)
- __objc_xmalloc(sizeof(struct sindex*)*num_indices);
- idxsize += num_indices;
- arr->empty_index = (struct sindex*) __objc_xmalloc(sizeof(struct sindex));
- arr->empty_index->version = 0;
- nindices += 1;
- #else /* OBJC_SPARSE2 */
- arr->capacity = num_indices*BUCKET_SIZE;
- arr->buckets = (struct sbucket**)
- __objc_xmalloc(sizeof(struct sbucket*)*num_indices);
- idxsize += num_indices;
- #endif
- arr->empty_bucket = (struct sbucket*) __objc_xmalloc(sizeof(struct sbucket));
- arr->empty_bucket->version = 0;
- nbuckets += 1;
- arr->ref_count = 1;
- arr->is_copy_of = (struct sarray*)0;
- for (counter=0; counter<BUCKET_SIZE; counter++)
- arr->empty_bucket->elems[counter] = default_element;
- #ifdef OBJC_SPARSE3
- for (counter=0; counter<INDEX_SIZE; counter++)
- arr->empty_index->buckets[counter] = arr->empty_bucket;
- for (counter=0; counter<num_indices; counter++)
- arr->indices[counter] = arr->empty_index;
- #else /* OBJC_SPARSE2 */
- for (counter=0; counter<num_indices; counter++)
- arr->buckets[counter] = arr->empty_bucket;
- #endif
- return arr;
- }
- /* Reallocate the sparse array to hold `newsize' entries */
- void
- sarray_realloc(struct sarray* array, int newsize)
- {
- #ifdef OBJC_SPARSE3
- int old_max_index = (array->capacity-1)/INDEX_CAPACITY;
- int new_max_index = ((newsize-1)/INDEX_CAPACITY);
- int rounded_size = (new_max_index+1)*INDEX_CAPACITY;
- #else /* OBJC_SPARSE2 */
- int old_max_index = (array->capacity-1)/BUCKET_SIZE;
- int new_max_index = ((newsize-1)/BUCKET_SIZE);
- int rounded_size = (new_max_index+1)*BUCKET_SIZE;
- #endif
- int counter;
- assert(newsize > 0);
- /* The size is the same, just ignore the request */
- if(rounded_size == array->capacity)
- return;
- assert(array->ref_count == 1); /* stop if lazy copied... */
- if(rounded_size < array->capacity)
- {
- /* update capacity */
- array->capacity = rounded_size;
- /* free buckets above new_max_index */
- for(counter = old_max_index; counter > new_max_index; counter-- ) {
- #ifdef OBJC_SPARSE3
- struct sindex* idx = array->indices[counter];
- if((idx != array->empty_index) && (idx->version == array->version)) {
- int c2;
- for(c2=0; c2<INDEX_SIZE; c2++) {
- struct sbucket* bkt = idx->buckets[c2];
- if((bkt != array->empty_bucket) && (bkt->version == array->version))
- {
- free(bkt);
- nbuckets -= 1;
- }
- }
- free(idx);
- nindices -= 1;
- }
- #else /* OBJC_SPARSE2 */
- struct sbucket* bkt = array->buckets[counter];
- if ((bkt != array->empty_bucket) && (bkt->version == array->version))
- {
- free(bkt);
- nbuckets -= 1;
- }
- #endif
- }
- #ifdef OBJC_SPARSE3
- /* realloc to free the space above new_max_index */
- array->indices = (struct sindex**)
- __objc_xrealloc(array->indices,
- (new_max_index+1)*sizeof(struct sindex*));
- #else /* OBJC_SPARSE2 */
- array->buckets = (struct sbucket**)
- __objc_xrealloc(array->buckets,
- (new_max_index+1)*sizeof(struct sbucket*));
- #endif
- idxsize -= (old_max_index-new_max_index);
- return;
- }
- /* We are asked to extend the array -- reallocate the bucket table, */
- /* and insert empty_bucket in newly allocated places. */
- if(rounded_size > array->capacity)
- {
- /* update capacity */
- array->capacity = rounded_size;
- #ifdef OBJC_SPARSE3
- /* realloc to make room in table above old_max_index */
- array->indices = (struct sindex**)
- __objc_xrealloc(array->indices,
- (new_max_index+1)*sizeof(struct sindex*));
- /* reset entries above old_max_index to empty_bucket */
- for(counter = old_max_index+1; counter <= new_max_index; counter++)
- array->indices[counter] = array->empty_index;
- #else /* OBJC_SPARSE2 */
- /* realloc to make room in table above old_max_index */
- array->buckets = (struct sbucket**)
- __objc_xrealloc(array->buckets,
- (new_max_index+1)*sizeof(struct sbucket*));
- /* reset entries above old_max_index to empty_bucket */
- for(counter = old_max_index+1; counter <= new_max_index; counter++)
- array->buckets[counter] = array->empty_bucket;
- #endif
- idxsize += (new_max_index-old_max_index);
- return;
- }
- }
- /* Free a sparse array allocated with sarray_new */
- void
- sarray_free(struct sarray* array) {
- #ifdef OBJC_SPARSE3
- size_t old_max_index = (array->capacity-1)/INDEX_CAPACITY;
- #else
- size_t old_max_index = (array->capacity-1)/BUCKET_SIZE;
- #endif
- int counter = 0;
- assert(array->ref_count != 0); /* Freed multiple times!!! */
- if(--(array->ref_count) != 0) /* There exists copies of me */
- return;
- if((array->is_copy_of) && ((array->is_copy_of->ref_count - 1) == 0))
- sarray_free(array->is_copy_of);
- /* Free all entries that do not point to empty_bucket */
- for(counter = 0; counter <= old_max_index; counter++ ) {
- #ifdef OBJC_SPARSE3
- struct sindex* idx = array->indices[counter];
- if((idx != array->empty_index) && (idx->version == array->version)) {
- int c2;
- for(c2=0; c2<INDEX_SIZE; c2++) {
- struct sbucket* bkt = idx->buckets[c2];
- if((bkt != array->empty_bucket) && (bkt->version == array->version))
- {
- free(bkt);
- nbuckets -= 1;
- }
- }
- free(idx);
- nindices -= 1;
- }
- #else /* OBJC_SPARSE2 */
- struct sbucket* bkt = array->buckets[counter];
- if ((bkt != array->empty_bucket) && (bkt->version == array->version))
- {
- free(bkt);
- nbuckets -= 1;
- }
- #endif
- }
- #ifdef OBJC_SPARSE3
- /* free empty_index */
- if(array->empty_index->version == array->version) {
- free(array->empty_index);
- nindices -= 1;
- }
- #endif
- /* free empty_bucket */
- if(array->empty_bucket->version == array->version) {
- free(array->empty_bucket);
- nbuckets -= 1;
- }
- #ifdef OBJC_SPARSE3
- /* free bucket table */
- free(array->indices);
- idxsize -= (old_max_index+1);
- #else
- /* free bucket table */
- free(array->buckets);
- idxsize -= (old_max_index+1);
- #endif
- /* free array */
- free(array);
- narrays -= 1;
- }
- /* This is a lazy copy. Only the core of the structure is actually */
- /* copied. */
- struct sarray*
- sarray_lazy_copy(struct sarray* oarr)
- {
- #ifdef OBJC_SPARSE3
- size_t num_indices = ((oarr->capacity-1)/INDEX_CAPACITY)+1;
- #else /* OBJC_SPARSE2 */
- size_t num_indices = ((oarr->capacity-1)/BUCKET_SIZE)+1;
- #endif
- struct sarray* arr;
- /* Allocate core array */
- arr = (struct sarray*) __objc_xmalloc(sizeof(struct sarray));
- memcpy( arr,oarr, sizeof(struct sarray));
- arr->version = oarr->version + 1;
- arr->is_copy_of = oarr;
- oarr->ref_count += 1;
- arr->ref_count = 1;
- #ifdef OBJC_SPARSE3
- /* Copy bucket table */
- arr->indices = (struct sindex**)
- __objc_xmalloc(sizeof(struct sindex*)*num_indices);
- memcpy( arr->indices,oarr->indices,
- sizeof(struct sindex*)*num_indices);
- #else
- /* Copy bucket table */
- arr->buckets = (struct sbucket**)
- __objc_xmalloc(sizeof(struct sbucket*)*num_indices);
- memcpy( arr->buckets,oarr->buckets,
- sizeof(struct sbucket*)*num_indices);
- #endif
- idxsize += num_indices;
- narrays += 1;
- return arr;
- }