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- with Instr; use Instr;
- with Instr.Child; use Instr.Child;
- with Io; use Io;
- with Gen_List;
- procedure Demo2 is
- type Acc is access Instrument'Class;
- package Dash_Board is new Gen_List (Acc);
- use Dash_Board;
- procedure Print_Dash_Board (L : List) is
- L1 : List := L;
- begin
- while L1 /= Nil loop
- Display_Value (Element (L1).all);
- L1 := Tail (L1);
- end loop;
- New_Line;
- end Print_Dash_Board;
- DB : List := Nil;
- Inc, Sec : Integer;
- begin
- DB := Append (new Speedometer, -- 1
- Append (new Gauge, -- 2
- Append (new Graphic_Gauge, -- 3
- Append (new Graphic_Gauge, -- 4
- Append (new Clock, -- 5
- Append (new Chronometer, -- 6
- Append (new Accurate_Clock))))))); -- 7
- Set_Name (Element (DB, 1).all, "Speed");
- Set_Name (Element (DB, 2).all, "Fuel");
- Set_Name (Element (DB, 3).all, "Water");
- Set_Name (Element (DB, 4).all, "Oil");
- Set_Name (Element (DB, 5).all, "Time in NY");
- Set_Name (Element (DB, 6).all, "Chrono");
- Set_Name (Element (DB, 7).all, "Time in Paris");
- Speedometer (Element (DB, 1).all).Value := 45; -- mph
- Gauge (Element (DB, 2).all).Value := 60; -- %
- Graphic_Gauge (Element (DB, 3).all).Value := 80; -- %
- Graphic_Gauge (Element (DB, 4).all).Value := 40; -- %
- Init (Clock (Element (DB, 5).all), 12, 15, 0);
- Init (Chronometer (Element (DB, 6).all), 0, 0, 0);
- Init (Accurate_Clock (Element (DB, 7).all), 6, 15, 0);
- loop
- Print_Dash_board (DB);
- if Graphic_Gauge (Element (DB, 3).all).Value < 60 then
- Put_Line ("There is a leak in the radiator.");
- end if;
- if Speedometer (Element (DB, 1).all).Value> 50 then
- Put_Line (" Speed limit is 50 ... ");
- end if;
- if Clock (Element (DB, 5).all).Seconds
- /= Accurate_Clock (Element (DB, 7).all).Seconds
- then
- Put_Line (" Your first clock is not very accurate ");
- end if;
- Put ("Give a time increment in milliseconds (0 to terminate) :");
- Get (Inc);
- exit when Inc <= 0;
- Sec := Inc / 1000;
- Increment (Clock (Element (DB, 5).all), Sec);
- Increment (Chronometer (Element (DB, 6).all), Sec);
- Increment (Accurate_Clock (Element (DB, 7).all), Inc);
- Gauge (Element (DB, 2).all).Value :=
- Integer (Float (Gauge (Element (DB, 2).all).Value)
- * (1.0 - Float (Sec) / 3600.0));
- Graphic_Gauge (Element (DB, 3).all).Value :=
- Integer (Float (Graphic_Gauge (Element (DB, 3).all).Value)
- * (1.0 - Float (Sec) / 600.0));
- Speedometer (Element (DB, 1).all).Value :=
- Speedometer (Element (DB, 1).all).Value + 2;
- end loop;
- exception
- when Others => Put_Line ("I think that's enough for today... Bye");
- end Demo2;