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- -- tef.adb
- -- a simple test to use the non-generic elementary function package and call
- -- the some trig functions. Similar to tgef.adb except here there is no
- -- instantiation of GEF (Generic ELementary Functions).
- with Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions;
- with Ada.Numerics; use Ada.Numerics;
- with Text_IO;
- procedure Tef is
- C : Character;
- Y : Float;
- P : Integer;
- subtype Line is String (1 .. 80);
- Filler : Line := (others => ' ');
- Display : array (0 .. 21) of Line;
- begin
- Text_IO.Set_Page_Length (Text_IO.Current_Output, 0);
- Text_IO.Put_Line ("Display of Sin, Cos and Arctan graphs");
- Text_IO.Put_Line ("Legend: Sin (O), Cos (X), Arctan (+)");
- for I in Display'range loop
- Display (I) := Filler;
- end loop;
- Display (10) := (1 .. 80 => '-');
- for I in 1 .. 20 loop
- Y := Elementary_Functions.Cos (Float (I) * Pi / 10.0);
- P := Integer (10.0 * Y) + 10;
- Display (P)(4 * I) := 'O';
- Y := Elementary_Functions.Sin (Float (I) * Pi / 10.0);
- P := Integer (10.0 * Y) + 10;
- Display (P)(4 * I) := 'X';
- Y := Elementary_Functions.Arctan (Float (I) * Pi / 10.0);
- P := Integer (10.0 * Y) + 10;
- Display (P)(4 * I) := '+';
- end loop;
- for I in Display'range loop
- Text_IO.Put_Line (Display (I));
- end loop;
- end Tef;