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- Current as of 5/10/94
- Here is the list of implemented and not implemented features. A more precise
- description of the GNAT system is provided in the file 'gnat-intro', which is
- part of the GNAT distribution.
- Features added since GNAT version 1.78
- =======================================================================
- The list of features has been reorganized into one list according
- to the reference manual. Things listed are implemented unless specifically
- listed as not being implemented.
- Some limited tasking on the Sparc SunOS version only. OS/2 version to
- follow in a few weeks. (See more detailed list of tasking features below)
- More complete documentation of cross referencer (see gnat-intro for details)
- access discriminants
- derived enumeration types (exception from type Character)
- gnatsplit tool -- to deal with files containing several compilation units.
- gkrunch utility
- 8 character file names for RTL files to help GNAT on DOS and OS/2
- running under the FAT.
- Generic Renaming
- Min and Max attributes
- Intrinsic Functions (see section in gnat-intro for more details)
- String Handling
- The Package Strings
- The Package Strings.Maps
- Fixed-Length String Handling
- Bounded-Length String Handling
- Unbounded-Length String Handling
- String-Handling Sets and Mappings
- =======================================================================
- Status of Features
- ------------------
- The parser is a full Ada9X parser, which implements the Ada 9X language
- as defined by version 4.0 of the Draft International Standard. Semantic
- analysis and code generation are in constant evolution.
- 2. Lexical Elements
- 2.1 Character Set
- 2.2 Lexical Elements, Separators, and Delimiters
- 2.3 Identifiers
- 2.4 Numeric Literals
- 2.4.1 Decimal Literals
- 2.4.2 Based Literals
- 2.5 Character Literals
- 2.6 String Literals
- 2.8 Pragmas
- see Appendix B listing for status of Pragmas
- 2.9 Reserved Words
- 3. Declarations and Types
- 3.1 Declarations
- 3.2 Types and Subtypes
- 3.2.1 Type Declarations
- 3.2.2 Subtype Declarations
- 3.3 Objects and Named Numbers
- 3.3.1 Object Declarations
- 3.3.2 Number Declarations
- 3.4 Derived types and Classes
- 3.4.1 Derivation Classes
- Derived types from private types (not implemented yet)
- 3.5 Scalar Types
- Attribute 'Base 'Min 'Max
- 3.5.1 Enumeration Types
- attributes (first, last, range, pos, val, image)
- 3.5.2 Character Types
- attributes (first, last, range, pos, val, image)
- 3.5.3 Boolean Types
- 3.5.4 Integer Types
- attributes (first, last, range, pos, val, image)
- Modular Types
- 3.5.7 Floating Point Types
- 3.5.8 Operations of Floating Point Types
- attributes -- see the list below attached with Appendix A
- 3.5.9 Fixed Point Types (not implemented yet)
- 3.5.10 Operations of Fixed Point Types (not implemented yet)
- 3.6 Array Types
- 3.6.1 Index Constraints and Discrete Ranges
- 3.6.2 Operations of Array Types
- attributes first, last, range, length
- 3.6.3 String Types
- 3.7 Discriminants
- 3.7.1 Discriminant Constraints
- 3.7.2 Operations of Discriminanted Types
- 3.8 Record types
- 3.8.1 Variant Parts and Discrete Choices
- 3.9 Tagged Types and Type Extensions
- 3.9.1 Type Extensions
- 3.9.2 Dispatching Operations and Subprograms
- 3.9.3 Abstract Types and Subprograms
- attribute 'Class
- 3.10 Access Types
- 3.10.1 Incomplete Type Declarations
- 3.10.2 Operations of Access Types
- Access to subprograms
- attribute 'Access
- accessibility checks (not implemented yet)
- 4. Names and Expressions
- 4.1 Names
- 4.1.1 Indexed Components
- 4.1.2 Slices
- 4.1.3 Selected Components
- 4.2 Literals
- 4.3 Aggregates
- 4.3.1 Record Aggregates
- aggregates for tagged types (not implemented yet)
- 4.3.3 Array Aggregates
- Exponentiation
- Expressions (all forms)
- static and dynamic concatenation
- type conversions (except array conversions)
- membership tests, conversion with class-wide types
- 5. Statements
- 5.1 Simple and Compound Statements - Sequences of Statements
- 5.2 Assignment Statements
- 5.3 If Statements
- 5.4 Case Statements
- 5.5 Loop Statements
- 5.6 Block Statements
- 5.7 Exit Statements
- 5.8 Goto Statements
- 6. Subprograms
- 6.1 Subprogram Declarations
- 6.2 Formal Parameter Modes
- 6.3 Subprogram Bodies
- (6.3.1 No Conformance Rules yet)
- (6.3.2 No Inline Expansion of Subprograms yet)
- 6.4 Subprogram Calls
- 6.4.1 Parameter Associations
- 6.5 Return Statements
- 6.6 Overloading of Operators
- 7. Packages
- 7.1 Package Specifications and Declarations
- 7.2 Package Bodies
- 7.3 Private Types (no private extension yet)
- 7.3.1 Operations of Private Types
- 7.4 Deferred Constants
- 7.5 Limited Types
- 7.6 User-Defined Assignment and Finalization (simple cases)
- 7.6.1 Completion and Finalization (simple cases)
- 8. Visibility Rules
- 8.1 Declarative Region
- 8.2 Scope of Declarations
- 8.3 Visibility
- 8.4 Use Clauses
- 8.5 Renaming Declarations
- 8.5.1 Object Renaming Declarations
- 8.5.2 Exception Renaming Declarations
- 8.5.3 Package Renaming Declarations
- 8.5.4 Subprogram Renaming Declarations
- 8.5.5 Generic Renaming Declarations
- 8.6 The Context of Overload Resolution
- 9. Tasks and Synchronization (Currently on Sparc SunOS verion only)
- 9.1 Task Units and Task Objects (and access to task)
- 9.2 Task Execution - Task Activation
- 9.3 Task Dependence - Termination of Tasks
- 9.4 Protected Units and Protected Objects (not implemented)
- 9.5 Intertask Communication
- 9.5.1 Protected Subprograms (not implemented)
- 9.5.2 Entries and Accept Statements (and entry families)
- 9.5.3 Entry Calls
- 9.5.4 Requeue Statements (not implemented)
- 9.6 Delay Statements, Duration, and Time (not implemented)
- 9.7 Select Statements
- 9.7.1 Selective Accept
- 9.7.2 Timed Entry Calls (not implemented)
- 9.7.3 Conditional Entry Calls
- 9.7.4 Asynchronous Transfer of Control (not implemented)
- 9.8 Abort of a Task - Abort of a Sequence of Statements (not implemented)
- 9.9 Task and Entry Attributes
- Callable, Count, Terminated (not implemented)
- 9.10 Shared Variables (not implemented)
- package Calendar (not implemented yet)
- 10. Program Structure and Compilation Issues
- 10.1 Separate Compilation
- 10.1.1 Compilation Units - Library Units
- (including child units)
- 10.1.2 Context Clauses - With Clauses
- 10.1.3 Subunits of Compilation Units
- 10.1.4 The Compilation Process
- 10.1.5 Pragmas and Compilations
- 10.1.6 Environment-Level Visibility Rules
- 10.2 Program Execution
- 10.2.1 Elaboration Control
- (pragmas Elaborate and Elaborate_All)
- 11. Exceptions
- 11.1 Exception Declarations
- 11.2 Exception Handlers (package Ada.Exceptions not implemented yet)
- 11.3 Raise Statements
- 11.4 Exception Handling
- 11.5 Suppressing Checks
- 11.6 Exceptions and Optimization
- limited constraint checking on integer/enumeration types under the
- following catagories:
- Index Checks
- Access Checks
- Range Checks
- Initial values in object declarations.
- Assignment
- parameter passing of IN parameters
- type conversions
- No constraint checking on floating point types or modular types.
- 12. Generic Units
- 12.1 Generic Declarations
- 12.2 Generic Bodies
- 12.3 Generic Instantiation
- Instantiations of decimal types (not implemented yet)
- Instantiations of modular types (not implemented yet)
- 12.4 Formal Objects
- 12.5 Formal Types
- 12.5.1 Formal Private and Derived Types
- 12.5.2 Formal Scalar Types
- 12.5.3 Formal Array Types
- 12.5.4 Formal Access Types
- 12.6 Formal Subprograms
- 12.7 Formal Packages
- 13. Representation Clauses and Implementation-Dependent Features
- 13.1 Representation Items
- 13.2 Pragma Pack (implemented for records but not arrays)
- 13.3 Representation Attributes
- Address and Size supported; other attributes not implemented
- 13.3.1 Attribute Definition Clauses
- 13.4 Enumeration Representation Clauses (not implemented yet)
- 13.5 Record Layout (not implemented yet)
- 13.5.1 Storage Place Attributes
- 13.5.2 Bit Ordering
- 13.5.3 Record Representation Clauses
- 13.6 Change of Representation
- 13.7 The Package System
- 13.7.1 The Package System.Storage_Elements
- 13.8 Machine Code Insertions (not implemented yet)
- 13.9 Unchecked Type Conversions
- 13.9.1 The Valid Attribute (not implemented yet)
- 13.10 Unchecked Access Value Creation
- 13.11 Storage Management (not implemented yet)
- 13.11.1 The Max_Size_In_Storage_Elements Attribute
- 13.11.2 Unchecked Storage Deallocation
- 13.11.3 Pragma Controlled
- 13.12 Pragma Restrictions
- 13.13 Representation Determination
- 14. Input-Output
- 14.1 External Files and File Objects
- 14.2 Sequential and Direct Files (not implemented)
- 14.2.1 The Generic Package Sequential_IO (not implemented)
- 14.2.2 File Management (not implemented)
- 14.2.3 Sequential Input-Output Operations (not implemented)
- 14.2.4 The Generic Package Direct_IO (not implemented)
- 14.2.5 Direct Input-Output Operations (not implemented)
- 14.2.6 The Generic Package Storage_IO
- 14.3 Text Input-Output
- 14.3.1 The Package Text_IO
- 14.3.2 Text File Management
- 14.3.3 Default Input and Output Files
- 14.3.4 Specification of Line and Page Lengths
- 14.3.5 Operations on Columns, Lines, and Pages
- 14.3.6 Get and Put Procedures
- 14.3.7 Input-Output of Characters and Strings
- 14.3.8 Input-Output for Integer
- implemented for type Integer, and Long_Integer if
- its size is the same as Integer on the particular machine.
- Not implemented for Long_Long_Integer.
- Input-Output for Modular Types (not implemented)
- 14.3.9 Input-Output for Real Types
- Input-Output for Float Types (implemented for Float but
- not Long_Float and Long_Long_Float)
- Input-Output for Fixed Point Types (not implemented)
- Also no bounds checking on result.
- Decimal_IO (not implemented yet)
- 14.3.10 Input-Output for Enumeration Types
- 14.4 Wide Text Input-Output (not implemented)
- 14.5 Stream Input-Output (not implemented)
- 14.5.1 Stream-Oriented Attributes of Specific Types ("")
- 14.5.2 Stream-Oriented Attributes of Class-Wide Types ("")
- 14.5.3 The Package Streams ("")
- 14.5.4 The Package Streams.Stream_IO ("")
- 14.6 Exceptions in Input-Output
- 14.7 File Sharing
- A. Core Language-Defined Attributes
- A.1 Attributes of Floating Point Types
- Ada 83 attributes:
- digits, epsilon, machine_emax, machine_emin, machine_mantissa,
- machine_overflows, machine_radix, machine_rounds, mantissa,
- safe_emax, safe_large, safe_small
- Ada 9X attributes:
- denorm, emax, large, model_emax, model_emin, model_mantissa,
- model_epsilon, model_small, safe_first, safe_last, signed_zeroes
- A.2 Attributes of Fixed Point Typess (not implemented yet)
- B. Core Language-Defined Pragmas
- List
- Page
- Optimize (not implemented)
- Preelaborate (not implemented)
- Pure (not implemented)
- Inline (not implemented)
- Elaborate_All
- Elaboate_Body
- Suppress
- Pack (not implemented)
- Controlled (not implemented)
- Restrictions (not implemented)
- Import
- Export (not implemented)
- Convention
- C. Predefined Language Environment
- C.1 The Package Standard
- C.2 The Package Ada
- C.3 Character Handling
- C.3.1 The Package Characters
- C.3.2 The Package Characters.Latin_1
- C.4 String Handling
- C.4.1 The Package Strings
- C.4.2 The Package Strings.Maps
- C.4.3 Fixed-Length String Handling
- C.4.4 Bounded-Length String Handling
- C.4.5 Unbounded-Length String Handling
- C.4.6 String-Handling Sets and Mappings
- C.4.7 Wide_String Handling (not implemented)
- C.5 The Numerics Packages
- C.5.1 Elementary Functions
- C.5.2 Random Number Generation
- Annex G. Systems Programming (not implemented yet)
- Annex H. Real-Time Systems (not implemented yet)
- Annex I. Distributed Systems (not implemented yet)
- Annex J. Information Systems (not implemented yet)
- Annex K. Numerics (not implemented yet)
- A preliminary version of ada.numerics.generics_complex_functions is
- available, though not extensively tested yet.