home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * Expansion - quoting, separation, substitution, globbing
- */
- #ifndef lint
- static char *RCSid = "$Id: eval.c,v 1.7 93/05/22 22:47:11 sjg Exp $";
- #endif
- #include "stdh.h"
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <setjmp.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <dirent.h>
- #include <pwd.h>
- #include "sh.h"
- #include "expand.h"
- /*
- * string expansion
- *
- * first pass: quoting, IFS separation, ${} and $() substitution.
- * second pass: filename expansion (*?[]~).
- */
- /* expansion generator state */
- typedef struct Expand {
- /* int type; */ /* see expand() */
- char *str; /* string */
- union {
- char **strv; /* string[] */
- FILE *file; /* file */
- } u; /* source */
- short split; /* split "$@"*/
- } Expand;
- #define XBASE 0 /* scanning original */
- #define XSUB 1 /* expanding ${} string */
- #define XARGSEP 2 /* ifs0 between "$@" */
- #define XARG 3 /* expanding $*, $@ */
- #define XCOM 4 /* expanding $() */
- static void expand ARGS((char *cp, XPtrV *wp, int f));
- static int varsub ARGS((Expand *xp, char *sp, int stype));
- static int comsub ARGS((Expand *xp, char *cp));
- static char * trimsub ARGS((char *str, char *pat, int how));
- static void glob ARGS((char *cp, XPtrV *wp));
- static void globit ARGS((char *ds, char *dp, char *sp, XPtrV *wp, int check));
- static char * debunk ARGS((char *cp));
- static char * tilde ARGS((char *acp));
- static char * homedir ARGS((char *name));
- static int alt_expand ARGS((char *, XPtrV *, int));
- static int alt_count ARGS((char *));
- static int alt_scan ARGS((char **, char **, char, int));
- #endif
- int ifs0 = ' '; /* todo: first char of $IFS */
- /* compile and expand word */
- char *
- substitute(cp, f)
- char const *cp;
- int f;
- {
- struct source *s, *sold;
- sold = source;
- s = pushs(SWSTR);
- s->str = (char *) cp;
- source = s;
- if (yylex(ONEWORD) != LWORD)
- errorf("eval:substitute error\n");
- source = sold;
- return evalstr(yylval.cp, f);
- }
- /*
- * expand arg-list
- */
- char **
- eval(ap, f)
- register char **ap;
- {
- XPtrV w;
- if (*ap == NULL)
- return ap;
- XPinit(w, 32);
- XPput(w, NULL); /* space for shell name */
- #ifdef SHARPBANG
- XPput(w, NULL); /* and space for one arg */
- #endif
- while (*ap != NULL)
- expand(*ap++, &w, f);
- XPput(w, NULL);
- #ifdef SHARPBANG
- return (char **) XPclose(w) + 2;
- #else
- return (char **) XPclose(w) + 1;
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * expand string
- */
- char *
- evalstr(cp, f)
- register char *cp;
- int f;
- {
- XPtrV w;
- XPinit(w, 1);
- expand(cp, &w, f);
- cp = (XPsize(w) == 0) ? "" : (char*) *XPptrv(w);
- XPfree(w);
- return cp;
- }
- /*
- * expand string - return only one component
- * used from iosetup to expand redirection files
- */
- char *
- evalonestr(cp, f)
- register char *cp;
- int f;
- {
- XPtrV w;
- XPinit(w, 1);
- expand(cp, &w, f);
- switch (XPsize(w)) {
- case 0:
- cp = "";
- break;
- case 1:
- cp = (char*) *XPptrv(w);
- break;
- default:
- cp = evalstr(cp, f&~DOGLOB);
- break;
- }
- XPfree(w);
- return cp;
- }
- /* for nested substitution: ${var:=$var2} */
- typedef struct SubType {
- short type; /* [=+-?%#] action after expanded word */
- short base; /* begin position of expanded word */
- char *name; /* name for ${var=word} */
- } SubType;
- static void
- expand(cp, wp, f)
- char *cp; /* input word */
- register XPtrV *wp; /* output words */
- int f; /* DO* flags */
- {
- register int c;
- register int type = XBASE; /* expansion type */
- register int quote = 0; /* quoted */
- int quotestack[11]; /* Keep this bigger than the subtype stack */
- register int *qst = quotestack + 11; /* This too, of course */
- XString ds; /* destination string */
- register char *dp, *sp; /* dest., source */
- int fdo, word, combase; /* second pass flags; have word */
- Expand x; /* expansion variables */
- SubType subtype [10]; /* substitution type stack */
- register SubType *st = subtype + 10;
- int newlines; /* For trailing newlines in COMSUB */
- int trimming = 0; /* flag if expanding ${var#pat} or ${var%pat} */
- if (cp == NULL)
- errorf("eval:expand(NULL)\n");
- if (flag[FNOGLOB])
- f &= ~ DOGLOB;
- #define NOALT BIT(8) /* internal to this file */
- /* prevent endless recursion */
- /* look for '{' in the input word */
- if (((f & NOALT) == 0) && (f & DOGLOB) &&
- (dp = strchr(cp, '{')) != NULL &&
- (dp[-1] == CHAR) &&
- !(dp[1] == CHAR && dp[2] == '}')) {
- if (alt_expand(cp, wp, f))
- return;
- }
- f &= ~NOALT;
- #endif
- Xinit(ds, dp, 128); /* init dest. string */
- type = XBASE;
- sp = cp;
- fdo = 0;
- word = !(f&DOBLANK);
- while (1) {
- Xcheck(ds, dp);
- switch (type) {
- case XBASE: /* original prefixed string */
- c = *sp++;
- switch (c) {
- case EOS:
- c = 0;
- break;
- case CHAR:
- c = *sp++;
- break;
- case QCHAR:
- quote |= 2; /* temporary quote */
- c = *sp++;
- break;
- case OQUOTE:
- word = quote = 1;
- continue;
- case CQUOTE:
- quote = 0;
- continue;
- case COMSUB:
- type = comsub(&x, sp);
- sp = strchr(sp, 0) + 1;
- combase = Xsavepos(ds, dp);
- newlines = 0;
- continue;
- case OSUBST: /* ${var{:}[=+-?]word} */
- cp = sp; /* variable */
- sp = strchr(sp, 0) + 1; /* skip variable */
- c = (*sp == CSUBST) ? 0 : *sp++;
- if ((c&0x7F) == '#' || (c&0x7F) == '%') {
- if (flag[FNOUNSET] &&
- strval(global(cp)) == null)
- errorf("%s: unset variable\n", cp);
- trimming++;
- type = XBASE;
- *--qst = quote;
- quote = 0;
- } else
- type = varsub(&x, cp, c);
- if (type == XBASE) { /* expand? */
- if (st == subtype)
- errorf("ridiculous ${} nesting\n");
- --st;
- st->type = c;
- st->base = Xsavepos(ds, dp);
- st->name = cp;
- } else
- sp = wdscan(sp, CSUBST); /* skip word */
- continue;
- case CSUBST: /* only get here if expanding word */
- *dp = 0;
- if (f&DOGLOB)
- f &= ~DOPAT;
- switch (st->type&0x7F) {
- case '#':
- case '%':
- *dp = 0;
- dp = Xrestpos(ds, dp, st->base);
- quote = *qst++;
- x.str = trimsub(strval(global(st->name)),
- dp, st->type);
- type = XSUB;
- trimming--;
- continue;
- case '=':
- #if 0
- if ((x.u.vp->flag&RDONLY))
- errorf("cannot set readonly %s\n", cp);
- #endif
- setstr(global(st->name), Xrestpos(ds, dp, st->base));
- break;
- case '?':
- if (dp == Xrestpos(ds, dp, st->base))
- errorf("missing value for %s\n", cp);
- else
- errorf("%s\n", Xrestpos(ds, dp, st->base));
- }
- st++;
- type = XBASE;
- continue;
- }
- break;
- case XSUB:
- if ((c = *x.str++) == 0) {
- type = XBASE;
- continue;
- }
- break;
- case XARGSEP:
- type = XARG;
- quote = 1;
- case XARG:
- if ((c = *x.str++) == 0) {
- if ((x.str = *x.u.strv++) == NULL) {
- type = XBASE;
- continue;
- } else if (quote && x.split) {
- /* terminate word for "$@" */
- type = XARGSEP;
- quote = 0;
- }
- c = ifs0;
- }
- break;
- case XCOM:
- if (newlines) { /* Spit out saved nl's */
- c = '\n';
- --newlines;
- } else {
- while ((c = getc(x.u.file)) == '\n')
- newlines++; /* Save newlines */
- if (newlines && c != EOF) {
- ungetc(c, x.u.file);
- c = '\n';
- --newlines;
- }
- }
- if (c == EOF) {
- cp = Xrestpos(ds, sp, combase);
- newlines = 0;
- fclose(x.u.file);
- if (x.split)
- waitlast();
- type = XBASE;
- continue;
- }
- break;
- }
- /* check for end of word or IFS separation */
- if (c == 0 || (!quote && (f&DOBLANK) && ctype(c, C_IFS))) {
- if (word) {
- *dp++ = 0;
- cp = Xclose(ds, dp);
- if (fdo&DOTILDE)
- cp = tilde(cp);
- if (fdo&DOGLOB)
- glob(cp, wp);
- else
- {XPput(*wp, cp);}
- fdo = word = 0;
- if (c != 0)
- Xinit(ds, dp, 128);
- } else
- ; /* ignore IFS */
- if (c == 0)
- return;
- } else {
- /* mark any special second pass chars */
- if (!quote)
- switch (c) {
- case '*':
- case '?':
- case '[':
- if (f&(DOPAT|DOGLOB) || trimming) {
- fdo |= (f&DOGLOB);
- *dp++ = MAGIC;
- }
- break;
- case NOT:
- if ((f&(DOPAT|DOGLOB) || trimming) &&
- dp[-1] == '[' && dp[-2] == MAGIC) {
- *dp++ = MAGIC;
- }
- break;
- case '~':
- if (((f&DOTILDE) &&
- dp == Xstring(ds, dp)) ||
- (!(f&DOBLANK) &&
- (dp[-1] == '=' || dp[-1] == ':'))) {
- fdo |= DOTILDE;
- *dp++ = MAGIC;
- }
- break;
- }
- else
- quote &= ~2; /* undo temporary */
- word = 1;
- *dp++ = c; /* save output char */
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Prepare to generate the string returned by ${} substitution.
- */
- static int
- varsub(xp, sp, stype)
- register Expand *xp;
- register char *sp;
- int stype;
- {
- register int c;
- int type;
- /* ${#var}, string length or argc */
- if (sp[0] == '#' && (c = sp[1]) != 0) {
- c = (c == '*' || c == '@') ? e.loc->argc :
- strlen(strval(global(sp+1)));
- xp->str = strsave(ulton((unsigned long)c, 10), ATEMP);
- return XSUB;
- }
- c = sp[0];
- if (c == '*' || c == '@') {
- if (e.loc->argc == 0) {
- xp->str = null;
- type = XSUB;
- } else {
- xp->u.strv = e.loc->argv + 1;
- xp->str = *xp->u.strv++;
- xp->split = c == '@'; /* $@ */
- type = XARG;
- }
- } else {
- if ((xp->str = strval(global(sp))) == NULL)
- xp->str = null;
- type = XSUB;
- }
- c = stype&0x7F;
- /* test the compiler's code generator */
- if (c == '%' || c == '#' ||
- (((stype&0x80) ? *xp->str=='\0' : xp->str==null) ? /* undef? */
- c == '=' || c == '-' || c == '?' : c == '+'))
- type = XBASE; /* expand word instead of variable value */
- if (type != XBASE && flag[FNOUNSET] && xp->str == null && c != '+')
- errorf("%s: unset variable\n", sp);
- return type;
- }
- /*
- * Run the command in $(...) and read its output.
- */
- static int
- comsub(xp, cp)
- register Expand *xp;
- char *cp;
- {
- Source *s;
- register struct op *t;
- FILE *fi;
- s = pushs(SSTRING);
- s->str = cp;
- t = compile(s);
- if (t != NULL && t->type == TCOM && /* $(<file) */
- *t->args == NULL && *t->vars == NULL && t->ioact != NULL) {
- register struct ioword *io = *t->ioact;
- if ((io->flag&IOTYPE) != IOREAD)
- errorf("funny $() command\n");
- fi = fopen(evalstr(io->name, DOTILDE), "r");
- if (fi != NULL)
- fileno(fi) = savefd(fileno(fi));
- xp->split = 0; /* no waitlast() */
- } else {
- int ofd1, pv[2];
- openpipe(pv);
- fi = fdopen(pv[0], "r");
- ofd1 = savefd(1);
- dup2(pv[1], 1);
- close(pv[1]);
- (void) fd_clexec(pv[0]);
- (void) fd_clexec(ofd1);
- execute(t, XFORK|XXCOM|XPIPEO);
- dup2(ofd1, 1);
- close(ofd1);
- xp->split = 1; /* waitlast() */
- }
- if (fi == NULL)
- errorf("cannot open $() input\n");
- setvbuf(fi, (char *)NULL, _IOFBF, BUFSIZ);
- xp->u.file = fi;
- return XCOM;
- }
- /*
- * perform #pattern and %pattern substitution in ${}
- */
- static char *
- trimsub(str, pat, how)
- register char *str;
- char *pat;
- int how;
- {
- register char *end = strchr(str, 0);
- register char *p, c, *match;
- switch (how&0xff) { /* UCHAR_MAX maybe? */
- case '#': /* shortest at begin */
- for (p = str; p <= end; p++) {
- c = *p; *p = '\0';
- if (gmatch(str, pat)) {
- *p = c;
- return p;
- }
- *p = c;
- }
- break;
- case '#'|0x80: /* longest match at begin */
- for (p = end; p >= str; p--) {
- c = *p; *p = '\0';
- if (gmatch(str, pat)) {
- *p = c;
- return p;
- }
- *p = c;
- }
- break;
- case '%': /* shortest match at end */
- for (p = end; p >= str; p--) {
- if (gmatch(p, pat)) {
- c = *p; *p = '\0';
- match = strsave( str, APERM ); /* APERM? */
- *p = c;
- return match;
- }
- }
- break;
- case '%'|0x80: /* longest match at end */
- for (p = str; p <= end; p++) {
- if (gmatch(p, pat)) {
- c = *p; *p = '\0';
- match = strsave( str, ATEMP ); /* APERM? */
- *p = c;
- return match;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- return str; /* no match, return string */
- }
- /* (pc@hillside.co.uk)
- * I have decided to `fudge' alternations by picking up
- * the compiled command tree and working with it recursively
- * to generate the set of arguments
- * This has the advantage of making a single discrete change
- * to the code
- *
- * This routine calls itself recursively
- * a) scan forward looking for { building the output string
- * if none found then call expand - and exit
- * b) When { found, scan forward finding the end }
- * c) add first alternate to output string
- * d) scan for the end of the string copying into output
- * e) call routine with new string
- * Major complication is quoting
- */
- static int
- alt_expand(cp, wp, f)
- char *cp; /* input word */
- register XPtrV *wp; /* output words */
- int f; /* DO* flags */
- {
- char *srcp = cp;
- char *left; /* destination string of left hand side */
- char *leftend; /* end of left hand side */
- char *alt; /* start of alterate section */
- char *altend; /* end of alternate section */
- char *ap; /* working pointer */
- char *right; /* right hand side */
- char *rp; /* used to copy right-hand side */
- int maxlen; /* max string length */
- leftend = left = alloc((maxlen = alt_count(cp)), ATEMP);
- if (alt_scan(&srcp, &leftend, '{', 0) == 0) {
- expand(cp, wp, f&NOALT);
- afree(left, ATEMP);
- return;
- }
- /*
- * we have a alternation section
- */
- alt = altend = alloc(maxlen, ATEMP);
- srcp += 2;
- if (alt_scan(&srcp, &altend, '}', 1) == 0) {
- afree(left, ATEMP);
- afree(alt, ATEMP);
- errorf("Missing }.\n");
- }
- *altend++ = CHAR;
- *altend++ = ',';
- *altend = EOS;
- /*
- * finally we may have a right-hand side
- */
- right = srcp + 2;
- /*
- * glue the bits together making a new string
- */
- for (srcp = alt; *srcp != EOS;) {
- ap = leftend;
- if (alt_scan(&srcp, &ap, ',', -1) == 0) {
- afree(left, ATEMP);
- afree(alt, ATEMP);
- errorf("Missing comma.\n");
- }
- srcp += 2;
- rp = right;
- (void) alt_scan(&rp, &ap, EOS, 0);
- alt_expand(left, wp, f);
- }
- afree(left, ATEMP);
- afree(alt, ATEMP);
- }
- /*
- * see how much space we need to hold this tree
- */
- static int
- alt_count(cp)
- register char *cp;
- {
- register int sum = 0;
- register char *sp;
- while (*cp != EOS) {
- switch(*cp) {
- case CHAR:
- case QCHAR:
- sum += 2;
- cp += 2;
- break;
- case OQUOTE:
- case CQUOTE:
- case CSUBST:
- sum++;
- cp++;
- break;
- case COMSUB:
- case OSUBST:
- sp = cp;
- cp = strchr(sp, 0) + 1;
- sum += cp - sp;
- break;
- }
- }
- return ++sum;
- }
- #ifdef __STDC__
- static int
- alt_scan(
- char **cpp, /* address of source pointer */
- char **dpp, /* address of destination pointer */
- char endc, /* last character we are looking for */
- int bal)
- #else
- static int
- alt_scan(cpp, dpp, endc, bal)
- char **cpp; /* address of source pointer */
- char **dpp; /* address of destination pointer */
- char endc; /* last character we are looking for */
- int bal;
- #endif
- {
- register char *cp, *dp;
- int quote = 0;
- int balance = 0;
- int usebalance = 0;
- if (bal)
- { usebalance = 1;
- balance = (bal < 1) ? 0 : 1;
- }
- cp = *cpp;
- dp = *dpp;
- while (*cp != EOS) {
- switch (*cp) {
- case CHAR:
- if (quote == 1) {
- if (cp[1] == ']')
- quote = 0;
- }
- else
- if (quote == 0) {
- if (cp[1] == '[')
- quote = 1;
- else {
- if (usebalance) {
- if (cp[1] == '{')
- balance++;
- if (cp[1] == '}')
- balance--;
- }
- if (cp[1] == endc && balance == 0) {
- *dp = EOS;
- *dpp = dp;
- *cpp = cp;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- }
- case QCHAR:
- *dp++ = *cp++;
- case CSUBST:
- copy:
- *dp++ = *cp++;
- break;
- case OQUOTE:
- quote = 1;
- goto copy;
- case CQUOTE:
- quote = 0;
- goto copy;
- case COMSUB:
- case OSUBST:
- while (*dp++ = *cp++);
- break;
- }
- }
- *dp = EOS;
- *cpp = cp;
- *dpp = dp;
- return 0;
- }
- #endif /* ALTERNATIONS */
- /*
- * glob
- * Name derived from V6's /etc/glob, the program that expanded filenames.
- */
- static char *debunk();
- static void
- glob(cp, wp)
- char *cp;
- register XPtrV *wp;
- {
- char path [PATH];
- register char *sp = cp;
- int oldsize;
- oldsize = XPsize(*wp);
- globit(path, path, sp, wp, 0);
- if (XPsize(*wp) == oldsize)
- {XPput(*wp, debunk(cp));}
- else
- qsortp(XPptrv(*wp) + oldsize, (size_t)(XPsize(*wp) - oldsize), xstrcmp);
- }
- static void
- globit(ds, dp, sp, wp, check)
- char *ds; /* dest path */
- char *dp; /* dest end */
- char *sp; /* source path */
- register XPtrV *wp; /* output list */
- int check; /* check dest existence */
- {
- register char *np; /* next source component */
- register char *tsp, *tdp;
- if (sp == NULL) { /* end of source path */
- if (check && eaccess(ds, 0) < 0)
- return;
- XPput(*wp, strsave(ds, ATEMP));
- return;
- }
- if (dp > ds)
- *dp++ = '/';
- while (*sp == '/')
- *dp++ = *sp++;
- np = strchr(sp, '/');
- if (np != NULL)
- *np++ = 0;
- *dp = 0;
- if (strchr(sp, MAGIC) == NULL) { /* contains no pattern? */
- tdp = dp; tsp = sp;
- while ((*tdp++ = *tsp++) != 0)
- ;
- --tdp;
- globit(ds, tdp, np, wp, check);
- } else {
- DIR *dirp;
- struct dirent *d;
- /* ToDo:
- * should not attemp to open() special files: /dev/ttyd0/*
- * opendir should do this check, but Doug Gwyn's does not.
- */
- dirp = opendir((*ds == 0) ? "." : ds);
- if (dirp == NULL)
- goto Nodir;
- while ((d = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) {
- tsp = d->d_name;
- if (tsp[0] == '.' &&
- (tsp[1] == 0 || (tsp[1] == '.' && tsp[2] == 0)))
- continue; /* always ignore . and .. */
- if ((*tsp == '.' && *sp != '.') || !gmatch(tsp, sp))
- continue;
- tdp = dp;
- while ((*tdp++ = *tsp++) != 0)
- ;
- --tdp;
- globit(ds, tdp, np, wp, np != NULL);
- }
- closedir(dirp);
- Nodir:;
- }
- if (np != NULL)
- *--np = '/';
- }
- /* remove MAGIC from string */
- static char *
- debunk(cp)
- char *cp;
- {
- register char *dp, *sp;
- for (dp = sp = cp; *sp != 0; sp++)
- if (*sp != MAGIC)
- *dp++ = *sp;
- *dp = 0;
- return cp;
- }
- /*
- * tilde expansion
- *
- * based on a version by Arnold Robbins
- */
- static char *homedir();
- static char *
- tilde(acp)
- char *acp;
- {
- register int c;
- char path [PATH+1];
- register char *cp = acp, *wp = path, *dp;
- char userid [16+1];
- Again:
- while (1) {
- if ((c = *cp++) == 0) {
- *wp = 0;
- afree((void*)acp, ATEMP);
- return strsave(path, ATEMP);
- } else if (c == MAGIC && *cp == '~')
- break;
- else
- *wp++ = c;
- }
- dp = NULL; /* no output substitution */
- if (cp[1] == 0 || cp[1] == '/' || cp[1] == ':') /* ~ or ~/ */
- dp = strval(global("HOME")), cp += 1;
- else if (cp[1] == '+' && (cp[2] == '/' || cp[2] == ':' || cp[2] == 0))
- dp = strval(global("PWD")), cp += 2;
- else if (cp[1] == '-' && (cp[2] == '/' || cp[2] == ':' || cp[2] == 0))
- dp = strval(global("OLDPWD")), cp += 2;
- else if (letter(cp[1])) {
- char *save = cp;
- for (dp = userid, cp++; letnum(*cp) && dp < userid+16; )
- *dp++ = *cp++;
- *dp = 0;
- dp = homedir(userid);
- if (dp == NULL)
- cp = save;
- }
- /* substitute */
- if (dp != NULL)
- while (*dp != 0)
- *wp++ = *dp++;
- goto Again;
- }
- /*
- * map userid to user's home directory.
- * todo: implement a cache with the "homedirs" table.
- * note that 4.3's getpw adds more than 6K to the shell,
- * and the YP version probably adds much more.
- * we might consider our own version of getpwnam() to keep the size down.
- */
- static char *
- homedir(name)
- char *name;
- {
- register struct tbl *ap;
- register struct passwd *pw;
- extern struct passwd *getpwnam();
- ap = tsearch(&homedirs, name, hash(name));
- if ((ap != NULL && (ap->flag&ISSET)))
- return ap->val.s;
- pw = getpwnam(name);
- if (pw == NULL)
- return NULL;
- return pw->pw_dir;
- }