home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * Public Domain Bourne/Korn shell
- */
- /* $Id: sh.h,v 1.6 93/05/05 21:17:00 sjg Exp $ */
- #include "config.h"
- /* some useful #defines */
- #ifdef EXTERN
- # define _I_(i) = i
- #else
- # define _I_(i)
- # define EXTERN extern
- #endif
- #ifndef SHELL
- #define SHELL "/bin/sh" /* shell to exec scripts */
- #endif
- #ifdef _BSD
- #define memmove(dst, src, n) bcopy((src), (dst), (n))
- #endif
- /* some people object to this use of __STDC__ */
- #ifdef __STDC__
- #define ARGS(args) args /* prototype declaration */
- #else
- #define ARGS(args) () /* K&R declaration */
- #ifdef VOID
- #define void VOID
- #endif
- #define const
- #define volatile
- #endif
- #ifdef _ULTRIX /* Ultrix 2.x gets dup2 wrong */
- int dup2 ARGS ((int, int));
- /* assumes we don't want dup2 return value */
- #define dup2(ofd, nfd) \
- (void) ((dup2)(ofd, nfd), fcntl(nfd, F_SETFD, 0))
- #endif
- #if defined(EMACS) || defined(VI)
- #define EDIT
- #endif
- typedef int bool_t;
- #define FALSE 0
- #define TRUE 1
- #define sizeofN(type, n) (sizeof(type) * (n))
- #define BIT(i) (1<<(i)) /* define bit in flag */
- #define NUFILE 10 /* Number of user-accessible files */
- #define FDBASE 10 /* First file usable by Shell */
- /* you're not going to run setuid shell scripts, are you? */
- #define eaccess(path, mode) access(path, mode)
- #define MAGIC (char)0x80 /* prefix for ~*?[ during expand */
- #define NOT '!' /* might use ^ */
- #define LINE 256 /* input line size */
- #define PATH 256 /* pathname size */
- EXTERN int kshpid; /* $$, shell pid */
- EXTERN int exstat; /* exit status */
- EXTERN int async; /* $!, last &'d pid */
- EXTERN volatile int sigchld_caught; /* count of dead children */
- /*
- * Area-based allocation built on malloc/free
- */
- typedef struct Area {
- struct Block *free; /* free list */
- } Area;
- extern Area aperm; /* permanent object space */
- #define APERM &aperm
- #define ATEMP &e.area
- /*
- * parsing & execution environment
- */
- EXTERN struct env {
- int type; /* enviroment type - see below */
- Area area; /* temporary allocation area */
- struct block *loc; /* local variables and functions */
- short *savefd; /* original redirected fd's */
- struct env *oenv; /* link to previous enviroment */
- jmp_buf jbuf; /* long jump back to env creator */
- int interactive; /* fd's 0,1,2 are tty */
- struct temp *temps; /* temp files */
- } e;
- #define E_NONE 0 /* dummy enviroment */
- #define E_PARSE 1 /* parsing command # */
- #define E_EXEC 2 /* executing command tree */
- #define E_LOOP 3 /* executing for/while # */
- #define E_TCOM 5 /* executing simple command */
- #define E_FUNC 6 /* executing function */
- #define E_ERRH 7 /* general error handler # */
- /* # indicates env has valid jbuf */
- /*
- * flags
- */
- #define FEXPORT FLAG('a') /* -a: allexport */
- #define FERREXIT FLAG('e') /* -e: errexit (quit on error) */
- #define FBGNICE 29 /* bgnice */
- #define FEMACS 30 /* emacs command editing */
- #define FIGNEOF 27 /* ignoreeof (eof does not exit) */
- #define FHASHALL FLAG('h') /* -h: trackall, hashall */
- #define FTALKING FLAG('i') /* -i: interactive (talking type wireless) */
- #define FKEYWORD FLAG('k') /* -k: keyword (name=value anywhere) */
- #define FMARKDIRS 28 /* markdirs */
- #define FMONITOR FLAG('m') /* -m: monitor */
- #define FNOEXEC FLAG('n') /* -n: noexec */
- #define FNOGLOB FLAG('f') /* -f: noglob */
- #define FPRIVILEGED FLAG('p') /* -p: privileged */
- #define FSTDIN FLAG('s') /* -s (invocation): parse stdin */
- #define FNOUNSET FLAG('u') /* -u: nounset (unset vars is error) */
- #define FVERBOSE FLAG('v') /* -v: verbose (echo input) */
- #define FVI 31 /* vi command editing */
- #define FXTRACE FLAG('x') /* -x: (execute) xtrace */
- #define FLAG(c) (1 + c - 'a') /* map char to flags index */
- #define FLAGS 32
- EXTERN char flag [FLAGS];
- int option ARGS((const char *name));
- char *getoptions ARGS((void));
- void printoptions ARGS((void));
- extern char null []; /* null value for variable */
- /*
- * other functions
- */
- char * substitute ARGS((char const *, int));
- char *search();
- struct tbl *findcom();
- char *strsave ARGS((char *, Area *));
- char *ulton ARGS((unsigned long n, int base));
- int xstrcmp();
- void qsortp ARGS((void **base, size_t n, int (*compare)(void *, void *)));
- long evaluate ARGS((const char *expr));
- void resetopts();
- void histsave();
- void histlist();
- int pr_menu ARGS((char **, int));
- void j_init ARGS((void));
- void j_exit ARGS((void));
- void j_notify ARGS((void));
- void j_kill ARGS((int job, int sig));
- #ifdef JOBS
- void j_change ARGS((void));
- int j_resume ARGS((int job, int bg));
- #endif
- /*
- * error handling
- */
- void leave(); /* abort shell (or fail in subshell) */
- /*
- * library functions
- */
- typedef void (*handler_t)(); /* signal handler */
- /* temp/here files. the file is removed when the struct is freed */
- struct temp {
- struct temp * next;
- char *name;
- };
- struct temp *maketemp ARGS((Area *ap));
- /*
- * stdio and our IO routines
- */
- #ifdef BUFSIZ /* <stdio.h> included? */
- extern FILE * shf [NUFILE]; /* map shell fd to FILE */
- #endif
- void fopenshf();
- void flushshf();
- #undef stdin
- #undef stdout
- #define stdin shf[0] /* standard input */
- #define stdout shf[1] /* standard output */
- #define shlout shf[2] /* shell output */
- int shellf ARGS((const char *fmt, ...)); /* fprintf(shlout, ); */
- int errorf ARGS((const char *fmt, ...)); /* fprintf(shlout, ); error(); */
- /*
- * IO control
- */
- extern int ttyfd; /* tty fd (original fd 0) */
- int savefd ARGS((int fd)); /* save user fd */
- void restfd ARGS((int fd, int ofd));
- void openpipe ARGS((int [2]));
- void closepipe ARGS((int [2]));
- /*
- * trap handlers
- */
- typedef struct trap {
- int signal; /* signal number */
- char *name; /* short name */
- char *mess; /* descriptive name */
- char *trap; /* trap command */
- int volatile set; /* trap pending */
- int ourtrap; /* not ignored (?) */
- int sig_dfl; /* originally SIG_DFL */
- } Trap;
- #ifndef SIGKILL
- #include <signal.h>
- #endif /* SIGKILL */
- #ifdef NSIG
- #define SIGNALS NSIG
- #else
- #ifdef _MINIX
- #define SIGNALS (_NSIG+1) /* _NSIG is # of signals used, excluding 0. */
- #else
- #define SIGNALS 32
- #endif /* _MINIX */
- #endif /* NSIG */
- #ifdef USE_SIGACT /* always use it? */
- #ifndef SA_NOCLDSTOP
- # include "sigact.h" /* use sjg's fake sigaction() */
- #endif
- EXTERN struct sigaction Sigact, Sigact_dfl, Sigact_ign, Sigact_trap;
- #endif
- EXTERN int volatile trap; /* traps pending? */
- extern Trap sigtraps[SIGNALS];
- Trap *gettrap ARGS((char *)); /* search for struct trap by number or name */
- void trapsig ARGS((int sig)); /* trap signal handler */
- /*
- * fast character classes
- */
- #define C_ALPHA 0x01 /* a-z_A-Z */
- #define C_DIGIT 0x02 /* 0-9 */
- #define C_LEX1 0x04 /* \0 \t\n|&;<>() */
- #define C_VAR1 0x08 /* *@#!$-? */
- #define C_SUBOP 0x40 /* "=-+?#%" */
- #define C_IFS 0x80 /* $IFS */
- extern char ctypes [];
- #if 0
- void initctypes ARGS((void));
- void setctypes ARGS((const char*, int type));
- #endif
- #define ctype(c, t) !!(ctypes[(unsigned char)(c)]&(t))
- #define letter(c) ctype(c, C_ALPHA)
- #define digit(c) ctype(c, C_DIGIT)
- #define letnum(c) ctype(c, C_ALPHA|C_DIGIT)
- #include "table.h"
- #include "tree.h"
- #include "lex.h"
- #include "proto.h"
- /*
- * 91-07-06 <sjg@sun0>
- * use my simple debug tracing...
- */
- #include "trace.h"
- #ifndef fileno
- #define fileno(p) ((p)->_file)
- #endif
- /* be sure not to interfere with anyone else's idea about EXTERN */
- # undef EXTERN
- #endif
- #undef _I_
- /*
- * Local Variables:
- * version-control:t
- * comment-column:40
- * End:
- */