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This is Info file texi.info, produced by Makeinfo-1.55 from the input
file texi.texi.
This file documents Texinfo, a documentation system that uses a
single source file to produce both on-line information and a printed
Copyright (C) 1988, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation,
This is the second edition of the Texinfo documentation,
and is consistent with version 2 of `texinfo.tex'.
Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
preserved on all copies.
Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that
the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
permission notice identical to this one.
Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified
versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a
translation approved by the Free Software Foundation.
File: texi.info, Node: var, Next: file, Prev: samp, Up: Indicating
Use the `@var' command to indicate metasyntactic variables. A
"metasyntactic variable" is something that stands for another piece of
text. For example, you should use a metasyntactic variable in the
documentation of a function to describe the arguments that are passed
to that function.
Do not use `@var' for the names of particular variables in
programming languages. These are specific names from a program, so
`@code' is correct for them. For example, the Lisp variable
`texinfo-tex-command' is not a metasyntactic variable; it is properly
formatted using `@code'.
The effect of `@var' in the Info file is to change the case of the
argument to all upper case; in the printed manual, to italicize it.
For example,
To delete file @var{filename},
type @code{rm @var{filename}}.
To delete file FILENAME, type `rm FILENAME'.
(Note that `@var' may appear inside `@code', `@samp', `@file', etc.)
Write a metasyntactic variable all in lower case without spaces, and
use hyphens to make it more readable. Thus, the Texinfo source for the
illustration of how to begin a Texinfo manual looks like this:
\input texinfo
@@setfilename @var{info-file-name}
@@settitle @var{name-of-manual}
This produces:
\input texinfo
@setfilename INFO-FILE-NAME
@settitle NAME-OF-MANUAL
In some documentation styles, metasyntactic variables are shown with
angle brackets, for example:
..., type rm <filename>
However, that is not the style that Texinfo uses. (You can, of course,
modify the sources to TeX and the Info formatting commands to output
the `<...>' format if you wish.)
File: texi.info, Node: file, Next: dfn, Prev: var, Up: Indicating
Use the `@file' command to indicate text that is the name of a file,
buffer, or directory, or is the name of a node in Info. You can also
use the command for file name suffixes. Do not use `@file' for symbols
in a programming language; use `@code'.
Currently, `@file' is equivalent to `@samp' in its effects. For
The @file{.el} files are in
the @file{/gnu/emacs/lisp} directory.
The `.el' files are in the `/gnu/emacs/lisp' directory.
File: texi.info, Node: dfn, Next: cite, Prev: file, Up: Indicating
Use the `@dfn' command to identify the introductory or defining use
of a technical term. Use the command only in passages whose purpose is
to introduce a term which will be used again or which the reader ought
to know. Mere passing mention of a term for the first time does not
deserve `@dfn'. The command generates italics in the printed manual,
and double quotation marks in the Info file. For example:
Getting rid of a file is called @dfn{deleting} it.
Getting rid of a file is called "deleting" it.
As a general rule, a sentence containing the defining occurrence of a
term should be a definition of the term. The sentence does not need to
say explicitly that it is a definition, but it should contain the
information of a definition--it should make the meaning clear.
File: texi.info, Node: cite, Prev: dfn, Up: Indicating
Use the `@cite' command for the name of a book that lacks a
companion Info file. The command produces italics in the printed
manual, and quotation marks in the Info file.
(If a book is written in Texinfo, it is better to use a cross
reference command since a reader can easily follow such a reference in
Info. *Note `@xref': xref.)
File: texi.info, Node: Emphasis, Prev: Indicating, Up: Marking Text
Emphasizing Text
Usually, Texinfo changes the font to mark words in the text
according to what category the words belong to; an example is the
`@code' command. Most often, this is the best way to mark words.
However, sometimes you will want to emphasize text without indicating a
category. Texinfo has two commands to do this. Also, Texinfo has
several commands that specify the font in which TeX will typeset text.
These commands have no affect on Info and only one of them, the `@r'
command, has any regular use.
* Menu:
* emph & strong:: How to emphasize text in Texinfo.
* Smallcaps:: How to use the small caps font.
* Fonts:: Various font commands for printed output.
File: texi.info, Node: emph & strong, Next: Smallcaps, Up: Emphasis
`@emph'{TEXT} and `@strong'{TEXT}
The `@emph' and `@strong' commands are for emphasis; `@strong' is
stronger. In printed output, `@emph' produces *italics* and `@strong'
produces *bold*.
For example,
@strong{Caution:} @code{rm * .[^.]*} removes @emph{all}
files in the directory.
@end quotation
*Caution*: `rm * .[^.]*' removes *all*
files in the directory.
The `@strong' command is seldom used except to mark what is, in
effect, a typographical element, such as the word `Caution' in the
preceding example.
In the Info file, both `@emph' and `@strong' put asterisks around
the text.
*Caution:* Do not use `@emph' or `@strong' with the word `Note';
Info will mistake the combination for a cross reference. Use a
phrase such as *Please note* or *Caution* instead.
File: texi.info, Node: Smallcaps, Next: Fonts, Prev: emph & strong, Up: Emphasis
`@sc'{TEXT}: The Small Caps Font
Use the `@sc' command to set text in the printed output in a small
caps font and set text in the Info file in upper case letters.
Write the text between braces in lower case, like this:
The @sc{acm} and @sc{ieee} are technical societies.
This produces:
The ACM and IEEE are technical societies.
TeX typesets the small caps font in a manner that prevents the
letters from `jumping out at you on the page'. This makes small caps
text easier to read than text in all upper case. The Info formatting
commands set all small caps text in upper case.
If the text between the braces of an `@sc' command is upper case,
TeX typesets in full-size capitals. Use full-size capitals sparingly.
You may also use the small caps font for a jargon word such as ATO
(a NASA word meaning `abort to orbit').
There are subtleties to using the small caps font with a jargon word
such as CDR, a word used in Lisp programming. In this case, you should
use the small caps font when the word refers to the second and
subsequent elements of a list (the CDR of the list), but you should use
`@code' when the word refers to the Lisp function of the same spelling.
File: texi.info, Node: Fonts, Prev: Smallcaps, Up: Emphasis
Fonts for Printing, Not Info
Texinfo provides four font commands that specify font changes in the
printed manual but have no effect in the Info file. `@i' requests
italic font (in some versions of TeX, a slanted font is used), `@b'
requests bold face, `@t' requests the fixed-width, typewriter-style
font used by `@code', and `@r' requests a roman font, which is the
usual font in which text is printed. All four commands apply to an
argument that follows, surrounded by braces.
Only the `@r' command has much use: in example programs, you can use
the `@r' command to convert code comments from the fixed-width font to
a roman font. This looks better in printed output.
For example,
(+ 2 2) ; @r{Add two plus two.}
@end lisp
(+ 2 2) ; Add two plus two.
If possible, you should avoid using the other three font commands.
If you need to use one, it probably indicates a gap in the Texinfo
File: texi.info, Node: Quotations and Examples, Next: Lists and Tables, Prev: Marking Text, Up: Top
Quotations and Examples
Quotations and examples are blocks of text consisting of one or more
whole paragraphs that are set off from the bulk of the text and treated
differently. They are usually indented.
In Texinfo, you always begin a quotation or example by writing an
@-command at the beginning of a line by itself, and end it by writing
an `@end' command that is also at the beginning of a line by itself.
For instance, you begin an example by writing `@example' by itself at
the beginning of a line and end the example by writing `@end example'
on a line by itself, at the beginning of that line.
* Menu:
* Block Enclosing Commands:: Use different constructs for
different purposes.
* quotation:: How to write a quotation.
* example:: How to write an example in a fixed-width font.
* noindent:: How to prevent paragraph indentation.
* Lisp Example:: How to illustrate Lisp code.
* smallexample & smalllisp:: Forms for the `@smallbook' option.
* display:: How to write an example in the current font.
* format:: How to write an example that does not narrow
the margins.
* exdent:: How to undo the indentation of a line.
* flushleft & flushright:: How to push text flushleft or flushright.
* cartouche:: How to draw cartouches around examples.
File: texi.info, Node: Block Enclosing Commands, Next: quotation, Up: Quotations and Examples
The Block Enclosing Commands
Here are commands for quotations and examples:
Indicate text that is quoted. The text is filled, indented, and
printed in a roman font by default.
Illustrate code, commands, and the like. The text is printed in a
fixed-width font, and indented but not filled.
Illustrate Lisp code. The text is printed in a fixed-width font,
and indented but not filled.
Illustrate code, commands, and the like. Similar to `@example',
except that in TeX this command typesets text in a smaller font
for the smaller `@smallbook' format than for the 8.5 by 11 inch
Illustrate Lisp code. Similar to `@lisp', except that in TeX this
command typesets text in a smaller font for the smaller
`@smallbook' format than for the 8.5 by 11 inch format.
Display illustrative text. The text is indented but not filled,
and no font is specified (so, by default, the font is roman).
Print illustrative text. The text is not indented and not filled
and no font is specified (so, by default, the font is roman).
The `@exdent' command is used within the above constructs to undo
the indentation of a line.
The `@flushleft' and `@flushright' commands are used to line up the
left or right margins of unfilled text.
The `@noindent' command may be used after one of the above
constructs to prevent the following text from being indented as a new
You can use the `@cartouche' command within one of the above
constructs to highlight the example or quotation by drawing a box with
rounded corners around it. (The `@cartouche' command affects only the
printed manual; it has no effect in the Info file; see *Note Drawing
Cartouches Around Examples: cartouche.)
File: texi.info, Node: quotation, Next: example, Prev: Block Enclosing Commands, Up: Quotations and Examples
The text of a quotation is processed normally except that:
* the margins are closer to the center of the page, so the whole of
the quotation is indented;
* the first lines of paragraphs are indented no more than other
* in the printed output, interparagraph spacing is reduced.
This is an example of text written between an `@quotation' command
and an `@end quotation' command. An `@quotation' command is most
often used to indicate text that is excerpted from another (real
or hypothetical) printed work.
Write an `@quotation' command as text on a line by itself. This
line will disappear from the output. Mark the end of the quotation
with a line beginning with and containing only `@end quotation'. The
`@end quotation' line will likewise disappear from the output. Thus,
the following,
This is
a foo.
@end quotation
This is a foo.
File: texi.info, Node: example, Next: noindent, Prev: quotation, Up: Quotations and Examples
The `@example' command is used to indicate an example that is not
part of the running text, such as computer input or output.
This is an example of text written between an
`@example' command
and an `@end example' command.
The text is indented but not filled.
In the printed manual, the text is typeset in a
fixed-width font, and extra spaces and blank lines are
significant. In the Info file, an analogous result is
obtained by indenting each line with five spaces.
Write an `@example' command at the beginning of a line by itself.
This line will disappear from the output. Mark the end of the example
with an `@end example' command, also written at the beginning of a line
by itself. The `@end example' will disappear from the output.
For example,
mv foo bar
@end example
mv foo bar
Since the lines containing `@example' and `@end example' will
disappear, you should put a blank line before the `@example' and
another blank line after the `@end example'. (Remember that blank
lines between the beginning `@example' and the ending `@end example'
will appear in the output.)
*Caution:* Do not use tabs in the lines of an example (or anywhere
else in Texinfo, for that matter)! TeX treats tabs as single
spaces, and that is not what they look like. This is a problem
with TeX. (If necessary, in Emacs, you can use `M-x untabify' to
convert tabs in a region to multiple spaces.)
Examples are often, logically speaking, "in the middle" of a
paragraph, and the text continues after an example should not be
indented. The `@noindent' command prevents a piece of text from being
indented as if it were a new paragraph. (*Note noindent::.)
(The `@code' command is used for examples of code that are embedded
within sentences, not set off from preceding and following text. *Note
`@code': code.)
File: texi.info, Node: noindent, Next: Lisp Example, Prev: example, Up: Quotations and Examples
An example or other inclusion can break a paragraph into segments.
Ordinarily, the formatters indent text that follows an example as a new
paragraph. However, you can prevent this by writing `@noindent' at the
beginning of a line by itself preceding the continuation text.
For example:
This is an example
@end example
This line is not indented. As you can see, the
beginning of the line is fully flush left with the line
that follows after it. (This whole example is between
@code{@@display} and @code{@@end display}.)
This is an example
This line is not indented. As you can see, the
beginning of the line is fully flush left with the line
that follows after it. (This whole example is between
`@display' and `@end display'.)
To adjust the number of blank lines properly in the Info file output,
remember that the line containing `@noindent' does not generate a blank
line, and neither does the `@end example' line.
In the Texinfo source file for this manual, each line that says
`produces' is preceded by a line containing `@noindent'.
Do not put braces after an `@noindent' command; they are not
necessary, since `@noindent' is a command used outside of paragraphs
(*note Command Syntax::.).
File: texi.info, Node: Lisp Example, Next: smallexample & smalllisp, Prev: noindent, Up: Quotations and Examples
The `@lisp' command is used for Lisp code. It is synonymous with
the `@example' command.
This is an example of text written between an
`@lisp' command and an `@end lisp' command.
Use `@lisp' instead of `@example' so as to preserve information
regarding the nature of the example. This is useful, for example, if
you write a function that evaluates only and all the Lisp code in a
Texinfo file. Then you can use the Texinfo file as a Lisp library.(1)
Mark the end of `@lisp' with `@end lisp' on a line by itself.
---------- Footnotes ----------
(1) It would be straightforward to extend Texinfo to work in a
similar fashion for C, FORTRAN, or other languages.
File: texi.info, Node: smallexample & smalllisp, Next: display, Prev: Lisp Example, Up: Quotations and Examples
`@smallexample' and `@smalllisp'
In addition to the regular `@example' and `@lisp' commands, Texinfo
has two other "example-style" commands. These are the `@smallexample'
and `@smalllisp' commands. Both these commands are designed for use
with the `@smallbook' command that causes TeX to produce a printed
manual in a 7 by 9.25 inch format rather than the regular 8.5 by 11
inch format.
In TeX, the `@smallexample' and `@smalllisp' commands typeset text
in a smaller font for the smaller `@smallbook' format than for the 8.5
by 11 inch format. Consequently, many examples containing long lines
fit in a narrower, `@smallbook' page without needing to be shortened.
Both commands typeset in the normal font size when you format for the
8.5 by 11 inch size; indeed, in this situation, the `@smallexample' and
`@smalllisp' commands are defined to be the `@example' and `@lisp'
In Info, the `@smallexample' and `@smalllisp' commands are
equivalent to the `@example' and `@lisp' commands, and work exactly the
Mark the end of `@smallexample' or `@smalllisp' with `@end
smallexample' or `@end smalllisp', respectively.
This is an example of text written between `@smallexample' and
`@end smallexample'. In Info and in an 8.5 by 11 inch manual,
this text appears in its normal size; but in a 7 by 9.25 inch manual,
this text appears in a smaller font.
The `@smallexample' and `@smalllisp' commands make it easier to
prepare smaller format manuals without forcing you to edit examples by
hand to fit them onto narrower pages.
As a general rule, a printed document looks better if you write all
the examples in a chapter consistently in `@example' or in
`@smallexample'. Only occasionally should you mix the two formats.
*Note Printing "Small" Books: smallbook, for more information about
the `@smallbook' command.
File: texi.info, Node: display, Next: format, Prev: smallexample & smalllisp, Up: Quotations and Examples
The `@display' command begins a kind of example. It is like the
`@example' command except that, in a printed manual, `@display' does
not select the fixed-width font. In fact, it does not specify the font
at all, so that the text appears in the same font it would have
appeared in without the `@display' command.
This is an example of text written between an `@display' command
and an `@end display' command. The `@display' command
indents the text, but does not fill it.
File: texi.info, Node: format, Next: exdent, Prev: display, Up: Quotations and Examples
The `@format' command is similar to `@example' except that, in the
printed manual, `@format' does not select the fixed-width font and does
not narrow the margins.
This is an example of text written between an `@format' command
and an `@end format' command. As you can see
from this example,
the `@format' command does not fill the text.
File: texi.info, Node: exdent, Next: flushleft & flushright, Prev: format, Up: Quotations and Examples
`@exdent': Undoing a Line's Indentation
The `@exdent' command removes any indentation a line might have.
The command is written at the beginning of a line and applies only to
the text that follows the command that is on the same line. Do not use
braces around the text. In a printed manual, the text on an `@exdent'
line is printed in the roman font.
`@exdent' is usually used within examples. Thus,
This line follows an @@example command.
@exdent This line is exdented.
This line follows the exdented line.
The @@end example comes on the next line.
@end group
This line follows an @example command.
This line is exdented.
This line follows the exdented line.
The @end example comes on the next line.
In practice, the `@exdent' command is rarely used. Usually, you
un-indent text by ending the example and returning the page to its
normal width.
File: texi.info, Node: flushleft & flushright, Next: cartouche, Prev: exdent, Up: Quotations and Examples
`@flushleft' and `@flushright'
The `@flushleft' and `@flushright' commands line up the ends of
lines on the left and right margins of a page, but do not fill the
text. The commands are written on lines of their own, without braces.
The `@flushleft' and `@flushright' commands are ended by `@end
flushleft' and `@end flushright' commands on lines of their own.
For example,
This text is
written flushleft.
@end flushleft
This text is
written flushleft.
Flushright produces the type of indentation often used in the return
address of letters.
For example,
Here is an example of text written
flushright. The @code{@flushright} command
right justifies every line but leaves the
left end ragged.
@end flushright
Here is an example of text written
flushright. The `@flushright' command
right justifies every line but leaves the
left end ragged.
File: texi.info, Node: cartouche, Prev: flushleft & flushright, Up: Quotations and Examples
Drawing Cartouches Around Examples
In a printed manual, the `@cartouche' command draws a box with
rounded corners around its contents. You can use this command to
further highlight an example or quotation. For instance, you could
write a manual in which one type of example is surrounded by a cartouche
for emphasis.
The `@cartouche' command affects only the printed manual; it has no
effect in the Info file.
For example,
% pwd
@end cartouche
@end example
surrounds the two-line example with a box with rounded corners, in the
printed manual.
File: texi.info, Node: Lists and Tables, Next: Indices, Prev: Quotations and Examples, Up: Top
Making Lists and Tables
Texinfo has several ways of making lists and two-column tables.
Lists can be bulleted or numbered, while two-column tables can
highlight the items in the first column.
* Menu:
* Introducing Lists:: Texinfo formats lists for you.
* itemize:: How to construct a simple list.
* enumerate:: How to construct a numbered list.
* Two-column Tables:: How to construct a two-column table.
File: texi.info, Node: Introducing Lists, Next: itemize, Up: Lists and Tables
Introducing Lists
Texinfo automatically indents the text in lists or tables, and
numbers an enumerated list. This last feature is useful if you modify
the list, since you do not need to renumber it yourself.
Numbered lists and tables begin with the appropriate @-command at the
beginning of a line, and end with the corresponding `@end' command on a
line by itself. The table and itemized-list commands also require that
you write formatting information on the same line as the beginning
Begin an enumerated list, for example, with an `@enumerate' command
and end the list with an `@end enumerate' command. Begin an itemized
list with an `@itemize' command, followed on the same line by a
formatting command such as `@bullet', and end the list with an `@end
itemize' command.
Precede each element of a list with an `@item' or `@itemx' command.
Here is an itemized list of the different kinds of table and lists:
* Itemized lists with and without bullets.
* Enumerated lists, using numbers or letters.
* Two-column tables with highlighting.
Here is an enumerated list with the same items:
1. Itemized lists with and without bullets.
2. Enumerated lists, using numbers or letters.
3. Two-column tables with highlighting.
And here is a two-column table with the same items and their @-commands:
Itemized lists with and without bullets.
Enumerated lists, using numbers or letters.
Two-column tables with highlighting.
File: texi.info, Node: itemize, Next: enumerate, Prev: Introducing Lists, Up: Lists and Tables
Making an Itemized List
The `@itemize' command produces sequences of indented paragraphs,
with a bullet or other mark inside the left margin at the beginning of
each paragraph for which such a mark is desired.
Begin an itemized list by writing `@itemize' at the beginning of a
line. Follow the command, on the same line, with a character or a
Texinfo command that generates a mark. Usually, you will write
`@bullet' after `@itemize', but you can use `@minus', or any character
or any special symbol that results in a single character in the Info
file. (When you write `@bullet' or `@minus' after an `@itemize'
command, you may omit the `{}'.)
Write the text of the indented paragraphs themselves after the
`@itemize', up to another line that says `@end itemize'.
Before each paragraph for which a mark in the margin is desired,
write a line that says just `@item'. Do not write any other text on
this line.
Usually, you should put a blank line before an `@item'. This puts a
blank line in the Info file. (TeX inserts the proper interline
whitespace in either case.) Except when the entries are very brief,
these blank lines make the list look better.
Here is an example of the use of `@itemize', followed by the output
it produces. Note that `@bullet' produces an `*' in Info and a round
dot in TeX.
@itemize @bullet
Some text for foo.
Some text
for bar.
@end itemize
This produces:
* Some text for foo.
* Some text for bar.
Itemized lists may be embedded within other itemized lists. Here is
a list marked with dashes embedded in a list marked with bullets:
@itemize @bullet
First item.
@itemize @minus
Inner item.
Second inner item.
@end itemize
Second outer item.
@end itemize
This produces:
* First item.
- Inner item.
- Second inner item.
* Second outer item.
File: texi.info, Node: enumerate, Next: Two-column Tables, Prev: itemize, Up: Lists and Tables
Making a Numbered or Lettered List
`@enumerate' is like `@itemize' except that the marks in the left
margin contain successive integers or letters. (*Note `@itemize':
Write the `@enumerate' command at the beginning of a line. The
command does not require an argument, but accepts either a number or a
letter as an option. Without an argument, `@enumerate' starts the list
with the number 1. With a numeric argument, such as 3, the command
starts the list with that number. With an upper or lower case letter,
such as `a' or `A', the command starts the list with that letter.
Write the text of the enumerated list in the same way you write an
itemized list: put `@item' on a line of its own before the start of
each paragraph that you want enumerated. Do not write any other text on
the line beginning with `@item'.
You should put a blank line between entries in the list. This
generally makes it easier to read the Info file.
Here is an example of `@enumerate' without an argument:
Underlying causes.
Proximate causes.
@end enumerate
This produces:
1. Underlying causes.
2. Proximate causes.
Here is an example with an argument of `3':
@enumerate 3
Predisposing causes.
Precipitating causes.
Perpetuating causes.
@end enumerate
This produces:
3. Predisposing causes.
4. Precipitating causes.
5. Perpetuating causes.
Here is a brief summary of the alternatives. The summary is
constructed using `@enumerate' with an argument of `a'.
a. `@enumerate'
Without an argument, produce a numbered list, starting with the
number 1.
b. `@enumerate POSITIVE-INTEGER'
With a (positive) numeric argument, start a numbered list with that
number. You can use this to continue a list that you interrupted
with other text.
c. `@enumerate UPPER-CASE-LETTER'
With an upper case letter as argument, start a list in which each
item is marked by a letter, beginning with that upper case letter.
d. `@enumerate LOWER-CASE-LETTER'
With a lower case letter as argument, start a list in which each
item is marked by a letter, beginning with that lower case letter.
You can also nest enumerated lists, as in an outline.
File: texi.info, Node: Two-column Tables, Prev: enumerate, Up: Lists and Tables
Making a Two-column Table
`@table' is similar to `@itemize', but the command allows you to
specify a name or heading line for each item. (*Note `@itemize':
itemize.) The `@table' command is used to produce two-column tables,
and is especially useful for glossaries and explanatory exhibits.
* Menu:
* table:: How to construct a two-column table.
* ftable vtable:: How to construct a two-column table
with automatic indexing.
* itemx:: How to put more entries in the first column.
File: texi.info, Node: table, Next: ftable vtable, Up: Two-column Tables
Using the `@table' Command
Use the `@table' command to produce two-column tables.
Write the `@table' command at the beginning of a line and follow it
on the same line with an argument that is a Texinfo command such as
`@code', `@samp', `@var', or `@kbd'. Although these commands are
usually followed by arguments in braces, in this case you use the
command name without an argument because `@item' will supply the
argument. This command will be applied to the text that goes into the
first column of each item and determines how it will be highlighted.
For example, `@samp' will cause the text in the first column to be
highlighted with an `@samp' command.
You may also choose to use the `@asis' command as an argument to
`@table'. `@asis' is a command that does nothing; if you use this
command after `@table', TeX and the Info formatting commands output the
first column entries without added highlighting (`as is').
(The `@table' command may work with other commands besides those
listed here. However, you can only use commands that normally take
arguments in braces.)
Begin each table entry with an `@item' command at the beginning of a
line. Write the first column text on the same line as the `@item'
command. Write the second column text on the line following the
`@item' line and on subsequent lines. (You do not need to type
anything for an empty second column entry.) You may write as many
lines of supporting text as you wish, even several paragraphs. But
only text on the same line as the `@item' will be placed in the first
Normally, you should put a blank line before an `@item' line. This
puts a blank like in the Info file. Except when the entries are very
brief, a blank line looks better.
The following table, for example, highlights the text in the first
column with an `@samp' command:
@table @samp
@item foo
This is the text for
@item bar
Text for @samp{bar}.
@end table
This produces:
This is the text for `foo'.
Text for `bar'.
If you want to list two or more named items with a single block of
text, use the `@itemx' command. (*Note `@itemx': itemx.)
File: texi.info, Node: ftable vtable, Next: itemx, Prev: table, Up: Two-column Tables
`@ftable' and `@vtable'
The `@ftable' and `@vtable' commands are the same as the `@table'
command except that `@ftable' automatically enters each of the items in
the first column of the table into the index of functions and `@vtable'
automatically enters each of the items in the first column of the table
into the index of variables. This simplifies the task of creating
indices. Only the items on the same line as the `@item' commands are
indexed, and they are indexed in exactly the form that they appear on
that line. *Note Creating Indices: Indices, for more information about
Begin a two-column table using `@ftable' or `@vtable' by writing the
@-command at the beginning of a line, followed on the same line by an
argument that is a Texinfo command such as `@code', exactly as you
would for an `@table' command; and end the table with an `@end ftable'
or `@end vtable' command on a line by itself.
File: texi.info, Node: itemx, Prev: ftable vtable, Up: Two-column Tables
Use the `@itemx' command inside a table when you have two or more
first column entries for the same item, each of which should appear on
a line of its own. Use `@itemx' for all but the first entry. The
`@itemx' command works exactly like `@item' except that it does not
generate extra vertical space above the first column text.
For example,
@table @code
@item upcase
@itemx downcase
These two functions accept a character or a string as
argument, and return the corresponding upper case (lower
case) character or string.
@end table
This produces:
These two functions accept a character or a string as argument,
and return the corresponding upper case (lower case) character or
(Note also that this example illustrates multi-line supporting text in
a two-column table.)
File: texi.info, Node: Indices, Next: Insertions, Prev: Lists and Tables, Up: Top
Creating Indices
Using Texinfo, you can generate indices without having to sort and
collate entries manually. In an index, the entries are listed in
alphabetical order, together with information on how to find the
discussion of each entry. In a printed manual, this information
consists of page numbers. In an Info file, this information is a menu
entry leading to the first node referenced.
Texinfo provides several predefined kinds of index: an index for
functions, an index for variables, an index for concepts, and so on.
You can combine indices or use them for other than their canonical
purpose. If you wish, you can define your own indices.
* Menu:
* Index Entries:: Choose different words for index entries.
* Predefined Indices:: Use different indices for different kinds
of entry.
* Indexing Commands:: How to make an index entry.
* Combining Indices:: How to combine indices.
* New Indices:: How to define your own indices.
File: texi.info, Node: Index Entries, Next: Predefined Indices, Up: Indices
Making Index Entries
When you are making index entries, it is good practice to think of
the different ways people may look for something. Different people *do
not* think of the same words when they look something up. A helpful
index will have items indexed under all the different words that people
may use. For example, one reader may think it obvious that the
two-letter names for indices should be listed under "Indices,
two-letter names", since the word "Index" is the general concept. But
another reader may remember the specific concept of two-letter names
and search for the entry listed as "Two letter names for indices". A
good index will have both entries and will help both readers.
Like typesetting, the construction of an index is a highly skilled,
professional art, the subtleties of which are not appreciated until you
need to do it yourself.
*Note Printing Indices & Menus::, for information about printing an
index at the end of a book or creating an index menu in an Info file.
File: texi.info, Node: Predefined Indices, Next: Indexing Commands, Prev: Index Entries, Up: Indices
Predefined Indices
Texinfo provides six predefined indices:
* A "concept index" listing concepts that are discussed.
* A "function index" listing functions (such as entry points of
* A "variables index" listing variables (such as global variables of
* A "keystroke index" listing keyboard commands.
* A "program index" listing names of programs.
* A "data type index" listing data types (such as structures defined
in header files).
Not every manual needs all of these, and most manuals use two or three
of them. This manual has two indices: a concept index and an @-command
index (that is actually the function index but is called a command
index in the chapter heading). Two or more indices can be combined
into one using the `@synindex' or `@syncodeindex' commands. *Note
Combining Indices::.
File: texi.info, Node: Indexing Commands, Next: Combining Indices, Prev: Predefined Indices, Up: Indices
Defining the Entries of an Index
The data to make an index come from many individual indexing commands
scattered throughout the Texinfo source file. Each command says to add
one entry to a particular index; after formatting, the index will give
the current page number or node name as the reference.
An index entry consists of an indexing command at the beginning of a
line followed, on the rest of the line, by the entry.
For example, this section begins with the following five entries for
the concept index:
@cindex Defining indexing entries
@cindex Index entries
@cindex Entries for an index
@cindex Specifying index entries
@cindex Creating index entries
Each predefined index has its own indexing command--`@cindex' for
the concept index, `@findex' for the function index, and so on.
The usual convention is to capitalize the first word of each index
entry, unless that word is the name of a function, variable, or other
such entity that should not be capitalized. Thus, if you are
documenting Emacs Lisp, you should usually capitalize entries in the
concept index, but not those in the function index. However, if your
concept index entries are consistently short (one or two words each) it
may look better for each regular entry to start with a lower case
letter. Whichever convention you adapt, please be consistent!
By default, entries for a concept index are printed in a small roman
font and entries for the other indices are printed in a small `@code'
font. You may change the way part of an entry is printed with the
usual Texinfo commands, such as `@file' for file names and `@emph' for
emphasis (*note Marking Text::.).
The six indexing commands for predefined indices are:
`@cindex CONCEPT'
Make an entry in the concept index for CONCEPT.
`@findex FUNCTION'
Make an entry in the function index for FUNCTION.
`@vindex VARIABLE'
Make an entry in the variable index for VARIABLE.
`@kindex KEYSTROKE'
Make an entry in the key index for KEYSTROKE.
`@pindex PROGRAM'
Make an entry in the program index for PROGRAM.
`@tindex DATA TYPE'
Make an entry in the data type index for DATA TYPE.
*Caution:* Do not use a colon in an index entry. In Info, a colon
separates the menu entry name from the node name. An extra colon
confuses Info. *Note The Parts of a Menu: Menu Parts, for more
information about the structure of a menu entry.
If you write several identical index entries in different places in a
Texinfo file, the index in the printed manual will list all the pages to
which those entries refer. However, the index in the Info file will
list *only* the node that references the *first* of those index
entries. Therefore, it is best to write indices in which each entry
refers to only one place in the Texinfo file. Fortunately, this
constraint is a feature rather than a loss since it means that the index
will be easy to use. Otherwise, you could create an index that lists
several pages for one entry and your reader would not know to which page
to turn. If you have two identical entries for one topic, change the
topics slightly, or qualify them to indicate the difference.
You are not actually required to use the predefined indices for their
canonical purposes. For example, suppose you wish to index some C
preprocessor macros. You could put them in the function index along
with actual functions, just by writing `@findex' commands for them;
then, when you print the "Function Index" as an unnumbered chapter, you
could give it the title `Function and Macro Index' and all will be
consistent for the reader. Or you could put the macros in with the
data types by writing `@tindex' commands for them, and give that index
a suitable title so the reader will understand. (*Note Printing
Indices & Menus::.)
File: texi.info, Node: Combining Indices, Next: New Indices, Prev: Indexing Commands, Up: Indices
Combining Indices
Sometimes you will want to combine two disparate indices such as
functions and concepts, perhaps because you have few enough of one of
them that a separate index for them would look silly.
You could put functions into the concept index by writing `@cindex'
commands for them instead of `@findex' commands, and produce a
consistent manual by printing the concept index with the title
`Function and Concept Index' and not printing the `Function Index' at
all; but this is not a robust procedure. It works only if your
document is never included as part of another document that is designed
to have a separate function index; if your document were to be included
with such a document, the functions from your document and those from
the other would not end up together. Also, to make your function names
appear in the right font in the concept index, you would need to
enclose every one of them between the braces of `@code'.
* Menu:
* syncodeindex:: How to merge two indices, using `@code'
font for the merged-from index.
* synindex:: How to merge two indices, using the
default font of the merged-to index.
File: texi.info, Node: syncodeindex, Next: synindex, Up: Combining Indices
When you want to combine functions and concepts into one index, you
should index the functions with `@findex' and index the concepts with
`@cindex', and use the `@syncodeindex' command to redirect the function
index entries into the concept index.
The `@syncodeindex' command takes two arguments; they are the name
of the index to redirect, and the name of the index to redirect it to.
The template looks like this:
@syncodeindex FROM TO
For this purpose, the indices are given two-letter names:
concept index
function index
variable index
key index
program index
data type index
Write an `@syncodeindex' command before or shortly after the
end-of-header line at the beginning of a Texinfo file. For example, to
merge a function index with a concept index, write the following:
@syncodeindex fn cp
This will cause all entries designated for the function index to merge
in with the concept index instead.
To merge both a variables index and a function index into a concept
index, write the following:
@syncodeindex vr cp
@syncodeindex fn cp
The `@syncodeindex' command puts all the entries from the `from'
index (the redirected index) into the `@code' font, overriding whatever
default font is used by the index to which the entries are now
directed. This way, if you direct function names from a function index
into a concept index, all the function names are printed in the `@code'
font as you would expect.
File: texi.info, Node: synindex, Prev: syncodeindex, Up: Combining Indices
The `@synindex' command is nearly the same as the `@syncodeindex'
command, except that it does not put the `from' index entries into the
`@code' font; rather it puts them in the roman font. Thus, you use
`@synindex' when you merge a concept index into a function index.
*Note Printing Indices & Menus::, for information about printing an
index at the end of a book or creating an index menu in an Info file.
File: texi.info, Node: New Indices, Prev: Combining Indices, Up: Indices
Defining New Indices
In addition to the predefined indices, you may use the `@defindex'
and `@defcodeindex' commands to define new indices. These commands
create new indexing @-commands with which you mark index entries. The
`@defindex 'command is used like this:
@defindex NAME
The name of an index should be a two letter word, such as `au'. For
@defindex au
This defines a new index, called the `au' index. At the same time,
it creates a new indexing command, `@auindex', that you can use to make
index entries. Use the new indexing command just as you would use a
predefined indexing command.
For example, here is a section heading followed by a concept index
entry and two `au' index entries.
@section Cognitive Semantics
@cindex kinesthetic image schemas
@auindex Johnson, Mark
@auindex Lakoff, George
(Evidently, `au' serves here as an abbreviation for "author".) Texinfo
constructs the new indexing command by concatenating the name of the
index with `index'; thus, defining an `au' index leads to the automatic
creation of an `@auindex' command.
Use the `@printindex' command to print the index, as you do with the
predefined indices. For example:
@node Author Index, Subject Index, , Top
@unnumbered Author Index
@printindex au
The `@defcodeindex' is like the `@defindex' command, except that, in
the printed output, it prints entries in an `@code' font instead of a
roman font. Thus, it parallels the `@findex' command rather than the
`@cindex' command.
You should define new indices within or right after the end-of-header
line of a Texinfo file, before any `@synindex' or `@syncodeindex'
commands (*note Header::.).
File: texi.info, Node: Insertions, Next: Glyphs, Prev: Indices, Up: Top
Special Insertions
Texinfo provides several commands for formatting dimensions, for
inserting single characters that have special meaning in Texinfo, such
as braces, and for inserting special graphic symbols that do not
correspond to characters, such as dots and bullets.
* Menu:
* Braces Atsigns Periods:: How to insert braces, `@' and periods.
* dmn:: How to format a dimension.
* Dots Bullets:: How to insert dots and bullets.
* TeX and copyright:: How to insert the TeX logo
and the copyright symbol.
* minus:: How to insert a minus sign.
File: texi.info, Node: Braces Atsigns Periods, Next: dmn, Up: Insertions
Inserting `@', Braces, and Periods
`@' and curly braces are special characters in Texinfo. To insert
these characters so they appear in text, you must put an `@' in front
of these characters to prevent Texinfo from misinterpreting them.
Periods are also special. Depending on whether the period is inside
or at the end of a sentence, less or more space is inserted after a
period in a typeset manual. Since it is not always possible for
Texinfo to determine when a period ends a sentence and when it is used
in an abbreviation, special commands are needed in some circumstances.
(Usually, Texinfo can guess how to handle periods, so you do not need
to use the special commands; you just enter a period as you would if
you were using a typewriter, which means you put two spaces after the
period, question mark, or exclamation mark that ends a sentence.)
Do not put braces after any of these commands; they are not
* Menu:
* Inserting An Atsign::
* Inserting Braces:: How to insert `{' and `}'
* Controlling Spacing:: How to insert the right amount of space
after punctuation within a sentence.