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- /* window.h -- Structure and flags used in manipulating Info windows. */
- /* This file is part of GNU Info, a program for reading online documentation
- stored in Info format.
- Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- Written by Brian Fox (bfox@ai.mit.edu). */
- #if !defined (_WINDOW_H_)
- #define _WINDOW_H_
- #include "nodes.h"
- #include "infomap.h"
- /* Smallest number of visible lines in a window. The actual height is
- always one more than this number because each window has a modeline. */
- /* Smallest number of screen lines that can be used to fully present a
- window. This number includes the modeline of the window. */
- /* The exact same elements are used within the WINDOW_STATE structure and a
- subsection of the WINDOW structure. We could define a structure which
- contains this elements, and include that structure in each of WINDOW_STATE
- and WINDOW. But that would lead references in the code such as
- window->state->node which we would like to avoid. Instead, we #define the
- elements here, and simply include the define in both data structures. Thus,
- if you need to change window state information, here is where you would
- do it. NB> The last element does NOT end with a semi-colon. */
- NODE *node; /* The node displayed in this window. */ \
- int pagetop; /* LINE_STARTS[PAGETOP] is first line in WINDOW. */ \
- long point /* Offset within NODE of the cursor position. */
- /* Structure which defines a window. Windows are doubly linked, next
- and prev. The list of windows is kept on WINDOWS. The structure member
- window->height is the total height of the window. The position location
- (0, window->height + window->first_row) is the first character of this
- windows modeline. The number of lines that can be displayed in a window
- is equal to window->height - 1. */
- typedef struct __window__ {
- struct __window__ *next; /* Next window in this chain. */
- struct __window__ *prev; /* Previous window in this chain. */
- int width; /* Width of this window. */
- int height; /* Height of this window. */
- int first_row; /* Offset of the first line in the_screen. */
- int goal_column; /* The column we would like the cursor to appear in. */
- Keymap keymap; /* Keymap used to read commands in this window. */
- WINDOW_STATE_DECL; /* Node, pagetop and point. */
- char *modeline; /* Calculated text of the modeline for this window. */
- char **line_starts; /* Array of printed line starts for this node. */
- int line_count; /* Number of lines appearing in LINE_STARTS. */
- int flags; /* See below for details. */
- typedef struct {
- WINDOW_STATE_DECL; /* What gets saved. */
- #define W_UpdateWindow 0x01 /* WINDOW needs updating. */
- #define W_WindowIsPerm 0x02 /* This WINDOW is a permanent object. */
- #define W_WindowVisible 0x04 /* This WINDOW is currently visible. */
- #define W_InhibitMode 0x08 /* This WINDOW has no modeline. */
- #define W_NoWrap 0x10 /* Lines do not wrap in this window. */
- #define W_InputWindow 0x20 /* Window accepts input. */
- #define W_TempWindow 0x40 /* Window is less important. */
- extern WINDOW *windows; /* List of visible Info windows. */
- extern WINDOW *active_window; /* The currently active window. */
- extern WINDOW *the_screen; /* The Info screen is just another window. */
- extern WINDOW *the_echo_area; /* THE_ECHO_AREA is a window in THE_SCREEN. */
- /* Global variable control redisplay of scrolled windows. If non-zero, it
- is the desired number of lines to scroll the window in order to make
- point visible. A user might set this to 1 for smooth scrolling. If
- set to zero, the line containing point is centered within the window. */
- extern int window_scroll_step;
- /* Make the modeline member for WINDOW. */
- extern void window_make_modeline ();
- /* Initalize the window system by creating THE_SCREEN and THE_ECHO_AREA.
- Create the first window ever, and make it permanent.
- You pass WIDTH and HEIGHT; the dimensions of the total screen size. */
- extern void window_initialize_windows ();
- /* Make a new window showing NODE, and return that window structure.
- The new window is made to be the active window. If NODE is passed
- as NULL, then show the node showing in the active window. If the
- window could not be made return a NULL pointer. The active window
- is not changed.*/
- extern WINDOW *window_make_window ();
- /* Delete WINDOW from the list of known windows. If this window was the
- active window, make the next window in the chain be the active window,
- or the previous window in the chain if there is no next window. */
- extern void window_delete_window ();
- /* A function to call when the screen changes size, and some windows have
- to get deleted. The function is called with the window to be deleted
- as an argument, and it can't do anything about the window getting deleted;
- it can only clean up dangling references to that window. */
- extern VFunction *window_deletion_notifier;
- /* Set WINDOW to display NODE. */
- extern void window_set_node_of_window ();
- /* Tell the window system that the size of the screen has changed. This
- causes lots of interesting things to happen. The permanent windows
- are resized, as well as every visible window. You pass WIDTH and HEIGHT;
- the dimensions of the total screen size. */
- extern void window_new_screen_size ();
- /* Change the height of WINDOW by AMOUNT. This also automagically adjusts
- the previous and next windows in the chain. If there is only one user
- window, then no change takes place. */
- extern void window_change_window_height ();
- /* Adjust the pagetop of WINDOW such that the cursor point will be visible. */
- extern void window_adjust_pagetop ();
- /* Tile all of the windows currently displayed in the global variable
- WINDOWS. If argument DO_INTERNALS is non-zero, tile windows displaying
- internal nodes as well. */
- #define TILE_INTERNALS 1
- extern void window_tile_windows ();
- /* Toggle the state of line wrapping in WINDOW. This can do a bit of fancy
- redisplay. */
- extern void window_toggle_wrap ();
- /* For every window in CHAIN, set the flags member to have FLAG set. */
- extern void window_mark_chain ();
- /* For every window in CHAIN, clear the flags member of FLAG. */
- extern void window_unmark_chain ();
- /* Make WINDOW start displaying at PERCENT percentage of its node. */
- extern void window_goto_percentage ();
- /* Build a new node which has FORMAT printed with ARG1 and ARG2 as the
- contents. */
- extern NODE *build_message_node ();
- /* Useful functions can be called from outside of window.c. */
- extern void initialize_message_buffer ();
- /* Print FORMAT with ARG1,2 to the end of the current message buffer. */
- extern void printf_to_message_buffer ();
- /* Convert the contents of the message buffer to a node. */
- extern NODE *message_buffer_to_node ();
- /* Return the length of the most recently printed line in message buffer. */
- extern int message_buffer_length_this_line ();
- /* Pad STRING to COUNT characters by inserting blanks. */
- extern int pad_to ();
- /* Make a message appear in the echo area, built from FORMAT, ARG1 and ARG2.
- The arguments are treated similar to printf () arguments, but not all of
- printf () hair is present. The message appears immediately. If there was
- already a message appearing in the echo area, it is removed. */
- extern void window_message_in_echo_area ();
- /* Place a temporary message in the echo area built from FORMAT, ARG1
- and ARG2. The message appears immediately, but does not destroy
- any existing message. A future call to unmessage_in_echo_area ()
- restores the old contents. */
- extern void message_in_echo_area ();
- extern void unmessage_in_echo_area ();
- /* Clear the echo area, removing any message that is already present.
- The echo area is cleared immediately. */
- extern void window_clear_echo_area ();
- /* Quickly guess the approximate number of lines to that NODE would
- take to display. This really only counts carriage returns. */
- extern int window_physical_lines ();
- /* Calculate a list of line starts for the node belonging to WINDOW. The line
- starts are pointers to the actual text within WINDOW->NODE. */
- extern void calculate_line_starts ();
- /* Given WINDOW, recalculate the line starts for the node it displays. */
- extern void recalculate_line_starts ();
- /* Return the number of characters it takes to display CHARACTER on the
- screen at HPOS. */
- extern int character_width ();
- /* Return the number of characters it takes to display STRING on the
- screen at HPOS. */
- extern int string_width ();
- /* Return the index of the line containing point. */
- extern int window_line_of_point ();
- /* Get and return the goal column for this window. */
- extern int window_get_goal_column ();
- /* Get and return the printed column offset of the cursor in this window. */
- extern int window_get_cursor_column ();
- /* Get and Set the node, pagetop, and point of WINDOW. */
- extern void window_get_state (), window_set_state ();
- /* Count the number of characters in LINE that precede the printed column
- offset of GOAL. */
- extern int window_chars_to_goal ();
- #endif /* !_WINDOW_H_ */