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- /* Makeinfo -- convert texinfo format files into info files.
- Copyright (C) 1987, 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of GNU Info.
- Makeinfo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts
- responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it or for
- whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless he
- says so in writing. Refer to the GNU Emacs General Public License
- for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Makeinfo, but only under the conditions described in the GNU Emacs
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to
- have been given to you along with GNU Emacs so you can know your
- rights and responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING.
- Among other things, the copyright notice and this notice must be
- preserved on all copies. */
- /* This is Makeinfo version 1.55. If you change the version number of
- Makeinfo, please change it here and at the lines reading:
- int major_version = 1;
- int minor_version = 55;
- in the code below.
- Makeinfo is authored by Brian Fox (bfox@ai.mit.edu). */
- /* You can change some of the behaviour of Makeinfo by changing the
- following defines: */
- /* Define INDENT_PARAGRAPHS_IN_TABLE if you want the paragraphs which
- appear within an @table, @ftable, or @itemize environment to have
- standard paragraph indentation. Without this, such paragraphs have
- no starting indentation. */
- /* Define DEFAULT_INDENTATION_INCREMENT as an integer which is the amount
- that @example should increase indentation by. This incremement is used
- for all insertions which indent the enclosed text. */
- /* Define PARAGRAPH_START_INDENT to be the amount of indentation that
- the first lines of paragraphs receive by default, where no other
- value has been specified. Users can change this value on the command
- line, with the +paragraph-indent option, or within the texinfo file,
- with the @paragraphindent command. */
- /* Define DEFAULT_PARAGRAPH_SPACING as the number of blank lines that you
- wish to appear between paragraphs. A value of 1 creates a single blank
- line between paragraphs. Paragraphs are defined by 2 or more consecutive
- newlines in the input file (i.e., one or more blank lines). */
- /* **************************************************************** */
- /* */
- /* Include File Declarations */
- /* */
- /* **************************************************************** */
- /* Indent #pragma so that older Cpp's don't try to parse it. */
- #if defined (_AIX)
- # pragma alloca
- #endif /* _AIX */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <pwd.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #if defined (HAVE_VARARGS_H)
- #include <varargs.h>
- #endif /* HAVE_VARARGS_H */
- #include "getopt.h"
- #if defined (VMS)
- #include <perror.h>
- #endif
- #if defined (HAVE_STRING_H)
- #include <string.h>
- #else
- #include <strings.h>
- #endif /* !HAVE_STRING_H */
- #if defined (TM_IN_SYS_TIME)
- #include <sys/time.h>
- #else
- #include <time.h>
- #endif /* !TM_IN_SYS_TIME */
- #if defined (HAVE_SYS_FCNTL_H)
- #include <sys/fcntl.h>
- #else
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #endif /* !HAVE_SYS_FCNTL_H */
- #include <sys/file.h>
- #if defined (__GNUC__)
- #define alloca __builtin_alloca
- #else
- #if defined(HAVE_ALLOCA_H)
- #include <alloca.h>
- #else /* !HAVE_ALLOCA_H */
- #if !defined (_AIX)
- extern char *alloca ();
- #endif /* !_AIX */
- #endif /* !HAVE_ALLOCA_H */
- #endif /* !__GNUC__ */
- void *xmalloc (), *xrealloc ();
- static void isolate_nodename ();
- /* Non-zero means that we are currently hacking the insides of an
- insertion which would use a fixed width font. */
- static int in_fixed_width_font = 0;
- /* Non-zero means that start_paragraph () MUST be called before we pay
- any attention to close_paragraph () calls. */
- int must_start_paragraph = 0;
- /* Some systems don't declare this function in pwd.h. */
- struct passwd *getpwnam ();
- /* **************************************************************** */
- /* */
- /* Global Defines */
- /* */
- /* **************************************************************** */
- /* Error levels */
- #define NO_ERROR 0
- #define SYNTAX 2
- #define FATAL 4
- /* How to allocate permanent storage for STRING. */
- #define savestring(x) \
- ((char *)strcpy ((char *)xmalloc (1 + ((x) ? strlen (x) : 0)), \
- (x) ? (x) : ""))
- /* C's standard macros don't check to make sure that the characters being
- changed are within range. So I have to check explicitly. */
- /* GNU Library doesn't have toupper(). Until GNU gets this fixed, I will
- have to do it. */
- #ifndef toupper
- #define toupper(c) ((c) - 32)
- #endif
- #define coerce_to_upper(c) ((islower(c) ? toupper(c) : (c)))
- #define coerce_to_lower(c) ((isupper(c) ? tolower(c) : (c)))
- #define control_character_bit 0x40 /* %01000000, must be off. */
- #define meta_character_bit 0x080/* %10000000, must be on. */
- #define CTL(c) ((c) & (~control_character_bit))
- #define UNCTL(c) coerce_to_upper(((c)|control_character_bit))
- #define META(c) ((c) | (meta_character_bit))
- #define UNMETA(c) ((c) & (~meta_character_bit))
- #define whitespace(c) (((c) == '\t') || ((c) == ' '))
- #define sentence_ender(c) ((c) == '.' || (c) == '?' || (c) == '!')
- #define cr_or_whitespace(c) (((c) == '\t') || ((c) == ' ') || ((c) == '\n'))
- #ifndef isletter
- #define isletter(c) (((c) >= 'A' && (c) <= 'Z') || ((c) >= 'a' && (c) <= 'z'))
- #endif
- #ifndef isupper
- #define isupper(c) ((c) >= 'A' && (c) <= 'Z')
- #endif
- #ifndef isdigit
- #define isdigit(c) ((c) >= '0' && (c) <= '9')
- #endif
- #ifndef digit_value
- #define digit_value(c) ((c) - '0')
- #endif
- #define member(c, s) (strchr (s, c) != NULL)
- #define COMMAND_PREFIX '@'
- /* Stuff for splitting large files. */
- #define SPLIT_SIZE_THRESHOLD 70000 /* What's good enough for Stallman... */
- #define DEFAULT_SPLIT_SIZE 50000 /* Is probably good enough for me. */
- int splitting = 1; /* Always true for now. */
- typedef int FUNCTION (); /* So I can say FUNCTION *foo; */
- /* **************************************************************** */
- /* */
- /* Global Variables */
- /* */
- /* **************************************************************** */
- /* Global pointer to argv[0]. */
- char *progname;
- /* The current input file state. */
- char *input_filename;
- char *input_text;
- int size_of_input_text;
- int input_text_offset;
- int line_number;
- #define curchar() input_text[input_text_offset]
- #define command_char(c) ((!whitespace(c)) && \
- ((c) != '\n') && \
- ((c) != '{') && \
- ((c) != '}') && \
- ((c) != '='))
- #define skip_whitespace() while (input_text_offset != size_of_input_text \
- && whitespace(curchar()))\
- input_text_offset++
- /* Return non-zero if STRING is the text at input_text + input_text_offset,
- else zero. */
- #define looking_at(string) \
- (strncmp (input_text + input_text_offset, string, strlen (string)) == 0)
- /* And writing to the output. */
- /* The output file name. */
- char *output_filename = (char *)NULL;
- char *pretty_output_filename;
- /* Name of the output file that the user elected to pass on the command line.
- Such a name overrides any name found with the @setfilename command. */
- char *command_output_filename = (char *)NULL;
- /* A colon separated list of directories to search for files included
- with @include. This can be controlled with the `-I' option to makeinfo. */
- char *include_files_path = (char *)NULL;
- /* Current output stream. */
- FILE *output_stream;
- /* Position in the output file. */
- int output_position;
- /* Output paragraph buffer. */
- unsigned char *output_paragraph;
- /* Offset into OUTPUT_PARAGRAPH. */
- int output_paragraph_offset;
- /* The output paragraph "cursor" horizontal position. */
- int output_column = 0;
- /* Non-zero means output_paragraph contains text. */
- int paragraph_is_open = 0;
- int paragraph_buffer_len = INITIAL_PARAGRAPH_SPACE;
- /* Filling.. */
- /* Non-zero indicates that filling will take place on long lines. */
- int filling_enabled = 1;
- /* Non-zero means that words are not to be split, even in long lines. This
- gets changed for cm_w (). */
- int non_splitting_words = 0;
- /* Non-zero indicates that filling a line also indents the new line. */
- int indented_fill = 0;
- /* The column at which long lines are broken. */
- int fill_column = 72;
- /* The amount of indentation to apply at the start of each line. */
- int current_indent = 0;
- /* The amount of indentation to add at the starts of paragraphs.
- 0 means don't change existing indentation at paragraph starts.
- > 0 is amount to indent new paragraphs by.
- < 0 means indent to column zero by removing indentation if necessary.
- This is normally zero, but some people prefer paragraph starts to be
- somewhat more indented than paragraph bodies. A pretty value for
- this is 3. */
- int paragraph_start_indent = PARAGRAPH_START_INDENT;
- /* Non-zero means that the use of paragraph_start_indent is inhibited.
- @example uses this to line up the left columns of the example text.
- A negative value for this variable is incremented each time it is used.
- @noindent uses this to inhibit indentation for a single paragraph. */
- int inhibit_paragraph_indentation = 0;
- /* Indentation that is pending insertion. We have this for hacking lines
- which look blank, but contain whitespace. We want to treat those as
- blank lines. */
- int pending_indent = 0;
- /* The amount that indentation increases/decreases by. */
- int default_indentation_increment = DEFAULT_INDENTATION_INCREMENT;
- /* Non-zero indicates that indentation is temporarily turned off. */
- int no_indent = 1;
- /* Non-zero means forcing output text to be flushright. */
- int force_flush_right = 0;
- /* Non-zero means that the footnote style for this document was set on
- the command line, which overrides any other settings. */
- int footnote_style_preset = 0;
- /* Non-zero means that we automatically number footnotes that have no
- specified marker. */
- int number_footnotes = 1;
- /* The current footnote number in this node. Each time a new node is
- started this is reset to 1. */
- int current_footnote_number = 1;
- /* Command name in the process of being hacked. */
- char *command;
- /* The index in our internal command table of the currently
- executing command. */
- int command_index;
- /* A stack of file information records. If a new file is read in with
- "@input", we remember the old input file state on this stack. */
- typedef struct fstack
- {
- struct fstack *next;
- char *filename;
- char *text;
- int size;
- int offset;
- int line_number;
- FSTACK *filestack = (FSTACK *) NULL;
- /* Stuff for nodes. */
- /* The current nodes node name. */
- char *current_node = (char *)NULL;
- /* The current nodes section level. */
- int current_section = 0;
- /* The filename of the current input file. This is never freed. */
- char *node_filename = (char *)NULL;
- /* What we remember for each node. */
- typedef struct tentry
- {
- struct tentry *next_ent;
- char *node; /* name of this node. */
- char *prev; /* name of "Prev:" for this node. */
- char *next; /* name of "Next:" for this node. */
- char *up; /* name of "Up:" for this node. */
- int position; /* output file position of this node. */
- int line_no; /* defining line in source file. */
- char *filename; /* The file that this node was found in. */
- int touched; /* non-zero means this node has been referenced. */
- int flags; /* Room for growth. Right now, contains 1 bit. */
- /* If node-a has a "Next" for node-b, but node-b has no "Prev" for node-a,
- we turn on this flag bit in node-b's tag entry. This means that when
- it is time to validate node-b, we don't report an additional error
- if there was no "Prev" field. */
- #define PREV_ERROR 0x1
- #define NEXT_ERROR 0x2
- #define UP_ERROR 0x4
- #define NO_WARN 0x8
- #define IS_TOP 0x10
- TAG_ENTRY *tag_table = (TAG_ENTRY *) NULL;
- #define HAVE_MACROS
- #if defined (HAVE_MACROS)
- /* Macro definitions for user-defined commands. */
- typedef struct {
- char *name; /* Name of the macro. */
- char *definition; /* Definition text. */
- char *filename; /* File where this macro is defined. */
- int lineno; /* Line number within FILENAME. */
- void add_macro (), execute_macro ();
- MACRO_DEF *find_macro (), *delete_macro ();
- #endif /* HAVE_MACROS */
- /* Menu reference, *note reference, and validation hacking. */
- /* The various references that we know about. */
- enum reftype
- {
- menu_reference, followed_reference
- };
- /* A structure to remember references with. A reference to a node is
- either an entry in a menu, or a cross-reference made with [px]ref. */
- typedef struct node_ref
- {
- struct node_ref *next;
- char *node; /* Name of node referred to. */
- char *containing_node; /* Name of node containing this reference. */
- int line_no; /* Line number where the reference occurs. */
- int section; /* Section level where the reference occurs. */
- char *filename; /* Name of file where the reference occurs. */
- enum reftype type; /* Type of reference, either menu or note. */
- /* The linked list of such structures. */
- NODE_REF *node_references = (NODE_REF *) NULL;
- /* Flag which tells us whether to examine menu lines or not. */
- int in_menu = 0;
- /* Flags controlling the operation of the program. */
- /* Default is to notify users of bad choices. */
- int print_warnings = 1;
- /* Default is to check node references. */
- int validating = 1;
- /* Non-zero means do not output "Node: Foo" for node separations. */
- int no_headers = 0;
- /* Number of errors that we tolerate on a given fileset. */
- int max_error_level = 100;
- /* Maximum number of references to a single node before complaining. */
- int reference_warning_limit = 1000;
- /* Non-zero means print out information about what is going on when it
- is going on. */
- int verbose_mode = 0;
- /* The list of commands that we hack in texinfo. Each one
- has an associated function. When the command is encountered in the
- text, the associated function is called with START as the argument.
- If the function expects arguments in braces, it remembers itself on
- the stack. When the corresponding close brace is encountered, the
- function is called with END as the argument. */
- #define START 0
- #define END 1
- typedef struct brace_element
- {
- struct brace_element *next;
- FUNCTION *proc;
- int pos, line;
- /* Forward declarations. */
- int insert_self (), cm_ignore_line ();
- int
- cm_tex (), cm_asterisk (), cm_dots (), cm_bullet (), cm_TeX (),
- cm_copyright (), cm_code (), cm_samp (), cm_file (), cm_kbd (),
- cm_key (), cm_ctrl (), cm_var (), cm_dfn (), cm_emph (), cm_strong (),
- cm_cite (), cm_italic (), cm_bold (), cm_roman (), cm_title (), cm_w (),
- cm_refill (), cm_titlefont ();
- int
- cm_chapter (), cm_unnumbered (), cm_appendix (), cm_top (),
- cm_section (), cm_unnumberedsec (), cm_appendixsec (),
- cm_subsection (), cm_unnumberedsubsec (), cm_appendixsubsec (),
- cm_subsubsection (), cm_unnumberedsubsubsec (), cm_appendixsubsubsec (),
- cm_heading (), cm_chapheading (), cm_subheading (), cm_subsubheading (),
- cm_majorheading (), cm_raisesections (), cm_lowersections ();
- /* All @defxxx commands map to cm_defun (). */
- int cm_defun ();
- int
- cm_node (), cm_menu (), cm_xref (), cm_ftable (), cm_vtable (), cm_pxref (),
- cm_inforef (), cm_quotation (), cm_display (), cm_itemize (),
- cm_enumerate (), cm_table (), cm_itemx (), cm_noindent (), cm_setfilename (),
- cm_br (), cm_sp (), cm_page (), cm_group (), cm_center (), cm_include (),
- cm_bye (), cm_item (), cm_end (), cm_infoinclude (), cm_ifinfo (),
- cm_kindex (), cm_cindex (), cm_findex (), cm_pindex (), cm_vindex (),
- cm_tindex (), cm_asis (), cm_synindex (), cm_printindex (), cm_minus (),
- cm_footnote (), cm_force_abbreviated_whitespace (), cm_example (),
- cm_smallexample (), cm_lisp (), cm_format (), cm_exdent (), cm_defindex (),
- cm_defcodeindex (), cm_sc (), cm_result (), cm_expansion (), cm_equiv (),
- cm_print (), cm_error (), cm_point (), cm_today (), cm_flushleft (),
- cm_flushright (), cm_smalllisp (), cm_finalout (), cm_math (),
- cm_cartouche (), cm_ignore_sentence_ender ();
- /* Conditionals. */
- int cm_set (), cm_clear (), cm_ifset (), cm_ifclear (), cm_value ();
- #if defined (HAVE_MACROS)
- /* Define a user-defined command which is simple substitution. */
- int cm_macro (), cm_unmacro ();
- #endif /* HAVE_MACROS */
- /* Options. */
- int cm_paragraphindent (), cm_footnotestyle ();
- /* Internals. */
- int do_nothing (), command_name_condition ();
- int misplaced_brace (), cm_obsolete ();
- typedef struct
- {
- char *name;
- FUNCTION *proc;
- int argument_in_braces;
- /* Stuff for defining commands on the fly. */
- COMMAND **user_command_array = (COMMAND **) NULL;
- int user_command_array_len = 0;
- #define NO_BRACE_ARGS 0
- #define BRACE_ARGS 1
- static COMMAND CommandTable[] = {
- { "!", cm_ignore_sentence_ender, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "'", insert_self, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "*", cm_asterisk, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { ".", cm_ignore_sentence_ender, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { ":", cm_force_abbreviated_whitespace, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "?", cm_ignore_sentence_ender, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "|", do_nothing, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "@", insert_self, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { " ", insert_self, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "\n", insert_self, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "TeX", cm_TeX, BRACE_ARGS },
- { "`", insert_self, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "appendix", cm_appendix, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "appendixsection", cm_appendixsec, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "appendixsec", cm_appendixsec, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "appendixsubsec", cm_appendixsubsec, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "appendixsubsubsec", cm_appendixsubsubsec, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "asis", cm_asis, BRACE_ARGS },
- { "b", cm_bold, BRACE_ARGS },
- { "br", cm_br, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "bullet", cm_bullet, BRACE_ARGS },
- { "bye", cm_bye, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "c", cm_ignore_line, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "cartouche", cm_cartouche, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "center", cm_center, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "chapheading", cm_chapheading, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "chapter", cm_chapter, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "cindex", cm_cindex, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "cite", cm_cite, BRACE_ARGS },
- { "clear", cm_clear, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "code", cm_code, BRACE_ARGS },
- { "comment", cm_ignore_line, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "contents", do_nothing, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "copyright", cm_copyright, BRACE_ARGS },
- { "ctrl", cm_ctrl, BRACE_ARGS },
- { "defcodeindex", cm_defcodeindex, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "defindex", cm_defindex, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "dfn", cm_dfn, BRACE_ARGS },
- /* The `def' commands. */
- { "deffn", cm_defun, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "deffnx", cm_defun, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "defun", cm_defun, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "defunx", cm_defun, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "defmac", cm_defun, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "defmacx", cm_defun, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "defspec", cm_defun, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "defspecx", cm_defun, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "defvr", cm_defun, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "defvrx", cm_defun, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "defvar", cm_defun, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "defvarx", cm_defun, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "defopt", cm_defun, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "defoptx", cm_defun, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "deftypefn", cm_defun, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "deftypefnx", cm_defun, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "deftypefun", cm_defun, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "deftypefunx", cm_defun, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "deftypevr", cm_defun, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "deftypevrx", cm_defun, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "deftypevar", cm_defun, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "deftypevarx", cm_defun, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "defcv", cm_defun, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "defcvx", cm_defun, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "defivar", cm_defun, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "defivarx", cm_defun, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "defop", cm_defun, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "defopx", cm_defun, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "defmethod", cm_defun, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "defmethodx", cm_defun, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "deftypemethod", cm_defun, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "deftypemethodx", cm_defun, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "deftp", cm_defun, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "deftpx", cm_defun, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- /* The end of the `def' commands. */
- { "display", cm_display, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "dots", cm_dots, BRACE_ARGS },
- { "dmn", do_nothing, BRACE_ARGS },
- { "emph", cm_emph, BRACE_ARGS },
- { "end", cm_end, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "enumerate", cm_enumerate, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "equiv", cm_equiv, BRACE_ARGS },
- { "error", cm_error, BRACE_ARGS },
- { "example", cm_example, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "exdent", cm_exdent, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "expansion", cm_expansion, BRACE_ARGS },
- { "file", cm_file, BRACE_ARGS },
- { "findex", cm_findex, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "finalout", do_nothing, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "flushleft", cm_flushleft, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "flushright", cm_flushright, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "format", cm_format, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "ftable", cm_ftable, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "group", cm_group, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "heading", cm_heading, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "headings", cm_ignore_line, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "i", cm_italic, BRACE_ARGS },
- { "iappendix", cm_appendix, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "iappendixsection", cm_appendixsec, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "iappendixsec", cm_appendixsec, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "iappendixsubsec", cm_appendixsubsec, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "iappendixsubsubsec", cm_appendixsubsubsec, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "ichapter", cm_chapter, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "ifclear", cm_ifclear, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "ifinfo", cm_ifinfo, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "ifset", cm_ifset, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "iftex", command_name_condition, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "ignore", command_name_condition, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "include", cm_include, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "inforef", cm_inforef, BRACE_ARGS },
- { "input", cm_include, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "isection", cm_section, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "isubsection", cm_subsection, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "isubsubsection", cm_subsubsection, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "item", cm_item, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "itemize", cm_itemize, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "itemx", cm_itemx, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "iunnumbered", cm_unnumbered, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "iunnumberedsec", cm_unnumberedsec, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "iunnumberedsubsec", cm_unnumberedsubsec, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "iunnumberedsubsubsec", cm_unnumberedsubsubsec, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "kbd", cm_kbd, BRACE_ARGS },
- { "key", cm_key, BRACE_ARGS },
- { "kindex", cm_kindex, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "lowersections", cm_lowersections, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "lisp", cm_lisp, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "macro", cm_macro, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "majorheading", cm_majorheading, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "math", cm_math, BRACE_ARGS },
- { "menu", cm_menu, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "minus", cm_minus, BRACE_ARGS },
- { "need", cm_ignore_line, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "node", cm_node, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "noindent", cm_noindent, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "nwnode", cm_node, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "overfullrule", cm_ignore_line, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "page", do_nothing, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "pindex", cm_pindex, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "point", cm_point, BRACE_ARGS },
- { "print", cm_print, BRACE_ARGS },
- { "printindex", cm_printindex, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "pxref", cm_pxref, BRACE_ARGS },
- { "quotation", cm_quotation, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "r", cm_roman, BRACE_ARGS },
- { "raisesections", cm_raisesections, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "ref", cm_xref, BRACE_ARGS },
- { "refill", cm_refill, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "result", cm_result, BRACE_ARGS },
- { "samp", cm_samp, BRACE_ARGS },
- { "sc", cm_sc, BRACE_ARGS },
- { "section", cm_section, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "set", cm_set, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "setchapternewpage", cm_ignore_line, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "setchapterstyle", cm_ignore_line, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "setfilename", cm_setfilename, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "settitle", cm_ignore_line, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "shortcontents", do_nothing, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "shorttitlepage", command_name_condition, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "smallbook", cm_ignore_line, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "smallexample", cm_smallexample, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "smalllisp", cm_smalllisp, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "sp", cm_sp, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "strong", cm_strong, BRACE_ARGS },
- { "subheading", cm_subheading, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "subsection", cm_subsection, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "subsubheading", cm_subsubheading, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "subsubsection", cm_subsubsection, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "summarycontents", do_nothing, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "syncodeindex", cm_synindex, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "synindex", cm_synindex, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "t", cm_title, BRACE_ARGS },
- { "table", cm_table, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "tex", command_name_condition, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "tindex", cm_tindex, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "titlefont", cm_titlefont, BRACE_ARGS },
- { "titlepage", command_name_condition, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "titlespec", command_name_condition, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "today", cm_today, BRACE_ARGS },
- { "top", cm_top, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "unmacro", cm_unmacro, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "unnumbered", cm_unnumbered, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "unnumberedsec", cm_unnumberedsec, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "unnumberedsubsec", cm_unnumberedsubsec, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "unnumberedsubsubsec", cm_unnumberedsubsubsec, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "value", cm_value, BRACE_ARGS },
- { "var", cm_var, BRACE_ARGS },
- { "vindex", cm_vindex, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "vtable", cm_vtable, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "w", cm_w, BRACE_ARGS },
- { "xref", cm_xref, BRACE_ARGS },
- { "{", insert_self, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "}", insert_self, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- /* Some obsoleted commands. */
- { "infotop", cm_obsolete, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "infounnumbered", cm_obsolete, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "infounnumberedsec", cm_obsolete, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "infounnumberedsubsec", cm_obsolete, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "infounnumberedsubsubsec", cm_obsolete, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "infoappendix", cm_obsolete, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "infoappendixsec", cm_obsolete, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "infoappendixsubsec", cm_obsolete, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "infoappendixsubsubsec", cm_obsolete, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "infochapter", cm_obsolete, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "infosection", cm_obsolete, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "infosubsection", cm_obsolete, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "infosubsubsection", cm_obsolete, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- /* Now @include does what this was supposed to. */
- { "infoinclude", cm_infoinclude, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "footnote", cm_footnote, NO_BRACE_ARGS}, /* self-arg eater */
- { "footnotestyle", cm_footnotestyle, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- { "paragraphindent", cm_paragraphindent, NO_BRACE_ARGS },
- int major_version = 1;
- int minor_version = 55;
- struct option long_options[] =
- {
- { "error-limit", 1, 0, 'e' }, /* formerly -el */
- { "fill-column", 1, 0, 'f' }, /* formerly -fc */
- { "footnote-style", 1, 0, 's' }, /* formerly -ft */
- { "no-headers", 0, &no_headers, 1 }, /* Do not output Node: foo */
- { "no-pointer-validate", 0, &validating, 0 }, /* formerly -nv */
- { "no-validate", 0, &validating, 0 }, /* formerly -nv */
- { "no-split", 0, &splitting, 0 }, /* formerly -ns */
- { "no-warn", 0, &print_warnings, 0 }, /* formerly -nw */
- { "number-footnotes", 0, &number_footnotes, 1 },
- { "no-number-footnotes", 0, &number_footnotes, 0 },
- { "output", 1, 0, 'o' },
- { "paragraph-indent", 1, 0, 'p' }, /* formerly -pi */
- { "reference-limit", 1, 0, 'r' }, /* formerly -rl */
- { "verbose", 0, &verbose_mode, 1 }, /* formerly -verbose */
- { "version", 0, 0, 'V' },
- {NULL, 0, NULL, 0}
- };
- /* Values for calling handle_variable_internal (). */
- #define SET 1
- #define CLEAR 2
- #define IFSET 3
- #define IFCLEAR 4
- /* **************************************************************** */
- /* */
- /* Main () Start of code */
- /* */
- /* **************************************************************** */
- /* For each file mentioned in the command line, process it, turning
- texinfo commands into wonderfully formatted output text. */
- main (argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- extern int errors_printed;
- char *filename_part ();
- int c, ind;
- /* The name of this program is the last filename in argv[0]. */
- progname = filename_part (argv[0]);
- /* Parse argument flags from the input line. */
- while ((c = getopt_long
- (argc, argv, "D:U:I:f:o:p:e:r:s:V", long_options, &ind))
- != EOF)
- {
- if (c == 0 && long_options[ind].flag == 0)
- c = long_options[ind].val;
- switch (c)
- {
- /* User specified variable to set or clear? */
- case 'D':
- case 'U':
- handle_variable_internal ((c == 'D') ? SET : CLEAR, optarg);
- break;
- /* User specified include file path? */
- case 'I':
- if (!include_files_path)
- include_files_path = savestring (".");
- include_files_path = (char *)
- xrealloc (include_files_path,
- 2 + strlen (include_files_path) + strlen (optarg));
- strcat (include_files_path, ":");
- strcat (include_files_path, optarg);
- break;
- /* User specified fill_column? */
- case 'f':
- if (sscanf (optarg, "%d", &fill_column) != 1)
- usage ();
- break;
- /* User specified output file? */
- case 'o':
- command_output_filename = savestring (optarg);
- break;
- /* User specified paragraph indent (paragraph_start_index)? */
- case 'p':
- if (set_paragraph_indent (optarg) < 0)
- usage ();
- break;
- /* User specified error level? */
- case 'e':
- if (sscanf (optarg, "%d", &max_error_level) != 1)
- usage ();
- break;
- /* User specified reference warning limit? */
- case 'r':
- if (sscanf (optarg, "%d", &reference_warning_limit) != 1)
- usage ();
- break;
- /* User specified footnote style? */
- case 's':
- if (set_footnote_style (optarg) < 0)
- usage ();
- footnote_style_preset = 1;
- break;
- /* User requested version info? */
- case 'V':
- print_version_info ();
- exit (NO_ERROR);
- break;
- case '?':
- usage ();
- }
- }
- if (optind == argc)
- usage ();
- else if (verbose_mode)
- print_version_info ();
- /* Remaining arguments are file names of texinfo files.
- Convert them, one by one. */
- while (optind != argc)
- convert (argv[optind++]);
- if (errors_printed)
- exit (SYNTAX);
- else
- exit (NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* Display the version info of this invocation of Makeinfo. */
- print_version_info ()
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "This is GNU Makeinfo version %d.%d.\n",
- major_version, minor_version);
- }
- /* **************************************************************** */
- /* */
- /* Generic Utilities */
- /* */
- /* **************************************************************** */
- /* Just like malloc, but kills the program in case of fatal error. */
- void *
- xmalloc (nbytes)
- int nbytes;
- {
- void *temp = (void *) malloc (nbytes);
- if (nbytes && temp == (void *)NULL)
- memory_error ("xmalloc", nbytes);
- return (temp);
- }
- /* Like realloc (), but barfs if there isn't enough memory. */
- void *
- xrealloc (pointer, nbytes)
- void *pointer;
- int nbytes;
- {
- void *temp;
- if (!pointer)
- temp = (void *)xmalloc (nbytes);
- else
- temp = (void *)realloc (pointer, nbytes);
- if (nbytes && !temp)
- memory_error ("xrealloc", nbytes);
- return (temp);
- }
- memory_error (callers_name, bytes_wanted)
- char *callers_name;
- int bytes_wanted;
- {
- char printable_string[80];
- sprintf (printable_string,
- "Virtual memory exhausted in %s ()! Needed %d bytes.",
- callers_name, bytes_wanted);
- error (printable_string);
- abort ();
- }
- /* Tell the user how to use this program. */
- usage ()
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Usage: %s [options] texinfo-file...\n\
- \n\
- This program accepts as input files of texinfo commands and text\n\
- and outputs a file suitable for reading with GNU Info.\n\
- \n\
- The options are:\n\
- `-I DIR' to add DIR to the directory search list for including\n\
- files with the `@include' command.\n\
- -D VAR to define a variable, as with `@set'.\n\
- -U VAR to undefine a variable, as with `@clear'.\n\
- `--no-validate' to suppress node cross reference validation.\n\
- `--no-warn' to suppress warning messages (errors are still output).\n\
- `--no-split' to suppress the splitting of large files.\n\
- `--no-headers' to suppress the output of Node: Foo headers.\n\
- `--verbose' to print information about what is being done.\n\
- `--version' to print the version number of Makeinfo.\n\
- `--output FILE' or `-o FILE'\n\
- to specify the output file. When you specify the\n\
- output file in this way, any `@setfilename' in the\n\
- input file is ignored.\n\
- `--paragraph-indent NUM'\n\
- to set the paragraph indent to NUM (default %d).\n\
- `--fill-column NUM' to set the filling column to NUM (default %d).\n\
- `--error-limit NUM' to set the error limit to NUM (default %d).\n\
- `--reference-limit NUM'\n\
- to set the reference warning limit to NUM (default %d).\n\
- `--footnote-style STYLE'\n\
- to set the footnote style to STYLE. STYLE should\n\
- either be `separate' to place footnotes in their own\n\
- node, or `end', to place the footnotes at the end of\n\
- the node in which they are defined (the default).\n\n",
- progname, paragraph_start_indent,
- fill_column, max_error_level, reference_warning_limit);
- exit (FATAL);
- }
- /* **************************************************************** */
- /* */
- /* Manipulating Lists */
- /* */
- /* **************************************************************** */
- typedef struct generic_list {
- struct generic_list *next;
- /* Reverse the chain of structures in LIST. Output the new head
- of the chain. You should always assign the output value of this
- function to something, or you will lose the chain. */
- reverse_list (list)
- register GENERIC_LIST *list;
- {
- register GENERIC_LIST *next;
- register GENERIC_LIST *prev = (GENERIC_LIST *) NULL;
- while (list)
- {
- next = list->next;
- list->next = prev;
- prev = list;
- list = next;
- }
- return (prev);
- }
- /* **************************************************************** */
- /* */
- /* Pushing and Popping Files */
- /* */
- /* **************************************************************** */
- /* Find and load the file named FILENAME. Return a pointer to
- the loaded file, or NULL if it can't be loaded. */
- char *
- find_and_load (filename)
- char *filename;
- {
- struct stat fileinfo;
- int file = -1, n, i, count = 0;
- char *fullpath, *result, *get_file_info_in_path ();
- result = fullpath = (char *)NULL;
- fullpath = get_file_info_in_path (filename, include_files_path, &fileinfo);
- if (!fullpath)
- goto error_exit;
- filename = fullpath;
- file = open (filename, O_RDONLY);
- if (file < 0)
- goto error_exit;
- /* Load the file. */
- result = (char *)xmalloc (1 + fileinfo.st_size);
- /* VMS stat lies about the st_size value. The actual number of
- readable bytes is always less than this value. The arcane
- mysteries of VMS/RMS are too much to probe, so this hack
- suffices to make things work. */
- #if defined (VMS)
- while ((n = read (file, result + count, fileinfo.st_size)) > 0)
- count += n;
- if (n == -1)
- #else /* !VMS */
- count = fileinfo.st_size;
- if (read (file, result, fileinfo.st_size) != fileinfo.st_size)
- #endif /* !VMS */
- error_exit:
- {
- if (result)
- free (result);
- if (fullpath)
- free (fullpath);
- if (file != -1)
- close (file);
- return ((char *) NULL);
- }
- close (file);
- /* Set the globals to the new file. */
- input_text = result;
- size_of_input_text = count;
- input_filename = savestring (fullpath);
- node_filename = savestring (fullpath);
- input_text_offset = 0;
- line_number = 1;
- /* Not strictly necessary. This magic prevents read_token () from doing
- extra unnecessary work each time it is called (that is a lot of times).
- The SIZE_OF_INPUT_TEXT is one past the actual end of the text. */
- input_text[size_of_input_text] = '\n';
- return (result);
- }
- /* Save the state of the current input file. */
- pushfile ()
- {
- FSTACK *newstack = (FSTACK *) xmalloc (sizeof (FSTACK));
- newstack->filename = input_filename;
- newstack->text = input_text;
- newstack->size = size_of_input_text;
- newstack->offset = input_text_offset;
- newstack->line_number = line_number;
- newstack->next = filestack;
- filestack = newstack;
- push_node_filename ();
- }
- /* Make the current file globals be what is on top of the file stack. */
- popfile ()
- {
- extern int executing_string;
- FSTACK *temp = filestack;
- if (!filestack)
- abort (); /* My fault. I wonder what I did? */
- /* Make sure that commands with braces have been satisfied. */
- if (!executing_string)
- discard_braces ();
- /* Get the top of the stack into the globals. */
- input_filename = filestack->filename;
- input_text = filestack->text;
- size_of_input_text = filestack->size;
- input_text_offset = filestack->offset;
- line_number = filestack->line_number;
- /* Pop the stack. */
- filestack = filestack->next;
- free (temp);
- pop_node_filename ();
- }
- /* Flush all open files on the file stack. */
- flush_file_stack ()
- {
- while (filestack)
- {
- free (input_filename);
- free (input_text);
- popfile ();
- }
- }
- int node_filename_stack_index = 0;
- int node_filename_stack_size = 0;
- char **node_filename_stack = (char **)NULL;
- push_node_filename ()
- {
- if (node_filename_stack_index + 1 > node_filename_stack_size)
- {
- if (!node_filename_stack)
- node_filename_stack =
- (char **)xmalloc ((node_filename_stack_size += 10)
- * sizeof (char *));
- else
- node_filename_stack =
- (char **)xrealloc (node_filename_stack,
- (node_filename_stack_size + 10)
- * sizeof (char *));
- }
- node_filename_stack[node_filename_stack_index] = node_filename;
- node_filename_stack_index++;
- }
- pop_node_filename ()
- {
- node_filename = node_filename_stack[--node_filename_stack_index];
- }
- /* Return just the simple part of the filename; i.e. the
- filename without the path information, or extensions.
- This conses up a new string. */
- char *
- filename_part (filename)
- char *filename;
- {
- char *basename;
- basename = strrchr (filename, '/');
- if (!basename)
- basename = filename;
- else
- basename++;
- basename = savestring (basename);
- /* See if there is an extension to remove. If so, remove it. */
- {
- char *temp;
- temp = strrchr (basename, '.');
- if (temp)
- *temp = '\0';
- }
- return (basename);
- }
- /* Return the pathname part of filename. This can be NULL. */
- char *
- pathname_part (filename)
- char *filename;
- {
- char *expand_filename ();
- char *result = (char *) NULL;
- register int i;
- filename = expand_filename (filename, "");
- i = strlen (filename) - 1;
- while (i && filename[i] != '/')
- i--;
- if (filename[i] == '/')
- i++;
- if (i)
- {
- result = (char *)xmalloc (1 + i);
- strncpy (result, filename, i);
- result[i] = '\0';
- }
- free (filename);
- return (result);
- }
- /* Return the expansion of FILENAME. */
- char *
- expand_filename (filename, input_name)
- char *filename, *input_name;
- {
- char *full_pathname ();
- filename = full_pathname (filename);
- if (filename[0] == '.')
- return (filename);
- if (filename[0] != '/' && input_name[0] == '/')
- {
- /* Make it so that relative names work. */
- char *result;
- int i = strlen (input_name) - 1;
- result = (char *)xmalloc (1 + strlen (input_name) + strlen (filename));
- strcpy (result, input_name);
- while (result[i] != '/' && i)
- i--;
- if (result[i] == '/')
- i++;
- strcpy (&result[i], filename);
- free (filename);
- return (result);
- }
- return (filename);
- }
- /* Return the full path to FILENAME. */
- char *
- full_pathname (filename)
- char *filename;
- {
- int initial_character;
- if (filename && (initial_character = *filename))
- {
- if (initial_character == '/')
- return (savestring (filename));
- if (initial_character != '~')
- {
- return (savestring (filename));
- }
- else
- {
- if (filename[1] == '/')
- {
- /* Return the concatenation of HOME and the rest of the string. */
- char *temp_home;
- char *temp_name;
- temp_home = (char *) getenv ("HOME");
- temp_name = (char *)xmalloc (strlen (&filename[2])
- + 1
- + temp_home ? strlen (temp_home)
- : 0);
- if (temp_home)
- strcpy (temp_name, temp_home);
- strcat (temp_name, &filename[2]);
- return (temp_name);
- }
- else
- {
- struct passwd *user_entry;
- int i, c;
- char *username = (char *)xmalloc (257);
- char *temp_name;
- for (i = 1; c = filename[i]; i++)
- {
- if (c == '/')
- break;
- else
- username[i - 1] = c;
- }
- if (c)
- username[i - 1] = '\0';
- user_entry = getpwnam (username);
- if (!user_entry)
- return (savestring (filename));
- temp_name = (char *)xmalloc (1 + strlen (user_entry->pw_dir)
- + strlen (&filename[i]));
- strcpy (temp_name, user_entry->pw_dir);
- strcat (temp_name, &filename[i]);
- return (temp_name);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- return (savestring (filename));
- }
- }
- /* **************************************************************** */
- /* */
- /* Error Handling */
- /* */
- /* **************************************************************** */
- /* Number of errors encountered. */
- int errors_printed = 0;
- /* Print the last error gotten from the file system. */
- fs_error (filename)
- char *filename;
- {
- remember_error ();
- perror (filename);
- return (0);
- }
- /* Print an error message, and return false. */
- #if defined (HAVE_VARARGS_H) && defined (HAVE_VFPRINTF)
- int
- error (va_alist)
- va_dcl
- {
- char *format;
- va_list args;
- remember_error ();
- va_start (args);
- format = va_arg (args, char *);
- vfprintf (stderr, format, args);
- va_end (args);
- fprintf (stderr, "\n");
- }
- /* Just like error (), but print the line number as well. */
- int
- line_error (va_alist)
- va_dcl
- {
- char *format;
- va_list args;
- remember_error ();
- va_start (args);
- format = va_arg (args, char *);
- fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: ", input_filename, line_number);
- vfprintf (stderr, format, args);
- fprintf (stderr, ".\n");
- va_end (args);
- return ((int) 0);
- }
- int
- warning (va_alist)
- va_dcl
- {
- char *format;
- va_list args;
- va_start (args);
- format = va_arg (args, char *);
- if (print_warnings)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: Warning: ", input_filename, line_number);
- vfprintf (stderr, format, args);
- fprintf (stderr, ".\n");
- }
- va_end (args);
- return ((int) 0);
- }
- #else /* !(HAVE_VARARGS_H && HAVE_VFPRINTF) */
- int
- error (format, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)
- char *format;
- {
- remember_error ();
- fprintf (stderr, format, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);
- fprintf (stderr, "\n");
- return ((int) 0);
- }
- /* Just like error (), but print the line number as well. */
- int
- line_error (format, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)
- char *format;
- {
- remember_error ();
- fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: ", input_filename, line_number);
- fprintf (stderr, format, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);
- fprintf (stderr, ".\n");
- return ((int) 0);
- }
- int
- warning (format, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)
- char *format;
- {
- if (print_warnings)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: Warning: ", input_filename, line_number);
- fprintf (stderr, format, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);
- fprintf (stderr, ".\n");
- }
- return ((int) 0);
- }
- #endif /* !(HAVE_VARARGS_H && HAVE_VFPRINTF) */
- /* Remember that an error has been printed. If this is the first
- error printed, then tell them which program is printing them.
- If more than max_error_level have been printed, then exit the
- program. */
- remember_error ()
- {
- errors_printed++;
- if (max_error_level && (errors_printed > max_error_level))
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Too many errors! Gave up.\n");
- flush_file_stack ();
- cm_bye ();
- exit (1);
- }
- }
- /* **************************************************************** */
- /* */
- /* Hacking Tokens and Strings */
- /* */
- /* **************************************************************** */
- /* Return the next token as a string pointer. We cons the
- string. */
- char *
- read_token ()
- {
- int i, character;
- char *result;
- /* If the first character to be read is self-delimiting, then that
- is the command itself. */
- character = curchar ();
- if (self_delimiting (character))
- {
- input_text_offset++;
- result = savestring (" ");
- *result = character;
- return (result);
- }
- for (i = 0; ((input_text_offset != size_of_input_text)
- && (character = curchar ())
- && command_char (character));
- i++, input_text_offset++);
- result = (char *)xmalloc (i + 1);
- memcpy (result, &input_text[input_text_offset - i], i);
- result[i] = '\0';
- return (result);
- }
- /* Return non-zero if CHARACTER is self-delimiting. */
- int
- self_delimiting (character)
- int character;
- {
- return (member (character, "{}:.@*'`,!?; \n"));
- }
- /* Clear whitespace from the front and end of string. */
- canon_white (string)
- char *string;
- {
- int len = strlen (string);
- int x;
- if (!len)
- return;
- for (x = 0; x < len; x++)
- {
- if (!cr_or_whitespace (string[x]))
- {
- strcpy (string, string + x);
- break;
- }
- }
- len = strlen (string);
- if (len)
- len--;
- while (len > -1 && cr_or_whitespace (string[len]))
- len--;
- string[len + 1] = '\0';
- }
- /* Bash STRING, replacing all whitespace with just one space. */
- fix_whitespace (string)
- char *string;
- {
- char *temp = (char *)xmalloc (strlen (string) + 1);
- int string_index = 0;
- int temp_index = 0;
- int c;
- canon_white (string);
- while (string[string_index])
- {
- c = temp[temp_index++] = string[string_index++];
- if (c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\t')
- {
- temp[temp_index - 1] = ' ';
- while ((c = string[string_index]) && (c == ' ' ||
- c == '\t' ||
- c == '\n'))
- string_index++;
- }
- }
- temp[temp_index] = '\0';
- strcpy (string, temp);
- free (temp);
- }
- /* Discard text until the desired string is found. The string is
- included in the discarded text. */
- discard_until (string)
- char *string;
- {
- int temp = search_forward (string, input_text_offset);
- int tt = (temp < 0) ? size_of_input_text : temp + strlen (string);
- int from = input_text_offset;
- /* Find out what line we are on. */
- while (from != tt)
- if (input_text[from++] == '\n')
- line_number++;
- if (temp < 0)
- {
- input_text_offset = size_of_input_text - strlen (string);
- if (strcmp (string, "\n") != 0)
- {
- line_error ("Expected `%s'", string);
- return;
- }
- }
- else
- input_text_offset = temp;
- input_text_offset += strlen (string);
- }
- /* Read characters from the file until we are at MATCH.
- Place the characters read into STRING.
- On exit input_text_offset is after the match string.
- Return the offset where the string starts. */
- int
- get_until (match, string)
- char *match, **string;
- {
- int len, current_point, x, new_point, tem;
- current_point = x = input_text_offset;
- new_point = search_forward (match, input_text_offset);
- if (new_point < 0)
- new_point = size_of_input_text;
- len = new_point - current_point;
- /* Keep track of which line number we are at. */
- tem = new_point + (strlen (match) - 1);
- while (x != tem)
- if (input_text[x++] == '\n')
- line_number++;
- *string = (char *)xmalloc (len + 1);
- memcpy (*string, &input_text[current_point], len);
- (*string)[len] = '\0';
- /* Now leave input_text_offset in a consistent state. */
- input_text_offset = tem;
- if (input_text_offset > size_of_input_text)
- input_text_offset = size_of_input_text;
- return (new_point);
- }
- /* Read characters from the file until we are at MATCH or end of line.
- Place the characters read into STRING. */
- get_until_in_line (match, string)
- char *match, **string;
- {
- int real_bottom, temp;
- real_bottom = size_of_input_text;
- temp = search_forward ("\n", input_text_offset);
- if (temp < 0)
- temp = size_of_input_text;
- size_of_input_text = temp;
- get_until (match, string);
- size_of_input_text = real_bottom;
- }
- get_rest_of_line (string)
- char **string;
- {
- get_until ("\n", string);
- canon_white (*string);
- if (curchar () == '\n') /* as opposed to the end of the file... */
- {
- line_number++;
- input_text_offset++;
- }
- }
- /* Backup the input pointer to the previous character, keeping track
- of the current line number. */
- backup_input_pointer ()
- {
- if (input_text_offset)
- {
- input_text_offset--;
- if (curchar () == '\n')
- line_number--;
- }
- }
- /* Read characters from the file until we are at MATCH or closing brace.
- Place the characters read into STRING. */
- get_until_in_braces (match, string)
- char *match, **string;
- {
- int i, brace = 0;
- int match_len = strlen (match);
- char *temp;
- for (i = input_text_offset; i < size_of_input_text; i++)
- {
- if (input_text[i] == '{')
- brace++;
- else if (input_text[i] == '}')
- brace--;
- else if (input_text[i] == '\n')
- line_number++;
- if (brace < 0 ||
- (brace == 0 && strncmp (input_text + i, match, match_len) == 0))
- break;
- }
- match_len = i - input_text_offset;
- temp = (char *)xmalloc (2 + match_len);
- strncpy (temp, input_text + input_text_offset, match_len);
- temp[match_len] = '\0';
- input_text_offset = i;
- *string = temp;
- }
- /* **************************************************************** */
- /* */
- /* Converting the File */
- /* */
- /* **************************************************************** */
- /* Convert the file named by NAME. The output is saved on the file
- named as the argument to the @setfilename command. */
- static char *suffixes[] = {
- "",
- ".texinfo",
- ".texi",
- ".txinfo",
- (char *)NULL
- };
- convert (name)
- char *name;
- {
- char *real_output_filename, *expand_filename (), *filename_part ();
- char *filename = (char *)xmalloc (strlen (name) + 50);
- register int i;
- init_tag_table ();
- init_indices ();
- init_internals ();
- init_paragraph ();
- /* Try to load the file specified by NAME. If the file isn't found, and
- there is no suffix in NAME, then try NAME.texinfo, and NAME.texi. */
- for (i = 0; suffixes[i]; i++)
- {
- strcpy (filename, name);
- strcat (filename, suffixes[i]);
- if (find_and_load (filename))
- break;
- if (!suffixes[i][0] && strrchr (filename, '.'))
- {
- fs_error (filename);
- free (filename);
- return;
- }
- }
- if (!suffixes[i])
- {
- fs_error (name);
- free (filename);
- return;
- }
- input_filename = filename;
- /* Search this file looking for the special string which starts conversion.
- Once found, we may truly begin. */
- input_text_offset = search_forward ("@setfilename", 0);
- if (input_text_offset < 0)
- {
- if (!command_output_filename)
- {
- error ("No `@setfilename' found in `%s'", name);
- goto finished;
- }
- }
- else
- input_text_offset += strlen ("@setfilename");
- real_output_filename = (char *)NULL;
- if (!command_output_filename)
- get_until ("\n", &output_filename);
- else
- {
- if (input_text_offset != -1)
- discard_until ("\n");
- else
- input_text_offset = 0;
- real_output_filename = output_filename = command_output_filename;
- command_output_filename = (char *)NULL;
- }
- canon_white (output_filename);
- printf ("Making info file `%s' from `%s'.\n", output_filename, name);
- if (verbose_mode)
- fprintf (stderr, " The input file contains %d characters.\n",
- size_of_input_text);
- if (real_output_filename &&
- strcmp (real_output_filename, "-") == 0)
- {
- output_stream = stdout;
- }
- else
- {
- if (!real_output_filename)
- real_output_filename = expand_filename (output_filename, name);
- output_stream = fopen (real_output_filename, "w");
- }
- if (output_stream == NULL)
- {
- fs_error (real_output_filename);
- goto finished;
- }
- /* Make the displayable filename from output_filename. Only the base
- portion of the filename need be displayed. */
- pretty_output_filename = filename_part (output_filename);
- /* For this file only, count the number of newlines from the top of
- the file to here. This way, we keep track of line numbers for
- error reporting. Line_number starts at 1, since the user isn't
- zero-based. */
- {
- int temp = 0;
- line_number = 1;
- while (temp != input_text_offset)
- if (input_text[temp++] == '\n')
- line_number++;
- }
- if (!no_headers)
- {
- add_word_args ("This is Info file %s, produced by Makeinfo-%d.%d from ",
- output_filename, major_version, minor_version);
- add_word_args ("the input file %s.\n", input_filename);
- }
- close_paragraph ();
- reader_loop ();
- finished:
- close_paragraph ();
- flush_file_stack ();
- if (output_stream != NULL)
- {
- output_pending_notes ();
- free_pending_notes ();
- if (tag_table != NULL)
- {
- tag_table = (TAG_ENTRY *) reverse_list (tag_table);
- if (!no_headers)
- write_tag_table ();
- }
- if (output_stream != stdout)
- fclose (output_stream);
- /* If validating, then validate the entire file right now. */
- if (validating)
- validate_file (real_output_filename, tag_table);
- /* This used to test && !errors_printed.
- But some files might have legit warnings. So split anyway. */
- if (splitting)
- split_file (real_output_filename, 0);
- }
- }
- free_and_clear (pointer)
- char **pointer;
- {
- if ((*pointer) != (char *) NULL)
- {
- free (*pointer);
- *pointer = (char *) NULL;
- }
- }
- /* Initialize some state. */
- init_internals ()
- {
- free_and_clear (¤t_node);
- free_and_clear (&output_filename);
- free_and_clear (&command);
- free_and_clear (&input_filename);
- free_node_references ();
- init_insertion_stack ();
- init_brace_stack ();
- command_index = 0;
- in_menu = 0;
- }
- init_paragraph ()
- {
- free_and_clear (&output_paragraph);
- output_paragraph = (unsigned char *)xmalloc (paragraph_buffer_len);
- output_position = 0;
- output_paragraph[0] = '\0';
- output_paragraph_offset = 0;
- output_column = 0;
- paragraph_is_open = 0;
- current_indent = 0;
- }
- /* Okay, we are ready to start the conversion. Call the reader on
- some text, and fill the text as it is output. Handle commands by
- remembering things like open braces and the current file position on a
- stack, and when the corresponding close brace is found, you can call
- the function with the proper arguments. */
- reader_loop ()
- {
- int character;
- int done = 0;
- int dash_count = 0;
- while (!done)
- {
- if (input_text_offset >= size_of_input_text)
- {
- if (filestack)
- {
- free (input_filename);
- free (input_text);
- popfile ();
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- character = curchar ();
- if (!in_fixed_width_font &&
- (character == '\'' || character == '`') &&
- input_text[input_text_offset + 1] == character)
- {
- input_text_offset++;
- character = '"';
- }
- if (character == '-')
- {
- dash_count++;
- if (dash_count == 2 && !in_fixed_width_font)
- {
- input_text_offset++;
- continue;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- dash_count = 0;
- }
- /* If this is a whitespace character, then check to see if the line
- is blank. If so, advance to the carriage return. */
- if (whitespace (character))
- {
- register int i = input_text_offset + 1;
- while (i < size_of_input_text && whitespace (input_text[i]))
- i++;
- if (i == size_of_input_text || input_text[i] == '\n')
- {
- if (i == size_of_input_text)
- i--;
- input_text_offset = i;
- character = curchar ();
- }
- }
- if (character == '\n')
- {
- line_number++;
- /* Check for a menu entry here, since the "escape sequence"
- that begins menu entrys is "\n* ". */
- if (in_menu && input_text_offset + 1 < size_of_input_text)
- {
- char *glean_node_from_menu (), *tem;
- /* Note that the value of TEM is discarded, since it is
- gauranteed to be NULL when glean_node_from_menu () is
- called with a non-zero argument. */
- tem = glean_node_from_menu (1);
- }
- }
- switch (character)
- {
- read_command ();
- if (strcmp (command, "bye") == 0)
- {
- done = 1;
- continue;
- }
- break;
- case '{':
- /* Special case. I'm not supposed to see this character by itself.
- If I do, it means there is a syntax error in the input text.
- Report the error here, but remember this brace on the stack so
- you can ignore its partner. */
- line_error ("Misplaced `{'");
- remember_brace (misplaced_brace);
- /* Don't advance input_text_offset since this happens in
- remember_brace ().
- input_text_offset++;
- */
- break;
- case '}':
- pop_and_call_brace ();
- input_text_offset++;
- break;
- default:
- add_char (character);
- input_text_offset++;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Find the command corresponding to STRING. If the command
- is found, return a pointer to the data structure. Otherwise
- return (-1). */
- get_command_entry (string)
- char *string;
- {
- register int i;
- for (i = 0; CommandTable[i].name; i++)
- if (strcmp (CommandTable[i].name, string) == 0)
- return (&CommandTable[i]);
- /* This command is not in our predefined command table. Perhaps
- it is a user defined command. */
- for (i = 0; i < user_command_array_len; i++)
- if (user_command_array[i] &&
- (strcmp (user_command_array[i]->name, string) == 0))
- return (user_command_array[i]);
- /* Nope, we never heard of this command. */
- return ((COMMAND *) -1);
- }
- /* input_text_offset is right at the command prefix character.
- Read the next token to determine what to do. */
- read_command ()
- {
- COMMAND *entry;
- input_text_offset++;
- free_and_clear (&command);
- command = read_token ();
- #if defined (HAVE_MACROS)
- /* Check to see if this command is a macro. If so, execute it here. */
- {
- MACRO_DEF *def;
- def = find_macro (command);
- if (def)
- {
- execute_macro (def);
- return;
- }
- }
- #endif /* HAVE_MACROS */
- entry = get_command_entry (command);
- if ((int) entry == -1)
- {
- line_error ("Unknown info command `%s'", command);
- return;
- }
- if (entry->argument_in_braces)
- remember_brace (entry->proc);
- (*(entry->proc)) (START);
- }
- /* Return the string which invokes PROC; a pointer to a function. */
- char *
- find_proc_name (proc)
- FUNCTION *proc;
- {
- register int i;
- for (i = 0; CommandTable[i].name; i++)
- if (proc == CommandTable[i].proc)
- return (CommandTable[i].name);
- return ("NO_NAME!");
- }
- init_brace_stack ()
- {
- brace_stack = (BRACE_ELEMENT *) NULL;
- }
- remember_brace (proc)
- FUNCTION *proc;
- {
- if (curchar () != '{')
- line_error ("@%s expected `{..}'", command);
- else
- input_text_offset++;
- remember_brace_1 (proc, output_paragraph_offset);
- }
- /* Remember the current output position here. Save PROC
- along with it so you can call it later. */
- remember_brace_1 (proc, position)
- FUNCTION *proc;
- int position;
- {
- BRACE_ELEMENT *new = (BRACE_ELEMENT *) xmalloc (sizeof (BRACE_ELEMENT));
- new->next = brace_stack;
- new->proc = proc;
- new->pos = position;
- new->line = line_number;
- brace_stack = new;
- }
- /* Pop the top of the brace stack, and call the associated function
- with the args END and POS. */
- pop_and_call_brace ()
- {
- FUNCTION *proc;
- int pos;
- if (brace_stack == (BRACE_ELEMENT *) NULL)
- return (line_error ("Unmatched close brace"));
- pos = brace_stack->pos;
- proc = brace_stack->proc;
- temp = brace_stack->next;
- free (brace_stack);
- brace_stack = temp;
- return ((*proc) (END, pos, output_paragraph_offset));
- }
- /* You call discard_braces () when you shouldn't have any braces on the stack.
- I used to think that this happens for commands that don't take arguments
- in braces, but that was wrong because of things like @code{foo @@}. So now
- I only detect it at the beginning of nodes. */
- discard_braces ()
- {
- int temp_line_number = line_number;
- char *proc_name;
- if (!brace_stack)
- return;
- while (brace_stack)
- {
- line_number = brace_stack->line;
- proc_name = find_proc_name (brace_stack->proc);
- line_error ("@%s missing close brace", proc_name);
- line_number = temp_line_number;
- pop_and_call_brace ();
- }
- }
- get_char_len (character)
- int character;
- {
- /* Return the printed length of the character. */
- int len;
- switch (character)
- {
- case '\t':
- len = (output_column + 8) & 0xf7;
- if (len > fill_column)
- len = fill_column - output_column;
- else
- len = len - output_column;
- break;
- case '\n':
- len = fill_column - output_column;
- break;
- default:
- if (character < ' ')
- len = 2;
- else
- len = 1;
- }
- return (len);
- }
- #if defined (HAVE_VARARGS_H) && defined (HAVE_VSPRINTF)
- add_word_args (va_alist)
- va_dcl
- {
- char buffer[1000];
- char *format;
- va_list args;
- va_start (args);
- format = va_arg (args, char *);
- vsprintf (buffer, format, args);
- va_end (args);
- add_word (buffer);
- }
- #else /* !(HAVE_VARARGS_H && HAVE_VSPRINTF) */
- add_word_args (format, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)
- char *format;
- {
- char buffer[1000];
- sprintf (buffer, format, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);
- add_word (buffer);
- }
- #endif /* !(HAVE_VARARGS_H && HAVE_VSPRINTF) */
- /* Add STRING to output_paragraph. */
- add_word (string)
- char *string;
- {
- while (*string)
- add_char (*string++);
- }
- /* Non-zero if the last character inserted has the syntax class of NEWLINE. */
- int last_char_was_newline = 1;
- /* The actual last inserted character. Note that this may be something
- other than NEWLINE even if last_char_was_newline is 1. */
- int last_inserted_character = 0;
- /* Non-zero means that a newline character has already been
- inserted, so close_paragraph () should insert one less. */
- int line_already_broken = 0;
- /* When non-zero we have finished an insertion (see end_insertion ()) and we
- want to ignore false continued paragraph closings. */
- int insertion_paragraph_closed = 0;
- /* Add the character to the current paragraph. If filling_enabled is
- non-zero, then do filling as well. */
- add_char (character)
- int character;
- {
- /* If we are avoiding outputting headers, and we are currently
- in a menu, then simply return. */
- if (no_headers && in_menu)
- return;
- /* If we are adding a character now, then we don't have to
- ignore close_paragraph () calls any more. */
- if (must_start_paragraph && character != '\n')
- {
- must_start_paragraph = 0;
- line_already_broken = 0; /* The line is no longer broken. */
- if (current_indent > output_column)
- {
- indent (current_indent - output_column);
- output_column = current_indent;
- }
- }
- if (non_splitting_words && member (character, " \t\n"))
- character = ' ' | 0x80;
- insertion_paragraph_closed = 0;
- switch (character)
- {
- case '\n':
- if (!filling_enabled)
- {
- insert ('\n');
- if (force_flush_right)
- {
- close_paragraph ();
- /* Hack to force single blank lines out in this mode. */
- flush_output ();
- }
- output_column = 0;
- if (!no_indent && paragraph_is_open)
- indent (output_column = current_indent);
- break;
- }
- else /* CHARACTER is newline, and filling is enabled. */
- {
- if (sentence_ender (last_inserted_character))
- {
- insert (' ');
- output_column++;
- last_inserted_character = character;
- }
- }
- if (last_char_was_newline)
- {
- close_paragraph ();
- pending_indent = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- last_char_was_newline = 1;
- insert (' ');
- output_column++;
- }
- break;
- default:
- {
- int len = get_char_len (character);
- int suppress_insert = 0;
- if ((character == ' ') && (last_char_was_newline))
- {
- if (!paragraph_is_open)
- {
- pending_indent++;
- return;
- }
- }
- if (!paragraph_is_open)
- {
- start_paragraph ();
- /* If the paragraph is supposed to be indented a certain way,
- then discard all of the pending whitespace. Otherwise, we
- let the whitespace stay. */
- if (!paragraph_start_indent)
- indent (pending_indent);
- pending_indent = 0;
- }
- if ((output_column += len) > fill_column)
- {
- if (filling_enabled)
- {
- int temp = output_paragraph_offset;
- while (--temp > 0 && output_paragraph[temp] != '\n')
- {
- /* If we have found a space, we have the place to break
- the line. */
- if (output_paragraph[temp] == ' ')
- {
- /* Remove trailing whitespace from output. */
- while (temp && whitespace (output_paragraph[temp - 1]))
- temp--;
- output_paragraph[temp++] = '\n';
- /* We have correctly broken the line where we want
- to. What we don't want is spaces following where
- we have decided to break the line. We get rid of
- them. */
- {
- int t1 = temp;
- for (;; t1++)
- {
- if (t1 == output_paragraph_offset)
- {
- if (whitespace (character))
- suppress_insert = 1;
- break;
- }
- if (!whitespace (output_paragraph[t1]))
- break;
- }
- if (t1 != temp)
- {
- strncpy ((char *) &output_paragraph[temp],
- (char *) &output_paragraph[t1],
- (output_paragraph_offset - t1));
- output_paragraph_offset -= (t1 - temp);
- }
- }
- /* Filled, but now indent if that is right. */
- if (indented_fill && current_indent)
- {
- int buffer_len = ((output_paragraph_offset - temp)
- + current_indent);
- char *temp_buffer = (char *)xmalloc (buffer_len);
- int indentation = 0;
- /* We have to shift any markers that are in
- front of the wrap point. */
- {
- register BRACE_ELEMENT *stack = brace_stack;
- while (stack)
- {
- if (stack->pos >= temp)
- stack->pos += current_indent;
- stack = stack->next;
- }
- }
- while (current_indent > 0 &&
- indentation != current_indent)
- temp_buffer[indentation++] = ' ';
- strncpy ((char *) &temp_buffer[current_indent],
- (char *) &output_paragraph[temp],
- buffer_len - current_indent);
- if (output_paragraph_offset + buffer_len
- >= paragraph_buffer_len)
- {
- unsigned char *tt = xrealloc
- (output_paragraph,
- (paragraph_buffer_len += buffer_len));
- output_paragraph = tt;
- }
- strncpy ((char *) &output_paragraph[temp],
- temp_buffer, buffer_len);
- output_paragraph_offset += current_indent;
- free (temp_buffer);
- }
- output_column = 0;
- while (temp < output_paragraph_offset)
- output_column +=
- get_char_len (output_paragraph[temp++]);
- output_column += len;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (!suppress_insert)
- {
- insert (character);
- last_inserted_character = character;
- }
- last_char_was_newline = 0;
- line_already_broken = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- insert (character)
- int character;
- {
- output_paragraph[output_paragraph_offset++] = character;
- if (output_paragraph_offset == paragraph_buffer_len)
- {
- output_paragraph =
- xrealloc (output_paragraph, (paragraph_buffer_len += 100));
- }
- }
- /* Remove upto COUNT characters of whitespace from the
- the current output line. If COUNT is less than zero,
- then remove until none left. */
- kill_self_indent (count)
- int count;
- {
- /* Handle infinite case first. */
- if (count < 0)
- {
- output_column = 0;
- while (output_paragraph_offset)
- {
- if (whitespace (output_paragraph[output_paragraph_offset - 1]))
- output_paragraph_offset--;
- else
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- while (output_paragraph_offset && count--)
- if (whitespace (output_paragraph[output_paragraph_offset - 1]))
- output_paragraph_offset--;
- else
- break;
- }
- }
- /* Non-zero means do not honor calls to flush_output (). */
- static int flushing_ignored = 0;
- /* Prevent calls to flush_output () from having any effect. */
- inhibit_output_flushing ()
- {
- flushing_ignored++;
- }
- /* Allow calls to flush_output () to write the paragraph data. */
- uninhibit_output_flushing ()
- {
- flushing_ignored--;
- }
- flush_output ()
- {
- register int i;
- if (!output_paragraph_offset || flushing_ignored)
- return;
- for (i = 0; i < output_paragraph_offset; i++)
- {
- if (output_paragraph[i] == (unsigned char)(' ' | 0x80) ||
- output_paragraph[i] == (unsigned char)('\t' | 0x80) ||
- output_paragraph[i] == (unsigned char)('\n' | 0x80) ||
- sentence_ender (UNMETA (output_paragraph[i])))
- output_paragraph[i] &= 0x7f;
- }
- fwrite (output_paragraph, 1, output_paragraph_offset, output_stream);
- output_position += output_paragraph_offset;
- output_paragraph_offset = 0;
- }
- /* How to close a paragraph controlling the number of lines between
- this one and the last one. */
- /* Paragraph spacing is controlled by this variable. It is the number of
- blank lines that you wish to appear between paragraphs. A value of
- 1 creates a single blank line between paragraphs. */
- int paragraph_spacing = DEFAULT_PARAGRAPH_SPACING;
- /* Close the current paragraph, leaving no blank lines between them. */
- close_single_paragraph ()
- {
- close_paragraph_with_lines (0);
- }
- /* Close a paragraph after an insertion has ended. */
- close_insertion_paragraph ()
- {
- if (!insertion_paragraph_closed)
- {
- /* Close the current paragraph, breaking the line. */
- close_single_paragraph ();
- /* Start a new paragraph here, inserting whatever indention is correct
- for the now current insertion level (one above the one that we are
- ending). */
- start_paragraph ();
- /* Tell close_paragraph () that the previous line has already been
- broken, so it should insert one less newline. */
- line_already_broken = 1;
- /* Let functions such as add_char () know that we have already found a
- newline. */
- ignore_blank_line ();
- }
- else
- {
- /* If the insertion paragraph is closed already, then we are seeing
- two `@end' commands in a row. Note that the first one we saw was
- handled in the first part of this if-then-else clause, and at that
- time start_paragraph () was called, partially to handle the proper
- indentation of the current line. However, the indentation level
- may have just changed again, so we may have to outdent the current
- line to the new indentation level. */
- if (current_indent < output_column)
- kill_self_indent (output_column - current_indent);
- }
- insertion_paragraph_closed = 1;
- }
- close_paragraph_with_lines (lines)
- int lines;
- {
- int old_spacing = paragraph_spacing;
- paragraph_spacing = lines;
- close_paragraph ();
- paragraph_spacing = old_spacing;
- }
- /* Close the currently open paragraph. */
- close_paragraph ()
- {
- register int i;
- /* The insertion paragraph is no longer closed. */
- insertion_paragraph_closed = 0;
- if (paragraph_is_open && !must_start_paragraph)
- {
- register int tindex, c;
- tindex = output_paragraph_offset;
- /* Back up to last non-newline/space character, forcing all such
- subsequent characters to be newlines. This isn't strictly
- necessary, but a couple of functions use the presence of a newline
- to make decisions. */
- for (tindex = output_paragraph_offset - 1; tindex >= 0; --tindex)
- {
- c = output_paragraph[tindex];
- if (c == ' '|| c == '\n')
- output_paragraph[tindex] = '\n';
- else
- break;
- }
- /* All trailing whitespace is ignored. */
- output_paragraph_offset = ++tindex;
- /* Break the line if that is appropriate. */
- if (paragraph_spacing >= 0)
- insert ('\n');
- /* Add as many blank lines as is specified in PARAGRAPH_SPACING. */
- if (!force_flush_right)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < (paragraph_spacing - line_already_broken); i++)
- insert ('\n');
- }
- /* If we are doing flush right indentation, then do it now
- on the paragraph (really a single line). */
- if (force_flush_right)
- do_flush_right_indentation ();
- flush_output ();
- paragraph_is_open = 0;
- no_indent = 0;
- output_column = 0;
- }
- ignore_blank_line ();
- }
- /* Make the last line just read look as if it were only a newline. */
- ignore_blank_line ()
- {
- last_inserted_character = '\n';
- last_char_was_newline = 1;
- }
- /* Align the end of the text in output_paragraph with fill_column. */
- do_flush_right_indentation ()
- {
- char *temp;
- int temp_len;
- kill_self_indent (-1);
- if (output_paragraph[0] != '\n')
- {
- output_paragraph[output_paragraph_offset] = '\0';
- if (output_paragraph_offset < fill_column)
- {
- register int i;
- if (fill_column >= paragraph_buffer_len)
- output_paragraph =
- xrealloc (output_paragraph,
- (paragraph_buffer_len += fill_column));
- temp_len = strlen ((char *)output_paragraph);
- temp = (char *)xmalloc (temp_len + 1);
- memcpy (temp, (char *)output_paragraph, temp_len);
- for (i = 0; i < fill_column - output_paragraph_offset; i++)
- output_paragraph[i] = ' ';
- memcpy ((char *)output_paragraph + i, temp, temp_len);
- free (temp);
- output_paragraph_offset = fill_column;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Begin a new paragraph. */
- start_paragraph ()
- {
- /* First close existing one. */
- if (paragraph_is_open)
- close_paragraph ();
- /* In either case, the insertion paragraph is no longer closed. */
- insertion_paragraph_closed = 0;
- /* However, the paragraph is open! */
- paragraph_is_open = 1;
- /* If we MUST_START_PARAGRAPH, that simply means that start_paragraph ()
- had to be called before we would allow any other paragraph operations
- to have an effect. */
- if (!must_start_paragraph)
- {
- int amount_to_indent = 0;
- /* If doing indentation, then insert the appropriate amount. */
- if (!no_indent)
- {
- if (inhibit_paragraph_indentation)
- {
- amount_to_indent = current_indent;
- if (inhibit_paragraph_indentation < 0)
- inhibit_paragraph_indentation++;
- }
- else if (paragraph_start_indent < 0)
- amount_to_indent = current_indent;
- else
- amount_to_indent = current_indent + paragraph_start_indent;
- if (amount_to_indent >= output_column)
- {
- amount_to_indent -= output_column;
- indent (amount_to_indent);
- output_column += amount_to_indent;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- must_start_paragraph = 0;
- }
- /* Insert the indentation specified by AMOUNT. */
- indent (amount)
- int amount;
- {
- register BRACE_ELEMENT *elt = brace_stack;
- /* For every START_POS saved within the brace stack which will be affected
- by this indentation, bump that start pos forward. */
- while (elt)
- {
- if (elt->pos >= output_paragraph_offset)
- elt->pos += amount;
- elt = elt->next;
- }
- while (--amount >= 0)
- insert (' ');
- }
- /* Search forward for STRING in input_text.
- FROM says where where to start. */
- search_forward (string, from)
- char *string;
- int from;
- {
- int len = strlen (string);
- while (from < size_of_input_text)
- {
- if (strncmp (input_text + from, string, len) == 0)
- return (from);
- from++;
- }
- return (-1);
- }
- /* Whoops, Unix doesn't have stricmp. */
- /* Case independent string compare. */
- stricmp (string1, string2)
- char *string1, *string2;
- {
- char ch1, ch2;
- for (;;)
- {
- ch1 = *string1++;
- ch2 = *string2++;
- if (!(ch1 | ch2))
- return (0);
- ch1 = coerce_to_upper (ch1);
- ch2 = coerce_to_upper (ch2);
- if (ch1 != ch2)
- return (ch1 - ch2);
- }
- }
- enum insertion_type { menu, quotation, lisp, smalllisp, example,
- smallexample, display, itemize, format, enumerate, cartouche, table,
- ftable, vtable, group, ifinfo, flushleft, flushright, ifset, ifclear, deffn,
- defun, defmac, defspec, defvr, defvar, defopt, deftypefn,
- deftypefun, deftypevr, deftypevar, defcv, defivar, defop, defmethod,
- deftypemethod, deftp, bad_type };
- char *insertion_type_names[] = { "menu", "quotation", "lisp",
- "smalllisp", "example", "smallexample", "display", "itemize",
- "format", "enumerate", "cartouche", "table", "ftable", "vtable", "group",
- "ifinfo", "flushleft", "flushright", "ifset", "ifclear", "deffn",
- "defun", "defmac", "defspec", "defvr", "defvar", "defopt",
- "deftypefn", "deftypefun", "deftypevr", "deftypevar", "defcv",
- "defivar", "defop", "defmethod", "deftypemethod", "deftp",
- "bad_type" };
- int insertion_level = 0;
- typedef struct istack_elt
- {
- struct istack_elt *next;
- char *item_function;
- int line_number;
- int filling_enabled;
- int indented_fill;
- enum insertion_type insertion;
- int inhibited;
- INSERTION_ELT *insertion_stack = (INSERTION_ELT *) NULL;
- init_insertion_stack ()
- {
- insertion_stack = (INSERTION_ELT *) NULL;
- }
- /* Return the type of the current insertion. */
- enum insertion_type
- current_insertion_type ()
- {
- if (!insertion_level)
- return (bad_type);
- else
- return (insertion_stack->insertion);
- }
- /* Return a pointer to the string which is the function to wrap around
- items. */
- char *
- current_item_function ()
- {
- register int level, done;
- register INSERTION_ELT *elt;
- level = insertion_level;
- elt = insertion_stack;
- done = 0;
- /* Skip down through the stack until we find a non-conditional insertion. */
- while (!done)
- {
- switch (elt->insertion)
- {
- case ifinfo:
- case ifset:
- case ifclear:
- case cartouche:
- elt = elt->next;
- level--;
- break;
- default:
- done = 1;
- }
- }
- if (!level)
- return ((char *) NULL);
- else
- return (elt->item_function);
- }
- char *
- get_item_function ()
- {
- char *item_function;
- get_rest_of_line (&item_function);
- backup_input_pointer ();
- canon_white (item_function);
- return (item_function);
- }
- /* Push the state of the current insertion on the stack. */
- push_insertion (type, item_function)
- enum insertion_type type;
- char *item_function;
- {
- INSERTION_ELT *new = (INSERTION_ELT *) xmalloc (sizeof (INSERTION_ELT));
- new->item_function = item_function;
- new->filling_enabled = filling_enabled;
- new->indented_fill = indented_fill;
- new->insertion = type;
- new->line_number = line_number;
- new->inhibited = inhibit_paragraph_indentation;
- new->next = insertion_stack;
- insertion_stack = new;
- insertion_level++;
- }
- /* Pop the value on top of the insertion stack into the
- global variables. */
- pop_insertion ()
- {
- INSERTION_ELT *temp = insertion_stack;
- if (temp == (INSERTION_ELT *) NULL)
- return;
- inhibit_paragraph_indentation = temp->inhibited;
- filling_enabled = temp->filling_enabled;
- indented_fill = temp->indented_fill;
- free_and_clear (&(temp->item_function));
- insertion_stack = insertion_stack->next;
- free (temp);
- insertion_level--;
- }
- /* Return a pointer to the print name of this
- enumerated type. */
- char *
- insertion_type_pname (type)
- enum insertion_type type;
- {
- if ((int) type < (int) bad_type)
- return (insertion_type_names[(int) type]);
- else
- return ("Broken-Type in insertion_type_pname");
- }
- /* Return the insertion_type associated with NAME.
- If the type is not one of the known ones, return BAD_TYPE. */
- enum insertion_type
- find_type_from_name (name)
- char *name;
- {
- int index = 0;
- while (index < (int) bad_type)
- {
- if (strcmp (name, insertion_type_names[index]) == 0)
- return (enum insertion_type) index;
- index++;
- }
- return (bad_type);
- }
- do_nothing ()
- {
- }
- int
- defun_insertion (type)
- enum insertion_type type;
- {
- return
- ((type == deffn)
- || (type == defun)
- || (type == defmac)
- || (type == defspec)
- || (type == defvr)
- || (type == defvar)
- || (type == defopt)
- || (type == deftypefn)
- || (type == deftypefun)
- || (type == deftypevr)
- || (type == deftypevar)
- || (type == defcv)
- || (type == defivar)
- || (type == defop)
- || (type == defmethod)
- || (type == deftypemethod)
- || (type == deftp));
- }
- /* MAX_NS is the maximum nesting level for enumerations. I picked 100
- which seemed reasonable. This doesn't control the number of items,
- just the number of nested lists. */
- #define max_stack_depth 100
- #define ENUM_DIGITS 1
- #define ENUM_ALPHA 2
- typedef struct {
- int enumtype;
- int enumval;
- DIGIT_ALPHA enumstack[max_stack_depth];
- int enumstack_offset = 0;
- int current_enumval = 1;
- int current_enumtype = ENUM_DIGITS;
- char *enumeration_arg = (char *)NULL;
- start_enumerating (at, type)
- int at, type;
- {
- if ((enumstack_offset + 1) == max_stack_depth)
- {
- line_error ("Enumeration stack overflow");
- return;
- }
- enumstack[enumstack_offset].enumtype = current_enumtype;
- enumstack[enumstack_offset].enumval = current_enumval;
- enumstack_offset++;
- current_enumval = at;
- current_enumtype = type;
- }
- stop_enumerating ()
- {
- --enumstack_offset;
- if (enumstack_offset < 0)
- enumstack_offset = 0;
- current_enumval = enumstack[enumstack_offset].enumval;
- current_enumtype = enumstack[enumstack_offset].enumtype;
- }
- /* Place a letter or digits into the output stream. */
- enumerate_item ()
- {
- char temp[10];
- if (current_enumtype == ENUM_ALPHA)
- {
- if (current_enumval == ('z' + 1) || current_enumval == ('Z' + 1))
- {
- current_enumval = ((current_enumval - 1) == 'z' ? 'a' : 'A');
- warning ("Lettering overflow, restarting at %c", current_enumval);
- }
- sprintf (temp, "%c. ", current_enumval);
- }
- else
- sprintf (temp, "%d. ", current_enumval);
- indent (output_column += (current_indent - strlen (temp)));
- add_word (temp);
- current_enumval++;
- }
- /* This is where the work for all the "insertion" style
- commands is done. A huge switch statement handles the
- various setups, and generic code is on both sides. */
- begin_insertion (type)
- enum insertion_type type;
- {
- int no_discard = 0;
- if (defun_insertion (type))
- {
- push_insertion (type, savestring (""));
- no_discard++;
- }
- else
- push_insertion (type, get_item_function ());
- switch (type)
- {
- case menu:
- if (!no_headers)
- close_paragraph ();
- filling_enabled = no_indent = 0;
- inhibit_paragraph_indentation = 1;
- if (!no_headers)
- add_word ("* Menu:\n");
- in_menu++;
- no_discard++;
- break;
- /* I think @quotation is meant to do filling.
- If you don't want filling, then use @example. */
- case quotation:
- close_single_paragraph ();
- last_char_was_newline = no_indent = 0;
- indented_fill = filling_enabled = 1;
- inhibit_paragraph_indentation = 1;
- current_indent += default_indentation_increment;
- break;
- case display:
- case example:
- case smallexample:
- case lisp:
- case smalllisp:
- /* Just like @example, but no indentation. */
- case format:
- close_single_paragraph ();
- inhibit_paragraph_indentation = 1;
- in_fixed_width_font++;
- filling_enabled = 0;
- last_char_was_newline = 0;
- if (type != format)
- current_indent += default_indentation_increment;
- break;
- case table:
- case ftable:
- case vtable:
- case itemize:
- close_single_paragraph ();
- current_indent += default_indentation_increment;
- filling_enabled = indented_fill = 1;
- inhibit_paragraph_indentation = 0;
- #else
- inhibit_paragraph_indentation = 1;
- /* Make things work for losers who forget the itemize syntax. */
- if (type == itemize)
- {
- if (!(*insertion_stack->item_function))
- {
- free (insertion_stack->item_function);
- insertion_stack->item_function = savestring ("@bullet");
- }
- }
- break;
- case enumerate:
- close_single_paragraph ();
- no_indent = 0;
- inhibit_paragraph_indentation = 0;
- #else
- inhibit_paragraph_indentation = 1;
- current_indent += default_indentation_increment;
- filling_enabled = indented_fill = 1;
- if (isdigit (*enumeration_arg))
- start_enumerating (atoi (enumeration_arg), ENUM_DIGITS);
- else
- start_enumerating (*enumeration_arg, ENUM_ALPHA);
- break;
- /* Does nothing special in makeinfo. */
- case group:
- /* Only close the paragraph if we are not inside of an @example. */
- if (!insertion_stack->next ||
- insertion_stack->next->insertion != example)
- close_single_paragraph ();
- break;
- /* Insertions that are no-ops in info, but do something in TeX. */
- case ifinfo:
- case ifset:
- case ifclear:
- case cartouche:
- if (in_menu)
- no_discard++;
- break;
- case deffn:
- case defun:
- case defmac:
- case defspec:
- case defvr:
- case defvar:
- case defopt:
- case deftypefn:
- case deftypefun:
- case deftypevr:
- case deftypevar:
- case defcv:
- case defivar:
- case defop:
- case defmethod:
- case deftypemethod:
- case deftp:
- inhibit_paragraph_indentation = 1;
- filling_enabled = indented_fill = 1;
- current_indent += default_indentation_increment;
- no_indent = 0;
- break;
- case flushleft:
- close_single_paragraph ();
- inhibit_paragraph_indentation = 1;
- filling_enabled = indented_fill = no_indent = 0;
- break;
- case flushright:
- close_single_paragraph ();
- filling_enabled = indented_fill = no_indent = 0;
- inhibit_paragraph_indentation = 1;
- force_flush_right++;
- break;
- }
- if (!no_discard)
- discard_until ("\n");
- }
- /* Try to end the insertion with the specified TYPE.
- TYPE, with a value of bad_type, gets translated to match
- the value currently on top of the stack.
- Otherwise, if TYPE doesn't match the top of the insertion stack,
- give error. */
- end_insertion (type)
- enum insertion_type type;
- {
- enum insertion_type temp_type;
- if (!insertion_level)
- return;
- temp_type = current_insertion_type ();
- if (type == bad_type)
- type = temp_type;
- if (type != temp_type)
- {
- line_error
- ("`%cend' expected `%s', but saw `%s'.", COMMAND_PREFIX,
- insertion_type_pname (temp_type), insertion_type_pname (type));
- return;
- }
- pop_insertion ();
- switch (type)
- {
- /* Insertions which have no effect on paragraph formatting. */
- case ifinfo:
- case ifset:
- case ifclear:
- break;
- case menu:
- in_menu--; /* No longer hacking menus. */
- if (!no_headers)
- close_insertion_paragraph ();
- break;
- case enumerate:
- stop_enumerating ();
- close_insertion_paragraph ();
- current_indent -= default_indentation_increment;
- break;
- case flushleft:
- case group:
- case cartouche:
- close_insertion_paragraph ();
- break;
- case format:
- case display:
- case example:
- case smallexample:
- case lisp:
- case smalllisp:
- case quotation:
- /* @quotation is the only one of the above without a fixed width
- font. */
- if (type != quotation)
- in_fixed_width_font--;
- /* @format is the only fixed_width insertion without a change
- in indentation. */
- if (type != format)
- current_indent -= default_indentation_increment;
- /* The ending of one of these insertions always marks the
- start of a new paragraph. */
- close_insertion_paragraph ();
- break;
- case table:
- case ftable:
- case vtable:
- case itemize:
- current_indent -= default_indentation_increment;
- break;
- case flushright:
- force_flush_right--;
- close_insertion_paragraph ();
- break;
- /* Handle the @defun style insertions with a default clause. */
- default:
- current_indent -= default_indentation_increment;
- close_insertion_paragraph ();
- break;
- }
- }
- /* Insertions cannot cross certain boundaries, such as node beginnings. In
- code that creates such boundaries, you should call discard_insertions ()
- before doing anything else. It prints the errors for you, and cleans up
- the insertion stack. */
- discard_insertions ()
- {
- int real_line_number = line_number;
- while (insertion_stack)
- {
- if (insertion_stack->insertion == ifinfo ||
- insertion_stack->insertion == ifset ||
- insertion_stack->insertion == ifclear ||
- insertion_stack->insertion == cartouche)
- break;
- else
- {
- char *offender = (char *)
- insertion_type_pname (insertion_stack->insertion);
- line_number = insertion_stack->line_number;
- line_error ("This `%s' doesn't have a matching `%cend %s'", offender,
- COMMAND_PREFIX, offender);
- pop_insertion ();
- }
- }
- line_number = real_line_number;
- }
- /* The actual commands themselves. */
- /* Commands which insert themselves. */
- insert_self ()
- {
- add_word (command);
- }
- /* Force a line break in the output. */
- cm_asterisk ()
- {
- close_single_paragraph ();
- cm_noindent ();
- }
- /* Insert ellipsis. */
- cm_dots (arg)
- int arg;
- {
- if (arg == START)
- add_word ("...");
- }
- cm_bullet (arg)
- int arg;
- {
- if (arg == START)
- add_char ('*');
- }
- cm_minus (arg)
- int arg;
- {
- if (arg == START)
- add_char ('-');
- }
- /* Insert "TeX". */
- cm_TeX (arg)
- int arg;
- {
- if (arg == START)
- add_word ("TeX");
- }
- cm_copyright (arg)
- int arg;
- {
- if (arg == START)
- add_word ("(C)");
- }
- cm_today (arg)
- int arg;
- {
- static char * months [12] =
- { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July",
- "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" };
- if (arg == START)
- {
- long timer = (time (0));
- struct tm *ts = (localtime (&timer));
- add_word_args
- ("%d %s %d",
- (ts -> tm_mday),
- (months [ts -> tm_mon]),
- ((ts -> tm_year) + 1900));
- }
- }
- cm_code (arg)
- int arg;
- {
- extern int printing_index;
- if (printing_index)
- return;
- if (arg == START)
- {
- in_fixed_width_font++;
- add_char ('`');
- }
- else
- {
- add_word ("'");
- in_fixed_width_font--;
- }
- }
- cm_samp (arg)
- int arg;
- {
- cm_code (arg);
- }
- cm_file (arg)
- int arg;
- {
- cm_code (arg);
- }
- cm_kbd (arg)
- int arg;
- {
- cm_code (arg);
- }
- cm_key (arg)
- int arg;
- {
- }
- /* Convert the character at position into CTL. */
- cm_ctrl (arg, position)
- int arg, position;
- {
- if (arg == END)
- output_paragraph[position - 1] = CTL (output_paragraph[position]);
- }
- /* Small Caps in makeinfo just does all caps. */
- cm_sc (arg, start_pos, end_pos)
- int arg, start_pos, end_pos;
- {
- if (arg == END)
- {
- while (start_pos < end_pos)
- {
- output_paragraph[start_pos] =
- coerce_to_upper (output_paragraph[start_pos]);
- start_pos++;
- }
- }
- }
- /* @var in makeinfo just uppercases the text. */
- cm_var (arg, start_pos, end_pos)
- int arg, start_pos, end_pos;
- {
- if (arg == END)
- {
- while (start_pos < end_pos)
- {
- output_paragraph[start_pos] =
- coerce_to_upper (output_paragraph[start_pos]);
- start_pos++;
- }
- }
- }
- cm_dfn (arg, position)
- int arg, position;
- {
- add_char ('"');
- }
- cm_emph (arg)
- int arg;
- {
- add_char ('*');
- }
- cm_strong (arg, position)
- int arg, position;
- {
- cm_emph (arg);
- }
- cm_cite (arg, position)
- int arg, position;
- {
- if (arg == START)
- add_word ("`");
- else
- add_word ("'");
- }
- /* Current text is italicized. */
- cm_italic (arg, start, end)
- int arg, start, end;
- {
- }
- /* Current text is highlighted. */
- cm_bold (arg, start, end)
- int arg, start, end;
- {
- cm_italic (arg);
- }
- /* Current text is in roman font. */
- cm_roman (arg, start, end)
- int arg, start, end;
- {
- }
- /* Current text is in roman font. */
- cm_titlefont (arg, start, end)
- int arg, start, end;
- {
- }
- /* Italicize titles. */
- cm_title (arg, start, end)
- int arg, start, end;
- {
- cm_italic (arg);
- }
- /* @refill is a NOP. */
- cm_refill ()
- {
- }
- /* Prevent the argument from being split across two lines. */
- cm_w (arg, start, end)
- int arg, start, end;
- {
- if (arg == START)
- non_splitting_words++;
- else
- non_splitting_words--;
- }
- /* Explain that this command is obsolete, thus the user shouldn't
- do anything with it. */
- cm_obsolete (arg, start, end)
- int arg, start, end;
- {
- if (arg == START)
- warning ("The command `@%s' is obsolete", command);
- }
- /* Insert the text following input_text_offset up to the end of the line
- in a new, separate paragraph. Directly underneath it, insert a
- line of WITH_CHAR, the same length of the inserted text. */
- insert_and_underscore (with_char)
- int with_char;
- {
- int len, i, old_no_indent;
- int starting_pos, ending_pos;
- char *temp;
- close_paragraph ();
- filling_enabled = indented_fill = 0;
- old_no_indent = no_indent;
- no_indent = 1;
- get_rest_of_line (&temp);
- starting_pos = output_position + output_paragraph_offset;
- execute_string ("%s\n", temp);
- ending_pos = output_position + output_paragraph_offset;
- free (temp);
- len = (ending_pos - starting_pos) - 1;
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
- add_char (with_char);
- insert ('\n');
- close_paragraph ();
- filling_enabled = 1;
- no_indent = old_no_indent;
- }
- /* Here is a structure which associates sectioning commands with
- an integer, hopefully to reflect the `depth' of the current
- section. */
- struct {
- char *name;
- int level;
- } section_alist[] = {
- { "unnumberedsubsubsec", 5 },
- { "unnumberedsubsec", 4 },
- { "unnumberedsec", 3 },
- { "unnumbered", 2 },
- { "appendixsubsubsec", 5 },
- { "appendixsubsec", 4 },
- { "appendixsec", 3 },
- { "appendixsection", 3 },
- { "appendix", 2 },
- { "subsubsec", 5 },
- { "subsubsection", 5 },
- { "subsection", 4 },
- { "section", 3 },
- { "chapter", 2 },
- { "top", 1 },
- { (char *)NULL, 0 }
- };
- /* Amount to offset the name of sectioning commands to levels by. */
- int section_alist_offset = 0;
- /* Shift the meaning of @section to @chapter. */
- cm_raisesections ()
- {
- discard_until ("\n");
- section_alist_offset--;
- }
- /* Shift the meaning of @chapter to @section. */
- cm_lowersections ()
- {
- discard_until ("\n");
- section_alist_offset++;
- }
- /* Return an integer which identifies the type section present in TEXT. */
- int
- what_section (text)
- char *text;
- {
- register int i, j;
- char *t;
- find_section_command:
- for (j = 0; text[j] && cr_or_whitespace (text[j]); j++);
- if (text[j] != '@')
- return (-1);
- text = text + j + 1;
- /* We skip @c, @comment, and @?index commands. */
- if ((strncmp (text, "comment", strlen ("comment")) == 0) ||
- (text[0] == 'c' && cr_or_whitespace (text[1])) ||
- (strcmp (text + 1, "index") == 0))
- {
- while (*text++ != '\n');
- goto find_section_command;
- }
- /* Handle italicized sectioning commands. */
- if (*text == 'i')
- text++;
- for (j = 0; text[j] && !cr_or_whitespace (text[j]); j++);
- for (i = 0; t = section_alist[i].name; i++)
- {
- if (j == strlen (t) && strncmp (t, text, j) == 0)
- {
- int return_val;
- return_val = (section_alist[i].level + section_alist_offset);
- if (return_val < 0)
- return_val = 0;
- else if (return_val > 5)
- return_val = 5;
- return (return_val);
- }
- }
- return (-1);
- }
- /* Treat this just like @unnumbered. The only difference is
- in node defaulting. */
- cm_top ()
- {
- static int top_encountered = 0;
- cm_unnumbered ();
- /* It is an error to have more than one @top. */
- if (top_encountered)
- {
- TAG_ENTRY *tag = tag_table;
- line_error ("There already is a node having @top as a section");
- while (tag != (TAG_ENTRY *)NULL)
- {
- if ((tag->flags & IS_TOP))
- {
- int old_line_number = line_number;
- char *old_input_filename = input_filename;
- line_number = tag->line_no;
- input_filename = tag->filename;
- line_error ("Here is the @top node.");
- input_filename = old_input_filename;
- line_number = old_line_number;
- return;
- }
- tag = tag->next_ent;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- top_encountered = 1;
- /* The most recently defined node is the top node. */
- if (tag_table)
- tag_table->flags |= IS_TOP;
- /* Now set the logical hierarchical level of the Top node. */
- {
- int orig_offset = input_text_offset;
- input_text_offset = search_forward ("\n@node", orig_offset);
- if (input_text_offset > 0)
- {
- int this_section;
- /* Move to the end of this line, and find out what the
- sectioning command is here. */
- while (input_text[input_text_offset] != '\n')
- input_text_offset++;
- if (input_text_offset < size_of_input_text)
- input_text_offset++;
- this_section = what_section (input_text + input_text_offset);
- /* If we found a sectioning command, then give the top section
- a level of this section - 1. */
- if (this_section != -1)
- {
- register int i;
- for (i = 0; section_alist[i].name; i++)
- if (strcmp (section_alist[i].name, "Top") == 0)
- {
- section_alist[i].level = this_section - 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- input_text_offset = orig_offset;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Organized by level commands. That is, "*" == chapter, "=" == section. */
- char *scoring_characters = "*=-.";
- void
- sectioning_underscore (command)
- char *command;
- {
- char character;
- int level;
- level = what_section (command);
- level -= 2;
- if (level < 0)
- level = 0;
- character = scoring_characters[level];
- insert_and_underscore (character);
- }
- /* The remainder of the text on this line is a chapter heading. */
- cm_chapter ()
- {
- sectioning_underscore ("@chapter");
- }
- /* The remainder of the text on this line is a section heading. */
- cm_section ()
- {
- sectioning_underscore ("@section");
- }
- /* The remainder of the text on this line is a subsection heading. */
- cm_subsection ()
- {
- sectioning_underscore ("@subsection");
- }
- /* The remainder of the text on this line is a subsubsection heading. */
- cm_subsubsection ()
- {
- sectioning_underscore ("@subsubsection");
- }
- /* The remainder of the text on this line is an unnumbered heading. */
- cm_unnumbered ()
- {
- cm_chapter ();
- }
- /* The remainder of the text on this line is an unnumbered section heading. */
- cm_unnumberedsec ()
- {
- cm_section ();
- }
- /* The remainder of the text on this line is an unnumbered
- subsection heading. */
- cm_unnumberedsubsec ()
- {
- cm_subsection ();
- }
- /* The remainder of the text on this line is an unnumbered
- subsubsection heading. */
- cm_unnumberedsubsubsec ()
- {
- cm_subsubsection ();
- }
- /* The remainder of the text on this line is an appendix heading. */
- cm_appendix ()
- {
- cm_chapter ();
- }
- /* The remainder of the text on this line is an appendix section heading. */
- cm_appendixsec ()
- {
- cm_section ();
- }
- /* The remainder of the text on this line is an appendix subsection heading. */
- cm_appendixsubsec ()
- {
- cm_subsection ();
- }
- /* The remainder of the text on this line is an appendix
- subsubsection heading. */
- cm_appendixsubsubsec ()
- {
- cm_subsubsection ();
- }
- /* Compatibility functions substitute for chapter, section, etc. */
- cm_majorheading ()
- {
- cm_chapheading ();
- }
- cm_chapheading ()
- {
- cm_chapter ();
- }
- cm_heading ()
- {
- cm_section ();
- }
- cm_subheading ()
- {
- cm_subsection ();
- }
- cm_subsubheading ()
- {
- cm_subsubsection ();
- }
- /* **************************************************************** */
- /* */
- /* Adding nodes, and making tags */
- /* */
- /* **************************************************************** */
- /* Start a new tag table. */
- init_tag_table ()
- {
- while (tag_table != (TAG_ENTRY *) NULL)
- {
- TAG_ENTRY *temp = tag_table;
- free (temp->node);
- free (temp->prev);
- free (temp->next);
- free (temp->up);
- tag_table = tag_table->next_ent;
- free (temp);
- }
- }
- write_tag_table ()
- {
- return (write_tag_table_internal (0)); /* Not indirect. */
- }
- write_tag_table_indirect ()
- {
- return (write_tag_table_internal (1));
- }
- /* Write out the contents of the existing tag table.
- INDIRECT_P says how to format the output. */
- write_tag_table_internal (indirect_p)
- int indirect_p;
- {
- TAG_ENTRY *node = tag_table;
- int old_indent = no_indent;
- no_indent = 1;
- filling_enabled = 0;
- must_start_paragraph = 0;
- close_paragraph ();
- if (!indirect_p)
- {
- no_indent = 1;
- insert ('\n');
- }
- add_word_args ("\037\nTag Table:\n%s", indirect_p ? "(Indirect)\n" : "");
- while (node != (TAG_ENTRY *) NULL)
- {
- add_word_args ("Node: %s\177%d\n", node->node, node->position);
- node = node->next_ent;
- }
- add_word ("\037\nEnd Tag Table\n");
- flush_output ();
- no_indent = old_indent;
- }
- char *
- get_node_token ()
- {
- char *string;
- get_until_in_line (",", &string);
- if (curchar () == ',')
- input_text_offset++;
- canon_white (string);
- /* Allow things like @@nodename. */
- normalize_node_name (string);
- return (string);
- }
- /* Given a node name in STRING, remove double @ signs, replacing them
- with just one. Convert "top" and friends into "Top". */
- normalize_node_name (string)
- char *string;
- {
- register int i, l = strlen (string);
- for (i = 0; i < l; i++)
- {
- if (string[i] == '@' && string[i + 1] == '@')
- {
- strncpy (string + i, string + i + 1, l - i);
- l--;
- }
- }
- if (stricmp (string, "Top") == 0)
- strcpy (string, "Top");
- }
- /* Look up NAME in the tag table, and return the associated
- tag_entry. If the node is not in the table return NULL. */
- find_node (name)
- char *name;
- {
- TAG_ENTRY *tag = tag_table;
- while (tag != (TAG_ENTRY *) NULL)
- {
- if (strcmp (tag->node, name) == 0)
- return (tag);
- tag = tag->next_ent;
- }
- return ((TAG_ENTRY *) NULL);
- }
- /* Remember NODE and associates. */
- remember_node (node, prev, next, up, position, line_no, no_warn)
- char *node, *prev, *next, *up;
- int position, line_no, no_warn;
- {
- /* Check for existence of this tag already. */
- if (validating)
- {
- register TAG_ENTRY *tag = find_node (node);
- if (tag)
- {
- line_error ("Node `%s' multiply defined (%d is first definition)",
- node, tag->line_no);
- return;
- }
- }
- /* First, make this the current node. */
- current_node = node;
- /* Now add it to the list. */
- {
- TAG_ENTRY *new = (TAG_ENTRY *) xmalloc (sizeof (TAG_ENTRY));
- new->node = node;
- new->prev = prev;
- new->next = next;
- new->up = up;
- new->position = position;
- new->line_no = line_no;
- new->filename = node_filename;
- new->touched = 0; /* not yet referenced. */
- new->flags = 0;
- if (no_warn)
- new->flags |= NO_WARN;
- new->next_ent = tag_table;
- tag_table = new;
- }
- }
- /* The order is: nodename, nextnode, prevnode, upnode.
- If all of the NEXT, PREV, and UP fields are empty, they are defaulted.
- You must follow a node command which has those fields defaulted
- with a sectioning command (e.g. @chapter) giving the "level" of that node.
- It is an error not to do so.
- The defaults come from the menu in this nodes parent. */
- cm_node ()
- {
- char *node, *prev, *next, *up;
- int new_node_pos, defaulting, this_section, no_warn = 0;
- extern int already_outputting_pending_notes;
- if (strcmp (command, "nwnode") == 0)
- no_warn = 1;
- /* Get rid of unmatched brace arguments from previous commands. */
- discard_braces ();
- /* There also might be insertions left lying around that haven't been
- ended yet. Do that also. */
- discard_insertions ();
- if (!already_outputting_pending_notes)
- {
- close_paragraph ();
- output_pending_notes ();
- free_pending_notes ();
- }
- filling_enabled = indented_fill = 0;
- new_node_pos = output_position;
- current_footnote_number = 1;
- node = get_node_token ();
- next = get_node_token ();
- prev = get_node_token ();
- up = get_node_token ();
- no_indent = 1;
- if (!no_headers)
- add_word_args ("\037\nFile: %s, Node: %s", pretty_output_filename, node);
- /* Check for defaulting of this node's next, prev, and up fields. */
- defaulting = ((strlen (next) == 0) &&
- (strlen (prev) == 0) &&
- (strlen (up) == 0));
- this_section = what_section (input_text + input_text_offset);
- /* If we are defaulting, then look at the immediately following
- sectioning command (error if none) to determine the node's
- level. Find the node that contains the menu mentioning this node
- that is one level up (error if not found). That node is the "Up"
- of this node. Default the "Next" and "Prev" from the menu. */
- if (defaulting)
- {
- NODE_REF *last_ref = (NODE_REF *)NULL;
- NODE_REF *ref = node_references;
- if (this_section < 0)
- {
- char *polite_section_name = "top";
- int i;
- for (i = 0; section_alist[i].name; i++)
- if (section_alist[i].level == current_section + 1)
- {
- polite_section_name = section_alist[i].name;
- break;
- }
- line_error
- ("Node `%s' requires a sectioning command (e.g. @%s)",
- node, polite_section_name);
- }
- else
- {
- if (stricmp (node, "Top") == 0)
- {
- /* Default the NEXT pointer to be the first menu item in
- this node, if there is a menu in this node. */
- {
- int orig_offset, orig_size;
- char *glean_node_from_menu ();
- orig_offset = input_text_offset;
- orig_size = search_forward ("\n@node ", orig_offset);
- if (orig_size < 0)
- orig_size = size_of_input_text;
- input_text_offset = search_forward ("\n@menu", orig_offset);
- if (input_text_offset > -1)
- {
- char *nodename_from_menu = (char *)NULL;
- input_text_offset =
- search_forward ("\n* ", input_text_offset);
- if (input_text_offset != -1)
- nodename_from_menu = glean_node_from_menu (0);
- if (nodename_from_menu)
- {
- free (next);
- next = nodename_from_menu;
- prev = savestring ("(DIR)");
- up = savestring ("(DIR)");
- }
- }
- input_text_offset = orig_offset;
- }
- }
- while (ref)
- {
- if (ref->section == (this_section - 1) &&
- ref->type == menu_reference &&
- strcmp (ref->node, node) == 0)
- {
- char *containing_node = ref->containing_node;
- free (up);
- up = savestring (containing_node);
- if (last_ref &&
- last_ref->type == menu_reference &&
- (strcmp (last_ref->containing_node,
- containing_node) == 0))
- {
- free (next);
- next = savestring (last_ref->node);
- }
- while ((ref->section == this_section - 1) &&
- (ref->next) &&
- (ref->next->type != menu_reference))
- ref = ref->next;
- if (ref->next && ref->type == menu_reference &&
- (strcmp (ref->next->containing_node,
- containing_node) == 0))
- {
- free (prev);
- prev = savestring (ref->next->node);
- }
- else if (!ref->next &&
- stricmp (ref->containing_node, "Top") == 0)
- {
- free (prev);
- prev = savestring (ref->containing_node);
- }
- break;
- }
- last_ref = ref;
- ref = ref->next;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!no_headers)
- {
- if (*next)
- add_word_args (", Next: %s", next);
- if (*prev)
- add_word_args (", Prev: %s", prev);
- if (*up)
- add_word_args (", Up: %s", up);
- }
- close_paragraph ();
- no_indent = 0;
- if (!*node)
- {
- line_error ("No node name specified for `@%s' command", command);
- free (node);
- free (next);
- free (prev);
- free (up);
- }
- else
- {
- if (!*next) { free (next); next = (char *)NULL; }
- if (!*prev) { free (prev); prev = (char *)NULL; }
- if (!*up) { free (up); up = (char *)NULL; }
- remember_node (node, prev, next, up, new_node_pos, line_number, no_warn);
- }
- /* Change the section only if there was a sectioning command. */
- if (this_section >= 0)
- current_section = this_section;
- filling_enabled = 1;
- }
- /* Validation of an info file.
- Scan through the list of tag entrys touching the Prev, Next, and Up
- elements of each. It is an error not to be able to touch one of them,
- except in the case of external node references, such as "(DIR)".
- If the Prev is different from the Up,
- then the Prev node must have a Next pointing at this node.
- Every node except Top must have an Up.
- The Up node must contain some sort of reference, other than a Next,
- to this node.
- If the Next is different from the Next of the Up,
- then the Next node must have a Prev pointing at this node. */
- validate_file (filename, tag_table)
- char *filename;
- TAG_ENTRY *tag_table;
- {
- char *old_input_filename = input_filename;
- TAG_ENTRY *tags = tag_table;
- while (tags != (TAG_ENTRY *) NULL)
- {
- register TAG_ENTRY *temp_tag;
- input_filename = tags->filename;
- line_number = tags->line_no;
- /* If this is a "no warn" node, don't validate it in any way. */
- if (tags->flags & NO_WARN)
- {
- tags = tags->next_ent;
- continue;
- }
- /* If this node has a Next, then make sure that the Next exists. */
- if (tags->next)
- {
- validate (tags->next, tags->line_no, "Next");
- /* If the Next node exists, and there is no Up, then make
- sure that the Prev of the Next points back. */
- if (temp_tag = find_node (tags->next))
- {
- char *prev;
- if (temp_tag->flags & NO_WARN)
- {
- /* Do nothing if we aren't supposed to issue warnings
- about this node. */
- }
- else
- {
- prev = temp_tag->prev;
- if (!prev || (strcmp (prev, tags->node) != 0))
- {
- line_error ("Node `%s''s Next field not pointed back to",
- tags->node);
- line_number = temp_tag->line_no;
- input_filename = temp_tag->filename;
- line_error
- ("This node (`%s') is the one with the bad `Prev'",
- temp_tag->node);
- input_filename = tags->filename;
- line_number = tags->line_no;
- temp_tag->flags |= PREV_ERROR;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* Validate the Prev field if there is one, and we haven't already
- complained about it in some way. You don't have to have a Prev
- field at this stage. */
- if (!(tags->flags & PREV_ERROR) && tags->prev)
- {
- int valid = validate (tags->prev, tags->line_no, "Prev");
- if (!valid)
- tags->flags |= PREV_ERROR;
- else
- {
- /* If the Prev field is not the same as the Up field,
- then the node pointed to by the Prev field must have
- a Next field which points to this node. */
- if (tags->up && (strcmp (tags->prev, tags->up) != 0))
- {
- temp_tag = find_node (tags->prev);
- /* If we aren't supposed to issue warnings about the
- target node, do nothing. */
- if (!temp_tag || (temp_tag->flags & NO_WARN))
- {
- /* Do nothing. */
- }
- else
- {
- if (!temp_tag->next ||
- (strcmp (temp_tag->next, tags->node) != 0))
- {
- line_error
- ("Node `%s''s Prev field not pointed back to",
- tags->node);
- line_number = temp_tag->line_no;
- input_filename = temp_tag->filename;
- line_error
- ("This node (`%s') is the one with the bad `Next'",
- temp_tag->node);
- input_filename = tags->filename;
- line_number = tags->line_no;
- temp_tag->flags |= NEXT_ERROR;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (!tags->up && (stricmp (tags->node, "Top") != 0))
- line_error ("Node `%s' is missing an \"Up\" field", tags->node);
- else if (tags->up)
- {
- int valid = validate (tags->up, tags->line_no, "Up");
- /* If node X has Up: Y, then warn if Y fails to have a menu item
- or note pointing at X, if Y isn't of the form "(Y)". */
- if (valid && *tags->up != '(')
- {
- NODE_REF *nref, *tref, *list;
- NODE_REF *find_node_reference ();
- tref = (NODE_REF *) NULL;
- list = node_references;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (!(nref = find_node_reference (tags->node, list)))
- break;
- if (strcmp (nref->containing_node, tags->up) == 0)
- {
- if (nref->type != menu_reference)
- {
- tref = nref;
- list = nref->next;
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- list = nref->next;
- }
- if (!nref)
- {
- temp_tag = find_node (tags->up);
- line_number = temp_tag->line_no;
- filename = temp_tag->filename;
- if (!tref)
- line_error (
- "`%s' has an Up field of `%s', but `%s' has no menu item for `%s'",
- tags->node, tags->up, tags->up, tags->node);
- line_number = tags->line_no;
- filename = tags->filename;
- }
- }
- }
- tags = tags->next_ent;
- }
- validate_other_references (node_references);
- /* We have told the user about the references which didn't exist.
- Now tell him about the nodes which aren't referenced. */
- tags = tag_table;
- while (tags != (TAG_ENTRY *) NULL)
- {
- /* If this node is a "no warn" node, do nothing. */
- if (tags->flags & NO_WARN)
- {
- tags = tags->next_ent;
- continue;
- }
- /* Special hack. If the node in question appears to have
- been referenced more than REFERENCE_WARNING_LIMIT times,
- give a warning. */
- if (tags->touched > reference_warning_limit)
- {
- input_filename = tags->filename;
- line_number = tags->line_no;
- warning ("Node `%s' has been referenced %d times",
- tags->node, tags->touched);
- }
- if (tags->touched == 0)
- {
- input_filename = tags->filename;
- line_number = tags->line_no;
- /* Notice that the node "Top" is special, and doesn't have to
- be referenced. */
- if (stricmp (tags->node, "Top") != 0)
- warning ("Unreferenced node `%s'", tags->node);
- }
- tags = tags->next_ent;
- }
- input_filename = old_input_filename;
- }
- /* Return 1 if tag correctly validated, or 0 if not. */
- validate (tag, line, label)
- char *tag;
- int line;
- char *label;
- {
- TAG_ENTRY *result;
- /* If there isn't a tag to verify, or if the tag is in another file,
- then it must be okay. */
- if (!tag || !*tag || *tag == '(')
- return (1);
- /* Otherwise, the tag must exist. */
- result = find_node (tag);
- if (!result)
- {
- line_number = line;
- line_error (
- "Validation error. `%s' field points to node `%s', which doesn't exist",
- label, tag);
- return (0);
- }
- result->touched++;
- return (1);
- }
- /* Split large output files into a series of smaller files. Each file
- is pointed to in the tag table, which then gets written out as the
- original file. The new files have the same name as the original file
- with a "-num" attached. SIZE is the largest number of bytes to allow
- in any single split file. */
- split_file (filename, size)
- char *filename;
- int size;
- {
- char *root_filename, *root_pathname;
- char *the_file, *filename_part ();
- struct stat fileinfo;
- char *the_header;
- int header_size;
- /* Can only do this to files with tag tables. */
- if (!tag_table)
- return;
- if (size == 0)
- if ((stat (filename, &fileinfo) != 0) ||
- (fileinfo.st_size < SPLIT_SIZE_THRESHOLD))
- return;
- the_file = find_and_load (filename);
- if (!the_file)
- return;
- root_filename = filename_part (filename);
- root_pathname = pathname_part (filename);
- if (!root_pathname)
- root_pathname = savestring ("");
- /* Start splitting the file. Walk along the tag table
- outputting sections of the file. When we have written
- all of the nodes in the tag table, make the top-level
- pointer file, which contains indirect pointers and
- tags for the nodes. */
- {
- int which_file = 1;
- TAG_ENTRY *tags = tag_table;
- char *indirect_info = (char *)NULL;
- /* Remember the `header' of this file. The first tag in the file is
- the bottom of the header; the top of the file is the start. */
- the_header = (char *)xmalloc (1 + (header_size = tags->position));
- memcpy (the_header, the_file, header_size);
- while (tags)
- {
- int file_top, file_bot, limit;
- /* Have to include the Control-_. */
- file_top = file_bot = tags->position;
- limit = file_top + size;
- /* If the rest of this file is only one node, then
- that is the entire subfile. */
- if (!tags->next_ent)
- {
- int i = tags->position + 1;
- char last_char = the_file[i];
- while (i < fileinfo.st_size)
- {
- if ((the_file[i] == '\037') &&
- ((last_char == '\n') ||
- (last_char == '\014')))
- break;
- else
- last_char = the_file[i];
- i++;
- }
- file_bot = i;
- tags = tags->next_ent;
- goto write_region;
- }
- /* Otherwise, find the largest number of nodes that can fit in
- this subfile. */
- for (; tags; tags = tags->next_ent)
- {
- if (!tags->next_ent)
- {
- /* This entry is the last node. Search forward for the end
- of this node, and that is the end of this file. */
- int i = tags->position + 1;
- char last_char = the_file[i];
- while (i < fileinfo.st_size)
- {
- if ((the_file[i] == '\037') &&
- ((last_char == '\n') ||
- (last_char == '\014')))
- break;
- else
- last_char = the_file[i];
- i++;
- }
- file_bot = i;
- if (file_bot < limit)
- {
- tags = tags->next_ent;
- goto write_region;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Here we want to write out everything before the last
- node, and then write the last node out in a file
- by itself. */
- file_bot = tags->position;
- goto write_region;
- }
- }
- if (tags->next_ent->position > limit)
- {
- if (tags->position == file_top)
- tags = tags->next_ent;
- file_bot = tags->position;
- write_region:
- {
- int fd;
- char *split_filename;
- split_filename = (char *) xmalloc
- (10 + strlen (root_pathname) + strlen (root_filename));
- sprintf
- (split_filename,
- "%s%s-%d", root_pathname, root_filename, which_file);
- fd = open
- (split_filename, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT, 0666);
- if ((fd < 0) ||
- (write (fd, the_header, header_size) != header_size) ||
- (write (fd, the_file + file_top, file_bot - file_top)
- != (file_bot - file_top)) ||
- ((close (fd)) < 0))
- {
- perror (split_filename);
- if (fd != -1)
- close (fd);
- exit (FATAL);
- }
- if (!indirect_info)
- {
- indirect_info = the_file + file_top;
- sprintf (indirect_info, "\037\nIndirect:\n");
- indirect_info += strlen (indirect_info);
- }
- sprintf (indirect_info, "%s-%d: %d\n",
- root_filename, which_file, file_top);
- free (split_filename);
- indirect_info += strlen (indirect_info);
- which_file++;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* We have sucessfully created the subfiles. Now write out the
- original again. We must use `output_stream', or
- write_tag_table_indirect () won't know where to place the output. */
- output_stream = fopen (filename, "w");
- if (!output_stream)
- {
- perror (filename);
- exit (FATAL);
- }
- {
- int distance = indirect_info - the_file;
- fwrite (the_file, 1, distance, output_stream);
- /* Inhibit newlines. */
- paragraph_is_open = 0;
- write_tag_table_indirect ();
- fclose (output_stream);
- free (the_header);
- free (the_file);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Some menu hacking. This is used to remember menu references while
- reading the input file. After the output file has been written, if
- validation is on, then we use the contents of NODE_REFERENCES as a
- list of nodes to validate. */
- char *
- reftype_type_string (type)
- enum reftype type;
- {
- switch (type)
- {
- case menu_reference:
- return ("Menu");
- case followed_reference:
- return ("Followed-Reference");
- default:
- return ("Internal-bad-reference-type");
- }
- }
- /* Remember this node name for later validation use. */
- remember_node_reference (node, line, type)
- char *node;
- int line;
- enum reftype type;
- {
- NODE_REF *temp = (NODE_REF *) xmalloc (sizeof (NODE_REF));
- temp->next = node_references;
- temp->node = savestring (node);
- temp->line_no = line;
- temp->section = current_section;
- temp->type = type;
- temp->containing_node = savestring (current_node);
- temp->filename = node_filename;
- node_references = temp;
- }
- validate_other_references (ref_list)
- register NODE_REF *ref_list;
- {
- char *old_input_filename = input_filename;
- while (ref_list != (NODE_REF *) NULL)
- {
- input_filename = ref_list->filename;
- validate (ref_list->node, ref_list->line_no,
- reftype_type_string (ref_list->type));
- ref_list = ref_list->next;
- }
- input_filename = old_input_filename;
- }
- /* Find NODE in REF_LIST. */
- find_node_reference (node, ref_list)
- char *node;
- register NODE_REF *ref_list;
- {
- while (ref_list)
- {
- if (strcmp (node, ref_list->node) == 0)
- break;
- ref_list = ref_list->next;
- }
- return (ref_list);
- }
- free_node_references ()
- {
- register NODE_REF *list, *temp;
- list = node_references;
- while (list)
- {
- temp = list;
- free (list->node);
- free (list->containing_node);
- list = list->next;
- free (temp);
- }
- node_references = (NODE_REF *) NULL;
- }
- /* This function gets called at the start of every line while inside of
- a menu. It checks to see if the line starts with "* ", and if so,
- remembers the node reference that this menu refers to.
- input_text_offset is at the \n just before the line start. */
- #define menu_starter "* "
- char *
- glean_node_from_menu (remember_reference)
- int remember_reference;
- {
- int i, orig_offset = input_text_offset;
- char *nodename;
- if (strncmp (&input_text[input_text_offset + 1],
- menu_starter,
- strlen (menu_starter)) != 0)
- return ((char *)NULL);
- else
- input_text_offset += strlen (menu_starter) + 1;
- get_until_in_line (":", &nodename);
- if (curchar () == ':')
- input_text_offset++;
- canon_white (nodename);
- if (curchar () == ':')
- goto save_node;
- free (nodename);
- get_rest_of_line (&nodename);
- /* Special hack: If the nodename follows the menu item name,
- then we have to read the rest of the line in order to find
- out what the nodename is. But we still have to read the
- line later, in order to process any formatting commands that
- might be present. So un-count the carriage return that has just
- been counted. */
- line_number--;
- isolate_nodename (nodename);
- save_node:
- input_text_offset = orig_offset;
- normalize_node_name (nodename);
- i = strlen (nodename);
- if (i && nodename[i - 1] == ':')
- nodename[i - 1] = '\0';
- if (remember_reference)
- {
- remember_node_reference (nodename, line_number, menu_reference);
- free (nodename);
- return ((char *)NULL);
- }
- else
- return (nodename);
- }
- static void
- isolate_nodename (nodename)
- char *nodename;
- {
- register int i, c;
- int paren_seen, paren;
- if (!nodename)
- return;
- canon_white (nodename);
- paren_seen = paren = i = 0;
- if (*nodename == '.' || !*nodename)
- {
- *nodename = '\0';
- return;
- }
- if (*nodename == '(')
- {
- paren++;
- paren_seen++;
- i++;
- }
- for (; c = nodename[i]; i++)
- {
- if (paren)
- {
- if (c == '(')
- paren++;
- else if (c == ')')
- paren--;
- continue;
- }
- /* If the character following the close paren is a space, then this
- node has no more characters associated with it. */
- if (c == '\t' ||
- c == '\n' ||
- c == ',' ||
- ((paren_seen && nodename[i - 1] == ')') &&
- (c == ' ' || c == '.')) ||
- (c == '.' &&
- ((!nodename[i + 1] ||
- (cr_or_whitespace (nodename[i + 1])) ||
- (nodename[i + 1] == ')')))))
- break;
- }
- nodename[i] = '\0';
- }
- cm_menu ()
- {
- begin_insertion (menu);
- }
- /* **************************************************************** */
- /* */
- /* Cross Reference Hacking */
- /* */
- /* **************************************************************** */
- char *
- get_xref_token ()
- {
- char *string;
- get_until_in_braces (",", &string);
- if (curchar () == ',')
- input_text_offset++;
- fix_whitespace (string);
- return (string);
- }
- int px_ref_flag = 0; /* Controls initial output string. */
- /* Make a cross reference. */
- cm_xref (arg)
- {
- if (arg == START)
- {
- char *arg1, *arg2, *arg3, *arg4, *arg5;
- arg1 = get_xref_token ();
- arg2 = get_xref_token ();
- arg3 = get_xref_token ();
- arg4 = get_xref_token ();
- arg5 = get_xref_token ();
- add_word_args ("%s", px_ref_flag ? "*note " : "*Note ");
- if (*arg5 || *arg4)
- {
- char *node_name;
- if (!*arg2)
- {
- if (*arg3)
- node_name = arg3;
- else
- node_name = arg1;
- }
- else
- node_name = arg2;
- execute_string ("%s: (%s)%s", node_name, arg4, arg1);
- return;
- }
- else
- remember_node_reference (arg1, line_number, followed_reference);
- if (*arg3)
- {
- if (!*arg2)
- execute_string ("%s: %s", arg3, arg1);
- else
- execute_string ("%s: %s", arg2, arg1);
- return;
- }
- if (*arg2)
- execute_string ("%s: %s", arg2, arg1);
- else
- execute_string ("%s::", arg1);
- }
- else
- {
- /* Check to make sure that the next non-whitespace character is either
- a period or a comma. input_text_offset is pointing at the "}" which
- ended the xref or pxref command. */
- int temp = input_text_offset + 1;
- if (output_paragraph[output_paragraph_offset - 2] == ':' &&
- output_paragraph[output_paragraph_offset - 1] == ':')
- return;
- while (temp < size_of_input_text)
- {
- if (cr_or_whitespace (input_text[temp]))
- temp++;
- else
- {
- if (input_text[temp] == '.' ||
- input_text[temp] == ',' ||
- input_text[temp] == '\t')
- return;
- else
- {
- line_error (
- "Cross-reference must be terminated with a period or a comma");
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- cm_pxref (arg)
- int arg;
- {
- if (arg == START)
- {
- px_ref_flag++;
- cm_xref (arg);
- px_ref_flag--;
- }
- else
- add_char ('.');
- }
- cm_inforef (arg)
- int arg;
- {
- if (arg == START)
- {
- char *node, *pname, *file;
- node = get_xref_token ();
- pname = get_xref_token ();
- file = get_xref_token ();
- execute_string ("*note %s: (%s)%s", pname, file, node);
- }
- }
- /* **************************************************************** */
- /* */
- /* Insertion Command Stubs */
- /* */
- /* **************************************************************** */
- cm_quotation ()
- {
- begin_insertion (quotation);
- }
- cm_example ()
- {
- begin_insertion (example);
- }
- cm_smallexample ()
- {
- begin_insertion (smallexample);
- }
- cm_lisp ()
- {
- begin_insertion (lisp);
- }
- cm_smalllisp ()
- {
- begin_insertion (smalllisp);
- }
- /* @cartouche/@end cartouche draws box with rounded corners in
- TeX output. Right now, just a NOP insertion. */
- cm_cartouche ()
- {
- begin_insertion (cartouche);
- }
- cm_format ()
- {
- begin_insertion (format);
- }
- cm_display ()
- {
- begin_insertion (display);
- }
- cm_itemize ()
- {
- begin_insertion (itemize);
- }
- cm_enumerate ()
- {
- do_enumeration (enumerate, "1");
- }
- /* Start an enumeration insertion of type TYPE. If the user supplied
- no argument on the line, then use DEFAULT_STRING as the initial string. */
- do_enumeration (type, default_string)
- int type;
- char *default_string;
- {
- get_until_in_line (".", &enumeration_arg);
- canon_white (enumeration_arg);
- if (!*enumeration_arg)
- {
- free (enumeration_arg);
- enumeration_arg = savestring (default_string);
- }
- if (!isdigit (*enumeration_arg) && !isletter (*enumeration_arg))
- {
- warning ("%s requires a letter or a digit", insertion_type_pname (type));
- switch (type)
- {
- case enumerate:
- default_string = "1";
- break;
- }
- enumeration_arg = savestring (default_string);
- }
- begin_insertion (type);
- }
- cm_table ()
- {
- begin_insertion (table);
- }
- cm_ftable ()
- {
- begin_insertion (ftable);
- }
- cm_vtable ()
- {
- begin_insertion (vtable);
- }
- cm_group ()
- {
- begin_insertion (group);
- }
- cm_ifinfo ()
- {
- begin_insertion (ifinfo);
- }
- /* Begin an insertion where the lines are not filled or indented. */
- cm_flushleft ()
- {
- begin_insertion (flushleft);
- }
- /* Begin an insertion where the lines are not filled, and each line is
- forced to the right-hand side of the page. */
- cm_flushright ()
- {
- begin_insertion (flushright);
- }
- /* **************************************************************** */
- /* */
- /* Conditional Handling */
- /* */
- /* **************************************************************** */
- /* A structure which contains `defined' variables. */
- typedef struct _defines {
- struct _defines *next;
- char *name;
- char *value;
- /* The linked list of `set' defines. */
- DEFINE *defines = (DEFINE *)NULL;
- /* Add NAME to the list of `set' defines. */
- set (name, value)
- char *name;
- char *value;
- {
- DEFINE *temp;
- for (temp = defines; temp; temp = temp->next)
- if (strcmp (name, temp->name) == 0)
- {
- free (temp->value);
- temp->value = savestring (value);
- return;
- }
- temp = (DEFINE *)xmalloc (sizeof (DEFINE));
- temp->next = defines;
- temp->name = savestring (name);
- temp->value = savestring (value);
- defines = temp;
- }
- /* Remove NAME from the list of `set' defines. */
- clear (name)
- char *name;
- {
- register DEFINE *temp, *last;
- last = (DEFINE *)NULL;
- temp = defines;
- while (temp)
- {
- if (strcmp (temp->name, name) == 0)
- {
- if (last)
- last->next = temp->next;
- else
- defines = temp->next;
- free (temp->name);
- free (temp->value);
- free (temp);
- break;
- }
- last = temp;
- temp = temp->next;
- }
- }
- /* Return the value of NAME. The return value is NULL if NAME is unset. */
- char *
- set_p (name)
- char *name;
- {
- register DEFINE *temp;
- for (temp = defines; temp; temp = temp->next)
- if (strcmp (temp->name, name) == 0)
- return (temp->value);
- return ((char *)NULL);
- }
- /* Conditionally parse based on the current command name. */
- command_name_condition ()
- {
- char *discarder;
- discarder = (char *)xmalloc (8 + strlen (command));
- sprintf (discarder, "\n@end %s", command);
- discard_until (discarder);
- discard_until ("\n");
- free (discarder);
- }
- /* Create a variable whose name appears as the first word on this line. */
- cm_set ()
- {
- handle_variable (SET);
- }
- /* Remove a variable whose name appears as the first word on this line. */
- cm_clear ()
- {
- handle_variable (CLEAR);
- }
- cm_ifset ()
- {
- handle_variable (IFSET);
- }
- cm_ifclear ()
- {
- handle_variable (IFCLEAR);
- }
- cm_value (arg, start_pos, end_pos)
- int arg, start_pos, end_pos;
- {
- if (arg == END)
- {
- char *name, *value;
- name = (char *)&output_paragraph[start_pos];
- output_paragraph[end_pos] = '\0';
- name = savestring (name);
- value = set_p (name);
- output_column -= end_pos - start_pos;
- output_paragraph_offset = start_pos;
- if (value)
- execute_string ("%s", value);
- else
- add_word_args ("{No Value For \"%s\"}", name);
- free (name);
- }
- }
- /* Set, clear, or conditionalize based on ACTION. */
- handle_variable (action)
- int action;
- {
- char *name;
- get_rest_of_line (&name);
- backup_input_pointer ();
- canon_white (name);
- handle_variable_internal (action, name);
- free (name);
- }
- handle_variable_internal (action, name)
- int action;
- char *name;
- {
- char *temp;
- int delimiter, additional_text_present = 0;
- /* Only the first word of NAME is a valid tag. */
- temp = name;
- delimiter = 0;
- while (*temp && (delimiter || !whitespace (*temp)))
- {
- #if defined (SET_WITH_EQUAL)
- if (*temp == '"' || *temp == '\'')
- {
- if (*temp == delimiter)
- delimiter = 0;
- else
- delimiter = *temp;
- }
- #endif /* SET_WITH_EQUAL */
- temp++;
- }
- if (*temp)
- additional_text_present++;
- *temp = '\0';
- if (!*name)
- line_error ("@%s requires a name", command);
- else
- {
- switch (action)
- {
- case SET:
- {
- char *value;
- #if defined (SET_WITH_EQUAL)
- /* Allow a value to be saved along with a variable. The value is
- the text following an `=' sign in NAME, if any is present. */
- for (value = name; *value && *value != '='; value++);
- if (*value)
- *value++ = '\0';
- if (*value == '"' || *value == '\'')
- {
- value++;
- value[strlen (value) - 1] = '\0';
- }
- #else /* !SET_WITH_EQUAL */
- /* The VALUE of NAME is the remainder of the line sans
- whitespace. */
- if (additional_text_present)
- {
- value = temp + 1;
- canon_white (value);
- }
- else
- value = "";
- #endif /* !SET_WITH_VALUE */
- set (name, value);
- }
- break;
- case CLEAR:
- clear (name);
- break;
- case IFSET:
- case IFCLEAR:
- /* If IFSET and NAME is not set, or if IFCLEAR and NAME is set,
- read lines from the the file until we reach a matching
- "@end CONDITION". This means that we only take note of
- "@ifset/clear" and "@end" commands. */
- {
- char condition[8];
- int condition_len;
- if (action == IFSET)
- strcpy (condition, "ifset");
- else
- strcpy (condition, "ifclear");
- condition_len = strlen (condition);
- if ((action == IFSET && !set_p (name)) ||
- (action == IFCLEAR && set_p (name)))
- {
- int level = 0, done = 0;
- while (!done)
- {
- char *freeable_line, *line;
- get_rest_of_line (&freeable_line);
- for (line = freeable_line; whitespace (*line); line++);
- if (*line == COMMAND_PREFIX &&
- (strncmp (line + 1, condition, condition_len) == 0))
- level++;
- else if (strncmp (line, "@end", 4) == 0)
- {
- char *cname = line + 4;
- char *temp;
- while (*cname && whitespace (*cname))
- cname++;
- temp = cname;
- while (*temp && !whitespace (*temp))
- temp++;
- *temp = '\0';
- if (strcmp (cname, condition) == 0)
- {
- if (!level)
- {
- done = 1;
- }
- else
- level--;
- }
- }
- free (freeable_line);
- }
- /* We found the end of a false @ifset/ifclear. If we are
- in a menu, back up over the newline that ends the ifset,
- since that newline may also begin the next menu entry. */
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- if (action == IFSET)
- begin_insertion (ifset);
- else
- begin_insertion (ifclear);
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /* **************************************************************** */
- /* */
- /* @itemx, @item */
- /* */
- /* **************************************************************** */
- /* Non-zero means a string is in execution, as opposed to a file. */
- int executing_string = 0;
- /* Execute the string produced by formatting the ARGs with FORMAT. This
- is like submitting a new file with @include. */
- #if defined (HAVE_VARARGS_H) && defined(HAVE_VSPRINTF)
- execute_string (va_alist)
- va_dcl
- {
- static char temp_string[4000];
- char *format;
- va_list args;
- va_start (args);
- format = va_arg (args, char *);
- vsprintf (temp_string, format, args);
- va_end (args);
- #else /* !(HAVE_VARARGS_H && HAVE_VSPRINTF) */
- execute_string (format, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)
- char *format;
- {
- static char temp_string[4000];
- sprintf (temp_string, format, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);
- #endif /* !(HAVE_VARARGS_H && HAVE_VSPRINTF) */
- strcat (temp_string, "@bye\n");
- pushfile ();
- input_text_offset = 0;
- input_text = temp_string;
- input_filename = savestring (input_filename);
- size_of_input_text = strlen (temp_string);
- executing_string++;
- reader_loop ();
- popfile ();
- executing_string--;
- free_and_clear (&command);
- command = savestring ("not bye");
- }
- int itemx_flag = 0;
- cm_itemx ()
- {
- itemx_flag++;
- cm_item ();
- itemx_flag--;
- }
- cm_item ()
- {
- char *rest_of_line, *item_func;
- /* Can only hack "@item" while inside of an insertion. */
- if (insertion_level)
- {
- INSERTION_ELT *stack = insertion_stack;
- int original_input_text_offset;
- skip_whitespace ();
- original_input_text_offset = input_text_offset;
- get_rest_of_line (&rest_of_line);
- canon_white (rest_of_line);
- item_func = current_item_function ();
- /* Okay, do the right thing depending on which insertion function
- is active. */
- switch_top:
- switch (stack->insertion)
- {
- case ifinfo:
- case ifset:
- case ifclear:
- case cartouche:
- stack = stack->next;
- if (!stack)
- goto no_insertion;
- else
- goto switch_top;
- break;
- case menu:
- case quotation:
- case example:
- case smallexample:
- case lisp:
- case format:
- case display:
- case group:
- line_error ("The `@%s' command is meaningless within a `@%s' block",
- command,
- insertion_type_pname (current_insertion_type ()));
- break;
- case itemize:
- case enumerate:
- if (itemx_flag)
- {
- line_error ("@itemx is not meaningful inside of a `%s' block",
- insertion_type_pname (current_insertion_type ()));
- }
- else
- {
- start_paragraph ();
- kill_self_indent (-1);
- filling_enabled = indented_fill = 1;
- if (current_insertion_type () == itemize)
- {
- indent (output_column = current_indent - 2);
- /* I need some way to determine whether this command
- takes braces or not. I believe the user can type
- either "@bullet" or "@bullet{}". Of course, they
- can also type "o" or "#" or whatever else they want. */
- if (item_func && *item_func)
- {
- if (*item_func == '@')
- if (item_func[strlen (item_func) - 1] != '}')
- execute_string ("%s{}", item_func);
- else
- execute_string ("%s", item_func);
- else
- execute_string ("%s", item_func);
- }
- insert (' ');
- output_column++;
- }
- else
- enumerate_item ();
- /* Special hack. This makes close paragraph ignore you until
- the start_paragraph () function has been called. */
- must_start_paragraph = 1;
- /* Ultra special hack. It appears that some people incorrectly
- place text directly after the @item, instead of on a new line
- by itself. This happens to work in TeX, so I make it work
- here. */
- if (*rest_of_line)
- {
- line_number--;
- input_text_offset = original_input_text_offset;
- }
- }
- break;
- case table:
- case ftable:
- case vtable:
- {
- /* Get rid of extra characters. */
- kill_self_indent (-1);
- /* close_paragraph () almost does what we want. The problem
- is when paragraph_is_open, and last_char_was_newline, and
- the last newline has been turned into a space, because
- filling_enabled. I handle it here. */
- if (last_char_was_newline && filling_enabled && paragraph_is_open)
- insert ('\n');
- close_paragraph ();
- /* Indent on a new line, but back up one indentation level. */
- {
- int t;
- t = inhibit_paragraph_indentation;
- inhibit_paragraph_indentation = 1;
- /* At this point, inserting any non-whitespace character will
- force the existing indentation to be output. */
- add_char ('i');
- inhibit_paragraph_indentation = t;
- }
- add_char ('i');
- output_paragraph_offset--;
- kill_self_indent (default_indentation_increment + 1);
- /* Add item's argument to the line. */
- filling_enabled = 0;
- if (item_func && *item_func)
- execute_string ("%s{%s}", item_func, rest_of_line);
- else
- execute_string ("%s", rest_of_line);
- if (current_insertion_type () == ftable)
- execute_string ("@findex %s\n", rest_of_line);
- if (current_insertion_type () == vtable)
- execute_string ("@vindex %s\n", rest_of_line);
- /* Start a new line, and let start_paragraph ()
- do the indenting of it for you. */
- close_single_paragraph ();
- indented_fill = filling_enabled = 1;
- }
- }
- free (rest_of_line);
- }
- else
- {
- no_insertion:
- line_error ("@%s found outside of an insertion block", command);
- }
- }
- /* **************************************************************** */
- /* */
- /* Defun and Friends */
- /* */
- /* **************************************************************** */
- (((c) == '(') \
- || ((c) == ')') \
- || ((c) == '[') \
- || ((c) == ']'))
- struct token_accumulator
- {
- unsigned int length;
- unsigned int index;
- char **tokens;
- };
- void
- initialize_token_accumulator (accumulator)
- struct token_accumulator *accumulator;
- {
- (accumulator->length) = 0;
- (accumulator->index) = 0;
- (accumulator->tokens) = NULL;
- }
- void
- accumulate_token (accumulator, token)
- struct token_accumulator *accumulator;
- char *token;
- {
- if ((accumulator->index) >= (accumulator->length))
- {
- (accumulator->length) += 10;
- (accumulator->tokens) = (char **) xrealloc
- (accumulator->tokens, (accumulator->length * sizeof (char *)));
- }
- accumulator->tokens[accumulator->index] = token;
- accumulator->index += 1;
- }
- char *
- copy_substring (start, end)
- char *start;
- char *end;
- {
- char *result, *scan, *scan_result;
- result = (char *) xmalloc ((end - start) + 1);
- scan_result = result;
- scan = start;
- while (scan < end)
- *scan_result++ = *scan++;
- *scan_result = '\0';
- return (result);
- }
- /* Given `string' pointing at an open brace, skip forward and return a
- pointer to just past the matching close brace. */
- int
- scan_group_in_string (string_pointer)
- char **string_pointer;
- {
- register int c;
- register char *scan_string;
- register unsigned int level = 1;
- scan_string = (*string_pointer) + 1;
- while (1)
- {
- if (level == 0)
- {
- (*string_pointer) = scan_string;
- return (1);
- }
- c = (*scan_string++);
- if (c == '\0')
- {
- /* Tweak line_number to compensate for fact that
- we gobbled the whole line before coming here. */
- line_number -= 1;
- line_error ("Missing `}' in @def arg");
- line_number += 1;
- (*string_pointer) = (scan_string - 1);
- return (0);
- }
- if (c == '{')
- level += 1;
- if (c == '}')
- level -= 1;
- }
- }
- /* Return a list of tokens from the contents of `string'.
- Commands and brace-delimited groups count as single tokens.
- Contiguous whitespace characters are converted to a token
- consisting of a single space. */
- char **
- args_from_string (string)
- char *string;
- {
- struct token_accumulator accumulator;
- register char *scan_string = string;
- char *token_start, *token_end;
- initialize_token_accumulator (&accumulator);
- while ((*scan_string) != '\0')
- {
- /* Replace arbitrary whitespace by a single space. */
- if (whitespace (*scan_string))
- {
- scan_string += 1;
- while (whitespace (*scan_string))
- scan_string += 1;
- accumulate_token ((&accumulator), (savestring (" ")));
- continue;
- }
- /* Commands count as single tokens. */
- if ((*scan_string) == COMMAND_PREFIX)
- {
- token_start = scan_string;
- scan_string += 1;
- if (self_delimiting (*scan_string))
- scan_string += 1;
- else
- {
- register int c;
- while (1)
- {
- c = *scan_string++;
- if ((c == '\0') || (c == '{') || (whitespace (c)))
- {
- scan_string -= 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (*scan_string == '{')
- {
- char *s = scan_string;
- (void) scan_group_in_string (&s);
- scan_string = s;
- }
- }
- token_end = scan_string;
- }
- /* Parentheses and brackets are self-delimiting. */
- else if (DEFUN_SELF_DELIMITING (*scan_string))
- {
- token_start = scan_string;
- scan_string += 1;
- token_end = scan_string;
- }
- /* Open brace introduces a group that is a single token. */
- else if (*scan_string == '{')
- {
- char *s = scan_string;
- int balanced = scan_group_in_string (&s);
- token_start = scan_string + 1;
- scan_string = s;
- token_end = balanced ? (scan_string - 1) : scan_string;
- }
- /* Otherwise a token is delimited by whitespace, parentheses,
- brackets, or braces. A token is also ended by a command. */
- else
- {
- token_start = scan_string;
- while (1)
- {
- register int c;
- c = *scan_string++;
- if (!c ||
- (whitespace (c) || DEFUN_SELF_DELIMITING (c) ||
- c == '{' || c == '}'))
- {
- scan_string--;
- break;
- }
- /* If we encounter a command imbedded within a token,
- then end the token. */
- if (c == COMMAND_PREFIX)
- {
- scan_string--;
- break;
- }
- }
- token_end = scan_string;
- }
- accumulate_token
- (&accumulator, copy_substring (token_start, token_end));
- }
- accumulate_token (&accumulator, NULL);
- return (accumulator.tokens);
- }
- void
- process_defun_args (defun_args, auto_var_p)
- char **defun_args;
- int auto_var_p;
- {
- int pending_space = 0;
- while (1)
- {
- char *defun_arg = *defun_args++;
- if (defun_arg == NULL)
- break;
- if (defun_arg[0] == ' ')
- {
- pending_space = 1;
- continue;
- }
- if (pending_space)
- {
- add_char (' ');
- pending_space = 0;
- }
- if (DEFUN_SELF_DELIMITING (defun_arg[0]))
- add_char (defun_arg[0]);
- else if (defun_arg[0] == '&')
- add_word (defun_arg);
- else if (defun_arg[0] == COMMAND_PREFIX)
- execute_string ("%s", defun_arg);
- else if (auto_var_p)
- execute_string ("@var{%s}", defun_arg);
- else
- add_word (defun_arg);
- }
- }
- char *
- next_nonwhite_defun_arg (arg_pointer)
- char ***arg_pointer;
- {
- char **scan = (*arg_pointer);
- char *arg = (*scan++);
- if ((arg != 0) && (*arg == ' '))
- arg = *scan++;
- if (arg == 0)
- scan -= 1;
- *arg_pointer = scan;
- return ((arg == 0) ? "" : arg);
- }
- /* Make the defun type insertion.
- TYPE says which insertion this is.
- X_P says not to start a new insertion if non-zero. */
- void
- defun_internal (type, x_p)
- enum insertion_type type;
- int x_p;
- {
- enum insertion_type base_type;
- char **defun_args, **scan_args;
- char *category, *defined_name, *type_name, *type_name2;
- {
- char *line;
- get_rest_of_line (&line);
- defun_args = (args_from_string (line));
- free (line);
- }
- scan_args = defun_args;
- switch (type)
- {
- case defun:
- category = "Function";
- base_type = deffn;
- break;
- case defmac:
- category = "Macro";
- base_type = deffn;
- break;
- case defspec:
- category = "Special Form";
- base_type = deffn;
- break;
- case defvar:
- category = "Variable";
- base_type = defvr;
- break;
- case defopt:
- category = "User Option";
- base_type = defvr;
- break;
- case deftypefun:
- category = "Function";
- base_type = deftypefn;
- break;
- case deftypevar:
- category = "Variable";
- base_type = deftypevr;
- break;
- case defivar:
- category = "Instance Variable";
- base_type = defcv;
- break;
- case defmethod:
- category = "Method";
- base_type = defop;
- break;
- case deftypemethod:
- category = "Method";
- base_type = deftypemethod;
- break;
- default:
- category = next_nonwhite_defun_arg (&scan_args);
- base_type = type;
- break;
- }
- if ((base_type == deftypefn)
- || (base_type == deftypevr)
- || (base_type == defcv)
- || (base_type == defop)
- || (base_type == deftypemethod))
- type_name = next_nonwhite_defun_arg (&scan_args);
- if (base_type == deftypemethod)
- type_name2 = next_nonwhite_defun_arg (&scan_args);
- defined_name = next_nonwhite_defun_arg (&scan_args);
- /* This hack exists solely for the purposes of formatting the texinfo
- manual. I couldn't think of a better way. The token might be
- a simple @@ followed immediately by more text. If this is the case,
- then the next defun arg is part of this one, and we should concatenate
- them. */
- if (*scan_args && **scan_args && !whitespace (**scan_args) &&
- (strcmp (defined_name, "@@") == 0))
- {
- char *tem = (char *)xmalloc (3 + strlen (scan_args[0]));
- sprintf (tem, "@@%s", scan_args[0]);
- free (scan_args[0]);
- scan_args[0] = tem;
- scan_args++;
- defined_name = tem;
- }
- if (!x_p)
- begin_insertion (type);
- /* Write the definition header line.
- This should start at the normal indentation. */
- current_indent -= default_indentation_increment;
- start_paragraph ();
- switch (base_type)
- {
- case deffn:
- case defvr:
- case deftp:
- execute_string (" -- %s: %s", category, defined_name);
- break;
- case deftypefn:
- case deftypevr:
- execute_string (" -- %s: %s %s", category, type_name, defined_name);
- break;
- case defcv:
- execute_string (" -- %s of %s: %s", category, type_name, defined_name);
- break;
- case defop:
- execute_string (" -- %s on %s: %s", category, type_name, defined_name);
- break;
- case deftypemethod:
- execute_string (" -- %s on %s: %s %s", category, type_name, type_name2,
- defined_name);
- break;
- }
- current_indent += default_indentation_increment;
- /* Now process the function arguments, if any.
- If these carry onto the next line, they should be indented by two
- increments to distinguish them from the body of the definition,
- which is indented by one increment. */
- current_indent += default_indentation_increment;
- switch (base_type)
- {
- case deffn:
- case defop:
- process_defun_args (scan_args, 1);
- break;
- case deftp:
- case deftypefn:
- case deftypemethod:
- process_defun_args (scan_args, 0);
- break;
- }
- current_indent -= default_indentation_increment;
- close_single_paragraph ();
- /* Make an entry in the appropriate index. */
- switch (base_type)
- {
- case deffn:
- case deftypefn:
- execute_string ("@findex %s\n", defined_name);
- break;
- case defvr:
- case deftypevr:
- case defcv:
- execute_string ("@vindex %s\n", defined_name);
- break;
- case defop:
- case deftypemethod:
- execute_string ("@findex %s on %s\n", defined_name, type_name);
- break;
- case deftp:
- execute_string ("@tindex %s\n", defined_name);
- break;
- }
- /* Deallocate the token list. */
- scan_args = defun_args;
- while (1)
- {
- char * arg = (*scan_args++);
- if (arg == NULL)
- break;
- free (arg);
- }
- free (defun_args);
- }
- /* Add an entry for a function, macro, special form, variable, or option.
- If the name of the calling command ends in `x', then this is an extra
- entry included in the body of an insertion of the same type. */
- cm_defun ()
- {
- int x_p;
- enum insertion_type type;
- char *temp = savestring (command);
- x_p = (command[strlen (command) - 1] == 'x');
- if (x_p)
- temp[strlen (temp) - 1] = '\0';
- type = find_type_from_name (temp);
- free (temp);
- /* If we are adding to an already existing insertion, then make sure
- that we are already in an insertion of type TYPE. */
- if (x_p &&
- (!insertion_level || insertion_stack->insertion != type))
- {
- line_error ("Must be in a `%s' insertion in order to use `%s'x",
- command, command);
- discard_until ("\n");
- return;
- }
- defun_internal (type, x_p);
- }
- /* End existing insertion block. */
- cm_end ()
- {
- char *temp;
- enum insertion_type type;
- if (!insertion_level)
- {
- line_error ("Unmatched `@%s'", command);
- return;
- }
- get_rest_of_line (&temp);
- canon_white (temp);
- if (strlen (temp) == 0)
- line_error ("`@%s' needs something after it", command);
- type = find_type_from_name (temp);
- if (type == bad_type)
- {
- line_error ("Bad argument to `%s', `%s', using `%s'",
- command, temp, insertion_type_pname (current_insertion_type ()));
- }
- end_insertion (type);
- free (temp);
- }
- /* **************************************************************** */
- /* */
- /* Other Random Commands */
- /* */
- /* **************************************************************** */
- /* This says to inhibit the indentation of the next paragraph, but
- not of following paragraphs. */
- cm_noindent ()
- {
- if (!inhibit_paragraph_indentation)
- inhibit_paragraph_indentation = -1;
- }
- /* I don't know exactly what to do with this. Should I allow
- someone to switch filenames in the middle of output? Since the
- file could be partially written, this doesn't seem to make sense.
- Another option: ignore it, since they don't *really* want to
- switch files. Finally, complain, or at least warn. */
- cm_setfilename ()
- {
- char *filename;
- get_rest_of_line (&filename);
- /* warning ("`@%s %s' encountered and ignored", command, filename); */
- free (filename);
- }
- cm_ignore_line ()
- {
- discard_until ("\n");
- }
- /* @br can be immediately followed by `{}', so we have to read those here.
- It should simply close the paragraph. */
- cm_br ()
- {
- if (looking_at ("{}"))
- input_text_offset += 2;
- if (curchar () == '\n')
- {
- input_text_offset++;
- line_number++;
- }
- close_paragraph ();
- }
- /* Insert the number of blank lines passed as argument. */
- cm_sp ()
- {
- int lines;
- char *line;
- get_rest_of_line (&line);
- if (sscanf (line, "%d", &lines) != 1)
- {
- line_error ("%csp requires a positive numeric argument", COMMAND_PREFIX);
- }
- else
- {
- if (lines < 0)
- lines = 0;
- while (lines--)
- add_char ('\n');
- }
- free (line);
- }
- /* Start a new line with just this text on it.
- Then center the line of text.
- This always ends the current paragraph. */
- cm_center ()
- {
- register int i, start, length;
- int fudge_factor = 1;
- unsigned char *line;
- close_paragraph ();
- filling_enabled = indented_fill = 0;
- cm_noindent ();
- start = output_paragraph_offset;
- inhibit_output_flushing ();
- get_rest_of_line ((char **)&line);
- execute_string ((char *)line);
- free (line);
- uninhibit_output_flushing ();
- i = output_paragraph_offset - 1;
- while (i > (start - 1) && output_paragraph[i] == '\n')
- i--;
- output_paragraph_offset = ++i;
- length = output_paragraph_offset - start;
- if (length < (fill_column - fudge_factor))
- {
- line = (unsigned char *)xmalloc (1 + length);
- memcpy (line, (char *)(output_paragraph + start), length);
- i = (fill_column - fudge_factor - length) / 2;
- output_paragraph_offset = start;
- while (i--)
- insert (' ');
- for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
- insert (line[i]);
- free (line);
- }
- insert ('\n');
- close_paragraph ();
- filling_enabled = 1;
- }
- /* Show what an expression returns. */
- cm_result (arg)
- int arg;
- {
- if (arg == END)
- add_word ("=>");
- }
- /* What an expression expands to. */
- cm_expansion (arg)
- int arg;
- {
- if (arg == END)
- add_word ("==>");
- }
- /* Indicates two expressions are equivalent. */
- cm_equiv (arg)
- int arg;
- {
- if (arg == END)
- add_word ("==");
- }
- /* What an expression may print. */
- cm_print (arg)
- int arg;
- {
- if (arg == END)
- add_word ("-|");
- }
- /* An error signaled. */
- cm_error (arg)
- int arg;
- {
- if (arg == END)
- add_word ("error-->");
- }
- /* The location of point in an example of a buffer. */
- cm_point (arg)
- int arg;
- {
- if (arg == END)
- add_word ("-!-");
- }
- /* Start a new line with just this text on it.
- The text is outdented one level if possible. */
- cm_exdent ()
- {
- char *line;
- int i = current_indent;
- if (current_indent)
- current_indent -= default_indentation_increment;
- get_rest_of_line (&line);
- close_single_paragraph ();
- execute_string ("%s", line);
- current_indent = i;
- free (line);
- close_single_paragraph ();
- }
- cm_include ()
- {
- cm_infoinclude ();
- }
- /* Remember this file, and move onto the next. */
- cm_infoinclude ()
- {
- char *filename;
- close_paragraph ();
- get_rest_of_line (&filename);
- pushfile ();
- /* In verbose mode we print info about including another file. */
- if (verbose_mode)
- {
- register int i = 0;
- register FSTACK *stack = filestack;
- for (i = 0, stack = filestack; stack; stack = stack->next, i++);
- i *= 2;
- printf ("%*s", i, "");
- printf ("%c%s %s\n", COMMAND_PREFIX, command, filename);
- fflush (stdout);
- }
- if (!find_and_load (filename))
- {
- extern char *sys_errlist[];
- extern int errno, sys_nerr;
- popfile ();
- /* Cannot "@include foo", in line 5 of "/wh/bar". */
- line_error ("`%c%s %s': %s", COMMAND_PREFIX, command, filename,
- ((errno < sys_nerr) ?
- sys_errlist[errno] : "Unknown file system error"));
- }
- free (filename);
- }
- /* The other side of a malformed expression. */
- misplaced_brace ()
- {
- line_error ("Misplaced `}'");
- }
- /* Don't let the filling algorithm insert extra whitespace here. */
- cm_force_abbreviated_whitespace ()
- {
- }
- /* Do not let this character signify the end of a sentence, though
- if it was seen without the command prefix it normally would. We
- do this by turning on the 8th bit of the character. */
- cm_ignore_sentence_ender ()
- {
- add_char (META ((*command)));
- }
- /* Signals end of processing. Easy to make this happen. */
- cm_bye ()
- {
- input_text_offset = size_of_input_text;
- }
- cm_asis ()
- {
- }
- cm_math ()
- {
- }
- /* **************************************************************** */
- /* */
- /* Indexing Stuff */
- /* */
- /* **************************************************************** */
- /* An index element... */
- typedef struct index_elt
- {
- struct index_elt *next;
- char *entry; /* The index entry itself. */
- char *node; /* The node from whence it came. */
- int code; /* Non-zero means add `@code{...}' when
- printing this element. */
- int defining_line; /* Line number where this entry was written. */
- /* A list of short-names for each index, and the index to that index in our
- index array, the_indices. In addition, for each index, it is remembered
- whether that index is a code index or not. Code indices have @code{}
- inserted around the first word when they are printed with printindex. */
- typedef struct
- {
- char *name;
- int index;
- int code;
- INDEX_ALIST **name_index_alist = (INDEX_ALIST **) NULL;
- /* An array of pointers. Each one is for a different index. The
- "synindex" command changes which array slot is pointed to by a
- given "index". */
- INDEX_ELT **the_indices = (INDEX_ELT **) NULL;
- /* The number of defined indices. */
- int defined_indices = 0;
- /* We predefine these. */
- #define program_index 0
- #define function_index 1
- #define concept_index 2
- #define variable_index 3
- #define datatype_index 4
- #define key_index 5
- init_indices ()
- {
- int i;
- /* Create the default data structures. */
- /* Initialize data space. */
- if (!the_indices)
- {
- the_indices = (INDEX_ELT **) xmalloc ((1 + defined_indices) *
- sizeof (INDEX_ELT *));
- the_indices[defined_indices] = (INDEX_ELT *) NULL;
- name_index_alist = (INDEX_ALIST **) xmalloc ((1 + defined_indices) *
- sizeof (INDEX_ALIST *));
- name_index_alist[defined_indices] = (INDEX_ALIST *) NULL;
- }
- /* If there were existing indices, get rid of them now. */
- for (i = 0; i < defined_indices; i++)
- undefindex (name_index_alist[i]->name);
- /* Add the default indices. */
- defindex ("pg", 0);
- defindex ("fn", 1); /* "fn" is a code index. */
- defindex ("cp", 0);
- defindex ("vr", 0);
- defindex ("tp", 0);
- defindex ("ky", 0);
- }
- /* Find which element in the known list of indices has this name.
- Returns -1 if NAME isn't found. */
- int
- find_index_offset (name)
- char *name;
- {
- register int i;
- for (i = 0; i < defined_indices; i++)
- if (name_index_alist[i] &&
- strcmp (name, name_index_alist[i]->name) == 0)
- return (name_index_alist[i]->index);
- return (-1);
- }
- /* Return a pointer to the entry of (name . index) for this name.
- Return NULL if the index doesn't exist. */
- find_index (name)
- char *name;
- {
- int offset = find_index_offset (name);
- if (offset > -1)
- return (name_index_alist[offset]);
- else
- return ((INDEX_ALIST *) NULL);
- }
- /* Given an index name, return the offset in the_indices of this index,
- or -1 if there is no such index. */
- translate_index (name)
- char *name;
- {
- INDEX_ALIST *which = find_index (name);
- if (which)
- return (which->index);
- else
- return (-1);
- }
- /* Return the index list which belongs to NAME. */
- index_list (name)
- char *name;
- {
- int which = translate_index (name);
- if (which < 0)
- return ((INDEX_ELT *) - 1);
- else
- return (the_indices[which]);
- }
- /* Please release me, let me go... */
- free_index (index)
- INDEX_ELT *index;
- {
- INDEX_ELT *temp;
- while ((temp = index) != (INDEX_ELT *) NULL)
- {
- free (temp->entry);
- free (temp->node);
- index = index->next;
- free (temp);
- }
- }
- /* Flush an index by name. */
- undefindex (name)
- char *name;
- {
- int i;
- int which = find_index_offset (name);
- if (which < 0)
- return (which);
- i = name_index_alist[which]->index;
- free_index (the_indices[i]);
- the_indices[i] = (INDEX_ELT *) NULL;
- free (name_index_alist[which]->name);
- free (name_index_alist[which]);
- name_index_alist[which] = (INDEX_ALIST *) NULL;
- }
- /* Define an index known as NAME. We assign the slot number.
- CODE if non-zero says to make this a code index. */
- defindex (name, code)
- char *name;
- int code;
- {
- register int i, slot;
- /* If it already exists, flush it. */
- undefindex (name);
- /* Try to find an empty slot. */
- slot = -1;
- for (i = 0; i < defined_indices; i++)
- if (!name_index_alist[i])
- {
- slot = i;
- break;
- }
- if (slot < 0)
- {
- /* No such luck. Make space for another index. */
- slot = defined_indices;
- defined_indices++;
- name_index_alist = (INDEX_ALIST **)
- xrealloc ((char *)name_index_alist,
- (1 + defined_indices) * sizeof (INDEX_ALIST *));
- the_indices = (INDEX_ELT **)
- xrealloc ((char *)the_indices,
- (1 + defined_indices) * sizeof (INDEX_ELT *));
- }
- /* We have a slot. Start assigning. */
- name_index_alist[slot] = (INDEX_ALIST *) xmalloc (sizeof (INDEX_ALIST));
- name_index_alist[slot]->name = savestring (name);
- name_index_alist[slot]->index = slot;
- name_index_alist[slot]->code = code;
- the_indices[slot] = (INDEX_ELT *) NULL;
- }
- /* Add the arguments to the current index command to the index NAME. */
- index_add_arg (name)
- char *name;
- {
- int which;
- char *index_entry;
- tem = find_index (name);
- which = tem ? tem->index : -1;
- get_rest_of_line (&index_entry);
- ignore_blank_line ();
- if (which < 0)
- {
- line_error ("Unknown index reference `%s'", name);
- free (index_entry);
- }
- else
- {
- INDEX_ELT *new = (INDEX_ELT *) xmalloc (sizeof (INDEX_ELT));
- new->next = the_indices[which];
- new->entry = index_entry;
- new->node = current_node;
- new->code = tem->code;
- new->defining_line = line_number - 1;
- the_indices[which] = new;
- }
- }
- #define INDEX_COMMAND_SUFFIX "index"
- /* The function which user defined index commands call. */
- gen_index ()
- {
- char *name = savestring (command);
- if (strlen (name) >= strlen ("index"))
- name[strlen (name) - strlen ("index")] = '\0';
- index_add_arg (name);
- free (name);
- }
- /* Define a new index command. Arg is name of index. */
- cm_defindex ()
- {
- gen_defindex (0);
- }
- cm_defcodeindex ()
- {
- gen_defindex (1);
- }
- gen_defindex (code)
- int code;
- {
- char *name;
- get_rest_of_line (&name);
- if (find_index (name))
- {
- line_error ("Index `%s' already exists", name);
- free (name);
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- char *temp = (char *) alloca (1 + strlen (name) + strlen ("index"));
- sprintf (temp, "%sindex", name);
- define_user_command (temp, gen_index, 0);
- defindex (name, code);
- free (name);
- }
- }
- /* Append LIST2 to LIST1. Return the head of the list. */
- index_append (head, tail)
- INDEX_ELT *head, *tail;
- {
- register INDEX_ELT *t_head = head;
- if (!t_head)
- return (tail);
- while (t_head->next)
- t_head = t_head->next;
- t_head->next = tail;
- return (head);
- }
- /* Expects 2 args, on the same line. Both are index abbreviations.
- Make the first one be a synonym for the second one, i.e. make the
- first one have the same index as the second one. */
- cm_synindex ()
- {
- int redirector, redirectee;
- char *temp;
- skip_whitespace ();
- get_until_in_line (" ", &temp);
- redirectee = find_index_offset (temp);
- skip_whitespace ();
- free_and_clear (&temp);
- get_until_in_line (" ", &temp);
- redirector = find_index_offset (temp);
- free (temp);
- if (redirector < 0 || redirectee < 0)
- {
- line_error ("Unknown index reference");
- }
- else
- {
- /* I think that we should let the user make indices synonymous to
- each other without any lossage of info. This means that one can
- say @synindex cp dt anywhere in the file, and things that used to
- be in cp will go into dt. */
- INDEX_ELT *i1 = the_indices[redirectee], *i2 = the_indices[redirector];
- if (i1 || i2)
- {
- if (i1)
- the_indices[redirectee] = index_append (i1, i2);
- else
- the_indices[redirectee] = index_append (i2, i1);
- }
- name_index_alist[redirectee]->index =
- name_index_alist[redirector]->index;
- }
- }
- cm_pindex () /* Pinhead index. */
- {
- index_add_arg ("pg");
- }
- cm_vindex () /* Variable index. */
- {
- index_add_arg ("vr");
- }
- cm_kindex () /* Key index. */
- {
- index_add_arg ("ky");
- }
- cm_cindex () /* Concept index. */
- {
- index_add_arg ("cp");
- }
- cm_findex () /* Function index. */
- {
- index_add_arg ("fn");
- }
- cm_tindex () /* Data Type index. */
- {
- index_add_arg ("tp");
- }
- /* Sorting the index. */
- index_element_compare (element1, element2)
- INDEX_ELT **element1, **element2;
- {
- /* This needs to ignore leading non-text characters. */
- return (stricmp ((*element1)->entry, (*element2)->entry));
- }
- /* Sort the index passed in INDEX, returning an array of
- pointers to elements. The array is terminated with a NULL
- pointer. We call qsort because it's supposed to be fast.
- I think this looks bad. */
- sort_index (index)
- INDEX_ELT *index;
- {
- INDEX_ELT *temp = index;
- INDEX_ELT **array;
- int count = 0;
- while (temp != (INDEX_ELT *) NULL)
- {
- count++;
- temp = temp->next;
- }
- /* We have the length. Make an array. */
- array = (INDEX_ELT **) xmalloc ((count + 1) * sizeof (INDEX_ELT *));
- count = 0;
- temp = index;
- while (temp != (INDEX_ELT *) NULL)
- {
- array[count++] = temp;
- temp = temp->next;
- }
- array[count] = (INDEX_ELT *) NULL; /* terminate the array. */
- /* Sort the array. */
- qsort (array, count, sizeof (INDEX_ELT *), index_element_compare);
- return (array);
- }
- /* Non-zero means that we are in the middle of printing an index. */
- int printing_index = 0;
- /* Takes one arg, a short name of an index to print.
- Outputs a menu of the sorted elements of the index. */
- cm_printindex ()
- {
- int item;
- INDEX_ELT *index;
- INDEX_ELT **array;
- char *index_name;
- int old_inhibitions = inhibit_paragraph_indentation;
- int previous_filling_enabled_value = filling_enabled;
- close_paragraph ();
- get_rest_of_line (&index_name);
- index = index_list (index_name);
- if ((int) index == -1)
- {
- line_error ("Unknown index name `%s'", index_name);
- free (index_name);
- return;
- }
- else
- free (index_name);
- array = sort_index (index);
- filling_enabled = 0;
- inhibit_paragraph_indentation = 1;
- close_paragraph ();
- add_word ("* Menu:\n\n");
- printing_index = 1;
- for (item = 0; (index = array[item]); item++)
- {
- int real_line_number = line_number;
- /* Let errors generated while making the index entry point back
- at the line which contains the entry. */
- line_number = index->defining_line;
- /* If this particular entry should be printed as a "code" index,
- then wrap the entry with "@code{...}". */
- if (index->code)
- execute_string ("* @code{%s}: ", index->entry);
- else
- execute_string ("* %s: ", index->entry);
- /* Pad the front of the destination nodename so that
- the output looks nice. */
- if (fill_column > 40 && output_column < 40)
- indent (40 - output_column);
- execute_string ("%s.\n", index->node);
- line_number = real_line_number;
- flush_output ();
- }
- printing_index = 0;
- free (array);
- close_single_paragraph ();
- filling_enabled = previous_filling_enabled_value;
- inhibit_paragraph_indentation = old_inhibitions;
- }
- /* **************************************************************** */
- /* */
- /* Making User Defined Commands */
- /* */
- /* **************************************************************** */
- define_user_command (name, proc, needs_braces_p)
- char *name;
- FUNCTION *proc;
- int needs_braces_p;
- {
- int slot = user_command_array_len;
- user_command_array_len++;
- if (!user_command_array)
- user_command_array = (COMMAND **) xmalloc (1 * sizeof (COMMAND *));
- user_command_array = (COMMAND **) xrealloc (user_command_array,
- (1 + user_command_array_len) *
- sizeof (COMMAND *));
- user_command_array[slot] = (COMMAND *) xmalloc (sizeof (COMMAND));
- user_command_array[slot]->name = savestring (name);
- user_command_array[slot]->proc = proc;
- user_command_array[slot]->argument_in_braces = needs_braces_p;
- }
- /* Make ALIAS run the named FUNCTION. Copies properties from FUNCTION. */
- define_alias (alias, function)
- char *alias, *function;
- {
- }
- /* Set the paragraph indentation variable to the value specified in STRING.
- Values can be:
- `asis': Don't change existing indentation.
- `none': Remove existing indentation.
- NUM: Indent NUM spaces at the starts of paragraphs.
- Note that if NUM is zero, we assume `none'.
- Returns 0 if successful, or non-zero if STRING isn't one of the above. */
- int
- set_paragraph_indent (string)
- char *string;
- {
- if (strcmp (string, "asis") == 0)
- paragraph_start_indent = 0;
- else if (strcmp (string, "none") == 0)
- paragraph_start_indent = -1;
- else
- {
- if (sscanf (string, "%d", ¶graph_start_indent) != 1)
- return (-1);
- else
- {
- if (paragraph_start_indent == 0)
- paragraph_start_indent = -1;
- }
- }
- return (0);
- }
- cm_paragraphindent ()
- {
- char *arg;
- get_rest_of_line (&arg);
- if (set_paragraph_indent (arg) != 0)
- line_error ("Bad argument to @paragraphindent");
- free (arg);
- }
- /* Some support for footnotes. */
- /* Footnotes are a new construct in Info. We don't know the best method
- of implementing them for sure, so we present two possiblities.
- SeparateNode:
- Make them look like followed references, with the reference
- destinations in a makeinfo manufactured node or,
- EndNode:
- Make them appear at the bottom of the node that they originally
- appeared in. */
- #define SeparateNode 0
- #define EndNode 1
- int footnote_style = EndNode;
- int first_footnote_this_node = 1;
- int footnote_count = 0;
- /* Set the footnote style based on he style identifier in STRING. */
- int
- set_footnote_style (string)
- char *string;
- {
- if ((stricmp (string, "separate") == 0) ||
- (stricmp (string, "MN") == 0))
- footnote_style = SeparateNode;
- else if ((stricmp (string, "end") == 0) ||
- (stricmp (string, "EN") == 0))
- footnote_style = EndNode;
- else
- return (-1);
- return (0);
- }
- cm_footnotestyle ()
- {
- char *arg;
- get_rest_of_line (&arg);
- if (set_footnote_style (arg) != 0)
- line_error ("Bad argument to @footnotestyle");
- free (arg);
- }
- typedef struct fn
- {
- struct fn *next;
- char *marker;
- char *note;
- } FN;
- FN *pending_notes = (FN *) NULL;
- /* A method for remembering footnotes. Note that this list gets output
- at the end of the current node. */
- remember_note (marker, note)
- char *marker, *note;
- {
- FN *temp = (FN *) xmalloc (sizeof (FN));
- temp->marker = savestring (marker);
- temp->note = savestring (note);
- temp->next = pending_notes;
- pending_notes = temp;
- footnote_count++;
- }
- /* How to get rid of existing footnotes. */
- free_pending_notes ()
- {
- FN *temp;
- while ((temp = pending_notes) != (FN *) NULL)
- {
- free (temp->marker);
- free (temp->note);
- pending_notes = pending_notes->next;
- free (temp);
- }
- first_footnote_this_node = 1;
- footnote_count = 0;
- }
- /* What to do when you see a @footnote construct. */
- /* Handle a "footnote".
- footnote *{this is a footnote}
- where "*" is the marker character for this note. */
- cm_footnote ()
- {
- char *marker;
- char *note;
- get_until ("{", &marker);
- canon_white (marker);
- /* Read the argument in braces. */
- if (curchar () != '{')
- {
- line_error ("`@%s' expected more than just `%s'. It needs something in `{...}'", command, marker);
- free (marker);
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- int braces = 1;
- int temp = ++input_text_offset;
- int len;
- while (braces)
- {
- if (temp == size_of_input_text)
- {
- line_error ("No closing brace for footnote `%s'", marker);
- return;
- }
- if (input_text[temp] == '{')
- braces++;
- else if (input_text[temp] == '}')
- braces--;
- else if (input_text[temp] == '\n')
- line_number ++;
- temp++;
- }
- len = (temp - input_text_offset) - 1;
- note = (char *)xmalloc (len + 1);
- strncpy (note, &input_text[input_text_offset], len);
- note[len] = '\0';
- input_text_offset = temp;
- }
- if (!current_node || !*current_node)
- {
- line_error ("Footnote defined without parent node");
- free (marker);
- free (note);
- return;
- }
- if (!*marker)
- {
- free (marker);
- if (number_footnotes)
- {
- marker = (char *)xmalloc (10);
- sprintf (marker, "%d", current_footnote_number);
- current_footnote_number++;
- }
- else
- marker = savestring ("*");
- }
- remember_note (marker, note);
- /* Your method should at least insert MARKER. */
- switch (footnote_style)
- {
- case SeparateNode:
- add_word_args ("(%s)", marker);
- if (first_footnote_this_node)
- {
- char *temp_string;
- temp_string = (char *)
- xmalloc ((strlen (current_node)) + (strlen ("-Footnotes")) + 1);
- add_word_args (" (*note %s-Footnotes::)", current_node);
- strcpy (temp_string, current_node);
- strcat (temp_string, "-Footnotes");
- remember_node_reference (temp_string, line_number, followed_reference);
- free (temp_string);
- first_footnote_this_node = 0;
- }
- break;
- case EndNode:
- add_word_args ("(%s)", marker);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- free (marker);
- free (note);
- }
- /* Non-zero means that we are currently in the process of outputting
- footnotes. */
- int already_outputting_pending_notes = 0;
- /* Output the footnotes. We are at the end of the current node. */
- output_pending_notes ()
- {
- FN *footnote = pending_notes;
- if (!pending_notes)
- return;
- switch (footnote_style)
- {
- case SeparateNode:
- {
- char *old_current_node = current_node;
- char *old_command = savestring (command);
- already_outputting_pending_notes++;
- execute_string ("@node %s-Footnotes,,,%s\n", current_node, current_node);
- already_outputting_pending_notes--;
- current_node = old_current_node;
- free (command);
- command = old_command;
- }
- break;
- case EndNode:
- close_paragraph ();
- in_fixed_width_font++;
- execute_string ("---------- Footnotes ----------\n\n");
- in_fixed_width_font--;
- break;
- }
- /* Handle the footnotes in reverse order. */
- {
- FN **array = (FN **) xmalloc ((footnote_count + 1) * sizeof (FN *));
- array[footnote_count] = (FN *) NULL;
- while (--footnote_count > -1)
- {
- array[footnote_count] = footnote;
- footnote = footnote->next;
- }
- filling_enabled = 1;
- indented_fill = 1;
- while (footnote = array[++footnote_count])
- {
- switch (footnote_style)
- {
- case SeparateNode:
- case EndNode:
- execute_string ("(%s) %s", footnote->marker, footnote->note);
- close_paragraph ();
- break;
- }
- }
- close_paragraph ();
- free (array);
- }
- }
- /* **************************************************************** */
- /* */
- /* User definable Macros (text substitution) */
- /* */
- /* **************************************************************** */
- #if defined (HAVE_MACROS)
- /* Array of macros and definitions. */
- MACRO_DEF **macro_list = (MACRO_DEF **)NULL;
- int macro_list_len = 0; /* Number of elements. */
- int macro_list_size = 0; /* Number of slots in total. */
- /* Return the macro definition of NAME or NULL if NAME is not defined. */
- find_macro (name)
- char *name;
- {
- register int i;
- register MACRO_DEF *def;
- def = (MACRO_DEF *)NULL;
- for (i = 0; macro_list && (def = macro_list[i]); i++)
- if (strcmp (def->name, name) == 0)
- break;
- return (def);
- }
- /* Add the macro NAME with DEFINITION to macro_list. FILENAME is
- the name of the file where this definition can be found, and
- LINENO is the line number within that file. If a macro already
- exists with NAME, then a warning is produced, and that previous
- definition is overwritten. */
- void
- add_macro (name, definition, filename, lineno)
- char *name, *definition;
- char *filename;
- int lineno;
- {
- register MACRO_DEF *def;
- def = find_macro (name);
- if (!def)
- {
- if (macro_list_len + 2 >= macro_list_size)
- macro_list = (MACRO_DEF **)xrealloc
- (macro_list, ((macro_list_size += 10) * sizeof (MACRO_DEF *)));
- macro_list[macro_list_len] = (MACRO_DEF *)xmalloc (sizeof (MACRO_DEF));
- macro_list[macro_list_len + 1] = (MACRO_DEF *)NULL;
- def = macro_list[macro_list_len];
- macro_list_len += 1;
- def->name = savestring (name);
- }
- else
- {
- char *temp_filename = input_filename;
- int temp_line = line_number;
- warning ("The macro `%s' is previously defined.", name);
- input_filename = def->filename;
- line_number = def->lineno;
- warning ("Here is the previous definition of `%s'.", name);
- input_filename = temp_filename;
- line_number = temp_line;
- free (def->filename);
- free (def->definition);
- }
- def->filename = savestring (filename);
- def->lineno = lineno;
- def->definition = savestring (definition);
- }
- /* Delete the macro with name NAME. The macro is deleted from the list,
- but it is also returned. If there was no macro defined, NULL is
- returned. */
- delete_macro (name)
- char *name;
- {
- register int i;
- register MACRO_DEF *def;
- def = (MACRO_DEF *)NULL;
- for (i = 0; macro_list && (def = macro_list[i]); i++)
- if (strcmp (def->name, name) == 0)
- {
- memcpy (macro_list + i, macro_list + i + 1,
- ((macro_list_len + 1) - i) * sizeof (MACRO_DEF *));
- break;
- }
- return (def);
- }
- /* Execute the macro passed in DEF, a pointer to a MACRO_DEF. */
- void
- execute_macro (def)
- MACRO_DEF *def;
- {
- if (def != (MACRO_DEF *)NULL)
- {
- char *line, *string;
- get_until ("\n", &line);
- if (curchar () == '\n') /* as opposed to the end of the file... */
- {
- line_number++;
- input_text_offset++;
- }
- string = (char *)xmalloc (1 + strlen (def->definition) + strlen (line));
- strcpy (string, def->definition);
- strcat (string, line);
- free (line);
- execute_string ("%s\n", string);
- free (string);
- }
- }
- int
- cm_macro ()
- {
- register int i;
- char *line, *name, *expansion;
- get_rest_of_line (&line);
- canon_white (line);
- for (i = 0; line[i] && !whitespace (line[i]); i++);
- name = (char *)xmalloc (i);
- strncpy (name, line, i);
- name[i] = '\0';
- while (whitespace (line[i]))
- i++;
- add_macro (name, line + i, input_filename, line_number - 1);
- free (line);
- free (name);
- }
- int
- cm_unmacro ()
- {
- register int i;
- char *line, *name;
- MACRO_DEF *def;
- get_rest_of_line (&line);
- canon_white (line);
- for (i = 0; line[i] && !whitespace (line[i]); i++);
- name = (char *)xmalloc (i);
- strncpy (name, line, i);
- name[i] = '\0';
- def = delete_macro (name);
- if (def)
- {
- free (def->filename);
- free (def->name);
- free (def->definition);
- free (def);
- }
- free (line);
- free (name);
- }
- #endif /* HAVE_MACROS */
- /* **************************************************************** */
- /* */
- /* Looking For Include Files */
- /* */
- /* **************************************************************** */
- /* Given a string containing units of information separated by colons,
- return the next one pointed to by INDEX, or NULL if there are no more.
- Advance INDEX to the character after the colon. */
- char *
- extract_colon_unit (string, index)
- char *string;
- int *index;
- {
- int i, start;
- i = *index;
- if (!string || (i >= strlen (string)))
- return ((char *)NULL);
- /* Each call to this routine leaves the index pointing at a colon if
- there is more to the path. If I is > 0, then increment past the
- `:'. If I is 0, then the path has a leading colon. Trailing colons
- are handled OK by the `else' part of the if statement; an empty
- string is returned in that case. */
- if (i && string[i] == ':')
- i++;
- start = i;
- while (string[i] && string[i] != ':') i++;
- *index = i;
- if (i == start)
- {
- if (string[i])
- (*index)++;
- /* Return "" in the case of a trailing `:'. */
- return (savestring (""));
- }
- else
- {
- char *value;
- value = (char *)xmalloc (1 + (i - start));
- strncpy (value, &string[start], (i - start));
- value [i - start] = '\0';
- return (value);
- }
- }
- /* Return the full pathname for FILENAME by searching along PATH.
- When found, return the stat () info for FILENAME in FINFO.
- If PATH is NULL, only the current directory is searched.
- If the file could not be found, return a NULL pointer. */
- char *
- get_file_info_in_path (filename, path, finfo)
- char *filename, *path;
- struct stat *finfo;
- {
- char *dir;
- int result, index = 0;
- if (path == (char *)NULL)
- path = ".";
- /* Handle absolute pathnames. "./foo", "/foo", "../foo". */
- if (*filename == '/' ||
- (*filename == '.' &&
- (filename[1] == '/' ||
- (filename[1] == '.' && filename[2] == '/'))))
- {
- if (stat (filename, finfo) == 0)
- return (savestring (filename));
- else
- return ((char *)NULL);
- }
- while (dir = extract_colon_unit (path, &index))
- {
- char *fullpath;
- if (!*dir)
- {
- free (dir);
- dir = savestring (".");
- }
- fullpath = (char *)xmalloc (2 + strlen (dir) + strlen (filename));
- sprintf (fullpath, "%s/%s", dir, filename);
- free (dir);
- result = stat (fullpath, finfo);
- if (result == 0)
- return (fullpath);
- else
- free (fullpath);
- }
- return ((char *)NULL);
- }