home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- This file is generated automatically from the product info files
- included in this tree. See the 'Contents' file for additional
- information about each item.
- ACE 2.0 FreeWare Amiga BASIC compiler + extras
- AGW 1.02 GUI editor to create AmigaGuide files.
- AIFF_dt 1.5 DataType for AIFF/AIFC sound files
- AmiCDROM 1.12 ISO-9660 standard CDROM filesystem
- Amiga Turbo Modu V1.0d New compiler for use with all Amigas
- AmigaE 3.0a An Amiga specific E compiler
- AmigaEyes ?.? Displays two eyes that follow pointer
- AmigaFAQ 94.07.20 Amiga "Frequently Asked Questions" (Eng)
- AmigaFAQg 94.07.14 Amiga "Frequently Asked Questions" (Ger)
- AmigaGuide 34.6 Commodore AmigaGuide hypertext utility
- AmigaWorld 3.1 Database of information of all countries
- AntiCicloVir 2.2a Link/File/BB/Validator/Memory virus elim
- APlusPlus 1.01 C++ class library for AmigaDOS functions
- AppPP 1.1 AppIcon/GUI for crunch/decrunch with PP
- Archy's Adventur 2.00 C-64 style Boulderdash clone (Better)
- Arq 1.83 A "Requestor Improver" (understated!)
- ARTM 2.04 Display and control system activity
- ASpringies 1.0 An interactive mass and spring simulator
- Atoms 2 1.34 New game of Atoms. Works with NTSC.
- autoconf 1.11 GNU automatic configuration generator.
- AXlife 1.0 Amiga port of Xlife 2.0
- AZap 2.21 Binary editor - files, memory, and devs.
- Baldwin ?.? Aladdin 4D raytrace, Baldwin grand piano
- bBaseIII 3.01 Easily stores and retrieves information.
- bc 1.02 GNU arbitrary precision calculator lang.
- Bent ?.? An insane Imagine/Mathvision rendering.
- BillsLounge ?.? A rendering of a bizarre bar scene.
- binutils 1.8.x GNU binary file utilities.
- bison 1.22 GNU parser generator yacc replacement
- BPTools 1.1 Some BridgePort tools for the Amiga side
- Brik 2.0 Compute & use CRC lists to verify files
- bsplit 1.0 Split files into pieces by byte count
- BTNTape 3.0 A "Better-Than-Nothing" scsi tape driver
- CacheIt 1.0 Small floppy-caching commodity
- Chamber3 ?.? An insane Imagine/Mathvision rendering.
- chksum 1.0 SVR4 "sum" compatible checksum program
- Chunli03.jpg ?.? Chun Li doing spinning bird kick
- Citadel Space Em 6.25 Space Empire STDIO Door
- CloudsAGA 1.15 Creates random clouds in AGA resolutions
- CManual 3.0 Amiga programming documents and examples
- Cobra.jpg ?.? Bell Cobra helicopter over Water
- cP 4.3 Data plotting program for 2D data
- cpio 2.3 GNU utility to copy to/from archives.
- Crygirl.jpg ?.? Cyrstal Girl picture by Corinna
- Cursor 1.7 Compiler for AmigaBASIC programs
- CXHandler 1.5 CXHandler V1.5 is an Exchange clone
- DataMasterDEMO 1.01 Demo version of a powerful database prog
- Date 33.088 Library to help you calculate dates
- db 2.2 Small and fast database program
- dc 0.2 GNU reverse-polish (RPN) desk calculator
- DDLI 3.41 A personality indicator like the MBTI
- Degrader 1.30 Tries to get badly written progs to work
- Deluxe Galaga 2.3 Game based on the game StarBattle
- detex 1.0 Strip TeX commands from TeX files
- DeviceLock 1.2 GUI interface for CLI command 'lock'
- Dfrags 3.12 Reports on FS errors and fragmentation
- diffutils 2.6 GNU diff, diff3, sdiff and cmp utilities
- DinoVR.jpg ?.? Imagine dinosaur in desert scene
- DiskSalv2 11.27 Disk repair, salvage, and undelete util
- DiskSalv2 11.31 Disk repair, salvage, and undelete util
- DisplayMode 1.18 Screenmode preferences clone
- DMS 1.11 A popular disk archiver
- DoIcon 1.0 Icon information and manipulation tool
- doschk 1.1 Check DOS/SYSV filename limits.
- DropIt! 0.98 Start programs by dropping icons.
- DropnAct 1.0 An AppIcon for easy data file handling
- DSound 1.50 Play 8SVX samples off hard drive.
- DynamiteWar 2.0 Tiny game for 2-5 players.
- earth.jpg ?.? Topographic bumpmapped earth
- EClock 1.0 Clock appears on any Screen
- ed 0.1 8-bit-clean POSIX compliant line editor.
- emacs 18.59 GNU Emacs editor
- Enforcer 37.62 Tool to monitor illegal memory access.
- f2c 93.04.28 Fortran 77 to C translator
- FanAnimHAM6 ?.? An Imagine 3.0 Bones animation
- fifolib 37.4 A general fifo library implementation
- fileutils 3.9 File management utilities.
- find 3.8 GNU find, xargs, and locate
- Flat 1.3 Handler for block-mapped filing devices
- flex 2.4.7 Fast lexical analyzer generator
- FlexCat 1.3 Creates catalogs & source to handle them
- Flush 1.2 Flushes unused libs, devices, and fonts
- FontPrefs 2.12 Font preferences clone
- ForceIcon 1.6 Substitute Icon images and positions
- FruitMorph ?.? 368x482x6 750 frame anim, morphing fruit
- FTPcdrom 2.11 Simulate FTP session for CD-ROM access
- gas 2.3 GNU assembler, Amiga source
- gawk 2.15.5 Pattern scanning & processing.
- gcc 2.3.3 GNU C/C++/Obj-C compilers
- gcc 2.5.8 GNU C/C++/Obj-C compilers.
- gcc 2.6.0 GNU C/C++/Obj-C compilers.
- gdb 4.12 GNU debugger (incomplete port)
- gdbm 1.7.3 GNU database manager library
- GFFT 1.12 FFT spectrum analysis of sample files
- ghostscript GNU postscript interpreter
- ghostscript-font 2.6.1 GNU postscript interpreter fonts
- GIFKit 1.0 Visually crop, resize, flip, rotate GIFS
- gmp 1.3.2 Arbitrary precision math library.
- gnat 1.80 GNU Ada compiler.
- GNU-misc-bin ?.? Miscellaneous files for GNU utility tree
- GNU-misc-src ?.? Miscellaneous files for GNU utility tree
- GNU-Startup 1.0 Script and files to setup GNU environ.
- grep 2.0 GNU grep package
- GRn 2.1 GUI'ed UUCP, C News, and NNTP newreader.
- groff 1.09 GNU groff document formatting system
- gzip 1.2.4 GNU compressing/decompressing programs
- HCE 1.0 Integrated environment for Sozobon C
- HendrixECS ?.? HiRes animated tribute to Jimi Hendrix.
- History 37.5 List and control shell command history.
- Im3.0FormsDoc ?.? Helpful docs, Imagine 3.0's Forms Editor
- indent 1.9.1 C code beautifier
- INetUtils 1.3 Internet Utilities for the Amiga
- InfraRexx 1.3 Use Amiga as infrared remote controller.
- Installer 1.26 Commodore's Amiga Installer utility
- IntuiDex 1.0 Mailing list manager
- IRMaster 2.6 Replace IR remote controls with Amiga.
- ispell 4.0 GNU spelling checker
- ixemul 39.47 Unix emulation environment, Amiga lib.
- ixemul 39.47 Unix emulation environment, devel files.
- JukeBox 2.83 GUI-based audio CDROM disk player
- Less 1.6Z Amiga port of UNIX text file reader
- LhA 1.38 A fast LhArc compatible archiver
- LHArc 1.30 Archive program using LZHUF compression
- LHWarp 1.40 Disk packer for .lhw files
- libg++ 2.5.3 GNU C++ class library
- libm 5.4 Runtime math library
- libnix ?.? A lib for amiga specific devel with gcc.
- ListSERV 3.0 Maintains electronic mailing lists
- m4 1.2 GNU macro processor
- MacSND_dt 1.2 DataType for Mac "snd" resource data
- MagicCX 1.0 Great modular commodity system
- MagicExpansion 1.3 Useful expansions for MagicWB and MUI
- MagicWord 1.1 Utility for word replacement and macros
- MainActor 1.54 A modular animation package
- make 3.71 POSIX compatible "make" program
- ManageCDPics 1.0 A program to manage all your pictures
- MathPlot 2.13 A function plotter with lin/log support
- MayFlower ?.? A collection of misc cli/script programs
- MCalc 1.4 Powerful MUI-based calculator
- mg 3b Small GNU EMACS style editor with AREXX
- MIA 1.2 Manipulates many icons at once
- mkisofs 1.00.5 Simple ISO-9660 pre-mastering utility.
- MN3A 1.2 An antenna design program
- MPMaster 2.0 Transmit/Receive MIDI samples
- msplit 1.3 Utility to split large files
- MuchMore 4.4 Soft scroll text viewer with xpk-support
- MUI 2.2 Create and maintain user interfaces.
- MUIAdt 1.3 Aminet frontend for AmigaDOS
- MUISpeechToy 0.01 Speechtoy clone using MUI 2.0 interface.
- MultiIndicator 2.0 Shows ASCII, binary, AmigaGuide docs
- MungWall 37.64 Watches for illegal FreeMem's
- MusicWeb 1.2 MIDI Processing - Graphic-diagram
- MYSTRIP 1.0 Strip symbol/debug hunks from executable
- NDUK include fil 40 Amiga include files for gcc binary tree.
- NDUK libraries 40 Amiga libraries for gcc binary tree.
- NDUK-V37 37 Partial CBM Native Developer Update Kit
- NDUK-V39 39 Partial CBM Native Developer Update Kit
- NDUK-V40 40 Partial CBM Native Developer Update Kit
- NewZAP 3.3 Multipurpose file sector editing utility
- Oberon-A 1.4ß A freely-distributable Oberon-2 compiler
- OctaMEDPlayer 5.12 Player for songs made with OctaMED
- PackIt 1.18a CLI frontend for PowerPacker + wildcards
- Palette 1.01 Oberon-2 module to display palette
- PaletteMerger 1.0 Merges two palettes together.
- PaletteTool 1.4 3.0/AGA public screen palette tool.
- PasTeX 1.3 TeX - Part 1 of 8 - misc files
- PasTeX 1.3 TeX - Part 2 of 8 - PasTeX/mf
- PasTeX 1.3 TeX - Part 3 of 8 - PasTeX/macros
- PasTeX 1.3 TeX - Part 4 of 8 - PasTeX/bin
- PasTeX 1.3 TeX - Part 5 of 8 - PasTeX/pk (partial)
- PasTeX 1.3 TeX - Part 6 of 8 - PasTeX/pk/180x180
- PasTeX 1.3 TeX - Part 7 of 8 - PasTeX/pk/360x360
- PasTeX 1.3 TeX - Part 8 of 8 - PasTeX/pk/300x300
- patch 2.1 Apply diff files
- pdksh 4.9 A UNIX ksh compatible shell for AmigaDOS
- PerfMeter 2.2 CPU usage, load and memory meter
- perl 4.036 Practical Extraction and Report Language
- PicCon 2.50 Programmers Image converter
- PictIcon 0.8 Scales pictures into icons. os3.x only
- PictureClock 39.72 Full-screen analog clock on top of a pic
- Planetfall 2.00 Great Lunar Lander Type Game
- POVControl 1.0 Set POV parameters using GUI interface.
- PowerCalc 1.51 Optimized WB 2D graphing calculator
- PowerSnap 2.2a Commodity to cut and paste text
- Pro-Wizard 2.0 Convert many music formats to Protracker
- PSFonts ?.? 14 type1 fonts for Imagine spline editor
- PST 1.0a Public Screen creation tool
- Pteradactyl ?.? Pteradactyl in flight
- rcs Revision Control System
- Remind 1.32 Reminds you of important dates.
- ReqTools 2.2c Very useful shared requester library
- RKRM ?.? Source and executables from 3rd ed. RKM
- RoachFarm 1.0 Game based on traditional logic puzzle
- RRIP ?.? Rock Ridge / System Use Sharing Protocol
- RSys 1.3 Very comprehensive system monitor
- SAC 1.1 Search and extract files from CDROM.
- SASC_GoldED 1.1 Embeds GoldED into SAS/C(++) Environment
- SCDPlayer 1.2 Very small CDPlayer commodity
- ScreenTool 1.0 Switch between screens using hotkeys.
- sed 2.05 GNU stream editor
- sh-utils 1.10 GNU shell programming utilities
- SharkBait.jpg ?.? Imagine objects underwater in VistaPro
- SIRDS-Images ?.? 51 Single Image Random Dot Stereograms.
- SIRDS_GEN 3.8 Single Image Random Dot Stereogram genr.
- SL9HSTPics ?.? 19 jpeg's of SL9 impacts from Hubble ST
- SNMA 1.95 680x0/6888x amiga macro assembler
- SnoopDOS 1.7 Monitors calls to AmigaDOS functions
- Sort 1.30 Sorts ASCII-Files, many features
- SoundMachine 1.5 Loads,saves, & plays various sound files
- Sploin 1.79 Powerful file splitter/joiner. UNIX comp
- Stereo ?.? Ray traced picture of a Stereo System.
- StickIt2 2.00 Computerized "PostIt Note" type reminder
- SuperDark 2.1a A very nice modular screen blanker
- SuperDuper 3.0 Very fast disk copier and formatter
- SuperView 3.3 Graphics Viewer/Converter/ScreenGrabber
- SuperView-Lib 8.1 Modular graphics viewing shared library.
- Sushi 37.10 Intercept and display output of KPrintf
- svoJPEG 2.3 JPEG svobject for superview library V6+
- SysInfo 3.24 Gives comprehensive system information
- tar 1.11.2 GNU Tape Archiver
- TeleBASE 2.614 Phone/addr database w/caller id & print
- Term 4.0 Very nice terminal program.
- termcap 1.2 GNU termcap library.
- texinfo 3.1 GNU documentation system
- TextDemo 5 3D Dungeon with shading; AGA/ECS (020+).
- textutils 1.9 GNU text processing utilities
- The Dungeons of 1.2.0 Single player dungeon simulation.
- The Ice Princess 1.4 Non-graphical interactive fiction game
- TimeEvent 1.0 Preference Editor v1.0 for cron programs
- TimeGuardian 1.0 Package to start events at certain times
- TimelessEmpire 1.4 Non-graphical interactive fiction game
- TMonsterGray3Ani ?.? Hires 8 color grayscale imagine 3.0 anim
- TrackdiskPrefs 1.0 Adjust various trackdisk.device params.
- TrevsWBPix ?.? Set of MagicWB patterns, etc
- true 1.0 Simple versions of "true" and "false"
- UChess 2.89 Nicely done Amiga port of GNU chess
- Units 1.0 Convert among many units (UNIX `units')
- UPSey 1.01 Translates zip codes to UPS zones
- uuencode 1.0 Encode/decode utilities
- UUxT 3.0a CLI/GUI-based UUEncoder/UUDecoder
- VahlenkampArt ?.? Small selection of HAM/HAM8 artwork
- Viewtek 2.1.378 Feature packed picture/animation viewer
- Vim 3.0 A clone of the UNIX "vi" text editor
- VirusChecker 6.43 A memory/file/bootblock virus detector
- VirusZII 1.07 Popular boot and file virus detector
- VMem 1.0 Virtual Memory system w/memory emulation
- VMM 2.0 Virtual memory for Amigas w/68030/68040
- VT 2.67 A comprehensive virus utility package.
- WhatIs 3.5 Can detect file types
- WindowDaemon 1.9 Extended control to intuition windows
- Xoper 2.4 Monitor and control system activity
- ZedREXX 1.0c Easily add GUI to any REXX script.
- ZGIF_DRVR 1.0 Driver interface for the ZGIF GIF viewer
- zoo 2.1 Portable archiver with good compression